Country Wealth
Miguel Serrano collected works
Act I
Scene.—Forest out in the country. It is a warm afternoon. Bruno and Gustave are wrestling around and are quite dirty. They are having fun enjoying the day. Grant wanders into the area. Although he is smartly dressed, he looks quite down and lonely. Bruno and Gustave stop their playing as Grant approaches.
Bruno. Hail there comrade!
Grant (softly). Hi. How are you?
Bruno. We are doing quite well. My name is Bruno Stahl and this is my twin brother, Gustave. What is your name?
Grant. My name is Grant Oxley.
Gustave. What was that? I couldn’t hear you.
Grant (slightly louder). My name is Grant, Grant Oxley.
Bruno. Hmm. What kind of name do you think that is, Gustave? It certainly isn’t French or German like our names are.
Gustave. It sounds English to me. Where does your name come from Grant? How far back have you traced your family tree?
Grant. I don’t know what type of name it is. I don’t really know anything about my family tree.
Gustave. Aren’t you interested in your ancestors? Bruno and I are French and German. Our mother is pure French and our father is pure German. I find it very interesting to learn about our ancestors.
Bruno (excitedly). Our grandfather Stahl was a warrior in the Great War. He was a brave soldier and fought for his people! Our great grandmother was a writer but Gustave knows more about her than I do. Those relatives are like Gustave and I. My brother and I make quite a team. I am the muscle and he is the brains.
Gustave. Is there any way for you to find out about your ancestors, Grant? There are probably some people in your family to be proud of. Can’t you think of anyone? After all, you are White.
Grant (stunned). Are you guys racist or something? I have family members that do well but it isn’t because they are White. My dad is a professor at the university actually.
Bruno. Yes, of course we are racist. The White Race is the greatest race that exists.
Grant (terrified, he falls to the ground). Please, don’t hurt me. I will give you what you want just don’t hurt me. I have money and I can get more. Just no more pain, please.
Bruno. Get up, my White brother. We aren’t going to hurt you. Where did you get such an idea? We love White people. We don’t hate you. Do we look like evil demons?
[Bruno helps Grant up.]
Grant (softly as he gets up). You really aren’t going to hurt me? Those racists I see on television are always killing people. How do I know that you aren’t going to hurt me?
Bruno. Well, I think you can only trust us and see how we treat you. My brother and I could have easily beaten you up but that wouldn’t be right. Do you believe everything you see on television?
Grant. I guess not. My parents warned me about racist people living nearby though. We just moved here and we haven’t had a chance to meet everyone.
Bruno. I bet it was the Smiths that told your parents about us. They are real Christian fanatics who hate us. They think that because we don’t accept their god, that we are going to burn in hell. They also think that since we love our people and hate our enemies, we are evil. The choice is yours though. You can stay or go but I would prefer you stay because there aren’t many kids around here to play with. So what do you say? (Puts his arm around Gustave while they both smile.) Will you stay?
Grant (after a momentary pause). You don’t seem so bad. I didn’t like the old couple who told us about you anyway. They were really angry and I am not sure why. I will stay for a while. I would like some friends after all.
Bruno (removing his arm from Gustave’s shoulder). Great! We have a lot in common, I bet.
Gustave. How come you moved out here anyway? It is a nice area but you look like you have a lot of money and could live anywhere you wanted.
Grant. My parents didn’t like the city. There was too much crime there. Rocks would be thrown at our house and our cars. My dad was sick of the area and wanted a change. I think we came out here to get away from all that.
Gustave. Our dad said the same thing. We moved here when we were little because my dad didn’t like the city either. He said there were far too many niggers there.
Grant (interrupts, and is aghast). What did you say?? How can you call them that??
Bruno. It is what we call them. They aren’t like us. They destroy neighborhoods and commit most crimes. Weren’t they the ones who destroyed your property?
Grant. Actually, yes they were but it isn’t because they are black.
Gustave. Don’t you find it odd that they are the ones committing all these crimes? It seems like the reason you moved out here was to get away from them. You won’t find many niggers out here.
Grant. I don’t think that is the reason. My parents say it is bad to call them that. I don’t want to hurt their feelings. We have been holding them down for so many years. We have to help them in any way that we can.
Bruno (indignant). Who told you such trash!? The niggers are lower than us and are our enemies. The reason that the cities are so horrible is because of the niggers who turn nice White towns into ghettos. Our dad took us to the city before just to prove that point. My brother and I saw how terrible it was. I never want to live around such people or help them out. My father says the best thing we can do with them is send them back to Africa.
Grant (timidly). I’m sorry. You aren’t going to hurt me, are you? I don’t want to fight or anything. If that is how you say it is, then I believe you.
Bruno. You shouldn’t simply believe what I say because you are scared. You have to understand things for yourself.
Gustave. Do you watch a lot of television, Grant? I think that could explain a lot.
Grant (happier). Well, yes I do. It is my favorite hobby. I like to watch cartoons, shows, movies…you name it and I probably like it. I have a huge video library as well. Do you guys want to watch anything?
Bruno. No, we don’t care for television. The Jews use it to pollute our brains. We had a television set a long time ago but we sold it. Our family sat around and watched for a while but my dad got so sick of hearing about “equality” and “diversity”. The shows also made Whites look horrible and stupid. Our dad couldn’t have that so he got rid of it.
Grant. How do you know that the Jews use the media like that?
Gustave (after acknowledging the nod from Bruno). The information is out there that shows how the Jews control the media. We have the details at our house if you are interested. The Jews have been corrupting our people for centuries. After all, they have been thrown out of virtually every White country at least once. I will name a few: Austria in 1420, England in 1290, France in 1394, Spain in 1492..
Bruno (interrupts). I think he gets the point, brother. (To Grant.) My brother is very smart but he can get carried away.
Grant. Where can I read about what you are talking about?
Bruno. In our Holy Books. They are called Nature’s Eternal Religion and the White Man’s Bible. We read them as a family every night.
Grant. I’ve never heard of those books. Do you worship the devil?
Bruno (laughs). No, of course not. We don’t believe in any silly superstitions or gods. We base our beliefs on what makes sense. I’ve never seen any gods floating around in the air, have you?
Grant. No, not really. What do you believe in then?
Bruno. We have a great religion but I think my brother can describe it better than I can.
Gustave. Our religion is called Creativity and we are called Creators. We believe in Nature and science. It is a positive religion. We place the White Race as the most important thing in life. We believe that the White Race is Nature’s Finest.
Grant (interjects). What do you mean by that if you don’t mind saying?
Gustave. We mean that the White Race is superior. We are better than the other races. Do you understand?
Grant. Yes, I do. Do you mind if I ask you a question about that though?
Bruno. Sure, go ahead.
Grant. My dad is a doctor in history and he says that the races are equal. Is he wrong?
Bruno. It is plain to see that the races aren’t equal. Simply look at the black ghettos and White areas. Of course, my brother can explain it better than I can.
Gustave. The great civilizations have all been White and this has been backed up by many scientific digs. You know about the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids, right?
Grant. Yes, my father has mentioned them before. Aren’t the Egyptians Arabs or whatever they are called?
Gustave. Modern Egyptians are Arabs, yes. But the ancient Egyptians were White when they were building the pyramids. They have even found blond haired skeletons in the tombs in Egypt. It makes perfect sense that the area was great when the Whites were there but now it is a horrible place to live. It is like White cities that are nice to live in when just Whites live there but when the niggers move there, it ruins the place and creates ghettos.
Grant. Well, that does seem to make sense. I am scared to go near those ghettos. The area we lived in was getting worse and worse.
Bruno. So you mean that niggers were moving in?
Grant. Well, there were more blacks. My family didn’t seem to get along with them too much. They tended to be loud and drunk, most of the time.
Gustave. How many blacks were around you? Were there a lot of crimes in the neighborhood? Did they attack you?
Bruno (laughing softly). It might take him a while to answer all of your questions. (To Grant.) My brother is very curious as you can see. His memory is really great. I like to learn but he is better than I am and I respect him for it. (Boasting.) I am the better wrestler though.
Grant. You two seem like quite a pair. I wish I had a brother. Maybe then I wouldn’t get in so many fights.
Bruno. Fights? Don’t worry; we are your White brothers and we will help you out. Why did you get into fights?
Gustave (after a pause where Grant doesn’t respond). It seems obvious that he was in a black school. Those niggers don’t need a reason to start fights. It is their nature. They are cowards though. (To Bruno.) Remember what father told us about them only fighting when they are in gorilla packs?
Bruno. Yes, I do brother. He said that if it is an even fight then they won’t cause any trouble. But when they have ten of their monkey pals around, then they will almost always start a fight with our White comrades. Dad also said that if you show confidence then they probably won’t fight at all. That story he told us about when he was in high school was great. He held off over twenty muds just because they thought he was insane and fearless.
Gustave. I liked that story too. So what do you have to say, Grant?
Grant. I’ve gotten into many fights. I’ve fought in school and at home. I don’t like it at all. The bullies that attacked me were black and they always took my money. The teachers couldn’t do anything about it when I told them. They said it was something called “diversity” and it was actually my fault that I made them attack me. I was told to simply give them my money in the future.
Bruno (aghast). How terrible! Did you tell your parents about it?
Grant. Yes, and they were mad but they didn’t know what to do. My dad said something about being called a racist and how he might lose his job. He told me to try and avoid the bullies.
Bruno. That didn’t help though, did it?
Grant. No, it didn’t. I tried to stay away from them but they always seemed to find me. I did like my teacher told me and gave them my money without a fight but they beat me up anyway.
Bruno. Weren’t there any White friends that could help you out or anything?
Grant. My friends got beat up too and when we tried to join together to help each other out, the teachers told us not to be racist and used a word called “integrate”. The blacks didn’t have to do this though for some reason.
Bruno. Didn’t your dad show you how to fight? Our dad taught us how to punch, kick, and wrestle.
Grant. Well, my dad sent me to a karate school. They taught us how to strike but I would just get knocked down and didn’t know what to do. The blacks would just keep kicking me.
Bruno. My brother and I can show you some moves. We wrestle a lot.
Grant. I would like that. Could you show me how to do a powerbomb or drop-kick?
Bruno. What? What is that?
Grant. You know, like the wrestlers do on television. I like to watch wrestling. Pro wrestling is really exciting. My favorite wrestler is the Dominator.
Bruno (to Gustave). Do you know what he is talking about?
Gustave. It seems he is talking about some kind of wrestling on television but it doesn’t sound like any kind we know of. Knowing how television is though, it is probably some kind of phony wrestling.
Grant. Everyone does say it is fake but I still like to watch it.
Bruno. We can’t show you the moves you mentioned but we can show you what we know. We practice takedowns and submission holds a lot so we are good at those. The submission holds are really good for fighting because you can cripple the enemy or choke them out. How does that sound?
Grant (brightening somewhat). That does sound like it could be helpful. I don’t have to worry about those blacks anymore though.
Bruno. What happened to convince your dad that it was time to move?
Grant. Soon after I had karate lessons, I really got beat up badly. I broke a couple of ribs. The blacks got mad when I actually punched one of them. (Speaking softly because he is ashamed.) It hurt really bad. I went to the doctor and missed a lot of school.
Bruno. So then your parents realized it was time to leave, right?
Grant. Yes. My dad had lived in our house for his whole life. My grandparents had died when he was eighteen so my dad inherited the house. He was really attached to the area and told me that the area had really changed. My mom had to convince him that we had to leave the city. It took him a while but he finally agreed. We weren’t able to sell the house for much because the area was so bad though.
