Greetings to all, in this post we will talk about a very important topic that is clearly inserted within the Gnosis of the Hyperborean Wisdom and the fight for the liberation of our Eternal Spirit, which is: Beat the Sacred Symbol, a potential obstacle that helps the Spirit remain chained, both soul and body within this material world, thus blocking all possibility for a spiritual awakening. Now the question is:
¿And how do you overcome a Sacred Symbol?
When "that" (whatever) it was the most but what more important to me, that which for me was of importance tremendous, that which was my only and fundamental motivation towards world and towards life, when that" " has completely lost all its importance" , to the point that I can no longer even remember it (no for amnesia but because it never comes to mind for its total inconsequence) then I have overcome the dominant sacred symbol , to the Guardian of the Labyrinth that closed the exit, to which I always captured my attention and dominated my will.
Beat the Dominant Sacred Symbol IS "occupy the tau square" or as Belicena Villca says: "arribar to a unique principle of the psyche". If one speaks of "arribating to a unique principle of the psyche "it is obvious that there is more than one, indeed there is in the Virya two "centers of oneself" one of the Soul and the other of the Spirit, one is the "Self" (Jung's) and the other is the "Selbst" (Nimrod's) fight for the "tau square" is fight to dominate the created soul and not to be more dominated and dragged by it, the awakened Self must prevail and dominate, THIS REQUIRES FIGHT (longer or shorter).
Trust Virya, You will find your own way beat him, just have to know what you're dealing with. To illustrate a little it is recommended to see the following video:
The "Queen Mab" in the video above does not represents a Sacred Symbol but rather an egregious or "archetype collective psychoid "or" astral archetype ", but the fight against he consists of "forget it" just like an egregious, only oblivion cancel since "loving him" strengthens him, "hating him" strengthens him, "fearing him" strengthens him, because these three passions psychic-psychological of the created Soul-Psyche, these three passions "satanic-terrestrial-demiurgic passages" are but three different modalities of the same psychic energy that feed and "get fat" to the egregious and the Sacred Symbol. In reality, the egregious is not dissolved because the community that fed and gave life (with its psychic energy) forget it, by to be forgotten the egregious remains as "frozen in hibernation or suspended animation" if ever another community "lo remember "the egrégoro would" activate ", dissolve it requires magical work.
Let us now see what is said in the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom of the "Great Ancestor Hyperborean Anir "(the pasú" Great Ancestor "in which it was reflected for the first time the Infinite Self AND NOT the confused Hyperborean Spirit that reflected for the first time in it "without knowing it"): "So moving forward with a hesitant step, stumbling over the chains that held her ankles, bleeding profusely from the old wound, WITHOUT SEEING WHERE IT ADVANCED then his face was "turned to the back", The Great Ancestor wanted walk towards the pond. But, although it separated it very little distance from the underground lake, it was not an easy task to get to it, because a numbness of centuries had hardened its limbs; however right away rolled across the rocky ground, slipped on the shoreline slope, and finally it sank silently into the living waters of the Mengano pond. And Mengano, at that moment, had the feeling of be in the center of a fire explosion that expanded encompassing not only the Rivers of Pure Blood, but also the entire microcosm. Never believed the sadhaka Mengano, before that maithuna, who would come to know one passion so terrible and voracious like that, which constituted, however, the only motivation TOWARDS THE OUTER WORLD by the Great Ancestor. But such gnosis was necessary, as we will see, to COMPLETE THE FORM of the fifth Challenge." ( FSH, Volume X, -J- )
We see here that for that pasú (mutado - improved) in the which the Infinite Self was reflected for the first time (without knowing it the Hyperborean Spirit confusing) "the woman of flesh - the woman Eve" was "the most important of all, the most important of all created entities" and constituted his only motivation towards the world and towards life, more accurately that motivation is the "obsession with the woman's body of meat" (and vice versa for the lost Virya), such an erotic obsession "superhuman" is not the mere "animal genital instinct" of the primitive passion before mutation, this "sexual super-obsession" is a residual effect, an imprint, a mark engraved on fire,product of that ANTIQUAL ILLUSION, that PRIMORDIAL ENCHANCE, that act of Alta Sexual Magic carried out by the Manú Siddha Traidor when he captured by first time the Symbol of Origin in the astral blood of the first couples of mutated-improved passes by the genetic contribution provided by the body updated Manú entelechial, used by the Siddha Traitor. This super-obsession "superhuman" not only drives the life of the Virya asleep in a certain incarnation but constitutes the force that drives rebirth or reincarnation, without this superhuman super obsession no there would be metempsychosis or reincarnation, this superhuman super-obsession embodied in fire in the human race by the Manú Siddha Traitor is necessary for the evolution is fundamental part of the karmic systemdevised-implanted by Siddhas Traitors.
