There are two types of conspiracy theorist:
1) they who have good intentions and a desire to not only know the truth but to assist others through coming to know the truth and to communicate it to others and
2) the ill-intentioned, they who wish to put forth distortions and counterfeit ideas in hopes of deceiving others and keeping them in a state of ignorance.
The latter type may be motivated by a perverse desire to dominate others, knowing the truth and wishing to obscure its light from others or by a desire to keep the slaves on the plantation slaving away to enrich their masters or both.
The realm of' conspiratology' if this subject matter may be called such is more or less evenly divided between these groups, 1) the good intentioned and 2) the ill-intentioned both as regards the 'gurus' who disseminate the ideas and their arguments and alleged evidence and they who partake of it and who use it according to their own motivation to help themselves; harm or help others or whatever selfish motivation they may have.
Thus in attempting to come to an understanding of Truth, attempting to wade through the conspiratorial information available in the conventional media one winds up in most cases following broad and winding paths leading to partial and half truths, obtaining at best a dim grasp of the light that the posted conspiracists have concealed under their smokescreen and gas lights of illusion.
In order to have the full Truth as regards available information one must hone his reasoning skills to a razors edge. Even in having a superlatively developed rational faculty he may become snagged on falsehood and indeed this more than anyone owing to his confining himself within the purely human realm of reason.
They who have not allowed conceptual abstractions and 'human knowledge' to cloud their higher mind will possibly be the foremost candidate in guiding themselves out of the Daedalian maze of conspiracy theories.
Hence the higher intuition, called 'intellection' by the medieval philosophers, must be one's guide though this alone is not sufficient a compass for the wise to steer their ship away from the rocks of falsehood.
Both reason and intellection (the supra-rational intuition) is necessary. They who control the information systems have and do so on a continual basis bury their traces under constant misinformation which serve as coverups and red herrings with which to conceal their crimes.
To develop these faculties the writer recommends the practice of third eye and void meditation, living a pure life in a relatively quiet place and reading the book "A Pragmatic Theory of Fallacy" by D.N.Walton.
It is openly acknowledged by most that a conspiracy for global government exists and this has become a commonplace, an open secret. What most fail to understand is that this is all part of the conspiracy itself, a 'revelation of the method' and the imposition thereby of a 'double bind' on the mass consciousness, the conspirators having revealed themselves and given the masses a 'chance' to oppose them.
That the mass and whichever of its leaders have not done so adequately in the mind of the conspirators and according to their logic justifies them in ruling over the 'mass' owing to being of a superior power able to get away with their plans with minimal and insufficient opposition.
The 'revelation of the method' of their conspiracy is there means of "immanentizing the eschaton" in the words of Robert Anton Wilson, and "Externalization of The Hierarchy" in those of Alice Bailey at least in process. The publicity of their conspiracy enables them to absorb into themselves greater energy transmitted to them by the subordinate human 'cattle' who live in a state of confusion and uncertainty as to just who is causing an uproar in their personal lives.
That the conspirators conceal who specifically they are at least while they didn't have sufficient power to overcome or suppress any violent uprising on the part of the masses testifies to their not possessing total control and power.
Hence there are all manner of scapegoats and strawmen which are set up by the conspiracy and served up as sacrifices for the broad masses- the conspirator elite even provide them with lighted torches with which to burn their front man if need and desire be; to deflect attention from themselves and onto their sacrificial karmic goat (e.g. a politician on the right wing or left-wing; a celebrity spokesperson or businessman or other wealthy and powerful figure 'exposed' to all appearances as a 'Satanist' or 'luciferian' or some other to christian and the moral majority unpleasant sounding label attached to them which they and their actions become representative of).
The conspiracy is thus one of silence in which the conspirators do not reveal themselves and their true light and conceal themselves behind simulacra, counterfeits or false appearances. That which the control system sensors and seeks to obstruct people from viewing; communicating about and thus exposing that which to a high degree of probability one must assume is a hypothetical cause of or power behind the global control system a.k.a. conspiracy.
That group which can be easily identified as of a certain visibly identifiable biological group that occupies positions of power in society to a degree disproportionate to their numbers as a segment of the total population; that group which adheres to a biologically racial ideology that conditions them to unify and polarize around their particular tribal group and against others and indeed to act in an antagonistic way toward others on the basis of their ideology- that group can be said to be the ruling power.
For not only is their 'ideology' permitted to exist and to function pragmatically to situate and maintain them in a position of power but it is that in a dominant position and that the culture of the society reflects this proves that such a group is in control.
Within the context of a society of Tradition such as National Socialist Germany such an ideology and racial group served the nation and created a harmonious state of affairs. Such an ideology need not be antagonistic to other nations and peoples and may in fact be beneficial though it may be the converse- this depends entirely on the biological group and its ideology.
That National Socialism is made illegal in most countries of the current world and that anyone publicly espousing its tenets faces legal prosecution and potential incarceration for inciting 'racial hatred' against jews would suggest (though not strictly imply) that the censoring society is antagonistic toward this ideology.
What convinces an intuitive and rational person that the censoring society is being genuine and its codification of such an ideology as 'verbotensprach'; illegal to publicly espouse, is the simple fact of demographics. One need only observe they who occupy the heights of power and what laws they invent to support their hegemony and condemn and oppress the power and even existence of others to understand who the controlling power is.
