Comments on « The forbidden religion », by Herrou Aragón
In his book The Forbidden Religion, Professor José María Herrou Aragón comments on the following in the chapter The Serpent of Salvation:
« This creator god has created Adam and Eve unable to distinguish between good and evil, between the kingdom of the uncreated and the kingdom of the created. He also created them ignorant of their origin and destiny.
¿Why had he created them like this? According to Gnosis, the creator did not want men to know their true origin. This world has been created against the will of the Unknowable God and the creator does not want men to know those things. He does not want them to realize what spiritual situation they are in, who they are, what they have been created for. He wants them to remain ignorant. So he forbade them to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Because “ their eyes would open ”, they would wake up and realize who they are and where they come from, what situation they are in and what they should do. They would warn that Eden was not a paradise, quite the contrary.
In Father León Meurin's description in his book “ La franc-maçonnerie ”, when he comments on Gnostic interpretations of earthly paradise and the Serpent of Genesis, these ideas are found: Jehovah does not want man to know his origin and high destiny. It has forbidden him from all contact with the higher world. He wants man to reflect him, the creator, and not the Supreme God. »
It is clearly understood that the knowledge of « good and evil », in this alluded context of Eden, refers to the knowledge that allows, on the one hand, to transcend the dual relativity of good and evil in this world, while being understood as authentic « Well », the reality of the spirit.
The denial of this fruit of knowledge by the creative Demiurge immediately betrays his imprisonment of the spirit, as well as the disposition and assistance of the Serpent, reveals its liberating and initiatory role.
The fact that most of society, under Judeo-Christian religious influence, as well as through hereditary transmitted cultural conditioning, maintains an innate rejection of the serpent, as well as fear , and linking it to the « prohibited by God », it is a clear indicator of how the understanding and initiatory values of yesteryear have been disrupted.
Although a good part of society is secularized and does not ascribe a religious dogmatic doctrine, nevertheless the cultural « implant » in the psyche has been established, and the proof is that today, under modern conspiracy theories, the figure of the « reptilian » is always presented under stigma. This is a perpetuation of that ancient anathema of the serpent and the secret of the reptile, which clearly the sinarchy seeks to hide, presenting this cultural tapasign, in which everything reptilian has a negative imprint.
At the same time, as Herrou Aragon well comments here, the serpent, while contrary to the creator god, is representative of the Unknowable.
This was also later distorted, since as Professor Aragon later refers, Kristos Lucifer was « culturally divided », associating Kristo (now « Christ ») as an emissary of the creator God, and contrary to Lucifer.
So the authentic and original Kristo, that is, Lucifer, or Kristos Lucifer, is the Serpent!
Following this line of gnostic understanding, Herrou Aragón continues:
« But the man woke up, became aware of good and evil. ¿How did you do that? The tempting Serpent of Eden fed him the forbidden fruit that opened his eyes. According to the Gnostics this Serpent is Lucifer, the one who brings the Light. Lucifer means that: Lightbearer. Lucifer took the form of a snake to awaken men. He is an Envoy of the Supreme God, of the Unknowable God. He is an Envoy of the True God who entered this world of misery, imperfect and deficient, to awaken and liberate man, to show you what your true situation is and what your high destiny may be. For this reason, men who follow the commandments of the creator god see the serpent as evil and satanic, and in the midst of their great confusion they equate it to satan.
Rather, the Gnostics see the Lucifer Serpent as savior. As someone who came to save men, as an Envoy of the True God. This enlightening Serpent that brings Gnosis, the Gnostic truth that allows us to discover the authentic and true in this world of confusion, has come to liberate man. Lucifer is the true liberator of man. He has come to liberate man from the tyranny of Yahweh, from the tyranny of the creator god. It has brought men the true knowledge capable of liberating them, the knowledge that alone liberates, that can help man to get out of this satanic world, to return to the world where it comes from.
This Serpent is, for the Gnostics, the Serpent of Salvation, the Serpent that has opened the eyes of men, that has offered them the apple of emancipation, to help them wake up and free themselves from this world of misery and impure matter.