Respected Virya, when you are overwhelmed by the sexual passion and an immense obsession with a meat woman, if you can, try to simply recognize the truth: that that passion is not yours, is alien, strange, external to yourself, and that passion-obsession is not exactly "demiurgic" but rather, this passion-obsession is "of Traitor Siddha Manu" it is part of his sinister legacy to the Viryas. The manu Siddha Traidor, a being ( if there is ) more abject and nefarious than himself demiurge. If you let yourself be carried away by that passion, it is neither good nor bad, if not you let yourself be carried away by that passion, it is neither good nor bad, since the Hyperborean Spirit ( which manifests in the Virya as I asleep ) is alien to what happens in this universe, that for HIM it doesn't even exist (and can hardly be good or bad, better or worse, cute or ugly, what does not exist, what IS NOT). But it is important that you know that passion that you considered always "own" or "yours" actually IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN, "alien" (and it has been superimposed on you), because just made of Knowing it will change your way of thinking. When I refer to You, or when I say You, I don't mean microcosm (matter-energy vital-instinct-emotion-memory-thought) but to I nonologicalfrom the Virya, reflection of the Hyperborean Spirit trapped in all that microcosmic filth "external and alien" to the Self (badly I could go to a "thing" to a "not being" to a "created soul" to a satanic-terrestrial "pasu").
While the noological self remains "asleep, is under the tutelage of various Sacred Symbols which are subordinates hierarchically to a "superior" who is the "Sacred Symbol Dominant", the latter is "the Head of the bad boy gang" that keep the noological self captive-asleep and I said that if the "Boss" all his subordinates are defeated along with his Chief and not it is necessary to beat them "one by one". The Dominant Sacred Symbol constitutes the main motivation towards the world and towards life, then if that main motivation "drags" all other secondary motivation hierarchically chained with the main one disappears as well. Let's see a example: A young Virya "X" longs to earn a lot of money, but that money is not an end in itself, actually that Virya wants to win a lot of money to buy a super sports car, and in turn, that super sports car is not an end in itself either, young Virya you want to own that car to win the admiration and attraction of young "meat women" or "Eva women", motivation main to the world and to the life of that Virya is "the wife of meat"( just as it was long ago for the Great Ancestor Anir ). If that Virya's interest in the meat woman disappeared, they would disappear also the interest in the super sports car and money. ( This is a very "simplistic" but didactic example ).
( FSH, Introductory Volume, Sphere Operation passion consciousness, -I- )
I - Complementary comments on myth and sacred symbol.
First - Autonomous behavior of myth.
When the affective reference of a sacred symbol is very large magnitude, case ( c ), determines the reference to itself to deviate of the threshold of consciousness and to address the affective sphere. Then the symbol does not emerge in the sphere of light, in front of the conscious subject, as has assumed in the previous article, and two cases can occur: that the symbol sacred leave the shadow sphere and penetrate the affective sphere, or that remain in the shadow sphere. Let's look at both cases.
1st. case: when entering the affective sphere, the symbol sacred is "heart oriented", where it is integrated into the affective scheme existing there; consequently the symbol becomes domain of affective subject, which is absolutely irrational. The soul subject evolutionary - in any of its structural manifestations, "reason", "cultural", "conscious" - will always be powerless to operate on a symbol located in the heart, and even more so if the irrational subject has identified with him. The pasu thus experiences a species of irrational dependence TOWARDS THE ESSENCE of the sacred symbol, okay say, towards what it represents and expresses. This case constitutes one of the Principles of the Psychosocial Strategy and, as such, has been widely exploited by the Sinarchy of all time to exercise control FOR THE HEART of the masses: the great organized religions, for example serve as this Principle to dominate, through sacred COR-dial symbols, with COR-dantes with the macrocosmic objective, to his parishioners; and these they respond irrationally, BUT OF THE WAY STRATEGICALLY PREVISIBLE.
Apart from general dependence on sacred symbols political, religious, etc., the first case also explains situations important individuals. For example, the vulgar infatuation of the pasú, (Not must be confused with the A-mort of the Siddhas and viryas), has its origin in a sacred symbol *, that of the archetypal woman, the "anima" of C. G. Jung, which has settled in the heart and has been vitalized with energy from the irrational subject. "Falling in love" occurs when the passion projects unconsciously, about a certain woman, the anima symbol and recognizes it, then introjects it, identified with the meat woman: the pasú believes, like this, to have discovered materialized the ideal woman. Then a phenomenon happens classic: the evolutionary soul subject is effective in acting rationally in any situation except that in which the beloved of flesh intervenes; in the latter case, in front of the beloved woman, the volitional enervation of the soul subject evolutionary and the behavior of the pasú becomes governed by the determinations irrational from the heart . *I simply call this archetype "archetype woman". As can be seen no freedom or free will there is in this poetic "fall in love with the pasú", there is no wonder here of the love, no pink clouds of corresponding love, nothing magical or sublime or spiritual, WHAT IS THERE is determination-programming-mechanical conditioning automatic, this "poetically masked" crush is so mechanical and automatic as a computer program, the pasú does not fall in love "freely" but follows a predetermined course as tightly as a railroad car follows the course imposed by the railway rails.