Bruno. It is certainly much better out here than in the city. What makes you think you won’t have trouble in the schools here?
Grant (startled). Wha, what do you mean? My parents said the schools out here would be safe.
Bruno. I think they aren’t bad now but they are talking about bussing blacks into the school. Tell him about it, Gustave.
Gustave. My pleasure, brother. Even though most of the town hates him because he is racist, our father attends the community meetings that are held every week. He likes to keep up on what is going on in the community. We don’t watch television or get the newspaper because the Jews control them and my dad doesn’t think we need that in our lives. The Jews lie and twist the news around to fit their own ends. They wish to destroy our people through the use of the media, money, and government. They control the movies, television shows, books, papers…
Bruno (interrupts). Brother, you are straying from the point. We can talk about the Jews later. Why don’t you tell him about the school?
Gustave (smiling). Ah yes, brother. You know how much I like to talk about the Jews. Anyway, our father recently learned of the idea to bus blacks in from the city to bring the “glory” of black culture to the school. They are saying that since the school is entirely White, that it must be racist. Our dad said that many of the parents didn’t look too pleased with the idea but they were too afraid to speak out against it. Our dad said that the idea was introduced by a dark-skinned man who doesn’t even live in our town. Our father is sure that he is a Jew. When our dad spoke out against the proposal, he was thrown out of the hall and told not to return by the police.
Grant (sheepishly). Do you think they will actually bus blacks in?
Bruno. Our whole family is agreed that they will but we aren’t worried about it.
Grant. Why not? I didn’t think you would want to have blacks in your school.
Bruno. We don’t go to school.
Grant. Huh? What do you mean?
Bruno. Our parents homeschool us. Our mom does most of the teaching but our father teaches us math and history. There was no way our father would allow us to go to a public school no matter how White it was.
Grant. Why not?
Bruno. Do you really need to ask? Even when there are Whites, the teachers still teach Whites to be ashamed of who we are. You have seen that yourself, Grant. (To Gustave.) Tell our friend here about dad and his school.
Gustave. Our father didn’t live in the greatest area when he was young. It was mostly a poor White area with some niggers. Most of the people back then were openly racist so there were White schools and black schools. After a while, though, things changed and they brought blacks into the White schools even though most people were against it. The government used soldiers to make sure the niggers got to school all right. Our dad didn’t know it then but the whole plan by the Jews was to destroy our people. He finally did find out what was happening in the world and here we are now. We know that either Whites will stick together or we will die.
Grant (looking pale and frightened). Is there no hope then? All the Whites I see aren’t like you and aren’t proud to be White. How did you guys come to be like you are?
Bruno. Our dad discovered Creativity before we were born. He was at a gun show when he discovered the Holy Books and we have been raised this way.
Grant. Do you think I could look at these books sometime?
Bruno. Yes, of course. Hopefully, we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future. What do you plan on doing about school though?
Grant. I don’t really know. I think you might be right about the blacks and I don’t want to get in fights again. How do you like being homeschooled?
Bruno. I think it is great. We can learn at our own pace and that is surely faster than the niggers. Our mother says that since the niggers are so stupid that it slows the class down and doesn’t let the Whites learn as much as they would in a class full of Whites. (To Gustave.) How do you like our schooling, brother?
Gustave. I like it a lot. Mom and dad are both good teachers. They are always willing to help us when we have a problem with our schoolwork. I like talking about literature with mom and talking about history with dad. It is hard to compare it with public schooling because we’ve never been public schooled. Our mom says we are both far ahead of other kids. She says that she didn’t learn geometry until high school but we learned that last year. How was it in the school you went to? Did you learn a lot?
Grant. The teacher had to repeat a lot of things because most of the students didn’t understand. It was easy though and I got bored of the teacher always going over the same lesson. I learned what they taught to us but they didn’t teach too many new things.
Bruno. Were there a lot of niggers in your classes then?
Grant. Well, yes there were. They didn’t understand reading too well or math. Maybe they aren’t as smart as we are.
Bruno (smiling). It looks like you are learning, comrade. There are many things you should know that the Jews hide from people.
Grant. I am starting to wonder. How old are you guys anyway? I’m thirteen years old and I have never even heard of geometry.
Bruno. We are both twelve years old. (Smiling.) I am older though by five minutes. Geometry was pretty tough. Gustave was better than I was at it.
Gustave. Geometry is very interesting. It deals with points, lines, and surfaces. Math is very important in many things that you do. You need at least a basic understanding of math to do just about anything. Do you like math, Grant?
Grant. It is ok. I can multiply and divide and things like that. Most of the blacks couldn’t though. The last thing we were doing was fractions and that seemed pretty easy to me.
Bruno. The schools are just as our parents said but it seems even worse.
Grant. How can I get homeschooled? Does your family school other kids as well?
Bruno (laughing). Oh, no. Most of the town doesn’t like us much even though they are White. The Jews have made Whites hate us for loving White people. You can see that pretty easily as you were even scared when you found out we were racist. Our parents could help you but I think you would have to convince your parents. Didn’t you say your dad is a history professor?
Grant. Yes, he is but he doesn’t talk about it much. (Looking gloomy.) I don’t really think I can convince them to be homeschooled though. They really hate racist people.
Bruno. With that attitude, you won’t be able to do much of anything. Do you want to go to a school that is soon to be filled with apes or do you want to learn in a friendly house where you won’t have to worry about getting beat up?
Grant. Well, I would like to feel safe and learn. Do you think I could really show my parents that you guys aren’t evil though?
Bruno. I sure do. You don’t think we are terrible people anymore, do you?
Grant. No, that doesn’t seem to be true. (Brightening somewhat.) Maybe I can show them how you really are. It is possible, don’t you think?
Bruno. Yes, of course, it is. The first step to getting something done is a positive attitude.
Grant. How can I get a positive attitude? You two really seem to be confident. How did that happen?
Bruno. We have been this way for as long as I remember. Our parents are both confident and happy and we are the same way. It has to do with our religion, Creativity. It is a wonderful religion that stresses blood, honor, and soil.
Grant. Do you have a list of beliefs or something?
Bruno. Oh, yes! We have a total of 41 beliefs that make up our religion. The first fundamental belief is that our Race is our Religion. Everything revolves around the White Race and we do what is best for our people.
Gustave. The thirteenth essence of a Creator is really important and would probably help you, Grant. It reads: “A Creator places a high value on ATTITUDE, strives continually to maintain a healthy, positive, and dynamic attitude towards life.”
Grant. That sounds like it could be helpful. Do you have to memorize all those beliefs though?
Bruno. No. They are pretty long and go into quite a bit of detail. We have memorized the five fundamental beliefs but not the others. Once you read them, you can get a general idea. They go into detail to make sure you are putting our people first. What religion are you, Grant?
Grant. My family isn’t really into religion. My dad thinks all religions are just scams to take people’s money. My mom was a Christian but my dad didn’t want anything to do with the bible. He says there isn’t any historical evidence to back up the stories in the bible. He wants me to believe in science and things like that instead of a god.
Bruno. That’s good to hear. We don’t believe in any silly gods either. There isn’t any proof of gods at all. Nature has laws which cannot be broken.
Grant. How do you think everything started then?
Bruno. We don’t really know. We weren’t around when it started so we can’t really say for sure.
Gustave. Some people say that god created everything but then you have to wonder who created god. If god was always here then you can say that the universe was always here too.
Grant (a tint of enlightenment shows in his face). Wow. That makes a lot of sense. I think my dad might like what you are saying except for the racist part.
Bruno. Most White people are racist but won’t admit to it. Let’s hope that is the way your dad is.
Grant. I hope so too. I am afraid he is going to be mad at me though.
Bruno. What do you mean?
Grant. He warned me about racist people. He might be angry at me for talking to you.
Bruno. We have changed your mind about racist people, haven’t we?
Grant. Yes, you have.
Bruno. Then we can change your father’s mind as well. It seems you moved out here to get away from the niggers and that is a racist act. Your dad might not admit that but it looks that way to me.
Gustave. He will probably say it is mainly because of your troubles in school that he wanted to move. I bet he also says that your neighborhood has become run down. Both of these problems come from the same cause. That cause is the Jewish led niggers. The Jews also use the other races but niggers are their main tool now.
Grant. Well, both of the reasons you said are ones he has used. He also mentioned how he wanted me to get a better education. It looks like that problem is also caused by the blacks though.
Bruno. How does it feel to start seeing things as they really are?
Grant. It is different. I don’t like to be lied to and told everyone is equal if we really aren’t. And now that I am thinking about things on my own instead of listening to my teachers, it sure doesn’t look like the blacks are equal to us. It is scary though.
Bruno. Why is that?
Grant. Because everyone seems to hate racist people. My parents, my teachers, and the television all say racist people are bad. You aren’t like they say though. Racists are supposed to be angry and want to kill everyone.
Bruno. Doesn’t that look like a lie now that you see us?
Grant. Yes, it does but you could just be tricking me.
Bruno. That is possible. You will just have to decide for yourself if we are good or bad. We back up what we say and aren’t bothered by questions. Maybe you should ask some people why racists are so bad.
Gustave. Are you aware that most people used to be racist? Many great men were racist although the schools might not tell you that.
Grant. My dad told me that many people used to be racist when he was younger but now it was a bad thing.
Bruno. I hope he tells you why it is bad now. Our religion says not to believe things that don’t make sense and to ask questions.
Grant. I will have to ask him about that. What great men are you talking about being racist anyway?
Gustave. Men like Ben Franklin, who warned about the Jews. Washington, the first president of the United States, agreed with Franklin. Lincoln wanted to ship the niggers out of the country. Henry Ford of the Ford car company wrote a book about the Jews controlling the world. Charles Lindbergh..
Bruno (interrupts). Do you get the picture, Grant?
Grant. Yes, I do. I never knew about them being racist. I would like to know more about that. I wonder why my dad never told me about that.
Bruno. Since the Jews control so much, they can also rewrite our history books or simply not mention events in history. Most people disagree with us but we have the facts to support what we say.
[A beeping sound is heard.]
Grant (glancing down at his pager). I have to go home now. I hope we can talk again soon. Bye.
Bruno. Bye, comrade. Take care. Come over some time. (Pointing.) Our house is the small brown one down that way with our flag of Creativity flying proudly. It has a large “W” so you can’t miss it.
Grant. Thanks. I hope to visit soon.
Gustave. Farewell, friend.
Act II
Scene.—The living room of the Oxleys. It is late afternoon. It is a spacious, richly decorated room. There is an expensive couch, matching love seat, and wooden coffee table in the room. There are also several comfortable looking chairs. All the seats are directed towards a very large television set. Dr. Leonard Oxley and his wife are seated on the couch watching television. The couple is dressed extravagantly in clothes that are very expensive. Their son, Grant, enters the room and sits down on the love seat.
Dr. Oxley (agitated). Where have you been, boy? You better not get dirty in those clothes. They cost me a fortune.
Grant (softly). I’ve been out in the forest.
Mrs. Oxley. Do be careful, son. There could be wild animals out there. You never know what might be out there.
Dr. Oxley. So, what have you been doing? I don’t want any trouble around here. I had to move from my old neighborhood to get away from all the filth and I don’t want to move again. Although my pay at the university is great and the royalties from the history books I’ve written is substantial, our funds are not unlimited so we can’t continually move.
Grant. I have been talking to a couple of boys that live down the road.
Mrs. Oxley (smiling). That’s good Grant. I hope you can make friends here. We don’t have to worry about having our house vandalized or getting attacked anymore. It sure seems like a nice place, doesn’t it, Leonard?