The simple fact observable to all who have even the rudiments of knowledge of biological race enables one to conclude who the conspirators are in fact. A clue can be seen in the fact that they are not Germanic or blue-eyed and blonde-haired. Hence it is not 'Nazis' or National Socialists' who control society but another particular group.
The conspiracy of today is the same which existed millennia ago and this can be inferred from the historical record: that this same group has wormed its way around the earth like the Ouroboros serpent and has entwined the world in its coils, subjecting it to slow strangulation and absorbing into itself the life force of the population in an efficient and effective a manner as possible absorbing the wealth; ideas; culture and blood of the best of the global population and first and foremost the Aryan race.
In order to identify this group one must simply observe the features of those in power and those historical associations which have become bound up therewith. The simple answer is: jews are the highest level figure that the average person can observe in positions of power represented to a greater degree than any other group in relation to their portion of the total population.
Their historical religion and behavior are bound up with their race, their religion not having been the cause of their race but rather vice versa and the religion simply serving as a mechanism of reinforcing that biological type according to its laws (halakha) for the perpetuation of the 'anti-race race' of jewry. Jewry who are the biological hybrid of sundry races with a common strain deriving from those forces which control them and which are not visible to the average person.
These forces are the reptilian trans-dimensionals from Alpha Draconis in the Orion constellation and other regions of the galaxy who have genetically engineered jewry millennia ago to 'occupy until I [the Elohim] come', in preparation for their 'kingdom of heaven' called Zion.
Many sources confirmed this though most give only partial truth and must be read carefully between the lines in order to understand the ultimate origin and cause of world unrest. The section "Space Invaders" in the work "Lord of the World" presents myriad sources of this kind.
This conspiracy, so vast and ancient as to be incredible in the minds of the contemporary masses who look toward the past only in terms of decades and have no acquaintance with the millennial old history of this world, is of necessity unidentifiable to the. However with the presentation and adequate spread of specific ideas and evidence throughout the historical record even the most obtuse can come to identify these conspirators and this is what they fear: exposure as it leads to their removal through the appropriate level of reasonable force deployed against them.
To "straighten out the white man's thinking" was the goal of Ben Klassen, founder of the Creativity Movement and author of the works "Nature's Eternal Religion" and "The White Man's Bible". In these works and others he attempted to clarify the world situation and to awaken the white race to expose and oppose the jew and all of the anti-white minions of the jew for the "survival, expansion and advancement of the white race and the white race alone".
This basic template has served well in accomplishing this goal and the principle of "straightening of the white man's thinking" is sound and essential for the achievement of this purpose. Hence one must, as aforesaid, sharpen one's wits through developing a higher reason and understanding (intellection) as a means of fighting what Klassen called the "RaHoWa" (racial holy war) against 'the evil tide' of the dark forces and their earthly representatives jewry and their affiliates.
The disinformation agents of the conspiracy, they whose role and purpose it is to cloud the light of truth with lies and irrelevant information are funded or voluntarily contribute to this ongoing campaign of semantic and informational fog, generating a perpetual haze of grey mist and employing their gas lights to deceive and abuse the minds of the masses.
They thus must be exposed and their agendas revealed for what they are in Truth and only then can the white man ensure he is not sidetracked and led down broad and winding roads of falsehood toward his destruction and failure to attain the "survival, expansion and advancement of the white race and the white race alone".
The conspiracy theorists who perpetually disseminate their theories are usually conscripted from the jewish cabal and their masonic affiliates to play these roles and are put forth amongst the conspiracy crowd or sphere of investigators and pretend to hold certain views and beliefs in order to lead the naïve astray.
Typically they stick with certain themes and seek to advance certain ideas as their representatives or proponents though, being actors, they are in many cases of a protean nature, able to adapt and metamorphose within the informational body of the conspiracy sphere.
Some come and go after they have fulfilled their mission and some are reinvented as another character in the game of dissemination of falsehood. Many agents are put forth to deceive the population and their lies are corroborated by others, critiqued by yet others but, should their lies prove effective and serve the conspiracy they are accommodated by a sufficient number of agents or a single agent sufficiently popular to maintain that particular live such that it becomes foundational in that particular sphere as a 'credible' and valuable theory; idea, etc.
Such disinformation agents and their ideas become memes and perpetuate themselves in the consciousness of the investigators and more passive 'consumers' of this information which influences their behavior and actions leading them toward serving the interests of the conspiracy even as they disseminate ideas and theories to all appearances (false appearances) serving to expose it. Thus the conspirators have vested interests in derailing legitimate investigation by those not kosher approved as it conceals their operations and neutralizes any potential or actual opposition.
The pied piper disinformation agents create false associations between Truth and falsehood between Truth dangerous to the cabal and Truth innocuous; create red herrings and distractions; employee emotive language and terminology ('satan'; 'nazi'; etc.) to elicit emotional reactions from the population and to becloud their reason with passion of a detrimental nature; introduce all manner of divisive and time wasteful and irrelevant ideas and theories to distract people from the essential facts that lead to exposing and opposing the conspiracy.
In the following the writer will discuss some of these ideas and theories as a means of enabling the reader to disentangle his mind from the cobwebs of the web spinners of the conspiracy and to "straighten out the white man's thinking".
