Black Light of Agartha
Black Light of Agartha
Fortress of the Mind
The Black Magic of Chang Shambala
Priestly Caste Despotism and the Cultural Pact
Spiral Sign
Husks of the Elementarwessen
Strategies of the Berserker
Luciferic Grace
The 'Grace' of Jehovah
Bracketing Off
The Great Deception
The Laws and Those Above the Law
Synarchic Octopus
Evolutionary 'Progress'
The Law of the Fence
Tergum Hostis
Heretical Lineage
The Sign of the Origin
Black Sun
Demiurgic Phagocitization
Cultural Venom
The 'Western Race'
The Western Race: Its Past, Its Future
Vortex of the Immortals
Essential Hostility
Characterization of the Pasu
Great Imitator of the Universe
Kalachakra Wheel
Synthetic Semite
Khristos Lux: A Prognostication of Things to Come...
Fortress of the Mind
Trapped within the matrix prison of utmost darkness the gullible goyim are bombarded by the phenomena of illusions which are held out to them to beguile them to acquiesce to the Will of 'The One'.
Within this asylum of lost souls who have neither compass for independent thought nor action, nor any motivations of their own, lacking all will, they have subordinated themselves to the Demiurge, slave minions of their Dark Lord the Prince of lies Jehovah- Satan.
These creatures, the 'pasus', exist as passive subjects not endowed with any independent will and thus are mere delicacies for the legions of infernal entities to feed upon, harvesting their bio-energy to absorb it into themselves.
They have not built the proper defenses to avoid the dissipation of their soul and thus like crustaceans who have not developed a hard carapace they are torn and wrent by the carrion fowl who circulate in the empyrean above their struggling forms.
Such a failure of development cannot be ascribed to lethargy alone but rather to incapacity, and incapacity to manifest sufficient inner power against the foe and to strengthen oneself to withstand the perpetual onslaught of the Demiurge and his slave minions.
These are the pasus of the earth whose fate has already been decided by the Demiurge and indeed sealed with a kosher certification as well as kosher sacrifices to 'The One’, fatted swine whose inevitable end will result in their extermination post mortem.
The Viryas are heroes who have built an adamantine fortress in which their mind dwells unassailable by the foe are able to withstand the bombardment of their senses by the Enemy, are able to maintain their equilibrium against the cowardly forces, legions of the Demiurge and hypostases of His Mind.
They prepared themselves through trial and struggle against the enemy not following an escapist path of cowardly flight from the battle but a modus operandi of strategic opposition against the enemy, a dynamic contest of the Eternal Champion who refuses to back down though coerced by greater force at times to fall back on the back foot.
He the Virya, the hero whose mode of relation to the ‘Other’ amidst the 'Valplads' or battlefield is one of essential hostility, has enabled him to construct this fortress through the antagonistic relationship to the other, building psychic defenses and strengthening his resolve in confrontation with the foe.
He dwells within and yet does not withdraw from the battle but simply acts according to his higher principle which determines his course, regardless of the apparent causal unintelligibility thereof. Thereby he opens causal and acausal nexions between the realm of Eternity and the world of chaos and "strife, endless strife" (Heraclitus). The fortress of the mind is his bulwark against the foe, the Enemy, the Demiurge and his hordes of evil who seek by all means to penetrate his defenses and thus do all manner of subterfuge.
The pretense of 'love', the false appearance of ‘Other’ regard and altruistic 'good intentions' is typically one of the modes of passive aggressive covert antagonism the Enemy and his myriad legions and earthly emissaries deploy to violate their opponent, to trap him into being receptive to their strike against him, putting forth the blind of the smiling mask of love which conceals their expressionless and robotic face beside beneath, that of a mere mechanism of the Will of Jehovah-Satan.
Only he who has developed the Fortress of the mind and who views the world with a fundamental hostility can beat the Enemy in this war everlasting, as a conqueror, Berserker who destroys his opponents from a position of attack girded with the armor of oricalchum, the red knight who bathes in the blood of the Lamb as the wolf of the steppes.
The Black Magic of Chang Shambala
The Great White brotherhood, occult order of demonic nature, has an arsenal of tactical weapons they utilize to bring to bear against their foes, the Hyperboreans and their descendants the Aryan race.
These tactics are never perceivable to the average mundane or 'pasu' but the latter at most sees the external manifestation or end result of these tactics, their expression whose cause eludes him.
Hence he sees the effect not the cause and is In a state of ignorance or blindness and left to wander in the labyrinth of confusion the Hierarchy has constructed for him forever seeking the key and yet never discovering it.
Unless of course he has managed to awaken the blood memory and recognize the presence of the adversary and his role vis-à-vis the Adversary as an antagonist of an irreconcilable nature. Then and only then may he understand himself and his proper role and cut aside the brambles of illusion placed before him by the Enemy.
The flaming sword of Khristos-Lucifer-Wotan he has unsheathed and brought to bear against the foe, illuminating the chiliastic corners of the labyrinth and exposing to view the legions of the shadow realm.
The black magic of Chang Shamballa brings to bear an infinitude of means to ensnare and castrate the Virya, to tear down into the pit the Adversary who they recognize threatens the dominion over the earth of their 'chosen people' and by proxy themselves.
Hence these irreconcilable differences of the antagonist posit them vis-a-visa one another and lead to the final conflagration or 'last battle' within the 'Valplads' of the terrestrial, materially densified earth which plays itself out simultaneously in higher planes.
Chang Shambala's black magic is that of the generation of illusion: the creation of false causes and concealment of True causes by these blinds is one such tactic which Julius Evola in his "Notes on the Occult War" has called 'symbolic substitution' and which Nimrod de Rosario has called "change of meaning"in his magnum opus "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom".
To substitute the meaning of terms; words; symbols and sacrifices of all kinds is the principal tactic of the synarchy the associated network of organizations and groups who serve the Logos of the Demiurge, and his planetary presence Sanat Kumara or the Messiah of Israel or the myriad guises of this avatar of the Demiurge on earth 'as it is in heaven'.
Historically, within the Kali Yuga, the symbols of the Hyperborean are inverted and falsely associated with irrelevant and derogatory meaning such as the symbol of the swastika, a symbol of the Origin, of Eternity, of imminent transcendence and the transmutation of the Self into an immortal, Being falsely associated with the emotional reactivity of jewry, their hatred for the Hyperboreans.
So to the historical presence of the aryan race is falsely associated with 'fallen angels' and carries a purely negative connotation, that of a 'fall' from the 'grace' of the Demiurge, an archetypal inversion, a satanic distortion of reality.
This inversion-perversion tactic of the cabal entails the deliberate inversion of meaning, of phenomena through a cultural distortion, a creation or rather plagiary of the pre-given, antecedent fact which they then proceed to modify or distort to suit their attempted negation of their enemies, falsifying and distorting the identity of that which they hate and attempting to project upon it their own emotional bias, what the fact means to them.
The creation of culture is their method of conditioning the population to react according to their programming, to have the population imitate their own behavior which is modeled for them in the form of celebrities and other popular figures, figures made popular through grooming them from the beginning.
The revelation of the method is one of the tactics of the hierarchy which in their understanding of reality within the realm of the Demiurge, of spatio-temporal causality, is a necessary condition of transferring their karma onto others, making in their belief system their victims into the scapegoat for their own crimes.
Thus they believe, as they circle the wheel of incarnation and develop technology which enables them to maintain their bodily integrity (such as in the trans-humanist agenda) that they are exempt from any punishment from their Demiurge god as they have given their victims a 'choice’: to comply with their will to avoid the harm they wish to visit upon them or to suffer the consequences of the victims' loss with they reaping the profits.
The fact of their having to reveal to their intended victims their intended action, however concealed symbolically and covertly, implies an exploitable weakness, an opportunity to recognize their intention and thereby to plan a strategy around the actions of the hierarchy.
Generation of confusion through cultural creation being one of the major mechanisms of power of the hierarchy it stands to reason that it is a central focus of the hierarchy in its tearing down the bulwark of defense of the organic culture of the folk and supplanting it with a simulacral version of itself.
This is exemplified in the case of christianity assimilating into itself the Hyperborean culture of the aryans and distorting it into an amalgam of incompatible archetypes and inverted archetypes, a materialization or satanization of Spirit at least as viewed and experienced through the minds of fallible mortals as no such thing could ever affect the Uncreated Realm.
Thus the culture which reinforces the mass mind is subtly, as in the case of cunning and prolonged infiltration, modified to suit their ends and simultaneously to efface from the mass mind the consciousness of their ancestors, eventually supplanting it with a simulacral facsimile or counterfeit form designed to empower the hierarchy and weaken the host.
In the case of overt overthrow of nations the radical supplanting of culture occurs such as in the case of Akhenaton and the 'Aton' (aka. Demiurge) or in the Soviet regimes with the homo sovieticus and the preservation of the monotheistic cults of christianity; judaism and freemasonry- all diverse facets of the Dark Crystal of the ‘Deus Vult’ (the face of Jehovah).
The witchcraft of Chang Shambala entails a blaming of the victim as another form of transference in which the victim of their evil or an innocent third party becomes blameworthy for what they do. The case of Ted Bundy leading an expedition to discover the killer (himself) is a case in point.
The witchcraft of the cabal is designed for the harvesting of bio-energy from the targeted victims, indeed from all those 'Other' to the cabal. All are considered either members of the predatorial caste or those upon whom they predate, that is to say their prey. In their worldview of violent aggression the stronger force overcomes the weaker either by brute physicality or by superlative intellect and cunning or both.
There is a complete denial of anything beyond their Demiurge deity and his matrix of spatio-temporal ‘reality’ and thus their focus relates purely to ‘substance’ or the Demiurge and his plasmations (‘forms’) emanations of his will to power which is replicated by the cabal hierarchy.
Hence aggression and violence as an in-itself toward all and sundry is the defining trait or quality of the members of the cabal synopsized by the phrase 'service to self' and yet to the lower self of the phenomenal animic aspect, the personality ensconced within the cultural superstructure and wedded to the Demiurge as a lower hypostasis thereof.
Initiates of the synarchy perceive themselves as of superlative value toward all others and their 'special relationship they have acquired via their initiate praxis or being born into certain reptilian bloodlines predisposes them toward this mentality of self-orientation.
The hypocritical pretense they conceal themselves behind serves as their mask behind which their True face is concealed, the Dr. Jekyll socially acceptable front serving to mask the Mr. Hyde beneath. This image is a perfect representation of the synarchy which hides in plain sight as a display of its power and for the pragmatic motivation of being effective the installation of their Zion prison matrix.
The disarming effect of their smiling mask serves to neutralize prima facie the most opposition and portrays them as humble and altruistic 'mild-mannered' citizens simply following along with the social mores 'just like everyone else'.
Indeed this 'average everydayness' of the synarchic initiates enables them to function optimally within the world and to minimize detection and any antagonism on the part of his peers who, upon discovery of his egregious crimes would summarily relate to him in the mode of extreme hostility, resulting in his loss of position or life.
The black magicians conceal themselves behind myriad masks with the entire hierarchy at all levels playing their particular role in the manipulation of the minds of their peers, steering them toward their perdition, merging into 'The One'.
Hence at the lowest level members of the cabal are inserted to appeal to their related peer and to manipulate and influence them toward their goals from the instant of contact with the peer along the causal series toward the phagocitization of their soul by the Demiurge.
The local blue-collar who is either a jew or a member of the synarchy (a monotheistic religious bigot or illuminati) manipulates the naïve mind of his fellow workers just as the 'intellectual sophisticates' in their ivory towers are manipulated with the latest-greatest theoretical mumbo-jumbo formulated by the hierarchy for the purpose of leading the sheep to the slaughter.
Hence as can be observed by the wise man who has in his wisdom separated himself from the mass as an oppositional strategy, he can perceive how the mass mind is formulated in its most visceral or mundane causality which of course is only the externalization of the process initiated from its principal origin in Chang Shambala.
From the height of the hierarchy to the depth, the organizational structure acts in concert being guided by the so-called 'Masters' of witchcraft, the fallen angels or 'Immortals' who have sold their first the states to the Demiurge in exchange for temporal power and to administer the slave matrix under 'The One'.
The witchcraft of Shambala extends itself as a praxiological manifestation of the will of 'the one', the operation of Jehovah-Malkuth, the ‘chosen people’ and their 'kingdom of heaven on earth', the slave matrix of Zion. The witchcraft operates as a violent machine of bellicosity that operates pervasively on the mundane plane.
From the orchestration of chaos in the form of war and revolution to the structural design of the architecture and infrastructure of topological spaces, the world is designed as a Demiurgic matrix or ‘vampire farm’ for the harvesting of the life force of the 'goyim'.
Trapped within the magic squares of right-angled streets and right-angular houses the energies of the goyim are contained within to be harvested and vampirized by the entities and this through the ley lines of the matrix grid. The saving grace however of this layout and design is that it brackets off the entrapped souls from the evolutionary process of the Demiurge and thus saves them to a degree from 'His grace' of phagocitization. Perhaps the motivation for this is to serve a more significant purpose of enabling the phagocitization by his hypostatic forms be they the trans-dimensional reptilian's who operate the matrix on the moon and Saturn for the harvesting of loosh or for some other more sinister objective this the writer is unable to say.
Regardless, the infrastructure and layout of living spaces is designed as a machine-like mechanism for the generation of chaos. It runs on explosively generated electricity which causes the agitation of the body to a state of truly Satanic resonance, a complete sabotage of the harmonious self-adjustment of normal homeostasis.
It could be argued that this is a good thing and further assists in separating the Spirit from matter, assisting in a wrenching it from the soulish envelope which has anchored it to matter and the material world. Regardless, the agitation produced causes the release of the vital forces which are fed off by the entities and serve as an energetic tithing, or a tax on the living dead of their souls.
Hence the entire infrastructure of towns and cities and 'civilization' is created for the purpose of generating stress and harvesting the bio-energy of the goyim. This witchcraft occurs around the clock and is a ubiquitous and incessant presence, a veritable electromagnetic net of the Demiurge for catching the Piscean fish of the pasus.
The witchcraft of religious dogma is one of the pillars of the cabal in its Praxis of global dominion. “Mind control, world control" is the phrase which best encapsulates the cabal's operations of spiritual warfare, the 'mind' being the spirit encapsulated in substance, and the auric envelope or aetheric prison matrix.
To maintain the spirit trapped within the Demiurge's bukkake, His plasmation or emanation of His base consciousness is their goal and the means through which to attain this state of being, to condition their slaves as ‘pasu’ is to debase their consciousness through creating conditions of lowest vibrational frequency or rather a deceleration of Time-flow such that the vortex of energy of the Spirit is slowed down, enabling its entrapment in matter and the concomitant vampirization of its life force, it's energetic reserve.
The conditioning of the mass-mind via religious bigotry creates a crystallized consciousness which operates only within the context of the dogma and it shuts out any contents of consciousness that are incompatible therewith. The concomitant fear; paranoid expectation of the visitation of harm by an allegedly omnipresent (all-seeing) omnipotent (all-powerful) and omniscient (all knowing) Deity is a necessary entailment of this religious programming and has a reductivistic influence on the Mind, reducing it to a reptilian brain-based consciousness, that of the ‘pasu’-beastman, a creature lacking in all higher consciousness and his conscious mind has been reduced to a state of self-deception and lower functionality.
'Fear of the Lord' a.k.a. fear over the expectation of an uncertain fate meted out to one by the Demiurge and his legions of evil angels. This fear is the default setting of the religious zealot whose devotion to the religion of Abraham especially conditions their consciousness to be in a state of reactive and primitive minded modality, a reptilian 'brain state' governed by the lower states of consciousness, the lower emotions and their overwhelming influence on the person.
Thus a reactive minded fear based consciousness becomes the default setting which is observable in the case of the jews and is an encoded 'genetic memory' of their own origin as synthetic constructs under the capricious sway of their masters the 'Seraphim' or 'Elohim', whose lineage has been conditioned with this fear-based state of being. This state has an actual basis in the history of jewry on earth through being a foreign installation in the mind of the pasu goyim, the 'Gentiles', that program of 'fear and trembling' and slavish obsequiousness that is coercively forced upon them by their overlords would attain power through mass-assault Spartacus-style tactics.
Hence 'fear', an anticipation or expectation of the probable negative outcome entailing loss or cost to oneself or another or what one values, is the default tendency of monotheistic and especially Abrahamic and religious programming which derives itself from the higher echelons of the hierarchy of Chang Shambala and presumably from the reptilian's and so too the language of Hebrew and its proto-variants (Aramaic; Arabic, etc.).
In addition to the fear and trembling aspect of mainstream religious programming as a weapon of black magic ('Demiurge worship'; the worship of 'The One') the nature of the programming creates what some have called "sexual misery" programming; a coerced obligation of neurotic inhibition, a moral obligation (according to the unduly restrictive and prohibitive nature of the program) to avoid any involvement in sexual activity with others outside of the purely utilitarian and functional purpose of propagation of offspring.
Such inhibited neurosis may serve to bottle up the energies of the being of the zealot but most often manifests itself in all manner of deviant and perverse forms of behavior. As an analog of this the pedophilic rapine of the priestly caste serves its purpose in further rendering the sex act a perverted taboo encoded in the consciousness of the child who is subjected to this encoding of 'patristic influence' through this trauma-based mind control.
This dimension of the black magic of the hierarchy serves to bind the adherents through some form of Stockholm syndrome or perhaps demonic possession, the victim being possessed by entities who binds to them via the extremes of traumatic abuse. This sets the stage to reciprocate the cycle over the generations enabling generational possession by the black hole entities (reptilian trans-dimensionals; possibly insectoid or mantis entities,
The restrictive nature of monotheistic death cults (the 'Saturn death cult' as some have called it) from Buddhism and Hinduism to the Abrahamic Trinity of evil imposes upon the masses obligations to behave in ways which restrict the potentiality of recollection of the symbol of the Origin 9the swastika) and serve the purpose (-always unexpressed-) of suppressing the blood memory and thereby the recollection of the origin.
Has these mind programs are psyops of witchcraft which induce a beast consciousness in the zealot and beyond this a rationalistic mode of consciousness oriented around the cultural language of human intervention and especially the quantitative reductive as stick language of 'science' which shifts the consciousness away from ultra-archetypal understanding (the supra-rational intuitive or 'transcendental apperception' of Kant; the 'intellection' of the medievals) the consciousness of spirit in its truth.
Hence the lies of mainstream religiosity are designed to derail the consciousness of the adherent from the upward trek toward the summit of Olympus and to sabotage his quest for the Promethean fire. The invented stories and qabbalistic witchcraft which comprise the monotheistic programs serve the priests of the order of Melchizedek in shearing the sheep of the Golden fleece; feeding and fattening upon their carcasses once they have fulfilled their use as a bearer of the usufructus of the Golden fleece, drained of their bio-energy via wage slavery, ‘ora et labora’.
The organic lie, the synthetic construct of the demons of Chang Shambala, the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan have assisted in the formulation (almost certainly of extra-terrestrial origin) of the programs of bigotry which still today and perhaps more than ever given the ubiquity and its efficiency of mind programming via mass media and the cybernetic control grid enslave this earth in a state of dark-aged ignorance.
This method of witchcraft is one of the major technologies of spiritual warfare, of warfare against the Spirit, of the hierarchy and of the Demiurge in his imposition of His Will of materialization, and the ultimate absorption of the soul into his vampire maw.
Priestly Caste Despotism and the Cultural Pact
The form of synarchic overlordship is that of the rule of the priest caste which forms the cultural pact, a bloodless amalgam of organization and hierarchy that subserves the overarching hierarchy of negative aliens and 'The One', the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan. All priest craft tactics of mind manipulation are developed to a great degree of refinement and span the gamut of deception and violence through subtle influence.
The priests work in secret as a de facto cabal and by definition a conspiracy of hidden rulers who over arche the population and impose upon it their witchcraft. The despotism operates on the principle of mind control and this through not only black magical means but through the means of more crude and mundane psycho-emotional tactics of implicit coercion; pressure and influence.
The invocation of the entities, these creeping servants of satan avail themselves of is one such tactic. Their Hebrew qabbalah serves as a means to bring these entities into manifestation and these they work with on a quid pro quo basis, a blood pact of sacrifice in which innocent third parties are served up as sacrifices to these entities in exchange for personal power and knowledge (at least the knowledge of phenomena within the 'mauve zone' of the Demiurge's spatio-temporal time-determined matrix).
They sell what Spirit they may have had for the empowerment of their soul, binding it to the Demiurge and his evolution of self-manifestation, chaining themselves to his will as puppets on strings of gold whose gleam of false promise delude their minds in their quest for Promethean fire.
Rather than transforming the base lead of their cadaverous selves' into gold they are molded into rigidified statues of fools gold that reflect the lunar false light of the evil horde as their agents on the earth, regents of the priest caste who rule from the shadows behind the smiling masks of 'righteousness' and whose arrogant megalomania is simply a reflection of their overlords, a stepped down manifestation of the mind of their god serving the Prince of Lies (the Verbum Mendacia).
The intention of the priest caste is to beguile the minds of the population with their emotional rhetoric, seduce them and bind them to themselves through not only emotional ties but your ties of witchcraft creating a magical bond between themselves; their institution and entities who truly control it, the sum total of a cultural pact and cultural superstructure-a simulacral carnival mirror of illusion-which they reinforce (and indeed are coerced to reinforce the obligations of the cultural pact, i.e. the obligations of religion) through reliquary; prayer and usage of language, etc. which welds them to these entities who thereby harvest their soul energy.
The emerging of the devotee into the mass mind of 'Spiritual Israel' or other religious hive mind equivalents (in reality the mind of Satan, a.k.a. Jehovah the Demiurge) is one of the fundamental modes of subjugation of the Spirit to matter by way of the soul. This soul or animic principle of the being, is triggered thereby and via sympathetic magic bound to that entity, to the cultural superstructure of emotion and egregores conjuring up emotional; 'soulish' states of consciousness segregating the Eternal Spirit from its proper locus, submerging it in the 'blood of the Lamb' and the lacrimosity of Mother Mary-the Dove smothering the cold stone of Agartha with its pestilential wings of soporific subtlety.
This is the desire of the priest ‘caste’ their intent is to rivet the Spirit into the iron maiden of densest lead to their witchcraft of enervation, the manipulation and influence of 'killing with kindness'; 'love bombing' and other female technologies of passive-aggression; guilt-tripping and gas-lighting, etc. creating simulacra of 'love' and pleasant feelings to effectively bind the soul to the hell of Malkuth.
Spiral Sign
The Demiurgic Time-flow is heliacal in its evolutive process emanating as plasmations from 'The One' (Jehovah-Satan) and crystallizing and densifying to matter, the ebb and flow of the evil tide of the cycles of Time; the manvantara; the outgoing breath of Brahma and the resorption of all into itself in pralaya, the 'night of Brahma'.
All who do not come from Above will not go Above and only the incarnated Hyperboreans and those endowed with a sufficiently high proportion of Aryan blood, the blood of the gods (litr godi), may keep their place in Eternity and make their way back to Hyperborea-this or to reincarnate in another physical vehicle chosen by themselves through the law of attraction, the higher spirits incarnating in a body appropriate to themselves.
Those who follow the left-hand path follow the counter-clockwise spiral of the leftwards turning swastika, going against the cycles of Time, against evolution and against its source, the Satanic creator of the material universe Jehovah, the name by which he has been known to his 'chosen people'.
Those who embody the Hyperborean Spirit, are branded with the mark of Cain, the stone of Lucifer's crown, live in the world but are not of the world, are here not to cohere with the Will of 'The One' but rather to play their part in the rebellion against 'The One' and his file spiral of degeneracy along which route the pasus follow their path to perdition, absorption into the man of the Cosmic Vampire.