Dr. Oxley. Not really. It is better than that cesspool we left behind but there are too many hillbillies out here. They can’t even add or subtract. It is so revolting that we have to be around such trash. How stupid were those boys you met, Grant?
Grant. Well, they were both pretty smart actually. Gustave was smarter than Bruno though.
Dr. Oxley (mockingly). Is that so? What makes them so smart? It wouldn’t look too good if you, the Professor’s son, was outdone by simple country folk. So, surely you jest.
[Grant mumbles incoherently.]
Dr. Oxley. Speak up! How many times do I have to tell you that I can’t hear you when you talk so low.
Mrs. Oxley (to Dr. Oxley). Don’t be so hard on our son. He is just a poor, fragile boy.
Dr. Oxley (to Mrs. Oxley). Come on, Crystal. You pamper the boy too much. He will be a man soon and needs to make his presence known. (To Grant.) Now, why are these lads so special?
Grant. They learn a lot. They know many things I don’t. They said they studied something called geometry but I have never heard of that.
Dr. Oxley. Son, you can’t be so gullible. Most of the adults around here haven’t ever learned geometry, let alone any kids. How old are these kids?
Grant. They are both 12 years old. Their parents school them and they learn more. I believe them. They didn’t sound like they were lying.
Dr. Oxley. Ha! Just as I expected. They don’t even go to school. How much do you think these boys can learn from parents who live around here? If the parents are stupid then there is no way for them to teach their children well. Why, with all the incest going around out here, those boys are probably retarded.
Mrs. Oxley (shocked). Leonard! How can you say such a thing? The people out here might not be as smart as we are but I don’t really think they all commit incest.
Dr. Oxley. They aren’t as intelligent and are more like wild animals. It makes perfect sense to me.
Grant. Dad, please stop. They are nice White people like us.
Dr. Oxley. What was that? White people? (A thought flashes across his mind and angers him.) That old hag that goes by the name of Smith mentioned some racists living around here. Don’t tell me those boys were racists! You are in deep trouble, boy!
Mrs. Oxley (shocked). Leonard! You must be joking. Our son would never associate with such people. Tell him, Grant. We are a respectable family and would never be around racists.
Grant (turning red). Well…
Mrs. Oxley (interrupts, and is outraged). My God! This cannot be!
Dr. Oxley (angry, to Mrs. Oxley). Keep your damn silly spook out of this! We have enough to think about without you dragging that superstitious bologna into this! (Turning to enraged stare towards Grant.) Now, for you. Answer my question and don’t even think about lying to me!
Grant (slightly sobbing). Well….yes, they were racist but…
Dr. Oxley (interrupts). What have I told you about the vile racists!? They are ruining this country for us Whites. They are always killing people and terrorizing decent, upstanding citizens. You are going to be punished but we need to talk. You are going to have to learn how to avoid such corrupting forces. First, stop sobbing like a little girl!
Grant (slows his sobbing but tears still flow down his face). Y, yes, father.
Mrs. Oxley. Corruption! Yes, that’s it! Listen to your father before they corrupt you further and you try to kill your own, loving parents.
[Grant tries to speak but Dr. Oxley silences him.]
Dr. Oxley (to Grant.). What do you think your punishment for such a vile act should be?
Grant. I don’t think I should be punished at all. They were nice.
Dr. Oxley (furiously). Such impertinence! Do not disrespect your father! Of course, they appear nice. They want you to trust them and then betray you. You are my son and should be smart. How can you not realize how they deceive you!?
Grant. I’m sorry, father. They seemed really nice though. I would be smarter if they taught us more at school.
Dr. Oxley. I have some learning for you then. I know how ineffective those public schools are but that isn’t what we are discussing right now. You certainly need to be enlightened about this matter so tell me about your conversation with these boys. Your punishment hangs in the balance so choose your words carefully.
Grant (thinking before he speaks). Well, we talked about a lot of things really. I got really scared when I found out they were racist.
Dr. Oxley. See? You know that such villainy is wrong. Do proceed with your grimy tale.
Grant. I thought they were going to hurt me but they didn’t turn out like those bad guys on TV. They were nice and helped me up when I fell.
Dr. Oxley. Fell? What did they do to you!?
Grant. Oh no, father! It wasn’t like that. They scared me when they admitted to being racist. I fell down and they were kind to me. They weren’t like those people at school who kicked me.
Dr. Oxley. It’s good that we are away from those damn little devils! They destroyed our property and hurt my boy. But what good is it if we go from one filth to another!
Grant. The people who did all that bad stuff before were black and these boys were White.
Dr. Oxley. You just can’t say that nowadays! We have to destroy racism today. It was a disease of the past and is on its way out! We can’t succumb to such ideas or we will end up in the gutter.
Grant. Isn’t it true though, dad?
Dr. Oxley. Even if it were true, we have oppressed the blacks for many years. They have a right to happiness after such horrible persecution. Do you understand that, boy?
Grant. I don’t understand, father. I accepted what everyone said before but these friends I met have made me think about things.
Dr. Oxley. Friends!? You must be joking. That is absurd. My son will not be known as a racist! Do you understand me!?
Grant (bashfully). Yes, father but shouldn’t we question things?
Dr. Oxley. Of course, we should! There are many scams going on in this dreaded planet. How else are you supposed to learn of them without questioning? For instance, the whole Christian myth is purely a scam to rob people of their money. The pope hoards billions of dollars while millions of Christians are poor. What a scam! Are these boys some moronic cult of fanatical Christians?
[Mrs. Oxley storms out of the room.]
Grant. No, I don’t think so. I don’t think they believe in god at all. They mentioned believing in science.
Dr. Oxley. Science, eh? Such country bumpkins are surely lying to you. It is surprising they even know the word. They seem quite tricky though, so you must be careful around such people. They are surely hiding things from you. I suppose these dolts will even say that Whites are superior too, right?
Grant. Yes, they did. They mentioned some people that were racists in the past too.
Dr. Oxley. Oh, like who? Perhaps Hitler, Ha! He certainly was and look what he did to his country!
Grant. No, people like Ben Franklin and George Washington.
Dr. Oxley. What nonsense! Those two great men are early builders of the United States. They weren’t racist at all. Can you see how they deceive you?
Grant. I suppose so. They didn’t want me to take their word for it though.
Dr. Oxley. Then what did they want you to do? Take a time machine and go ask them? Ha!
Grant. I think they meant to read books about it.
Dr. Oxley. I have a library! I have many history books as you should know. Read one; read them all! You certainly need some learning of the world around us. I don’t want my boy getting scammed and perverted by such asinine ideas. What are they teaching you at school anyway?
Grant. Not much really. All the blacks can’t understand so I get bored. I was hoping to learn with the boys I met.
Dr. Oxley. Absolutely not! Aren’t you listening to me? I am not going to let you get poisoned by their teachings. This new school should teach you more than the old school.
Grant. Why is that?
Dr. Oxley. It is a better area even though it isn’t better by much.
Grant. Do you mean it is because there aren’t any blacks here?
Dr. Oxley (squirms). Boy! You can’t say things like that! Do you want me to lose my job? Is that what you want? We would all be bums, bums!
Grant. Why is that though? Couldn’t this whole deal be another scam like you are always saying?
Dr. Oxley (calms down and thinks for a moment before responding). As a scholar, I must say that it is possible, but highly unlikely. I would need a lot of hard evidence to believe that racists were somehow not the scum that they appear to be. It would have to make perfect sense and I don’t see you with any proof so we have no need to talk of such outrageous claims!
Grant (softly). Don’t you want to know the truth though?
Dr. Oxley. Where might I find this truth!? I have stacks of books in the library and I haven’t gleaned anything of the sort that these people mention. Don’t you know how intelligent your father is? If something was there, then I would have seen it!
Grant. You are very smart, dad. I think the boys I met would have the evidence you want. They mentioned some books to me.
Dr. Oxley. Is that so? Let me hear of these great books.
Grant. I think they were called Nature’s Eternal Religion and the White Man’s Bible.
Dr. Oxley. Stay there, boy. I will look into this matter. (Goes into his study to work on his computer.)
[Mrs. Oxley enters the living room and sits lovingly beside Grant.]
Mrs. Oxley. My precious son! Do not despair. Your father means well but he can be a hard man. We both love you very much but we have to put this matter behind us. My poor boy can’t be subjected to such racist teachings. We are all God’s children.
Grant. Mom, I don’t believe in God either. I just want to do what is right. Dad says I should learn and to believe in things that make sense so I want to know what is really going on.
Mrs. Oxley. This isn’t like you at all! We just want to live in peace out here and have a new beginning. What have those satanic children been telling you to make you like this!? Oh heavens, you could be sacrificed to their evil devil!
Grant (as he speaks, Dr. Oxley returns). Mom, you are being ridiculous! They don’t believe in any gods. I am not going to be sacrificed!
Dr. Oxley. Now, that is my boy! (To Mrs. Oxley.) You mustn’t treat our son so fragilely! Do you wish him to become a raging homosexual?
Mrs. Oxley. Certainly not, Leonard! He has been hurt so much though and he needs his mother. I simply can’t have him harmed.
Dr. Oxley. With such a pampering attitude, he will never be tough enough to do anything! I want to see some fire in my boy! He is very wrong in this case but he is showing some progress. (To Grant.) Now, about those books you mentioned. I looked them up on the database on the university’s library but they weren’t even there. So, I looked over the internet and found them. They have been declared hate books and are hard to come by.
Grant (looking gloomy). Well, I guess that’s it then.
Dr. Oxley (angrily). Oh come on! Where did that spirit go? I don’t want to have a miserable wretch for a son! Don’t give up so easily. Guess who declared the books hateful?
Grant. I don’t know. Who?
Dr. Oxley. The Jews! It seems obvious that since racists don’t like Jews, that the Jews would label their books as hateful. I’ve seen some pretty sneaky Jews at the university and it makes me wonder. Everyone is trying to rip someone else off so I wonder if the Jews are as well. Did these boys ask you for your money like those thugs at your old school?
Grant. No, not at all. They did mention the Jews controlling the media though.
Dr. Oxley. Bah! There aren’t that many Jews around to have the power to control our media. Besides, like they would even to stick together. They are so spread across the world that they couldn’t possibly affect much. They have been so persecuted throughout history that it is amazing that they are even alive today. I’m sure they are running their own little racket like most people do, but nothing major like controlling our entire media.
Mrs. Oxley (distraught). Leonard! How can you say that? That is a racist comment. What is happening to my family?
Dr. Oxley. What? What are you talking about, woman? You are quite hysterical. I mean that everyone is out backstabbing one another. This whole world is a giant toilet and I don’t need your incessant ravings!
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, I understand now. This world is pretty gloomy especially when my precious boy is subjected to racist ideas. (To Dr. Oxley.) When will we have happiness, dear? We have suffered for so long.
Dr. Oxley. Happiness in this world? Ha! I don’t see that for us anytime soon, if ever. Life goes on though. (To Grant.) Do you have anything else to say before I sentence you?
Grant (looking downtrodden but with a faint fire in his eyes). I’m not sure what to believe. I need to learn more before I can decide what to believe.
Dr. Oxley (bellowing). There will be no more racist discussion in this house unless I say so! Do you understand me!?
Grant. Yes, father.
Dr. Oxley (calms down). Good. You have shown a little spirit today, which is good, but these racist ideas are not healthy. We have no evidence to the contrary as of yet. I may look into the matter myself but you are not to. Now, you are hereby barred from watching any television and playing video games for a week. (Grant attempts to speak but is quickly silenced by the angry stare of Dr. Oxley.) Go to your room.
Grant. Yes, father. (Exits the living room and enters his room where he shuts the door.)