The creator wanted to make man like other living beings, unable to distinguish between good and evil, and by the action of the Serpent he has awakened and liberated himself. Undoubtedly, the Gnostics say, this knowledge, this Gnosis that the Lucifer Serpent has brought to men, has produced a great cosmic disturbance in creation. This is how powerful this knowledge is. Gnosis produces changes in the recipient, in the listener, because it is not common and ordinary knowledge, it is a knowledge that liberates. »
A clear indication that the Serpent of Eden was not Jehovah's creation, occurs when it refers that: » the serpent was cunning, more than all the farm animals that Jehovah God had made .. ». That is, it was not counted as one more creation of God.
So its origin is different. The text of Biblical Genesis does not clarify, and hides, how the serpent appeared there!
More the truth is that the serpent has an origin outside this world. It is a manifestation of Lucifer, and when later the curse of the biblical God to the serpent is read, Regarding the fact that from now on it is said « it would have to creep », it reveals very clearly, what many scholars and theologians have considered over time : What previously then, the snake had legs!
And it has also attracted attention, which is perhaps the only animal calf or figure, which with its own autonomy speaks in the biblical account.
This description seems to fit rather the figure of a lizard, or rather, given his faculty of speech and intellect, of a lizard man!
And here we are already in the middle of hyperboreal terrain, since, the lizard men, are the aspect in which the Siddhas have manifested themselves, after having entered this world through the door of Venus. (Aspect shared by all the Siddhas, as this occurred before the division into two opposite sides, and as the traitorous Siddhas later camouflaged this winged reptilian aspect, as angelic winged beings, the loyal Siddhas retained this aspect by no longer remaining under the demiurgic light, but withdrew to the extradimensional intraterrestrial world of Agartha.).
Returning to the previous point of the biblical God's curse, this was merely a priestly literary ruse, since the infamous Demiurge has no power or influence to affect Lucifer.
But the literary trace remained there, as for the original real aspect of that Serpent. That is, it was a « Lizardman ».
Appearance that after all (the lizard) is a more developed expression of the snake.
Regarding the theme of Kristo Lucifer, Herrou Aragón comments :
« The Gnostics of later times, in the origins of Christianity, what came to be called Christian Gnostics or Gnostic Christians, perceived Christ as the Serpent of Genesis. This was so because Christ, long after the events of earthly paradise, just as the Serpent came to bring a liberating message. A message that frees men from this impure world. According to these Christian Gnostics, it was a knowledge capable of putting men in contact with the other world, opposite to that of the demiurge: the unknowable world of the True God.
Christ, bearer of that message, of that Gnosis, has been equated with the Serpent of Genesis, who returns to Earth a second time to help humanity again. At the first coming was the Serpent Lucifer and at the second was the Christ Lucifer. According to Christian Gnosis, when Christ came into the world he did it a second time, for the first was in earthly paradise. In both it was actually Lucifer, the Envoy of the Unknowable. In both his message was the same: the Gnosis that disturbs, that produces changes, that awakens and liberates those who listen to it. For Christian Gnostics the Serpent is Christ, the Savior who came to this world twice. »
In The Mystery of Belicena Villca, Nimrod de Rosario masterfully exposes how the figure of the Hebrew Christ has been an imitative copy of Kristo Lucifer, and also some aspects taken or derived from the myth of Navután.
For example, the Virgin of Agartha is mentioned, who after returning to this world of Venus, has become pregnant with « Seraph Lucifer ».
It should be noted here that the root of Seraphim, or Seraph, means just serpent.
It should not lead to confusion that in the description of the carving of the Virgin of Agartha, it is said that he is « stepping on a snake ». The meaning of this is in relation to the demiurgic serpentine aspect. And at another level of meaning, the dominance or control of the serpent design.
More at the same time, there is the mystical connection of the Virgin of Agartha with the Serpent God, Lucifer!
In the Navutan myth, it is referred to as self-sacrificed on the tree of terror, also going through a journey of « death and resurrection ».
This « death and return to life », a characteristic aspect also of any authentic initiation, as far as transformation or transmutation is concerned, it has its analog in the snake that is renewed by changing its skin!.
In the Norse myth, it is referred to that tree from which Navután, the Yggdrassil, hung is gnawed at its roots by the Nidhog serpent. That is to say, also in this instance that Navután hangs himself, accessing the secret of immortality, and the power of the runes, the serpent is present there, at the base or roots of that tree.
The Christian cross we know from hyperborean Wisdom, which is a symbol of spiritual chaining., More there are also other kinds of crosses, such as the Egyptian Ankh cross, the Tau cross, the swastika, etc., with different variants of meaning.