The particular names of organizations and groups will be omitted though the writer could name many and put forth sound argumentation to convince a reasonable- rational and intuitive person that these figures are probably if not jews then their co-conspirator agentur.
The flat earth theory was devised by jews and posits the claim that the Earth is flat and exists in what they affirm to be 'the firmament'. This theory has been debunked by Galileo at the expense of his life having died a martyr for Truth against the despotic Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was almost certainly created by jewry in the beginning as any observation of contemporary paintings of the original popes reveals, all of them having been of a swarthy sephardic appearance with black hair; pasty skin and the characteristic jewish nose.
The Catholic church's theology is a typical jewish syncretism and plagiary of Hellenistic philosophy and jewish theology. Some other co-conspirator disinformation agents have argued for its having been constructed by 'the Romans' and Julius Caesar, however this is patently false as Julius Caesar was one of their agents himself.
The geocentric cosmology of Catholicism served jewry in positing Jerusalem as the center of the universe, creating a crudely physical distortion of the esoteric concept of 'Jerusalem' ('the city of peace'; "the kingdom of heaven is within you") for the profane to look upon as an earthly paradise and the jews as the earthly gods of the earth, 'the chosen people of God'.
The theory is easily disproven by the simple counter facts of heliocentrism which not only rationally explain but exhaustively prove the validity of heliocentrism. Indeed one needs no 'theory' to prove the earth isn't flat- he need only consult the historical record and the sum total of evidence regarding astrology and its correspondence with world events and having been an accepted doctrine that serves as the foundation of the sum total of what may legitimately constitute knowledge.
Heliocentrism is necessary to understand the reality of our world and the energies that influence life itself as well as to understand that sentient life exists on other planets. It is necessary to know that we have a relationship thereto and may travel to different regions of the galaxy either through spiritual means (astral travel); through black holes or otherwise it, heliocentrism is necessary to recognize this truth.
To deny this reality is to restrict 'human' understanding (a misunderstanding of the human-all-too-human) to the 'flat Earth' and to plunge the population into an age of darkest ignorance wherein any priestly caste liar can invent any lie and call it 'truth' to deceive the population and to install shackles upon the minds of the masses.
The question must then be asked: those who advocate this theory either explicitly or implicitly by pretending to entertain the theory as if it had any credibility are clearly deceivers as no right minded person could ever entertain this absurd notion given the sum total of evidence which pervades the culture of our world and has for millennia.
Not only are these flat earth flatheads a danger in influencing impressionable minds and spreading the noxious ideas of a talmudic theory but they are, should they be associated with those who wish to expose the conspirators of this world they cast aspirations upon the sincere and credible investigators and activists who are the true dissidents against the conspiracy and who the conspiracy wishes to ridicule as a means of neutralizing their message through false associations.
Through falsely associating Truth with the obvious lie of 'flat Earth' these dis-info agent smear the proponents of Truth with their theoretical extra And defame in the eyes of the average person the True theories and their advocates.
One of the tactics utilized by the conspiracy theory disinformation agents is to pretend to be a vocal proponent of a certain position against the cabal (eg. exposing jewry) and simultaneously to be agreeable to absurd and socially unacceptable or ludicrous theories that associate that which is absurd or idiotic with the Truth.
These actors come out of nowhere proclaiming to be a dissident and after gaining a popular following introduce other elements of disinformation, either pretending an event occurred to them in their lives that associates them with the unpopular or undesirable 'fact' or verbalizing it etc.
Anyone playing such a role must be assumed (by the reasonable and intuitive) to be an agent. To all appearances good intentioned or benevolent or 'naïve' these agents are fully conscious of their subversive modus operandi and are typically (those at least who are given greater than average publicity) a jew or a freemason or a christian (and all Christians become Freemasons at higher levels in their initiatic hierarchy of service to jewry and the 'G.A.O.T.U' or Demiurge).
A simple investigation into the background of the disinformation agent can yield good results especially in inferring who they are through their associations. Should one have worked in government or politics and should one have been born in or around a power center or occult center chances are they are an agent.
Additionally should they have had any affiliation with the military chances are they simply transferred into military intelligence and took on the role of a disinformation agent and gatherer of intelligence from they who the conspiracy has targeted.
The higher up they had been or are the higher the probability of their being a freemason and 'once a mason always a mason' as the oaths taken are broken only in death. Typically one is born into this capacity or assign this role from birth or antenatally a based upon one's astrological natal chart and the ritualistic conditions of his conception into his occult family.
One of the most significant and all-encompassing conspiracy theories is that of blaming everything jewry does on the scapegoat of 'the illuminati', i.e. the occult orders which serve jewry's agenda and serve as a smokescreen for their operations.
This fact explains why the quasi-mainstream propaganda related to 'the illuminati' is revealed and has been revealed for decades with endless talk of the 'masonic' or 'illuminati' conspiracy with only the most reserved and qualified mention of jewry and always as the 'fringe' element of 'the illuminati' never as a tribal group or as a distinct alien species of a malevolent nature.
Thus endless talk about what the 'illuminati' and freemasons are doing is put forth in minute detail but no mention is ever made of jews save as above and in most cases the actual jews are portrayed as 'Anglo-American' illuminati or 'black nobility' or a similar variant on the theme thereby deflecting attention from jewry as a collective group toward their enemies and Shabbos goy strawmen and scapegoats.
