Druids are Enemies
British people are jewish hybrids
the word brit ish means "covenant man" in hebrew.
"the phoenician origins of british, scots and celts", L A Waddel
"The Celtic Druids, or, An attempt to shew that the Druids were the priests of oriental colonies who emigrated from India" godrey higgins 1773-1833
"Identity of the religions called druidical and Hebrew; demonstrated from the nature and objects of their worship, and, from a careful consideration of certain customs, formerly prevalent in Egypt, Canaan, Carthage, Babylon, Persia, Arabia, America, India, Greece, Italy" anonymous author 1829
more evidence from "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" a novel by nimrod de rosario, initiate of the SS black order
At the beginning of the Iron Age, the White Atlanteans, after fulfilling their mission (sig ning their Blood Pact with Cro-Magnon of Europe), returned to Agartha through the Boreal Gate or Thule Gate; guarded by the Nordic peoples. They would fulfill the mis sion entrusted, until the Celtic invasions, guided by Druids (Golem priests), dislodged them, and they were left waiting in northern Europe for more than two thousand years.
The Celtic tribes (the first people or race of the White Betrayal), and their Druid Priests would close the Thule Gate in Britain. Howe ver, they could not close the North Polar Gate leading to Agartha.
The historical culmination in the Ancient Age was Imperial Rome, which assumed the At lantean Mediterranean wall’s leadership, once the war action of Alexander the Great had en ded (Punic Wars). Julius Caesar and Augustus were ruthless with the Celts in Gauls and Ibe ria’s conquests, specifically, with their Druid sacrificing priests. Nonetheless, Julius Caesar allied with the Cultural Pact Druids and, in consecuence, ended up assassinated.
In AD 43, the Roman legions marched to the extreme East and West: to the East, to close the gates of Shambala (conquest of the He brews and Egyptians), and to the West, to reopen the northern gate to Agartha (entering the Gauls and Britain), which was closed by the Celtic Druids during the Bronze Age.
The Praetorian legions will guard the Thule Gate for over 500 years. Hadrian’s Wall will
be the construction that will affirm this action of war (Enclosure principle). This structure fulfilled a symbolic, metaphysical function of establishing a cultural and spiritual ethic in the Empire. The fire of Vesta Pyrena will burn perpetually for more than 500 years, illumina ting the Gnostic path to the origin, the Hyper borean Homeland.
The Roman Empire revealed to the World the main Cultural Pact enemy; the Hebrew race and its pantheistic monotheism. The Demiur ge transferred the Brahmin druids’ power to the Semitic peoples, granting them the power of the Kabbalah, the Kalachakra key, to use it in benefit their universal world control plan.
The descent of the Shekinah, of Metraton, only meant the renewal of the covenant originated by Moses, whom were given the Tables of the Law (contained in the Ark of the Covenant)
Belicena Villca and her terrible death. But the Professor continued:–The phrase «ada aes sidhe draoir mac hwch» is, undoubtedly, ancient Celt or one of its multiple dialects. The Celt language evolves, from the Indo-Eu ropean tree, in two branches: 1st the Goidelic or Old Irish, mother of the Irish and the Gaelic; and 2nd the Brittonic, which gave birth to the Breton, the Welsh and the Cornish. I’d tell you that these words belong to the Old Irish, just as appears in the sagas «The Chant of Merlin» or in the Bard Taliesin poems written in the V century.
It is curious, Merlin (in Welsh « Myrddin», and deformed later in Germanic languages «Merlin») was Druid, just as Taliesin, and the phrase that you have brought me alludes to Druids: «Draoi» means Druid in Celt. The complete phrase would be «Victory to the Divine Druid, Son of the Wild Boar», according to the following vocabulary:
Ada = Victory
Aes Sidhe = Divine
Draoi = Druid
Mac = Son
HWCH = Wild Boar
–My dear Dr Arthur Siegnagel –the Professor was looking me steadily– What do you know about Druids?
The question took by surprise because I was thinking about it at full pelt, since the same moment in which the Professor completed his translation.–I know truly little –I said–. That they constituted a kind of Priestly Caste amongst the ancient Celts. That they practiced the magic and soothsaying…
I think that they were reputed as Wise men and notwithstanding their pagan origin, they possessed a very despicable moral – All that I knew about Druids, or Golems, proceeded from the letter of Belicena Villca, and my opinion about them, as is natural, could not be worse. However, I ignored the concept that they deserved for Professor Ramirez and I was trying not to commit myself condemning them flatly–. I think that they disappeared after the conversion of the Celts to Christianity –I concluded innocentl
None of them provided much light about them, and that is at my judge ment due to three reasons: 1st because their teaching was oral, 2nd because their teaching was initiatic, 3rd and the main reason, because those who were more interested in occult all that concerns to the «Druid», were the own Druids.