When the Virya asleep-pasu "Romeo" (in whom passu trends dominate) believes he is dying of love for the sleeping Virya-pasú "Juliet" (his mouth dries and he feels that he faints with love for she feels that the vital energy abandons it) actually what is happening is that the "invisible" female archetype is sucking the psychic energy of the Romeo pass, psychic energy in its modality of "desire-attraction"< - (that is the love of the countries). The more and more the pass Romeo remembers Juliet and think of her, the more and more she longs for her presence and wants hold her in her arms and kiss her, more and more she is feeding and fattening the invisible "woman archetype" that is nourished by the psychic energy of Romeo. If Romeo is reciprocated and has the presence and love of Juliet then the "woman archetype" is nourished by the psychic energy of Romeo in the "pleasure-happiness" mode". If Romeo is not reciprocated or for any reason is deprived of the presence of his beloved, then the female archetype is nourished by its psychic energy in the modalities longing-desire, fear, sadness, anger.
We see that whatever the sleeping Virya Romeo does not can avoid putting more and more sense in the female entity and feed more and more (be engulfed) to the female archetype, with its psychic energy. To the archetype woman is indifferent to the aspect under which her food is presented, the psychic energy, the archetype will force Romeo to generate more of the same (plus desire, more fear, more sadness, more anger or more pleasure) on the path of the minor effort such as an efficiently perfect machine. The Lost Virya Romeo he has ignored all his life that his beloved Juliet, that body that he loved so much was not but one puppet that moved to the beat of the puppeteer who moved the strings invisible from the meat doll, puppeteers are the Sacred Symbols, psychoid archetypes, universal archetypes, souls, monads, and behind all these is THE GREATEST STANDARD, the demiurge who "play the dolls" with the sleeping Viryas Romeo and Juliet as with "dolls rope "to those who in their theatrical script imposes a fate and a drama particular, AND IF THE DEMIURGICAL "CORD" IS INSUFFICIENT TO CONSUME YOUR THEATRAL REPRESENTATION, THEN RECURES SPIRITUAL CONTAINER WITH THE HELP OF A FEW "DELEZNABLES PARTNERS".
Now we will see another important aspect: THE DAMA ARCHETIP:
FSH, Volume IX, -E- The Hyperborean Strategy of the Cathars from the 13th century
But it is not a differentiation here "racial", of biological origin, which manifests itself in different psychological attitudes towards sex and women, but of a "character acquired "by Westerners and which registers a precise moment of historical appearance: the 13th century. Specifically, it was the Cathars who, within the framework of their Strategy A2, they planned the collective mutation of the western civilization and launched, for this, the movement of the troubadours. The Cathars had two problems to solve. The first, from which we will return to to speak was that the Benedictine Druids with their gothic revolution based on the Acoustic Kabbalah produced infernal machines that had, and have, the power to "tune in" the inhabitant of Europe with the Archetype psychoid of the Hebrew race who, as we said,was updated by Jesus Christ. Those stone machines are the Gothic cathedrals; and against that shaping power first pointed to the Strategy of "men pure". The second problem was that, as the Hyperborean Wisdom, "to mutate a human community it is necessary to have a huge amount of collective psychic energy, subtracted from the Archetypes process Demiurge psychoids". It will be seen, when studying the laws of the Psychosocial Strategy of the, that such energy must be "contained" in a psychoid or egregious archetype BUILD FOR SUCH END by initiates berserkir duly instructed in Hyperborean Wisdom. For now we it is interesting to note that, in this case, said Archetype was indeed created for the Cathars and that corresponded to THE IMAGE OF THE LUCIFÉRICA WOMAN, LILLITH. But this archetype was captured in the terrestrial psychosphere as an action of war of the same Lucifer who, FROM BACK OF VENUS, WITH THE GREEN RAY, PROJECTED THE IMAGE OF HIS WIFE LILLITH. So the Archetype of "The Lady", such his profane name corresponded to a hyperboreal spirit WHEN SEX IS NOT FOUND ASSOCIATED TO THE ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL PROCREATION. Precisely, the energy with which the Lady Archetype would be fed would be obtained of the libidinous sublimation that the gentleman would make of his sexual energy to look for, in ordinary women, the face of the hyperborean woman, from whom the Siddhas Love Song speaks in the blood of the lost viryas. AND such is the characteristic of the Lady Archetype, its sexual dissociation, that the gentleman can only project it on women "unreachable", "far away" or "foreign" and never in one that can be possessed easily. This condition is so rigorous that the beloved lady, that is to say the woman in whom the lover projected the Archetype transforms in a "woman common", "loses its charm", decomposes the "beauty", when you "conquer" it and own it. Then the love is transformed into pain and the gentleman, disappointed, is driven to look again for another unattainable Lady whom she will adore and try to conquer. From the expression of the Lady Archetype a tendency to idealize is generated of women who do not record historical antecedents prior to the 13th century. Later it is shown that a psychoid archetype can only be made aware when has been DESCRIPT. So that an Archetype that was captured acts socially without Demiurge intervention – so that it can be wanted The Lady- it is necessary than someone "describe" it", that is, reveal it to the people. And that was it, precisely, the esoteric mission of the Provencal troubadours: describe La Lady; remind the European virya the primordial image of the hyperborean woman; wake up your Minne. But, to describe something, it is necessary have seen it before. ¿Where did the troubadours get their previous vision of La Lady ?: from your Cathar initiation into the French Languedoc, where you learned the "rooster science "and" bring clus". The Lady, PIEDRA'S CLOSE RODE (towers or walls) DESCRIBED in love songs, it is a clear test of origin strategic-hyperboreal that exhibited the knowledge of the troubadours.
