Chang Shambala
False Light of Shamballah
Chang Shambala
The hierarchy of the world order is governed, according to Nimrod de Rosario by 'Chang Shambala' the overarching collective of worldly controllers, comprised of various demons and 'Masters' of wisdom whose modus operandi is that of veneration of 'The One' (by whatever name: Brahma; Jehovah; Allah; Yahweh, etc.); and the hypocritical usury and exploitation (the shearing) of the lower orders of their hierarchy through multifarious means.
These 'Shepherd Kings', priests of the order of Melchizedek, put forth the false appearance of altruism which is the mask of 'humanitarianism' and 'righteousness' behind which they conceal themselves the more effectively to fleece their sheep and to shear them of their will, of the (potential) Golden fleece they possess in a latent state and this via tithes; taxes; coerced wage slavery; war; revolution; Death; hardship; austerity and "strife, endless strife", hence these priestly intermediaries are the executive body on the earth plane, those who possess tangible humanoid form and to lord over the sheep in the name of 'god' and 'love', etc.
The masters and demons of Chang Shambala are their overseers, they who supersede in temporal power the judeo-masonic and religious priest caste and who give their executive orders according to the evolutive process of 'the one', attempting to bring all of the subordinate hierarchy into alignment with 'the one' and his hierarchy of minions, of demons and 'angels' in a system of reciprocal vampirism where the stronger feed upon the weaker and yet pretend to give succour to their suffering (whose suffering can be directly attributable to themselves the parasite overlords).
Though ostensibly and to all appearances (emphasis on the word 'appearance'), the purpose of the hierarchy is beneficent it is in actuality the antithesis, malevolent and operates in a vampiric and 'service to self' manner. Under the mask of the smiling Shepherd Zadok, the Shepherd King is a wolf in sheep's clothing predating on the naïve and gullible, absorbing into Himself and indirectly into Himself via sacrifice to the hierarchy their energy, vital force or 'loosh'.
Each level of the hierarchy is governed by its own rules and presumably those rules established by these entities (be they 'Masters'; E.Ts or other forms) antecedent to the formation of the lower level or synergistically with its development.
Chang Shambala thus is a system or formation of temporal power masquerading as spiritual authority and, insofar as it can be comprehended by 'human-all-too-human' cognition is a system of hypocrisy structured behind multifarious blinds of simulacra, a system of the lunar light, the distorted archetypal worlds of the creation of Jehovah.
According to sources such as 'ascension glossary' a jewish new age pulpit preaching against the 'Yahweh collective' the hierarchy (which is spoken of in other terms, indeed in inverted terms with nordics and luciferians portrayed as this hierarchy itself and not antagonistic thereto which is a reality) is identical to this collective and constitutes its highest echelons in the material plane of physical reality.
The 'blackhole entities' of 'negative E.Ts' is presented as the mastermind collective of the hierarchy who genetically engineered the ashkenazim (yet not the Sephardim? The presentation is ambiguous and perhaps deliberately so). Reptilians from Alpha Draconis as well as various insectoids and mantis aliens are adduced as the specific wirepullers of AI technology utilized to manipulate and condition the collective hive mind, standardizing the populace and rendering them complicit slaves which can be taken over in their functionality by the entities which can use them to avatar their physical forms perhaps 'growing into the host' and displacing them, perhaps even absorbing their captive Spirits and assimilating them into themselves.
The A.I technology utilized serves to damp down the consciousness of the mass to a lower state of beast consciousness and eo ipso enables these entities to bind to their host and symbiotically usurped them. The cyborgization of the masses is the goal with their fleshly vehicle serving as a transitional form in which to operate while the technology of trans-humanism develops to an adequate extent that they will ultimately be rendered a cybernetic husk of these infernal entities.
Trans-dimensional (reptilians?) are depicted in Clark Ashton Smith's and Robert E Howard's stories and in various anime cartoons transnational reptilian's are depicted (eg. Space Adventure Cobra; Dragonball Z; Fist of the North Star, etc.) as well as Susan B. Reed's book "The Body Snatchers".
