False Light of Shamballah
The spiral of Time descends over the manvantaras and yugas, bringing down with it those unable to swim against the current of disintegration, the current of the Demiurge and His 'temporal temporalization', the existence of His essence which is 'becoming'.
Spiraling down like turds in a toilet bowl the pasus, unable to resist the vortextual pull of the will of Jehovah, the violent explosion of Satan, will go the way of all flesh and find their way to the abyss.
Such is the devolutionary process of the pasu as he grinds in the mill of Grotti, circling around in the incarnations as his spirit fades and becomes evermore disintegrated even as he, through his religious rites and zealotry (should he be one of 'the faithful' of the Demiurge) is bound ever tighter in the cocoon of the soul and merges with 'the water' as a larva undergoing a reverse metamorphosis not transforming into a butterfly but rather into a cadaverous carcass whose life force has ceased to remain within the vortextual pull of the 'gravis archetype' which is the Spirit.
Like a black magician and indeed like the synarchic black magician priests, he binds himself to 'Jehovah-Satan' and becomes phagocitized, in ever greater degrees of dissipation and fragmentation His Spirit is absorbed into his father, a perverse act of de-generation or negation of his son, his offspring fated for sacrifice as Kronos sacrifices his sons with the reapers' scythe of leaden density severing their silver cords from the higher, the realm of Eternity.
Indeed the Time Lord has grasped in his skeletal hand these same cords holding them captive in his icy death grip and would pull within his magnetic maw, into the vortextual structures on Saturn (the captive aion Sandur), the pasu souls.
The down-going of the captive souls' is initiated through two factors and traces itself ultimately to one, that being a being insufficiently strong in its inner being to resist the countervailing forces of the Demiurge and thus becoming caught in his magnetized vortextual pull, becoming prey to the vampire of the universe Yahweh the creator of the spiders webs of aetheric substance which densify into the tangible forms that are the corrupt exterior of the higher forms which proceed their being or those which are mere duplicates.
The first factor is the inner weakness, the second the incapacity to re-turn to Origin, to go to the Eternal Realm of greatest strength, that of the Spirit, Hyperborea. This inner and essential weakness is the strategic confusion on the part of the Demiurge and his legions that is introduced for the secret purpose of binding the captive Spirits to the evolutive process of 'The One' in His self-realization.
The obscuration of the Origins leads the 'stranger in a strange land' that is the asleep Virya (Holger Dansk; Frederick Barbarossa) asleep within the mountain of the densest lead to toss and turn in agitation not knowing what or who is the cause of this confusion or from whence he came or whither he is going yet still, they still have the spark of life within however dully glowing, searching their mind and territory, the external environment and internal attempting to navigate the world of illusion, to discern the way back to Origin. The focus on the external leads toward the confusion, leading away from the Self (Selbst), in ec-stasis ('going away from' in Greek) and become lost within the rivers of samsara, in the transient flow of the phenomenal world of generation and corruption.
The awakening of the Virya is as Kotahoroschka Rollapea awakening from his drowsy slumber on the top of the samovar in the Ukrainian folktale. He awakens, recognizing the alien nature of his environment, that it may externally appear a home with comforting hearth and relations of familial piety and a loving warmth of the illusions of maya, of animal comfort and domesticity but he recognizes this as alien to his inner being, and their simulacrum of home, not the homeland beyond the borders of this matricized world, of lowest density and posits it in his consciousness as mere 'samovar'; 'homestead'; 'health'; 'mother'; 'father', etc.
These he recognizes as limited forms and states of existence subject to the current of disintegration neither that which can restrict or ground his being to that particular time and place nor that which any longer holds the same value or semantic context it previously had and therefore that it should be put aside.
"When man has a goal and a means toward it- straightway he acts" as Aristotle stated in his treaty: "De Sophisticus Elenchus" ("On Sophistical Refutations"). Rollapea the hero, the virya, has awoken and prepares to fight the Dragon which has abducted his soror mystica.
The resurrection of the hero requires a re-collection of the symbol of the Origin (ur-i-gen- to generate the Origin, the Spirit viewing its reflection in the mirror of this looking glass world). He recalls through an inner transmutation his strangeness in the land, recognizes the terrain as 'enemy territory' the domain of Klingsor, the Demiurge, Lord of Time and transient matter, the muck and gore of the perishable forms he has conjured with his diabolical witchcraft.
He re-calls hearing the sound of the valkyries in Valhalla that he is 'a stranger in a strange land' only not within the land without a purpose but on a mission to carry out the fundamental purpose, the fulfillment of his destiny through a confrontation with the enemy and his myriad hypostases, reflections which reflect the being of 'The One' in all his grotesque and distorted phenomenal aspects.
All this he views as 'enemy', as the vile excreta of the cosmic vampire Yahweh who has instructed his material prison of malleable clay, the crystallization of His plasmations He has vibrated into being or rather into 'becoming'.
The hero recognizes all of this excreta of the prima materia of the Demiurge's primordial ooze, his bukkake explosions of His rapine of the goddess Sophia, the Virgin of Agartha, as 'enemy' a multifarious force that, though fragmented and to all appearances 'many' is in reality One, as emanating from 'The One' all controlled by Him and all acting and reacting according to His violent will-to-power, to dominate and coerce subjugation of all courses antagonistic to Himself to, through violent aggression disrupt and undermine the hero's equilibrium, instability within himself as the 'gravis archetype' black sun, a powerful vortex of forces that have enabled him to remain standing against the perpetual onslaught of 'The One' and His violation of beings in their being.
His attempted vampirization of their essence assimilating it into Himself and utilizing the mechanism of 'love-wisdom' of his plasmated son, the Rabbi Yehoshua Hamaschiach (curse be upon him), to condition the pasu to submit to their own extinction.
The down-going of the pasu living within his attachment to matter and the material plane, his inability to remain aloof from the chaos forces generated by 'The One' and their lack of inner strength leads to his destruction. The hero battles for the sake of performance of duty, his duty being to tear down and destroy the enemy and their system of slavery which seeks the consumption of all Spirits that Yahweh-Satan has trapped in matter, and the lowest density of his distorted realms, the Helheim of the mundane and astral planes.
Thus it is either the continuance of the battle and the liberation of the Spirit else it is a cowardly subjection before 'The One' and the loss of the Spirit, serving oneself up in a sacrifice to 'The One' and allowing the Spirits' of others to suffer the same fate at whatever stage of the kalachakra wheel they occupy. The devolutionary spiral is the fate of the pasu, a 'sickness unto death' and a 'being towards death'. The hero makes his own way and follows his own destiny in opposition to 'The One' and Yahweh's legions of the damned.