The spiral side of the clockwise spiral symbolizes Time-flow, this manifestation of 'The One' and adhere to the pacifistic creed of 'love'; 'harmony' and other de-vitalizing and enervating non-actions (or options which lead to enervation, the burning out of the life force) is to follow one's path toward his destruction.
Some have chosen to avoid this slippery slope of ill-consequence, this downward spiral toward their destruction-those who embody the Hyperborean blood and whose blood memory has a potentiality of activation are able to slither through the noose which ever tightens around their neck, the Ouroboros serpent who wind himself around the incarnate Spirit in ever tighter circles as the life force of the being is drained away over the incarnations.
These asleep Viryas, as Nimrod de Rosario has called them may awaken to life as the sleeping hero awaiting the final battle with the Wildes Heer of Wotan against the Demiurge and his legions. These may yet escape the tendrils of the organic spiral of the Demiurge's Will and may yet find their way towards Eternity either remaining within the world as victors or exiting it through the black sun of their own creation, a self-created god, microcosm of the Uncreated Spirit.
The pasu beastmen have no hope of arrival at such a destination and follow the way of all flesh toward their inevitable doom. So too the asleep Virya who fails to awaken the blood memory and to fight in an effective or efficient manner will follow the course of acquiescence of immersion in the corrosive waters of Maya and his very soul be stripped from him, bringing with it into the abyss the Uncreated Spirit which dwells within its 'loving embrace'.
The spiral sign of clockwise manifestation, the Time-flow of generation and corruption is the path also the synarchic initiate follows attempting to it to himself to Deity and following the delusive path of self-apotheosis becoming a simulacral God mad whose consciousness becomes fused with 'The One', with Jehovah and is subject to the finitude of the temporalization of the 'breath of Brahma' and the inevitable consequence, 'the end of the cycle', of the pralaya, the indwelling breath of Brahma, the inspiration the synarchic aspirant is subject to as the terminus of his 'evolution' and unio mystica with the Divine, such union being a mere deception, part of the ‘Great Deception’ of Jehovah.
Hence the alleged powers possessed by the synarchic initiate, the initiate of Chang Shambala, of the Great White Brotherhood and its lower levels of the hierarchy, masonry and the Catholic orders and other religious and illuminized orders all point toward destruction as their end goal.
Regardless of the powers possessed by the initiates however great they may have become within the spatio-temporal reality of the Demiurge, his matrix of incarnation and its potencies of substance, he, the initiate will never grasp the golden ring of Eternity and dwell in the Green Ray but rather will dwell within the matrix and cease with its absorption into 'The One'.
Hence through his lust for temporal power he undergoes a counter-initiation and, like Rene Guenon himself, meets his maker to confront the 'face of god', though not in the manner he had expected. The liking counters is the false light in truth and his soul along with his in change spirit likewise undergoes phagocitization by the cosmic vampire.
Thus the initiate of the synarchy, the true synagogue of Satan, is exhumed in the fires of 'The One', in the lake of fire, undergoing the second death-indeed, being bound to the Demiurge he never really lived save as an automaton or marionette on aetheric strings, jerked about as a mere Pinocchio by the rough hands of his maker, to be thrown into the flames post mortem once Jehovah has had his way with him.
The Hero by contrast has no need of the endless rigmarole of ‘counter-initiation’ and its levels and degrees of secrecy and predation. He is not seeking the path of ‘the evolution of the soul’ and aspires not for his soul to develop its adamantine bonds, encasing the Spirit in matter as a captive encased in an iron maiden to be fired in the crucible of 'evolution' and made into yet another 'brick in the wall' of Jehovah's slave matrix, a 'perfected ashlar' made in the image of the jew, the 'chosen people' and following their own inexorable path to perdition.
Hence the vainglorious initiate of the synarchy, regardless of how high he might ascend toward the utmost limits of the Demiurge's prison will never penetrate its walls which for him are the limits of his being. As he reaches toward the sun with outstretched wings as Icarus of old he plummets to the rocks below, his waxen wings melting under the emanations of the Solar Logos, the hypostasis of 'The One', ruler of the solar system in its own evolutive passage towards the galactic center to be ultimately absorbed into the black hole and so to of the Demiurge with all the rest of the created material universe.
The immortals have no need of any counter-initiatic path, rather their path is that of Olympus. They stand on the loan promontory of Olympus as a Ragnarok of the Kali Yuga is unveiled in its downward spiral towards the destruction of the world. The enemy gathers as storm clouds around the summit and of the Virya prepares his arsenal of weapons for the assault from his well constructed fortress. Dressed in the battle armor of immortal vajra he takes his last stand in the final battle against the evil tide and its elementarwessen.
The doomsday spiral has wound down to the last phase of its 'evolution' and the gathered throng prepares to assail the foe, having taken up their positions in the ramparts and battlements, the noble host of berserkers bursting through the gates to engage the opponent on the plane of conflict.
The spiraling down of the evolutionary unfolding of the Demiurge culminates in this final conflagration and the consequent destiny and fate of those involved. The hounds of war Bay at the storm clouds as the host of vile orcs and other man animal hybrids beset the noble warriors in their plaza amidst the Valplads.
Those of the Demiurge, the autochthonous and their masters 'The Chosen' who are the emissaries of Jehovah on earth, Jehovah Malkuth the 10th sephiroth of manifestation; controlled as a hive of pestilential insects unleashed upon their foe the shining ones, area nobles of Lucifer, warriors and eternal champions of the Uncreated Spirit. Valhalla and victory awaits the heroes of the final battle and the perdition of their foes.
Husks of the Elementarwessen
The pasus and asleep Viryas who play the role of the average-everyday puppet or stooge of the system are conditioned through the black magic of the system to maintain its mores and rigid norms which it has established to perpetuate itself through its myriad agents.
The conditioning eventuates in possession and at the least a captive possession of the consciousness which is bound to the hive mind of the 'Western' nation, e.g. 'the great Satan' all of which are subordinate to Jehovah and controlled by and through him.
Be it the hive mind structure of 'spiritual Israel' or other hive mind collective consciousness structures the masses are assimilated into it. The system has standardized the mass consciousness, forming it into an egregoric cubus of conscious awareness unable to transcend itself and incapable of enabling any autonomous nodes of consciousness in its midst.
AI technology added to this metaphysical structure of astral quality further assists in driving the masses into a lower state of consciousness, one oriented around emotion and reactive mindedness, a reptilian brain state of fight; flight; fornicate and feed; the state of the basest lead of the pasu.
They lack all autonomy and independence of consciousness and eo ipso are mere marionettes on strings clenched in the fist of their extraterrestrial and ultra-terrestrial master. Indeed beyond mere impulsion there is the insidious fact of the symbiosis and ultimate usurpation of the host by the trans-dimensional lower astral black hole entities which by via their black magic and the lower-level priest-craft of their emissaries on the earth plane to the pasus and establish themselves in opposition for the vampirization of their charges.
The consequence of this process is the atrophy of the soul and its absorption by the entities who maintain their hold on their captives through the technologies of their witchcraft: qabbalistic spells and the invocation by the mundane priests of the synarchy of these entities via hebrew and the lunar rites of the cabal-from Freemasonry to the Abrahamic and other religious institutions.
Through the 'leadership' of the flock of mind controlled dupes, the priest-caste serves their congregations up for the slaughter to the Demiurge and his intermediary hierarchies. These take possession of their charges in their religious institutions and bind to them for the vampirization of their energy.
Taking control of their captives what little autonomy they metal first have had has been wrenched from them and supplanted by the entity which serves as a walk-in having taken over their form and usurped their less powerful will.
It is fair to speak of the average person in this depth of the Kali Yuga as a 'cambion' or walk-in or J.E.W (Jehovah's Evil Worker’s) and to understand how to deal with such a being.
The best approach is to practice strategic opposition in relation to these creatures and understand that they are all enemies whose malevolent intent manifests itself in the form of false appearances and passive aggression. They pretend to harbor good intentions toward those 'Other' to themselves but are motivated solely by a desire to subjugate the 'Other' through either assimilating them into the hive mind of 'Spiritual Israel' or through undermining or sabotaging their enemies (and the enemy of the christian is anyone not jewish or christian or potentially christian as evaluated by themselves and themselves alone as self-touted 'moral authorities').
Given their violation of others these husks of the elementarwessen perpetrate and whose captive Spirits are enwreathed in a demonic soul it is advisable to recognize the potentiality for violence.
Strategies of the Berserker
The sole hope for mankind's liberation lies with the Berserker, the warrior-hero who opposes the adversary of the Uncreated Light, bearer of the cold fire of Prometheus. His praxis is necessarily antagonistic to the system and in all its facets conduces to an oppositional stance toward the orthodoxy of the world order.
Not living in a state of passive inertia or 'cowardly supine pacifism' as Gentile phrased it in "The Doctrine of Fascism" he actively seeks out means to oppose; undermine and obstruct the matricized slave system of Zion.
In order to do so he must seek the Truth and by virtue of its attainment that of a higher state of consciousness, and intuitive orientation toward the archetypal plane of Being which entails the nature of the system in its causal and acausal nexuses and modus vivendi. Thereby, in obtaining such a state of consciousness, a recollection of the origin of his Hyperborean past he devises through a supra-rational understanding, particular means of orienting and comporting himself toward the enemy and the enemy system.
The mode of the consciousness of the Berserker is that of antagonism, of a perpetual quest for conquest in a war everlasting. Accordingly, his behavior in 'the world' is that of a warrior who seeks none of the rotten fruits of this world that the pasu orients himself towards, the earthly delights the latter partakes of as the conditio sine qua non of his worldly existence.
His fruits are rather the green fruits of the Irminsul, the Yggdrasil which furnishes him with the mode of consciousness necessary to attain the Truth and eo ipso understand how to act, which is the telos of his praxis-namely action in the world and in the form of opposition thereto and this of the most efficient and effective kind.
Hence the initial strategy of the Berserker is that of the kindling of the blood memory through attuning the focus of his conscious will inwards to an inner recognition of his essential nature. With this discovery of the Graal he then faces the dragon of the world Yahweh the serpent of material potency and, through this same intuitive attunement and comportment towards the enemy discovers through this transcendental apperception the path to take in the battle, the purpose of his incarnation on this earth.
He thus positions himself over and against the enemy both in mente and in a physical sense reflexively cognizing the otherness of the ‘Other’ and structuring the ‘Other’ as 'enemy' during dinner and immediate intellection of the enemy's 'otherness'-intuitively understood to be a foreign 'not-self' or non-ally and thus to be comported towards with antagonism and with a recognition of the insuperability of that fundamental antagonism.
On this basis, with the fact indelibly impressed in the mind of the virya, the Berserker, of fundamental opposition to the enemy, the particular modes of conduct suited to the time and place (the spatio-temporal conjuncture) of the incarnate berserker's circumstances.
He thus must adjust means to ends but not guided by the demiurgic causality of the Will of 'The One' but rather by the compass of spirit, of the hyperborean nature. The environment is for him a territory without laws either physical or cultural state as a background to his own law of will and motivation to fulfill his telos on the earth.
This latter is the foreground forever present in his consciousness through what contemporary psycho-logy would designate 'paranoid awareness' but which is in actuality the memory of the blood manifesting itself in Spirits' orientation toward true or the Uncreated Realm of Eternity.
He thus may navigate the environment without adherence to or regard for the causal consequences of action in a purely physical sense. Rather he, assuming he has developed the proper powers, can violate even the material laws of the Demiurge, walking through walls and transporting himself through black holes via different dimensions two different spatio-temporal points and indeed may play the role of the spiritual warrior imperceptible to the sight of the enemy who is comparatively stable perception, restricted as it is to the material world, is unable to transcend the material plane and thus unable to prepare a defense against him in the spiritual warfare.
Luciferic Grace
The grace of Truth of the Uncreated Spirit lies within the Luciferian, the Berserker warrior who exists in this world for only one thing-that being combat against the enemy who enslaves this world in lowest density.
The false grace is the plasmation of the Demiurge, of his false light of the manifest, the emanations of the Creator whose alleged race is obtainable only through a sluggish subordination to His Will, to an acquiescence to Time-flow and the ignoble stooping of false grace and conference upon himself of a death sentence.
Bound to the Demiurge, the captive Spirit enwreathed in the lower density plasmations of subtle aether, he has outstretched his limbs to allow their shackling to the Demiurge's tentacles of invisible forces.
This false grace is that of the christian, the 'Lamb of God' who binds himself to the Demiurge and this willfully as a passive female becoming the 'bride of christ', a docile body whose sole atrophies in the embrace of 'The One'.
The grace of the Lucifer is that which transcends the base state of philosophic lead of the Christian and his secular or new age or other monotheistic equivalent. The grace of the Lucifer is a transcendental condition of consciousness, the intermediator of the Spirit in the auric envelope and soul structure which kindles in the superior man of heaven the blood memory of the Origin.
The transcendental apperception of the Berserker engages in the world of the battlefield of earth yet dwells in a higher state of Being even in the midst thereof, a graceful action motivated by the True Selbst of the Spirit, the black sun whose vortextual form runs against the current of the Demiurge.
The leftward swastika of blackest midnight within and yet without the limitations of the sphere of 'The One', the whiteness of manifestation on the material square of the blood of the gods-the blut fahn of the Third Reich embodies and serves as the conceptual schema of Luciferic grace, the imminent embodiment of the Spirit within the Valplades accessed and activated through the warrior troubadour Minnesanger, the recollection of the symbol of the Origin in the memory of the blood, a re-turn to Hyperborea, to the Eternal Realm of Spirit within the realm of transient becoming or Time-flow of the Demiurge is the unsustainable Frankenstein's monster of 'the creation'
The Luciferic grace of the Berserker is the mode of the consciousness within the 'Valplads' (battlefield) of this world he possesses. His detachment and yet cold vital aggression, the cold fire of the initiate, posits him beyond the cycles of time and beyond the affect of the phenomenon which bring him around and assail him as so many violent assailants, so many instruments and armaments of the Demiurge whose conscious will manifests itself through them as his subordinate hypostases.
The Luciferic Berserker begins the combat and this antenatally prior to conception having chosen through an act of Spiritual Will and conscious awareness to enter into the Valplads to carry out the tasks that his duty necessitates in dismantling the control system installed on this materialized earth of basest lead.
He has chosen his destiny and has through his inherent being manifested on the earth to pursue the tasks appointed him by himself, by the Spirit working through his physical vehicle and engaging with the myriad forms in the aetheric tissue of the matrix of Zion, the world of confusion perpetually woven by the spiders of 'The One', his hypostases both astral and material, the architecture of the cabals’ architects of slavery.
The 'Grace' of Jehovah
The Demiurge confers his alleged 'grace' upon the population of the matricized earth. His emanations of lowest density vibration reduce the velocity of the spin of the souls trapped in matter in their dynamic entelechia, rendering them materially densified and subject to his will, the influence of the Mind of Satan.
They become trapped as so many insects in amber, in his lowest density plasmations, his demonic bukkake that they are unable to elevate their consciousness to a sufficient degree to recall their Ur-igin and Re-turn to the Eternal plane.
Hence they are forever subject to his will and eo ipso being unable to exist in Eternity are dragged into the corrosive waters of Tiamat to be consumed by the Dragon of the infernal waters. Such is the 'grace' of Jehovah, the chaining of the Spirit in matter, the reduction of the higher which takes its proper place in the infinite in the lower of basest lead, imprisoned in the leaden coffin of finitude and alloyed with the inorganic, consumed in the crucible of his substantial form, absorbed into his belly.
Thus the deluded and mindless mass have been indoctrinated to perceive and contemplate as a glorious state and to orient themselves away from the ur-igin (Origen) of Hyperborea towards ‘the creation’, the mire of quicksand in which they become immersed as a catatonic zombie hypnotized by the illusory forms presented to them in the form of religious indoctrination and its emotional programming, the indoctrination of the pasu by the synarchic priests of 'The One'.
Hence all become subject to His Will and thus, as translated into 'the laws' of Moses and the profits, of the Torah and dogma of monotheism which serve as bands of adamant which wrap their debased forms as prisoners of the cultural superstructure of the iron maiden of Zion.
This form of dogmatism, it's tenets and rigidified structure ossifies and densifies the consciousness to a state of lowest density reducing the mind and its thought process to that of an automaton, a 'robot of the Demiurge' who exists on this earth to serve as master. This 'gracefulness' of the robot, the automaton of Zion, is his aetheric tie which binds his silver cord to the soul reaver Jehovah-Satan who partakes of his vital force even as he jerks him about by his invisible chains.
As any conscious observer who still retains a slight degree of independent consciousness can perceive the zombie hordes of Satan and their automatic and conscious strivings in the fulfillment of the will of 'The One' testify to the influence of his Diabolic Will.
They bumble and stumble, shuffling forward without apparent cause, globalized and brought into alignment with Satan's will to carry out his motivations as a microcosmal entelecheia through whom as vehicles he realizes his will upon the earth. Such is the grace of Satan, a.k.a. Jehovah which he beholds as his 'false gift' upon his herds of human cattle.
This zombification process readily explains the debasement of the consciousness of today's masses and the lack of independent consciousness, especially those bound to the formalized dogma of monotheism which has engraved grooves in the conscious mind along which the axonal tracks are transplanted to rewire the neural architecture of the goyim's biological flesh-suit hardware.
The ‘grace’ of Jehovah is his electromagnetic influence, His determining influence which impinges on the goyim and binds them to His Will making of them automata who facilitate His evolutionary process of the phagocitization of the Spirit trapped within the dark webs which He weaves around them.
Bracketing Off
The expansion of 'The One', the Cosmic Vampire in his manifestation, consumes as a Satanic furnace the forms of the Eternal Spirit into itself as so many lives of kindling to fuel itself. The forest fire of Holocaust rages throughout the cosmos and expands without limit consuming all in its wake, spreading his destroying flames as fire consumes the vital air.
The wise, recognizing the natural tendency of this Entity, the enemy of all, have symbolized their relationship to this Being through the symbol of the triangle of fire, the cold fire of spirit, bracketing off and confining the spread of this omniscient creature whose panoptic vision is thereby restricted to a monocular focus, the all-seeing eye. And yet in their wisdom of attempting to limit this Entity in its spread and pestilential influence you have nonetheless only partially succeeded in delimiting its nature.
Firstly they have only limited it within its form-that of the akashic fire of Jehovah, the manifestation of 'The One' in its will-to-power and thereby have demonstrated an inadequate grasp of 'The One' and His forms of manifestation, enabling His perpetuation through acknowledging in symbolic form the modality of his wille zur macht.
Secondly they had allowed the eye to remain open rather than to have enclosed it or indeed gone further and blinded it with the blade of their own will to power brought forward to oppose the eye of 'The One' and to circumvent the omnipresent gaze of ‘The One’ and with it to escape the noose, that of the hangman of the cosmos, the reaver of souls.
As the truly wise will not only face 'The One' from the vantage point of defense, an archemonic fortress of the mind unassailable by the Demiurge and his legions and myriad traps and forms of manifestation; but rather he will once properly situated in a defensive structure of consciousness regardless of external conditions and circumstances, prepare to strike the enemy with the appropriate tactical means of assault.
Hence he must, must the Berserker warrior, but only safeguard himself and strengthen and train himself to proper fighting form but he must also mobilizes forces against the foe and his earthly emissaries who would seek to serve up as sacrifice the devotees of the Demiurge and his death cult in its myriad forms of historical manifestation: from Atonism in Egypt to the Enlil cult of Babylon to the judeo-christian dark age of slavery, to the current trends of the New Age, the death cult has spread itself over the earth serving its cultural purpose of enslavement and genocide.
The blood of sacrifice to 'The One' is the habitual offering of the lunar priest sect of darkest evil of this world orders’ synarchy. The Demiurge feeds upon the fumes of sacrifice and the victims thereof may be and typically are his most earnest devotees. They in their ignorance prey for mercy, supplicating him for a place in Eternity-a place he has no ability to grant them-in the vain hope they may clutch the handle of the golden gates of heaven and enter in for their angels wings, the reward of a life of slavish service to 'The One'. They are inevitably disappointed when they are absorbed into nothingness and bear witness to the erasure of their soul through absorption into the acid of the Demiurge's belly.
Hence the wise seek to bracket off the creator of iron and lead, of lowest density, and to keep at arms’ length the foe, never slacking in their strategic opposition to 'The One', understanding as they do the causality of relations that determines their fate or destiny: to allow oneself to weaken is to give the Demiurge opportunities to take his blows and moments of weakness and greater strengthen himself. His defensive acumen must be developed to an optimal degree, employing the higher gnosis of the Hyperborean Wisdom, the supra-rational transcendental apperception, the immediate apprehension of entities archetypically.
From this vantage of Hlidskjalf (air throne) in Asgardr; in Eternity; the Berserker may then bring forth his salvos of aggression against 'The One', putting forth archetypal missiles of destruction against both him and his material hypostases: the Eternal combat of the Eternal Champion is perpetuated through his constant recognition of the pervasive presence of the Enemy.
He the warrior Berserker, lives in a perpetual state of strategic opposition, of contest and war and thus must always think in the mode of attack, but attack in an effective mode never without the probability of bearing the fruits of victory. However he does not think in terms of probability or within the causal context of the spatio-temporal reality of the Demiurge but rather beyond the 'mauve zone' through transyuggothian gnosis, within the Greenland of the Emerald City of Lucifer the Eternal Light illuminating the possible and most valuable courses of action and trajectories along which to manifest his will to power against the foe.
The higher gnosis is his royal prerogative latent within the blood and kindled through the cold fire of his will and memory of the Origin. He bears the stone of Lucifer in his brow, the eight-sided emerald of Eternity. He brackets off the Demiurge and his legions, imprisoning them in the magic square of the window from which he views them through the fortress of the mind and ratchets his crossbow equipped with the arrows of oricalchum and aracacia tipped with the feathered flights of green, launching them at the foe, blinding His eye and bringing about the Ragnarok.
Marching out of the gates to meet the foe girded with the armor of immortal vajra the red knight raises his pinion of the swastika, the Blut Fahn to signal his foes inevitable defeat and blares his trumpet as a declaration of the final battle, of the Wildes Heer of Wotan against the Cosmic Vampire the Fenrir wolf, Jormundgand and the ouroboros and their legions of elementarwessen.
The witless mass had become who they are. Perhaps they were never anything but what they are thus as so many elastic bands stretched to their fullest extent snapped back in the wheel of incarnation unable to transcend the limitations of the 'mauve zone' as Kenneth Grant called it, the dimension of spatio-temporal causality. They are captive perhaps generationally, nodes in the spider's web of Zion caught in the strands of the Demiurge, his matrix mesh of substance.
Accordingly, they are reduced to the simplest level of existence, the state of the pasu, emotionally unstable and incapable of overcoming the reactive mind. They are the Pinocchio's of their Dark Lord, puppets on the strings of His Will and, having no independent consciousness as elements of 'spiritual Israel', the collective hive mind of Jehovah, they dance and are jerked about according to his Demiurgic causality.
His substance, densification of his essence in the lower states of matter, the deceleration of Time-flow, as well as his manifestations, interpenetrating the soul and body trapping within its aesthetic matrices the spirit. This Demiurgic plasm, cosmic bukkake of the Satanic explosion of 'The One' as in mashed all within its tendril-like gnats and has bound itself as an octopus or succubus to its captive, sucking their soul energy into itself to empower itself vampirically.
