Cultural Record Versus Ontic Record
False Light of Shamballah
Cultural Record Versus Ontic Record
The false light of Shamballah shines forth in the 'ontic records' that have become known in occultism as the 'akasha' or 'akashic records', the inscription or encoding in the aether of the energetic patterns of 'the world' and his contingencies, what have been considered as 'history', the unfolding of the cycles of Time and the Time-flow of the Demiurge which is His evolutive process.
The false light of 'akasha' meaning the aether is the refulgent glow of the Demiurge with His harsh glare of the illusory world of substance which He generates from out of Himself is that realm samsara in which the pasu lives, within 'the world' of generation and corruption.
To bind oneself, as the 'scientist' does, to this plane or dimension of existence (becoming) is to bind oneself to the Demiurge through 'quantum entanglement' or 'sympathetic resonance', the perceiver or the experiencer more broadly, of this akashic record (ontic records) involves himself by virtue of his immersion within it in the substance of the Demiurge as a nudist swimming in a pool of acid leading towards the disintegration of his Spirit over Time and creating a bond between himself and the conscious presence of 'The One'.
This is the experience of the 'face of God' ('Deus Vult') and its vampiric nature, it's true nature concealed behind the appearances of the lower phenomenal dimension of time and space. To confront the cosmic vampire and take the risk of being subject to his hypnotic stare and vortextual absorption of one's vital forces is a risk that only a Berserker Siddha or illumined man of stone can endure and thus necessitates a transmutation of the consciousness through an ordeal of fire through challenges of life and death struggle to transcend beyond this veil of Maya of the 'ontic record' of plagiarized forms of the Eternal Realm.
For he who has not achieved such a state of being, who has not transformed himself into a red knight with armor of immortal vajra, must turn his face towards the face of the Spirit, the Virgin of Agartha and fixed his gaze upon her in all endeavors, situating his consciousness beyond the realm of the Demiurge, for he is not adequately prepared for the confrontation with the beast.
His focus must be that of an eagle looking down upon the world of matter and the perishable beings who are subject to the entropic force of Time-flow. He must keep his distance from phenomenal appearances and view them with his binocular-vision as prey to be dealt with in an adversarial manner rather than to immersing himself within this false infinity of the differentiated manifold of 'the creation'.
Indeed he must refrain from poking about in the world of beings and focus himself on the maze of confusion that has become known as 'His-story', and it's plenitude of cultural processes; artefacts and signifiers which provide him with the means to deconstruct the false historical narrative and malicious distortion of the 'chosen people' and their affiliates who employ their distortion and confusion tactics as means of tearing down and destroying their enemies, namely they are attuned to the Uncreated Light and who can pull aside the veil of appearances behind which they conceal themselves and their system of architecture of the deceiver.
The scholar; the idly curious; the scientist; the theologian-all are one in their participation in inserting their head into the guillotine of the cosmic executioner-expending needless time and effort on that which has no transformative influence on their own consciousness and that which simply serves to further ensconce them in the ectoplasmic substance of Jehovah-Satan and in which they eventually are drowned in the aetheric cesspool of 'The One' with his excreted forms and planes of manifestation.
The cultural records are the compendia of a 'human-all-too-human' creation, the outward or external manifestation of the culture organism (volk soul) in the form of the agency of the population, their creative work and self-expression which is, though mediated through the individual, the expression of the folk archetype.
The traditional culture of a type; a race; the qualitatively distinct group, is the ensemble of its cultural expression to the point of where had 'become who it is', had formed a type which can be identified and constitutes the pole around which it concentrates its forces.
The identity of the group thus is the Tradition of that group and to destroy the Tradition is to destroy the group or create conditions which weaken it sufficiently that it may be destroyed owing to an insufficient resistive capacity or inner strength which is drawn from that pole. Thus as the jew has said: "first we destroy your culture, then we destroy you." Such is the protocol of the jew in his violation of the 'Other' and his means of carrying out this violence against the 'Other' is through:
1) subtle infiltration into the 'gentile' society and
2) the creation of chaos that subverts and over time he would intend destroys the 'gentile' society.
Hence the cultural record of the race becomes subject to distortion and subversion under the influence of the infiltrator the jew and the race is set up for destruction by the powermad cabal of the 'chosen people' and their affiliates.
Therefore it is necessary to understand the culture of Tradition, one's own authentic culture and to compare it to the contemporary form that culture has been modified into as means of attempting to rectify the culture from its fallen state.
One must thus become attuned to the memory of the blood, to the re-collection of the symbol of the Origin of the Hyperborean ancestors and thereby to understand the particular nature of the fall, to be able to intuitively apprehend that cultural form which is deviant and that which is agreeable and correspondent to one's folk.
In order to rectify the fallen folk one must rectify the culture and this is the means most instrumental in transmuting the asleep Virya into one awakened and to thereby enable them to attain their proper place or station in 'the world', to cast out the dross of the interloper, both the culture distortor and he himself, the poison worm in the Apple.
The ontic records thus must be treated as Epictetus said in "The Enchiridion" regarding that which is external to oneself: namely with indifference and a detachment keeping the beings at arms length and not focusing on their evolutive history or 'fate' (their 'ontic supra-finality' as Nimrod de Rosario has called it) but rather a simple recognition that they are in the words of Epictetus 'externals' and that only that which is internal matters, namely the Uncreated Spirit, all else being merely a supportive cultural superstructure that enables their transcendence from 'the world' and avoidance of submerging the spirit and the corrosive waters of the Demiurge, the substantial being.
Thereby the awakened Virya may assist in the liberation of the captive Spirits from the grip of Jehovah-Satan and may work towards the disintegration not of his Spirit as in the case of the pasu but rather the disintegration of the system, the Metatronic hyper-cube or black cube of Zion.