Perhaps it is simply the mycoplasmic spore of 'The One' or His emanations which intertwines itself symbiotically with the host (the human) and transmits it from within into a modified entity more in resonance with and serving as a vehicle of the will of Jehovah? Perhaps both.
The 'venom of the Demiurge' can be observed in the movies of John Carpenter "The Prince of Darkness"; "Season of The Witch" and the book "Monster Blood" of R.L Stein amongst probably innumerable other examples.
'The chosen people' on the earth plane, the primary representatives of the forces of chaos and the G.A.O.T.U (great imitator of the higher planes, Jehovah) serve the trans-humanist agenda which is inherent in judaism itself and reflected in the example of the Golem of Rabbi Lowe of Prague which is the construct of qabbalistic witchcraft the cabal seeks to superimpose on all and render mere 'meat machines', automata serviceable to their ends and a commodity deprived of any autonomy both de re and de jure (being stripped of all 'rights' and no longer fitting the description of a 'human being').
Chang Shambala is simply a hierarchy of vampires serving the cosmic vampire Yahweh from top to bottom with the stronger forces subjugating and parasitizing off the weaker for the absorption of their bio-energy.
Loosh harvesting is thus their intention and the means to harvest their loosh is the creation of pain and stress which induces the release of emanations of the vital force that is either directly consumed by the entities on a local level (in proximity) and/or indirectly via the ley-line system, channeled through myriad channels into star gates and transmitted to their base of operations on the Moon and Saturn serving their selfish power.
Chang Shambala is alleged by Nimrod de Rosario to exist between the Earth and Sun and to be so positioned in order to absorb the radiation of the sun and to prevent the liberation of the captive Spirits from the matrix system. On the earth plane regions associated with Chang Shambala are the Tibetan and Middle Eastern star gate's localized in the 'holy sites' of Mecca; Medina; Baghdad; Syria (Tel Amarna) and in other regions of the globe (eg. Stonehenge; Lake Titicaca, Bolivia; Sarasota, Florida and around Santiago, Chile).
Chang Shambala, also referred to as 'Dejung' by Rosario thus is a city located in nonphysical space whose scope is so large as to obscure the earth from its reception of the solar radiations. The presence of this enclave of the dark forces perhaps has increased (or decreased?) It's activity in the recent decades especially since 2012 as can be inferred from the increasing brightness of the sun, whose brightness has increased in proportion to the years perhaps indicating either an acceleration in the counter forces against Shambala or a weakening and waning of these forces in their obscuration of the earth.
The increasing weather modification is certainly a result if only in part of the influence of Dejung and, given that the chaotic weather is unlikely to be desired by the cabal signaling the destruction of their slave society prison planet, this may indicate the waning of their power. Perhaps this is the result of the solar systems' traveling closer to the galactic center and the increasing vril emanations therefrom (the black sun) melting the rings of Saturn and increasing the vibrations of the earth, accelerating its Time-flow, heating up through a concomitant increase in solar system activity perhaps.
Perhaps, on the contrary, this is what Dejung wants and the breakup of the earth is intended to swallow it into a different dimension by way of a worm-hole or black-hole into what some have called the 'Wesedrak' system of the black-hole entities so that they may more effectively siphon off the life force of the captive spirits of 'the earth mother'?
This the writer can't say, though he suspects the return of the Hyperboreans and indeed the return of the National Socialists (wir kommen wieder) will play a role in sabotaging the system of Chang Shambala and preventing their attainment of their goals of energetic harvesting.
The 'end times' are upon us, only the end for whom is the question. The hierarchy wishes to hijack the cycles of Time as they affect the captive Spirits of the earthbound souls of this earth and to portray it as 'His-storical' inevitablism as means of predictably programming the populace to subordinate themselves to the 'chosen people' and by implication the Demiurge. The intentions of the cabal however are not certain of realization as the Hyperboreans will interfere to override their megalomaniacal intent. Truth is stronger than fiction and the current aeon will reveal the outcome in Time.