Degeneration: Spiritual and Material
False Light of Shamballah
Degeneration: Spiritual and Material
The hierarchy of the dark forces has the motivation of degeneration as regards the captive Spirits who have been trapped on the earth plane in their flesh suits of densest matter. Their intent is to disintegrate the Spirit; soul and body and thereby to absorb into themselves the bio-energy of these 'docile sheep', the asleep Viryas and pasus. The means are copious as to how this is done and are deployed as their weapons of war throughout the life-cycle of their charges from antenatal state prior to incarnation to their expiration as an embodied Spirit, to attempting to keep them cycling in the wheel of karma to be again vampirized for their life force in each subsequent incarnation.
Degeneration thus is the key to the release of the integrated energies of the captive Spirits, existing within the world as a mind (Spirit)-body-soul complex. Each of the dimensions of one's being influences the other and they are reciprocally influential, what happens at one level often having an affect at a higher level with only those Spirits who have become immersed in the soul and more earthbound being unable to transcend the undertow of the disintegrative forces, unable to elevate their Spirit above the degenerating influence. The principle of one's being is the spirit as it alone can overcome the downward spiral of the synarchy's malevolent influences.
In terms of the Spirit thus, the only way it can be subject to degeneration is when it becomes attached or rather immersed in (as an animate insect in Amber) the structure of the soul and by extension the body, becoming 'earthbound', and when it's focus is not on the Origin of Hyperborea, of the higher worlds but rather upon the kaleidoscopic and multi-sensorial impressions which impinge upon one coming from without. Hence distraction via stimuli is the means through which the Spirit becomes enchained, enticed by the excitation of the sensory manifold of the differentiated (dis) order of Jehovah.
Distraction is thus one of the main mechanisms of Shambala in its attempts to harvest the loosh energy from the captive Spirits-to shift their center of concentration from their self towards that which is other than self namely the 'differentiated manifold' and 'the Creation' of the Demiurge, failing to see the forest (Being) for the sake of beings as Heidegger said.
Hence the protocol of the synarchy is to provide as much in the way of panem et circenses for their serfs as possible with the concealed motive of detaching them from the Origin, Hyperborea.
The field of distraction that Shambala presents is that of appearances, of artificial simulacra which exist as cultural objects possessed of meaning as participating within the larger cultural superstructure designed by Shambala for this unexpressed purpose.
Hence the captive Spirit becomes snagged on the shining barbs of phenomena and is pulled down into the abyss beginning his 'down-going', i.e his immersion in the lowest density, and the corrosive waters of Samsara.
'As above, so below' the Spirit who has not oriented himself towards Hyperborea through ignorance or through weakness of the will (attachment to matter) incontinence of decision-making; inconsistency and wavering in the 'one pointed concentration of attention' that is will becoming no longer 'pointed' but dispersed and thereby insufficiently powerful to overcome the countervailing forces of the synarchy.
Hence degeneration starts, for the individual, from Spirit downwards and the true jihad (the greater jihad) is that of the overcoming of one's phenomenal or animic self, being able to cast aside the perishable and tangible element of his being, situated as he is in the nucleus of his being, detached from the phenomenal world through the concentration of his forces within and performing his role as best as he is able in spite of the myriad forces he is subject to on an ongoing basis: biochemical; energetic; physical; informational; A.I technology, etc.
Spiritual degeneration is of his primary concern to the cabal and their focus (to the extent they are able to reach it) targets the Spirit through what may be called 'spiritual debasement'. The archetypes and egregores of religion and indeed of any cultural construct that represents the 'love-wisdom' aspect of Jehovah, the christ aspect, serves to bind the Spirit to the soul via emotionalization; rendering the Spirit distracted and oriented towards the Manu Archetype (jesus; christ; Krishna; Imam Mahdi, etc.) and away from Hyperborea rendering the Spirit increasingly immersed in the emotional nature, severing its ties to its proper locus in Eternity and thus substituting the focal points of its one-pointed concentration of attention from the realm of Eternity to that of the transience of 'love', the emotional nature (the soul or animic principle) which eo ipso renders the asleep virya a somnolent zombie with a bestialized consciousness.
The archetypes of 'love' and 'peace' pervade the judaized culture and constitute the theme or motif repeated ad nausea in its saccharine irrationalism: from the religious programs of veneration and 'worship' of 'The One' to the mass media and political policies of the state-all are oriented around the feelings at least as they affect the mass mind.
The synarchy itself understands quite well that its pageantry is nothing but a hypocritical pretense of 'love' and that is true motivation is to feed off the energy released by its slaves who must toil without cease for 'The One', 'earning their bread through the sweat of their brow' and as the only alternative, praying before 'The One' as yet another means of conditioning their consciousness to interiorize the 'love-wisdom' archetype of the Manu (jesus; Krishna; Imam Mahdi, etc.), the external Savior hypostasis ('son') of the Demiurge, the 'absent God who is coming' who they may worship and bow before with 'fervent prayer' in hopes of alleviating their sufferings.
Beyond this religious and media programming or inculcation of this archetype, the entire mental state lacks any other dimension as all participation within the culture trends towards this state of mind and even attempting to physically remove oneself from the crowd one is still immersed in the collective consciousness whose influence (proportional to numbers and determined by the sum total of diverse influences) structures one's mind and drags it downwards towards the state of the bestialization of the pasu, towards the level of a tribal savage immersed in the hive mind of the collective and its average level.
The only path to march away from this state is towards the Origin and this means a confrontation of 'the secret of maya', of the 'great deception' of the Demiurge, pulling aside the veil of appearances and discovering the Truth regarding the flux of the differentiated manifold of phenomena, that being a world of fleeting appearances, of degeneration and corruption and its deviation from the realm of Eternity attainable only through detachment from this vortex of chaos.
Those who fail to perceive the nature of this chaos and attempt to cling to this transience of appearance find out the hard way if at all that they have sought eternity in the moment (or rather moments) and thus have lost their way towards the Truth. They follow the path of degeneration getting hung up on sensation and affect, becoming 'soulish' and an earthbound soul focusing their gaze on perishable matter and away from Hyperborea.
The motive of the synarchy is to drag down to the greatest depths the fallen virya and this is affected over time and intensity of fixation on the transience of appearance. Hence the endless distractions which are put forth to shift the focus from the symbol of the Origin, namely the left-wards turning swastika, sign of the re-turn and the war everlasting, against Time, against the Demiurge and His will to destroy.
It is thus the willful hero who alone can triumph against the death forces through adhering to the principle of strategic opposition in his conduct and the principle of a fundamental hostility towards the world and all of its transient perishable entities. The zombified captive Spirit follows its path to perdition going the way of all flesh fixated in his blindness on the perpetual flow of the river of samsara.