Regarding your appreciation that they constituted some kind of «Priest ly Caste», I’ll tell you that they didn’t simulate to be neither this one nor the other. They did not form a caste but an Order; and they would not be «Priests» because they didn’t officiate rituals of a Cult openly, as would co rrespond to deserve such qualification. However, the fact that they did not officiate a Cult openly doesn’t mean that they not possessed one and practiced it in secrecy, in the forest’s thickness, near the millenary megalithic construc tions that They adapted for such purpose. Yes, Dr Siegnagel. You are right in this point: Druids were Priests; and of the worst kind that has been registered in History of mankind.
You also believe that they were «Wise and that they had a very despica ble moral». Well, there are few doubts about their «Wisdom» because they possessed all the aspects of the Celtic knowledge. Otherwise, the opinions are divided. When referred to Druid moral, a pederast General as Julius Caesar (100-40 B.C.) found them pleasant, and even sent the Viviana to Rome Am bassador. But in the moral aspect, the future Consul left a lot to be desired; on the other hand, Stabro (60 B.C.), famous Greek geographer, contemporaneous
with Julius, mentioned acts of tremendous cruelty «that are opposed to our mo res» and relates how Druids realized omens «reading» the profound pains of a victim stabbed from behind.
They were also fond of human sacrifices, which were consumed by introdu cing the victims in a huge wicker man which was burnt later.
Druids «considered a duty to cover their altars with their prisoners’ blood and con sult the Deities in human entrails» Tacitus wrote.
The Professor continued for a long time, reading me the quotes of diverse Greek and Latin authors, some of them praising such-and-such virtue, other condemning Druidic evil flatly. It didn’t escape to me that those who «con demned» Druids were also Pagans, thus great had to be their aberrations, capable to impress men acquainted to all the barbarities of their respective Ages. The linguistic explanation that I wanted from the erudition of the Pro fessor was already satisfied. Nevertheless, such man was decided to instruct me about Druids, revealing to me how much he knew about them, and I could not be such discourteous as to refuse to hear him. However, his chatter repeated the matter exposed already amply in the letter of Belicena Villca. After all, to check that others knew part of such truths could only infuse me security; reassure me about the Initiated deceased’s mental health.
The Mystery of Belicena Villca
–As I said –continued the Professor– there are no Celtic source documentsthat could be consulted, except for the sagas compiled D’Arbois de Juvainville in the XIX century, extraordinarily rich in traditional elements of the Celts of «Iwerzon» or Ireland. On them, we check the great power of Druids to fa vour the successive Celt invasions (Fir Bolg or Celts from Belgium; Fir Donanand Fir Galois, or Gauls, Scots and Welsh) to Ireland, dwelled until then by the Fomore, giant beings, and the Tuatha de Danan, Divine Hyperboreans. On more than one occasion, the Celts defeated the Giants Fomore to whom they exterminated and expulsed the Tuatha de Danan despite their magic powers. Is that Druids dominated the forces of Nature, as if they would have counted with the help of the own Satan. They produced rains, thunderstorms, and mists; they enraged the seas or calmed them; they made «appear» beautiful women or dreadful monsters by materialization; etc.
Behold, Arthur, the power of the Magic Verb of these Druids Fili (Fili= Bard): there leased forces with the pantheistic poem, permit the posterior vic tory in a battle against the Divine Tuatha de Danan, who possessed flying chariots and rays of death, but they were absolutely helpless before the black magic of Druids.
The Professor explained vividly enthusiastic, but I had stayed thinking on the eighth verse of Amergin where he says:«I am the intrepid wild boar». I couldn’t stop relating it with the legend of the disastrous jewel, «Victory to the Divine Druid Son of the Wild Boar». I accen tuated it to the Professor.–That’s the point, Arthur. The main symbols of Druids were two: the wild boar and the four-leaf clover that they utilized embroidered in their white tunic. Among the Celts, the wild boar and the bear symbolized respectively, Druid and Warrior’s power. Some erudites, as René Guénon, pretended to equate these symbols of Power with the castes of the Brahamans and the Ks hatryas of India, in other words, of the Priests and warriors, considering the profound meaning that the wild boar and the bear have in the Indo-Aryan tradition. But this is a mistake, because Druids never formed a caste (neither existed castes within the Celts) and because the sense given to the wild boar (ancient Hyperborean symbol) by them, was stained with a materialism that the Rig Veda doesn’t possesses neither remotely, where figures as the third of Manifestations of Vishnu in the actual cycle of life or Manvantara. It is as if Druids would have «inverted» the sense of the symbol giving to the wild boar, expression of the Primordial Spiritual Power own of the Regal Function, representing the Updated Temporal Power which is characteristic of the Priestly Function. Above the ancient and, until our days, secret Mystery of the wild boar and the bear there is much to talk about, but we would move away from our theme; let’s better return to the sagas collected by Juvainville.