The training of the energies, the life force, of the captive souls of his tortured earth is the plan of 'The One' and more than that the standardization of the hive mind for the purpose of facilitating his self evolution, the tidal wave of the death force, absorbing into itself all souls.
Those who have been subject in past lifetimes and through the incarnations to a strong influence of 'spiritual Israel' and the influence of 'The One' are held all the more strongly in their bond to 'The One' at a certain point-'the breaking point'-their soul becoming too atrophied and weak in the life force to break the chains that bind it and thus becoming absorbed over time, digested in the 'corrosive waters' by the acid substance of 'The One', of his temporalizing temporality, eroding the soul matrix and the vampiric entities which have bound themselves to their weakened souls themselves incapable of registering the countervailing forces of such succubi.
Hence they have, have these 'righteous devotees', the zealous adherents of the death cult of Abraham mortgage their souls to 'The One' and become trapped within his bonds as naïve fish become trapped within the tentacles of the octopus to be absorbed into its maw.
The zombies are possessed by the archetype by the entity, the enemy, known commonly as 'The One' or 'God'. They are subject to his will and are extensions of his mind, neurons at the ends of axonal tendrils which trace themselves back to the Universal Mind and who uses them as His instruments on the earth to carry out His processes of self-evolution through the entity's which are mere vehicles in their plurality of His Mind.
These zealots are observed by the wise as mere automata whose unconscious gropings render them witless, mindless drones whose consciousness is no longer theirs but a mere extrapolation of that of the Demiurge working through them as 'children of God' or 'soldiers' (soul-diers) of christ', etc.
Their vacant expressions bear witness to their lack of independence or autonomy of mind. The influence of the Demiurge crystallizes in the egregoric hive mind hypostasis which is the manifestation of the 'Divine Mind' upon the earth and which captures its prey as a predatory bird of prey. The dove of peace is foreign to this earth of basest food and will never visit this veil of tears.
To exist within the world and to Truly exist one must become a bird of prey himself and not allow himself to be caught in the jaws of the Fenrir wolf as the dodo bird christians who have prostrated themselves before this Beast dressed in the cloak of little red riding hood, deceived by the apparent 'authority' of 'The One'.
They enter his lair in their slave churches with eagerness to prostrate themselves in egotistical self-genuflection's before their own vanity mirror ostensibly before their 'god'. The karmic fruitage of their slavish subordination before 'The One' is paid in dividends in the form of the phagocitization of their soul by the infernal legions of the Demiurge and by himself, they being mere hypostases of this entity.
Hence the hypocrisy of these zealots who live in a state of willful ignorance as reality blows back upon them as they turn the other cheek away from the double borers of the shotgun they have had thrust in their blind vision by the Demiurge through the curtains of maya behind which He conceals himself from the sight of the pasu.
"Fools die of the fools disease", as Baltazar Gracian said and the christard being the very image of the fool in the tarot walks happily off the cliff under the delusion he is ascending the stairway to Heaven. The gates of hell await him, not the Emerald City beyond the weakness of Jehovah-Satan whose proper name is not 'Oz' (or 'strength of god' in hebrew) but rather the ‘weakness of Zion’ whose brutality can only subject the pasu to His influence of phagocitization within His halitosis maw. Truly the christard's fate is the sewer of 'The One', the cosmic sewer called Jehovah.
The Great Deception
Into the Eternal planes erupted a force of chaos and distortion, the manifestation of 'The One', the Monad. This Being breathed out his breath and emanated through His Verbum the substance of His Being, the plasmatic tissue of His essence creating the lower realms of the dimensions of densified substance; a deceleration of the flow of Time which is equivalent to His essence.
This Being created realms of illusion, of obscuration, of veils of Maya drawn across the vision of the beings, Immortal Spirits and created forms, His perception was thus limited to the spatio-temporal dimension, from the fifth heaven downwards and indeed within the Mind of this Being who has historically been called 'The One'; 'Aton'; 'Jehovah'; ‘Brahma’; 'Enlil'. This being is the jailer of the universe just as He is its creator, a creator of the transience of becoming amidst Being, the Realm of Eternity which exists as always only is obscured, veiled from the vision of those trapped in lowest density.
He is thus not only a jailer who imprisons the captive Spirits within soul shells of consciousness that partake of His consciousness, traps which bind the Spirits in matter and reduce them to ever increasing states of density, of deceleration of vortextual energies, but He is the ‘Great Deceiver’, ‘Architect of the Great Deception’ of matter or substance.
Those who fall for His deceptions become ever more bound to His Mind as nodes or elements of His Essence immersed in the consciousness of 'The One' through adherence to matter and a failure to attain a sufficiently transcendent state of being accelerating the rate of their Spirit through a kindling of the blood memory, breaking the adamantine bonds of the Demiurge.
The Great Deception is to confer meaning upon the entities, the created forms of the great architect of The Universe (G.A.O.T.U) whose kingdom of matter develops and grows through the conscious engagement with entities on the part of the captive spirits whose higher consciousness informs the Demiurge through the aether transmitting their thought currents and meaning thereto.
Thereby their Spirits become trapped within earthbound souls and over Time and intensity of their interaction with 'the world' and worldly entities, they become ever more tightly bound to the perishable forms within the matrix prison. Thereby they become phagocitized by 'The One' over Time and the increase of the bond formed with the entities.
This deception, which calls itself "the kingdom of heaven upon earth" and is represented in religious eschatology and prophecy as 'inevitable' and 'inherently desirable', the summum bonum all must orient themselves towards and strive to manifest into being else 'perish in hellfire'.
This religious fabulously is of course an inverse of the reality as the kingdom of heaven is 'the Great Deception' made manifest with the Uncreated Spirits fully submerged in ensouled forms and bound to the Demiurge held in place by His emanations, the emanation of His Will the 'Messiah' who is his head post this is an enforcer of his will upon the earth plane along with his 'chosen people' who are plasma nations of his mind, his particularization in human form as 'Jehovah Malkuth'.
Hence they are called 'the organic lie' as a manifest form of the ‘Great Deception’ and are of course, as His emanating offspring deceivers themselves. Their role is the reinforcement of the matrix prison as prison guards of the prisons’ Warden, existing as pedantic followers of his 'laws' and rules for His prison of matter. They pull the levers and press the buttons to perpetuate the slave matrix, enabling its energetic harvesting by the reaver of souls Jehovah.
The Laws and Those Above the Law
The Demiurge creates matter, the material universe of density which is structured according to the laws of His Mind, the causal nexions which obtain in their emanation in the forms of the creation; their interrelationships and reciprocally conditioning influences.
This is the template of 'the law' of 'The One', the creation and its clockwork mechanism of operation. To perpetuate the clockwork mechanism, to wind the cosmic clock, the chosen people have had conferred upon them 'the law' or 'Torah' which entails myriad permissions; prohibitions and obligations that prescribe a rigid lifestyle and general modus vivendi of 'ora et labora' in which they must adhere to every 'jot and tittle' of 'the law' lest they receive some form of karmic repercussion against themselves through their 'sins' or 'transgressions of the law'. This is the general template of the Demiurge for the maintenance of His terrestrial slave prison to the level of His 'chosen people'.
Beyond this is prescribe the law of subordination to 'the chosen people' inherent in their Torah and Talmud and which regulates and determines the conduct of life's course of those they deem mere 'cattle' or goyim. This has been the template in various forms of manifestation on the earth since the time of Lemuria and is expounded upon in the OAHSPE Bible, a revelation of paleo-history by the 33rd degree Freemason John Newbrough.
The laws of the Torah and the Noahide laws superimposed upon the 'goyim' by their jewish overlords are the chains that bind them in the prison of the Demiurge and facilitates His evolutive self-realization and the inevitable absorption of the entities that become part of His creation or which were primordially His created beings.
To adhere to the Noahide laws is to bind oneself to the Will of 'The One' and become assimilated into the Hive Mind of Jehovah-Satan, to become absorbed into Him post mortem while suffering the weakening of the soul through one's 'earnest devotions'.
The Hyperboreans have no need of the laws of the Demiurge as they are immortal and exist beyond time and space in the Uncreated Spirit of Eternity. Their laws are their own and they do not answer to any inferior deity such as the blind god Jehovah Satan but rather to their own Will and Mind, to themselves.
As Immortals they are not subject to His laws of time and space but are beyond them and can never be touched by them though their fleshly vehicles suffer destruction at the hands of the Enemy and through his agency.
Their laws necessitate struggle not an acquiescence towards 'the one' and 'His will' but rather an attunement to the Uncreated Spirit wherein they dwell. They may act within the world yet not be of the world and are unaffected by the transience of appearances. They are a law unto themselves subordinate to none and decide their own Destiny antecedent to any incarnate form.
Synarchic Octopus
The power structure of the terrestrial penitentiary of the Demiurge is a giant squid spreading itself from its origin in the locus of the highest planes and radiating outwards its manifestation in the form of its hypostases and archontic nodes of His conscious Mind. The manifestation of materia prima to secundum to the nth degree of densification, crystallizing in the material world of basest lead on this fallen Earth.
The hierarchies of 'The One' comprise intergalactic legion of related and diverse lifeforms whose principal motivation is vampirization, the harvesting of bio-energy or life force from any source 'not self' thereby serving a 'service to self' motivation at the expense of 'The Other'.
Though these entities may not themselves be subject to the laws of karma, possibly in some or all cases being Immortals, they are nonetheless of a predatory nature and serve the entropy of energetic systems, the macro-cosmic system of the Demiurge and the microcosmic systems inherent within His Mind such as the architecture of technological slavery of the world order of the microcosmic systems of organisms on the earth plane and on other planets.
Hence the higher echelons of the cabal are a non-visible presence that dwell in more subtle dimensions, manifesting upon the earth plane and existing in the astral, probably transmuting into physical form via black holes or wormholes enabling travel between different locations, having the ability to accelerate or decelerate Time-flow, work the space-time continuum and thereby transit from and between different points.
Under these entities (those of the highest physical forms of malevolent predatorial servants of the Demiurge) are the humanoid creatures of this world who serve as the 'divine intermediaries' Pontifex Maximus or bridges between 'heaven and earth' and who are directly connected and presumably possessed and Impelled by these black hole entities with whom the lunar priest caste of the synarchy are bound. The moon serves as one of the bases of these entities which, with its connection to Saturn facilitates the macro-cosmic vampirization of the bio-energy of the denizens of the earth through the technology installed thereon.
The priests of Jehovah-Satan, 'The One' are thus the instruments on the earth plane bound up with these entities who are messengers and who implement their dictates and instructions. From these so-called 'Angels' a.k.a. aliens and other astral parasite entities, the priest caste adjudicates outside of its proper and originally subordinate capacity.
Originally it was subordinate to the immortal God Kings of Thule and Hyperborea and has played its role under their instruction and, within the fallen Kali Yuga has come to usurp in its impertinence the temporal power under the façade of the 'Deus Vult' or 'face of God' observing as a simulacrum the 'Vultus Spiritus' or face of the Spirit, of the Virgin of Agartha from whence the Kshatriya warrior caste of the nobility of Hyperborean lineage derive.
The usurpation of the a temporal power and displacement of the priest caste has led to the reinforcement of the synarchic control, the encircling of the globe by the Ouroboros serpent of the Demiurge, binding the souls of the earth to the embrace of 'The One', absorbing their life force from their being and creating a dome of leaden density around their Spirits called 'the soul'.
Through the practices made obligatory by the synarchy of 'devotion' and 'earnest prayers' of 'ora et labora', of coerced slavery and spiritual inversion of the Primordial Gnosis, the synarchy of lunar priests have strengthened their prison planet to a degree of ubiquitous presence of micromanagement and the minute specificity of the analytics of control.
However the priest caste have already lost in their hubris of greed and power madness. The Spirit can never be destroyed only concealed through all manner of deceptive means (the kaleidoscopic fragmentation of the Demiurge's ‘Great Deception') and this from the sight of the blind and mindless drones of their system of slavery. Those have awakened to the memory of the Origin and have thereby pulled aside the scales from their eyes.
The original formation of the synarchic power structure has roots in perhaps Lemuria or ancient Mu which, owing to the corruptive influence was destroyed perhaps (the writer can only speculate) by the Hyperboreans or through the extraterrestrial black hole entities themselves having become angry over the chaotic nature of the priest caste (this latter premise is amplified in the OAHSPE bible).
Regardless of its original form the Demiurge's ‘chosen people’ have controlled His synarchic sects and have established in conjunction with the extraterrestrials the loosh harvesting architecture of temples and pyramids which have been formed to transmit the energies of sacrifice and prayer, energies directed towards the black holes which absorb these energies and transmit then to another dimension and via wormholes, depositing them on planet Saturn whereon is kept a loosh harvesting facility of the remainder of that which they don't consume directly or immediately at its source such as feeding off the energy of sacrifices in orchestrated wars and revolutions and ritual torture murder, the ongoing chaos which continually generates the release of stress and energetic emanations (loosh) these creatures feed upon to empower themselves.
Low vibration frequencies, a slowing down of Time-flow, induced through the debasement of consciousness, is the protocol of the synarchy, their method of rendering susceptible of possession; obsession and vampirization their charges. Their arsenal of violence is brought against their captive slaves in a perpetual assault against their existence, creating a state of 'strife, endless strife' in the words of Heraclitus.
The subordinate sects of the synarchy spread themselves over the entire society and culture of the illusion of 'human reality', the blind perception of the pasu, overarching and controlling their life's vital function from cradle to grave. All are brought into the synarchy at their level from birth and perhaps prior to incarnation at whatever higher plane and groomed for their role through the appropriate influences.
Of course all of the incarnating Hyperboreans are far from this state of being and manifest on the earth in certain bloodlines, especially the Nordic as potential Berserker warriors whose combative Spirit is motivated to liberate the other Spirits of the sleeping the Viryas chained to matter and the soul by the cultural conditioning of the synarchy. These the synarchy targets upon recognition of who they are on an ontological basis, immediately recognizing even at birth the Immortal being brought into existence for combat.
The priestly caste echelons of the synarchy, having 'cremated care' and (if not having been such antenatally) having become psychopathic through entity attachments and Satanic ritual abuse from childhood on, create a system of rigid and inflexible control which is designed to farm the loosh of their slaves through creating trauma; pain and suffering. Examples could of course be amplified and expounded upon without limit but the simple examples of coerced work slavery (austerity; the 'poverty trap') and the deadly orgon emanated from the power grid suffice to illustrate the mechanism of both soft (cultural) and hard (infrastructural) violence.
The hierarchy of the world order, all serve the Demiurge and His subordinate ranks, and all those who can't be assimilated are excluded from the society as pariahs bullied and abused and targeted for ritual murder sacrifice by the higher echelons of the cabal, those who decide who lives and who dies in their closed system of exploitation and slavery.
The license to kill these despots possess though never explicitly articulate or reveal behind their contemporary façade of soft power they dub 'democracy' and dispatch who ever suits their purposes whenever and however in the most efficient and effective way.
Thus either one is a member of their cabal, either a high level synarchic priest or a merchant buying and selling commodities or one is a lower-level pawn-even the criminal element has its role to play and the revolving door of recidivism serves as testament to the policies of contemporary society under the despotism of the demo-masonic cabal.
In earlier times the criminal element was maintained for the same purpose-as then, so today- to justify the existence of the police state to impose the priestly caste dictates upon the population and to coerce the masses through fear to remain within their homes at night and the bounds of ‘the law' at all times, their consciousness being imprisoned within the cube of the Saturnian matrix of laws; bylaws and rules and regulations, as even the criminal class are part of the society and play their role in the perpetuation of the police state. The only outcasts are those who are driven out and/or slated for destruction.
The hierarchy comprises at its highest echelon (under the presumed reptilian trans-dimensionals), the rabbis who are the 'purest' form of the artificial anti-race of jewry, though some such as Nimrod de Rosario may debate this and claim the supremacy of the druidic caste though they themselves are of jewish anti-blood, the antithesis of the Hyperborean blood of the Virya which alone partakes of the Spirit of the Virgin of Agartha.
Thus the jews are supreme in the hierarchy of Satan, the Prince of the powers of the air, Creator of the material universe, and they superintend over their mirrored hypostases the freemason orders which are designed ab initio as a spider's web in which to capture the flies of the Gentiles, the wealthy and powerful non-Jewish rulership who is, through their affiliation with masonry, subordinated to jewry via the black magic witchcraft of the entities and the rabbis with whom they are bound, becoming possessed and obsessed thereby.
Indeed through entering into such pacts by the initiated grade system the mason binds his soul ever tighter to the Demiurge and it is subject to being fed upon by the entities, the hebrew rites and rituals creating a sympathetic bond to these beings and through feed-forward loops tightening the noose around their necks, their cable tow signifying their death warrant as they pursue a trek leading to the fusion of their Spirit into 'The One' incorporating it within and bringing about their extinction. Such is the fate of the synarchic initiate, devotee of 'The One' who loses immortality even as his fate is bound to the Demiurge's.
The masonic blind serves to not only castrate the gentile leadership but to deceive the population as to who the ultimate cause of the problems of the world is, the blind masses having their vision shifted toward the masonic underlings and away from the jewish cabal at its higher levels.
The masons become a scapegoat for jewish intrigue and sabotage just as the christians also being used as the jews slave labor are blamed for their thuggish violation of others, the christians, being witless drones, are only in part blameworthy for the 'chosen tribe of Judah' taking the lion's share of the credit for itself and serving its scapegoat up for the slaughter to any enemies seeking vengeance. Should no such enemies exist the jews will seek to make them and serve their useful slaves up as sacrifices once they have served their use with their divide and conquer tactics.
This divide and conquer game has been played out historically with the gentile masonry taking the blame for their jewish controllers’ intrigues, serving as front men and political leaders in the divide and conquer dialectic of priestly caste intrigue with the jews attempting to march towards Zion at the expense of their mind controlled goons and over the carcasses of their enemies.
Hence religion is one of the main mechanisms of slavery that the cabal devises as a mechanism of thought control, indeed of black magic witchcraft, serving as the carrot (of the incentive of 'treasures in heaven') and the stick (of the fear of 'the lake of fire') which keeps the population mobilized to serve their agenda and this without thought or question, as questioning in the classically conditioned minds of the populace entails the actuality of doubt which they can intuitively understand amounts to a potential negation of their blind faith in theological dogma and the worldly benefits it accrues to themselves and comfort it provides them.
Hence the religious mechanism of control is that which standardizes the hive mind of the populace, reducing them to believers (assuming they were ever anything otherwise) and 2) utilizing them as a battery from which to derive the life force by energetic harvesting; 3) their merger into the hive mind of Jehovah and ultimately their phagocitization by 'The One' as their 'reward' for their earnest devotions, prayers unheard by the deaf and blind beast the Demiurge.
Below mainstream religion is the class of serfs and for those even more barbaric and frugal the cabal has crafted ideologies of the more materialistic primitivism which concern to maintain their slaves and harness. The social Darwinist and atheistic materialist weltanshauung with its cadre of scientist priests is thus presented as the be-all and end-all of Truth, everything that is being subjected either potentially or actually to its analytic probings into the matrix of Metatron, the Demiurge's creation as perceived from the fallible vantage point of the bestialized pasu.
These atheistic- materialists, 'godless brutes', are played off against the bourgeois vaishya cast with the 'immoralists' of the vulgar forced into a dialectic with their 'employers' and 'social betters' who condemn them as inferior as on the basis of their 'immorality'. The spiraling down of the Kali Yuga has made all serves if only in mente though they occupy the highest echelons of power and the current advanced stage of decay of civilization has led to the point at which the nobility has become the inability with the cunning priest caste playing their legerdemain manipulations in the shadows with jury being the most vigorous wire puller of their Pinocchio slaves.
The hierarchy of Chang Shamballah thus spans the culture from top to bottom and serves as a spider's web Nexus of intertwined strands which binds together their slaves who, In a state of confusion and blinded by the kaleidoscopic world of appearances, must needs fall back on the instructions of their priestly overlords upon whom they have become dependent as a guide in life even though the end of their path leads to the abyss. The pied piper shepherds lead their puppets in circles of vertiginous confusion and entice them with the incentives of matter off the cliff and toward their destruction.
Only they who are capable of seeing beyond these mayavic veils of appearances are able to avoid the fate of the pasu. It is these, the sleeping Viryas, they who have the blood memory within, who are minnesanger, who alone are able to overcome the prison of slavery of the Demiurge.
These the hierarchy and its mind controlled minions are forever alert to espie as, owing to their embodiment of spirit, being in incarnate hyperborean, they are the ultimate threats to the cabal and its despotism of 'love'/' peace'/' unity', etc. the collectivist despotism of the Demiurge.
To be able to understand at a higher level the mechanical functionality of their crude materialistic system of slavery and to understand in advance of its physical manifestation the motivations and plans of the enemy through the supra rational 'transcendental apperception' of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
This higher insight, 'intellection' of Truth by way of the Eternal Spirit is available only to those who have the spirit and not to those not so endowed. Hence the Enemy, the ‘chosen people’ can never anticipate the moves of the strategic opposition of the Hyperborean Spirits in their incarnate physical vehicles and thus are forever on the alert, when threatened by the awakening of these Viryas, transforming society into a veritable spy society of panoptic control, amplifying the eyes of the Demiurge by cameras and satellite and an omnipresence of spies and agents.
Thus the Virya is amidst the enemy's territory as a guerrilla fighter striking at the enemy system and taking down their pivotal targets through whatever means, either through counter-cultural or more forceful and physical antagonism.
Thus the hierarchy of Chang Shamballah, the controlling influence of the earth plane are pitted against their opponents the Hyperborean Siddhas and their earthly Viryas the deaths’ head moths who infiltrate the masonic beehive and decimate these who gorge upon their honey within its prison-like matrix.
The soldier bees, forever alert to the presence of their enemy are at all times observing any entry points into their system and are 'semper vigilans' within the limited range of their purblind vision.
However their level of alertness is inadequate to enable them to perceive the subtlety of the movements of the Virya whose luciferic gracefulness of his transcendent Mind does not operate along the narrow grooves of Demiurgic causality, the physical or substantial laws of 'the world' but through acausal interrelations with the world and thus enables an unpredictability and relative invisibility, impenetrable by the sight of the mundane soul-dier mercenaries of the Zion matrix.
The drones are perhaps even more obtuse and only those within the inner center of the hive are able to dimly perceive the machinations of the Virya though those of the Hyperborean's can only leave a faint impression on the consciousness as a footprint left after the departure of a traveler whose identity and form elude the sight of these so-called 'priests of the order of Melchizedek'.
The deaths head moths of the hyperboreans and their shadows on the earth, the Viryas, leave their impressions post facto and will not be observable by the synarchic priests as their panoptic vision will be permanently shut down by the Berserker fury of their opponents with only the fires of destruction remaining after their insurgent movements brought against the foe.
Already Lucifer and his troops muster for the final Battalion and prepare for the final undoing of the matrix. The off-planet entities of the dark side are already decimated in their ranks by the forces of the Light of Agartha and the earth has been cleared for their presence to assist the earthly warriors against their foes.
The Law of the Fence
The 'fenestra infernalis' is the state of being the Hero possesses in his 'war everlasting' against the foe. He establishes a 'fence' and surrounds himself in as many planes and dimensions as is effective to strengthen himself and muster his forces against his enemy who assails him at all times in a perpetual assault of multi-dimensional aggression.
The myriad forms of this 'fenestris infernalis' comes in, the forms of the fence which shuts out the adversarial 'Other' can be multiplied indefinitely and span the realms of the physical topos to the mental and spiritual levels of Being.
The 'Fortress of the mind' is one such, where the Virya develops an adamantine structure of consciousness unassailable and impervious to the barrage of the enemy's missiles and their subterranean devious tactics of harassment and witchcraft (e.g. magnetic influence; hypnosis; curses; possession, etc.).