Figure 1. Cathar troubadours.
The second problem that the Cathars had to solve posed the need for European society to have a certain psychic energy collective as a prerequisite to their mutation. We already saw part of the solution adopted: the expression of a psychoid archetype that would be intended to provoke erotic sublimation in medieval virya. We need to determine now how this Archetype could be the solution for the second problem. We can know if we remember that a Psychoid archetype I know nourishes psychic energy, taken from the "universal collective unconscious", by which develops its evolutionary process. To obtain such energy the Archetype "capture" the attention of the self emerging before his sight as an object culture of the superstructure; the Lady Archetype, which is "psychoid", that is to say "exterior", does not work differently way. Let's see what the characteristic mechanism is. When the gentleman experience DESIRE SEXUAL, "catch" the conscious emergence of the Archetype Lady settling down, immediately, the CERTECA that the desired woman (to whom can effectively "play" or "own") IT'S NOT THE LADY OF YOUR DREAMS, the ideal woman. Seen "from afar" the meat woman is a representation of The Lady; and his contemplation, or her desire, feeds the Archetype with energy taken from libido. But if "the approach" is enough to culminate in sexual mating, in which "inverted the sense of energy", then the Lady Archetype retires, "under the threshold of capture", and the woman of flesh is left to her own "charmies". By breaking the spell, it is likely that desire increase inextinguishable way; but not towards the woman of flesh who has been devalued due to the absence of ideal attributes, but towards another "ideal woman" in which the process of the Archetype will be repeated. The archetype "he has" this reaction, which he himself provokes, to permanently nourish himself: it is their way of proceeding. Naturally the Lady Archetype is a terrible egregore in which the Cathars hoped to store enough psychic energy as to get, by means of its instant download when it so suits the Strategy A2, the collective mutation of countless viryas lost in Immortal siddhas. The failure of Strategy A2, and particularly the destruction of the Cathar elite at the bonfires of Pope Druid Innocent III, HE MATCHED THAT THE EGREGOR WAS DISCARGED AT TIME AND DISACTIVED after an esoteric Strategy operation Psychosocial known as ARCHETIPIC METAMORPHOSIS. Since then the egregore it has not stopped feeding on a kind of symbiosis so close that it has finished by irreversibly modify the behavior of the viryas lost "western". But, without the control of the initiates Cathars, who would have "directed" the behavior of the egregor, his action it has ended up being disastrous, far from inspiring those beautiful images of the hyperborean woman that prevented loving the flesh woman. By the on the contrary, the passing of the centuries, the numerical increase of the population and certain cultural processes, have modified the profile of the Lady Archetype, which has been finally turned into a monstrous vampire, responsible for many of the neurosis suffered by contemporary virya. To favor your entelechy has forced to exaggeration the idealization of the meat woman achieving idiocycompletely to the western, who has now associated the sexual act, "the duty" to experience a "love" that no one knew before from the 13th century.
Figure 2. Pope Innocent III.