As it is known, Druids imposed to the Celts the Ogham Alphabet of twenty signs, fifteen consonants and five vowels, called Beth-Luis-Nion, for their first three letters B-L-N.
Well, Dr Siegnagel: the eminent mythologist Robert Graves sustains that the «poem» of Druid Amergin has been deformed in the successive profane transcriptions to occult its esoteric sense, but that the same is originally rela ted not only with the sacred alphabet Beth Luis Noin, but with the Calendar of Tress that Druids also employed. Naturally, to make «coincide» the Song of Amergin with the sacred alphabet, it is necessary to transpose the verses in this form
The wild boar is the animal of Death and the «fall» of the year starts in the month of the wild boar».Druid function remains well resumed in the poem «The spoliations of the
Abyss» where Taliesin says, «I am Bard, I am Guide, and I am Judge». Bard was Druid dedicated to the art and music; the guide was the Ovate, Druid dedica ted to the science; Judge was Druid-dheacht (it means, Druid-sorcerer, magi cian) habilitated by his power to influence over the Celt Kings and impose his law. Notice, Arthur, what strange and contradictory sounds that the legislator
of a people be not a racial member of that people and notwithstanding it is accepted «voluntarily» (?) by them because Druids were not Celts even for all the attempts to falsify history that have been made with this purpose. Perhaps
Letters of the Ogham and Trees of the month:
(B) Beth/ Birch (24-XII 20-I).
(L) Luis/ Wild Ash (21-I 17-II).
(N) Nion/ Ash (18-II 17-III)
(F) Fearn/ Alder (18-III 14-IV).
(S) Saille/ Sallow (15-IV 12-V).
(H) Uath/ Hawthorn (13-V 9-VI).
(D) Duir/ Oak (10-VI7-VII).
(T) Tinne/ Holly (8-VII 4-VIII).
(C) Coll/ Hazel (5-VIII 1-IX).
(M) Muin/ Grape Vine (2-IX 29- IX).
(G) Gort/ Ivy (30-IX 27-X).
(NG) Ngetal/ Reed(28-X 24-XI).
(R) Ruis/ Elderberry (25-XI 22- XII).
December 23.
The Quest for Uncle Kurt
a little light about this could be obtained considering the discovery of Frisian manuscript «Oera Linda». In this document, written with runic inscriptions, is narrated the ancient history of the Frisian People, which seems to be a rem nant of the «Atland», an Atlantean colony situated in the North of Europe, in front of Great Britain some five thousand years ago. It is not about the legen dary Atlantis, mentioned by Plato, which would have existed twelve thousand years before; but like this one, the Atland also succumbed to a cataclysm.
About this part of the Oera Linda, comments Robert Scrutton: «Triuwiden,or Druviden, can be considered the Origin of the word ‘Druids’ whereas ‘Golem’ is another form of ‘galli’ i.e., ‘The Gauls of Phoenicia’». As you can see, Ar thur, this incredible document makes us go back many centuries in the news about Druids –that now would be «Those who don’t have the Truth»– coming now from the Middle East, what confirms the presumption that always existed about their non-Celt origin.
It could be thought that Druids –of such rude opposition against the Hyper borean Gods Tuatha de Danan in Ireland– would organize the defence against the new faith (lunar) which displaced the Celtiberian ancient cult (solar) of the God Beleno (worshiped in Greece as Apollo as well) and the Mother Goddess Belisana.
Nothing of these occurred, due to Druids advised the people to embrace Christianity and become Christians by themselves: Christian Druids? Sages in the occult laws of the material nature; possessors of a demonic secret Science; Do you believe that they would have become Christians subjugated by this religion?
The Professor was looking at me deeply.–Just as you propound things –I responded– these conversions remind me to one of the marranos that’s to say those Jews, who forced to choose between becoming Catholics or die accepting the first, simulating to practice the new faith for years (or centuries if we consider that there are Marranos families that still in our days, live a double life), but conserving the Jewish in secrecy.–Good Dr Siegnagel! –Bellowed the Professor– precisely that was what I was referring to; to a feign conversion as one of the marranos Jews. Suppose you consider the question that I made you before, when I read the text of the Oera Linda that situates Druids as natal from Sidon, in Phoenicia. In that case, you’ll comprehend that there are others suspicious similitudes.