Mrs. Oxley. Don’t you think you were too hard on him? He is only a little boy.
Dr. Oxley. No, actually I thought I was very lenient on the boy. (Smiles.) Did you see the faint glow in his eye, darling? He may not be as pathetic as I thought he was. His learning is behind though. This school better educate him better. I have my doubts though with all the farmers out here.
Mrs. Oxley. Do you think you could help him? He could benefit from you teaching him.
Dr. Oxley. When might I do that? Hmm? I labor away at the university during the week trying to teach the dolts about history and have only the weekends to enjoy. Would you have me give up my weekends?
Mrs. Oxley. It would help our son. Maybe a couple hours on the weekend. What do you think?
Dr. Oxley. I would rather not but the boy is rather dull. He could certainly use some knowledge to fill up that empty head of his. I will talk to him later about it. He needs some time to think over all that we’ve talked about. It will take him some time with that slow brain of his.
Mrs. Oxley. He isn’t going to do well if you constantly tell him that he is worthless.
Dr. Oxley (enraged). He is supposed to prove me wrong! Do you think I want a pitiful son? Of course not! I’m toughening him up. Speaking of worthless, though, we agreed long ago not to poison his mind with your Christian nonsense so I don’t want to hear it mentioned again!
Mrs. Oxley. Ok, dear. I am sorry. Did you hear something outside?
[The doorbell chimes and Grant comes out of his room.]
Dr. Oxley (to Grant). Go back in your room, boy! (Grant goes back in his room). I will take care of this.
[Dr. Oxley goes to the door where he finds the jovial twins, Bruno and Gustave.]
Dr. Oxley (to the boys). Yes, what it is?
Bruno. Hello, sir. We are your neighbors down the road and our parents wanted to welcome you to the area and invite you over tomorrow night. Here is a note our mother wrote. (Hands him a note.) Will you be able to make it?
Dr. Oxley. We shall see but don’t get your hopes up. I’m not a peasant like the rest of the people around here. Where do you live anyway?
Bruno. Just down the road. The address is 570 Country Road. The information is on the note. Drop by if you can. We would like to see you and your family.
Mrs. Oxley (crossing the room to the door). Aren’t you charming little boys! (To Dr. Oxley.) Oh, we must go, Leonard. Especially after such a horrible day. Maybe we really can find some happiness here.
Bruno. What should I tell my parents, sir?
Dr. Oxley. Tell them we might be there. No guarantees.
Bruno. Ok. Have a nice evening!
Gustave. Take care!
[The boys leave and the Oxleys return to sit on the couch.]
Mrs. Oxley (happily). They were adorable little boys! They were so happy and full of confidence. I really think that Grant would benefit from being around such children. Their parents are probably like them as well. Oh, wasn’t it grand?
Dr. Oxley. So, they weren’t quite as repugnant as the typical commoner. So what? Don’t you think they seemed a little too happy? How can you be so happy when the world is so full of garbage?
Mrs. Oxley. That’s true but I would rather be happy than sad. What does it say in that note anyway?
Dr. Oxley (opens the note and reads). “Dear friends: We in the Stahl family warmly welcome you to our area. It is a pleasure to have a new family in the neighborhood. We would be most thankful and appreciative if you could come by for a visit tomorrow around 8 PM. We look forward to meeting you. Yours truly, Monique Stahl. 570 Country Road.”
Mrs. Oxley. What a wonderful letter! We absolutely must visit these kind people after such a warm invitation! Don’t you think so, Leonard?
Dr. Oxley. It looks like this might be the best this area has to offer so I am inclined to accept their invitation. The woman who wrote this even managed to spell everything correctly. It is certainly a notch above the norm in this area. Of course, everyone should be able to spell correctly though.
Mrs. Oxley. This is wonderful! Those boys who were just here would certainly make better friends for our son than those nasty boys he met. Don’t you think so?
Dr. Oxley. Perhaps, but who can say? Who knows what dark secrets those seemingly blissful rugrats hold? It could all be a facade in the hopes of destroying us.
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, Leonard! They are just little kids. I don’t think they are up to any evil.
Dr. Oxley. You aren’t a historian. You haven’t seen all the misery, deception, and betrayal in the world throughout the ages. Most of the time people are out for themselves and up to no good.
Mrs. Oxley. But you have to admit they seemed like charming little children, right?
Dr. Oxley. They didn’t look like there were out to kill us but looks can be deceiving.
Mrs. Oxley. It’s ok for Grant to go, right? I think this will be good for him even though he has been rather naughty today.
Dr. Oxley. We might as well take him along. These kids we met look more acceptable than those vile scum where we used to live. By the way, did you catch the names of those two boys?
Mrs. Oxley (thinking for a moment). No, I don’t think they mentioned their names. We can find that out later. Oh, what should I wear, darling? We haven’t been here a week and already we have been invited somewhere.
Dr. Oxley. Who would want to be invited anywhere from the collection of refuse that used to surround us. My old neighborhood was much better than it is today.
Mrs. Oxley. Yes, I know, honey. You’ve mentioned it many times. All I know is it was a very bad place to live when we left. What do you think I should wear though?
Dr. Oxley. Just like a woman! Ha! Fretting over what to wear all the time as you do. By the simple dress of those boys, I’d say anything you wear would make you look like royalty in the presence of them.
Mrs. Oxley. I hadn’t thought of that. I suppose I can just dress casually.
Dr. Oxley. That is a fault that you share with virtually the whole world! People simply don’t think enough. So many errors could be avoided if people simply stopped to think! But, no! They bumble along from one bad decision to the next like village idiots!
Mrs. Oxley. Thinking is difficult for many people. It is easier to just do something without thinking about it.
Dr. Oxley. Ha! That was entertaining my dear Crystal! Isn’t it ironic that you thought about not thinking! Ha! Perhaps there is hope for you!
Mrs. Oxley. Do you really think so, Leonard?
Dr. Oxley. No, of course not. It was a joke! Ha!
Mrs. Oxley (shrugging it off). Oh, Leonard. When are you going to tell Grant the good news?
Dr. Oxley. I’ll do it now. (Bellows loudly.) Grant! Get out here, right now! We have to talk!
[Grant comes out of his room and into the living room. He seats himself.]
Grant. Yes, father?
Dr. Oxley. We had visitors a little bit ago, as I am sure you are aware. A couple of deceptive youths were here and invited us over to their house tomorrow. Do you think you can behave yourself and come along?
Grant. I believe so.
Mrs. Oxley. Don’t let your father fool you. These children will make great friends for you. They were happy and confident and I’m sure you will like them. They were so unlike most children these days. I can’t recall seeing more polite children then they were.
Dr. Oxley. Don’t listen to her whatsoever. I know those rascals are hiding something. I’m not sure what yet but I’ll find out. I am a Doctor, after all! I am (rises to his feet and spreads his arms out majestically) DR. OXLEY!
Mrs. Oxley (to Dr. Oxley). Leonard! Please sit down dear. (Dr. Oxley sits down.) We don’t need our boy having a heart attack, now do we? You will terrify the boy with such theatrics.
Dr. Oxley (to Mrs. Oxley). There you go again. You make it sound like our boy is a little infant who needs to be constantly suckled. I’ll make our boy strong!
Mrs. Oxley. As long as my boy doesn’t get hurt, I am happy. (To Grant.) Are you excited about meeting these twins?
Grant. Twins? Boys?
Mrs. Oxley. Yes, they are boys. I don’t recall their names though. You will just have to find out when we get there.
Grant. Were those boys rather tanned with blond hair?
Mrs. Oxley. Why yes, they were. How did you know that?
Grant. I know them.
Dr. Oxley (rises excitedly and talks quickly). Ha! I knew something was amiss. Didn’t I say so? The Doctor has much wisdom, I do! Now, I can study these vermin up close! What a splendid opportunity!
Mrs. Oxley (rather befuddled, speaks to Dr. Oxley). Wha, what are you talking about dear? I don’t understand…
Dr. Oxley. For some reason, that doesn’t surprise me, woman! Ha! Don’t you see what lies before your face? How could our son have known those boys that came here unless..
Mrs. Oxley (anxiously). Unless what?
Dr. Oxley. No wonder our boy is such a dolt! It certainly wasn’t my genes! The twin boys that were here and the racist boys our son met earlier are one and the same. What a coincidence. Ha!
Mrs. Oxley (dazed). No, this can’t be. Those sweet little boys couldn’t possibly be racist. It simply isn’t possible.
Dr. Oxley. It is possible and, furthermore, it is so! (To Grant.)Tell your mother what you know, boy!
Grant. The boys are named Bruno and Gustave. They are twins. I met them earlier today and they are racist.
Mrs. Oxley (unsure). It was never mentioned that they were twins before. There must be some kind of mistake, a trick. This is all a joke, right Leonard?
Dr. Oxley. It sure is funny but it isn’t a joke! I can study these people first hand and see how they behave. Of course, no one must talk of this to anyone! Like one who has a fascination with death, I now have a burning desire to learn of these foul people!
Mrs. Oxley (starting to cry). This is horrible! How could those seemingly innocent children be so cursed? We simply can’t go to there house now, Leonard!
Dr. Oxley. Yes, we must! Grant cannot come but my wife must be at my side!
Mrs. Oxley. Please Leonard, no! What has come over you? If people find out that we went to their house, then we would lose everything. Please, reconsider!
Dr. Oxley (To Mrs. Oxley). My wife will be at my side and this discussion is over! There will be no debate with you! (Dr. Oxley slams his fist down on the coffee table to accentuate his point.)
[Mrs. Oxley runs into her room, crying profusely.]
Grant. What about me, father? Can’t I come too?
Dr. Oxley (calms down and seats himself). So, you still have an interest in this matter? I suppose it is to be expected. Children are always poking their little heads into improper places, like ovens. Ha!
Grant. Well, mom has to go but I have to stay here?
Dr. Oxley. Wow, my boy! I thought you were stupid but not now! Ha! You have it correct. A young mind like yours is very malleable and can be easily influenced by outside sources. In but a few hours, you have brought home a dread influence. Only those that can observe and study these matters without falling in, should undertake such ventures. I, of course, am such a man but you are not.
Grant. You will be there with me, though. Don’t you think it is good for me to learn?
Dr. Oxley. Indeed, learn you shall! I will investigate the matter myself and I will allow you to hear of it. If I were to allow you to accompany us then who knows what trouble those boys would coerce you into doing. They totally fooled your mother, but not I! Not I!
Grant. Shouldn’t I experience things for myself though? It could be a learning experience for me.
Dr. Oxley. You are using the same argument and I tire of it. My decision is final. Now go to your room.
Grant. But, father!
Dr. Oxley (rises angrily). The debate is over! Now go to your room!
[Grant goes to his room amid tears.]
Dr. Oxley (bombastically). What a day! With morbid curiosity, I must find out about these racist creatures! The knowledge will soon be mine! I am DR. OXLEY! HA!
Scene.—The living room of the Stahls. It is night time. They have a simple house but it is well maintained and neat. The living room contains a couch, coffee table, and two chairs that are all finely crafted out of wood. Mr. and Mrs. Stahl are seated in the two chairs, talking. Their children are in their rooms, reading. A knock is heard at the door.
Mrs. Stahl. Ah, it looks like our invitation was accepted. I wasn’t sure if they would come or not after hearing the description the boys gave.
Mr. Stahl. I know what you mean. I think the boys will be happy to see the boy they met. (Rises and goes to the door.)
[The boys both run from their rooms to the living room with happy, anxious faces.]