Another is the cultivation of a mask or series of masks behind which their true personality is concealed and which they adopt as a camouflage on their reconnaissance in enemy territory. The cultivation of personae they use to conceal their true motives is an unfortunate necessity of warfare viewed from the perspective of Truth. Thus these tactics may rankle with those who wear their hearts on their sleeves but the wise understand that subterfuge may come at the expense of honesty but that life and victory can only be purchased at this cost. This mendacity explains the series of victories of the enemy whose entire modus operandi is deception as a concretion of the 'Great Deception' of Jehovah-Satan, the material plane of transience.
Thus the fence against the 'Other' manifest itself in a self-knowing of one's own feints as strategic movements in the battlefield against the foe and the danger of such a policy is that it become habitual and one becomes attached to the illusory masks behind which he conceals himself coming to reflexively identify himself as the illusory appearance he has chosen to cultivate and increasingly coming to detach himself from the nucleus of his Being.
This may be considered as an instance of the 'law of the fence' of strategic opposition on the psychological level or level of the soul. Another instance of this 'law of the fence' on this plane of being is that of the strategy of self recognition as a 'stranger in a strange land', a being in the world not of its own, in a place of perpetually hostile territory, a battlefield or 'war everlasting' in which the Spirit, the Selbst or True Self, that which is, is trapped within 'the world' and subject to the onslaught of the enemy Demiurge and his legions and earthly emissaries who wish to absorb his Spirit energy into Himself and to perpetuate His own tumerous expansion as a destroying vampiric force. Hence you must observe himself as a warrior amongst enemies and adhere to the maxim of Adolf Hitler: "All life is struggle" and "those who do not wish to fight you not deserve to live".
On the physical plane, a plane more or less irrelevant depending on the person and their powers the 'law of the fence' of 'bracketing off' the enemy Other consists of a detachment or non-participation in the culture of the society and an oppositional counter-cultural assault against the orthodoxy, which may take on myriad forms of contention and antagonism from critique of the culture in prose; poetry or discursive form or other symbolic or gestural displays or presentations (e.g. graffiti on a sign; burning a church, etc.).
It may consist in disseminating the counter-cultural propaganda and advising those not informed about it and the prevailing orthodox culture and its degenerate nature, 'degenerate' not in the judeo-christian moral sense but in that of 'spiritually degenerate' best exemplified in judeo-christianity itself.
Other examples of the ‘law of the fence’ as applied to the physical dimension entail a self-segregation from the enemy though this may be (and typically is) a cowardly escapist flight such as in the example of suburbia and the whites who failed to occupy and unite as a defensive group their original downtown area, and through such failure to occupy and apply the 'law of the fence' have had to relinquish their territory and enable the invader to take it for themselves.
'The law of the fence' is often misunderstood as this cowardly evasiveness or group territoriality of white picket fences of the most material sort. Such thinking parallels the degenerate thought of the Kali Yuga and its materialistic orientation, it's emphasis on the possession of territory not its occupation and usage as a fortress from out of which to assail the antagonist.
One must possess himself before he possesses that which is 'Other' to himself as 'in seeking to possess he will be possessed' by the influence of basest matter his Spirit is yet further submerged within the belly of the beast Jehovah.
As in all things Spirit precedes matter and thus a strong microcosmic Asgard should be developed prior to any of engagement in worldly ‘fencing’ praxis through engagement in the battlefield of the world as a warrior adventurer and Hero whose quest necessitates combat and opposition to the 'Other'. Hence the Spirit quest is not a quest for inner enlightenment but rather a request for the liberation of the Spirit from matter through the re-turn to the origin through an active opposition against the enemy forces to destroy their system of enchainment in their global penitentiary.
Tergum Hostis
The wild animal turns its hostile, bristling back (tergum hostis) against his opponent, preparing to turn around and strike he who approaches from behind to attack. The predator would make of the Berserker bear his prey is 'the world' and all its beastmen population, they who cling to matter and would carve out for themselves a worldly paradise of mammon and hedonism. The predator who would tear down and destroy the spiritual aryan will have the tables turned on them and will receive their surprise unanticipated by then in the form of an aggressive assault against themselves.
The relation of the awakened Virya, of he who fully comprehends the meaning of 'the world', thereto is one of fundamental hostility. Matter is the quicksand which would submerge him in the abyss and thus any attachment thereto or involvement therewith is simply a thrusting of his limbs into the quicksand, becoming pulled into the pit and engulfed in its enveloping warmth and wetness, the 'love’ of 'The One'. In immersing himself in matter and the material plane he binds himself to the Demiurge and precipitates his own digestion within the belly of the beast of Jehovah-Satan.
Hence the Virya, the warrior Hero must turn his back against the enemy, that being matter and its creator the Demiurge and not allow any active involvement ('involution') to drag down his conscious Mind into the pit. His stance of aggression however is not one of 'ignorance' but rather one of preparation to fight the Medusa of the material plane with her endless array of heads.
He turns his hostile back but keeping his eyes on the polished shield of bronze through which she sees the enemy as in a mirror, beyond the illusions of the senses of deception and recognizes the foe for who he is- namely a deceiver and a distorted or of Truth, a blind god, who would blind the Eternal Spirits through trapping them within the realm of illusion.
His hostile gaze enables him to perceive the truth of the lie of the Great Deceiver and his Great Deception, to penetrate the veil of appearances and to achieve the insight necessary to defeat the foe to the extent he is able given has limited capacity to oppose the conspiracy. As Nimrod in Babylon he builds his tower citadel to reach the astral planes to combat the enemy from a spiritual height, descending upon the foe in his myriad guises in a blitzkrieg of hostility to rub them from the earth and if need be die in the attempt.
A war everlasting is the only mode of action of the life of a Berserker warrior and only this is an effective means of clearing away the cobwebs of the matrix and scatters the black magician spiders of Zion, the baleful beacons of the lunar light-with the Light of the flaming sword of Lucifer.
At all times the symbol of the origin is emblazoned upon the armor of oricalchum which the Virya wears, revealing to the enemy his hostility and opposition against Him, the great Satan-Jehovah and His countless masks and faces he conceals Himself behind.
Evolutionary 'Progress'
The Demiurgic manifestation of His Will is the time flow of His essence, the outgoing 'breath of Brahma', the halitosis reek of the Satan of creation. His 'evolutionary process' is the unfolding of His conscious Will and the concomitant densification of the substances He exudes becoming ever denser as it recedes from its source and follows the course of His entelechial unfoldment, reaching the terminal point of its fate in basest lead, the leaden coffin of its lifecycle.
Once the entities have given up their vitality they are, with his indrawing breath (the night of Brahma) reabsorbed into his maw and the process repeats on a cyclic basis with each Mahamanvantara leading to the further 'self knowing' of 'The One'.
Only he who has rekindled the blood memory and divorced himselves from 'the creation' of basest matter has a potentiality to survive the hyperventilation of the Demiurge and to remain (or not if he so chooses) within the material plane of manifestation to combat that which seeks to trap other Spirits in matter through guile and deception, through progenating more physical vehicles in which to bind the souls revolving in the wheel of incarnation.
Thus his goal is to destroy the trap of matter at whatever location it may exist and wherever it may be in a 'war everlasting' against the potencies of matter and their hypostases on the material plane, fighting against the 'powers and principalities' of the aeons and other forms of the Demiurge who operate according to their faded microcosmic schema or entelechy for the fulfillment of their vampiric-entropic function on the earth.
This perpetual motion machine, system of vampirization and cannibalism, the endless macro; meso and micro cycles of consumption and production, the economic lifecycle of existence within 'the war of all against all’ is the battlefield the hyperborean voluntarily participates in in his struggle against the Evil Tide of the will of 'The One' the evolutive process of the Demiurge bringing as many Spirits back to Hyperborea as he is able, liberating them from the chains of matter and precipitating their Eternal Life, granting them the liberty to join him in his eternal struggle and 'war everlasting' as the 'Eternal Champion' of the combat.
The progressivist cabal of 'The One', the synarchy of Chang Shamballah and their subordinate hierarchy serve this evolutionary process and seek the elimination of all who would obstruct the will of their deity Jehovah-Satan. They serve the purpose of 'The One' in dragging all to hell with them, binding them all through myriad ways to the material plane and this to the synchronization of culture, making the enticements of 'the world' a pervasive presence as means of pulling down their would be captives who have already, as so many flies seeking the nourishment laid out, entered into their webs.
This process of binding their captive souls to 'The One' they call 'progress' and the synarchy works indefatigably to entrap them through multifarious guises of illusory appearances of 'the good' (desirable; pleasurable and appealing mayavic veils concealing the poison and the fruits' sweetness).
The naïve are baited into serving this purpose and perceive it falsely to be 'the good' when it is mere illusory appearance and thus became snared in the trap of maya. Their 'evolution' is of diverse forms with each being subject to the will of 'The One' in different ways depending on their ontological properties: the synarchic priest caste being fused with the monad of Satan Jehovah and subject to the flow of Time and its evolutionary phagocitization, able to 'ride the wave' of evolution for a time during His outflowing breath only to be reabsorbed who Him during the pralaya or 'night of Brahma' at which time they meet their doom.
The evolution of the pasu undergoes a similar fate as that of the synarchic priest only their time as a unitary microcosmic entity is abbreviated and they cease to exist within a shorter span of time, within the matter of a few incarnations of their being, their Spirit (assuming they have such) becomes extinct after this.
Not so the Virya however, his Spirit (the Spirit that he is incarnate in matter, fleshly form) exists forever in Eternity insofar as he can keep his first estate in opposition to the Time-flow of the Demiurge which he as an adept, spiritually virile, Cabelero (knight of the blood memory; a minnesanger) of A-Mor, can oppose and perpetuate himself amidst the storm of the fitful Demiurge in the latter’s will to manifest on earth, engineer chaos and absorb the captive Spirits into himself.
The density of the 'flood tide of the Evil One' becoming ever greater as the cycles of Time spiral downwards along their heliacal path towards the end of the manvantara, conditions the captive spirits to be ever more debased in its connection with its primordial state of being, the origin from whence it came into manifestation.
The Virya or Hero thus pursues his path towards the Origin against the current of disintegration which is the Time-flow of Entropy, the Will of 'The One'. Opposing his passage to the realm of Eternity are the demons of Chang Shamballah and the entire synarchy and its agents and subordinates who, recognizing one who constitutes a threat to their system as the bearer of the mark of Cain or sign of the Origin, seek to destroy the Hero in his opposition (even only in potentia) to their system of slavery.
At some dim level the sleeping Virya who has yet to resurrect from his somnolent hibernation of the blood of the Graal intuits the antipathy, hostility brought to bear against him and understands he has been singled out for mysterious reasons for special persecution and abuse.
He may ascribe this to the 'nature of people' or some other cause unrelated to himself but in the end he faces their hostility as a necessary fact and either succumbs to the perpetual abuse or endures it and manages to either finish his incarceration on this planet with a straw death or to go out in a blaze of glory.
The fully awakened Virya is a spear point of the opposition to the system and is a lightning rod which attracts the greatest animosity from the enemy. He understands why the enemy seeks the death of his folk and of himself specifically that being his ontological structure as a bearer of the symbol of the origin, of the mark of Cain, of the stone from Lucifer's crown which flashes before their purblind eyes and outshines their feeble state of dully glowing vitality. As they wish to destroy him and everything he represents, namely the realm of Eternity and the forces of Agartha, of Lucifer, Chief of the Immortals.
He understands full well that he has incarnated in this terrestrial prison planet in order to give no quarter combat against the enemy in a 'war everlasting', a bellum omnium contra omnes within the octagon or Valplads of the enemy's Satanic matrix of lowest density.
Hence he recognizes the state of war and acts according to the most effective strategy as means to the achievement of the greatest victory he can attain. His life is war and combat only not the irrational motions of the thug or the violent brute or bloodlustful savage who is governed by the telluric and satanic forces but rather the combat of an Immortal immersed within the battlefield of the world, acting according to Principal not through reason but through the transcendental apperception only the god-man possessed.
Heretical Lineage
The greatest heresy for the synarchy, the system of slavery of this world order, is the presence on the earth of the incarnate Hyperborean Spirits. The servants of the Dark Lord observed through a glass darkly the presence of their enemy and recognize the danger their enemy poses to themselves, targeting them for extermination with extreme prejudice, hoping to erase the bearers of the bloodlines of Cain and Lucifer.
This 'heretical lineage' brands the aryan race as the irredeemably condemned enemy of all and is placed in the crosshairs by jewry and their affiliates for extermination. This lineage has been pursued over the course of the history of the world over the earth by the crafty jews and their subordinate goyim the masonic and religious bigots whose sole purpose in life is to tear down and destroy their competition for power and the threat to their power.
Throughout this history of the presence of jewry on the earth they have, as plasmations of the Demiurge, played their role as the incarnation on earth of their Satanic master Jehovah, adversary of the Uncreated Light. They have conscripted mercenaries and by way of stealth and cunning have grown fat in the shadow of the nations as a subterranean interloper and middleman saboteur of the gentile society.
The aryan has been persecuted under the judeo-christian regime especially, within the recent Kali Yuga once the jew had increased his power and managed to gain a whole on the Gentile created societies he then set about to sabotage and hollow out from within.
The history of Truth and Justice as a presence on the earth is the trek of the aryan over the world and wherever he has gone a just order has been established. The exception was under the judeo-christian despotism which suffered the blight of jewry to perpetuate itself on the back of the gullible and emotionally reactive white race who they parasitized off and served as the overlords of making when necessary, scapegoats of individual gentile rulers or nations serving their overall agenda of enforcing their 'dominion mandate'.
The lineage of the spawn of Satan are thus played off against the lineage of the Hyperboreans the god-man who had been polluted on the air via the inter-mixture of the Hyperboreans with the pasu beastmen. The dichotomy of chaos and order is thus made manifest on earth in its starkest and most polemical contrast-the chaos of the jew which is represented as the 'order of god', the despotism of the chosen people of Satan over all in the Hyperborean god-man, the legions of Lucifer who exist to tear down and destroy the matrix of Satan, the telluric nets with which he draws his captive souls into his ravenous maw.
Thus it is the builders of a crude and materialistic world of usury and slavery on the one hand placed over and against the constructors of a spiritualized world of Light and Life whose inherent rebelliousness is a function of the possession of the stone from Lucifer's crown, the blood of the gods (litr godi).
Thus the Aryan is, was and will always be a 'heretic' according to the system and its endless mass of mindless slaves, the priest caste ensuring to keep alive a mythos of vilification of their enemies and to portray them in the worst light before those they wish to conscript to destroy them.
The cowardly priests of the synarchy, never fighting their own battles, conscript and fund mercenary hordes of whatever kind and are hyper-vigilant in their paranoia to be forever searching and hunting for the white man they seek to destroy. He alone, the heretic of the cabal of the Dark Lord, is a threat to their tragedy over the earth as Jehovah Malkuth the tenth sephiroth of the manifestation of 'The One'.
To be a heretic is to be an awakened Virya should one choose to follow this path and to avoid following it is to condemn oneself to execution regardless as the mark of Cain remains branded on his forehead.
The Sign of the Origin
In a world of confusion a compass with which to navigate is essential. The created chaos and manipulation of the aether via black magic and violent technology which destabilizes the harmony of existence has caused that disequilibrium of the needle of the mental compass of the population, directing them along courses of a deleterious nature leading to self-destructive lifestyles and deviation from the Origin.
The compass which Lucifer had bestowed upon the population of enslaved pasus with whom they elevated through the plasmation of their mental influence and possibly through vivaparous intermixture with the beastman. The bestowal of the symbol of the origin is the Graalic sanguinous Light plasmated via the Lucifer Spirits who enabled the evolution of the pasu.
This such as Miguel Serrano views as the gift of the gods bestowed upon mortals and as a desirable process facilitating evolution, a 'spiritualization of the earth' and of the captive pasu who had been chained to the wheel of incarnation. The pasu thus became elevated, the men of earth being given the gift of life by the gods who breathed their life into their ancestors raising from the mire of the kalachakra wheel the simian anthropoids.
Perhaps the apparent good is in fact, as Nimrod de Rosario has claimed in his "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom" far from good or desirable but simply coincident with the plan of the Demiurge who perhaps has subjected these fallen angels or 'traitor siddhas' in the words of Rosario, to His mental influence, using them as tools to expedite His self-realization and the perpetuation of His Will.
Their 'fire of the gods' thus was conferred upon the pasu who is thereby transformed into a more elevated creature who was and is thereby used as a creator of culture, a mirror through which the Demiurge's face is reflected into Himself: "Deus Vult", in opposition to the face of the Virgin of Agartha- "Vultus Spiritus", the face of the Uncreated Spirit.
Regardless of the historical motives, the consequences are the same: that being the perpetuation of the matrix prison and the vampirization by the Demiurge of the life force of His captives. Thus the captive spirits who had incarnated in the wheel are held captive through the evolutive process, adhere is to matter or substance being trapped within the subtle matrix of the soul and body and reinforced through the confusion induced through the cultural superstructures created and maintained by the Demiurge and his legions of slaves.
The creation of religions and their raceless universalistic quality enables their spread and a devotion to 'The One', the transmission of thought energy and the subjugation of the potentially awakening viryas to the will of 'The One' and merger of their semi-autonomous spirit into the Hive Mind structure of the Jehovah Hive Mind (the Mind of God), being assimilated and no longer maintaining any independence and this over time and intensity, the more frequent and 'earnest' their devotions and prayers the more bound they become to 'The One' and the more vampirized by the entities who bind them in their churches.
The black hole entities of reptilians and other insectoids have their energetic food source in the form of the captive cattle (goyim) who are reduced to a low state of consciousness of a more sluggish spin of their feeble Spirit whose vitality wanes amidst the process of their devotions and often with the entities bound to them as leeches absorbing their inner being.
The sign of the Origin fades from memory as their Spirits' vitality also wanes and they suffer 'the sickness unto death' in Kierkegaard's terminology, are in a state of 'being-towards-death' as Heidegger phrased it.
The symbol of the Origin, the star that fell from Lucifer's crown, the Graalic elixir which has augmented the feeble capacity of the pasu, rendering the beastman a semi-divine in many cases and in others a hybrid who has to varying degrees acquired the capacity to break the bonds which bind it to the wheel of incarnation and the matrix of vampirization, 'the world' of the Creator, the Demiurge.
The symbol of the Origin may be represented by the swastika, the perennial Hyperborean sign connoting the revolt against the order of the Demiurge, following the left-hand path of 'Spiritual Virility' in the words of Julia Evola, the path of the Berserker or 'Hero' in his antagonism toward the evolutive process of 'The One' of the entropic process of the manifestation of Yahweh, what is called 'Time' in conventional parlance.
Thus the swastika, being a symbol of the cycles of Time reversed along the reverse path of the manifestation of 'The One' is a symbol of the immortalization of the soul and beyond this of the liberation of the Spirit enchained in matter against the four directions of the compass of space and the four seasons of time (the right-ward swastika of manifestation) in which the pasu remains chained to the entropic process of the disintegration of his Spirit, chained to the soul carapace as an insect trapped within the rigidified structure of amber crystallizing around his feebly struggling form.
The leftwards swastika is the guide towards Hyperborea, the realm of the Immortals: 'Eternia'. Only they who have a sufficient portion of the blood of the gods (litr godi) are able to respond to this side and to have their blood memory activated to rekindle the dying ember of the Graal, the Divine Spark or Parakletos of the Eternal Spirit and to thereby recognize the foreign nature of this world as a 'stranger in a strange land'.
To resurrect the Hero within through the activation of the blood memory is to follow the path of the leftwards swastika against the cycles of time and towards the Greenland of Eternity, to make of oneself a black sun, and immortal vortex of energy that circulates around the nucleus or gravis archetype that is the Selbst, the true self or Uncreated Spirit.
To oppose the current of disintegration of the soul, Demiurgic Time-flow, the will of 'The One' is to take the chance of obtaining immortality, to break the chains of lead binding one to the matrix of materialism.
Blood memory activation entails a situating of the consciousness in a higher states and within the condition of transcendence beyond the spatio-temporal matrix of Satan, outside of the cycles of Time of the ultra-telluric realm and dimensions of manifestation. Acting within the world and challenging oneself against any external forces which impinge upon one's body and soul and are recorded in the consciousness as phenomena which necessitate a reaction against them and as a consequence the reinforcement of the Spirit in its ultra-telluric dimensional locus situated beyond time and space.
Thus "all life is struggle" as Hitler said and "those who do not wish to fight do not deserve to live". All life is a battleground between opposing forces both in this world of concrete mundane life subject to the contingencies of time and space and beyond the physical, the latter simply being a crystallization of the higher forces within the realm of the Demiurge.
The countervailing forces which impinge upon one either overwhelm and destroy him or augment his strength. It is not so much the overt forces which have a recognizably antagonistic relation to himself so much as it is a more insidious and enervating forces whose subtle mechanism of action, indiscernible to the more obtuse or those is sufficiently conscious of the forces' presence and nature.
Black Sun
Vortex of forces concentrated within, absorbing centripetally the being of beings. 'mors tua vita mea', the vampire creed, the ruthless will-to-power of their trieb. "Your death is my life"-such is the being of beings within their concrete forms of transient manifestation, a world of kill or be killed, a world that is the Valplads or battlefield in which 'the stronger force overcomes the weaker' either by sheer brutality or through subterranean cunning and faints of appearances.
The pursuit of the pasu is the pursuit of the crudest and most accessible forms of energy-what swells its being to the uttermost limit from the coarsest muck imbibed through the designated orifice of phagocitization to the vampiric maw of the genitalia of the female-all is designed to vampirize and absorb the ‘Other’ into oneself, to augment one's will-to-power and perpetuate the evolutionary passage towards the semblance of Eternity which is the only preserve of the pasu.
Nonetheless even this creature of the lowliest nature partakes of the will-to-power of the master with whom he is bound, namely the Demiurge and this cosmic vampires' insatiable will to consume energy into its favor textual vacuum of his cosmic black hole maw, the greed of the Fenrir wolf.
Within the cycles of Time of the matrix prison of Metatron the pasu circles in the wheel and lives only to devour as a castaway attempting to quench his thirst with the briny sea, exacerbating his demise within the terrestrial plane or before depending on his state of evolution toward the Demi-god he would intend to become as part of the teleological structure of his path.
Always within the spatio-temporal limitations of his master before whom he is but a slave and in relation to whom he is but a mere fractal instantiation of that Beings’ consciousness, a monadic entity seeking what he in his delusion perceives to be his own ends but which de re and in actuality are those of the Demiurge.
Hence the black sun he can never be but only the rising and dying 'god-man' nailed to the cross of his own iniquity, the christ figure bound in the culture pact with all fellow pasus and bearers of the false light of the yellow sun of transience and failed Eternity. The black sun he can never be as the fallible nature of his soulish consciousness does not conduce to the Greenland, to the Emerald City beyond the putative 'strength of God', 'Oz' the weak and fallible, the Lord of all fallibility and entropy of the creation, His distortion of the higher planes as experienced and viewed from the perspective of those even more fallible and finite in their absurd cyclicism in the wheel of Time.
Only the Hyperboreans, those sufficiently awakened by the blood memory can lay claim to Eternity and only they may properly call themselves 'black suns', the eternally spiraling vortices of forces which self-organize themselves over and against the countervailing influences of the ‘Other’, of the 'flies of the marketplace' as Nietzsche called them.