Modern virya, imprisoned in the web of feelings and tenderness, you will no longer know distinguish to the woman of flesh, for it now underlies the disguise of his archetypal projections. And the meat woman, confused ontologically due to the idiotic masculinity of the viryas, he will get away from his control, it will erratically shift between its own sexual limits and, finally, will masculinize herself, in an unconscious attempt to avoid projection of the Archetype. The virya will then suffer countless disorders sexual, from impotence and dissatisfaction to homosexuality, since the latter, so frequent among the current male population, is the effect of a permanent capture of me by the Lady Archetype, who thus absorbs all the energy available. Of course, after the failure of Strategy A2, the lack of control of the Lady Archetype has been capitalized in favor of the Chang Shambalá's Symarchy for the Demons, especially to reinforce the collective influence of Jesus-Christ, who thus became a mirror perfect for the viryas to find the beloved image and sublimate the energy that the Archetype needs to continue its process. Of course the Jesus image was feminized to the same extent that the meat woman masculinized; but this does not worry the Sinarchy too much, since it does not affects "non-Christian" peoples, of which the main one is the Hebrew "chosen race. The descriptive action of troubadours was limited to the European sphere and that is why it did not affect the communities Asian, where tantric techniques flourished until the 18th century, or until the moment when "European civilization" fell on Asia and the viryas of India and Tibet found with amazement that the European man did not know the meat woman. But the damage was already caused; to "progress" the Asian had only one way: to imitate the European; that is, love and respect the woman of flesh, ONE SINGLE IN LIFE,AND WISH TO ALL OTHERS, SUBLIMATING THE ENERGY OF EROS. That way Asians they would also lose sight of the meat woman they would finish, except the most tribes hermetic, completely idiotized, confusing Kaly with the terrestrial Shakti, with Mother Earth or Matter. From this catastrophe the charity ends influence of tantric yoga; since it requires for its realization DISTINGUISE CLEARLY BETWEEN THE FLESH WOMAN AND THE HYPERBOREAN WOMAN. And such a distinction is not if it is more than repeated, it cannot be done "if you love the woman with your heart of meat".
The Lillith image ( the Lady ) ¡IT'S BEEN SUFFECTED BY THE IMAGE OF JESUS JEWSHIP! and the Virya finds in the image "affeminated" "from the tender sweet-eyed carpenter" ( on whose chest he leaned lovingly "The Beloved Disciple" on the night of the Last Supper ) a mirror in which to look at the image of your ideal beloved. "The sweet carpenter with tender eyes "who so lovingly and manly washed and dried feet to his disciples at the Last Supper. ¿Do you think it is by chance that there were and there are so many priests bishops and Catholic seminarians effeminate homosexuals? ALL they have been engulfed by the Lady Archetype, seduced and "possessed"(as fragile and complacent females) by the archetype Jesus Christ, they are actually mere incarnations of the lady archetype, a while ago that a noological self is no longer reflected in them.
one- "Judaiza" to the Virya and adjust it to the shape of the Hebrew type of Jesus Christ (the absolute perfect slave).
2- "Afemina" to the male Virya and "masculinizes" to the female Virya, that is: "it turns men into women and women in men".
MORE IS SAYING THAT THE ARCHETIPUS GIVES CREATED BY THE CATAROS AND ACTUALLY TO THE SERVICE OF THE WHITE HIERARCHY OF CHANG SHAMBALLA IS "THE DRAGON OF SODOMA" the demon Bera was talking about. Well i don't It is of great interest to speak of this "Lady archetype" created by the Cathars and that 13th century strategy that failed. Respected Virya you read EMBV ( The Mystery of Belicena Villca ) and you study the FSH ( Foundations of Hyperbirean Wisdom ), if you have fallen in love several times in your life and have been reciprocated, if the woman you fell in love with has been achievable and reached by you, then you have accompanied the pasú ( to which You are chained ) in his vulgar infatuation, you have been engulfed by the female archetype, a Sacred symbol. But, if you have ever fallen in love with a woman that for you it was always unattainable and you could never have because she was married or for any reason why it was unattainable-inaccessible ( increasing so desire ) AND IF THAT HAS HAPPENED REGULARLY REPEATED TIMES IN YOUR LIFE CONSTITUTING "A HISTORICAL PATRON" then you've been under the action of the Lady Archetype and if you have not become effeminate and become homosexual it has been because You, ( that reflection of a captive Spirit ) has been extraordinarily strong.
Now when you feel irresistibly drawn to an unattainable woman you can't have remember that DOES NOT EXIST ANYTHING AS "THAT WOMAN" (it's just one meat doll moved to "remote control" from the astral by the Lady Archetype) REMEMBER that it is the DAMA ARCHETYPE that from the astral tells you: "look at me" like Queen Mab to Merlin in the video above.
As a Stone Man, the Risen Chosen One will have a Ice Heart and will exhibit Absolute Value. You can love without reservation the Meat Woman but this one will no longer get never light your heart Fire Hot of Animal Passion. Then he will look for the Woman of Flesh, that one that in addition to Alma possesses the Uncreated Spirit, (EMBV pag. 61)
You can love Meat Woman without reservation ( you can copulate-pair with it ) but it will never be able to light on your heart the Hot Fire of the Animal Passion (will never fall in love with her). One might ask: And why the hell is a stone man who is already impossible to fall in love, who is impossible to fall into vulgar infatuation of the pasú, which has defeated to the Sacred Symbol called "archetype woman "or" soul "and who is also impervious to the action of Lady archetype, what the hell would such a man perform an "act animal "lower still than the infatuation that occurs at the level of the heart, at the level of the emotional body, an inferior act that occurs in the purely instinctive sphere? ¿How would such a man "suck" a purely animal instinct tending to nothing more than to continue the species, just to experience an illusory pleasure or false happiness of the pasture? Answer: - DOES NOT DO THAT- Then he will look for the Woman of Flesh, the One who in addition to Alma possess Incred Spirit (will use the meat woman, yes suits your strategy, to follow the tantric path of liberation and transmutation, in the maithuna of the ritual of the five challenges, for example).