Mr. Stahl (opens the door to reveal Dr. and Mrs. Oxley). Greetings, friends! Come in, come in. Have a seat on the couch there.
[Dr. Oxley and Mrs. Oxley come in and seat themselves on the couch.]
Dr. Oxley. This is quite a small house you have here. Why don’t you have a bigger house?
Mr. Stahl (sits down). We are simple and frugal people. We might not have a lot of money but we have a loving family. Where might your son be?
Dr. Oxley. I didn’t think it was suitable to bring him to such a house. He is a young boy, after all.
Mr. Stahl. I see. (To Bruno and Gustave.) Boys go back to your studies then. (They go to their rooms, disappointed.) (To the Oxleys.) Where are my manners? I’m sorry. I’m Manfried Stahl and this is my wife Monique. What are your names?
Dr. Oxley. I am Dr. Leonard Oxley and this is my wife, Crystal. So, is the whole family racist?
Mr. Stahl (chuckles). Yes, indeed. It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you don’t believe everything you hear about us.
Mrs. Stahl. Would either of you care for something to drink or eat?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, I would like some wine and caviar. (To Mrs. Oxley.) You don’t need anything, do you? (Mrs. Oxley shakes her head while appearing rather subdued).
Mrs. Stahl. I’m sorry, we don’t have any of that. We have some water or orange juice to drink. Since we live on a farm, we have quite a selection of fruits and vegetables available, if you’d like.
Dr. Oxley. So, nothing good then. Nevermind then. There is no reason to eat such revolting food. Why do you anyway?
Mr. Stahl. The food we have from our farm is very healthy. We don’t use any pesticides either so we eat quite well. We’ve raised our boys on the diet, which is called Salubrious Living, and they have never had any major diseases. They do get their bumps and bruises from playing though. (Chuckles softly.)
Dr. Oxley. Bumps and bruises? So, do you beat the kids then?
Mr. Oxley. No, of course not! What would give you such ideas?
Dr. Oxley. Nevermind. How do you survive here? I mean what do you do to make money?
Mr. Stahl. We run the farm and make some money that way. I also do some carpentry work as well. My wife sews our clothes and blankets but she also sells some on occasion.
Mrs. Stahl (to Mrs. Oxley). Are you all right? You don’t look so well. Do you need some water?
Mrs. Oxley. I, I am ok. No, thanks.
Dr. Oxley. Don’t mind her. She is a little under the weather. Ha! (To Mr. Stahl). What kind of carpentry do you do?
Mr. Stahl. I designed and built this house, with the help of some friends. I also made all the furniture in the house. I can make pretty much anything out of wood.
Mrs. Oxley (coming out of her daze somewhat). Really? Wow, look at this couch, Leonard.
Dr. Oxley (not looking at the couch). Yes, this is nice. Is it hard to find work since you are a racist?
Mr. Stahl. Yes, it can be quite difficult. We are pretty self-sufficient, though, so we get by comfortably.
Dr. Oxley. I don’t see how you can get by very well at all. I didn’t even see any livestock on your farm.
Mr. Stahl. We don’t eat meat and don’t think we should sell meat to people as it is not healthy.
Dr. Oxley. Are you one of those weakling people who think it’s such a horrible crime to shoot animals or something?
Mr. Stahl. No, not at all. We have some guns here that me and the boys go hunting with. We kill off all the pesky animals that disturb the crops. What do you have a doctorate in, Dr. Oxley?
Dr. Oxley (proudly). My doctorate is in history. I am a professor at the university. I don’t suppose you know much about history though. Most of the blockheads out here don’t know much of anything and they are especially ignorant of history.
Mr. Stahl. Actually, history is my favorite subject. I love reading about the greatness of the White Race. I have quite a few history books that provide good stories for my boys. As a historian, you can accept the greatness of the White Race, right Dr. Oxley?
Dr. Oxley. Greatness? If you call slaughtering other races and enslaving them, greatness, well then sure we are great! Ha! The White Race has destroyed more people and more cultures than any other race. We have oppressed millions and exploited them to death. No, we certainly are not great.
Mr. Stahl. It seems you have swallowed the Jewish propaganda that encourages Whites to demean and degrade themselves. It is all right for the other races to be proud of their people but we are branded evil for loving our people and all the greatness we embody. Does that make sense? I’m not saying we have been perfect in the past but we can learn from our mistakes. With all the anti-White filth that is spewed out, Whites are simply destroying themselves. That’s why we came out here. We wanted to get away from the Jewish influence where we could live in a healthy environment. Didn’t you move out here for the same reason?
Dr. Oxley. Certainly not. There were several factors involved with our move. The main ones being the revolting city and the abuse of our son, Grant.
Mr. Stahl. Indeed, I’ve seen the city myself. The muds have really trashed the area. It is much better out here, don’t you think?
Dr. Oxley. This area is only slightly better. Granted, I don’t suppose there is much crime but the people are exceedingly fatuous. I don’t think my boy will be harassed out here like he was before though. I’d love to rip apart those kids that persecuted my boy! So, what is the “mud” word you use?
Mr. Stahl. It is a catchall word to describe all the non-White races. There are Whites and then there are muds.
Dr. Oxley (sardonically). Sounds like a real scientific term!
Mr. Stahl. It is not meant to be. It is a term that people can relate to, like using “White Race” instead of “Caucasian” or what-have-you. I can understand your position concerning your child. I don’t think that the public schools are going to be safe much longer though. Have you heard the news about the bussing of the niggers?
Dr. Oxley. Such indecency! Why must use such a loathsome term to describe the blacks?
Mr. Stahl. Klassen advises us to do so, actually. He reasons that they are lower than us and deserve our hatred. Only through love of our people and hatred of the enemy, can we unite our people as a race to fight for our best interest. It used to be a rather common term until the Jews gave it the power it has today.
Dr. Oxley. We have much to discuss, Mr. Stahl! I despise what you stand for but you do possess some knowledge. So, I certainly must pick your brain apart. (To Mrs. Stahl.) Isn’t there something that you and my wife could do while I talk with your husband?
Mrs. Stahl. Ah, that is an excellent idea. Would you care to see some of the knitting work I have done, Mrs. Oxley?
Mrs. Oxley (rather apprehensively). Y, yes, I wouldn’t mind seeing that.
[The women exit the living room.]
Dr. Oxley. So, where were we…Hatred, then. You believe it is necessary to have hatred? Don’t you think it will simply destroy you and those around you?
Mr. Stahl. If it were used blindly, then sure it would be destructive. Then again, so would love.
Dr. Oxley. What do mean love being destructive!?
Mr. Stahl. If you simply loved everyone, then you would be easy to take advantage of. We distinctly say who we love and who we hate. We love Whites and hate muds. It’s simple. An all loving nature could certainly get you killed when you walked into the ghetto and tried to befriend a gang member.
Dr. Oxley. Ha! So, you could. Why have hatred though?
Mr. Stahl. Only with hatred can we survive as a race. Whites have disliked the other races throughout the years but wherever the other races have existed side by side with the White man, interbreeding has resulted. Only through hatred will we be able to repel this poisoning of our blood. We concentrate our hatred at the evils we see and focus it to change those evils. Surely, you hate, Brother?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, of course I do! I was just wondering what your motivation was. As much as I deplore what you stand for, I can see where you come from. My life is filled with hatred at all the sick and pathetic scum of the earth. I find it harder to find something to love since the world is as bleak as it is. Why do you love Whites? You had no control over what race you became at birth whatsoever.
Mr. Stahl. The White Race is an extension of my White family. It is natural to love your family. If I were born black, then I would be proud to be black. There wouldn’t be much to be proud of, but I would still love my people. Fortunately, I am White and a member of Nature’s Finest.
Dr. Oxley. So, Klassen is the founder of your religion, then? Creativity, isn’t it?
Mr. Stahl. Yes, that is right. Are you aware of the Holy Books then? Have you read them?
Dr. Oxley. No, no. I did a little research on them when my boy mentioned them. They are labeled hate books. It is a little surprising that they are even available.
Mr. Stahl. Indeed, the Jews label them as such because they fear us. Klassen said that we must straighten out the White Man’s thinking and if every White Racial Comrade in the world had a copy of our Holy Books, we would be living in a glorious paradise.
Dr. Oxley. That is a powerful boast! Of course, I don’t believe that is possible whatsoever! It sounds like another scam like those of the Christian Church. They want you to give, give, give while the preachers get rich, rich, rich. The preachers live in mansions while the sheep they fleece are barely scraping by on their meager wages.
Mr. Stahl. I absolutely agree about most churches. If you aren’t aware, we are not Christians and are actually against Christianity. We look forward to the day of the Superman and not the Christian ideal of a man, which is a village idiot, as Klassen says.
Dr. Oxley. Surely, you jest! Superman!? How do you suppose this will come about?
Mr. Stahl. I am not kidding. The White Race is the greatest race there is and Creativity urges our comrades to greatness. Through the practice of eugenics, we can improve each generation so that it is better than the last.
Dr. Oxley. I don’t see the Superman coming into fruition but I certainly agree with eugenics. There are way too many retards in this world and we need to put an end to it. I think we should put all the imbeciles out of their misery as swiftly as possible. They are such a drain on our economy as we have to waste our time taking care of these vegetables. The billions we waste on them could be used elsewhere. Even though I teach at the university, you should see some of the moronic idiots who come through the doors. Now, how did that happen?
Mr. Stahl. Colleges and universities used to be only for the brightest students but now they let just about anyone in. I bet the university doesn’t even have an entrance exam, does it?
Dr. Oxley. No, we don’t. I’ve seen football players in my class who couldn’t even have graduated high school. Supposedly they have but they are dumber than a box of rocks!
Mr. Stahl. Athletics is emphasized more than academics nowadays and you can see the lower intelligence level. The schools have lower standards than they used to and the good athletes simply get pushed along, regardless of their academic skill. How well is your son doing in his education?
Dr. Oxley. He gets great grades but I don’t think they are teaching him much. He recently commented how he gets bored because the class is so repetitive. He says that the children don’t understand so the teacher has to go over the assignment.
Mr. Stahl. Indeed, the muds are simply not as smart as we are. His education is stunted as a result of being in a class with them. I would recommend homeschooling.
Dr. Oxley. There were Whites in his class as well! I still see no hard evidence of any great differences in race!
Mr. Stahl. Do you think it is merely coincidence that all civilizations have been White? Egypt, Greece, Rome etc. all were led by White men. Virtually all worthwhile inventions have been created by White men as well. Cars, planes, computers, harnessing electricity etc. were all accomplished by Whites. The list goes on and on. How do you explain this?
Dr. Oxley. It is merely coincidence! I cannot accept the fact that one race is better than any other!
Mr. Stahl. I can only present you with the facts and it is up to you to see what they mean. I have books that back up what I am saying. Granted, people can lie but when you use reason, common sense, and logic, you can generally tell who is lying. Anyway, would you care to read our Holy Books? You are obviously a man of learning so I think you can appreciate great books.
Dr. Oxley. Yes, I am interested in reading them and seeing where you are getting these absurd ideas. Where are they?
Mr. Stahl (grabs the books from the coffee table and hands them to Dr. Oxley.) Here you go. The core beliefs of Creativity are detailed in Nature’s Eternal Religionand the White Man’s Bible. They are great nourishment for the mind. Nourishment for the body is detailed in Salubrious Living, which relates the diet we are naturally suited for. They are our only copies so I’d like them back as soon as you are done with them. We generally read from them every night but I have enough memorized to go on for quite a while so there is no rush.
Dr. Oxley. We shall see how “holy” and “great” these books are!
