A Brief History of "Christianity" And The Notion Of "Christ"
A lot of lack of knowledge leads to many falsehoods in regards to spiritual knowledge with more certainty than anything.
The Jewish people, in the Roman empire, were exposed to the religious tenets and beliefs of the people of the region. Back then, the Ancient Greek Culture was basically the ruling culture, and it was widely accepted by people worldwide, from Alexander's conquests and onwards. Where it was not approved and fully accepted, it was respected deeply.
In the Ancient Greek language, the word "Christ" means simply "The Anoited One" or the "One partaking in the mysteries". That is an epithet that could go to any person or any initiate of the Ancient Mysteries. It was used along the lines for many people and was rather common. That is only a "title" however.
The real "Name" of "Jesus" in the jewish soap opera, is Moshiach Ben David [The messiah descended from David] and literally just "Yeshua" or "Yehoshua". The "Christ" was added later as a title, same as "Jesus Christ" that many idiots speak left and right today.
The "story" of jesus, is nothing but Alchemical stories and stolen legends of other civilizations, mashed up together by Jews, mixing Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek and Arabic elements, into one big soup, that they later on turned into a suicidal concoction that they promoted to the illiterate masses of the Roman empire, to make them brutes and turn them against the Roman state.
The goal of this, was to create a great cultural divide within the Roman Empire, which later on destroyed the Empire through cultural appropriation and cultural warfare. Christianity was created as an exclusively "Anti-Greek" and "Anti-Pagan" ideal, to "cast down the idols" and cultural norms of the Roman Empire.
Literally, if one has any clue, the only reason "Christianity" exists is to fight "The Idols of Beelzebul, Astarte, the Throne of Satan in Pergamum [Zeus]", to "cast down the idols", to "Drive away the Satan" and so on. That's all it's there fore, it's there only to hate what has existed prior.
Then, from all that existed prior, it stole all the important codes, meanings and allegories that it could, presenting them as "it's own", to just confuse people to undertake this religion to kill their own Ancient religions.
As stupid as this might sound, this level of a very low IQ and intelligence, was rife in the Ancient world, and rife it is also today.
The jews knew that when you break a civilization's internal values that founded it, the clock is ticking until the civilization collapses. Today, the United States experiences these in sieges against Free Speech, Gun Ownership, Constitutional removal, Racial warfare of people who all share the same rights under the same Nation [this collapses a Nation no matter of the respective opinions of those involved] and so on, so forth.
The jews, later on, stole terms like this and formulated a new "faith" based on literal misappropriations of the terms and ultimate hoaxes. As one can see, Christianity is a faith that was created with the most retarded and servile in mind, and it banishes science, knowledge, understanding, the Gods, and anything great and profound as "Evil".
Meanwhile, all it does is deify the jews, tell people to obey the jews, and so on. Since most of you here are smart, you were not fooled by these messages, but people who are simpler and very illiterate at the time, were greatly confused and conned into believing this rather simplistic "religion".
Jews stole sayings from numerous philosophers, knowledge that was given to all people, they desecrated it, and progressively created a cult that on the surface appeared as a "Solar Religion" [like the Ancient people followed]. This was only it's cover for very few years, while jews continued injecting falsehoods and lies into it, and reversing all the traditional morals of the Ancient religions into it.
Eventually, the shell of this hoax resembled in some ways the old religions, but it's essence was that of a virus of the mind, ready to plague the Roman Empire.
As Judaism was basically the same as Christianity, and it was "Ancient Paganism Reversed", and they blasphemed the Gods, the Roman authorities of the time attacked Jews and many times over burned them to the ground, because they were operating like terrorist groups and constantly created religious, cultural and philosophical sacrilege.
Christians, fundamentally, were Racial Jews, who believed in the story of a rebel Rabbi they never seen from Nazareth, called "Jesus". In the Bible, the "Jesus" character is still called a Rabbi, and it's beyond any dispute all of "Christianity" is nothing but a jewish national historical hoax.
In the same way jews send infiltrators and diaspora inside the Gentiles, oftentimes pretending they are being "persecuted" or in "war" with other jews, but having the same underlying agenda, the jews did the same move of infiltration with the character of Jesus.
The story of "Jesus" is commonly laughed about by Rabbis since they know that this story is fully retarded. They know this "story" contains nothing but vague messages, false morality, is rooted on injustice, and on lies that their own jewish ancestors wrote about. Therefore, that is denied by jews as an official religion and jews constantly attack other jews who are as retarded as to believe in this hoax.
This retardation level according to jews should be reserved for the Gentiles. And upon the Gentiles of course they constantly try to impress this hoax upon.
