Christians The Eternal Cattle of the Jew
Miguel Serrano collected works
Christians The Eternal Cattle of the Jew
Let's be blunt about it shall we?
If one pays attention to everything the jews project in regards to "White History", everything is pletted with xianity, petty wars between Whites such as Protestants and other sects (Celebrate your civil and race warfare Goyim thanks to Rabbi Jewsus) and this is relentless. Such unfruitful and stupid acts are being glorified, and also the 'hatred' that results from these historical mistakes that were made by jews. This petty worthless excrement in pushed in the White mind as something 'good' and 'decent' and a source of 'pride'.
We don't need Crusades, or the vanity of the judeo-christianity to gain pride for our existence. We have thousands upon thousands of years prehistory of that, and even our present is glorious. Fighting for some stupid 'grail' shouldn't sensitize anyone, compared to WW2, where our people fought for the real grail: That of preserving the White Race. Even in this giant, jewish created war, Hitler did whatever he could to spare and save the life of our people and race, being ultimately too just and too merciful. He left this world with the message of the Race, and the Blood, so that we can follow. Here is your "Holy Grail", and here is a real God, a real Prophet- you name Him as it fits you. Herein lies the Truth.
All the jewish owned and run shows like "Vikings", "Reign" and all the other things, are promoting jewish xian messages to our people. I haven't watched any, but I have watched trailers. Oy vey, the powerful White Warrior kissing the jeboo on the stick, going to battle and winning against his own stupid Pagan enemies. That's all that is there in these so called stories. Of course, these are done horribly. Even the "Battle for Middle Earth" is heavily xianized, and the writter of this was a devout xian. The allegories were nevertheless based on White history, albeit of course, with a little Jewish Cancer in it. Because well if you don't have Jewish Cultural Cancer nowadays, you are not being White!
Hasn't it still dawned to the White Christian Goyim, that the jews literally LOVE that you are a christian? They love how RETARDED you are, how you love their jewish 'Bible', run around like the Goyim they have made out of you to 'prove it' and to advocate for Rabbi Jewsus, they loved how you killed your own ancestors for an imaginary jewish communist, and how you are a worthless peasant-minded fellow thinking their life's meaning is inherent in a jewish book. Where your ultimate reward by following a jew is praising eternal hallelujah's to it, now and for all eternity, aside Rabbis. Excellent aim for existing.
They love it when you bow to the jewish thoughform, a ripoff of your own -thousands of years older than- Gods, and they also love it if you are in any other worthless department such as Wicca. Given they are aware that the "White Goyim" is very 'revolution tentative', they tell that 'cattle' (That's how the jews see you) that they really are AGAINST xianity and they hate it. Oy vey, they must be honestly hate it- jews are always honest and its not like they are using reverse psychology to get you to entagle with a jewish lie meant to control you- NO. After all its not like xianity opened the door wide for the jews to control and slowly annihilate our race. Its not like jews are slavishly rich by enslaving us through the values of cowardice and sly (((acceptance))) promoted by 'xianity'. That's right. "If your cheek is smitten by the holy jews 'goyim', turn the other cheek immidiately!" - That's a totally Viking Mindset right here.
The only thing that scared the jews for their existence, and which they outlawed by law, and by murder of millions of Whites over the centuries, is heavy Witchcraft and "SATANISM", which is a collective term for the unadulterated Pagan practices our Ancestors did, long before jewish recorded (((history))). That's the only thing that worries them. Praying to jeboo, reading the 'bible' and quoting from its chameleonic verses that instill confusion and lie everywhere, doesn't make the jewish ring curly hair stand on its end. Sorry. Its not like the Rabbi which is their own creation, Jewsus Christ, poses any danger, as if you didn't know already, that a ficticious entity made up by jews. If you feel otherwise, why do you feel like that? Maybe because since infancy, jews have been lying to you, so your brain cannot take reality anymore?
But let's take a honest look in the mud invasion of criminals, and in the jewish rulership of our OWN countries, shall we. Why are there JEWS ruling our OWN countries? Because let's admit it, this joke started when people started accepting a JEW as their "god". In the jewish book of witchcraft, namely the 'bible', its stated that the jew will ordain his jews to lead the Goyim cattle. And people actually read and praised that book, thinking it to be holy. Why is it 'holy' after all, and why did it replace the Holy Eddas or any other book and prior Gentile White Order? Because it KILLED these people, burned, pillaged and destroyed everything. That's why. Then, it became 'holy' by the sword and death of our people.
