I will try to be as clear as possible on this very delicate topic. When an esoteric type teaching is delivered, it implicitly has an objective, an end, a goal, aimed at anyone who is interested in that doctrine. For this purpose, an entire strategy is developed so that the objectives are achieved, obviously, successfully.
Well, with the Hyperborean Wisdom, which by the way, goes beyond all esoteric doctrine, the elements for its study and understanding were also delivered, this also within a strategy to achieve the objectives.
That is why a Hyperborean Pontiff creates the Order and dedicates himself fully to developing its mission. Now, since what is being delivered goes against all systems or let's say everything created, since it demonstrates the illusory nature of creation and the reality of the spirit, which has nothing to do with it, those who are controlling and Managing this illusion, so that no one finds out about that reality, they intervene with all their power and certain circumstances occur due to which the strategy of the Order cannot be followed as the Pontiff had planned.
The main objective was the printing of the Novel and its distribution, which was going to lead all those who read it and "woke up" to contact the Order, since there was a mailbox number to contact them, and then , after “selection”, admission or not to the Order. If they entered, they would be given the other books to continue deepening the teaching and preparing those who were in a position to begin them.
Well, this was not achieved as planned, the Pontiff at the beginning had to first deliver a part of the Fundamentals and the Novel could not be printed to fulfill its objective.
How is everything now that the Pontiff is no longer there and there is no general strategy or someone to grant the Initiation?
The main theme continues to be the Novel, which is what causes the awakening of the virya that is in condition, that is, the one whose degree of strategic confusion does not have it so immersed in its psychic part, that is why he called it “Magical Novel” and It is what in turn will prepare us to FACE THE NEXT END OF HISTORY WITH HONOR.
As one reads and rereads the Novel, the blood is purified and that purification at some point can reveal to us the Mystery of A-mort. And as it says in the Fundamentals (the first book): “He who knows the secrets of the Mystery of A-mort is not an “initiate” but a TRANSMUTED, an immortal Siddha, or for a brief time, an “awakened virya.”…
The only one who gave the Initiation was the Pontiff, since he left, no one was left to replace him to be able to grant it. As for the preparation, it remains the same: reading the books, but especially the Magic Novel, since the specific mission he had was to write that Novel in a special way, so that it would reach the one who would read it. , the awakening of the Minne, her essential warrior nature, the spiritual awakening and she understood the truth of her situation in the World Created by the demon called Demiurge, and she prepared herself with all her “new will” and awakened hostility, to fight and free herself of his condition as a slave to this universe.
In other words, since there is no Initiation, the preparation is valid for the moment when the Siddhas come and there whoever is prepared will be able to transmute and liberate themselves.
Nothing is coincidental, if someone found the Hyperborean Wisdom now it is because in some way in their other existence they related to its foundations or did some work, even intuitively, to get closer to its spirit. Furthermore, the “viryas, whether lost or awakened, are all synchronistically connected by common origin, this connection forming an acausal bond, independent of transcendent time and space.”
In other words, every virya participates in the Golden Cord or Aura Catena, due to their Hyperborean Lineage, this same fact drives them in their spiritual search, of course the intensity of that search will also depend on their degree of strategic confusion.
What was most important for Luis Felipe was to write the novel and obviously he did, what happened next is in the realm of conjecture.
Now, the title of the Novel was “The Mystery of Belicena Villca” Magic Novel, this Magic Novel, coming from a Hyperborean Pontiff was not a term to attract attention, that can be deduced by anyone who reads it, I understand that With just reading it, some have already awakened to the reality of the Spirit.
Well, I tell you this about the Novel because the Hyperborean Teaching is, as I said on another occasion, something directed directly to the Spirit, that is, it is only understandable to those who have previously awakened and precisely that is and will continue to be the objective of the Novel.
