Both Miguel Serrano and Nimrod de Rosario, esoteric Hitlerists and disciples of the Hyperborean Wisdom ventured to Antarctica during the middle of the 20th century, Serrano in the early 50s and Rosario in the 70s. Serrano stayed only for a brief time and Rosario remained there for over a year. The mission of both based upon what the writer has gleaned was to make contact with the SS and to encounter the Hyperboreans who dwell in the region.
Perhaps they were there to receive instructions and to prepare the uninitiated sleeping Viryas and pasus for the re-turn of the Hyperboreans and the National Socialists to the surface of Terra and to transmute Terra, Gerda into Gaia Sophia, to spiritualize the earth and to create a world of life and light, of the light of the black sun?
According to Serrano in his works "Who Calls in the Ice" and "Neither By Land Nor By Sea" written as a young man during and after his trip to the continent, he had encountered Hitler there and received initiation with the Fuhrer re-turning from Venus by the black hole wormhole at the South Pole in the Tropic of Capricorn the region of the Southern Cross. He claims to have undergone an expedition which resulted in his having to leave abruptly and as far as the writer recalls no definite reason was given as to why this was.
Rosario's journey was also undergone with a military expedition though not much is known of the particulars of what transpired at least for the mundane not circulating within the ambit of the leftward swastika of the SS initiates of which Rosario was allegedly a member.
Thus both significant Hyperboreans pontiffs, emissaries of the black sun, had encountered the Vril force which radiated outwards from the pole bathing in their luminous light and had carried with them the Graal which was rekindled through contact with this ancient Hyperborean region of the earth and its strange radiations emanating from the red sun, the central sun of the hollow earth, Loki, the light of the immortals.
In Antarctica there is alleged to dwell, according to stories by Clark Ashton Smith, beings of an ultra-tell uric origin, white worms and other Cthulu-esque entities. H.P. Lovecraft's work "The Call of Cthulu" also treats of this subject matter of Antarctica and a primordial subterranean and sub-glacial city of extraterrestrial nature. In one of his works Miguel Serrano speaks vaguely of extraterrestrials without any amplification or presentation of details of what they in fact are, while Nimrod de Rosario, according to a biographical work of his mother, was alleged to be the result of a union between her, Rosalie Taglialovore and an extraterrestrial, of what kind the writer is unaware (cf. "Cartas de Maria: Madre de Nimrod de Rosario").
A movie from the 1950s titled "The Deadly Mantis" was released which depicts a giant black mantis which thaws out at the North Pole and wrecks havoc over the world. Perhaps this is one such entity which lies frozen in the ice since the time of the pole shift and the sinking of Atlantis according to Hans Heinz Horbiger in his "The World Ice Theory" (1913).
The continent of Antarctica was part of the region of Lemuria which spanned to the Indian subcontinent and which continent sank according to the OAHSPE Bible through sonic weapons on the part of 'Jehovih' and his Orion chieftains (reptilians and the 'Yahweh collective'?).
The mantis aliens and other insectoids as well as reptilians depicted in the hokey Japanese 'monster movies' from the 50s onwards may well be a reality and the freshwater lake in Lake Vostock Antarctica may very well be an indicator of subterranean or submerged life that exists underneath the ice.
The movie "The Thing" by John Carpenter, based upon the original 50s movie "The Thing From Another World" is depicted as a protoplasmic entity which metamorphosed, changed its form and merged with the hosts. The Russian scientists at Lake Vostock had drilled two miles deep through the ice and extracted water from the lake and the writer is unacquainted with their fate though he is aware they had more success than the British and American scientists.
Perhaps these scientists were allowed privileged access to the subterranean regions of Antarctica and the judaized 'Allied powers' were excluded, indeed repelled from the region by the superior powers of the entities or Hyperboreans. Lemuria was a continent older than Atlantis as far as the writer is aware and perhaps harbors still the buried remnants of primordial beings.
So too, however the North Pole with German scientists going missing around Baffin Island-top physicists and geneticists who disappeared after going on 'camping trips' in the area around Mount Odin and mount Thor. Surely they are taken away and indeed by implication by the Imperial Germans, they who had traveled to Antarctica, in Neuschwabenland, to establish their colony as a strategic relocation strategy in the war everlasting between the true light of the black sun against the false light of the Demiurge.
The hollow earth and the wormholes at the pole enable the passage to Venus and the retreats to another world as a strategy of combat awaiting the re-turn of the Hyperboreans and the National Socialists "when America and Russia have exhausted themselves in war" as one of the National Socialists at the Nuremberg trials said before he was hung by the representatives of the great Satan.
According to Nimrod de Rosario Antarctica is the source for a new wave of energy or Vril which spirals around the earth and terminates in the North Pole, with the South as highest and the North as lowest density of Time-flow and hence this region, the Antarctica of Neuschwabenland, will presumably be the source of a new arising of the forces of the Green Ray against those of the blackest lead of lowest density, the potencies of matter.
What this will portend specifically is a question the writer is unable to answer but the books of Serrano and Rosario hold much in the way of direction a compass pointing South (and yet magnetic North given the alleged flipping of the magnetic poles of the earth).
Perhaps the former National Socialists Wilhelm Landig has revealed what will be in the future in fictional form such as in his works "Wolfzeit um Thule" ("Wolf-Time for Thule"); "Gotzen Gegen Thule" ("Idols Against Thule") and "Rebellen für Thule – Das Erbe von Atlantis" ("Rebels for Thule - The Legacy of Atlantis").
The mysterious continent of Antarctica, inaccessible to nearly all and, thanks to Miguel Sereno, off-limits by international law to any one power and to any exploitation of its substance ('resources').
The anger of the old gods grows with the continued rapine and destruction of Gaia materialized into lowest density by the great Satan Jehovah and, with the increase in the emanations from the galactic center enhancing the acceleration of Time-flow, the ice caps are melting and the sun is increasing in solar activity bringing about an ever increasing chaos of earth energies (weather systems; tectonic plate shifting; volcanic activity, etc.).
The future of the world (of the pluri-dimensional worlds that constitute 'our' planet) will be transformation and only they who are capable of transforming themselves into a black sun will achieve immortality and avoid the jaws of the Fenrir wolf as the light of the poles radiates its brilliance over an Aquarian world; dispatching the synarchy of dark forces to their destination into the abyssal realms with their demonic masters.