Bracketing Off
The expansion of 'The One', the Cosmic Vampire in his manifestation, consumes as a Satanic furnace the forms of the Eternal Spirit into itself as so many lives of kindling to fuel itself. The forest fire of Holocaust rages throughout the cosmos and expands without limit consuming all in its wake, spreading his destroying flames as fire consumes the vital air.
The wise, recognizing the natural tendency of this Entity, the enemy of all, have symbolized their relationship to this Being through the symbol of the triangle of fire, the cold fire of spirit, bracketing off and confining the spread of this omniscient creature whose panoptic vision is thereby restricted to a monocular focus, the all-seeing eye. And yet in their wisdom of attempting to limit this Entity in its spread and pestilential influence you have nonetheless only partially succeeded in delimiting its nature.
Firstly they have only limited it within its form-that of the akashic fire of Jehovah, the manifestation of 'The One' in its will-to-power and thereby have demonstrated an inadequate grasp of 'The One' and His forms of manifestation, enabling His perpetuation through acknowledging in symbolic form the modality of his wille zur macht.
Secondly they had allowed the eye to remain open rather than to have enclosed it or indeed gone further and blinded it with the blade of their own will to power brought forward to oppose the eye of 'The One' and to circumvent the omnipresent gaze of ‘The One’ and with it to escape the noose, that of the hangman of the cosmos, the reaver of souls.
As the truly wise will not only face 'The One' from the vantage point of defense, an archemonic fortress of the mind unassailable by the Demiurge and his legions and myriad traps and forms of manifestation; but rather he will once properly situated in a defensive structure of consciousness regardless of external conditions and circumstances, prepare to strike the enemy with the appropriate tactical means of assault.
Hence he must, must the Berserker warrior, but only safeguard himself and strengthen and train himself to proper fighting form but he must also mobilizes forces against the foe and his earthly emissaries who would seek to serve up as sacrifice the devotees of the Demiurge and his death cult in its myriad forms of historical manifestation: from Atonism in Egypt to the Enlil cult of Babylon to the judeo-christian dark age of slavery, to the current trends of the New Age, the death cult has spread itself over the earth serving its cultural purpose of enslavement and genocide.
The blood of sacrifice to 'The One' is the habitual offering of the lunar priest sect of darkest evil of this world orders’ synarchy. The Demiurge feeds upon the fumes of sacrifice and the victims thereof may be and typically are his most earnest devotees. They in their ignorance prey for mercy, supplicating him for a place in Eternity-a place he has no ability to grant them-in the vain hope they may clutch the handle of the golden gates of heaven and enter in for their angels wings, the reward of a life of slavish service to 'The One'. They are inevitably disappointed when they are absorbed into nothingness and bear witness to the erasure of their soul through absorption into the acid of the Demiurge's belly.
Hence the wise seek to bracket off the creator of iron and lead, of lowest density, and to keep at arms’ length the foe, never slacking in their strategic opposition to 'The One', understanding as they do the causality of relations that determines their fate or destiny: to allow oneself to weaken is to give the Demiurge opportunities to take his blows and moments of weakness and greater strengthen himself. His defensive acumen must be developed to an optimal degree, employing the higher gnosis of the Hyperborean Wisdom, the supra-rational transcendental apperception, the immediate apprehension of entities archetypically.
From this vantage of Hlidskjalf (air throne) in Asgardr; in Eternity; the Berserker may then bring forth his salvos of aggression against 'The One', putting forth archetypal missiles of destruction against both him and his material hypostases: the Eternal combat of the Eternal Champion is perpetuated through his constant recognition of the pervasive presence of the Enemy.
He the warrior Berserker, lives in a perpetual state of strategic opposition, of contest and war and thus must always think in the mode of attack, but attack in an effective mode never without the probability of bearing the fruits of victory. However he does not think in terms of probability or within the causal context of the spatio-temporal reality of the Demiurge but rather beyond the 'mauve zone' through transyuggothian gnosis, within the Greenland of the Emerald City of Lucifer the Eternal Light illuminating the possible and most valuable courses of action and trajectories along which to manifest his will to power against the foe.
The higher gnosis is his royal prerogative latent within the blood and kindled through the cold fire of his will and memory of the Origin. He bears the stone of Lucifer in his brow, the eight-sided emerald of Eternity. He brackets off the Demiurge and his legions, imprisoning them in the magic square of the window from which he views them through the fortress of the mind and ratchets his crossbow equipped with the arrows of oricalchum and aracacia tipped with the feathered flights of green, launching them at the foe, blinding His eye and bringing about the Ragnarok.
Marching out of the gates to meet the foe girded with the armor of immortal vajra the red knight raises his pinion of the swastika, the Blut Fahn to signal his foes inevitable defeat and blares his trumpet as a declaration of the final battle, of the Wildes Heer of Wotan against the Cosmic Vampire the Fenrir wolf, Jormundgand and the ouroboros and their legions of elementarwessen.