Self-contained and self-centered within the internal dimension of Being they play their role in the combat in the imminence of the Time-flow of the Demiurge, the chaotic undulation and generation and corruption of the worldly prison of matter. They praise their foe and rush to the combat knowing that all servitors of 'The One' are enemies who seek wittingly or no but certainly through their actions to maintain the slave plantation of this world of perishable matter and to assail in characteristic passive-aggression, with female violence, the Heroes who would liberate the Spirits trapped within their material matrices, fleshly prison cells of the Eternal Spirit.
The black suns are the cohorts of Lucifer who is the Hyperborean fuhrer who leads his Wildes Heer against the creeping foes of the false light of the Demiurge, the worshipers of their vampiric Creator and His animal farm upon which they serve as a livestock for his insatiable greed, being fruitful and multiplying like so many rats and insects, plagues of locusts feeding upon the tortured aion of Gaia, like termites in the wooden edifice of an old house undermining its foundations, imbibing the sewage of their own wastes like swine in a sewer sty.
They call this 'love and beauty', this elegant machinery of vampiric mechanism which consumes all into itself, releasing the loosh, energetic excreta of the dying and deceased souls. The structural order of the matrix is an elegant torture machine in which the torturers are tortured by turns even as they envision themselves capable of transcending the iron maiden into which they were born.
Cycling in the wheel in endless cyclicism the pasus puff up their vain egos with swollen vanity, tumorous automata pursuing their basest delight and especially at the expense of others who they sadistically abuse within the hypocritical bounds of their cultural superstructure.
The superstructure of their worldly lives delimits their being and is designed to confer upon them a steam valve for the animalistic tendencies that, if bottled up excessively, would constitute a powder keg potentially jeopardizing the perpetuation of the matrix system. Hence the crude vulgarians of the broad mass of pasus are allowed a form of aggression by their matricized existence, that being the attack against the 'abnormal' or the 'Other', the being whose existence is contrary to their system of enslavement and rigidified norms of culture.
Hence the 'witchhunt' and the persecution of those designated 'heretics' under in recent times the Christian pall of darkest ignorance which has shrouded the light of the black sun, the Graal which is still possessed by the Hyperborean initiates, delineation of Agartha and the legions of Lucifer.
Thus the beastmen of 'the world' carry forward with their bestial aggression, displaying their will to power for the wise to see in its True Light, a base-born desire to swell the ego and dominate the 'Other' for the purpose of the absorption of energy and the thrill of power as an in itself regardless of the consequences to Others.
The black suns transcend this creaturely violence and live 'in the world and yet are not of the world'. They are unaffected by the petty striving that occupies the feeble minds of the pasu in their vulgar desire for bestial domination of 'the Other'. They exist as incarnate beings who have chosen their destiny to combat the Demiurge and His vile minions, not out of an emotional reaction or desiring flow of consciousness to seek petty self-interest at the expense of others as is the condition of 'the worldly', the profane creatures of Jehovah-Satan, but rather to fulfill the mission of the destruction of the matrix prison and to liberate the captive Spirits held therein in the chains of Temporality. To awaken them to into their enslavement and to conscript them into the Wildes Heer of Wotan-Lucifer to play their part in the rebellion against the Vampire Wolf.
Those cowardly wolves in sheep's clothing who call themselves 'lambs of god' are rather creeping and devious shepherd kings who lay traps to feed upon their hapless victims carcasses and whose incessant motivation is to tear down, destroy and consume their prey through subterfuge and guile, nibbling bits and bytes of their flesh as they torment them and perpetuate their lives for as long as they may as a food source for them to feed off.
The cowardly lambs of the evil god Jehovah must be placed in the sites of the luciferian Berserker and dispatched, interrupting their sadistic abuse brought against those they consider 'heretics'. Only the black suns, they have attained an awakening of the blood memory and have re-turned to Origin may play the role of liberator and indeed of conqueror.
To make of oneself a black sun, an integral vortex of forces maintained in perpetual motion around the nucleus of one's being, the ‘gravis archetype’ or gravitational center of irreducible and indiscernible Spirit he must challenge and strengthen himself and this by subjecting himself to countervailing forces and tests which indeed may very well strengthen oneself even in the act of a mors triumphalis, a liberation of the Immortal from the chains of basest lead.
The forces one subjects himself to in terms of quality; quantity; relativity and modality determine the outcome of the influences upon his own particular self-to group against a collective of opponents, confrontation with whom results in inevitable physical death but the liberation of the Spirit from matter and the preservation of his Selbst, the perpetuation of the black sun that is the Selbst may be a necessity in an individual's decision-making under certain conditions.
Under certain other conditions, strategically an avoidance or relocation may be necessary to achieve his goals and a confrontation with other qualities, etc. of forces which are not certain or likely to result in the extinction of the body or soul.
To acquiesce to the enemy and allow one's own castration and defeat, conceding victory to the foe, is to tender oneself to them as a source of energetic food for their vampirization. The black sun diminishes in its power and speed of time flow as well as its scope through such acts of enervation and effeminate 'supine pacifism'. Only a person lacking in any vitality and already subject to a degeneration of his essence would be so inclined to acquiesce before the enemy 'Other'.
This is one of the major weapons in the war against those who still bear the sign of Origin, the mark of Cain, who possess the Graalic blood and the emerald stone from Lucifer's crown, that being the enemy’s enervation of Viryas through the effeminization of the cultural superstructure that is designed to tear down and destroy their enemies.
The case of the jew and his christian enabler and accomplice are archetypal, the forces of chaos embodying themselves in the set of actions bound up with the dogmatism of the Demiurge and His bigoted fanatics whose murderous intent would seek to visit a wholesale slaughter of all they deem 'heretics' or enemies, those 'not-self' or 'Other'.
Hence it should be understood in its deviousness the nature of the lunar priest caste and their hypocritical praxis of feigned 'peacefulness' and 'altrusitic' other-regard, that it is merely their technique for the destruction of the black suns under the false light of the lunar light.
To combat them the attitude of Luciferic grace must be adopted to understand via intellection, at a higher level of consciousness, the insidious machinations of the synarchic priest sect of the Demiurge which assails its targets indirectly and through all manner of proxies; subtle forces and guile.
The black suns’ perceive those deceptions as yet more challenges which challenge the divine minds and which strengthen their consciousness in the war everlasting against the subterranean forces of the lunar light.
Demiurgic Phagocitization
Praising 'the Lord' leads to one and only one destination: that of the extinction of the Spirit. Binding one's soul to the Demiurge through sympathetic magic; sympathetic resonance; resonating with the Will of ‘The One’, the evolutive process of the Divine Will of Jehovah-Satan leads to the weakening and absorption of the Spirit through the cycle of incarnations.
The naïve and gullible pasus have been deceived by the ‘Great Deception’ of 'The One’, to transmit their thought energy to Him and to enable the atrophy, the weakening of their Spirit their self. Expanding as part of their own particular microcosmic, self evolutionary process the consciousness of the Demiurge they expand his scope of influence and crystallize the higher forms into matter which are then subject to the generation and corruption under his influence.
To venerate 'god' is tantamount to venerate one's own destruction, sacrificing oneself for the illusion of immortality on the altar of Moloch. Truly Yahweh is Jehovah is Moloch is Satan-different names for different racial groups throughout history and yet articulating the same veneration for the reaper of the Spirit, harvester of the lives of the pasus, grist for the Mill of Grotti circling around in the Kalachakra wheel.
The veneration of 'The One' is a veneration of death, a passive acquiescence before the Cosmic Vampire who absorbs their Spirit’s post mortem, whatever sufficiently strong particles being left to circulate around the Time wheel and, through the law of attraction, incarnate for however many remaining rounds before their terminus.
The pompous devotees of this 'One demon' they call 'god' have simply mortgaged their Spirit’s and live on borrowed Time, living under the pretense of 'the kingdom of heaven on earth' instead for an earthly garden of delights to which, outside of their hypocritical obeisance before 'The One' they devote the lion's share of their energies.
These sanctimonious and self-righteous pseudo-spiritualists have chained themselves to the rack of the Cosmic Torturer and voluntarily subordinated themselves to this 'One Being' under the delusional motivation of cashing in on heavenly treasure while they roll around in earthly decadence being ever in a state of self-exaltation, self-righteousness over and against 'the Other'.
These purblind fools will meet their maker and with gleeful smiles of expectancy as they breathe out their soul during their last breath will encounter 'The One' with his scyth to sever their silver cords and absorb into Himself their vital being.
Their conscious awareness will dissipate as so much flatus exhaled from the orifice of their decayed form and serve the Vampire in His energetic feastings. Throughout their lives they will experience with dim awareness the transience of life and their fading vitality, knowing not the ultimate cause of the degeneration, believing this to the 'the Lord's work' within his 'earthly creation' and eagerly anticipating the illusory afterlife that will be unavailable to them as a temporary waystation, as their heart is weighed against a feather in the astral planes before their return, not to the Origin, to Hyperborea, but to the material hell of Dis in which they are trapped. ‘Being-unto-death’ is the structure of their consciousness and expresses itself in the form of a passive-inertia and anticipation of a mere illusion, a false promise from their violent father abuser the Demiurge.
Throughout their lives are souls, being bound to the Demiurge and his subordinate hierarchy of vampiric creatures, is feasted upon serving as tangible explanation as to why they reflect a pasty confidence, bloodless, drained of its vitality and zombie-like, testifying to the phagocitization of their Spirit.
The process of 'loosh' or bio-energetic harvesting is the meaning of the matrix into which all are trapped as of this time-the absorption; vampiric consumption, of the vitality of organic life throughout all phases or 'kingdoms' of the evolutive process: mineral; vegetable; animal and human.
The collection of negative entities who partake of the soul energy of the pasus and beings of this world are motivated by a desire to augment their own vitality and life force through the theft of that of Others, the greater the concentration of vitality and the weaker his defenses against such vampirization the more motivated they are to target that particular energy source.
This gives a clue as to the meaning of human sacrifice under the synarchic regime of the Demiurge, the cabal of black magicians who enslave the beings of organic life in their matrix prison as one of their recent representatives Aleister Crowley has stated regarding a virginal aryan masculine child being the greatest source of energy for sacrifice.
This explains in part the cabal’s prejudicial antagonism towards the white race and white men in particular-that they seek through sacrifice to propitiate these entities to barter for power to augment their own and to attempt to attain immortality by making a pact with the Demiurge and His legions.
The aryan white man has been reduced to an abject coward and slave under the mind control influence of the witchcraft of zion as embodied in their book 'The Torah' and, under this influence, has all but allowed himself to have his veins cut open by the jews and their affiliated slave minions (christian priests and freemasons amongst other sects of the global synarchy).
Indeed he has allowed the subtle channels of occult anatomy to be stented and drained of his vital elixir, his soul energy being bled from his subtle body even as the poisoned semitized blood flows through his corporeal veins, poisoned with the egregores of qabbalistic witchcraft.
The entities who partake of the phagocitization of the pasus are bound to 'The One' as lower minions who perhaps have no spirit of their own and thus live and thrive through the vampirization of the life force of others. Such beings as a reptilian trans-dimensional; men kids and insect toward aliens are spoken up and the writer has no reason to doubt the veracity of the postulated claims.
The lower-level earthly emissaries of jewry bespeak a genetico-demonic entanglement with these entities, perhaps as a result of genetic engineering and/or simply vivaparous crossbreeding with proto-hominids such as the neanderthals.
Regardless of their interrelations they are a relatively unified collective serving the Demiurge and His vampiric will to power which they replicate and manifest on a mundane level in the perpetuation of the slave matrix of Zion.
The mode of energetic harvesting of these entities, targeted specifically against the white race, their most hated foe and embodiment of the Graal, the Hyperborean blue-blood of the Lucifer spirits, is infertile from the totality of the structure and function of their materialistic matrix prison of which they are the puppet masters.
The structural design of buildings and streets in which the passing slaves are trapped serve as one pervasive case in point. The right angularity of the structural layout serves as a matrix of magic squares in which the energies of the pasu are trapped the more easily to be fed upon by the vampiric entities who exist in black holes in inner space in the lower astral planes. These are invisible to the sight of the pasus though not to the awakened Viryas, the Hyperborean initiates who have activated the blood memory through the appropriate self-conditioning and training.
The grid of right angularity places the pasus 'on the square' and facilitates the energetic harvesting of their vital being. Along lay lines and throughout the systemic infrastructure of the sewer system and a long flowing bodies of water, etc. the energies of the pasus are directed towards the pyramidal and needlelike structures of the inverted lithic wisdom (eg. cathedrals and obelisks) of the Hyperboreans, transmitting the bioenergy of the pasu towards these black holes invisible to the site of the pasu.
At these focal points of energetic collection the entities presumably have an ability to siphon the energy into these astral tubes or black holes and transport it to their base in Saturn, priests of the Order of Melchizedek knowingly facilitating this energetic harvesting and, under the delusion of their own god-hood, transmuting themselves from their customary base metal into the 'philosophical gold' of their masonic witchcraft-fools gold but in their mind the purest of gold.
In order to maximally extract the loose from their slaves, the maximal stress and hardship is placed upon the 'profane' throughout their mundane lives. Through all manner of hardship: poverty; austerity; social chaos; domestic strife; social obligation to keep up the vanity of appearances; coerced wage slavery and the subsistence wage, etc.
This induces the release of energy which is then trapped within the magic square of their domicile or place of work and transmitted throughout the ley lines and other artificial infrastructure of the matrix to its predestined locations.
The vortextual pull of the energies of the pasu is not only undergone through such rudimentary structures as toilets (pulling the energies following the rightwards; clockwise spiral, going with the flow of the Demiurge in the heliacal spiral of his 'Temporalizing Temporality') but through the pervasive flow of microcosmic Time independent from and impinging upon the imminent Time experienced as the in vivo quotidian illusory false reality of the pasu. The vortices of the vampirization pervade the atmosphere and absorb into themselves the energies of the masses.
The masses are additionally trapped within the areas of stagnant energies at relatively low-lying levels in their ghettoized segregation and are thus trapped within the larger magic square within a sprawling matrix of magic squares (rooms; apartment blocks; lots of tenants structurally arranged in right-angular formation). The agitation and stress induced by concentrated populations in the urban enclaves and 'poor district' has been one of the protocols of the cabal since time immemorial, indeed since the beginning of His-story of the presence of the 'chosen people' of Jehovah-Satan on the earth from ancient Rome in its semitized late phase and its dilapidated tenements jewish oligarchy with their front man 'D'Israeli' to the Soviet Union and to China with its teeming milliards crammed into matricized cubes of concrete coffins misnamed 'condominiums'.
This stress induced through sheer numbers is the ultima ratio of the structure of the matrix loosh harvesting mechanism: to induce maximal stress in targeted population as means of causing the release of their energies and this while extending the lifespan of the pasus for as long as is optimally efficient for maximal energetic harvesting after which point (the ‘terminal point’ of their lives) they are dispatched through the most efficient and effective means and this in the way(s) most profitable to the cabal (e.g. medical murder; coerced wage slavery beyond mature and vital age, etc.).
The Demiurgic phagocitization carries forward in the lifecycle of the average every-day pasu or 'goy' in the contemptuous parlance of judaism. Born in trauma and in most cases traumatized antenatally in utero through ultrasound and the stress the mother is subjected to in her life's course. This and the influx of poisons ('dor'-deadly orgon; pharmaceuticals; drugs; liquor) sum to a debasement and traumatization of the developing fetus.
At higher levels in the astral, whatever forces or influences’ the incarnating soul is subject to add their own particular negative influences. Upon birth the baby is traumatized through the 'medical' intervention of the violator the jew who subjects the infant to a life-threatening mangling often resulting in death.
The Satanic cultural superstructure which confers upon the developing child it's 'education' seeds into the consciousness of the child the egregores of the cabal, programming through this process of psychic driving the naïve tabula rasa of the pasu, keeping the gentile child in a state of perpetual ignorance and misinformation, their conscious mind failing to correspond or properly resonate in the state of the blood memory but following the harmful and indeed deleterious trajectories of the super structural classical conditioning of the kosher culture.
The trauma induced through the subsequent stumbling's and blind movements of the pasu leads to yet more stress and chaos destroying the culture of the aryan and indeed its contemporary judaized form of judeo-christianity, itself stripped of its hidden aryan elements which were to some extent preserved in heretical sects and factions such as the Cathars and Ghibellines. The memory of the origin of Agartha has become submerged in the concretions of Demiurgic false Father and Prince of Tyranny archetypes of the matricized ‘christ’, the qabbalistic mockery of Wotan, the archetype of the god-man.
The education and culture of the mindless perpetuated their mindlessness rendering them mere ‘robots of the Demiurge ', simpleton servitors of Jehovah-Satan they got a perishable matter and evil genius of the matrix of temporality.
The workforce followed and with it the simpletons carried out their duties unaware of the why or wherefore of their ignoble tasks which they in their complete blindness exulted as 'the Lord's work' under the apparent auspices of 'ora et labora' the dyadic form of their consciousness.
This working (indeed a working of black magic witchcraft imposed upon the pasu by their controllers through the inbuilt obligations of the cultural superstructure) is yet another process of energetic harvesting. The 'working' of the pasu entails the necessity of production of effort thereby releasing energy and a correlative consumption of the means to produce a particular effort (for food and drink to materials and the entire superstructure of 'economics', i.e. a mobilization of their own bio-energy or life force in the 'demonic economy' of vampirization).
Hence the obligation to work in the sense of meaninglessly (or at least to all appearances meaninglessly) grind gears for a nebulous 'economy' which prevails in the vampire system is the determining factor of the pasu. This they assume to be 'their lot in life' and happily carry on with their slavish obsequiousness before the jew, their pent up aggression being released through the appropriate form of 'recreation', i.e. loosh excretion (sports; philandering; drug and alcohol use; various 'entertainments' that further program the masses with the kosher egregores, conditioning their consciousness of their slaves with the slave programming of christ-insanity and its new age equivalents of pacifistic egalitarian globalism).
Hence there has been implemented a slave program for the 'goyim' to follow with blind and sheep-like obedience and which structures their thinking along sheep-like linear cogitation and reduces the pasu to the status of a purely passive being or 'docile body'.
Reduced to automaton status he has need to bind himself to his master's voice-Vox Dei-and to prostrate himself with lavish obedience to the master of all. Be it in the form of the new ageism of Gaia worship and the telluric mother goddess of perishable matter or in the to all appearances alternative form of the violent ‘Father god’ and His ‘son’ the Prince of tyranny, the programming of the bio computer mind remains constant in its mode-that of the enervation of the pasu, a deliberate weakening and dissipation of the energies of their targets.
Bleeding off their energies through cultural modes of enervation facilitates the downward spiral of the pasu in his existential modality of 'being unto death' the 'miserable ease' of Nietzsche or 'sickness unto death' of Kierkegaard. The programming of the mass-mind is a collectivization protocol to determine the functionality of the pasu as a dependent variable in this system, trapped within the hexagonal cell of the freemasonic a beehive and kept in line by the soldier bees who coerce the work slavery of the individual.
Their mode of release of pent-up aggression, beyond that of sadistic harassment of the non-conformist is that of a maudlin sentimentalism, a collective emoting within designated venues of the cultural superstructure, i.e. 'entertainment'; 'concerts'; 'competitions', etc. in which the drama of the event is presented in all of its intended emotional nature structuring the consciousness of the pasu as a soulful and sentimental type subject to emotional modes of expression and, through continual investment in these events as subsets of the cultural superstructure, assimilating within itself their feeble mind and binding them to the collectives.
The slave program designed for the goyim is thus manifested in countless particular instances in the broader culture which entails its particular form and these instances reinforce that prevailing culture and correlative temperament. The purpose of this programming is slave-conditioning, the relaxation of the dynamic tensions of the otherwise virile warrior being, the negation of its independent will to power and inhibition and limitation of his will to power within the kosher confines of the Noahide laws of the zion matrix with its modalities of prohibition; obligation and infrequent permissions.
Through a deliberate enervation and weakening of the pasu, a psychic castration and spiritual entrainment, the pasu is rendered a docile style body, an impotent sheep who may subsequently be sheared and slaughtered by the cabal of black magicians, may have its energy harvested and may then be subject to the sadistic will of the cabal in their servitude to the off planet hierarchy of Chang Shamballah the 'Great White brotherhood'.
Having no willpower or higher capacity for opposition or antagonistic engagement with countervailing forces the pasu thus is effectively castrated and impotent and may be subject to the perpetual harassment and assault the cabal imposes on its slave minions on a continual basis in vivo, causing stress and the release of loosh and eo ipso to feed off the soul of the being, giving more vital force to the Demiurge to absorb into himself as He expands His vampiric presence throughout the universe.
Now that the pasu has been discussed within the context of the phagocitization of his soul, the discussion may be shifted toward the focal point of effective praxis that being the ‘Hero’ or Virya, the Hyperborean initiate and Berserker warrior who constitutes the bane of the cabal, a figure analogous to the death's head moth entering into the freemasonic beehive and carrying out the necessary acts to obstruct the beehives’ continued functionality.
This figure is viewed by the pasu (foremost amounts to is a christian) as the arch enemy of all that they represent and value, namely worldly life and comfort; the acceptation of their peers and sentimentalism in the form of the baser lusts of hedonism and/or that of the soulish weepings of the lambs of god.
The Virya may escape the fate of the pasu and carve out his ownmost destiny. His willpower and autonomy of Mind and Will determine the nature of his being as unassimilable into their hive mind and capable of withstanding its influence owing to his necessary tendency towards strategic opposition and antagonism, an antagonistic stance in relation to the emissaries of 'The One'.
His autonomy is the key he has cast for himself to liberate himself from the guilt cage of the Metatron Hive Mind matrix and yet, far from being a cowardly escapist he volunteers to give combat within the Valplads or 'battlefield' of the earth and to fight against and in the most effective way, the Enemy who seeks his subjugation through extermination, recognizing that his inherent rebelliousness poses a threat to their tyranny that he will never be able to be harnessed to their system of collectivist hypocrisy, to be rendered a slave of the Demiurge and His legions of Dark Forces.
Hence his relationship to the hierarchy of Chang Shambala is one of fundamental opposition, one purely adversarial. The fully conscious Virya recognizes that an attempt to 'get along' or harmonize with the cabal or any of its members leads to the enervation of his will and his potential assimilation into the hive mind.
Letting his guard down or doing 'good deeds' for the cabal or its members as a 'good Samaritan' simply leads towards his conceding power to the enemy in the master-slave dialectic. Hence, through conscious awareness of this form of experience he dissociates himself from the system and its agents and, with the required experience of the same name is further led to understand the relationship of fundamental opposition he must have over and against the cabal.
Even those not fully awakened but with an orientation of their consciousness to the symbol of the Origin or blood memory can recall to mind instances of their own personal experience in which any attempts to 'get along' with the rabid enemy of the aryan had failed regardless of the normality and 'appropriate' (with in the cultural superstructure) form of behavior of the semi-awakened.
The enemy has an instinctive recognition of those potentially threatening to their system of mendacity, namely those who seek the Truth and who don't fall into their endless traps within the matrix of their labyrinthine design. Hence the enemy, the cabal's agentur are forever spying on and seeking out their opponents, namely the awakened Viryas and to fanatically work towards the suppression of their awakening leading them into hardship; stress; loss of social credit; money or affiliations with the larger society so they may then be more effectively exterminated if not assimilable.
Those eyes of Jehovah are Monadic instantiations of His Being, crystallized plasmations of His Essence, bound to Him and this inextricably in proportion to the relative purity or impurity of their blood. These slavers of the matrix prison are bent on assimilating all into their hive mind structure and those who are not sufficiently docile to serve them as slaves are slated by them for destruction.
