False Light of Shamballah
'As above so below' the Spirit incarnates in the flesh and is a vehicle appropriate to itself as a flesh body molded in the image of the divine, of the divinity of itself. The fleshly creatures of the Demiurge who have not received the sign of the Origin are incarnate in the lowest forms of the pasu, the simian anthropoids.
Perhaps all who currently exist on earth have been subject to an exposure to the sign of the Origin through the plasmatic magnetism of the fallen Hyperboreans who have transmitted their essence to the pasu paleo-historically share in this Hyperborean blood and by degrees proportionally correlated with their carnal form embodied this 'symbolon' (Greek) of the Origin, the realm of Hyperboreans, the transmuted energetic pattern of the Immortals.
The writer thinks it fair to conclude that those closest to the Hyperboreans are the blond haired and blue-eyed Nordics and related kinfolk by whatever name they may be called (Teutonic; Germanic; aryan), they who radiated outwards from their polar origins of Atlantis and around the globe planting the stone architecture in the earth to disrupt the continuing densification of the fallen Earth, to obstruct the degeneration of the world and the Time-flow which leads towards the finitude of the world.
The desert encroaches and the Spirits trapped in matter are trapped within this desertification of lowest density, crystallization of Spirit within the aetheric prisons of the soul fashioned by the Demiurge which bind them to His prison planet graveyard of earthbound souls (rather 'Spirits').
Hence the cycles of Time continue to spiral downward and drag within the captives Spirits whose degeneration follows the cycles of Time ordine geometrico as inexorable path of the 'sickness unto death'.
Those who most keenly perceive they are 'a stranger in a strange land' have the greatest probability of exiting the tortured earth even if they remain physically within their bodily structure and act within the world as they recognize their foreign nature to 'the world' of matter.
The Nordic type ceteris paribus is most attuned to the symbol of the Origin not only occupying the ancient polar land, the land of the gods (the gods, the godi) but also being of purest blood, that which is closest in type to the Hyperborean siddhas and their aesir hybrids who occupied the North and served as the primordial aryan stock.
This group, though in some cases in the modern epoch (especially given the cultural dynamic of the serpent seed) has oriented itself toward materialism for the most part they are nonetheless the least materialistic and most oriented towards the Origin.
The Nordico-Germanic people in their purest strain (that situated from Prussia to Sweden in the East and to Iceland in the West) are the spiritual leadership of the aryan race and have situated themselves in the region to occupy it and to prepare the way for the future manifestation of Wotan-Lucifer the Fuhrer of the Immortal Hyperboreans and the kshatriya warriors of the Germanic Third Reich which has remained within the Antarctic region and in other dimensions accessible through wormholes at the poles.
Contrary to the claims made by such as Julius Evola in his "Synthesis of Racial Doctrine" the true degeneracy of this world exhibits itself most notably in those most mixed and in those of the most 'degenerated' (from the perspective of Eternity, sub species aeternitatis) stocks of simian variety which populate the margins of this fallen Earth and which seek to encroach into the territory of the aryan. The Nordic folk remain standing as men amongst the ruins of modernity and have applied the 'law of the fence' around the invisible Asgard of the ancient Hyperborean civilization localized in the far North and shielded from the sight of the profane through aetheric technology.
The fact that those making such pompous and ignorant claims to the Scandinavians being 'degenerate' or lacking will-power or 'vitality' are they who restrict vitality to its expression in the crudely physical form of physical combat and not the concentration of force within in a spiritual form as in the case of the Siddhas of Thule and Hyperborea, the black suns of the Nordico-Germanic race.
Hence far from being 'degenerate' they are 'generate' in the sense of being the generator of the black sun within themselves through their mastery of the vril, through their integration of the forces which constitute their being within themselves, transforming themselves into a powerful Immortal berserker who can perform his duties on the earth plane and on different planes through his higher consciousness and harnessing of 'occult forces'.
That Greenland (the physical continent in the Arctic Circle) is so named must be owing to its being adjacent to the hollow earth and the wormhole at the pole leading towards Aldebaran, the star of Aryan origins. The fact that the physical landmass hasn't been taken by other forces demonstrates the power of the Danish and Scandinavian people in not having that region stolen by foreign powers such as the 'Western race' of judaized Britain or Canada (the latter being part of the British Empire) or even of Russia.
A small nation such as Denmark holding down the Greenland of a crystallized Hyperborea, an emerald fallen from Lucifer's crown, testifies to the significance of the most ancient of the Aryan race who are the direct descendents of Thule, Atlantis and Hyperborea.
True degeneracy lies elsewhere and express itself in the tellurism of the mother goddess cult of the Near East and other degraded stocks whose veneration of an Earth mother signals the twilight of their vital forces acquiescing to the influence of the elementarwessen both within their being and without in their external form and desertified region of the earth and paradoxically the region with most lush and cultivated verdure such as South America where, as Miguel Serrano said, the vital forces of the Earth serve to engulf and absorb the Spirits of the asleep Viryas.
However even those furthest down in the spiral of degeneration have some hope and the path of the hero is available for those who are able to tread it, to revitalize themselves and carve out their own destiny rather than acquiescing to the fate their incarnation would hand them should the arch-deceiver have his way and confuse them into resignation and a debased fatalism.