That's why He said that the first thing to read is the Novel (he also said that with the novel and the "Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom" - the first book -, the one that was prepared, was already self-initiated)
So, taking this into account, and due to the infernal advance of the enemy and the “acceleration of times”, perhaps it was not necessary to continue with everything else, since if there was a Racial strategy and it did not happen, it is because there was no longer no chance with the enemy, so the strategy became personal. It is simple, if there is no race it is personal and there it depends on the “purity of blood” of each person.
What I believe is that if everything we see on the Internet serves to clarify some things that we need to know for our process, it seems very good to me, but if we use the Internet only to acquire more and more knowledge and then confront each other to see who knows more , and enter into debates, it seems to me that we will continue sleeping.
When we begin to question existence itself and we are not satisfied with anything that “life” is giving us and we begin to sense that there must be something more than the simple fact of living, being born, growing, acquiring experience, achieving a place in the world. society, reproduce, grow old and finally “die”, we can say that an attitude of “gnostic predisposition” is operating in us, that is where our search begins, and if the gnostic predisposition is strong, sooner or later we find the truth of our situation, within the immense labyrinth of false doctrines, beliefs, dogmas and siren songs.
From that moment on, our way of living becomes strategic, we know where we want to go, because upon realizing that we are not from here, that our true nature is not material but spiritual and that we are here against our will, since Nothing the world offers us can stop us on the march towards our Origin.
That is where what surrounds us stops having the importance that we gave it and we feel a sense of nostalgia when remembering our true origin, although at that moment we still do not see it (That has to do with the Memory of the Origin).
We already know that there are thousands of beliefs and it is true that each one claims to be true, but we can spend our lives studying them and in the end we will realize that deep down they are all the same with all kinds of variants. The only thing they teach is submission to divinity whatever it is called, no one says that our spirit is chained here and they use it for a well-determined objective and that our spirit has nothing to do with Creation or with the Creator God or with nothing and no one from this Hell called “Universe”.
That is why if we already have a more or less clear idea of what the Hyperborean Wisdom teaches about what the body, the soul and thespirit , and what we really are, we will see that everything else is part of our prison, which can even be made of gold, but it is still a prison, and there our objective, obviously, will be to find a way to free ourselves, which by Of course it is not as easy as blowing up the planet and floating there, liberation will only occur by waging war against those who chained us and not against any sect, religion or earthly entity, not even the so-called spiritual masters who They are generally the most confused, even if they believe otherwise.
Hyperborean Wisdom is not a religion or anything like that, Hyperborean Wisdom is a teaching directed directly to the spirit of each person, and it is up to each person the attitude they will take towards that teaching, if they adopt it as a War Strategy. and deepens its contents or remains only in the concepts.
Regarding the issue of truth or lies, within beliefs, it is just a ruse that is used very well by the enemies of the spirit, in their strategy of confusing.
As we have already read, we are totally chained to this world of illusion. The chains that have trapped us spiritually are Time and Space, these two essences of the chaining demiurge that do not allow us to free ourselves, but fortunately Hyperborean Wisdom gives us the way to break that infernal siege through a path of liberation that is via strategic opposition, with which we can eliminate these influences with the “archemonic technique”, which is an infinite encirclement, an individual act of war projected by our own spirit.
Being an act of war, it must be accompanied by Essential Hostility, which is the normal nature that the spirit has in the face of the insane work of the creator, and which is present in our awakened Self.
This hostility has nothing to do with animal aggression, which is the normal nature of the pasú and which is currently highly developed due to its state of strategic confusion and is rapidly leading it to "animal rage."
This topic of Archemony and Essential Hostility should be delved into in depth in the chapter: THE AWAKEN VIRYA: In Search of the Principle of the Siege, and in all its sections of the first book “Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom”.
The virya has to fight to achieve his own awakening, no one is going to awaken if he does nothing for it, that is why he must adopt an attitude of alert, assuming his status as a spiritual warrior, to perceive and act on everything that permanently tries to subdue him. in the dream of the passu. And as he strips himself of everything that ties him to the world, it is logical that he himself will clearly see the exit from the Labyrinth, being able to also achieve his own "self-initiation."