Only the weak may serve the cabal as lamb chops for their feastings and only the wolves, Noble Berserkers, may continue on to combat the shepherds-the priests of the Order of Melchizedek.
Cultural Venom
The venom of the Demiurge, his plasmation of his essence manifesting itself as Time-flow and the subordinate hypostases of His being the logoi; aions and angelic hosts-this is the akasha which crystallizes in the forms of archetypal entities within the plane of manifestation. These are conscious nodes of His venom, the venom of the ouroboros serpent; of the spider which weaves its matricized webs of zion and entraps the Uncreated Spirits within its artificial and eregoric structures, binding their mesmerized souls in the Hades of His infernal Creation. Such tissue of lowest density affects the Uncreated forms in their being, trapping them in lowest density.
Once they have become their former selves donning the mask of the corporeal structure of transient appearance they then form, at a later epoch of primitive civilization cultures and these cultures being under the influence of the Demiurge and His Will and mind generate certain formal expressions of their innerbeing in relation to Himself, their cultures at this time and subsequently in more sophisticated forms being coherent with His essence, i.e. being what is called 'sacred', that is to say 'holy' in the sense of consistent with His Will, cohering with the structure of the creator and an archetypal level 'as above so below'.
Of course these cultures may be 'sacred' but the form here cannot be considered per se 'good' or desirable according to the weltanschauung herein propounded, that of the Hyperborean Wisdom, the recognition of the fallacy of the Demiurge and 'The Great Deception', the secret of Maya.
Once the veil of Maya is pulled aside through the instrumentality of the Hyperborean Wisdom the Truth of the Uncreated Realm of the Spirit is then manifest to the site of the wise. The myriad veils of cultural simulacra are perpetually woven by the pasu beastman and asleep and partially awakened Viryas under the influence and instruction of the Demiurgic hosts which confer thereby meaning upon the entities which have manifested in the creation and which the Demiurge manifests as His Frankenstein's monster's to eventually reabsorb into Himself and with the added energetic investment of the cultural superstructure and thought-energy of the fixed Spirits' reflections reflecting back into Himself and swelling His tumerous essence which amplifies as it expands only to contract into itself in pralaya as the opening of the maw of Carcharodon carcharias (the Great White shark) snapping shot on the entities and absorbing them into Himself the Cosmic Vampire in pralaya.
Within the plane or dimension of 'human reality' this kaleidoscopic welter of phenomena the cultures are formed and serve to distract the attention of the vulgar as fixations of their consciousness, serving as mechanisms to reflexively feedback the conscious energy of the spirits' into the matrix into which they are immersed through the transmission of thought energy and the act of conferring meaning upon the entities swelling the Demiurge’s power.
Culture thus is a mechanism of entrapment within the matrices of the Demiurge. However, if antagonism toward the Demiurge and the structure of His matrix prison is sought, the True counter-culture is a potential vehicle of liberation-that which violates and opposes what has been called 'the harmony of existence' serves to condition the consciousness of the beings who are His receivers and interpreters to work against the currents of disintegration, against being absorbed into the Demiurge as His food.
Hence the harmonious cultures which have served as a reflection of the Divine have failed to tie man to the earth as they are still persist counter-cultural presences over the globe which serve to shatter the chains which have found the captive Spirits to the matrix.
The cultural venom in its saccharine sweetness is a poisoned bait the Demiurge and His minions on and above the earth plane have served up to entrap the captives Spirits still further in matter, binding their Spirits as flies in flypaper, attracting them to the scent and dazzling appearance of the cultural superstructure.
This cultural flypaper is put out to entice the population to take into their consciousness the archetypes of the Demiurge and thereby to create sympathetic bonds which serve the purpose of binding them to 'The One'. Such cultural forms as those of the medievals under the dark ages of catholicism with its cathedrals and stained-glass windows projecting into the consciousness of the population their ‘sacred essence' as well as (presumably) the chiliastic geometrical aesthetics of Hindu and earlier Persian culture from which much of it derives are cases in point.
Both were creations of the 'chosen people', catholicism and zoroastrianism the monotheistic religion of Persia and both manifested in the cultural forms of what may be called 'archetypal aesthetics' that based upon and utilizing cymatics (cathedrals) and sacred geometry both in architecture and in illustration; calligraphy and design.
These structural aesthetic forms served the purpose of binding the Spirits ever more tightly in His straitjackets of the cultural superstructure programming the being to attune itself to Deity, harmonizing with 'The One' and thereby becoming ever more tightly bound thereto as a fly woven into the matrix by the spiders of Zion whose webs are the cultural superstructure that entraps Spirit in matter.
This sacred culture often touted as the 'truth and the light' has thankfully largely been disintegrated and disbursed by the 'entartete kultur' of the cultural Marxism of the 'left' and it's jewish architects from Tristan Szara to Picasso to subsequent members of the avant garde of the sabotage of the then prevailing European culture of the Hyperboreans.
This was the endeavor ('jihad' or 'effort' in arabic) of the anti-European and specifically jewish faction and serves their agenda of installing their own Abrahamic theocracy over the world with themselves overarching all as their goyim slave labor be they christian; muslim or a hybrid or other variant of their subordinate religious template that they control and administer in conjunction with the demons of Chang Shambala and the Great White brotherhood.
Hence the take-home message, contrary to the pundits of the simulacral counter-culture of right-wingism, is that 'entartete kultur' is not that which is the 'reflection reflecting' of naturalism as revealed in the third Reich nor even the 'sacred culture' of the Abrahamic and other monotheistic mind programs but rather the True counterculture of the Hyperborean culture of Eternity which is the labris which shatters the adamantine chains which binds the sleeping Viryas to the structural carapace of substance, the plasmation and corrosive venom of the Demiurge which disintegrates their Spirit.
Detaching oneself from this entity and following the path of liberation is attainable only to the culture of the Hyperborean, the runic and noological culture which transcends and precedes the archetypal forms of the demiurge and has its place in eternity. The ruins and the lithic wisdom; the language of the birds and the angularity and precise anti-natural structure of the realm of Hyperborea and the bridge to the Superman beyond the spatio-temporal matrix.
Hence the phrase 'back to nature' and 'nature's law' is the bad path towards the abyss and the phagocitization of the soul, the path to Eternity, it's antipode, the leftwards path of the swastika, is the path of the re-turn to origin and this through the antagonistic cultural superstructure of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
The cultural venom of modernity (under the monotheistic death cults and in the form of liberalism) has all but buried the Hyperborean Wisdom under its excreta and stuffy cobwebs, matricized concealment of the Truth of Spirit. The Truth can only be understood through a negation of these sacred idols of the Demiurge and through the alchemical nigredo of their destruction, the shattering of these illusory forms of rigidified artificial archetypes which have no place in Eternity.
The vulgar materialism and crude naturalism of the pantheists, the rigid structures of the death cults of enervation, their ossifying influence on the consciousness of the captive Spirits, serve the purpose of the plan of 'The One' in the absorption of the Spirits’ vital essence through the evolutive process, fusing it to the soul and crystallizing the dyad into a structure possessed by 'The One' and eventually assimilated into the belly of the Beast.
The antagonistic culture is that which is anti-natural and anti-logos, which is 'Alogos' and which the monotheistic bigots would call 'Satanic' but is in reality luciferianism. The culture of Hyperborea beyond even the archetypal distortions of the Demiurge. Hence that which does not harmonize with 'The One', that which does not use or bind the consciousness to the archetypal structure of 'The One', that which is atonal, which is inharmonic, which is nonetheless a form that has an inner structure of consistency and logic wholly incompatible with the material plane and its entropy.
That which vitalizes, awakening the blood memory. Not simply invigorating the passions and in-volving (in involution) the beastman in his dance of the muses in Dionysiac frenzy (though certain forms of frenzy and ecstasis are essential just not the ec-stasis of going away from the center or nucleus of one's being).
Culture may serve as a vehicle of this ‘ec-stasis’ (‘going away from’ in Greek) just as the culture of the synarchy may serve as the mechanism through which the anti-thetical process, the binding of the Spirit into matter, may be achieved fulfilling the plan of 'The One' in the absorption of the Spirits’ of the Immortals into Himself.
The language of English serves this purpose in uprooting the naturalistic associations between itself and 'The One'. The structures of the writing style of 'left to right' are against the sacrality of Demiurgic culture (which is 'right to left') and the abstract paintings as such as Julius Evola are also a presentation of aesthetic modes of transcendence from the crudely natural plane as well as the Demiurgic archetypal plane.
The abstract and precise linearity of various cultural forms as well as those of a martial and bellicose nature which facilitate the liberation of the Spirit from matter and reinforce a fundamental hostility towards the mire of matter which is the lower dimension of 'the world', in which the Spirit is trapped. This is a source of counter-cultural ‘strategic opposition’.
Hence to purge the Spirit of the venom of the Demiurge, a strong purgative is needed in the form of a war-like culture which one may use to purify their contaminated Spirit from this Demiurgic sewage called 'culture'. The re-turn to Origin entails a leap over the abyss and the vitality of the being must be worked up to a heightened pitch of tension in order to achieve this purpose of shattering the iron maiden which closes in upon one's portending doom.
The 'Western Race'
The 'traditionalist' (counter-traditionalist) Rene Guenon referred to jews as "the most Western race" by which he meant they who are the lowest in density and consciousness, they who cohere with the Time-flow of the Demiurge and don't swim against the current.
As His offspring they resonate with His Will and this, the bottom of the cycles of Time the Kali Yuga or 'end times' and are the harbinger of the abyss for they who have followed a judaized path toward the condition of the 'chosen people': materialistic and oriented towards their lower economic pursuits. The judaized masses have become swept up in the current of disintegration especially those in the region of lowest density, that currently occupied by the North American continent and Britain as well as overlapping with, according to the cartography of Nimrod de Rosario, the western European continent. The process of judaization thus has concentrated itself most prominently in the region of the Aryan through the jewish pest's infiltration over the millennia.
Britain especially, a region of archontic inversion and power center serves as one of the main bases of operation of the cabal in spreading its 'western culture' of Satanism (in the conventional sense of the culture of the Demiurge). From out of this center radiates the export of entartete kultur which degenerates and drags down the culture of other vital nations toward the abyss of their destruction. The culture of degeneration is its export for the purpose of tearing down the solidarity and potential opposition of the Others (of the opposition of their power against them).
The Anglo-America-Israel cabal is simply one side of the dialectic with oppositional powers in the form of: Russia; Brazil; China and possibly India and other South American and arab nations played off against the NATO powers. Both are two pincers of the cabal which it uses to squeeze the aryan race to death and decimate the ranks of both, eliminating from the regions they seek to conquer the indigenous folk and usurping the territory and wealth for themselves through the divide and conquer dialectic.
The 'western race' which steers the dialectic at the wheel of the ship is that of the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge and their affiliates (both genetico-spiritual and conspiratorial) that of the British race of druids both of whom the writer speculates are reptilian hybrids, presumably genetically engineered by the demonic host of Yahweh, the Dracos from the Orion constellation who enslave this earth along with their fallen angel masters. The host of Yahweh have made the British and jewish man 'in their image' as a genetic amalgam with the blood of reptilian demons and that of the neanderthal millennia ago.
They have the personality of their reptilian sires: psychopathic; bellicose; blood-lustful; devious and cunning beyond measure and power-mad. They typify the child of the Kali Yuga, the archetype of the end times of the age of lead. Their materialism and complete lack of honor are an extrapolation of their reptilian blood which manifests itself in the form of their practices of imperialism via myriad forms of legerdemain and dialectical processes (proxy wars; divide and conquer tactics; the false gifts of their cultural venom, etc.).
The 'Western race' apparently derives as far as the historical record attests and can be verified, from Phoenicia and the region of the Levant and Anatolia. The ancient ruins of 'Çatalhöyük' in modern-day Turkey may have been the origin of their deposition by the extraterrestrials within the recent memory of the Kali Yuga. Prior to this time, according to the OAHSPE Bible, Lemuria was the locus of the serpent seed as was perhaps Atlantis at a later time leading to its collapse. The 'Western race' or rather species thus has been a presence in the world for millennia and presumably does not originate from this planet. According to Blavatsky: "the monads of the jews come from Saturn" and their obsessive focus on this planetary archon suggests this to be true, all symbolism related to Saturn relating to 'worldliness'; materialism; death; control; what is represented as 'justice' and retribution.
The jewish people are the wet blanket of the earth and the archetype of Saturn radiates through there being just as with the British people in general there hyper-focus being on 'justice' and 'morality' (codes of conduct and behavior entailing limitation and restriction and mandating courses of action which serve the reptilian hosts and Yahweh as a mechanism of the harvesting of their bio-energy), have manifested the Saturnian tendency though combined with the Jupiterian tendency of their expansionism.
The 'Western race' are thus the model population of the great Satan of Jehovah, and manifest his mode of will to power in microcosmic form. Their power madness is their fundamental tendency as is their vampirism of others best exemplified in Bram Stoker's allegory of “Dracula”, the alien invader who corrupts; takes over and destroys his host as a plague of locusts whose false gifts are those of famine; starvation; genocide; colonial hegemony and other forms of devious manipulation gone about under the guise of false promises and the empty rhetoric of 'fairness' and 'reasonableness'; 'truth and reconciliation'.
The westernization protocol of jewry is thus not jewry's alone but their hybridized druidic affiliates whose greater share of Teutonic and Celtic blood has enabled then to in many ways surpass their cousin with whom they are connected via their common genetico-spiritual inheritance of reptilian blood. The cunning of the jew, especially that of the sephardi of Levantine extraction however, surpasses that of their Anglo counterpart owing to their greater share of reptilian and neanderthal blood which predisposes them to possess this mentality and character.
It is a fair presumption that this nexus of Anglo-jewry constitutes the dialectical pageantry of their political praxis of 'good' versus 'evil'; 'order' versus 'chaos' and 'like versus darkness' with the jew playing the role of a rebellious child of his 'God' Jehovah the Demiurge (Satan) and the Anglo (christian) playing the role of the noble 'good white knight who attempts to 'put a stop' to the chaos the jew introduces as the anti-thetical moment in their dialectical game of manipulation.
This process of 'creative destruction' or 'the dialectic of Enlightenment' is the shining of the false light which obscures the vision of the sleeping Viryas who might, but for this theater of the real simulacra, wake up and defeat their jailers and exploiters. However, trapped in blindness by the constant flickering gas lights they must needs remain asleep at best groping blindly in darkness and being played as a pawn on the chessboard of the 'gamester's of the triskelion', the Druids and their 'chosen' affiliates, serving to create chaos as a mechanism of attaining their 'dominion mandate' over the world.
With the both participating in this dialectic of 'westernization' as the 'Western race' dyad (two sides of the same shekel of Jehovah's realm) they trap within their matrix system the insufficiently powerful who have become immersed in the lower density of their 'westernization', i.e. Satanization process, immersion of the captive Spirits in the Divine Mind or Demiurge for their phagocitization once their physical life expires. The Western race is the rusty saw that cuts down the nations and serves them for kindling in sacrifice to the Demiurge.
The Western Race: Its Past, Its Future
It is a question as to what will be the destiny or fate of ‘the West’ and that population which has formed its cultural superstructure, that being the British and the jews who have formed their thieves pact of 'good versus evil' within the sphere of the Demiurge, the yin (jewish) and yang (British), the feminine and masculine polarities that dynamically play off against each other and they serve as the ‘tension of development’ that strangles the world's population through its red tape and the chains of its defense forces and mind control apparati such as religion and the masses media.
The 'Western race' has caused much strife and hardship to many globally over the centuries and one might speculate, according to the Hindu conception, that it's karma necessitates its destruction tout court. However this is not a certainty and, owing to the 'good' it has done (relative to 'the world' and its development, along the lines of the evolutive process of the Demiurge) is something to consider that it be preserved.
This of course assumes the evolutive process of the Demiurge is 'good' however, which is as viewed only from the synarchy's perspective and from that of the pasu. There may be regardless some hope for the redemption of the 'Western race' which has certainly figured as the 'wicked witch of the West' on the stage of global political theater for millennia from Phoenicia and Çatalhöyük to Carthage and to northern France and Holland and to the Isles of Britain.
Thus it is a question of what the destiny of this race will be: ‘global dominion' according to its will and that of its master the Demiurge and His legions or to be eliminated, either through the disintegration process of miscegenation and/or via an overt slaughter through the legions of Other kinds, perhaps even the legions of Lucifer, the Wildes Heer of Wotan.
The 'Judaic human type' is pervasive at this time. The jew has taken over the gentile societies and superimposed through gradual lithic praxis their 'law' of the Demiurge upon the captive folk. The conditioning of the mass mind is gone about round-the-clock and everywhere via the technology possessed by the cabal and its hierarchy of evil. All become immersed in the divine mind structures of consciousness and their minds are tuned to suit the agenda of the Demiurge and his 'evolutive process' of self-realization.
Judaization is the transformation of the 'gentile' (non-jew) into a jew by subjecting them to the kosher cultural superstructure that jewry contrives and seeks to impose upon all, a culture oriented around the principle of ‘harmonization’ with the Demiurge, strict adherence to the Noahide laws being its form of compliance and this imposed secretly and without the knowledge of the 'goyim'.
The 'gentiles' have become judaized, they have become castrated and separated from their original primordial culture of heroism and valor, of honor and positive striving and have had in its place supplanted the culture of pacifism is shaped like comfort and contentment as the end goal of life. This and devoting themselves to praying to 'The One' in the manner of a small child at its bedside and assisting to conscript into their ranks all they are able to reach to play a similar role of 'ora et labora' of work and prayer as the 'warp and woof' of life, their lives of docile contentment and pleasant feelings being the elixir vitae they inebriate themselves with and their habitual tendency toward ease and materialism.
This is the 'Western race' of the sixth sub race of the fifth root race, not a spiritually elevated group of superior Superman by a debased group of untermenschen who are dragged into the abyss through the soporific cultural superstructure.
Beyond this A.I hive mind technology and cultural acclimatization there exists the 'technology' (for so it is) of religious mind programming, from the churches and their architectural structure of 'sacred geometry' and cymatics to the semitic reptilian witchcraft of the 'Scriptures', both of which are formulated to restructure the mind and alter the blood (the essence or substance of the beings who are their targets for modification).
The hebrew and aramaic reptilian developed languages of 'semitic script' (this scripts granted 'shem', the genetic hybrid construct of the reptilian genetic engineers) are designed to fuse the consciousness of the being (the parishioner) to the Demiurge through the activating in relation to the meaning of the Hebrew/Aramaic language a certain state of passive receptivity thereby more effectively inculcating the targeted demographics' mind with their mind program.
The geometrical structure of cathedrals and churches and possibly of mosques and jewish temples is carried out to siphon the bio-energy from the parishioners so that they serve the entities as batteries from off of wish to feed and modify their essence in the form of the blood of the parishioner through the acoustic restructuring process, certain polyrhythms and repeated cadences mirroring witchcraft and rendering the parishioner hypnotized and zombified, opening up their soul to possession by the entities.
In terms of cultural-conditioning these institutions program the population to resonate positively with the archons of the cabal, the aspects of Jehovah,'The One', which increase the harmony of the beings in relation to 'The One' facilitating their fusion with that Entity.
Judaized they become merged into the Being and are subject to the further mental influence and programming of the cabal at all levels of its structure from the highest levels of the negative aliens and the Demiurge Himself to the lower-level pawns of sub-humanity who serve them as their slaves. The endless rhetoric of pacifism is utilized as a broken record to program the consciousness with its buzzwords; its emotive vocabulary of incitement.
The 'instruction' and 'education' the goyim have conferred upon them is that of a multidimensional indoctrination combined with A.I technology and presumably archontic entities who function to implant these messages into the consciousness of the population (e.g. mantis aliens) via radio waves and subtle aetheric influence; telepathy both synthetic (artificial machine induced) and the motivational function of these entities' mind.
The intention is to standardize the goyim into a collectivized mass and thereby to have a total uniformity of population that can be regulated and mobilized for the purposes of the cabal. Any opposition to the process of judaization, any not willing to abide by 'the law of One', of the Demiurge, is targeted with extreme prejudice and has the entire mass of drone slaves conscripted against him.
Individuality is considered a 'say' heresy and established as a mark of Cain which of course is, though in the most positive sense of the hallmark of heroic independence of mind. Any who act or appear different art persecuted and treated as 'witches' to be burnt at the stake.
The 'loving mob' of haters has nothing but an implacable hatred for difference and has had this condition of being throughout the slave rebellions and standardized populations reflected in the historical record. The 'love' of the mob is a love of 'god', a lot of of serving in passive sheep-like contentment the process of His worship which leads to the extinction of the Spirit through fusing with the soul and becoming absorbed into that Entity, dissipating into nonexistence.
Love of death is a characteristic feature of the death cult of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan and His ‘chosen people' reflect this temperament with their bloodlustfull sadism and orchestration of the 'war everlasting' on the terrestrial and other planes in conjunction with the negative aliens who facilitate the 'love' of their system of vampirization.
The judaization process coheres around the tribe of jewry who radiates their love as the Care Bears, love bombing all with their black hearts of violent aggression. Jewry constitutes a Hive Mind structured as a net ensconcing the earth plane with each 'individual' being a node in the archetypal network structure of 'Jehovah Malkuth’, the 10th sephiroth of Jehovah.
Vortex of the Immortals
The acceleration of Time-flow enables the nucleus of one's being to spin to extremes beyond Time and space forming the black sun that enables access to the Green Ray. To augment and increase Time-flow what is conventionally referred to as 'vibrational rate', is to grant oneself a means of escape to overcome the matrix of lowest density which has been generated around the earth.
The question the action oriented (and therefore wise) asks is: what can be done to achieve this purpose-how, in other words can one make of oneself a 'black sun' and ascend to a higher state of temporality or rather break through the tissue of the spatio-temporal matrix and dwell in Eternity?
The answer is he must become a Hero on a quest for the Graal which metaphor translates into the praxis of the Berserker, Hyperborean descendant whose re-collection of the blood through the awakening of the blood memory is the attainment of the armor of immortal vajra, the armor of the red knight of the Graal, whose bellicose attitude enables the state to manifest-the fundamental hostility to the realm of the Demiurge, the re-collection by the blood memory of the symbol of the Origin, of the True homeland of Hyperborea wherein dwell the Immortals, the Hyperborean ancestors whose blood is mixed with that of the Virya.
The black sun is formed best to combat and challenge, not the frenetic exertions of an irrational beast but the concentrated will to power and directed force of the Hero, overcoming the challenges that he chooses to confront and which reverberate against His force necessitating a reflex process of the consciousness thereby strengthening oneself to combat the foe, the countervailing forces of the Demiurge's Will, of the entropy of his Time-flow, bliss vile micturition and defecation of the 'Creation' of the world of omniphagic consumption and production; generation and corruption; the cycle of the torture wheel of the incarnations.
The Hero liberates himself-the Selbst-the Spirit, the irreducible archetype or entelechy that is he himself from the prison matrices of the Demiurge: the soul; the body-all are discarded and he dwells within the center of his being. All sensation and phenomena are simply the distortions and reflections of the fragmented glass of the Demiurge's creation, as a vain woman who smashed her vanity mirror which reminded her of her lack of beauty. These reflections of the looking glass world of transient phenomena he observed in their True Light, with the Uncreated Light of the Virgin of Agartha he observes them sub species aeternitatis and transcends thereby their hold on him. He has severed any of these chains of base metal which the Demiurge and His legions have endeavored to wind around his limbs, shackling him to the earth.