There was a gnostic representation in antiquity, where a serpent appeared coiled around a Tau cross.
Tau, as Nimrod de Rosario well tells us, alludes to the Tau point, that instance in which from the origin, For the first time a reflection or manifestation of the lost Self emerged in the Labrelix labyrinthine . (Path where the lost Self passes, through the repeated sequence of search, option and choice.)
That is to say, that point Tau indicates the origin of the spiritual chain, which is accessed through the spiral staircase, in the isolation of the Self, within the liberated square Tau, in the Odal Archhemone.
It can be understood at this point that the representation of the serpent coiled on the Tau cross alludes to this mystery of spiritual chaining, which is pointed out by the serpent. That is, the noological understanding of the serpent, with the symbol of origin.
A gnostic reminiscence of this initiatory figure could be found in the medieval German-Christian currency, the Thaler, where the image of Christ is appreciated on one side, and the serpent on the other. More of course, this is a gnostic reminiscence of Kristo Lucifer, and not the Hebrew Christ. Although both figures may be confused due to centuries of misrepresentation and synarchic disinformation.
Likewise, Professor Aragón continues commenting on this :
« There is a Gnostic diagram, in which a crucified serpent is seen, nailed to a cross, which further demonstrates the Gnostic identity between the Serpent of Genesis and Christ. There are myths that affirm that the cross on which Christ was crucified was made with the wood of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We must clarify that we are referring to Judeo-Christian gnosis, which is a deformation of Primordial Gnosis. »
Also another ancient association of the serpent with Kristo Lucifer, can be found in the horned serpent called Aspid, which is thus represented on coins of antiquity.
This snake was called Cerastes in Latin or also Kerastes in Greek.
In Latin « Waxes » means horn, and in Greek « Keras » is cross., At the same time Keras can be sent to the Egyptian Karast, from where the Greek term Christos or anointed also derives . And there is also an etymological link with « Chris » Chaldean or Sun.
So the horned initiatory serpent was associated with the cross and the experience of « lighting » or « sol », which in this case is of course the black sun!
Then, a point also worth mentioning, is that in the case of the Gnostics Naasenos (a gnostic group that appears in the story of Kurt and the Ofites in The Mystery of Belicena Villca), they considered the constellation Draco as a symbol of their Christ. (Remember that in the aforementioned episode of Uncle Kurt and the Ofites, the Naasenos cried out to Ophis Lucifer!).
Continuing with the exposed analysis, Professor Aragón comments:
« Origins, for example, described a Gnostic diagram in which a serpent is clearly seen dividing the two worlds, the created world, and the uncreated world. Although nobody likes this dualism of the two worlds, this is reality and it must be accepted. The Gnostic knows that there is another extremely perfect world, a world that has nothing to do with it. Origenes was able to access those Gnostic diagrams and books, all that information, and then criticize them, as did Saint Augustine, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Ireneus of Lyon, Epiphanius and many others »
This diagram that referred to Origins, included the graph or representation of different planetary spheres, each governed by a demiurgic Archon. The secret knowledge of certain words of power allowed the initiate access and passage through these different spheres. And at the limit was that great serpent, which for some was called Leviathan.
serpentine figure that in The Hebrew myths, Robert Graves refers to as antagonistic of the tyrannical Biblical Yahweh.
Herrou Aragón also comments regarding the concealment and disappearance of ancient Gnostic texts:
« But now, most of the original Gnostic texts do not exist, they have been destroyed. These critics of Gnosis distorted all the information from the original Gnostic texts, putting phrases out of context to better ridicule them, among other ploys. But none of that matters anymore. Primordial Gnosis is always present, although many do not notice it. In the different opportunities in which it appeared openly in the world, it was always the same Gnosis, although with different historical and cultural connotations. »
Fortunately, some of these Gnostic texts were preserved and discovered later in the 20th century, with the discovery of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts.
Within 46 texts found, 11 mentions of the serpent appear. In some in a negative way, as in the Apocrypha of John, which reflects the Judeo-Christian mentality, and in others in a neutral or positive way, such as Hypostasis of the Archons, and On the origin of the world.
Let's look at some links or associations between these various Gnostic groups and the serpent, and the importance they gave to the serpent in initiatory terms.
