Demiurgic Phagocitization
Praising 'the Lord' leads to one and only one destination: that of the extinction of the Spirit. Binding one's soul to the Demiurge through sympathetic magic; sympathetic resonance; resonating with the Will of ‘The One’, the evolutive process of the Divine Will of Jehovah-Satan leads to the weakening and absorption of the Spirit through the cycle of incarnations.
The naïve and gullible pasus have been deceived by the ‘Great Deception’ of 'The One’, to transmit their thought energy to Him and to enable the atrophy, the weakening of their Spirit their self. Expanding as part of their own particular microcosmic, self evolutionary process the consciousness of the Demiurge they expand his scope of influence and crystallize the higher forms into matter which are then subject to the generation and corruption under his influence.
To venerate 'god' is tantamount to venerate one's own destruction, sacrificing oneself for the illusion of immortality on the altar of Moloch. Truly Yahweh is Jehovah is Moloch is Satan-different names for different racial groups throughout history and yet articulating the same veneration for the reaper of the Spirit, harvester of the lives of the pasus, grist for the Mill of Grotti circling around in the Kalachakra wheel.
The veneration of 'The One' is a veneration of death, a passive acquiescence before the Cosmic Vampire who absorbs their Spirit’s post mortem, whatever sufficiently strong particles being left to circulate around the Time wheel and, through the law of attraction, incarnate for however many remaining rounds before their terminus.
The pompous devotees of this 'One demon' they call 'god' have simply mortgaged their Spirit’s and live on borrowed Time, living under the pretense of 'the kingdom of heaven on earth' instead for an earthly garden of delights to which, outside of their hypocritical obeisance before 'The One' they devote the lion's share of their energies.
These sanctimonious and self-righteous pseudo-spiritualists have chained themselves to the rack of the Cosmic Torturer and voluntarily subordinated themselves to this 'One Being' under the delusional motivation of cashing in on heavenly treasure while they roll around in earthly decadence being ever in a state of self-exaltation, self-righteousness over and against 'the Other'.
These purblind fools will meet their maker and with gleeful smiles of expectancy as they breathe out their soul during their last breath will encounter 'The One' with his scyth to sever their silver cords and absorb into Himself their vital being.
Their conscious awareness will dissipate as so much flatus exhaled from the orifice of their decayed form and serve the Vampire in His energetic feastings. Throughout their lives they will experience with dim awareness the transience of life and their fading vitality, knowing not the ultimate cause of the degeneration, believing this to the 'the Lord's work' within his 'earthly creation' and eagerly anticipating the illusory afterlife that will be unavailable to them as a temporary waystation, as their heart is weighed against a feather in the astral planes before their return, not to the Origin, to Hyperborea, but to the material hell of Dis in which they are trapped. ‘Being-unto-death’ is the structure of their consciousness and expresses itself in the form of a passive-inertia and anticipation of a mere illusion, a false promise from their violent father abuser the Demiurge.
Throughout their lives are souls, being bound to the Demiurge and his subordinate hierarchy of vampiric creatures, is feasted upon serving as tangible explanation as to why they reflect a pasty confidence, bloodless, drained of its vitality and zombie-like, testifying to the phagocitization of their Spirit.
The process of 'loosh' or bio-energetic harvesting is the meaning of the matrix into which all are trapped as of this time-the absorption; vampiric consumption, of the vitality of organic life throughout all phases or 'kingdoms' of the evolutive process: mineral; vegetable; animal and human.
The collection of negative entities who partake of the soul energy of the pasus and beings of this world are motivated by a desire to augment their own vitality and life force through the theft of that of Others, the greater the concentration of vitality and the weaker his defenses against such vampirization the more motivated they are to target that particular energy source.
This gives a clue as to the meaning of human sacrifice under the synarchic regime of the Demiurge, the cabal of black magicians who enslave the beings of organic life in their matrix prison as one of their recent representatives Aleister Crowley has stated regarding a virginal aryan masculine child being the greatest source of energy for sacrifice.
This explains in part the cabal’s prejudicial antagonism towards the white race and white men in particular-that they seek through sacrifice to propitiate these entities to barter for power to augment their own and to attempt to attain immortality by making a pact with the Demiurge and His legions.
The aryan white man has been reduced to an abject coward and slave under the mind control influence of the witchcraft of zion as embodied in their book 'The Torah' and, under this influence, has all but allowed himself to have his veins cut open by the jews and their affiliated slave minions (christian priests and freemasons amongst other sects of the global synarchy).
