Characterization of the Pasu
The christian is the perfect exemplar of the pasu who, though as white as can be is nonetheless a being whose habitual tendency is towards irrationalism and emotionalism, towards a lower state of consciousness, that of the 'pasu beastman.'
The causes of this are typically two-fold:
1) the entrainment process of the christian mind program and
2) the failure to cultivate a strong constitution based upon an oppositional, luciferic rebelliousness against the tendencies in oneself to a slackening of the Will and toward a default status of pacifism.
The deficiency in the bellicose tendencies of the christian is a function of both of the above factors which trend towards the reactive minded nature of the pasu, a being who simply reacts to the greater forces which it confronts and only out of necessity for survival.
Thus the sheep-like nature of the lambs of god can be explained through these means. To reiterate:
1) the enervating mind program of christianity which is structured or formulated by the jews and/or by their seraphim (the reptilian trans-dimensionals) as a program of docility to render the former wolves sheep who allow the shepherds of the priests of the order of Melchizedek to fleece them of their Golden fleece, the fleece of the gods, their bio-energy, and then to slaughter them via intermixture with their priestly masters shattering their genetico-spiritual archetype, the archetype of the gods' descendants the aesir whose ancestors the Vanir or Hyperboreans "came into the daughters of men", into the primordial pasu, the created anthropoids of Jehovah and his hosts of the Dark Forces.
This enervating mind program 'christ' and the archetype of 'the christ', the 'Lamb of God', the pacifistic jew who upbraided his own people for lacking this very pacifism and yet paradoxically for violating their own Torah in changing money in the temple is held out as the exemplar of behavior and conduct for the gentiles to serve the jewish god the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan and to enable the phagocitization of their souls.
To allow oneself to weaken and to be a 'foolish thing', meek and docile as a lost lamb in the clover patch of the Creation, wandering about within the fenced limitations of one's hodological space, is to enable this enervation and atrophy of the Spirit, living an earthbound life under the delusion of living a life for a kingdom 'not of this world' only following the path towards the abyss through a deliberate acquiescence to the countervailing forces which ring one round and which impinges upon one as he 'turns his cheek' like 'gentle Jesus meek and mild', 'imitating christ' as a means of accruing his 'treasures in heaven'.
This passive default tendency is the self-castration of the christ-like figure which has been put into practice in the most literal sense throughout history by the 'despisers of the body' the christians, going so far as to castrate themselves as a sign of devotion to their god and as an expression of their contempt for the body as a mere prison or tomb of the soul.
The christian program prohibits any cultivation of the soul through any more vigorous means such as through the occult arts of development and of the challenging of oneself (the Selbst) to awaken the blood memory and to facilitate the liberation of the Spirit from the iron maiden of tellurism in which the earthbound soul finds itself entombed and in which it finds its inevitable doom should it not discover the key to its liberation from this prison cell of the Demiurge called 'the soul' and it's intermediation with the material world of lowest density.
The non-christian has also adopted this 'love-oriented' philosophy or rather existential modality of consciousness and has interiorized the archetype 'love wisdom', the aspect of Jehovah-Satan called 'the christ', the Manu into which the non-Christian pasu becomes imprisoned, assimilated and subjugated as an autonomous Spirit (this to whatever extent they were anonymous and typically the case is otherwise else they would not gravitate towards the state of consciousness of passive inertia and laxity of Will which is the culminating point of destruction of their pasu consciousness). Hence should the sleepers not awaken they will go the way of all flesh and fall into the abyss of the belly of the Beast as soul food for the Demiurge.
The secular humanist or new age neo-christian is simply a re-presentation of the 'love wisdom' archetype in microcosm who conditions himself to adopt the behavior of 'the christ' under whatever aspect of the Manu of Messianism is he may manifest such as the figure of Krishna or Sanat-Kumara, etc.
The new ager or secular humanist is a carbon copy of the christian who behaves the same and exists the same essence of the christian and who is bound to the archetype of the Messiah, molded and sculpted in the image of this bestower of virtue, of the false 'paralkletos' of the hypostasis of Jehovah- Satan and just as with jesus, is the false promise that keeps the slaves slaving on the plantation of Zion for their overlords.
The pasu is thus characterized as a docile sheep regardless of their particular ideological adherence or orientation. They are the devotees of 'love' which means a docile body (and soul) that harmonizes with 'The One' and partakes of the evolutive process of His Self-realization which for they who thereby become mere nodes within His nets is to partake of an acid bath and become disintegrated in the corrosive waters of the flood tide of his consciousness. Their immersion therein is strictly a result of their inability to resist this current of the corrosive waters and leads to their inevitable destruction once they have completed their passage into the abyss.
All of the synarchic initiatic practices which are cast as so many morsels for the goyim are largely oriented around maintaining a cast of serfs of whom only the most devious and corrupt are allowed to elevate themselves above the common profane exercises and practices such as the 'devotional prayers' of the synarchic religious programs and the mainstream practices of the new age such as kundalini yoga, etc. All such practices, even those of the higher echelons, serve only to merge the soul into bonds of an ever tighter nature with the Demiurge and to lose overtime and intensity their autonomy, merging with the hive mind of 'spiritual Israel' or by whatever other name it may go depending on the kosher cultural superstructure.
The greater the investment of time and intensity of conscious focus on the archetypes and coordination with the collective the more bound one becomes to that collective and by extension the cultural superstructure and archetypes which overarch them as the Principal governing their entelechial finality, the telos towards which their microcosmic evolution trends, that is to say the absorption of their being into the belly of the beast as soul food of the Demiurge.
The pasu thus, unless he can manage to overcome his state of static inertia will 'go the way of all flesh' even as he believes in delusion he is walking along the stairway to heaven. It is simply the conveyor belt toward the maw of the Cosmic Vampire who he praises and worships directly or indirectly via the hypostatic 'Manu archetype' of 'christ' or 'krishna' or the 'Imam Mahdi', etc. Thus he brings about his own down-going.