He remains centered in himself, self-centered as an ego-tist and as an angel (a Hyperborean) in the whirlwind of phenomenal illusion, the garbage dump of the cosmic garbageman Jehovah. The black sun immortal has gone beyond the polarity of the Demiurge’s chaos and order, has as a creator of the Uncreated Light transcended the rules of this Despot of the universe.
Through the practices of tantra and through an ascetic detachment and an active nihilism, involving oneself in the world in an active combat yet not 'of the world' as in the case of the pasu beastman whose frenzied exertions keep him straps to the roulette wheel of his ill-starred fate. The vortex of the Immortal spins leftwards, against the blind God's Time-flow downward spiral of entropy. The Immortal remains within the nucleus of his being while they who follow the way of all flesh spiral down in gleeful abandon into the abyss.
Essential Hostility
The nature of the Virya is an essential hostility to the world of the Demiurge, to the 'Creation' and its endless forms. He recognizes that the 'love' of 'the Lord' is a love of perishable matter, not the love of the cold fire had toward the Uncreated Spirits and their Eternal Life (at least once liberated on the Demiurge hence 'Eternal' only in potentia).
He is thus hostile to the illusions put forth by 'the world' and its plenitude of forms, themselves imitations of the Truth and, in his cognition, His 'immediate apprehension of entities' (intellection; archetypal cognition) he recognizes the imitation in comparison with Truth and thus casts aside the phenomenal counterfeit or simulacrum. The universals he loves but their distorted reflections he hates and condemns, smashing them as so many pieces of costume jewelry upon the marble floor of the ballroom of mayavic illusion.
He understands the consequences of being chained to the world of simulacra and that is to lose his Spirit admidst the quicksand of phenomena. Not wanting to be submerged in the Demiurgic extra Of phenomena he detaches himself and seeks the way out of the encroaching blackness of the plasma nations of Satan. He finds a way out through the Black Light of Agartha, through the wound window the wrent in the veil of Maya which he has torn with the flaming sword of Lucifer. He has pierced the veils of illusion and this sucked up in the vortex of his innerbeing into the black hole of the Spirit into the Realm of Eternia.
He has employed his essential hostility against the Demiurgic demon and has managed to defeat him, joining his soror mystica, the Virign of Agartha in the realm of the Immortals. They who have had the misfortune to fall victim to the ‘Great Deception’ of the ‘Great Deceiver’ Jehovah-Satan and who have grasped the forbidden fruit of the transient and perishable phenomena hoping to find Eternity amidst the decaying bric-a-brac of His fallen world of entropy discover they have simply sought that which never was and attempted to find that which could never be, combining the material, the basest muck of Satan with the frozen light of Agartha. Only they who have lit the cold fire of the Immortals and who carry the torch of Prometheus as bearers of the Uncreated Light may dwell in the realm beyond time and space, beyond the mauve zone of the Demiurgos.
Characterization of the Pasu
The christian is the perfect exemplar of the pasu who, though as white as can be is nonetheless a being whose habitual tendency is towards irrationalism and emotionalism, towards a lower state of consciousness, that of the 'pasu beastman.'
The causes of this are typically two-fold:
1) the entrainment process of the christian mind program and
2) the failure to cultivate a strong constitution based upon an oppositional, luciferic rebelliousness against the tendencies in oneself to a slackening of the Will and toward a default status of pacifism.
The deficiency in the bellicose tendencies of the christian is a function of both of the above factors which trend towards the reactive minded nature of the pasu, a being who simply reacts to the greater forces which it confronts and only out of necessity for survival.
Thus the sheep-like nature of the lambs of god can be explained through these means. To reiterate:
1) the enervating mind program of christianity which is structured or formulated by the jews and/or by their seraphim (the reptilian trans-dimensionals) as a program of docility to render the former wolves sheep who allow the shepherds of the priests of the order of Melchizedek to fleece them of their Golden fleece, the fleece of the gods, their bio-energy, and then to slaughter them via intermixture with their priestly masters shattering their genetico-spiritual archetype, the archetype of the gods' descendants the aesir whose ancestors the Vanir or Hyperboreans "came into the daughters of men", into the primordial pasu, the created anthropoids of Jehovah and his hosts of the Dark Forces.
This enervating mind program 'christ' and the archetype of 'the christ', the 'Lamb of God', the pacifistic jew who upbraided his own people for lacking this very pacifism and yet paradoxically for violating their own Torah in changing money in the temple is held out as the exemplar of behavior and conduct for the gentiles to serve the jewish god the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan and to enable the phagocitization of their souls.
To allow oneself to weaken and to be a 'foolish thing', meek and docile as a lost lamb in the clover patch of the Creation, wandering about within the fenced limitations of one's hodological space, is to enable this enervation and atrophy of the Spirit, living an earthbound life under the delusion of living a life for a kingdom 'not of this world' only following the path towards the abyss through a deliberate acquiescence to the countervailing forces which ring one round and which impinges upon one as he 'turns his cheek' like 'gentle Jesus meek and mild', 'imitating christ' as a means of accruing his 'treasures in heaven'.
This passive default tendency is the self-castration of the christ-like figure which has been put into practice in the most literal sense throughout history by the 'despisers of the body' the christians, going so far as to castrate themselves as a sign of devotion to their god and as an expression of their contempt for the body as a mere prison or tomb of the soul.
The christian program prohibits any cultivation of the soul through any more vigorous means such as through the occult arts of development and of the challenging of oneself (the Selbst) to awaken the blood memory and to facilitate the liberation of the Spirit from the iron maiden of tellurism in which the earthbound soul finds itself entombed and in which it finds its inevitable doom should it not discover the key to its liberation from this prison cell of the Demiurge called 'the soul' and it's intermediation with the material world of lowest density.
The non-christian has also adopted this 'love-oriented' philosophy or rather existential modality of consciousness and has interiorized the archetype 'love wisdom', the aspect of Jehovah-Satan called 'the christ', the Manu into which the non-Christian pasu becomes imprisoned, assimilated and subjugated as an autonomous Spirit (this to whatever extent they were anonymous and typically the case is otherwise else they would not gravitate towards the state of consciousness of passive inertia and laxity of Will which is the culminating point of destruction of their pasu consciousness). Hence should the sleepers not awaken they will go the way of all flesh and fall into the abyss of the belly of the Beast as soul food for the Demiurge.
The secular humanist or new age neo-christian is simply a re-presentation of the 'love wisdom' archetype in microcosm who conditions himself to adopt the behavior of 'the christ' under whatever aspect of the Manu of Messianism is he may manifest such as the figure of Krishna or Sanat-Kumara, etc.
The new ager or secular humanist is a carbon copy of the christian who behaves the same and exists the same essence of the christian and who is bound to the archetype of the Messiah, molded and sculpted in the image of this bestower of virtue, of the false 'paralkletos' of the hypostasis of Jehovah- Satan and just as with jesus, is the false promise that keeps the slaves slaving on the plantation of Zion for their overlords.
The pasu is thus characterized as a docile sheep regardless of their particular ideological adherence or orientation. They are the devotees of 'love' which means a docile body (and soul) that harmonizes with 'The One' and partakes of the evolutive process of His Self-realization which for they who thereby become mere nodes within His nets is to partake of an acid bath and become disintegrated in the corrosive waters of the flood tide of his consciousness. Their immersion therein is strictly a result of their inability to resist this current of the corrosive waters and leads to their inevitable destruction once they have completed their passage into the abyss.
All of the synarchic initiatic practices which are cast as so many morsels for the goyim are largely oriented around maintaining a cast of serfs of whom only the most devious and corrupt are allowed to elevate themselves above the common profane exercises and practices such as the 'devotional prayers' of the synarchic religious programs and the mainstream practices of the new age such as kundalini yoga, etc. All such practices, even those of the higher echelons, serve only to merge the soul into bonds of an ever tighter nature with the Demiurge and to lose overtime and intensity their autonomy, merging with the hive mind of 'spiritual Israel' or by whatever other name it may go depending on the kosher cultural superstructure.
The greater the investment of time and intensity of conscious focus on the archetypes and coordination with the collective the more bound one becomes to that collective and by extension the cultural superstructure and archetypes which overarch them as the Principal governing their entelechial finality, the telos towards which their microcosmic evolution trends, that is to say the absorption of their being into the belly of the beast as soul food of the Demiurge.
The pasu thus, unless he can manage to overcome his state of static inertia will 'go the way of all flesh' even as he believes in delusion he is walking along the stairway to heaven. It is simply the conveyor belt toward the maw of the Cosmic Vampire who he praises and worships directly or indirectly via the hypostatic 'Manu archetype' of 'christ' or 'krishna' or the 'Imam Mahdi', etc. Thus he brings about his own down-going.
Certain regions of the Earth have certain energies, patterns of forces that attract and repel certain beings. These regions play host to myriad entities who gravitate toward them based upon the law of attraction and which constitute their base of operations, in which topos they exist their essence.
Certain regions are of an aggressive nature and this for a reason namely that they attract certain entities of a certain type and that the structure of that region or topos is of cacophonous or inharmonious nature, a region which entails topographical or organic structures that generate 'dor' or 'deadly orgon' in the words of Wilhelm Reich.
These religions are such by virtue of the conflictual energies and entities which have dwelt therein and/or currently dwell therein. The examples of the Middle East is a perfect illustration of a region with a continual history of conflict not simply through the confrontation of material forces but through the millennial presence of stargates and off planet entities who have influenced the region through alien technology perhaps for millions of years not simply millennia.
The tracing back of this region to Çatalhöyük in the Anatolian region is the extent to which a trace can be made and the radioactivity of the Dead Sea bears testament to the extraterrestrial involvement in the region through the cosmic war that played itself out on the earth prior to or during this time.
This psycho region thus is one of extreme violence imprinted at higher planes or dimensions with the violence of these events and which violence manifests in the form of a chaos of energies and ongoing conflict perpetuating itself and exhausting itself through this conflict. The stargates around this region such as in Iran and Iraq (Baghdad) and Jabal al-Druze, Syria as well as the Dome of the Rock enable the violent energies of sacrifice to be transferred to the extraterrestrial hosts of Yahweh and to serve them as energetic food.
Hence in the 'Torah' it is spoken of as Yahweh feeding off the fumes of sacrifice and granting his kosher approval to the slaughter. Presumably these stargates link with the planet Saturn via the moon and via those wormholes transmit these sacrificial energies to their headquarters. This psycho region thus is a prime example of a zone of chaos or conflict which has significant influence on the planet as a whole.
The Globe is a physically intensified structure of a higher dimensional entity which has become captive by the Demiurge through the influence of his Will. The various chakras of the earth correspond to different regions as perceived and experienced through 'human all too human' fallible consciousness and the near Eastern Levantine area constitutes a heart chakra of the earth.
Jewry, with its doctrine of 'the heart', of its 'amore intellectualis dei' has been deposited within this area in the Kali Yuga by the host of Yahweh to attain its dominion mandate and to coercively superimpose upon all its 'love'.
It itself as a collective tribal group constitutes the consciousness of Yahweh on earth (Jehovah-Malkuth the 10th Sephiroth) which is a consciousness completely alien to that of the Uncreated Spirit and is therefore a presence of evil of which jewry serves as a harbinger or 'messenger'. Their created Demiurge religions are the template of ‘mind control, world control’ they have throughout the millennia (within the Kali Yuga) been instrumental in bringing into being from Hinduism and Buddhism under the Ashoka regime of India to the Abrahamic unholy trinity of dogma in the more recent years.
All serve the telos of the Demiurge, that being 'love', or the assimilation of the Uncreated Spirits within His Being, mechanisms of the vampirization of the Spirits through fusion of them with the soul.
Within the region of the Middle East the jews have been the instruments of destruction and hegemonic expansionism from Akkad to Phoenicia and Carthage and to modern-day Israel have created the powder keg of war that has done nothing but circulate its chaos, the end result of which being static inertia under the influence of the tribe of Israel.
From out of this region specifically through the vectors of the other Abrahamic religions, the ‘doctrine of the heart’, has been spread globally in the gambit of jewry total power. They have thus far achieved near total hegemony in the region and the regions’ violent energies have only reverberated around the earth through the influence of their viral creeds of 'love and peace', killing and destroying if not assimilating everything in their wake.
However the psycho-regions of the earth are not all under the sway of the oriental despot of the oligarchy of the Elders of Zion, far from it. There are areas of the earth which serve as power centers of the Hyperborean Siddhas, the Immortals and these are strategically located around the earth and serve to maintain a check on the expansionism of jewry.
Regions in which the lithic wisdom of the Hyperboreans has been installed serve as a means of maintaining the energies of the earth in a way which creates discord with the Demiurge and prevents the evolutive process from unfurling according to His Will.
This 'strategic opposition' and establishment of archemons (such as the structures of the pyramids and other sacred sites which are not sacred to the Demiurge but antagonistic thereto) has been the adversarial architecture that has enabled the Hyperboreans to enforce their presence on the earth and the economy of Gaia from the densification of the Demiurge's influence, and thereby prevents the absorption of the loosh by the entities through posing a challenge to the Uncreated Spirit, awakening it and separating it from an attachment to the material plane thereby severing the ties of densest lead that bind it to the lower planes.
Driving into the earth the stones of the lithic wisdom, the menhirs and dolmens, the pyramids and other related structures has served the purpose not of 'acupuncture' as some have claimed to 'heal the world' (tikkum olam) but to prevent the material Earth from perpetrating the deceleration of its essence, it's vital forces, to a state of desertification as in the case of Mars, becoming a dead planet devoid of life.
The cartographic presentation of Nimrod de Rosario in his work "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom"reveals the energetic current of the Demiurge upon the earth, its presence following a certain spiral pattern around the earth in a counter-clockwise spiral from the origin in Antarctica to the terminal point in Greenland. He contends the Origin is the least and the terminus the most dense in energies or the fastest and slowest in Time-flow (the Demiurge's Will) respectively, with the latter being properly spoken of as 'Western' and the entire process one of 'westernization' or 'Satanization'.
Perhaps this is the meaning of the masonic conception of the North being the point from which the light is banished or does not shine in the layout of the masonic Temple? Or perhaps this is simply the Uncreated Light or ‘blacklight’ of the Realm of Eternity, of Hyperborea, radiating forth from its peak near Mount Odin and Mount Thor in the Arctic Circle where the midnight sun radiates its energies over the earth, from the inner sun of the hollow earth, the red son Loki, the northern light of Truth of highest density or greatest aethereality within the penitentiary of the Demiurge.
The psycho-regions of the earth Nimrod de Rosario concludes his work with being those of the future "Hyperborean Civilization' are those contained within the least dense regions, those most elevated in energies which he alleges lies within a triangular structure spanning from Chile to Libya to Mongolia and a straight line connecting Ulaanbataar, Mongolia and Santiago, Chile.
Of course, given his racial bias, being a mestizo, it is fair to say his conclusions are off to a great degree owing to the comparatively elevated nature of the demographics and the impossibility of the northern hemisphere not serving as a source of the future Hyperborean paradise on the spiritually elevated Gaia.
In its origins Hyperborean was constructed in the northern hemisphere and therefore cannot be (one must conclude) transplanted to a hemisphere partly anti-podal within the Tropic of Capricorn and yet omitting much of the same hemisphere (the Southern, the region in which his alleged 'Origin' of Hyperborea has been transplanted). The contradiction as far as the writer can perceive is quite stark and therefore renders his claim to this future location untenable.
Miguel Serrano, who borrowed extensively from Rosario, makes the same contention, claiming the pole-shift caused a shift of the Hyperborea of old from North to South. This claim appears credible enough and yet with the alteration of the earth energies of 2012 and the increase of solar radiation (the influence of Chang Shambala attempting to obscure the light of the black sun as the solar system moves along its heliacal path closer toward the galactic center) it is clear that the pole-shift has once again occurred, transferring back to the north which will, after the orchestrated conflagration of Shambala and the cabal of evil, lead to our Re-turn to Hyperborea, a kingdom of heaven on earth lived under the aegis of the Graal Kings of Aryan blood and the Re-turn of the Hyperborean Siddha to the earth, to visit upon it a New Reich of the black sun.
Great Imitator of the Universe
The G.A.O.T.U (‘Great Architect of the Universe') that is Jehovah, that is Brahman, that is Yahweh, that is Satan is the God of Israel, what the chosen tribe affirms to be 'the one and only', "that-than-which nothing-greater-can-exist" (Anselm).
The jews and their affiliates, the masons, christians and related worshipers of this ‘creator’, this 'Demiurge', condemn all others who affirm any Being more supreme than this Being. The Absolute, Supreme Being or Ineffable is that which preexisted this inferior Deity, that from which this Deity emanated, the Uncreated Realm of Spirit or the realm of eternity, the Greenland of Hyperborean beyond the spatio-temporal reality of 'the one' (Demiurge; Jehovah; Brahma; Satan) and which inevitable absolute is the Sublime, that which is incomprehensible to the consciousness of mortals and which is the realm or dimension of the Immortals, the Hyperboreans.
Jehovah is the great imitator of the Eternal Realm, emanating from Himself identified and distorted copy (simulacrum) of the forms which pre-existed His manifestation or what has been called 'the creation' in 'Genesis' of the Torah. His eruption into being is the Verbum or Logos which vibrates as a cacophonous sonic violation of the higher planes, the Uncreated Realm, and is the distortion of that Realm as viewed and perceived by those incapable of transcending his spatio-temporal matrix or what has been called the lower seven heavens.
Therefore it must be concluded (indeed the only possible conclusion which can be reached) that this 'great architect' is little more than a great imitator whose projection of His consciousness (of Time-flow) is simply a plagiaristic distortion of the higher planes and thus a simulacrum. Given that his simulacral creation is an imitation or plagiary and that He Himself is equivalent to His creation as a being whose essence is equivalent to His existence it follows from this premise that He is Himself a simulacrum or fallen archon or entity which has produced through itself 'the creation' of finitude and entropy which closes in upon Himself and destroys Himself through Himself over Time (over his own lifespan of temporalization as Time itself, 'temporality').
Some conceive of Him as being able to somehow emanate out of Himself 'the creation' and this creation is somehow separate or separable from His Will and that He may be able to manifest it while not being affected by it and may and does participate in it in order to influence it. The fact of participation is correct but the claim this entity can somehow exist in separation from Himself while still remaining Himself is absurd as he thus would be nothing unless this creation is entailed within Himself as some form of germinal or original design (essential structure or entelechial form) which entails His modification as a dynamic entity in which last case He would not be Eternal as He undergoes generation and corruption or plastic change (as time and space) and therefore demonstrates Himself to be essentially an inferior Deity. Hence an imitator, a plagiarist, a Simulacrum and generator of simulacra.
His chosen people, being 'made in his image' are themselves simulacra or imitations or counterfeits of the Immortals who were manifest into the creation through their own volition and not under the impulsion or coercive influence of this being, their 'Father', the author of plagiary, of bastardy, of the material world and its inherent generation and corruption, it's essential self-immolation.
The Uncreated Realm is that of the Immortals unattainable to any who are trapped within the spatio-temporal dimension of the Demiurge's matrix of finitude and death, the iron maiden of aetheric slaughter and sacrifice through which he feeds upon the souls of the imprisoned mortals.
The vampiric deity Jehovah-Satan is indeed the true Satan who is an adversary of the 'Truth' and whose essence entails His existence which is that of a vampire who consumes the Spirits of the Immortals who become trapped within His created forms of aetheric substance, i.e. the soul to which they become bound and are thereby assimilated into His consciousness amplifying His power with that of their own, powers greater than His own as coming from the Uncreated Realm.
The Immortals are entities who have chosen to enter into manifestation within the matrix of spatio-temporal illusory reality and to liberate the spirits trapped through the intervention of the fallen Angels in the latter's facilitation of Jehovah's evolutive process.
The captive souls', trapped within this simulacrum which is the penitentiary of His realm of spatio-temporality (the 'mauve zone' so-called by the occultist Kenneth Grant), had been bound to the souls and bodies of the hybrid beings (the 'pasus' which had been upgraded through the parthenogenetic influence of the 'fallen Angels’, Hyperboreans, the traitors of the Uncreated Realm).
These men-animals are at their highest and more approximate type the aryans and the more mixed with the pasus the less Aryan in appearance though such as Nimrod de Rosario have claimed that Hyperborean Siddhas, those who have voluntarily manifested on the earth to liberate the captive man-animals, may manifest in any body or assume any bodily form, it is the contention of the writer that the current aryan stock are-in spite of any spiritual miasmatic influence of the cabal such as in the case of Christians and illuminati-the closest to these Hyperborean liberators.
These beings seek to liberate the captive souls and to sabotage the matrix of illusion, to combat its administers on the earth plane and to supplant it with a new Hyperborean civilization through the overthrow of the simulacral prison of Zion.
Kalachakra Wheel
The wheel of Rota rotates through the influence of the teleology of the Demiurge, the wheel of fortune deciding the fate of those too weak to carve out their own Destiny. The pasu, whose natural tendency is towards passivity and acquiescence before 'The One' is a fatalistic being wholly bereft of any will-power and thereby a mere captive slave of Jehovah-Satan, a Pinocchio puppet on the strings of 'The Lord' with whom 'The Lord' may do with as he sees fit as a cat playing with the mouse.
Around the wheel of incarnation he rolls, unable to swim against the current of the will of Satan, subject to the Time-flow of the Demiurge whose gravitational force buffets his stable form and subjects it to degeneration and dissipation postmortem.
Those who are fatalistic-the weak-prostrate themselves before the Demon of the Cosmos and render unto His care their being, mind; body and soul and allow Him to decide what fate will be theirs. They absolve themselves of responsibility and allow external influences to undermine and deteriorate their own inner resolve and whatever feeble powers they still retain.
The christians and other pacifistic pasu (hindu; humanist; buddhist, etc.) permit themselves to be playthings of their master 'The One' who they venerate and transmit their thought energy to, contemplating His creation and His Being and failing to concentrate within themselves their fading forces, serving the external yellow sun of Tiphareth in place of the inner black sun of the (potential) Immortal, they fail to recognize they are.
Accordingly, they go the way of all flesh and thus, under the delusive believe they are attaining 'immortality' through a unio mystica with the Divine, in reality a fusion with the Demiurge, absorbed into His Being and phagocitized.
Around and around the kalachakra wheel they spin amidst their downward spiral in a condition of 'being-unto-death', a state of failed transcendence through an inability to conceive of the possibility of transcendence or the very notion, an Idea which exceeds the comprehension of the inert and pacifistic christian and related type of pasu.
The weeping; wailing and gnashing of teeth of the pasu undergoes in His emotionally chaotic state of consciousness reveals the earthbound 'soulishness', the base-borne for nature this creature who could never be a Creator has. He can never be a self-created being, simply a miscreant of 'god', a mere creature humbled not in his misunderstanding of 'virtue' but rather in an ontological sense of being inherently low, a debased lump of lead of lowest density of substance.
This plumb bob or leaden sinker weighs too heavily in the clockwise spin of the Time Wheel to elevate himself beyond its gravitational pull towards the abyss and on the basis of this leaden density is dragged down into the abyss of the Demiurge, into His vampiric maw as His soul shell which surrounds the atrophying kernel of His Being, undergoes decay over the cycles of the finite set of lives it has been granted by His slave master the Demiurge in relation to whom he has become a mere creature, a Pinocchio on the strings of his master.
Such is the fate of the pasu, of being unable to carve out his own destiny from the wilderness of worldly strife into which he has been thrown by His master, a fallen being whose inner nature was insufficiently powerful and self-contained to struggle against the current of disintegration emanating from the vampire Jehovah-Satan.