Yet, because many people are confused deeply by the elements of the Solar religion in this cult [the cover of it] they cannot really escape from it and constantly try to lie to themselves that there is still something "Good" in Christianity, while it's all stole and corrupted notions.
But some people cannot accept this because either of stupidity, lack of knowledge, or simply because they are too lazy and they don't want anything else. The same underlying factors is also what rallied people to adopt this hoax in the Roman Empire, effectively doing a suicide move towards their own culture and themselves.
The "Christian" faith, is the revenge of the Jewish people was to create a concoction of false and reversed messages, and then try to make this a popular religion. As "Christianity" kept a pseudo-pagan shell for a few years from it's Jewish inception, the poor, the uneducated and the people who knew nothing, got absorbed in it.
Christianity began and always was a faith of the jews, yet the jews exported it out of Judea, because they considered this "Teaching" to be risky and against Judaism. First and foremost, this jewish dogma was built upon the story of a non existent jewish rebel, and this caused rebellions and disputes against jews.
This new hybrid infiltration religion the jews have made, but they saw after a while that the profound stupidity and evil of Christianity was also turning many jews against other jews.
Jews went as far as to punish or even want to murder other jews for promoting this giant hoax they made for their victims upon their own jewish people, like a drug dealer will never do his own drugs and would kill another drug dealer if they saw them selling to their own children.
To this day, the jews are adamant that they must never accept this foolish hoax, only export it and maintain it in the "Goyim Nations", banishing this religious virus inside the Roman empire.
When jews noticed this, they removed all of this cult and solely exported it on the Roman empire to people of lower class and lesser intelligence, where the cult grew in power, destroying the Roman empire from the inside.
Jews tried their utmost to never allow any jew to believe in any of this, and to this day, they laugh at the "stupid goyim" that was literally so retarded as to accept this excretion of jewish culture and make it their "religion".
Jews laugh, because they know this was nothing but literal spiritual dung that they created, but the well shapely statue that they made out of dung, apparently got accepted by a lot of people on a similar level of consciousness.
What is even worse, that as time went, people infected by this virus, created great and marvelous things while being infected from this virus that was working against their own interests, and they tried to purposefully ignore the jewish roots of the jewish religion of Christianity, and try to hog-wash it into something else.
This never fundamentally worked, but people try this even to this day, because they do not want to accept that they must return back to their primary origins, which are clear and pure, and waiting for them. Even in modern society, we see this everyday.
In the Roman times, as the mob kept getting ingrained with the virus, they started turning against their own native Roman religion, and great upset with clashes and civil warfare broke inside the Roman empire.
As one can see, most of the Gospels of Christianity, is the jewish cultural attack on the Roman people and brainwashing them, especially the gospel of "Paul". There, people are being threatened with eternal hellfire and manipulated to give up their Roman religion, because that would send them in perpetual roasting in the place of torment for worshiping the "Devil".
As crazy as this idea sounds to us, this was believed by some really low people in the Roman Empire, who had no clue in regards to the afterlife or didn't care to read. Fear acted as a very powerful motivator, and fear shuts down common sense.
Combined with political infiltration, bribes and other forms of manipulation, Jews finally instated "Christianity" as an acceptable religion in the Roman empire after a few centuries of this hoax taking ground. Tempted by the power of this population control hoax, many generations have passed where leaders had to endure it or tolerate it, and because it got very ingrained, many just wanted to rule without reforming any of it, just allowing the virus to go on like an illness one would have to deal with at a later date. Others, tried to make use of this illness, oftentimes with catastrophic outcomes for themselves and their Nations.
The Roman Empire's bill to pay was it's own collapse. Then, the butchery of the Pagans and people of the Ancient faiths and their marginalization from society started to be everyday life. The people who kept the Ancient faith had to become slowly a minority, and were progressively kept out of political and other offices in life.
At this point, the jews scored a great cultural victory against the "Goyim", since the above progressively worked itself to the point that the cultural confusion that ensued was too great to handle, and it almost ripped apart the Roman Empire. While the Roman Empire later on became the Byzantine Empire, the cultural underpinnings of the Roman Empire got nuked out of existence.
Words like "Christos" or "Jesus Christ", which are literally epithets and titles for generic traits of occult practitioners, fermented in hundreds of years of hoaxing to illiterate masses, were believed to be factual events with real "people" back in these days.
Truly, back in these days before Christianity came about, there quite a few Ancient mystics and High Priests who had miraculous powers and Siddhis. The epithet "Iesous" which nowadays Americans know as a latin-ization of "Jesus" which is a stolen title for the Jesus hoax, translates to "The healed one", but also to "The healer", and this term has to do with healing the soul which is achieved from meditation. It was a common title for healers and Siddhi workers of the time.