If you pay attention and have the slightest clue in history, you see that somehow, dumb Whites are praising the 'xian past'. "(((Them Glorious Crusades! White Powa)))". The Crusades upon which "Goyim" were brought to die for jewish court jews, jewish demands, and deranged 'kings' who, ordained by the "Divine Torah" as "Rulers under God" have destroyed their own supposed "Race". Honorable times indeed for the White Race. After all Hollywood made it look really epic! We with our "Christendoom" fighting the "Bad Muslim Horde! yay!". What jewish hollywood didn't show is the jew on the back who had created both Islam and Christianity, touching their palms and laughing about how the Goyim were being killed, while they made them trader's profit, from the safety of the 'courthouse' or 'bank', or the 'church'.
Infact, the 'christian past' is actually the LOWEST the White Race has ever sunk.
We reached the all time low when the Bubonic plague, started by jews who threw corpses in lakes and rivers, killed 1/3rd of the White people in Europe. The rest of course were being massacred by civil warfare, instigated by bullshit 'kings' ordained by the Torah, who were to kill one another White Nation, in jewish 'court jewish wars', all financed by the jews.
The White Nations who tried to resist this "Torah Spreading", were forcibly taken into war anyway, and eventually deep in the centuries sunk. Sweden whom everyone talks 'crap', was of the last to fall into the xian jewish cultural domination. For that reason they try to wipe out the Swedes really fast now, as a token of revenge. Because jews remember, and they have a culture to remind them. What about Whites? Where's the culture? In praising "Rabbeyenu Emmanuel" or "Jewsus"?. Very "Divine and Holy". Let's thank Rabbi Jesus of Rabbi Jesus.
Let's suppose for one second that this ficticious jewish lie ever meant anything. What if it did, what if it didn't? Does it serve us anymore? Does it help us live? Did this jew ever do anything for White people, other than kill them and enslave them through his slave followers? The only time Whites have had a better life, is not even in the last century. The jews wiped more of us out less than a century ago, by forcing Hitler in a war. Because he was wiping out both the Vatican and christianity. So the jews needed fast war, because the next generation would be unlike the slaves of the present one. They would honor their existence and blood, above 'money' and above 'comfort' and about "Rabbayenu Emmanue or Jesus Christ".
Why are the borders of Europe open, and Black Immigrants and rapefugees come with their iphones, to rape, kill and pillage our countries? How did that happen? Bad policies? Who made these policies? Jews did, didn't they? Or people who have studied and worshipped them? Did Europe cause any war in the ME? No. Why does it happen? Why are we paying dues for things never commited??
Because of jewish leadership, and xian cuckolds and useless fools. But even then, based upon WHICH justification is this happening? Based on nothing else than the disgusting and subhuman, jewish bible. "Have Mercy at the beaten", "I brought you my hungry and my weak and you helped them, Goyim". "Keep helping them even if they kill you, for you will live in heaven". "Please give some mercy and open your legs to Abdul and give him some genetics to have a child, and you will be blessed in heaven forever". "If Abdul Rapes you, love him, tolerate him, and embrace him, and keep his child- rape is the gift of god! Don't you dare have an abortion".
However if the guy named Adbul was named "Helmut", a working nice looking guy, who didn't rape, pillage, steal, ask for a pension from native tax payers, and didn't jump of the fence into your native land, and would give his life for you, the saying would go by the jewish media as an interview of a 'liberated' (((White))) Woman: "Of course I had an abortion of Helmut's child! I don't want to be a mother, I just want to go in Jew York and have a black kid at last! Contacting aids was my greatest liberation! Hail the pirate of Somalia!"
And why is all of this garbage and insanity standing, even if so illogical? Simply. Because the Bible teaches for thousands of years to love wrongly, love misplaced, love stupidly, and above, all LOVE THAT WHICH WILL KILL YOU. Isn't this the meme they put into the heads of all girls and women alike nowadays?
