Disintegration: Destruction of The Ego
False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
Disintegration: Destruction of The Ego
The cabal's methods of ritual sacrifice are not always so blatant as the crude act of torture-murder on a black altar of basalt or obsidian. They span the gamut of subtlety and follow typically subterranean path of infinitely more minute manipulation.
The general pattern of their tactics is to harass and annoy their targets and this on an ongoing basis throughout the course of the targets' life such that the target is subject to a gradual degeneration of their mind (Spirit), body and soul over the course of Time resulting in their ultimate extermination in their murder by the cabal after a lifetime of torturous abuse.
The intent of the synarchy of black magicians is to serve up the life force of their target to the entities with whom they work, inducing or attempting to induce pain; suffering and misery leading to the release of stress and the 'loosh' or energetic emanations of the sufferer, decentering the consciousness from the principal of the target being the Selbst or 'Spirit' causing the Spirit to become 'reverted' and to direct its attention towards externals or that other than itself.
This distortion of the attentional focus, that diremption of the focus on the Selbst is the general method of rendering the captive Spirits' 'earthbound souls' and thereby chaining them to the Demiurgic penitentiary of their Zion matrix. Becoming earthbound, telluric in their state of being, the captive Spirits are subject to the strategic confusion of the synarchy and its minutiae of tactics of harm.
Countless examples could be adduced but the general trend is the assault and bombardment of the consciousness with stimuli that initiates in the average person a reactive impulse as the target responds or reacts defensively (and attack is his form of defense) against the stimuli or its source, though that influence (sound; sight; vibration, etc.) is to all appearances benevolent in intent.
This mask of benevolence worn by the synarchy and its myriad agents is adopted as a means of concealing its actions which is its characteristic nature dressing itself up in various guises of altruism and humanitarianism whilst perpetrating acts (and omissions) qualifiable as 'harm' or 'violence'.
The agents of the cabal mirror, being part of the hive mind of Jehovah-Satan, the behavior of his 'chosen people' and act out their subtle and passive aggressive assault against their target, creating aversive and antagonistic stimuli which impinge upon the 5+ senses of their targets and disrupt their orientation, shifting away from themselves and the inner nucleus the Selbst (the True Self; the Spirit) and towards the sense impressions they thrust upon their hapless victims, disrupting their equilibrium with deliberate malice aforethought.
This stimuli-response pairing gimmick (behavioral pattern) is a predominating relation between the synarchy and its hierarchy of agentur and they who are subject to the cabal's negative influence which has been appropriately termed 'Satanic ritual abuse' (though better 'Jehovistic ritual abuse').
The constant subjection of the target to the disruption tactics of the cabal unseats him from his state of equipoise and discombobulated his conscious mind orienting his attentional focus (his 'Will'-his 'one pointed concentration of attention') towards 'externals' in the words of Epictetus.
This perpetual assault upon the aura (beyond yet inclusive of the five senses) is designed as a means of engaging the lower principles of the targets' being and causing the direction of one's energies to be dispersed towards external entities (phenomena-objects for the consciousness).
The entire set of procedures the synarchy deploys are correlated as a full frontal assault against the equilibrium of the consciousness of they who would break free from the prison of the world and liberate their captive Spirits and those who would break apart their architecture of enslavement and maintain their prison planet. Hence those who have become identified as causal agents of rebellion (potentially or actually).
The cabal thus identifies with its omnipresent panoptic vision (the gaze of the 'Deus Vult', the 'face of god') its enemies and subject them to ruthless aggressive assault through this omnipresent and continual 'death by 1,000 cuts' procedure of torture-murder, to the 'disintegration process', attempting to disintegrate the Spirit, to transform it into a 'reverted Spirit' (focused on externals), engaging its conscious awareness ('one pointed concentration of attention', a.k.a. 'Will'), directing their gaze towards the Demiurge and the stimuli and phenomenon presents at the constant bombardment of the mind. The bombardment radiates the Spirit through its focus being placed within the soul and away from itself binding it to the tentacles of the octopus and leaching off its vital force.
Such is the general procedure of the synarchy in their ritual-torture and murder of their opponents who, once identified are never left in peace to live a normal life regardless of any change of behavior consistent with the accepted behavior of the synarchy.
From birth those of certain bloodlines the cabal perceives or knows with certainty to be a potential opponent of their system are targeted, typically the incarnating Hyperboreans who have chosen to continue the fight in the mundane world to effect their purpose as a Berserker warrior to oppose the system and its agenda of the chaining of the captive Spirits and matter (the substance of the Demiurge, His temporality) in order to sacrifice them to the Cosmic Vampire in which they will be absorbed failing the attainment of liberation in the form not of Moksha but of Kaivalya, individuation and this through the ascetic attachment of a warrior 'against Time'.