The term Ofita derives from the Greek Ophis (from where we derive ophidium or serpent), very similar indeed to Sophia, name that in turn decomposes etymologically in Is Ophi or « light of the serpent », with which the meaning of wisdom, traditionally attributed to the name Sofia, is validated.
There were several Ofite Gnostic groups, among which the Naasenos, Setitas, Peratas and Cainitas appear.
The Cainites claimed the figure of Cain, whom they considered a son of the Serpent, and in that sense an embodiment of the power of the serpent.
Lilith, the serpent woman, linked to Adam before Eve appears, has also been intentionally hidden, for her rebellion and opposition to the demiurge.
And Eve is stigmatized in the same way, by listening to the serpent, disobeying the demiurge, and eating the forbidden fruit, also sharing it with Adam.
It is still notorious here that Havah or Eva has the etymological meanings of mother, living, and also snake!
This is how some gnostic sects worshiped both Sophia and Eva, in a bond between Lucifer and the woman, as well as in the case of Lilith, wanted to hide and misrepresent.
It is under this paradigm, of rejection of the serpent of Eden, that Hippolytus in his exposition of Gnostic doctrines, refers to the serpent as « the feminine logos, or the word of Eve », « The river that flows from Eden » and « the mark of Cain », all of which has a clear serpentine seal.
The Cainite Gnostics revered the figure of the serpent coiled in a tree, in homage to that episode of the serpent of Eden, and some ofitas also used viboras in their ceremonies.
Some ofitas are said to have carried a snake stored in a basket, which they called « Mystic Cista ».
During their agapes, the serpent came out of the basket, coiling around the bread, which the Ofites later shared, kissing each of the serpent in turn, and bowing in reverence in front of her.
They concluded the ceremony through a hymn to the Unknowable, through the serpent as mediator. Thus, in this ophidic cult the serpent was the mediator or « Chrestos », both in symbol and act, long before Christianity.
The nightly rites of the Ofites were synchronized with the ascension of the heavenly serpent, the constellation Draco, the dragon, which was known to them as a stellar manifestation of the first instructor…
The consideration and perspective of these Gnostics regarding the constellation Draco had gone through several phases or stages, depending on the stellar movements and interactions.
In the first instance, it is said that « a tree of adjacent stars » had been given to curl around, like the tree snake….
In another instance the 7 stars of the Big Dipper were like 7 snake heads, and in another period the Big Dipper and younger were seen as two gigantic dragon wings.
Similarly, the Peratas Gnostics received their name from the possible teacher of this group, known as « Euphrates the Perata ». The serpentine bond appears in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, in which the Nirah and Irhan divinities were associated with the Euphrates River, and at the same time considered serpentine. Thus, the Euphrates (one of the rivers that bordered Eden) was perceived both in the form of a river and a snake!
In the case of this gnostic group, the Peratas handled terms and concepts, which externally might seem « Christian », but hid the ophidic wisdom. Thus, for example, they associated in doctrinal terms the Father with the brain, and the Son with the cerebellum and the spinal cord, as well as with the serpent, given the similarity of the shape of the cerebellum with the head of a snake. From there it can be inferred that the Peratas knew the manifestation of a hidden ophidic power from the cerebrospinal anatomical conformation, from a consideration of ultra biology and hidden anatomy. That is, the hidden ophidic power of the reptilian brain, or Archicephalon.
Interestingly, the Gnostics Peratas distinguished between the serpent represented by the constellation Draco, which they worshiped, from the serpent of the constellation Ophiuchus, whom they considered disastrous.
And likewise, the Gnostics Setitas distinguished between a demiurgic serpent, and a serpent conceived as liberating logos.
In these various Gnostic groups, there were undoubtedly some aspects and legacy of the ancient hyperborean gnosis.
To conclude, as Professor Herrou Aragón very aptly expresses: « Although prohibited and persecuted, Gnosis never disappeared and will never disappear. Always remain within the reach of whoever deserves it. The more it is pursued the stronger it becomes stronger »
Which snigifies, that although the snake has been fought, and in some instances it seems not to be present, it is simply that it has retracted its rings, and then always resurface again.
Sometimes visible, sometimes invisible or mimicking and going unnoticed in the surrounding environment, the voice of his his his his hiss is always present for the awake Virya!