The jews are eating the Middle East alive, foolish xian European "Merciful" idiots pay the bills with dead people, insane taxes, danger of economic collapse, and racial DESTRUCTION and EXTINCTION. Of course, with thousands of dead people pile up each day, others injured, others mentally destroyed, others 'culturally enriched'.
Why do they pay? What's the logic behind it? There is no logic, just hardwired, subconscious bible applied in reality.
Why do non Whites such as the Japanese act honorably same as so many other non Whites, and instead of forming relations with them, White people try to 'get along' with the released from prison, criminal garbage of Somalia, that supposedly need our 'help', and after given such idiotically, they kill us?
The intelligent Europeans are in the back and censored, while all the xian cucks and jews try to make 'policy'. Herein lies the cancer that has wiped out our people, in different forms, over the centuries. Why all this misplaced 'love' for destruction? Mercy for killers? Worthless bent towards worthless 'culture' and people who are savage and want to outbreed you and kill you? Why all this love and tolerance for 'jews' as well?
Because Rabbi Jewsus, that's why.
I don't know what other "Whites" in body, but jews in mentality and Cultural 'ethic' have to say about all of this. We will storm the place out of xian garbage, and if people think they love the jews, we can deport them to Israel or maybe Somalia, to live their so-called (((dreams))). We can also send you down in Gaza, to play the savior, or sent you to be raped as well. Nothing bad in it according to the bible anyway? Why play the "good goyim" in the countries with innocents fellow Whites, when you can go down there and become the 'real change' and 'help' you want to see in the world. We can send you to become "part of the solution" elsewhere. Why not PRACTICE the multicultural preaching, by going down the camps to be RAPED and KILLED as the 17 year old girl two weeks ago? She was trying to play the Good Goyim and to Apply Christianity!
Because well, you want to destroy your own in a subconscious, race hateful, rampage.
This is what happens when one listens to the jew: They become self loathing, self hateful, infected with a jewish virus of inability and later self destructiveness. A being of no worth. Then, this negative twirl of death turns outwards, and they start doing what is the most defiling, destructive and deadly things for all of their so called 'families' and 'people'. That's the poison of Rabbi Jesus. That's the poison Whites have been drinking.
"But, I am an Atheist!". Well, that doesn't really make you immunized against all the propaganda, mass brainwashing, neither the occult forces the jews use to enslave you and control you. Only SATANISM can save you from these nefarious, and deeply ingrained influences. Because Satanism is just our primordial faith, which always guarded us in all ways. Only to be demonized by jews later.
There is ONE Solution to the problem White people are undergoing, and that is the central rooted, most Ancient, Satanic Faith. This is the faith that made the jews quiver, this is the source of strength, honor, noblety and fighting spirit. Jews will not be defeated with axe, or with Viking play pretend anymore. They will be defeated by actual strong psychic warfare and the inevitable and legal result of this application. Through this, our people will survive and dominate the enemy. Now that we celebrate upon the corpse of the jewish popes, jewish christianity, and jewish spells, know that your time is coming and the clock is ticking. You will be ripped out from our Nations that that will be soon. As for the plan B of reviving the oldtime dead corpse, to supposedly 'fight Islam' in the old Hegelian dualism, your parlor trick is going to fail as well. A dead end has been met.
The question for the White Race is now clear- do you want to be a jewish cattle, in any form, under any condition, spell or 'category'? Or you will fight for freedom with a disinfected mind? Effective revolution, or hearsay- 'muh alt right' and extinction?
"Donald Trump Will Save us!". Let's just reply with what this person wrote in their facebook "Melania and I wish you all a Happy Hannukah". He forgot to add, "idiotic and easily convinced, lazy Goyim, that you think you were going to be saved. Enjoy my 85% jewish cabinet, and my jewish daughter controls your White house, Hehe."
One top of that, he added "Merry Christmas". But since you read up to now can't you add one and one together? Wait, how can the "Christian" praise the "Jew"? Well, because they are ONE and the SAME. Didn't you get the motto by now?
Pick your choices and loyally fight, because history will not wait.
We have made OUR choice. For those who want to be jewish slaves, WE ARE AT WAR. Period-.
Very astute article. The true Aryan faith is Hyperborean, emanating from the Elysian realms of Uncreated Light, no beginning and no end. Hail Victory! 88!