The gregarious impulse of our emotional part sometimes makes us believe that we need a group to study, but it is only seeking to escape from something that it knows "unconsciously" is not convenient for it, in a group it remains as "protected" and already depending on he.
It would be very different, if an Authentically Hyperborean Order existed, where a Charismatic Leader and therefore a Mystic were present, there would be an impulse
spiritual to be under that mystique, then yes, Hyperborean Wisdom could be studied, but within that context, which has nothing to do with a synarchic “esoteric school.”
Currently we know that the conditions are not those, which means that the study must be personal and there it is up to each one to develop their personal mystique and deepen the teaching.
It is easy to recognize when that enemy is acting because his strategy is to deform, change the meaning, create confusion, confront, etc., and, mainly, to slowly try to distance the chosen ones from the Novel and the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom. , by not being able to alter its contents, since these are the ones that truly meet the objective of achieving spiritual awakening. In other words, what would really be convenient and strategic to do about all this is simply to advise that they do not lose the connection with those books delivered by the Pontiff, regardless of which “Order” they are in, and that they do not stop reading them. This is the only way to avoid confusion. And also beware of those who take fragments of what Felipe gave, to write his own book, supposedly to “clarify” or “expand” something, that is also when everything begins to be distorted. From what was delivered by the Pontiff, nothing needs to be removed, added or clarified, unless it is to intentionally distort its content. As for the way that is used to make known the teaching delivered by the Pontiff, in these dark times in which we live, it is relative, and depends on the limitations that may exist in each country. Let us remember that in the Novel, the Pontiff placed a photocopy of the notice of the Mail Box of the Order of Córdoba, which he had placed in Spots Magazine, a “yellow” magazine, of “low moral level”, as propaganda, In other words, in this, the important thing is that it reaches the person it needs to reach, and whoever receives it, according to their spiritual state, will know from that moment where they stand and what they should do. On a personal level, in the circumstances that I discovered the Hyperborean Wisdom, I was quite a priest, I performed rituals and consecrated neophytes so that they could enter the “church”, which as you already know was the Gnostic movement. At that time, a “friend” gave me a photocopy of only the “Nimrod the Defeated” part of the novel to read, according to him, so that I could give him my opinion, without explaining anything to me and out of any context, well, the I read and almost with that I was transmuted, that's why I say that it doesn't matter where you are at the moment you receive Wisdom, the important thing is that you receive it.
The preparation to Face the Next End of History with Honor now depends only on our warrior attitude and let us also remember that there are 7 ways of liberation plus an Octave which is that of Rescue, and in all of them blood purification is logically required. which is one of the objectives of the Magic Novel.
Regarding what you say about Gurdjieff, I think that there are things that are given according to the time and the context in which one is living, although at the time Gurdjieff's teachings were impressive, it is also true that he did not say everything. that he knew, I suppose because it was not the time, and to a greater or lesser extent I think it helped us all in our search, to realize that we were "asleep", but he never spoke of our spirit being chained, but well, having Now that the Hyperborean Wisdom is in our hands, I think it is not necessary to waste time even comparing it with other teachings, because we have The Source and The Original of true gnosis.
Each of us in the situation we find ourselves in, we are all “children of Jehovah”, we will only stop being children of Him, if we discover our true spiritual nature, understand the Great Farce and fight like Nimrod to free ourselves from the slavery of "Our father".
To conclude, I just want to advise all those who are sincerely interested in Hyperborean Wisdom and have really felt the call of the spirit, not to get entangled with other supposedly Hyperborean books, the only books that are going to achieve that spiritual awakening, because they are also written Strategically, they are those of Nimrod de Rosario, especially the Belicena Villca Magical Novel and the first part of the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom.
It is not necessary to go anywhere when the Final Battle occurs, the virya who is prepared will receive the influence of the presence of the Siddhas wherever they are, since their mere presence will cause a collective mutation, which is why it is recommended to prepare for “Face with Honor the next end of history”