The Professor never stopped surprising me with his acuteness, propounding things in such way that, as in the Greek sophist dialogues, the answers sprou ted spontaneously in the Philosopher interlocutor.
–Yes, – I affirmed, feigning surprise for the consequences that I divined–. The relation results undeniable, Professor: The Jews and Druids came from the Middle East!
I accompanied the commentary assenting eloquently with the head. This gesture stimulated the Professor to go on and, while he sustained vividly in one hand the book «The Mystery of the Templars», he said in convincing tone:
The great celtist Louis Charpentier, the author of this book and decisively defender of the Golems and Templars, confirms it with well-founded inves tigations: Druids take refuge in the Catholic Church. St. Benedict gave the opportunity, character of great wisdom and sanctity who when he founded the
Benedictine Order with a rule, (Ora et Lavora) that exalted the work and ora tion, impulsed the same to the bailout of the of the Greek and Roman Culture, death threatened by the decadence of the Roman Empire, the barbarism, and the incredible ignorance of the Popes
This hypothesis is too big for me; I can assure instead, based on many years of historical investigation, that between these two great Colossus, the Catholic Church and the Synagogue, exists an impious hidden connection to carry out the untold World Power. And that impious connection is given by Druids! Here part of the truth! –The Professor almost screamed, signalizing Draw of the jewel–. But what is this paper? Nothing, not a proof, just a senseless draw found by a student, but that contains the secret of some forces that move the World.
–I believe that I can deduce, starting from such meaningful arguments, that you have responded affirmatively to my query –I said changing of conversa tion and disposed not to reveal anything about the crime of Belicena Villca –.
Should I infer that would exist Druids today?
–My appreciated Dr Siegnagel, that question is perhaps destined to be res ponded by yourself. I’ve given you enough information, and I can only assure you that the historical investigation, unless that another Oera Linda appears or that the Private Library of the Vatican is opened, it would not throw anything new about Druids –he affirmed flatly.
–Why? –I asked, this time with real surprise.
–For a very simple reason, but inexplicable, Dr. Sieg-na-gel –said the Profes sor with irony, almost spelling my German surname–. Because between 1939 and 1945 specialist battalions of the Waffen ᛋᛋ , Elite German Body, emptied Europe of the few documents that existed about Druids.
–All this material has a common characteristic: –he explained– it refers to the «Druids» and the «Druidism». Many of these documents are very secret and have been obtained at a high price: they proceed from all Europe and co rrespond to all the Ages, until today. Is, with security, the complete collection that anyone has ever reunited about Druids.
–But –I exclaimed surprised– Don’t were Druids historic characters already disappeared? You talk as if they still exist!
–I mentioned before the fact that my family, House Tharsis, was obeyed to flee seven centuries ago due to an «Demons’ attack»; well: those «Demons» were Druids, or «Golem», as my ancestors denominated them. And thence forth, their power has never decreased. On the contrary, it could be affirmed that today is stronger than ever. But keep present this, Kurt: if the Führer’s
Strategy triumph we must outbreak against the Golems one of our great eso teric battles, that in Europe are constituted in the main stray of the Synarchy.–But, who are they? Where are they? –I asked astonished.–In the Middle Ages, his center of the action was the Catholic Church –He replied thoughtfully– where, it seems, they were fought fiercely by my family members. After the XIV century, more concretely, subsequently to the des truction of the Order of the Temple that obeyed their inspiration, they stren gthened and spread in the diverse states of the European society. Today there are almost no organizations were the Golems are not infiltrated.
Rudolf Hess had interposed his influence to send me with Konrad Tarstein, whoever he could be, and I was not disposed to defraud him. One hour later, on the train, I read the British Encyclopedia article: was not a lot what the English said about Druids.
«Druidism was the faith of the Celtic inhabitants of Gaul until the time of the Romanization of their country, and of the Celtic popula tion of the British Isles either up to the time of the Romanization of Britain or, in parts remote from Roman influence, up to the period of the introduction of Christianity». From the standpoint of the available sources, the subject presents two distinct fields for inquiry, the first be ing pre-Roman and Roman Gaul, and the second pre-Christian and early Christian Ireland and Pictland. In the present state of knowledge, it is difficult to assess the interrelation of Druidic Paganism».