Such a conception of positing the 'illuminati' as the ultimate cause of world unrest is a 'non-causa pro causa' fallacy ('not the cause of the cause') focusing and indeed at times hyper-focusing on subordinate causes in the hierarchy and neglecting and thereby concealing the higher echelons of power.
Certain conspiracy theorists have labeled this illuminati group as a 'bloodline' derived from the Merovingians; black nobility; Phoenicians; Canaanites; Khazarians etc., and that it is simply a 'religion' with a hereditary basis, the religion of 'gnostic luciferianism'.
Still others, usually those who play the role of an adherent to christianity and who are put into this position to pander to that demographic claim the 'illuminati' derived from the biblical 'nephilim' thereby attempting to associate 'the illuminati' with 'the nephilim' or demonic entities (the alleged Annunaki,etc.) allegedly responsible for 'the fall of man'.
The distortion in this case lies in claiming that the 'fall of man' in the sense of higher beings coming onto the earth and mixing with the anthropoids is somehow bad or 'evil' and as a result of 'sin' rather than being a benevolent gesture to, as Miguel Serrano contends in his "Manu: For The Man To Come" and "Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar", liberate the souls of the anthropoids from the matrix of the Demiurge.
This was undergone through shattering their genetico-spiritual blueprint through interbreeding between themselves and the Vanir ('Devas' in the Vedic Tradition) and preventing them from reincarnating on the earth and thus liberating their souls.
That the judeo-christians wish to entrap the souls of all on this earth can be seen in their dictum and command from their 'God' 'to be fruitful and multiply', to create more bodies for souls to inhabit on the earth so that these souls may be vampirized by the entities called Sephardim and angels (in reality reptilian trans-dimensionals with whom the illuminati and jewry are bound) and whose existence is dependent upon the vampirization of the vital force of others.
The 'Anglo-American' straw man upon whom is projected the karma for the sins of the jews and their affiliates is one of the major deflection targets and works hand in glove with that of the 'illuminati' only on a more mundane and conventional level of conspiracy.
It works hand in glove with the 'evil capitalists' meme and serves to channel the justified pent-up aggression of relatively intelligent white people against their own kind creating one side of the 'left-wing versus right-wing' dichotomy.
The Rockefellers (real name Roggenfelder) and the Bush's are various other front families that serve as scapegoats and 'heels' in the theater of the real to transfer the hostility of the masses toward as a relatively insignificant public target and to exhaust the energies of the population on simulacra of power thereby neutralizing opposition to the real power, the Kehilla or organized jewry.
Of course what the masses are prevented from knowing is that all or most all of these families of the 'illuminati' or 'capitalist' jet set plutocrats are jewish in whole or in part and thus are mere actors within their tribal conspiracy, playing the role of the 'heel' or bad guy in the dialectic of 'practical idealism', i.e. the black magic of the sorcerers of Zion.
The 'left-wing' side is created as the 'alternative' and played off against 'the right-wing' with each side being constructed as an antagonist existing only in relation to the other and having no complete existence in and of itself save in relation to its opponent.
Both sides are thus scapegoats and strawmen turned against one another and are both serviceable as controlled opponents controlled by their hidden masters. The elite play the role of 'conservative' or 'liberal' ideologue and generate rhetoric in the form of books; publications and lectures which program the minds of the population to become the stereotyped figure the jewish programmers create and thus to be as it were fitted with the ideological and political uniform of their particular faction.
In whole and in part the secular humanist divide and conquer strategy accommodates much of the available ideology; belief systems and other mental straitjackets engineered by the architects of destruction: from christianity on the right wing to liberalism on the left and its gnostic or materialist versions, all publicly and broadly known ideologies and belief systems fit within this spectrum and lead, by virtue of their inner content, to the adherent taking one or the other side or some controlled opposition intermediary 'side'-anything which has no relation to race and is simply a universalist-egalitarian ideology, that which proclaims 'equality' and blinds itself to organic difference-this alone is made available.
Within the 'egalitarian spectrum' all players in the game of the jew world order, all of those who it permits and rewards at least at this period it simultaneously imposes an obligation upon to have a negative behavior toward that which affirms racial or organic cultural being. This negative behavior may manifest as a stance of passive rejection as in the case of liberalism especially but also in the effeminate 'conservativism' (essentially effeminate regardless of its claims to being 'powerful' in its service to the jew), or a more overt antagonism toward racial values in those cases which pretend to being 'defenders' of humanity; 'God', etc., the more aggressive variants of the 'egalitarian spectrum'.
Hence the false dichotomy of 'right' and 'left', never really having been very different in their anti-white egalitarian ideology become, through the 'tension of development' of the dialectical divide eventually reconcile after much bloodshed and chaos to the further decimation of the white population and to the greater 'glory' of jewry the wire pullers and hidden hand operating in the shadows.
Within this 'right'-'left' divide the power of organized churchianity is at work seeking to prop up their crumbling institutions, facilitating the chaos through mass non-white importation and through creating in tandem with the jews a greater appearance of division between 'right' and 'left' attempting to 'separate the sheep from the goats', creating chaos to justify their imposition of their Zion order.