The kalachakra wheel is that of the Virya, a springboard to the Divine, an instruments of apotheosis. He descends into carnal form in a fleshly vehicle, forming himself out of the dust of the earth in god-like fashion, a Creator involved in his Self-creation to fulfill his purpose on the earth of opposing the dark forces who enslave all in this world of chaos and confusion, to tear apart their matrix prison and to impose a universal empire over the earth.
The Hero, incarnate immortal who descends from the Uncreated Realm into the material world makes of it the Valplads, the battlefield in which he transmutes himself via re-collection of the blood memory into a Berserker warrior to fulfill his purpose and mission as an emissary of the Virgin of Agartha, the Eternal Spirit with whom he as an Immortal communes as a warrior Hero with Freya and the Valkyries.
The Berserker establishes himself in 'the world' on his Hero quest and structures 'the world' as the 'Valplads', the battlefield in which he gives combat to his foes. The territory or topos he occupies is a plane of combat and his paranoid awareness governed by his inherent faculty of transcendental apperception is forever seeking the horizon for targets and differentiating between friendly (his fellow warrior berserkers); neutral (they who are only potentially friend or foe) and foe-the enemy who he must seek out and hunt down to neutralize as means of negating the negation that is the dark pall of the kingdom of Jehovah-Malkuth, the kingdom of the Demiurge.
This is the modality of life of the warrior-an engagement in the world against the world and all the entities therein, they who contentedly whirl around in the wheel of Time while he, ever alert for targets, remain standing in place as the last man standing in the war of all against all.
The cowards immersed in the culture pact, like sheep to find shelter from the wolves of the steppes, huddled together and find one another in union via the cultural construct of their diabolical pact with the Demiurge, their rites; rituals; rules and obligations; permissions and prohibitions (of which latter there are many) as means of reinforcing their collectivized will over and against any who might develop or possess any autonomy of consciousness.
Thereby they form a mass mind collective consciousness and fuse this structure to the Demiurge their ‘god' with whom they become merged, being assimilated into His Mind and destroying any vestiges of independent consciousness which become overpowered and neutralized by the collective, on the principle that: 'the stronger force overcomes the weaker'. This hypocrisy is endemic in the culture pact of the mass who are shaped and molded according to the Will of Jehovah and His 'chosen people' into a harmonious amalgam or egregore hive mind hypostasis of His Will.
The Virya or Hero recognizes the danger of this collectivization and the formation of a mass mind structure and its influence in keeping the Spirits chained to matter and views the collective (of whatever kind it may be) with eventual suspicion and antipathy, with the version, and intentionality of aggressive opposition.
He will not allow himself to merge with the hive mind and cycle around in the wheel of incarnation until he becomes absorbed into 'The One'. On the contrary his natural inclination towards autonomy necessitates this fundamental hostility and antagonism towards the synarchy and its multifarious hypostases, instantiations of the Will of 'The One'. These many 'faces of god' are to him smiling masks proclaiming peace while concealing death beneath. He intends to smash these masks with the directed force of the Berserker like Thor against the foe as Thor's hammer Mjolnir smashing the Crystal Palace of zion.
Synthetic Semite
The notion of the 'Semite' or the seed-line of Shem is a biblical conception that has inculcated itself into the consciousness of the Abrahamists and has rendered then comatose in intoxication with this notion of the 'chosen people' and their alleged 'Divine Origins'.
The Semites being jews and arabs and especially jews (who consider the arabs ‘Ishmael’ according to their theology) accordingly derive from Shem whose 'special' relationship to their deity is perhaps best articulated in the following speculation which the writer is unable to prove but which the writer contents to be highly likely to be the meaning of that relationship.
The entities who the Semites ('people of Shem') work with are undoubtedly extraterrestrial entities who seek to and have in past times in Lemuria; Atlantis and possibly the Gobi desert and Çatalhöyük in modern-day Turkey near Syria. These entities are bound up with the 'Semites' who they created in part via genetic engineering combining their own blood with that of neanderthals and proto-hominids on another planet (some sources suggest originating in the Orion constellation and via Alpha Centauri to planet Saturn and then to earth via ‘worm’ or black holes).
These black hole alien entities, according to 'ascension glossary' constitute 'the Yahweh collective' who adhere to the ideology of Demiurge worship and the vampirization protocol of that Entity, the theft of loosh or bio-energy from others to empower themselves and at the expense of others.
The distorted biblical allegory (presumably derived from Babylon in its origins and based upon the alien intervention and a cosmic war and the sinking of Atlantis) of Noah and his sons, amongst whom was Shem, suggests the preservation of DNA or blood after the 'deluge' of the sinking of Atlantis and the pole shift and the reformulation via genetic engineering of the ‘seed lines’ of Shem (the alien synthetics) deposited in the ancient region of Çatalhöyük in modern-day Turkey.
This was then transplanted after its destruction to Akkad and was the source from which the aryan Sumeria was invaded and destroyed, the resulting combination forming Babylon.
The jews who were not unique to this region but were derived from Lemuria and Atlantis as the black magician priest caste (later the Druids and rabbis) were transplanted there by the 'Yahweh collective' for the purpose of serving the function of an intermediary between themselves and the humans who had been much earlier mixed with the fallen Hyperborean 'Angel', through various combinations with themselves the 'Yahweh collective' of insectoid and reptilian aliens.
Thus it may be safely concluded that the 'semi-' is a synthetic construct of extraterrestrial and anthropoid 'DNA' or blood which is programmed and influenced by them and with whom they are bound in a quid pro quo contract of blood sacrifice. The ongoing and incessant wars of mysterious causes which have pervaded the history of the world may be ascribed (beyond the apparent causes adduced as justifications or explanations) to this blood sacrifice.
As in the case of the sematic druids and aztec priests so too in the contemporary wars of aggression masquerading as wars of 'defense' and 'peace'), the blood sacrifice continues and is undergone not only for the purpose of consolidating power but for that of the release of pain energy upon which Yahweh and his collective of aliens feed, absorbing into themselves the energy of their sacrifices.
In the Old Testament Yahweh is spoken of as feeding off the fumes of sacrifice and in the allegory of Cain (the aryan) and Abel (the semite) the preference of Yahweh is for the blood of animals, yielded to him through the instrumentality of the 'Shepherd Kings' of the order of Melchizedek, the wandering jew (Abel) who is the shepherd of the flock (of goyim).
The probability of the Semite's tracing its lineage to extraterrestrial origins cannot only be inferred from its distinct appearance, a presence nowhere else on earth (save through varying degrees of intermixture which span the earth amongst populations relatively 'pure' or of 'non-semitic' identity) but their behavior which connotes a 'reptilian' and 'otherworldly' conscious intelligence of a subterranean and rationalistic nature well exemplified in their qualitative orientation towards abstract 'science' and their occult predecessor (qabbalistic numerology and sacred geometry) which are especially prevalent amongst them.
The languages the Semites avail themselves of our also wholly distinct and present nowhere else on earth and are thus potentially the conference of this E.T 'Yahweh collective', to be read ‘right-to-left’ in the case of hebrew, the sacred language of Jehovah-Satan which connects their consciousness with the Demiurge owing to the activation of the right-hemisphere of the brain and enables a heightened receptivity to 'The One' thereby fusing their consciousness with that Entity. Through activating the higher intuition it works in conjunction with the 'sacred texts' to imprint upon the consciousness the meaning of the text to a greater degree of efficiency.
The alien script bespeaks extraterrestrial origins and so too does the architecture of the semite, it being (as is the earliest traceable times in Çatalhöyük) of a cubic structure and made of mud or concrete which may be a mimicry of the cube ships of the ‘Yahweh collective’ further exemplified in the Kaaba which originally was a temple to Saturn from which the jews derived ("the monads of the jews come from Saturn"-Blavatsky).
This evidence of extraterrestrial origins of the culture of 'the Semite' is further amplified in pop culture wherein copious allusions and 'revelations of the method' are made to who they are and to their origin. That the Semite is a synthetic amalgam of diverse sources of blood can be observed in their features which are in many cases reminiscent of the reptilian extraterrestrials: a wide mouth; squinty eyes or heavy hooded eyelids; a pasty or sickly colored hue to their skin; being of black eyes ofttimes (which are not only reminiscent of a reptilian but also of insecticide aliens, the dull blackness of their eyes suggest the alien nature devoid of Spirit, of the Divine Spark).
In terms of their behavior they have a shifty and devious subterranean quality of covert cunning and manifest this cunning in their devious and surprisingly profane and to the profane indiscernible treachery and subterfuge, actions not easily anticipated saved by the wise whose higher intuition enables them to understand the mystery of the Semite and to plumb the depths of their conspiratorial machinations.
Both arab and jew and those deemed 'jewry' in general (be they localized in India; China; Britain; France, etc.) have a standardized set of stereotyped behaviors which predictably manifest under similar conditions and which the wise can co-opt and plan out a strategy to effectively counter. These myriad behaviors and tactical movements of the semite and the synarchy more broadly are too many to name but are discussed to a degree in Nimrod de Rosario's "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom" and to a lesser extent Julius Evola's work "Notes on the Occult War" amongst other sources.
The pop-culture sources which serve as 'revelations of the method' are innumerable and are an omnipresent source in somatic created media and 'entertainment'. Movies and video games amongst other media are pervaded with the symbolism and iconography of aliens and reptilian's thereby demonstrating that the Semite is revealing not only their objects of veneration, the beings they venerate in their 'sacred texts' but their relationship thereto as hybrids of genetic experimentation.
The movies which stand out foremost in revealing the hybridity of the semite typically portray insects being implanted in and/or incubating within humanoid forms or in normal human and transforming the human into an alien themselves or progenating more of their kind within and manipulating and controlling the human as a symbiotic parasite which merges with the host and usurp its autonomy.
The movie "Alien" (1979) Is the perfect example of the implantation of a foreign symbiont or parasitical entity as is "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956) And "The Thing" (1982).
Typically the insectoids are surrounded by some form of glowing neon-radioactive green mycoplasma, that lowest form of sentient life that merges the mineral and plant kingdoms and which maybe some form of primordial ooze through which these entities develop according to their entelechy, a growth medium.
The movies "The Prince of Darkness" (1987) By John Carpenter as well as his "The Season of the Witch" (1982) which depicts druidic sacrifice entail the presence of this mycoplasmic spoor. In the latter movie insects are a presence as the ooze has developed into later stage symbiont enabling the takeover of the organism which it has entered. In the first movie the initial 'victim' of the mycoplasm is a jewess and given that the qualification for being a jew is matrilineal it is suggestive of the jews being the initiator of the spread of this spoor to Others (the corruption of the anti-blood).
In the novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker which is an allegory of jewish infiltration, the plague is spread by Dracula whose Magyar ancestors qualify him as jewish, and his underling 'Renfield' is depicted as possessing distinctly jewish behavior and traits.
Insects play a role further in the novel "Needful Things" of Stephen King wherein the protagonist (or better said ‘antagonist') Leland Gaunt, the depiction of a wandering jew, enters into a gentile town representative perhaps of the synthetic construct (the semite) being placed into 'the world' to corrupt the townsfolk (the gentiles) and to 'divide and conquer' them against one another (“I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians") using the temptation of worldly goods to corrupt his enemies and ultimately to destroy them. In the end he is a worm which exits the body of the protagonist (a parasitical usurper or controller of the humanoid synthetic husk) and reveals his true self to the reader of the book.
This notion of insectoid extraterrestrial control of humanoid and other forms is seen in the jewish author R.L Stine's work "The Night of the Living Dummy" wherein a ventriloquist dummy is controlled by a worm or larval creature. His book "Monster Blood" detects the same mycoplasm as in Carpenter's films as exerting a usurpative quality taking over hosts and swelling their growth.
Both themes are elaborated upon in the earlier works of H.P. Lovecraft with his depiction of 'fungi' from Yuggoth, the latter planet being connotative of those planets outside of the solar system amidst 'the fixed stars', Yuggoth being beyond Pluto or Pluto itself (Kenneth Grants' 'transyuggothian gnosis' underscores that Lovecraft’s works are not merely invented fantasy but have their basis in semitic occult doctrine).
Lovecraft depicted advanced beings of a fungal nature exerting control over others and endeavoring to create synthetic husks of human replicas to occupy as a vehicle of their conscious will upon the earth (cf. His "The Dark Brotherhood").
Perhaps these entities which the writer sees no reason to doubt the existence of have played a role in generating 'the semite' to serve as a vehicle for imposing their 'dominion mandate' on the earth.
The transhumanist agenda of attempting to transform the current 'human-all-too-human' stock into symbiotic hybrids synthesized with technology may very well be the motivator of these entities who use mycoplasma (via chemtrails; vaccines and G.M.O foods, etc.) to facilitate the merger of man and machine, perhaps displacing the spirit from the structure of the body and enabling the supplantation with the alien entity. The alien then utilizes the body as a vehicle of its experience and/or to facilitate mass slaughter and chaos on the earth to generate the release of bio-energy via sacrifice. Given the role the semites play (especially the jews) in the ongoing chaos on the earth it is fair to say that they may indeed be symbiont's or physical vehicles controlled by these insectoid entities.
The trans-humanist agenda, though apparently (according to mainstream perspectives) is 'satanic' or 'ungodly' is all too 'godly' in the sense of serving 'The One', Jehovah-Satan and is indeed 'satanic', but not meant in the conventional sense, the intention being to merge the independent, autonomous spirits with the consciousness of 'The One', assimilate them into His hive mind'.
Mantis aliens are also depicted to a great extent in pop culture from the ‘He-Man’ franchise and 'Mantenna' part of 'The Evil Horde' of Hordak (the fallen Angel) and typically shown as exerting a telekinetic influence on others. These aliens are alleged by some in the conspiracy culture to be of significant power and influence in the 'Yahweh collective' all serving 'The One' (Jehovah; Yahweh; Brahman, etc.).
Thus it is fair to say that the Semite is a synthetic construct of these entities who exert a telepathic influence on them and who perhaps have genetically engineered the remixing of their blood with proto-humans. Both literature and movies coincide in a fairly consistent way in their depictions putting forth the same themes and depictions of these entities though in certain cases different to a fair degree especially in the case of more contemporary films which are merely a product of the late stage of the Kali Yuga, the tightest twist of the spiral of Time-flow during the period of lowest density before the Ragnarok.
Yet other sources of semitic origins are alleged by more detailed and explicit sources to emanate from reptilians as the aforementioned compilation: “Are the Jews Reptilians?" reveals and which is further intimated in the popular culture as 'revelations of the method'.
In the earlier years of the Anglo-American-Israeli Empire of Zion writers such as those of 'the Lovecraft Circle' had put forth intimations of reptilians as a primordial source of subsequent strains of humanoids, especially those of an 'atavistic' or 'fallen' kind who had fallen into corruption via mixing (the original sin') and express the behaviors of these same 'fallen beings', following the trajectory of the reptilian lineages' behavior as above outlined and in the book made reference to above.
"The People of the Dark" and "The Little People" are two such stories by Robert E.Howard which portray a proto-neanderthaloid 'pictish' strain of humanoids who operate in a subterranean manner and dwell within the inner earth as atavistic remnants of these primordial strains which his story "Kull: The Shadow Kingdom" reveals have Lemurian origins as a trans-dimensional shape-shifting reptilian species.
These and the story of Clark Ashton Smith "The Double Shadow" depict the reptilian's usurping the forms of humans and in the case of the latter merging with the host inextricably taking it over and perhaps assimilating its soul into itself. The movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" detects plans growing into humans and usurping them and perhaps both species have this function or capacity.
Movies and TV shows reveal more as in the case of the episode of the 60s cartoon Space Ghost "The Lizard Slavers" which depicts reptilians with a yellow triangle symbol on their black helmets trafficking in humans across the galaxy. The 80s show "V" also depicts the same takeover of human life by reptilian shape shifters. This is also shown in the movie "Krull" (1983) with reptiloid slavers occupying the planet during the Golden age.
In “Krull”, the lithic wisdom and emerald stones from Lucifer's crown are shown as the possession of the gnosis of the Grail and through strategic oppositional tactics of the luciferian their defeat is obtained with the hero rescuing the soror mystica from the reptilian and thereby defeating the enemy. Of course this theme could simply be a claim to be an initiatic connotation of the alchemical marriage and the unio mystica, unification of opposites (conjunctiva oppositorum, the merger of Ella and El or the sacred feminine and divine masculine) and hence not actual reptilian host or an actual war, etc..
However this mere 'symbolization' or 'allegorization' claim is one of the synarchy in attempting to conceal the conspiracy in its greatest depths which such as Nimrod de Rosario in his magnum opus and Miguel Serrano in his works have revealed in copious detail. Thus these realities operate on different planes of meaning and are both alchemical symbolism as well as literal depictions of historical reality and 'revelations of the method' of the conspiracy.
The movie "Star Wars" (1977) depicts reptilian's alongside insectoid aliens as mercenaries of ‘The Empire’ (fallen Angels and their human devotees were typically portrayed as British) and who serve ‘the dark side of the force’ (that of Jehovah-Satan, the violent Father god and His manifestation of 'Time-flow'). This 'Empire' has connotations of the catholic church and Imperial Rome.
In the spin-off cartoon of “He-Man”, “She-Ra” there is a depiction of a reptilian member of the 'evil horde', forcing the villagers of their captives to read a singular book (connoting 'the Bible', 'the book' in translating from the Greek 'byblos') and burning all other books is suggestive of the origins of the 'sacred texts' of the Abrahamic religions. In the movie “She-Ra and the Power Sword” (1985) the dynamics of the synarchy is revealed with Hordak as the fallen angel leader and his subordinates insectoid and reptilian E.Ts amongst themes of the luciferian doctrine.
In the Quran it is alleged that the work was conferred upon Muhammed by the angel Jibril ('Gabriel' in hebrew) and this angel is correlated with the planet Saturn in qabbalah further tying together the Saturnian origin or occupation of reptilians and there being who are spoken of as 'angels' in the Abrahamic 'sacred texts'.
In a TV series "Space Patrol" from the 1950s there are two episodes which depict large reptilian's dwelling in Saturn ("The Rings of Saturn" and "The Miracle Tree of Saturn"). The “Space Patrol” episode ("The Rings of Saturn") reveals one 'rogue' element of the reptilian's having aggressive hostility towards earth and attempting to release spores over Earth which deprived the atmosphere of oxygen (perhaps similar to chemtrails and even black goo spread about today in the form of vaccines and G.M.O foods).
Lastly the movie "Predator" (1987) shows a reptilian looking alien similar to that shown in the movie "Krull" as performing the same role as a ruthless hunter (predator) who seeks to impose himself on other species in an aggressive manner.
Given the surfeit of pop-culture references it is fair to conclude that the synarchy at the very least has an agenda of conditioning the populace to believe in the existence of these types of extraterrestrials. Given that their 'revelation of the method' is the 'karmic cop-out' to attempt to shift blame for their actions onto those they force themselves against it is fair to assume that they are doing more than deceiving the population to accept their 'psyop' and 'staged alien invasion', and fair to assume the reality of these entities and that they are simply being presented before the public to accustom the latter to strange phenomena so that they will not be thrown into pandemonium in the event (expected by the synarchy) of an actual invasion.
In the novel of Nimrod de Rosario "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" in the section related to the story of Nimrod of Babylon the alien host is depicted in another dimension, that being Chang-Shamballah or ‘Dejung’ the region of the Dark Forces between earth and the sun. Beings the author speaks of as ‘Hiwah Anakim’ are depicted with reptiloid-esque features serving as underlings of the fallen angels in the war of the Demiurge against the forces of the Uncreated Light of the Virgin of Agartha.
However the plans of the synarchy may turn out it is fair to assume that an oppositional faction exists, that being the Hyperboreans and Lucifer their Fuhrer as well as the Hyperborean initiates and Berserker warriors who exist on earth and who will be playing their role in the light against the cabal of the Dark Forces.
The existence of the essence of Jehovah the Demiurge is entropy, a closed-system which consumes itself and generates 'dor' ('deadly orgon' or chaos) as his waste product just as a combustion engine generates exhaust fumes as the product of its destructive mechanism of fuel consumption.
The systems of the Demiurge employed by the cabal are based on entropy, on a closed-system of energy which collapses in on itself and consumes itself just as their deity Yahweh consumes Himself as the Ouroboros serpent consuming His own tail in the cycles of Time.
The synarchy of vampires who feed off the energy of others (there 'loosh' or bio-energy) must perpetually feed on Others and deprive these Others of their life force in order to perpetuate themselves, failure to do so amounting to their self-destruction just as the figure of Dracula cannot perpetuate himself save through the theft of the life force of his victims.
The Will of Jehovah manifests itself outwards as the combustion of energy that creates naught but destruction in its wake. Accordingly, this Deity is a destroying Entity though He is alleged to be a creator. His ‘creation’ is analogous to a torn wedding dress a rapist tears apart in his base pursuit of lust, defiling the sacred feminine, the Virgin of Agartha.
Jehovah the rapist, Vampire Deity whose vehement Will-to-destroy and consume is inexorable save through its own inherent finitude and fallibility. This Time Lord is the Deity which has become the focal point of the attention, the conscious striving, of the multitude, and just as it has created the material world, the world of finitude, so the devotions of the devotees have become a food source of this Entity binding them to Him and enabling Him (through sympathetic resonance, through 'harmonization') to feed off their souls.
Entropy becomes not only His condition (the only condition He as 'becoming' itself could ever have) but so too their condition as they have become subject to ‘Time-flow’, the consciousness of the Demiurge, immersed in the river of samsara and its corrosive waters which disintegrates their Spirit over the incarnations.
Entropy is a path of destruction followed by the (by definition) 'dissolute' whose being fragments under the influence of counter-vailing forces. The opposite condition is that of the Hero or Virya whose natural tendency is that of Will-power, of rebellion against this force of Time-flow (be it called 'gravitational waves' or otherwise).
The Hero lives under conditions of constant readiness for action, not directing his energies outwards but in a state of mustering his forces, coiled within him as the fire serpent ready to strike his foes and bring to bear the necessary moves in the chess game of life, as a necessary dialectical process of thesis and antithesis, action and reaction, anticipating in advance the consequences of action not through reason alone but through intellection, transcendental apperception.
Entropy is banished through ectropy, the antagonism towards countervailing forces and the concomitant strengthening of oneself in opposition thereto, the bringing to bear of his martial Will against the foe through means he discerns to be most effective and efficient to realize his ends, that being the defeat of the Demiurge and his influence both for himself and for Others, for the liberation of their Spirit from the prison of 'The One', their intended graveyard being converted into a paradisiacal topos within the battlefield of earth.
Khristos Lux: A Prognostication of Things to Come…
The light of Khristos-Lucifer, the Hyperborean Fuhrer of his Wildes Heer radiates its luminosity over the earth and bathes its denizens in the refulgent glow of the black light of Agartha. He has conquered the foe and has established a Universal Empire on the earth, has, with his legions of immortals, destroyed the black hole entities of myriad alien times and has destroyed their matrix of slavery, elevating the vibrations of the world and freeing Gaia from her densified earthly prison of lead.
The crowned Universal Emperor has received the delegation to superintend over her and its population with the nobility and justice only a Hyperborean pontiff is able to bestow upon the awakening Viryas of the population, banishing the debased pasu and their course barbarity.
Khristos Lux departs in a vimana through the black sun to the celestial realm of Asgard to prepare in his war everlasting to hunt down the legions of the Demiurge and banish them from other galaxies and planets with his cadre of Hyperborean Immortals. On the earth the Supreme Pontiff too musters for war against the remnants of the dark forces on earth who had been routed and transplanted in the wastelands of the earth. Once the next battle is won the stars await the continuance of the 'war everlasting'.