Mr. Stahl. I believe that you will truly enjoy them. The creed is rather simple but extremely powerful. It sometimes seems hard to imagine that no one else in the history of the White Race has come up with a religion like it. I think the book will appeal to your logic and convince you that Creativity is the only salvation for the White Race.
Dr. Oxley. Ha! That is a bold statement! I will certainly learn from these books. I conceive that I will find out why so many people hate racists!
Mr. Stahl. After you read them, I would be happy to talk to you about them. I think you might be surprised what lies within them. Anyway, what do you think of homeschooling?
Dr. Oxley. It sounds rather amateurish to me. Only professionals should be teaching. Not every uncivilized hick has the skill and intelligence to be a teacher.
Mr. Stahl. Do you think that all the teachers are professionals like you are then?
Dr. Oxley. Of course not! I don’t know of any that possess skills like I do. We have a few complete idiots on the staff at the university. Most teachers aren’t professionals but they should be.
Mr. Stahl. Do you think that even someone with your talent could teach a class of mentally retarded people?
Dr. Oxley. They are incapable of learning much, if anything. So, I would not want to teach such brain dead simpletons.
Mr. Stahl. You would rather teach gifted students, then?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, of course. It would be far more rewarding knowing that the students were actually learning something instead of going to college to party and destroy their minds with drugs.
Mr. Stahl. Wouldn’t such gifted students learn far more than those who aren’t as smart?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, that is obvious. What are you getting at?
Mr. Stahl. We have smart boys who are a pleasure to homeschool and they learn far more here than they would at some school. They can learn at their own pace instead of being slowed down like they would be in these schools today. Don’t you think your son would learn a lot more if you were to teach him?
Dr. Oxley. So, he would. I am a professional though. How can someone like you properly teach a child?
Mr. Stahl. My wife and I have a natural bond between our children and that gives us a great advantage. We know the subject matter and simply teach our children. The children are very inquisitive and love to learn and they are getting to the point where they venture off and learn new things on their own. My wife and I have also read multiple books on good teaching skills and we can adapt as new situations arise.
Dr. Oxley. What about books? Don’t you need a good library in order to teach your children?
Mr. Stahl. Indeed, I think it is very important. (Proudly.) We have a library of over two thousand books.
Dr. Oxley. Bah! With such meager wages, how could you afford so many books?
Mr. Stahl. Used books are quite inexpensive. I have been collecting books for years now. Every time I go into town, I check out the thrift stores and used book stores to see if they have anything worthwhile. I’d say I get about five or so every week.
Dr. Oxley. Your tale still seems rather far-fetched. I suppose you can prove what you say, right?
Mr. Stahl. Yes, of course. I hold honor in very high regard as does my religion. I am very proud of our library as well. Come with me.
[Mr. Stahl leads Dr. Oxley down the hall, into the library.]
Mr. Stahl. Here we are. What do you think, Dr. Oxley?
Dr. Oxley (looking through the book shelves). So, you actually speak the truth. You don’t see that much anymore.
Mr. Stahl (pointing to a bookshelf). You might like this shelf here. These are my history books. I have books ranging from ancient history to the modern era.
Dr. Oxley. I suppose all these books are merely for show, right? You couldn’t possibly have read them all.
Mr. Stahl. No, I haven’t read them all. I have read a lot of them although I can’t say how many for certain. I buy them in the hopes that someone in the house might be able to learn from them. As you can see, there are books of many different genres so that most everyone will find something they like.
Dr. Oxley (picking out a book). This history of eugenics looks rather interesting. Speaking of which, if your religion promotes eugenics, how come you only have two children?
Mr. Stahl. We moved here when the boys were young and it was difficult getting by at first. We had to repay loans so we had to work more. We are quite comfortable now and I am very proud to say that my wife is currently pregnant. (Proudly.) We look forward to enlarging our family!
Dr. Oxley (sarcastically). The world really needs more racists!
Mr. Stahl (heatedly). Dr! I have been extremely diplomatic with you despite your flippant attitude and you will either contain yourself or I will be forced to use more violent means to persuade you!
Dr. Oxley (shocked). Are you threatening me!?
Mr. Stahl. You can call it whatever you wish. Are you going to comply or not?
[The ladies and the children rush to the library.]
Mr. Stahl (to the crowd of women and children). Resume what you were doing. Everything is under control here.
Mrs. Stahl (to Mr. Stahl). Are you sure, dear? I heard yelling.
Mr. Stahl (to Mrs. Stahl). Yes, I am sure. (To children.) Get back to your studies, boys.
[The women and children retreat to their respective rooms.]
Mr. Stahl (glaring at Dr. Oxley). What do you have to say, Brother? Shall we continue our conversation now without your insults?
Dr. Oxley (somewhat subdued). It seems the tiger has been uncaged. It is your house and I will cease my insults. (Brightening.) You sure have some fire stored in that chest of yours. I must say that this night has not gone as I expected. Anyway, where we were?
Mr. Stahl (regaining his amiable demeanor). We were discussing eugenics. Do you have only one child?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, my only son is Grant.
Mr. Stahl. You are obviously a brilliant man and it appears as though you are quite wealthy, so why do you have only one child?
Dr. Oxley. I don’t really have time for another child. The one I have now is quite a pain as it is. Besides, after the torturous ordeal my wife went through giving birth to Grant, I doubt she wants more. I would rather work on my books than have another child, anyway.
Mr. Stahl. My wife and I have felt the pangs for a larger family for quite some time and we are going to realize that dream in about seven months. We look forward to expanding our loving clan. Don’t you feel those natural instincts?
Dr. Oxley. I used to but not anymore. I tend to work on my books in my free time.
Mr. Stahl. What are these books you are speaking of?
Dr. Oxley. Ha! I didn’t tell you that? Something must be wrong with me! Most of my wealth comes from the history books I write. They are used in schools across the country and I have made a lot off of the royalties. The university even uses one of my books. Obviously, I teach that class. Ha! Do you have any of my great books?
Mr. Stahl. I’m not sure. It is possible. I don’t usually look at the author of history books; I just simply purchase the book. I have accidentally purchased some blatantly Jewish books but I promptly burned them in the fireplace.
Dr. Oxley (looking through the books). Let me see here. Hmm. I don’t see any offhand, but what is this? (Takes a book from the shelf.) Why do you have a book on the Holocaust? Do you like reading about such a horrific crime against humanity?
Mr. Stahl. That book tells how fraudulent the Holohoax really is. It goes into detail to debunk the scam and get to the truth of the matter.
Dr. Oxley. Which is?
Mr. Stahl. The truth is that the Jews manipulated people into believing the lie that they were massacred, in order to heap blame upon the Germans while making themselves out to look like innocent victims. They have profited greatly from the hoax, to the tune of billions of dollars. The Jews have greatly distorted the facts but World Jewry declared war on Germany long before World War II.
Dr. Oxley. Ha! You must be joking. Everyone knows that the Jews suffered horribly during the Holocaust. Six million Jews were slaughtered, with many of those being gassed. Being the historian that I am, I know more than most how much the Jews have been persecuted.
Mr. Stahl. The Jews control most of the media so they can show you what they wish. Experts say that hundreds of thousands of Jews died during the war, mostly due to starvation. None of them were gassed as the supposed gas chamber idea was purely a myth created by the Jews. The Germans used the Jews, as well as others, for labor during the war and it doesn’t make much sense to kill your workers anyway.
Dr. Oxley. That is outrageous! How can you make such claims?
Mr. Stahl. Once you know the Jew, you will understand. You can borrow the book, if you wish.
Dr. Oxley. Not now. I have enough to read for now.
Mr. Stahl. By the way, you are aware of the Communist slaughter in Russia, correct?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, I am. I’ve heard estimates of twenty to one hundred million people being killed. I don’t think we will ever know for sure how many were actually killed as the Communists didn’t keep very good records.
Mr. Stahl. Indeed, now that was a tragedy. Millions of Whites were killed but you don’t hear about that too often. Are you aware that Communism is thoroughly Jewish?
Dr. Oxley. You seem to think everything evil in the world originated with the Jew! How on earth can you say Communism was Jewish!?
Mr. Stahl. I don’t think everything evil comes from the Jew but most of it, for sure. I am sure you know of Karl Marx and his friend Engels. They were both Jews. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was led by Trotsky and three thousand cutthroats–all Jews. They were financed by the Jew, Schiff. It seems safe to say that Communism is Jewish. I have a book on this matter as well, if you are interested.
Dr. Oxley. You make bold claims, Mr. Stahl! If even half of it is true, then it is world shattering! I will have to look into all these matters but I am content with the books you have given me thus far. I will be quite angry if I have been deceived all these years!
Mr. Stahl. Are there any other books you wanted to look at before we return to the living room?
Dr. Oxley. No, but I have a question. Did you also build these bookshelves?
Mr. Stahl. Indeed, I did.
[Motions for Dr. Oxley to follow him and they both return to the living room and sit down.]
Mr. Stahl. What do you think of what we have spoken of tonight?
Dr. Oxley. I find it highly suspicious and don’t believe much of anything you have said but I don’t wish to be a fool. I will read these books you have let me borrow to see if there is anything solid behind what you present.
Mr. Stahl. That’s wonderful! I don’t expect you to really believe me with all the Jewish propaganda that you have been bombarded with. I simply ask that you read our books with an open mind, and decide if it makes sense or not. I believe that it will, especially to a learned man like yourself.
Dr. Oxley. By the way, you mentioned something earlier about bussing children into the school. What is that all about?
Mr. Stahl. I was at the town meeting and noticed some strange “foreigners” who I perceived to be Jews. These people suggested that black savages be bussed into the all-White school to integrate the area. They said it was evil and racist to have an all-White school. Even though my children don’t go there, I objected to such a proposal. No one else openly disapproved, though, as they were too scared to be considered racist or side with a racist. I’m not sure what became of the motion as I was promptly thrown out because I objected.
Dr. Oxley. Something certainly sounds strange about the whole ordeal. What basis did they have to throw you out?
Mr. Stahl. They don’t really need an excuse although they claimed I was disturbing the proceedings. The room was silent when they asked for dissenting opinions so my voice was the only one heard. I suppose that is their “basis” for tossing me out. I don’t think there is any question that the muds will be shipped in from the city. The only variable I see is how long until it happens. This could be a good event though.
Dr. Oxley. How can you say that!? I thought you didn’t like the other races.
Mr. Stahl. I hate the other races but perhaps some Whites will see that they have been deceived about the so-called greatness of “diversity” and “multiculturalism”. Of course, I don’t want to see our people subjected to the mud criminality but it could help. I love the White Race but a lot of our comrades need a wake-up call. I would ask you to consider homeschooling for your son as I don’t want to see him brutalized when the muds pollute the school.
Dr. Oxley. I am still not convinced that these “muds” as you call them, are any different than we are. I will consider what you say though as I have been quite surprised by my visit here. (Looking at his watch.) It is getting late and I have classes to teach in the morning. I am certain that we will speak again.
[The ladies come into the living room.]
Dr. Oxley (to Mrs. Oxley). So, there you are, dear. We must be going now.
Mr. Stahl (to the Oxleys). It was nice meeting you both and I hope to have you over for another visit sometime soon.
Mrs. Stahl. Next time I hope you both can sample some of our scrumptious fruits.
Dr. Oxley. We shall see. Goodnight.
Mrs. Oxley. Goodnight.
[The couples shake hands and the Oxleys leave the house.]
Dr. Oxley (to Mrs. Oxley). That was very unexpected.
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, it was!