Observations: A Virya awakens not is necessarily a kally woman. A kally woman not it is necessarily an awake Virya. A woman kally reflects a Captive Hyperborean Spirit, but that Hyperborean Spirit reflected is not necessarily a "Female Hyperborean Spirit" ( a kally woman is not necessarily an "incarnated Valkyria", these last, if they really exist, they must be very rare to see, numbered with the fingers of one hand ).
Hyperborean Wisdom - SALING TO SACRED SYMBOL (II)
(Recommendable to read the first part of this article before:
Wisdom-Hyperborea-Defeating-to the Sacred Symbol (I)).
Continuing with the second part of the topic: Hyperborean Wisdom - Defeating the Sacred Symbol. Now we will refer to a point that is very important to highlight, linked to the "Women's Archetype":
The ANIMIC principle:
By Nimrod de Rosario “ I will try in a series of exhibitions clarify certain topics, which although they appear to be basic, have I have been approaching the mystery of the Goddess. Little by little I was seeing or rather revealing that matter that is the engine of all search, the theme of “ the feminine ”. I want to establish that when I mention aspects, they are not referring to people but rather to archetypal matrices, therefore I will name them generically. Each archetype is a “ FASCINOSUM ”, that is, it has an eliciting influence and proscriptor similar to a fantasy, that is, provokes, causes, promotes and once expels, excludes; because at first it is mnuminous to the promote the memory figure, of that original memory, and at the same time expels, excludes from that area is the consciousness of the microcosm itself. In this dual question lies the vital impulse. Every man look for himself in the image of Her, be whatever level he himself is at and therefore projects “ lo female ”; the fact is that this drive impels it to be completed in its own individual and thus reach the internal “ male-female ” union, reaching that completeness. But we are on a plane of forms, phenomena, processes, and that is where I propose to start and see, give rise to the manifestation of the Goddess, as a propitiator from my return to my spiritual origin.
The soul of man in this world embodied in matter can be seen manifested in four aspects, the shape is aligned in four directions and operates from four powerful symbols for its vitality: Mother - Sister – Wife - Daughter. But I always wondered: What secrets do these keep figures? ¡Is integration possible to achieve that sought-after fifth essence? ¡What is behind these powerful and key images for the assembly of a structure Social?
This parenthood, like all of them, is a system orientation quaternary that expresses a whole soul, that we can translate with the modern term of “ consciousness ”, including content. The consciousness guiding system has four aspects that correspond to four empirical functions, this quaternity is an archetypal order, and as such is susceptible to infinite explanations, extensions and dimensions. This interpretation that I intend to make by looking at myself and supported by the vision of Dr. Carl G Jung, has weight only when it alludes to psychic functions, well as I already pointed out each archetype is psychologically a “ fascinosom ”….
Animic phenomena belong to those “ phenomena limits ”, which appear in psychic situations always characterized by more or less sudden irruption of a vital form or situation that appears to be condition or the essential foundation of the course of life's own processes, including in this to the same process of individuation. We can talk about experiences internal of the most varied, with annuals, runes, sightings, lights, spheres, presences, visions, Gods etc .; but they are just that, phenomena mnuminous, mythical, archetypes all, beyond the characteristics personal that give it its own color. That's what fascinosum of the archetypethan it raises and proscribes us at the same time .... and that is the lock and key. Hence what uncreated is impossible to explain, not even to experience, and that is the paradox….
Saying that one should “ raise awareness ” is a particular way of error, there is a paradox in it, because only the archetypal is made aware, and in good time, well that's the labyrinthine path to get to the center, and alone from that center the bridge is possible, the possibility of pontificating, the propitiation of the jump. There is something to do about the soul. It is Paracelsus that points to a punctual coincidence. Like the “ mercurial snake ” of the alchemists are frequently designated the soul principle and presented under the figure of “ siren ”, its capacity for transformation and healing power is of great importance, since these same particularities are attributed to “ Mercury ”. On the other hand Mercury is presented in the figure of the “ old Hermes ”, with what becomes visible that in the symbolic phenomenology of Mercury two archetypes converge, that of ANNIMA and ANCIANO WISE. In the soul the most deceptive images of the fantasy, in which the highest sense and the most fatal absurd are mixed that draws everyone to the maze of life. From these images “ fascinators ” is extracted the highest inspiration, that is, everything full of meaning and value, I have seen as a distillation process filling the predisposed container of the soul, and that is the moment where she opens a window to understanding, it is say, light up. Sure, the fascinosum elevates, drives one to glimpse the strength of ME, its potential strength arouses but at the same time it is proscribed carrying with that inspiring exaltation to the soul principle to a higher instance. But such an illuminating leap reveals the shadow, and if spiritualization it is the confession of the lie in oneself, because it is that part of animal-animal the one one should eat, swallow, and it is not “ easy ”. So Paracelsus alludes to a process of separation and discrimination, to a critical process of judgment; there is a danger that sometimes takes years to discover, is getting caught between these two forms of the archetype: on the one hand antagonized by the soul that makes that principle press taking nefarious, and on the other denying against the “ old ” placing it in a power that makes it unattainable within you. So the soul in these conditions is transformed into “ Morgana ” and the old man in it “ Minotaur ”. Morgana who steals the virile will to conceive a child of the flesh, of incest, and the wise old man no longer reveals but rather encloses, devours spiritual innocence like the Minotaur.
