Counter-cultural Forms
The synarchy vilifies its enemies, both individuals and nations, and deploys its hyperbolic rhetoric to defame and caricature them, attempted to influence the mass mind of the 'goyim', to hate what it hates and to be more easily driven against those it hates, those being that which it hates. A brief exposure to the wartime propaganda of the second world war targeting the enemies of the synarchy reveals its attitudes towards them, that being a character assassination and caricaturing of the enemy for the purpose of demonization. Those individuals or collectives who are so portrayed by the synarchy are thus 'counter' to their culture and this by strict implication being that which is 'Other' to themselves and toward which they harbor antagonism on the basis of their essential difference. Therefore one can conclude that should he wish to effectively oppose the synarchy he will take as his model for opposition those nations and individuals who effectively opposed the despots bent on global hegemony.
As individuals there are many known and many more unknown which have through their history oppressed jewry and their affiliates (e.g. masonry; christ-insanity; illuminists; muslims; hindus; marxists, etc.), and these figures and nations must be studied as exemplary cases of opposition to the synarchy in its agenda.
The works of Nimrod de Rosario in "The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom" and "The Secret History of the Thule-Gesellschaft", as well as the major work of Miguel Serrano "Adolf Hitler: the Last Avatar", certainly contain hidden history and historical figures whose acts and words or deeds and deeds have struck hammer blows of Thor against the synarchy and therefore may serve as handy references in understanding the buried historical truth of the opponents of the cabal; who they are; what they have done; how and why.
As recent examples of opposition to the synarchy, the writers affiliated with the Third Reich and Fascist Italy serve as the most penetrating in their research and understanding as well as oppositional forms relative to the synarchy. Hitler's Third Reich as well as Mussolini's Italy were revivals of the ancient tradition of Hyperborea and this across all lines of culture being overlaid upon the catholic and protestant superimposition of the synarchy, a glove in the face of the enemy and opposing of the tradition as strategic opposition.
The lithic wisdom was revived with the construction of Greco-Roman buildings not only in Italy but in its colonial enterprises and this replicated in Germany as a demonstration of its being aligned with the Aryan tradition and indeed one of its power centers.
The divisive work of Gustavo Brandino "The Crystal Book of Agartha", amplifies in detail related to the lithic wisdom and its influence, the 'noological', or spiritual influence it exerts upon the population and its symbolism having a transmutative influence on the people. This counter-cultural form serves to awaken the people and to unify them around a totemic object not as a replication of primitive culture deprived, derived from cthonic cults of savages but rather a spiritually elevating influence that connects their energies together (their conscious will directed toward the structures and embedded within), and concentrates them thereby empowering the population. Thus the stone machines of the lithic wisdom serve as mechanisms of transmutation and potentially serve as recorders of information being as Nimrod de Rosario has said, 'liquid', structures whose rate of Time-flow is so slow as to be undetectable to the relatively finite macrocosmic man to whom they appear as blinds and yet in which the conscious intention and life force energies of the population are embedded.
The establishment of this architecture of lapis oppositionis serves as not only a symbolic assertion of aryan might but a strategic tool of empowerment for their concentration of power.
The music of these 'regimes', (so-called by their enemies), catered in some cases to mass appeal and yet elevated the mass with an ennobling and empowering sound, when conducive to order and harmony rather than to the downward tendency then prevailing under the jewish entartete culture, such as jazz and other negrified and judaized, chthonic, rhythmic, cacophonous noise.
The 'regularizing', influence of the military march music assisted in conditioning the population to a disciplined state of mind and life and the semantic content was oriented around a service to the nation as a whole rather than a service to self-motivation; a spiritually uplifting emphasis rather than a soulish emotionalism was a tenor of the music and though it had to degrade itself for mass appeal, on balance it had an uplifting influence rather than the debasing influence of the 'entartete music', of the synarchy. Under the national socialist 'regime', the music of Wagner and Bach had prominence amongst the bourgeois and upper class and assisted in elevating them from the swamp into which the synarchy sought to drag them with its soulish animalism of sound.
Plastic art also was made public as a representation of the Greco-Roman culture, a representation of noble and heroic sculptures, friezes and bas-reliefs which depicted heroism; strength; natural beauty and honor to present the population with exemplary cases of emulation upon which to model their 'behavior' and conduct. The heroes of the past as well as those living in the present were put forth as public spectacles to recall to mind the glory of the past of the nation and folk and to unify the population on this basis.
The literature and scholarship (across all disciplines from the Deutsche Mathematics of Ludwig Weberbach to the Deutsche Physik of Philip Leonard to the Rassenhygiene of Fritz Lenz and the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Alfred Baeumler), were yet another means of attuning the folk to the weltanschuaang of the ancestors, of presenting in literary form the Hyperborean culture and Wisdom, making it available for the average and above average citizen according to their particular character and level of consciousness, elevating the type as a collective unlike the literal democracies which sought to, liberal democracies, which sought to elevate only the select few of bourgeois judeo-christians and freemasons.