Act IV
Scene.–Dr. Oxley’s study. It is morning. It is a large room with many bookshelves. There are two large desks in the room. Books and papers are scattered about both of the desks. Dr. Oxley is busy reading and taking notes. Mrs. Oxley enters the house and throws her keys on the table in the dining room. She spots Dr. Oxley in his study and goes in to see what he is doing. He doesn’t observe her presence in his deep study.
Mrs. Oxley. Leonard! Why are you still here? What about your classes this morning?
Dr. Oxley (absentmindedly). Huh? Yes, it is a nice day.
Mrs. Oxley (grabs his shoulder). Leonard, is something the matter with you? You are acting very strangely. Aren’t you going to teach your classes? What is that look in your eye? (Starting to get frightened.) Those people didn’t put a spell on you last night, did they!?
Dr. Oxley. No, of course not. I called off for my classes today in order to study further. I do feel strange. I haven’t felt this way for years.
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, what is it!?
Dr. Oxley (dreamily). I love you, my precious Crystal. I feel, well…happy. These books that Mr. Stahl has let me borrow have been very enlightening. I’m in a state of shock, really. It is odd…
Mrs. Oxley. What have those people done to you!? You say you are happy but you look absolutely possessed!
Dr. Oxley (calmly). I must look rather tired but there is no witchcraft here. I have tirelessly gone over these masterpieces of brilliance. They are so simple, so direct, yet they have been so hidden from me for all these years. I find it hard to comprehend how I could have missed so much when it was all right in front of me. You simply must read these books, dear. They will completely shatter your thoughts about Christianity being such a great religion. I knew Christianity was bad but didn’t make the connection between it and the horrid Dark Ages.
Mrs. Oxley (hysterically). The Stahls were not what I expected but don’t you see that you have fallen for their poison! (Goes to the phone.) I’m calling an exorcist! You are just not yourself! If it was really you, you would have snapped at me and told me to shut up! But no!
Dr. Oxley (gently takes her away from the phone). I haven’t snapped at you because I am a changed man. I admit that I thought, like you, that the Stahls were terrible people because there were racist. I thought that they were simply acting nice to lure us into their demonic world. After reading their books, though, I now see that they really are nice and quite intelligent. They have meager means yet they are extremely happy. We have lots of cash but the love is lacking here. This religion, Creativity, is perfect for us. There are going to be a lot of changes around here.
Mrs. Oxley (calming down). This is so sudden. Racists are made out to be evil though. How can we start thinking like them?
Dr. Oxley. As they said, it is the Jew who is behind virtually everything evil. I didn’t believe it before but after seeing the evidence and using common sense, it is plainly transparent.
Mrs. Oxley. I trust you but it is still hard to digest. When did you go to bed last night, anyway? Did you sleep on the couch?
Dr. Oxley. No, I didn’t sleep at all last night. I was immersing myself in study all night long. I read all three books I received and took notes on them as well. I am tired but feel the great amount of power that has been unleashed by my meditations. This is a wonderful day! Where is that son of ours? He should be a part of this warmth as well.
Mrs. Oxley. I took him to school today. It is his first day, you know. Are you sure that you are feeling all right?
Dr. Oxley (gaining energy). I am feeling much better than all right! I am going to have to discuss things with the Stahls later on about homeschooling. I feel so silly now after being so coarse with them. I am thankful that they put up with me!
Mrs. Oxley (feels his forehead). You feel like you have a fever. Maybe that is all that is wrong with you. Perhaps you should lie down.
Dr. Oxley (smiles heartily before he grabs Mrs. Oxley and passionately kisses her). Do you still think there is something “wrong” with me, my sweet? If these loving feelings I am experiencing are “wrong”, then I look forward to being “wrong” my entire life!
Mrs. Oxley (is happily shocked). Oh, Leonard! What has really brought such a drastic change over you!? We haven’t kissed like that in years! Was it really those books? What is in them?
Dr. Oxley. Much wisdom! When I first started reading, I was expecting some nonsensical, hateful diatribe. I was anticipating vile attacks with no reason to accompany them. What I found was shocking and exhilarating! It was a carefully laid basis for the greatest religion ever! It used history, common sense, logic, and the laws of nature to back itself up! If something wasn’t known for sure or if something wasn’t logical, then it didn’t make something up, like the belief in gods, but, instead said that it didn’t know!
Mrs. Oxley. What’s so incredible about that? How did the world begin then?
Dr. Oxley. That’s just it! They don’t claim to know. Perhaps the universe was created in the Big Bang, perhaps not. If you say a god exists, then the question of who created him comes up. If you then counter and say that he was always here, then the universe could have always been.
Mrs. Oxley. Leonard, you are being a little vague though about this whole affair. I still don’t see where these books are so enlightening. It doesn’t seem like you are saying anything that you didn’t believe in before.
Dr. Oxley. I certainly believed some of what these books said before reading them. It was great to agree with the books on those things, and then I found I agreed on pretty much everything in the books! We will certainly be studying these books as a family but we can touch briefly on some of the main points in them. Here, sit down.
[Gets Mrs. Oxley a chair and she sits down beside him.]
Mrs. Oxley. Are you sure these books aren’t just satanic ramblings?
Dr. Oxley. It is hard to be Satanist if you don’t believe in Satan or any other gods, isn’t it?
Mrs. Oxley. I guess so.
Dr. Oxley. Let’s start at the beginning. The first book is called Nature’s Eternal Religion. It is a brilliant book, no doubt. It starts out by saying how Nature’s laws are eternal and can’t be broken. It states that there is nothing above Nature or supernatural because there is no evidence to support this. Sure, there are fables, myths, and legends but they are pure fiction. There is no evidence to show that any of the laws of Nature have ever been broken. Therefore, they believe that a natural religion like Creativity makes much more sense based on the evidence that our senses have gathered, over a supernatural religion that worships a god that has never been felt, seen, heard, smelt, or tasted.
Mrs. Oxley. That doesn’t sound racist though. When does the racist part come in?
Dr. Oxley. By looking into Nature, you see that there is an instinctive urge to mate with your own kind. There are numerous varieties of swallows, woodpeckers, and larks but they naturally mate with their own kind even though they may be around other birds. All these varieties of animals make it clear that there is a natural urge to mate with your own kind. If there was an urge to mate with other kinds, then you wouldn’t see so many different species and subspecies but would see only one mongrelized creature. Using this as their basis, they believe that the same thing goes for humans. So, they believe it is very natural for Whites to want to be with Whites. Of course, this also extends to the other races as well.
Mrs. Oxley. There are a lot of different animals out there. What about dogs though? You don’t see too many pure breeds.
Dr. Oxley. It seems clear that dogs are forced to be around dogs that aren’t like them. They can’t mate with their own kind because none of their kind is around so they mate with other dogs. Remember, it is the purebred dogs that are sought after and are more expensive.
Mrs. Oxley. That is true. Nothing about this religion seems satanic yet, so tell me more.
Dr. Oxley. That’s the spirit! I think you will be converted like I was but you needn’t take my word for it. The books speak for themselves!
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, Leonard! Such a change has come over you. Before, you would have simply stated your beliefs as absolute truths. Why don’t you now?
Dr. Oxley. When you are misled and wrong about so many things, then it makes you weary to hold such a position. Don’t get me wrong, this religion is wonderful and life-changing but I think people should experience it for themselves. I think most White people will agree with what is being said. We have been lied to a million times and these lies became apparent truths to us and I don’t want to see more people simply believing in something because someone says so. I know there are a lot of sheep out there and there probably always will be, but I would prefer people realizing how great Creativity is on their own.
Mrs. Oxley. That certainly makes sense. I was led to believe that the Stahls were going to be horrible people but they turned out to be quite friendly and hospitable. Mrs. Stahl has a lovely assortment of blankets and I would like to know how to do that. There is still a large part of me that thinks something isn’t right about all this.
Dr. Oxley. I think that is certainly a healthy feeling. Perhaps you should apply that suspicion to everything in your life though. After years of being polluted by Jewish propaganda, most people aren’t suspicious of anything unless the media says to be. The reason I was so struck by these Holy Books was because everything made so much sense to me. If something is questionable then it seems only logical to obtain more information about the subject before coming to a conclusion.
Mrs. Oxley. I can’t argue with your reasoning. I will at least check these books out before making a decision. What else can you tell me about these books?
Dr. Oxley. One of the most interesting things to me, being a historian, was hearing about the greatness of the White Race. Just yesterday, I was lashing out at Mr. Stahl for believing that, and here I am today preaching it. I had never before made the connection that only Whites ruled the great civilizations. From Egypt to India to Greece to Rome to our modern day civilization, they have been ruled by Whites. The books I read on the topic didn’t factor in the racial aspect at all but I now see it is of the utmost importance. Whenever these White civilizations have had their White blood extinguished, the civilization has declined and died away. India and Egypt are good examples of this as they both were advanced thousands of years ago, but now are third world countries of ignorance, poverty, and sickness.
Mrs. Oxley. These books seem to cover a lot of areas. Is there anything that isn’t covered?
Dr. Oxley. That is hard to say. It doesn’t talk about everything, per se, but it certainly touches on many main points of life. Another interesting topic that was discussed, was about the Jews. The books examine why Jews have been treated so harshly. I was always led to believe that people were jealous of their good status, but it turns out that they are simply criminals. I also learned of the connection between the Jews and Christianity.
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, what do you mean? The bible says that the Jews are God’s chosen people.
Dr. Oxley. Do you know how much that belief has benefited the Jews? After all, the Jews wrote the bible. Virtually all the apostles were Jews with Luke being a probable exception. Can you see that the Jews have taken advantage of Christianity to increase their power?
Mrs. Oxley. I’m not sure I know what you mean.
Dr. Oxley. A good example is when the Christians declared usury to be a sin so the Jews got complete control of the money.
Mrs. Oxley. What is usury?
Dr. Oxley. Usury is lending money but charging interest. Since the Christians were banned from practicing it, the Jews got control of the money. We both know that money is power. Of course, there are other examples of Jewish manipulation. Whenever a Jew commits a crime he can simply whine to the Christians saying he is God’s chosen. This hasn’t always worked but I’m sure you can see how powerful a tool it is. The Jews can really fleece the Christians because the Christians believe that the Jews can do no wrong since they are the chosen ones.
Mrs. Oxley (incredulous). You are learning all this from these books?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, and much more. The old testament bonds the Jews together and promotes their best interest. The new testament, however, fragments the Christians and promotes weakness. Most White people are Christians so we have quite a problem on our hands.
Mrs. Oxley. Wait a minute. Why would the Jews create Christianity to weaken people?
Dr. Oxley. It seems clear that they promoted Christianity due to their hatred of the Roman Empire. The Romans had crushed a Jewish uprising and scattered many Jews. They took many concepts from the Essenes and foisted the feeble religion on the Romans. Christianity was one of the major causes of the decline of Rome.
Mrs. Oxley. Who are these Essenes you mentioned?
Dr. Oxley. The Essenes were a Jewish sect that existed thousands of years ago. They practiced beliefs similar to Christianity. They were pacifists and disdained weapons of any kind. They are mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls which are believed by many Christians to signify something great.
Mrs. Oxley. I’ve heard of those scrolls but haven’t ever read them. Where are these Essenes now?
Dr. Oxley. They died out many years ago. The religion was weak and feeble. It seems clear that the only reason White Christians have survived is due to the tenacity of the White Race.
Mrs. Oxley. You are saying many strange things today, Leonard. I don’t know if I’ll be able to accept all these things. I still don’t see why they hate the Jews so much. The old testament doesn’t seem bad at all.
Dr. Oxley. The old testament is full of perverted and dishonorable stories but this book isn’t the core of Judaism. The Talmud is the main book of Judaism.