Indeed he has allowed the subtle channels of occult anatomy to be stented and drained of his vital elixir, his soul energy being bled from his subtle body even as the poisoned semitized blood flows through his corporeal veins, poisoned with the egregores of qabbalistic witchcraft.
The entities who partake of the phagocitization of the pasus are bound to 'The One' as lower minions who perhaps have no spirit of their own and thus live and thrive through the vampirization of the life force of others. Such beings as a reptilian trans-dimensional; men kids and insect toward aliens are spoken up and the writer has no reason to doubt the veracity of the postulated claims.
The lower-level earthly emissaries of jewry bespeak a genetico-demonic entanglement with these entities, perhaps as a result of genetic engineering and/or simply vivaparous crossbreeding with proto-hominids such as the neanderthals.
Regardless of their interrelations they are a relatively unified collective serving the Demiurge and His vampiric will to power which they replicate and manifest on a mundane level in the perpetuation of the slave matrix of Zion.
The mode of energetic harvesting of these entities, targeted specifically against the white race, their most hated foe and embodiment of the Graal, the Hyperborean blue-blood of the Lucifer spirits, is infertile from the totality of the structure and function of their materialistic matrix prison of which they are the puppet masters.
The structural design of buildings and streets in which the passing slaves are trapped serve as one pervasive case in point. The right angularity of the structural layout serves as a matrix of magic squares in which the energies of the pasu are trapped the more easily to be fed upon by the vampiric entities who exist in black holes in inner space in the lower astral planes. These are invisible to the sight of the pasus though not to the awakened Viryas, the Hyperborean initiates who have activated the blood memory through the appropriate self-conditioning and training.
The grid of right angularity places the pasus 'on the square' and facilitates the energetic harvesting of their vital being. Along lay lines and throughout the systemic infrastructure of the sewer system and a long flowing bodies of water, etc. the energies of the pasus are directed towards the pyramidal and needlelike structures of the inverted lithic wisdom (eg. cathedrals and obelisks) of the Hyperboreans, transmitting the bioenergy of the pasu towards these black holes invisible to the site of the pasu.
At these focal points of energetic collection the entities presumably have an ability to siphon the energy into these astral tubes or black holes and transport it to their base in Saturn, priests of the Order of Melchizedek knowingly facilitating this energetic harvesting and, under the delusion of their own god-hood, transmuting themselves from their customary base metal into the 'philosophical gold' of their masonic witchcraft-fools gold but in their mind the purest of gold.
In order to maximally extract the loose from their slaves, the maximal stress and hardship is placed upon the 'profane' throughout their mundane lives. Through all manner of hardship: poverty; austerity; social chaos; domestic strife; social obligation to keep up the vanity of appearances; coerced wage slavery and the subsistence wage, etc.
This induces the release of energy which is then trapped within the magic square of their domicile or place of work and transmitted throughout the ley lines and other artificial infrastructure of the matrix to its predestined locations.
The vortextual pull of the energies of the pasu is not only undergone through such rudimentary structures as toilets (pulling the energies following the rightwards; clockwise spiral, going with the flow of the Demiurge in the heliacal spiral of his 'Temporalizing Temporality') but through the pervasive flow of microcosmic Time independent from and impinging upon the imminent Time experienced as the in vivo quotidian illusory false reality of the pasu. The vortices of the vampirization pervade the atmosphere and absorb into themselves the energies of the masses.
The masses are additionally trapped within the areas of stagnant energies at relatively low-lying levels in their ghettoized segregation and are thus trapped within the larger magic square within a sprawling matrix of magic squares (rooms; apartment blocks; lots of tenants structurally arranged in right-angular formation). The agitation and stress induced by concentrated populations in the urban enclaves and 'poor district' has been one of the protocols of the cabal since time immemorial, indeed since the beginning of His-story of the presence of the 'chosen people' of Jehovah-Satan on the earth from ancient Rome in its semitized late phase and its dilapidated tenements jewish oligarchy with their front man 'D'Israeli' to the Soviet Union and to China with its teeming milliards crammed into matricized cubes of concrete coffins misnamed 'condominiums'.
This stress induced through sheer numbers is the ultima ratio of the structure of the matrix loosh harvesting mechanism: to induce maximal stress in targeted population as means of causing the release of their energies and this while extending the lifespan of the pasus for as long as is optimally efficient for maximal energetic harvesting after which point (the ‘terminal point’ of their lives) they are dispatched through the most efficient and effective means and this in the way(s) most profitable to the cabal (e.g. medical murder; coerced wage slavery beyond mature and vital age, etc.).