The christians consciously at higher levels work with jewry to sabotage and destroy their own race just as they have done throughout history and from the beginning in ancient Rome. They claim they are putting a stop to the madness and blame 'the left' for what they themselves orchestrate from behind the scenes, creating the scapegoat of 'the left' led by jewish subversives, the 'rebellious children of God'. They slap the jews on the wrist (at least publicly if need be) while mass murdering their own race in revolutionary bloodlust, moving toward the complete annihilation of any opposition to their Zion despotism, targeting especially the white population who are, by virtue of their higher consciousness and superlative intelligence, the greatest threat to their power.
The Catholic Church advocated and perhaps to this very day advocates flat Earth theory for a reason, that being to reduce all to a state of ignorance and keep them in the mental shackles of theological dogma and the arbitrary will of the vicarious filiae dei and his subordinates in the hierarchy of the Ekklesia.
Perhaps the flat Earth and other ludicrous psy ops are being trafficked in by jewry and their christian and masonic puppets as a means of tearing down any credible theories and most importantly stigmatizing their opposition through creating false associations between ludicrous and undesirable theories and True, making the Truth teller appear 'mentally ill' or 'crazy' in the eyes of the average person.
In contemporary times there have been gurus of the movement who had made statements and been involved in alleged 'events' related to implicitly advocating or supporting sexual activity with minors. Such gurus have also put forth other psy ops such as violence and terrorist advocacy and thus can be easily seen for who they are in their true light.
One of the major gimmicks of jewry in their slander of their enemies is to associate them with that which is considered vile or immoral and on that basis potentially dangerous or harmful to society and its 'moral majority'.
Bringing forth alleged representatives (in reality disinformation agents) who espouse 'pro-white' values and who are either homosexuals or 'minor attracted persons' (M.A.P.S) and having them pretend to uphold conventional and otherwise pure ideals is a characteristically jewish tactic.
In the gangstalking operations of the cabal which are orchestrated by Mossad and run through 'community policing' or local 'neighborhood watch organizations' one of their typical low-blow tactics is as follows: the targeted individual is followed and his patterns of behavior recorded by the agents paid to gangstalk him. Agents drop off children along his path or mobilize them (often their own children who they instruct to carry out these acts) to run up to the target or near the target or place them around taking either themselves or through their agents video and/or photographic 'evidence' of the target appearing to stalk their children, being captured in the context of proximity to their children.
This 'evidence' is then presented in the 'community policing' sessions to deceive the stupid and hypocritical people who sign up to gangstalk the target and through this means drive the person out of society and/or lead them to being set up on false charges and vilified thereby making this false association of pure ideals with vulgarity real in the public mind, based upon the orchestration of this 'theater of the real'. All Zionists participated in this activity and are led by their pied piper jewish masters to the slaughter as the democratic mob of witless goyim hurled against Truth tellers.
The neurotic mores of Abrahamic religion and its inhibition and suppression of the natural sex instinct or its utilization can be observed in the hostility of this group toward all of those not rigidly uptight and similarly inhibited. Julia Evola's "Metaphysics of Sex" holds the key to the problem of both christian neurotic inhibition and liberal hedonic exhibitionism. The key is a more spiritually oriented view of sexuality as a mechanism of transmutation of the Self not either a 'vile, unclean thing' as viewed through the spinsters spectacles of Abrahamism nor as a tool or activity for the purpose of promiscuous indulgence.
Both are wrong and Evola is right and this knowledge the cabal of control freaks would utilize for themselves and their own benefit but restrict access to by the 'profane' as means of restricting their consciousness to purely mundane and finite state of existence within 'the world' and not develop sufficient power through this means as means of transcending the condition of soul atrophy through either neurotic stagnation under the fetters of religion or the dissipation and fragmentation of the soul under the boundless pseudo-liberty of libertine liberalism.
The notion that whites are somehow 'christendom' and that christianity is somehow a pro-white or originally white religion has been critiqued by the writer in "Christ[Insanity] Identity: Pro-White or Jewish Psyop" though he is unable to definitively conclude whether christianity itself is something that could ever be spoken of as authentically white let alone 'Aryan' (a higher spiritual octave of white identity).
According to such representative figures as John Chrysostom 'the Israelites' were jews in a contemporary sense and he refers explicitly to jewry being 'the Israelites'in his work "Adversus Judaeos" a work written during the early period of the Catholic Church.
The mass murder as mechanism of conversion of the white race to christianity undergone by the christian puppets of the jews in the Catholic Church testifies to the fact that it is unlikely that whites considered their racial kinsman fellow 'Israelites' given their willingness to murder their own kind.
The greater likelihood is that the whites looked upon 'Christendom' as those who had converted to christianity and who had assimilated into 'spiritual Israel', i.e. they who had adhered to the dogma of the church regardless of whether they were the largely mixed Egyptians or other Mediterranean or Near Eastern stock.
Hence it is reasonable to conclude that, at least as far as the Catholic Church is concerned, christianity is not a religion essentially bound up with whites but simply associated with them and modified by them through the historical process, what is called 'christianity' today being an Aryanized judaism though nonetheless jewish in its origin and essence.
Hence the 'spirit' of Israel has captured the consciousness of the white race and exerted a soporific and effeminizing influence upon the warrior nature of the Aryan. This may have its virtues and vices but they who advocate christian identity as a white racial religion are in many cases disinformation agents put forth to neutralize opposition to the judeo-christian conspiracy.