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, Leonard! Why do you say that about the old testament!?
Dr. Oxley. You have probably only heard great things about the supposed inspiring tales in the old testament. After reading them, I think you will change your mind. The old testament is filled with stories like Abraham pimping his sister/wife off to a king, Lot fornicating with his daughters, David impregnating his soldier’s wife and then sending that soldier to the front lines to be killed in battle, and Solomon knowing many strange women–700 wives and 300 concubines, to be exact. Are those the kind of stories you want children to read? I surely don’t want our Grant to read that.
Mrs. Oxley (flustered). I don’t think children should read about that either but I don’t remember those stories being in the old testament!
Dr. Oxley. The stories are there. I can point them out to you. I know you have a bible in the house so I can show you. I didn’t want a bible in the house before, but now I can use it to enlighten you.
Mrs. Oxley (turning slightly red). Ok, dear. What was that Talmud you mentioned?
Dr. Oxley. Ha! The Talmud is the central book in Judaism and is quite revolting. I found a “Facts!” pamphlet inside one of the books which further revealed the depravity of the Jews. It is no wonder that so many people hate these creatures. I now understand why the very word “Jew” is used as an insult.
Mrs. Oxley. What is in this Talmud then?
Dr. Oxley. I don’t think you will really like the preachings and they will probably offend you, but I will give you a taste. Essentially, the Jews think it is holy to lie, steal, cheat, deceive, and kill the goyim. Goyim is their word for cattle and is applied to non-Jews. They believe that when their Messiah comes, each Jew will have over two thousand slaves. They even think it is fine to have sexual intercourse with a girl of three years old.
Mr. Oxley (appalled). Oh, no! That is horrible! Can the Jews possibly believe such filth!?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, and there is much more. Here, take a look. (Shows Mrs. Oxley exact quotes from the Talmud.)
Mrs. Oxley (horrified). How revolting! Can this really be so!? Do you think that is why the Nazis hated the Jews?
Dr. Oxley. In part, yes. Hitler was aware of the Jewish evils but his biggest concern was Germany. After the first World War, the Jews bought up much of Germany and thus had control over the people. Since the Germans were so impoverished, the Jews bought up the businesses at a far lower price than they would have normally sold for. The Jews instigated a reign of terror as the Germans were held in horrible, financial bondage. Hitler loved the German people and so fought for them.
Mrs. Oxley. But the Nazis were so horrible! It must have been pure torture for the Germans!
Dr. Oxley. So, the Jews want you to believe, and even I swallowed it wholeheartedly. I have read how prosperous Germany became after Hitler took power but the books I read always slandered the country saying they were better off financially, but they were slaves. I now realize that was just Jewish propaganda. Hitler was a great patriot and one of the greatest leaders ever.
Mrs. Oxley. Leonard! What are you saying! (A flash comes over her and she giggles softly.) I understand now. You big joker! This is all just a big joke, right?
Dr. Oxley. No, it is not. I know that it is hard to absorb but I feel so alive now that I know the truth. I hope that you too can see what I see but I’m not going to force you to.
Mrs. Oxley. What now? Are you a Nazi then?
Dr. Oxley. No, I am a Creator. National Socialism certainly influenced the religion of Creativity but nationalism has been very destructive for the White Race. Many, many wars have been caused by nationalism and I hope that we never have to fight a war against our White brothers again. The Church promotes Racial Socialism where the best interests of the White Race are promoted. The World Church of the Creator is a religion, though, not a political party.
Mrs. Oxley. Isn’t socialism communism? Are you becoming a communist?
Dr. Oxley. No, no. All socialism means is working together for the greater good and not giving in to selfish interests. A country wouldn’t exist without socialism. Police, fire department, and road construction are but a few socialistic enterprises. Also, there would be no government ownership of everything so private property is protected.
Mrs. Oxley. Oh, I see. Where did I learn that from then, I wonder.
Dr. Oxley. From the Jews, of course. It becomes clearer and clearer when you realize all that the Jews have done. I am seeing their greasy hands behind so many foul schemes now.
Mrs. Oxley. If this is all true, how is it possible? How can they control things when we live in a democracy? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Jew in my life.
Dr. Oxley. I’m sure you have; they are plastered all over the media. We live in a Republic, not a democracy. Anyway, the whole voting concept is simply a tool that the Jews wield to manipulate the country. The awesome power of the media determines who wins or loses. It doesn’t really matter who gets elected though as I haven’t seen a worthy candidate in years.
Mrs. Oxley. Nothing can be done then. Don’t you think it is better to simply live as we were? I don’t see any hope, so we might as well just ignore these problems.
Dr. Oxley (indignantly). Absolutely not! I can’t really blame someone for not doing something about a problem that they didn’t know existed. I know about the problem now. I have to do something about it. I will do something about it.
Mrs. Oxley. But what can you do?
Dr. Oxley. One man can do a lot. This whole situation requires a lot of thought but I am sure that I, and hopefully we, will dedicate our lives to the White Race. I wasn’t too fond of anything before, but now I realize the error in my ways. I am going to be loyal to the White Race and become a crusader for our people! The hoards of money that I have accumulated can now be put to great use!
Mrs. Oxley. You are even going to spend your precious money?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, it will come in handy for the struggle. (Rubs his chin while thinking.) What shall I do..
Mrs. Oxley. I think you should have something to eat. When was the last time you ate?
Dr. Oxley. That is a good question. I can’t really remember. That is a good place to start though! I thought the Stahls were off their rockers yesterday, but after reading why they eat as they do, I see how simply brilliant it is. Do you know why all these diseases we have are so prevalent today?
Mrs. Oxley. Not really, why?
Dr. Oxley. It is so stunningly simple! Our diets are full of poisons with processed sugar, being the worst culprit. The primitive savages who are unaware of our “modern” food, also do not know cancer, heart disease, lung disease and a host of other ailments like we do. Everyone knows how healthy fruits and vegetables are, but still we eat these poisons. Many have paid the price for their folly but we do not have to. Therefore, I will be changing my diet and I think you will as well after reading the books from the Stahls.
Mrs. Oxley. We can read some more later, dear. Why don’t you join me for some food?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, I am famished. Let’s go.
[As they start to leave, the phone rings in the study.]
Dr. Oxley. Can you get that dear? I’ll be in the kitchen. Ha! What a wonderful day!
[Dr. Oxley leaves the room and Mrs. Oxley answers the phone.]
Mrs. Oxley. Hello? Yes. Uh-huh. No! I’ll be there right away! (Slams the phone down.) Leonard! Leonard!
[Dr. Oxley rushes into the study.]
Dr. Oxley. What is it!?
Mrs. Oxley (frantically). The school just called. Grant has been in a fight.
Dr. Oxley. So, how is he!?
Mrs. Oxley. He isn’t hurt that bad but he is pretty shocked.
Dr. Oxley (angry). Did they say who he fought with?
Mrs. Oxley. No, they didn’t.
Dr. Oxley. We both know who it was! (Pacing about the study.) I have some thinking to do. You go pick him up. The degradation of this world is going to stop! We are going to have a loving family from now on, Crystal! And it is going to be away from the Jewish filth!
[Mrs. Oxley leaves to pick up Grant.]
Dr. Oxley (thinks out loud). How can I spread the word about this great religion? The media must be used. The Jews control the media though. I have enough money to print books, fliers, make videos, music and anything else that needs to be done. I don’t need the Jews and their media although I can take advantage of it. What about my job? I don’t need it; I can live comfortably for the rest of my life with what I have now. What about my history writing? Ha! I can write accurate White history instead of Jewish lies. How much can I do with the money I have? That is a good question. I need to work on that.
[Dr. Oxley seats himself while he calculates. After several moments, Mrs. Oxley entered the house with Grant and they both come into the study.]
Dr. Oxley (hugs Grant). How are you son?
Grant (has a black eye). Well, I have been better.
Dr. Oxley. So, you have! It was those niggers that did this to you, wasn’t it!?
Grant (stunned). Well, yes it was but why are you calling them that?
Dr. Oxley. I have been enlightened, my dear son. It turns out the boys you met recently were absolutely correct in so many things. There are going to be some changes around here! Did the niggers attack you like they did at the other school?
Grant. Yes, father. It was exactly the same. They wanted my money. I didn’t think the nig.. er, blacks were even going to be there.
Dr. Oxley. No, son. You can say it! We have known that they are niggers but we have been too scared to say it. I don’t care what is “popular” anymore. I care about our people and the truth! Say it son–nigger!
Grant (smiles). It was the niggers, dad!
Dr. Oxley (chuckles). Now, that is my boy! Of course, you won’t be going back to that school anymore! I know a couple of boys your age that are going to be your friends as well!
Grant (happily). What has happened to you, dad?
Dr. Oxley. I got some books from the racist family and they were tremendously inspiring. I have had my eyes opened and I can feel the love and power. I know we haven’t had the greatest family life, but all that is going to change! Speaking of which, we need to go thank those kind souls who opened my eyes and changed my life! Who is going to take a walk with me over there?
Mrs. Oxley. It is so wonderful to see you happy, Leonard! I am going with you!
Grant. Me, too! I want to say hi to Bruno and Gustave.
[The three set out happily to the Stahls, through the forest.]
Grant. What is in those books you mentioned dad?
Dr. Oxley. There is a lot, really. We will read them as a family, soon. I want my whole family to experience the warmth I felt after reading the Holy Books of Creativity.
Grant. Are they hard to understand?
Dr. Oxley. Not at all. The concepts are simple and easy to learn. The information is presented brilliantly.
Grant. Well, will I be able to understand them then?
Dr. Oxley. Most certainly. I am going to have to buy the books because I have the Stahls’ only copies though. I don’t think they will mind if I keep the borrowed books for a week or so though.
Grant. Is mom going to read them as well?
Mrs. Oxley. Yes, I am. They have really changed your father, so there must be something terrific inside. I want to be happy like he is too!
Dr. Oxley. And you will! My whole family will be happy!
Mrs. Oxley (sniffing the air). Does anyone smell something awful? It smells like someone is cooking something nasty.
Grant (pointing ahead). Do you see that!? Something is burning up ahead.
Dr. Oxley. Could it be? Come on! (Dr. Oxley motions his family forward.)
[The family rushes through the forest and sees the Stahl’s house engulfed in flames.]
Mrs. Oxley (sobbing, clings to Dr. Oxley). Oh, Leonard, no! What has happened here!?
Grant (grasps Dr. Oxley’s hand in dismay). Dad, where are they? Are they in the house?
Dr. Oxley (melancholy). This is an absolute tragedy. Our new and true friends are now dead. It is obvious what has happened here. Mr. Stahl protested the bussing of those savages into the White school. He cared for White people despite most of them hating him and his children not even going to the school. It seems clear that the Jews didn’t like him getting in their way so they silenced the whole family forever. Who knows which Jewish organization committed this atrocity but I know the filthy hand of the Jew was responsible. This is quite a blow!
Mrs. Oxley (pleading). What can we do about this? We have to catch the killers.
Grant (with tears in his eyes). Are they really dead?
Dr. Oxley. Yes, they are gone forever. We can file a report but the Jews control virtually everything so that won’t accomplish much.
Mrs. Oxley. Then it is hopeless. We can’t win.
Dr. Oxley (becomes inspired despite his moist eyes). No, it is not hopeless! These comrades have paid the ultimate price and we must not forget them! The sword has been passed to us and we must fight! The battle rages on!
Mrs. Oxley (brightens dramatically). Oh, Leonard!
[The Oxleys embrace affectionately.]