Demiurgic Dialectic
False Light of Shamballah
Demiurgic Dialectic
The polarity of the Demiurge's matrix of the universe, His aetheric realm of spatio-temporality is the totem before which the synarchy prostrates itself and represents 'as above so below' on earth. The cabal divides societies and nations and geopolitical regions into 'sides' of the dialectical 'divide and conquer' strategy as a means of establishing conditions of future conflict and chaos which it orchestrates as means of performing its political alchemy, reconciling 'antitheses' into a synthesis.
The example of the Kalergi plan is a recent incarnation of this agenda with a Eurasian race being the race of the future in a multi-polar formation of power blocs that can maintain the 'tension of development' in the 'divide and conquer' dialectical process. This the cabal deems 'evolution', a collapsing of all organic distinctions and differences into a synthetic amalgam or unity of hybridization, the erasure of past culture and biological kinds through the assimilation into the mixed multitude of the melting pot.
The dialectic of the (false) enlightenment, the lunar light of the Kali Yuga, thus is modeled on the universal principles of polarity of the Demiurgic Time-flow and, through purporting to attain immortality or any eternal Empire as its end goal simply perpetuates its own inner chaos leading towards this destruction and the undoing of the cabal through not being able to create a harmonious and sustainable order.
The rotten order of Zion will bring about its own ruination through attempting the impossible, namely the attainment of Eternal Order without it being based upon Eternal principles.
The distinction between the 'cultural pact' of the synarchy (a formation of culture based upon mere verbal or rational agreement between otherwise ontologically disconnected and unrelated groups) and that of the 'blood pact', a union based upon a kinship of blood (meant both physico-chemically and spiritually) and this as an extricable bond uniting those who don't physically separate, are nonetheless 'one' through their inner essence regardless of geopolitical location.
The 'blood pact' is the only stable form of order on earth and the dialectical manipulation on the part of the cabal within the artificially engineered 'culture pact' playing diverse groups against one another on the basis of ideology and invented culture's having no organic basis is a formula doomed to fail as it has no stable or lasting bond, nothing fundamental or 'primordial' if such it may be called, deriving from the Origin, of Hyperborea, but rather one derived from the fallible artifice of the architects of the destruction of judeo-masonry and the myriad heads of the synarchic Hydra.
The rational robots of the synarchy believe in their arrogant hubris they will be able to remain in the shadows orchestrating chaos and inventing yet more 'diversity' as means of destabilizing organic unity, the primordial blood pacts of whatever particular group they wish to assimilate into their globalist universalism.
This is why they are the enemy of all nationalism as they are 'Universalists' and as a famous catholic once said: "catholicism breaks the back of any nationalism", catholicism being yet another head of the synarchic hydra of the world order, the Zion leviathan.
These hubristic tools, black magician priests of the order of melchizedek seek to imitate their Demiurge 'Creator' and succeed though not in the way they intended for, rather than creating an eternal paradise they manifest a distorted plagiary of the Demiurge's own plagiary, a simulacrum of entropy doomed to collapse under its own corruption.
The political 'divide and conquer' strategy is put forth by the synergy as a theoretical reenactment of 'the heavens' as a means of demonstrating that they are 'gods on earth' as Jehovah-Malkuth, the 'chosen people' of their Lord Jehovah-Satan.
Their purport, through this engineering of the hyper-real, their implementation of 'practical idealism' (ie. witchcraft) of the ideas which they believed to be eternal verities, namely the dialectic of chaos (feminine-yin) and order (masculine-yang) endowing certain political or cultural groups with these properties and playing them against one another, most of which groups are simply controlled by themselves as externalizations of these archetypal verities.
Thus there is the masculine (right-wing; patriarchal; capitalistic; libertarian; monarchic) order of manifestation which is forced to undergo change against the feminine principle of chaos (leftism; liberalism; feminism; matriarchy; democracy, etc.).
Both sides are played against one another dialectically and both are forced into conflict with one another in the theater of the real orchestrated by the cabal for the purpose of creating a new moment in the dialectic, that being a synthesis of the ruined anti-theses who have fallen on each other's swords and thereby created a 'New Jerusalem', at least such is the purpose of the cabal, the realization of their 'dominion mandate' through which all worldly power and wealth will be concentrated into their hands alone and all reduced to serfdom or killed.
This dialectic mirrors that of the Demiurge in his looking glass world of the alleged earthly paradise of mundane material existence. It creates a disruption of equanimity and forces upon the earth the chaos of its vain imagining, always based upon abstractions (numerology) and 'the potencies of matter' that the Demiurge generated on Himself as hypostases of His Being (the planets and stars; solar systems, etc. the cosmic time-clock of Jehovah-Satan).
The wise avoid taking any 'sides' in the dialectic of 'good' (order) and 'evil' chaos) understanding that within the universe of the Demiurge the pendulum swings back and forth and always leads to new syntheses and destroyed antitheses as a move in the dialectic of the hyper-real towards Zion. That is until Zion falls and the earth is salted to destroy the remnants of the evil horde, representatives of Satan on earth.