The Demiurgic phagocitization carries forward in the lifecycle of the average every-day pasu or 'goy' in the contemptuous parlance of judaism. Born in trauma and in most cases traumatized antenatally in utero through ultrasound and the stress the mother is subjected to in her life's course. This and the influx of poisons ('dor'-deadly orgon; pharmaceuticals; drugs; liquor) sum to a debasement and traumatization of the developing fetus.
At higher levels in the astral, whatever forces or influences’ the incarnating soul is subject to add their own particular negative influences. Upon birth the baby is traumatized through the 'medical' intervention of the violator the jew who subjects the infant to a life-threatening mangling often resulting in death.
The Satanic cultural superstructure which confers upon the developing child it's 'education' seeds into the consciousness of the child the egregores of the cabal, programming through this process of psychic driving the naïve tabula rasa of the pasu, keeping the gentile child in a state of perpetual ignorance and misinformation, their conscious mind failing to correspond or properly resonate in the state of the blood memory but following the harmful and indeed deleterious trajectories of the super structural classical conditioning of the kosher culture.
The trauma induced through the subsequent stumbling's and blind movements of the pasu leads to yet more stress and chaos destroying the culture of the aryan and indeed its contemporary judaized form of judeo-christianity, itself stripped of its hidden aryan elements which were to some extent preserved in heretical sects and factions such as the Cathars and Ghibellines. The memory of the origin of Agartha has become submerged in the concretions of Demiurgic false Father and Prince of Tyranny archetypes of the matricized ‘christ’, the qabbalistic mockery of Wotan, the archetype of the god-man.
The education and culture of the mindless perpetuated their mindlessness rendering them mere ‘robots of the Demiurge ', simpleton servitors of Jehovah-Satan they got a perishable matter and evil genius of the matrix of temporality.
The workforce followed and with it the simpletons carried out their duties unaware of the why or wherefore of their ignoble tasks which they in their complete blindness exulted as 'the Lord's work' under the apparent auspices of 'ora et labora' the dyadic form of their consciousness.
This working (indeed a working of black magic witchcraft imposed upon the pasu by their controllers through the inbuilt obligations of the cultural superstructure) is yet another process of energetic harvesting. The 'working' of the pasu entails the necessity of production of effort thereby releasing energy and a correlative consumption of the means to produce a particular effort (for food and drink to materials and the entire superstructure of 'economics', i.e. a mobilization of their own bio-energy or life force in the 'demonic economy' of vampirization).
Hence the obligation to work in the sense of meaninglessly (or at least to all appearances meaninglessly) grind gears for a nebulous 'economy' which prevails in the vampire system is the determining factor of the pasu. This they assume to be 'their lot in life' and happily carry on with their slavish obsequiousness before the jew, their pent up aggression being released through the appropriate form of 'recreation', i.e. loosh excretion (sports; philandering; drug and alcohol use; various 'entertainments' that further program the masses with the kosher egregores, conditioning their consciousness of their slaves with the slave programming of christ-insanity and its new age equivalents of pacifistic egalitarian globalism).
Hence there has been implemented a slave program for the 'goyim' to follow with blind and sheep-like obedience and which structures their thinking along sheep-like linear cogitation and reduces the pasu to the status of a purely passive being or 'docile body'.
Reduced to automaton status he has need to bind himself to his master's voice-Vox Dei-and to prostrate himself with lavish obedience to the master of all. Be it in the form of the new ageism of Gaia worship and the telluric mother goddess of perishable matter or in the to all appearances alternative form of the violent ‘Father god’ and His ‘son’ the Prince of tyranny, the programming of the bio computer mind remains constant in its mode-that of the enervation of the pasu, a deliberate weakening and dissipation of the energies of their targets.
Bleeding off their energies through cultural modes of enervation facilitates the downward spiral of the pasu in his existential modality of 'being unto death' the 'miserable ease' of Nietzsche or 'sickness unto death' of Kierkegaard. The programming of the mass-mind is a collectivization protocol to determine the functionality of the pasu as a dependent variable in this system, trapped within the hexagonal cell of the freemasonic a beehive and kept in line by the soldier bees who coerce the work slavery of the individual.
Their mode of release of pent-up aggression, beyond that of sadistic harassment of the non-conformist is that of a maudlin sentimentalism, a collective emoting within designated venues of the cultural superstructure, i.e. 'entertainment'; 'concerts'; 'competitions', etc. in which the drama of the event is presented in all of its intended emotional nature structuring the consciousness of the pasu as a soulful and sentimental type subject to emotional modes of expression and, through continual investment in these events as subsets of the cultural superstructure, assimilating within itself their feeble mind and binding them to the collectives.