Next time you see zealots talking to you about "Jesus", "Christos" and so on, pity them, for they are a generation of deceived dangerous fools, who know nothing spiritually or otherwise. They represent the lowest level of understanding in everyway, and they have been the cause of demise and cultural downfall of humanity. They will not accept this, but they know it.
Only the intelligent and the higher people will inherit the True Knowledge of the past. As for the above category, let them pay the price of their own lies, for in the face of the universe, they will be cleaned like dust. As time has shown, this bunch of hypocritical simpletons will not survive, and will in the end, never outsmart us the higher types.
It's a matter of time in the Age of Aquarius until this ignorant jewish cult they so fondly believe in will be removed, and it will happen one way or another, because this idol the jews made for these fools of dung, carries great sacrilege and blasphemy on it. We must celebrate as this foul faith stands on it's last legs, and laugh at those who still believe in it in this day and age, with a great inner smile that we will not yet publicly express.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
xlnt wrote: ↑
Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:15 pm
The symbolism aspect is very interesting with the Jesus-Sun connection but also with all the symbols of the church in general. The whole Christianity Hoax is like one giant psyop using powerful occult symbols, philosophy, advanced architecture, music etc. The aspect of music, art and architecture should not be underestimated I think.
t's just that they really think it's coming from this fictitious jewish "Jesus" character that is the disgusting and dangerous aspect.
There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.
Unfortunately, as White people adopted this [and many were inclined to spirituality, but a lot of knowledge was stolen] a lot of their knowledge about architecture, the occult and other knowledge was taken into and put in motion by "Christianity". The same goes for music, composers, and all sorts of other people who were duped into believing all of this to be literal. Even today, certain people are brainwashed into following this jewish hoax only because of it's stolen elements.
As centuries passed, a lot of people, so confused by this well orchestrated hoax, tried even to hog-wash christianity back into what they considered to be a "Solar Origin", which always failed miserably, as the algorithmic program of this religion was to serve jews from the first page to the last, and turn all the Gentiles into slaves. So no matter how Gentiles or others decided to "see" it, the virus remained a virus, and it kept harming humanity on all fronts.
Christianity is the biggest and most dangerous lie that was ever created in this world. Because it took the fundamental TRUTH that we save our own souls from meditation and internal practice, and jews merely said that if people "believe" in this useless symbol of a cross or some fictitious Rabbi, then they will "have eternal life" or that "their sins will go away".
Christianity, same as Islam, were jewish cults that turned people into zealots, promoted the lack of spiritual and general education, taught the most wrong fundamental values about life, and so on. All of this, was created as a toxic soup to destroy all people who adopted this program. This is very evident in basically almost all Christians.
To find one Christian that is "Doing well", they have to be literally an Anti-Christian in most of their ways or approaches in life. The program is so poisoned, that human beings cannot truly follow it. Jews know one has to be a total idiot to follow it, but they push it on Gentiles because the toxicity of it kills people, their Nations, their soul, and above all, it hampers their spirit through atrocity and lies, so they cannot advance spiritually if they adopt this in foul program in their lifetime.
The above lie and all it's satellite lies that the jews very carefully put in this virus, are what has destroyed our civilization. As Marcus Eli Ravage says, this contrast in the mind of White people between trying to hog-wash Christianity and pretend it is not jewish, while it's basically an inverted copy with endless very dangerous lies, contradictions, and falsehoods, is what broke the spirit of not only the Romans, but many other Gentiles in history.
For more reading:
1. Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
2. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God
3. Adoplhe Lods: "The Truth About Christianity", whole of these series.
4. A Real Case Against The Jews - by Marcus Eli Ravage Reprinted from The Century Magazine February 1928 [For the thoughts of higher up Jews on the subject]
5. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ by Graves
6. Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth by Jackson
There are also many books in the Joy of Satan Booklist that do fully give unequivocal proof of all of the above.
“Belief has the word ‘lie’ in it.” AMG
Christianity does not exist, it is an invention
Moreover Jesus (Īsa "Alayhi Salam") left our world in the year 33 of our era yet the first traces of the word "Christian" appear only in the year 44 of this one
If Jesus had been a Christian I think he would have said it himself
Jesus (Īsa "Alayhi Salam") was and is a prophet of Allah Azawajal
He will return in Allah one day to destroy Ad-Dajjal and tell inchaAllah all the Christians of the earth that they followed nothing more than their passion and not their prophet
Jesus announces the coming of Mohammed "Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam" and ordered you to follow him but alas you know very little this great prophet of Allah to whom you give a father who does not need to beget to show us his greatness