Figure 1. Minotaur.
But let's go back to see that quaternity exposed at the beginning. This Fascinosum condition of the archetype gives the possibility of seeing in one the elicitor and proscriber at the same time, and in the expression quaternary one is oriented if he manages to synthesize in himself a totality. But every element of parenthood is provocateur and proscriber and just inspiration revealing accomplished in deep work with internal symbols, will show a mystery shrouded in the layers of life's soul arguments. Let's see so:
THE DAUGHTER: It is a face of the soul that inhabits the area of heart, locked in the cordis capsule. The heart is essentially emotional, uneasy and very inclined to participate effectively in turbulentia corpis. In it is established the lowest soul linked to the biological processes of growth and evolution, these things with great proscribing force; if these processes are understood its mystery comes in the inner figure of a girl of great mnuminosity, relevant and driving; and it is the one that will allow to decant alchemically the “ stone ”, that philosopher's stone with which the mysteries of lifetime.
THE WIFE: Inhabits where the opposition forces can neutralize each other and it is there where man reflects on himself, about its nature, and see how its projections work in the attempt to fertilize outside what must be fertilized inside. If the ban prevails, man will be overwhelmed by developments of “ the family ”, whether he integrates or melts it. Whoever understands this will receive the “ antidote ”. That ink, that fifth essence that allows you to actually see the hypnotic power and drug you of the structure and function of this creation.
THE BROTHER: A line is shared with the sister, a lineage, she is neither wife nor daughter, the wife is the blood placed on the projection, the daughter is the blood put into development. Sister shares the bloodline is the one that gives the secret of our lineage, of our lineage, allows us to come to the understanding of our ancient symbols. We outlaws contact with roots but at the same time elicits access to understanding of the family mission, from where we can see ourselves in the line of its development to achieve reunification, hence its association with the elixir of long life, of immortality, and the possibility of finding the way it has been chained our blood.
THE MOTHER: It is she who “ points out ”, if we discover the mystery, the kairos of “ new birth ”, To ignore his voice is not to listen to him sound that brings us to the new birth. If there is no possibility of be born, there is no way to die, death would only be recycling in the eternal return, one more turn on the samsara wheel. Coal can “ DIE ” when its crystals are aligned towards its east. His proscribing strength is very strong, because in its appearance Kwan Yin the one that binds us, the one that closes us the lock and tie the knot with its “ love ” which is what sustains the consciousness of the Demiurge. The soul is in view of this development, if I may be allowed a analogy a fabric, a tapestry. On the warp like the lines oriented towards “ SHE ”, zigzags the thread of time and process development creating the color of history, the formalized stamp of our subject.
So integrating: DAUGHTER: sensitivity (perception responsive), processes. WIFE: feelings, projections. BROTHER: thoughts, reunification. MOTHER: intuition, ability to glimpse, death-birth. We arrived at the threshold of archetype “ WOMAN ”, because as already mentioned, the psychic phenomena belong to those “ limit phenomena ”. In the alchemical process described Paracelsus are called: PHANTASIA: subjective playful invention, without validity objective, typical of sensitive perception. IMAGINATIO: recreational activity of the soul that procures images and forms, typical of feelings and projections. SPECULATORY: corresponds to philosophical, mystical, esoteric thought, artistic, scientific etc. AGNATA FIDES: innate faith, proper to the mother and birth.
Figure 2. Dr, Carl G. Jung
Now, the experience of union is represented by a bridal party, is the embrace and reunion of the two soul principles in the same individual, is the happy union of a separate duality apparently without remedy in the fatality of a unique being. But this unit embraces the multiplicity of all beings, the I that embraces me, embraces many others, because the unconscious does not it belongs and it is not my property but it is everywhere. It is paradoxically the fifth essence of the individual and without However at the same time, something collective. The reunification of the four faces in a fifth essence that gets married to the man who emerges from the water, because the beginning female soul in it takes wings, leads to wedding. And that's where I know manifests the TO BE in one ......... (Thank Dr. Jung for the concepts in his work that I borrowed).