Another very divisive and potentially life-threatening psyop which jews have introduced to vilify the white man is that of associating whites with terroristic insurgency, the cliché of the 'lone wolf' or 'small cells' fighting the system in a 'protracted guerrilla war' which Ben Klassen, founder of the Creativity Movement, claimed would be a largely futile and devastating action leading to losses of white lives beyond what he considered tolerable. The writer has critiqued this false association between whites and terrorism in his article "White Terror, Jewish Psyop: The psychological operation of ‘White Terrorism’ and the Jewish Cabal".
Anyone advocating illegal activity especially in the context of violence is either an operative or an unstable person or both and thus must be avoided and one from whom the wise will dissociate themselves. The psy op of terrorism being associated with whites is thus a classic tactic of vilification and denigration that has been used on jewry's opponents throughout their history with anyone they hate being portrayed to jewry's allies as a danger to jewry and/or to others as means of influencing their allies to serve as a meat shield or sword to attack their opponents.
The false flag operations orchestrated by jewry and their Mossad international terrorist organization and other of their operatives are typically fabricated by them with no such event even occurring it having been simply an invention of their cabal and put forth in their media to create this false reality. Those events that actually occur and few and far between as they are are typically influenced by the technologies of the cabal (psychotronics; radionics; synthetic telepathy,etc.) and are performed as ritual murders.
The invented theory of 'evolution' in both the Darwinist and Theosophical sense is another smokescreen to conceal the truth behind and works hand in glove with scientism in the former case and in new age religion in the latter, both of which deny the essential and immutable nature of racial identity, claiming that such identity is simply a transient phenomenon which comes and goes and therefore is simply a phase in the 'progressive march' of history.
Further false theories which function to create an irrelevant, false association between Truth, the Truth teller and anything undesirable and bad are: veganism; naturalism and sexual deviance (both in theory and in practice).
These theories and 'lifestyles' are made popular in the jew media as a mental trap into which the naïve and gullible become snared and can be subsequently mocked and ridiculed and pointed at as exemplary cases of the deviant 'Other', that which is 'strange' or 'fringe' in a negative sense as something undesirable. The creation of an association between the 'fringe' and Truth helps to further marginalize Truth from the consciousness of the 'mainstream' and to ward off anyone not wanting to be stigmatized with such a false association.
'Veganism' is a United Nations agenda and is made or attempted to be made mainstream and is conventionally associated with the 'left wing', having a more pacifistic and effeminate behavioral influence. This condition is created in the person through their being deprived of cholesterol and adequate assimilable/bioavailable amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins amongst other essential nutrients. Cholesterol is a precursor to pregnenolone which is a molecule related to testosterone and the more cholesterol one has in one's diet the more testosterone one will have all things being equal.
Over the course of several decades representatives of the pro-white movement have advocated vegan diets in a manner to make it a consistent element or feature capable of being associated with the pro-white movement.
Whether these individuals actually practiced this diet or had noble intentions in convincing others to practice it or at least to minimize the consumption of meat and animal foods is a question although presenting such an idea before naïve and in many cases weak minded and impressionable people is a negative form of misinformation.
For those less weak minded, the advocacy of veganism on the part of the pro-white gurus may help to enable their followers to experiment with the diet and come to realize through personal experience (and often much confusion and difficulty of coming to the conclusion) that veganism is a nutrient deficient death diet and justifiably advocated by the United Nations given its planetary depopulation agenda.
That the average person observing the pro-white movement would see the false association between vegan advocacy and by extension the false environmentalism which is the U.N's agenda being associated with the pro-white cause would serve to ward off healthy minded people and to render any healthy minded people interested in supporting the pro-white cause comparatively unhealthy minded through the malnutrition of a vegan diet.
Given that dietary cholesterol is necessary for brain development and function and that the brain is largely comprised of cholesterol, a vegan diet leads to neurodegeneracy owing specifically to the demylenation of the axons between neurons preventing the optimal transmission of electrical impulses between brain cells.
As regards 'naturalism', this ideology of 'stick and stone' is clearly designed to associate whites and pro-whites who have become associated with it, with a crude pantheism or purely materialistic worldview, one bereft of spiritual life and thus overall a deterrent to all of those seeking a higher form of existence beyond the coarsest forms of material life.
To advocate such a view drags down the consciousness and restricts the mind to the purely perishable and transient elements of life and, on this basis, severs people from a higher form of existence, indeed prescribes a soulless materialistic worldview whether it be considered atheistic or theistic.
Such a weltanshauung plays into the hands of the enemy in preventing any connection with the greater spiritual power that whites have been disconnected from through the crude materialism and jewish nature of christianity which has driven a wedge between whites and their ancestral, true Tradition, though this Tradition has been somewhat preserved within christianity in spite of its largely jewish mindset.
To espouse naturalism thus functions to lead white followers of these gurus toward a state of materialism and atheism or a crude neopagan alternative within the paradigm of 'nature' in the sense only of what is visible and tangibly available to the five senses. This allows christians and organized religion to condemn pro-whites as mere 'pantheists' or 'atheists' or 'pagans' and thus to asperse and denigrate them while exalting themselves in the process over and against them.
