Black Light of Agharta
False Light of Shamballah
Black Light of Agharta
The ineffable boundless light of infinite blackness, the actual infinite expense of Eternity beyond the false infinite of 'The One' and The One's quantitative multiplicity, His separation of unity into the crystallized light of matter, the archetypes of His vain imaginings which are the shards of the fragmented cosmos of the Virgin of Agartha the Queen of the Night.
This the Hyperborean was a part of dwelling within this boundless Light of Night with the Queen of the night, nuit and hadit bound together as a mother with her son the Virgin with her child of cold stone, the Immortal with the emerald of Lucifer's crown depending from his alabaster neck.
He had received instructions from the Virgin to descend amidst the fallen Earth and to rescue the other divine sparks which had gotten lost along their journey of infinite wandering, finding themselves trapped in matter and bound to the lower density substance of the great deceiver the Demiurge, He who would crown himself King yet whose crown is simply a simulacral artefact, an imitation of that He could never attain by right and hence lusts after but is unable to wear as it is beyond His grasp and thus must have recourse to an imitation thereof.
He rankles in his domicile of crystallized light, in His Crystal Palace of Zion, immersed in the delusions he has crafted and which He would have the captive Spirits exult as the wonders of the mayavic veils He would bedazzle them with.
Yet His bric-a-brac is mere excreta and the discerning can pull aside these veils and understand the Truth which lies behind that of the monster of imitation who is called 'god' and venerated by those who are blinded by His violent explosions of light and vulgar knick-knacks of material density which pervade His world of matter of lowest density, of slowest movement beyond the particles and waves of the researchers of His being who are themselves unable to pull aside the veil.
The black light is accessible only to those who condemn the illusion of matter and the strivings of the brute, they who are capable of putting aside the excessive focus with all that is material, perishable; transient and of lower states of consciousness.
Those who dwell within the world of ephemera, of drunken intoxication with matter and the material are lost amidst the ocean of substance which they mistake for reality, drowning in the waves of phenomena which crash against them, destabilizing their spirits and causing them to fall prey to the sharks which circle around them in the deep, unable to remain standing upon the waters.
The black light of Agartha shines upon the tempestuous waters behind the blinding glare of the yellow sun of Tiphareth, the false light of the Demiurge bathing the myriad lifeforms of organic beings in its glow and affecting or rather being perceived as being in sympathetic resonance with only they who can see, who have the higher consciousness of the Luciferic grace of the sight beyond sight, beyond the visual spectrum and beyond the matrix of spatio-temporality.
The Virgin of Agartha smiles upon her children as they respond in kind, bathing in her luminescence of infinite brilliance whose light penetrates all substance and cannot be reflected by any surface, only being a presence of the essence of Eternity, the burning coal of Hyperborea.