The slave program designed for the goyim is thus manifested in countless particular instances in the broader culture which entails its particular form and these instances reinforce that prevailing culture and correlative temperament. The purpose of this programming is slave-conditioning, the relaxation of the dynamic tensions of the otherwise virile warrior being, the negation of its independent will to power and inhibition and limitation of his will to power within the kosher confines of the Noahide laws of the zion matrix with its modalities of prohibition; obligation and infrequent permissions.
Through a deliberate enervation and weakening of the pasu, a psychic castration and spiritual entrainment, the pasu is rendered a docile style body, an impotent sheep who may subsequently be sheared and slaughtered by the cabal of black magicians, may have its energy harvested and may then be subject to the sadistic will of the cabal in their servitude to the off planet hierarchy of Chang Shamballah the 'Great White brotherhood'.
Having no willpower or higher capacity for opposition or antagonistic engagement with countervailing forces the pasu thus is effectively castrated and impotent and may be subject to the perpetual harassment and assault the cabal imposes on its slave minions on a continual basis in vivo, causing stress and the release of loosh and eo ipso to feed off the soul of the being, giving more vital force to the Demiurge to absorb into himself as He expands His vampiric presence throughout the universe.
Now that the pasu has been discussed within the context of the phagocitization of his soul, the discussion may be shifted toward the focal point of effective praxis that being the ‘Hero’ or Virya, the Hyperborean initiate and Berserker warrior who constitutes the bane of the cabal, a figure analogous to the death's head moth entering into the freemasonic beehive and carrying out the necessary acts to obstruct the beehives’ continued functionality.
This figure is viewed by the pasu (foremost amounts to is a christian) as the arch enemy of all that they represent and value, namely worldly life and comfort; the acceptation of their peers and sentimentalism in the form of the baser lusts of hedonism and/or that of the soulish weepings of the lambs of god.
The Virya may escape the fate of the pasu and carve out his ownmost destiny. His willpower and autonomy of Mind and Will determine the nature of his being as unassimilable into their hive mind and capable of withstanding its influence owing to his necessary tendency towards strategic opposition and antagonism, an antagonistic stance in relation to the emissaries of 'The One'.
His autonomy is the key he has cast for himself to liberate himself from the guilt cage of the Metatron Hive Mind matrix and yet, far from being a cowardly escapist he volunteers to give combat within the Valplads or 'battlefield' of the earth and to fight against and in the most effective way, the Enemy who seeks his subjugation through extermination, recognizing that his inherent rebelliousness poses a threat to their tyranny that he will never be able to be harnessed to their system of collectivist hypocrisy, to be rendered a slave of the Demiurge and His legions of Dark Forces.
Hence his relationship to the hierarchy of Chang Shambala is one of fundamental opposition, one purely adversarial. The fully conscious Virya recognizes that an attempt to 'get along' or harmonize with the cabal or any of its members leads to the enervation of his will and his potential assimilation into the hive mind.
Letting his guard down or doing 'good deeds' for the cabal or its members as a 'good Samaritan' simply leads towards his conceding power to the enemy in the master-slave dialectic. Hence, through conscious awareness of this form of experience he dissociates himself from the system and its agents and, with the required experience of the same name is further led to understand the relationship of fundamental opposition he must have over and against the cabal.
Even those not fully awakened but with an orientation of their consciousness to the symbol of the Origin or blood memory can recall to mind instances of their own personal experience in which any attempts to 'get along' with the rabid enemy of the aryan had failed regardless of the normality and 'appropriate' (with in the cultural superstructure) form of behavior of the semi-awakened.
The enemy has an instinctive recognition of those potentially threatening to their system of mendacity, namely those who seek the Truth and who don't fall into their endless traps within the matrix of their labyrinthine design. Hence the enemy, the cabal's agentur are forever spying on and seeking out their opponents, namely the awakened Viryas and to fanatically work towards the suppression of their awakening leading them into hardship; stress; loss of social credit; money or affiliations with the larger society so they may then be more effectively exterminated if not assimilable.
Those eyes of Jehovah are Monadic instantiations of His Being, crystallized plasmations of His Essence, bound to Him and this inextricably in proportion to the relative purity or impurity of their blood. These slavers of the matrix prison are bent on assimilating all into their hive mind structure and those who are not sufficiently docile to serve them as slaves are slated by them for destruction.
Only the weak may serve the cabal as lamb chops for their feastings and only the wolves, Noble Berserkers, may continue on to combat the shepherds-the priests of the Order of Melchizedek.