Thus naturalism as a weltanshauung can only be adopted and be of benefit to whites if it acknowledges and incorporates higher dimensions and forces with which one is related to and in relation to which one may empower oneself and become who he is, that is to say a 'living god' through the magnum opus or 'great work' of spiritual development. Insofar it is acceptable, if not it is an undue limitation of white consciousness. That there are other dimensions and states of existence than pure physicality can easily be observed through such evidence of E.S.P and psy abilities as revealed in video footage of Nina Kalugina and Kirlian photography amongst countless other sources.
Many of the pro-white gurus were undoubtedly some type of initiate and probably freemasons though perhaps they were dissident freemasons. This writer cannot make claims to know but suspects it is the truth given the color symbolism and language which alludes to 'evolution' and 'fighting the evil tide' 'against time', etc. all connotative of cosmological ideas related to vedism and luciferianism.
Indeed the left-ward swastika of the National Socialists itself is a symbol connoting immanent transcendence and opposition to the cycles of Demiurgic Time-flow ('the evil tide' as Ben Klassen called it) and its entropic process leading to the atrophy and extinction of the soul through the incarnations.
The right-ward direction is embraced by all worshippers of 'The One' or Demiurge, a pacifistic subordination before 'The One' leading to a failed development of the soul and consequent extinction.
The christians in the realm of conspiracy theory are perpetually attempting to brand all of their enemies 'satanists' or 'luciferians' and attempting to associate these two terms together to make an equation between the spiritual development of luciferianism and the black magic of jewry the christians have been conditioned to associate with 'satanism', a term employed simply to designate violent and harmful 'black magic', i.e. witchcraft harming others.
However what they fail to understand is that this term 'satan' is simply a hebrew word denoting 'adversary', meaning an adversary of Yahweh-Jehovah, the jewish 'God', and accordingly has no correspondence as far as the writer is aware to any actually existent being saved within the theology of christianity.
Thus 'luciferian' is a term that has, through the christian and to some extent gnostic lens received a stigma which bears no relation to the essential nature of this term. This term also, similar to that of 'satan' does not refer to any actually existent being named 'lucifer' but is instead an initiatic concept oppositional to the sheep-like conformism of christian ideology.
Hence it is simply a term designative on the process of spiritual development which can be both negative and positive depending on who has appropriated the label for themselves and the purpose to which it is put, essence being correlated with existence, the nature of the thing being inferrable from its function or behavior. For more on this confusion as regards the concept of 'Lucifer' the writer refers the reader to the writer's article 'Lucifer'.
The knee-jerk reactionary conservative, full of emotion and irrationality, lashes out with violence upon hearing such terms and this according to their programming, especially in the case of those who have a christian background who have grown up during the period when christianity was a culturally pervasive phenomenon (now in its death throes to all appearances).
Another and perhaps most disturbing ideology which has been concocted by jewry to stigmatize whites is that of associating sexual deviance with the pro-white cause. Catholic authors have written slanderous works such as "The Pink Swastika" which has attempted to portray the National Socialists as sexually deviant homosexuals as a means of slandering and aspersing National Socialism in an ad hominem style. The smear tactic is a staple in the arsenal of jewry and their minions, the worshipers of the jewish male 'Christ', the behavior of a homosexual in the case of those who are male.
As regards evolution, granted that all things change and modify to a degree given their time and place in relation to others (ideas; organisms; geological conditions, This does not of course imply that evolution is true or that the primordial Tradition contains the fact of involution is not true.
Involution from higher beings is posited by theosophists and denied by Darwinians but in the case of the former there is simultaneously an affirmation of evolution of the soul not simply a devolution or modification of either the inner kernel of one's being or of only the perishable and nonessential elements of one's being.
In either case a 'progressivist' worldview is put forth and an egalitarian one as well which denies the essential value of race. At least this has been associated with these conceptions in more recent times. Perhaps this is not necessarily bound up with the original views entirely.
Regardless the original conceptions recognized race only that race was 'evolving' and, in the case of Theosophy, the souls of 'lower races' would evolve into the bodies of higher races. This is a conception present in Mormon doctrine and also the version of Rosicrucianism espoused by the occultist Max Heindel in his "Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception". The compilation "Illuminati Racial Doctrine" contains selections as regards the evolutionary conception of 'theosophism'.
As to Darwinism it may be compatible with racial views ('racialism') especially pro-white views though it restricts one's understanding to what the writer would contend to be a false paradigm, a generally false conception of reality being overly materialistic and denying higher reality and affirming generally false conceptions such as apes evolving into 'humans' and 'out of Africa' theory as well as having no evidence for its acceptance (e.g. no missing link ever having existed between different distinct species). The work "The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man" by Susan B.Martinez reveals evidence that shows the diverse anthropoidal beings who existed on the earth throughout the millennia.
Thus 'evolutionary theory' might have merit as far as interpreting 'modification' of divers kinds under variable conditions is correct though the notion that everything is evolving (and toward what goal?) Is a question the writer can't answer. What he can say however regarding evolutionary theory is that attempting to explain the behavior; origin and existence of whites in its terms is not only woefully inadequate but can be easily disproven. Works such as "We Will Not Celebrate the Death of The White Gods" by Miguel Serrano; "The Secret Doctrine" part two "Anthropogenesis", Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; the OAHSPE Bible by John Newbrough (1882 edition) and to some extent "Der Gral Als Nordisches Mysterium" by Julius Evola hold the key to understanding anthropogensis.
One more psy op typically employed by the cabal in its vilification of whites is a putting forth the simulacrum of 'Nazis' in place of themselves to transfer upon their most hated foe the white racial loyalist (the 'pro-white') their own karma for what they themselves do using their media to mind control the public into identifying the cause of world unrest with some surreptitious hidden 'Nazi' faction and themselves as the defenders and protectors of 'humanity', the mixed multitude, champions of the 'victims', defenders of the 'weak and meek'.
Though Hitler and throughout the history of the world 'benevolent' whites of all sorts, have assisted non-whites (and this 'from the beginning', from the origin of whites on the earth) these same are stigmatized as the abusers; exploiters and murderers of the nonwhite masses while the Jews, they who in large part instigated the genocidal campaigns against non-whites and who concealed themselves behind their proxies the christians are represented as benevolent 'shepherd kings', they alone who are worthy of 'global dominion' put forth always in an implied and passive way as simply being 'set apart' by their alleged 'God' for 'the priesthood' to rule over the non-whites.
Thus with such a passive and to all appearances 'humble' and benign means of presenting their supremacistic intentions, the witless masses are deceived into agreeing to having the yoke placed around their necks, subordinating themselves as cattle before their priests of the order of Melchizedek and the Rabbi rulers of the intended Zion despotism.
The stigmatization and vilification of the 'Nazis' by jewry in their media and by extension white people as a collective group upon whom is projected the stigma (the inherent 'nazism' of the white man).
To create an association with the white man and the 'Satanic'; 'evil' Nazi is undergone in a way that, through the medium of transmission (i.e. mass media sensationalism, 'the medium is the message') and the form of the message (violent; aggressive, etc.) creates hatred and fear in the average person especially those who are not white and self-loathing in those who are such that as an outcome whites are. The consequence is that whites are looked upon as inherently evil and irredeemable and thus are led to the slaughter by those who are not white and indeed by the cowardly white race traitors (foremost amongst whom are christians) who seek to attack their own race out of a desire to curry favor with popular opinion and to avoid any such controversial traits being attached to themselves.
The psy op of 'the nephilim' is brought in and associated with 'Nazis' through the invented narratives of jewry attempting to associate by way of a connection with 'the Nazis' white people with 'the nephilim' (itself a biblical distortion of the origin of whites and indeed of 'mankind' as a whole).
Thus one false association is used with another to connect whites with demonic entities and thus set them up for the slaughter, again substituting what jews themselves are with whites, namely the offspring or genetically engineered hybrids of neanderthals and reptilian aliens.
Whites, they who derive from higher beings ('Vanir'; 'Devas'; 'Quetzacoatl', call them what you will) are thus portrayed as deriving from 'devils' and it is indeed easily observable in this case that "demon et Deus inversus" ("God is the devil inverted" as Blavatsky said in "The Secret Doctrine") and the 'transvaluation of all values' that was initiated by the chandal religion of jewry (namely christianity and to some extent their own religion based as it is on a victimhood narrative viewed from their own limited egotistical perspective) has become a fait accompli.
What is 'good' in the classical sense (strong; healthy; intelligent; creative) is portrayed as 'evil' and what is 'bad' considered in the classical sense (that which is unhealthy; defective; unintelligent, etc.) Is portrayed as 'good', i.e. 'moral' or desirable; virtuous, approved by 'God' (the God of jewry, serving His agenda in maintaining the soul prison of the prison planet of Zion).
In this instance can be seen the inverted world manufactured by jewry as the architects of destruction of all of that which is higher attempting to drag down to the lowest level all of that which is higher, all difference and the superior types, rendering the leveled mass more easily enslaved.
The psy ops run by jewry and their operatives are all undergone to serve this purpose of melting down all difference into the 'shit stew' as Matt Hale called it, so that it can be molded into bricks in their Solomon's Temple. The psy ops of organized religions and various false ideologies concocted out of the mind of jewry serve this purpose: either to stigmatize and attack their enemies as a means of neutralizing them (and ultimately of destroying them) or of maintaining their slave plantation. To ignore the particular means through which these ideologies are orchestrated; their function and the negative consequences of allowing them to perpetuate themselves is to allow another christianity and dark age of ignorance to manifest rather than the manifest destiny of the Aryan race to attain its proper role as leadership over the earth.
It is a disjunctive choice that all are faced with: either a highway to hell through ignoring reality and not seeking to oppose it or to follow the upward path toward the heights of the Superman and a new golden age finally having severed the mental shackles of Jewish witchcraft from one's mind.
"Adversus Judaeos", John Chrysostom
"The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man", Susan B Martinez
"Falling Flat: A Refutation of Flat Earth Claims", Dr.Danny Faulkner
"The Secret Doctrine", part two "Anthropogenesis", Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
"The Metaphysics of Sex"; "Der Gral Als Nordisches Mysterium", Julius Evola
"Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar"; "Manu: For The Man To Come", Miguel Serrano
OAHSPE bible, John Newbrough, 1882 edition
"The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" Max Heindel
"RaHoWa: This Planet Is All Ours!"; "The White Man's Bible"; "Nature's Eternal Religion", Ben Klassen
Psy Development: "Joy of Satan Ministries", six-month program
Logic Development: "A Pragmatic Theory of Fallacy", D.N.Walton
Don't be a Conspiratard