Mother-Sister-Wife-Daughter are four "complexes psychological" del Alma or Psiquis, as the "Oedipus complex" and the "electra complex" of which Western Psychology speaks. And these four psychological complexes are but four different manifestations "psychological-animals" of the same symbol Sacred: "the MUJER archetype" ( or Jung's ANIMA ). Let's remember that the soul of the pasú is neither male nor female (is neutral) and can embody as much in male microcosm as in female microcosm ( the human soul, expression and emanation of the monad, in fact, has incarnated countless times both in men's bodies and in women's bodies, and the captive nonological self it is always anchored to the soul in its comings and goings ). I want nothing to add to what has been said by Nimrod to this theme of "The soul Principle", only what was said it seems to be directed more to the Pasú part of the Virya than to the Spiritual part. Everything said is true, it is true for the pasú, it is truth that the pasú has to solve these four psychological complexes. The pasú has no choice but to attend the psychologist and lie down on his couch, but this not it is necessarily so for the awake Virya.
Let's see what Sidda Leal Krishna says to Virya Arjuna: I was meditating on the preceding paragraph of the Ghita, in the extraordinary moral implications that arise from this ancient text Indo-Aryan when “ I heard ” the Voice again:
– You must not be deceived by the superficial meaning of the concepts, Oh Kurt, Pure Blood man. Krishna's message is addressed to the two natures of Arjuna, the soul and the spiritual. On your part soul, to his animal-man nature, Krishna advises to continue with the dramatic argument in which he is involved because of his Karma: Arjuna is human, incarnated and experiencing karmic circumstances; must fulfill the Dharma and resolve the conflict of the opposite Archetypes; in this way it will carry out the condemnation imposed a priori by the Lords of Karma of Chang Shambalá, the incomprehensible condemnation of the family war that weighs on his heart. But its spiritual part, its nature aria- hyperboreal, Siddha Krishna suggests transcend opposites, not through its synthesis, what could it be the war but placing himself in the absolute instance of the Eternal Spirit. The Spirit, “ the Self ”, in effect, is Eternal or Uncreated, alien to all opposites Created, who are nothing but Maya, Illusion.
For the Spirit there is no life or Created death but Illusion and therefore there is no sin or guilt, there is no debts to pay or Karma: if the decision comes from the Spirit, the action does not will produce a later effect on Himself because Illusion lacks capacity to act on the Reality of Being; and this, whatever the action performed, including killing relatives and friends. However the Kshatriya must fulfill an essential condition for your spiritual nature to prevail on the soul or animal part: it must EDURATE YOUR HEART, should “ cast out that weakness did not hurt ”, that is, you must get rid of all feeling compassionate towards those who are but actors in a karmic argument, pure Illusion; they don't really exist, they don't live, or as Krishna says “ are already dead in me ”. This is the Wisdom of the Lords of Venus of Agartha: only it is a true Kshatriya who owns a HEART HARD AS THE STONE AND COLD AS THE ICELE; and only such a Ksahtriya can perform any action, including kill, without Karma touching it. ¡That's the Power, Oh Kurt, Blood man Pure, from the Kshatriya-Initiate-Hyperborean, the semi-divine man who has his Incred Spirit chained to the Created Soul! (EMBV pag. 521).
In the same way it is with the theme of THE ANIMIC PRINCIPLE , THE "WOMAN ARCHETIPO" OR "ANIMA" and its four complexes psychological MOTHER-HERMANA- DAUGHTER-WIFE, the Self of Virya that has been isolated of the soul subject, not need to "solve" the complexes psychological, can transcend them placing itself in the absolute instance of Eternal Spirit, since the Hyperborean spirit: "he is not born, he does not die, he has neither father nor mother, neither son nor daughter, does not mate, does not reproduce, is not an animal, nor a reptile nor mammal, does not take the tit or need the milk and honey of the "affection" of the human mammal, weapons do not cut it, fire does not burn it, water does not wet it, the wind does not dry it, kundalini cannot dissolve it and Jehovah-Satan cannot engulf it, is "nologically immortal", with the charismatic guidance and help of their comrades from Valhalla, will follow fighting the enemy already incarnated here in this insane hell "material" or disembodied back there in that other insane hell "astral" to the material entities here and to the astral entities of there, he will continue to oppose the essential essential hostility that yesteryear opusiera THE HYPERBOREAN SPIRIT, it won't stop until it fights "face to face "with the demiurge beyond the veil of maya, it will not stop until return to the Incred World to which it belongs. HE IS NOT "SOMETHING" OR "SOMEONE", IS PURE SPIRIT, PURE POSSIBILITY, SIMPLY.... IS.
By the timeless and timeless nonological Self, awake, isolated and "noologically" eternal and immortal and for his Final Victory: