False Light of Shamballah
Strategic confusion is the modus operandi of the synarchy in its violation of the ontic autonomy of the captive Spirits. The cabal seeks to confuse the mass as means of shifting its focus of attention away from its potentiality to be and towards its inauthentic condition, lower state of the pasu or beast-man.
The spiritual realm is distorted through the cultural lands of the culture disorders and made into a dimension wholly related to the soul animic principle of the being (the incarnate Spirit chained to the soul-body complex).
This change of level is a reductio as inexistentia of the Spirit through binding it to the soul which latter is an extension of the Demiurge. Hence through this means the Spirits are rendered captive within the iron maiden of the soul and they are rendered an assimilated product of the digestion of Jehovah, becoming phagocitized in the belly of the beast.
Those who would seek their Origin in Hyperborea and re-turn thereto are specially targeted by the synarchy for destruction as, not only are they the incarnate Hyperboreans but they are the greatest receptacle of bioenergy-the strongest and most powerful being the aryan as the synarchic occultist Alister Crowley wrote of in "Magic Without Tears".
Hence the intention of the cabal is to hijack the hero on his quest for the Grail and to shift his focus and direction along paths that lead away from the Origin and towards their simulacral realms of illusion, those they have designed from the beginning as means of entrapping the Spirit in a soulish tellurism and lunar pseudo-spirituality either the pathos of mainstream religiosity in its myriad guises or the white magic of the higher New Age cultus or its dark side equivalent, both serving the Demiurge in his evolutionary scheme, binding the Spirits to him by the chain of the soul which latter partakes of His substance.
Thereby the animic principle comes to supersede the spiritual and the lost Virya (the lost ego) is dragged in the direction of the lower states of consciousness, that of the pasu beast-man and his gradual disintegration in the acid pool of the lacrimosity of 'the Manu', in the case of the exotericist and in that of the synarchic initiate, the fusion of his Spirit in the soul as it attains 'perfection' via the rites of the initiation of the G.A.O.T.U
Hence all paths available in the mainstream lead towards serving 'The One' the creator of matter Jehovah-Satan and are the paths of destruction the end of which is not a pot of philosophical goal along the Bifrost bridge of ascension but rather winding up in the stewpot of the cosmic cannibal, the 'Great Satan' (Yahweh; Brahma; Jehovah; Allah, etc.).
The path towards liberation is not that of the gradualistic hierarchy compartmentalized and accessible through grades of initiation but rather that of the 'fundamental attunement towards being' as Heidegger styled it and a comportment thereto beyond the immediacy of the 'indeterminate immediate' in Hegel's words and indeed beyond the to all appearances fixity of the entities within this world.
The orientation towards Hyperborea, beyond the limitations of space and time, leads towards the Origin through a transcendence of the material mire of quicksand which perpetually sucks at the shins of the other hero along his quest. Looking beyond the immediacy of the moment and towards the Origin he may oppose the grasp of the cosmic vampire.
Reducing all phenomena to an emotional state and rendering all things purely an emotional matter is the purpose of the synarchy creating this confusion between the spiritual path and adhering to this state and falling into the contingent and mutable. Hence the lunar pseudo-spirituality of the Satanic synarchy which bases its praxis on the ec-stasis of Dionysian revel and fleeting states of emotional kind.
The judaic nature of the cabal is that of design, the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge serving their role as models of 'ethical behavior' and conduct leading towards a fusion with 'The One', a suicidal fatalism leading to self-destruction under the guise of 'perfection' and a pseudo-immortality bound up with the cycles of Time of the will of Jehovah-Satan.
The perverse rites of the cabal are typically oriented towards a ghoulish malevolence towards aryans especially and towards females to a greater extent than males and especially towards children. This synarchy of black magicians immerses itself in cthonic-tellurian rites of Dionysian ec-stasis in hopes of subjecting themselves to horrors in order to consider themselves as 'transcendent' through being unaffected by these atrocities yet, more often than not, becoming sunken in the swamp of their depravity acquiring if they had not previously had them, homo and other sex addictions (Crowley himself being a prime example); possessed by entities and merged into the hive mind of 'The One' and His subordinate hierarchies and forms (e.g. Metatron) addicted to drugs and other perversions which their fragmented souls (and presumably Spirits in the case of the aryan and other types who possess such) gravitate towards.
They are in most cases subject to the chain of desire through immersion in these lunar-semitic rites owing to the intensity of their emotional affect and the inherent emotionalism (born of the nature of the rites) and of the semitic soul from which they derive.
From vampirism and cannibalism to human sacrifice and torture to multifarious forms of sex perversion and drug taking the synarchic initiate sets himself up for possession and the supplantation of his soul with that of entities who take possession of his spirit to feed upon its energy, which is the ultimate end goal of the synarchy, mainly personal empowerment at the expense of others.
The confusion of Spirit and soul under the influence of the black magicians is thus their main form of deceit and, at a microcosmal level, part of the 'great deception' of the Demiurge, the shifting of level towards the telluric and away from the celestial.
Immersion in the sick pathos and morbidity of the semite leads to the preponderating influence of the soul rendering one a 'spiritual jew' and subordinating his higher principle of being to the soul, reducing himself like the jew, to a swamp creature who can only view the world from 'frog perspective' and not that of the Eagle soaring in the Heights.
Any reading of the lunar-semitic garbage that masquerades as spiritualism (masonic and related literature) serves as a testament to the emotional tenor of the mind of these swamp creatures and their propensity for ghoulish rites, all exciting the lower states of consciousness, the delight in dishonorable behavior: mendacity, violence against others of the most primitive kind.
From top to bottom the cabal of the Demiurge operates on the basis of a crude 'will-to-power' and condemns itself as mere 'occultism' or witchcraft of the lowest stamp even as it sings praises to the 'god of israel' and his 'angelic hierarchies' and 'chosen people'. The keen observer can easily perceive the falsehood of all those affiliated with the synarchy be they christian; freemason or jew-the low and devious cunning they manifest and their dishonorable nature. Hence 'strategic confusion' is the modus operandi of the cabal and manifests itself in countless ways beyond the shifting of level and focus on emotionalism as above outlined.
One other tactic of theirs is the 'assimilation method' through which the organic culture of the 'other' (the autonomous cultural group) is assimilated into and aligned with the cabal's form of culture namely 'universalism', a syncretic negation of all difference through gradualistic praxis, a slow process of destruction of the culture of the other through supplanting its authentic elements with the inauthentic and artificial elements of the synarchy, those which are designed according to the 'Manu archetype' of the 'love-wisdom' aspect of the Demiurge and cohere with the Divine Will. The assimilation tactic is the means through which the synarchy neutralizes its opposition under the guise of a 'common bond' existing between groups which have no common bond.
This strategic confusion tactic (also what might be called 'false Association' and 'change of meaning') is thus designed to serve as a mask for the purpose of infiltration of the foreign culture, to bind themselves to it and hijack it for their own purposes under the cover of 'mutual aid', etc.
Confusion as regards the means of obstructing access of the Origin (which was present in the primordial wisdom of Hyperborea and still extent in many organic cultures stocks who were the inheritors of the Grail) became perversely twisted by the 'Yahweh collective' of negative E.T's and the 'chosen people' through the importation of foreign and artificial sources, e.g. the Bible; Quran and other 'sacred texts' which were imposed upon the population in most cases leading the subdued population towards their enslavement to the synarchy and by extension to the Demiurge.
Strategic confusion thus is the modus operandi of Chang Shamballah and the dark forces and their devious and guileful tactics are not readily apparent save to the wise. For this reason the wise are the greatest threat to their tyranny and most significant target to destroy, using all manner of cunning; neutralization tactics and mass sacrifice (eg. Cathars) to decapitate the bearers of the Hyperboreans Wisdom and the blood of the Grail.