The story of Kurt von Subermann
«Gaul.- The earliest mention of Druids is reported by Diogenes Laer tius (Vitae, intro., I and 5) and was found in a lost work by a Greek, Sotion of Alexandria, written about 200 B.C., a date when the greater part of Gaul had been Celtic for more than two centuries, and the Greek colonies had been even longer established on the south coast».«The Gallic Druids who Caesar subsequently described were an an cient order of religious officials, for when Sotion wrote they already pos sessed a reputation as philosophers in the outside world. However,
Caesar’s account is the mainspring of present information, and it is an especially valuable document as Caesar’s confidante and friend, the Aeduan noble Divitiacus33, was himself a Druid. Caesar’s description of Druids (Comentarii de bello Gallico, VI) emphasizes their political and judicial functions».
«Although they officiated at sacrifices and taught the philosophy of their religion, they were more than priests; thus, at the annual assem bly of the order near Chartres, it was not to worship nor to sacrifice that the people came from afar, but to present their disputes for lawful trial.
Moreover, it was not only minor quarrels that Druids decided, for their functions included investigating the gravest criminal charges and even intertribal disputes».
–Himmler! I exclaimed, while I suspended the lecture for a moment: Is that the Doctrine of the Führer so influences me, that I see Jews far and wide?
Well, how deny it! Such Judge-Priests with their white ephod seemed for me Levites of pure Hebrew Race–. You’re not wrong! –Affirmed in my mind the Voice of Kiev–. Druids are Hebrew! One day you’ll know the Truth!
I continued reading:
«This, together with the fact they acknowledged the authority of an arch-Druid invested with supreme power, shows that their system was conceived on a national basis and was independent of ordinary intertri bal jealousy; and if to this political advantage is added their influence over educated public opinion as the Leader instructors of the young, and, finally, the formidable religious sanction behind their decrees, it is evident that before the clash with Rome Druids must very largely have controlled the civil administration of Gaul».
This absolute might, as in the peace as in War, this intermediation between the Heaven and Earth, this capacity to «form the people» in all the stratums, this authority to judge and legislate, was not analogous to an Aaron, Joshua, a Samuel, some Levites, it means, such tribe of Israel to whom Jehovah entrus ted the mission to officiate the Cult of the Law? Questions without answer by the moment; but questions that gave the pass to very suggestive intuitions.
Thus, the article followed:«Of Druidism itself, little is said except that Druids taught the im mortality of human soul, maintaining that it passed into other bodies 33 Divitiacus is the same Druid “Viviciano” that Professor Ramirez mentioned in Book Three,
Chapter III.
The Mystery of Belicena Villca
after death. This belief was identified by later the writers, such as Dio dorus Siculus, with the Pythagorean doctrine, but probably incorrect ly, for there is no evidence that Druidic belief included the notion of a chain of successive lives as a means of ethical purification, or that it was governed by a doctrine of moral retribution having the liberation of the soul as the ultimate hope, and this seems to reduce Druidic creed to the level of ordinary religious speculation».
Very contradictory, I thought on the train. It is quite improbable that some Barbarian populaces, as the Celts, be submitted by millions to the religious leading, moral and judicial, of Judge-Priests, retired in the forests, which only sustained a «mere religious common speculation». Something patent had to exhibit Druids, something superior to mere rational speculation, something that for the Celts was the Truth.
«Of the theology of Druidism, Caesar tells us that the Gauls, fo llowing Druidic teaching, claimed descent from a god corresponding with Dis in the Latin pantheon, and it is possible that they regarded him as a Supreme Being; he also adds that they worshipped Mercury, Apollo, Mars, Jupiter and Minerva, and had much the same notion
about these deities as the rest of the world. In short, Caesar’s remark simply that there was nothing in Druidic creed, apart from the doctri ne of immortality, that made their faith extraordinary, so that it may be assumed that Druidism professed all the known tenets of ancient
Celtic religion and that the gods of Druids were the familiar and mul tifarious deities of the Celtic pantheon».Here the English Author of the article exaggerated. Nowhere, before this last paragraph, had said or suggested that Druids were something different to the Celts, except that they «formed an official Order of Priests». But now, clearly, he hinted that were the same that the ancient Celts sustained. Then who were Druids, if they were not Celts? Why would the Celts have changed their Religion after the, now very probable, advent of Druids? Questions wi thout answers. Questions for Konrad Tarstein.
«The philosophy of Druidism does not seem to have survived the test of Roman acquaintance and was doubtless a mixture of astrology and mythical cosmogony. Cicero ( De Divin., I, XLI, 90) says that Divitiacus boasted physiology knowledge, but Pliny decided eventua lly (Natural History, XXX, 13) that the lore of Druids was little else than a bundle of superstitions. Of the religious rites themselves. Pliny (N.H., XVI, 249) has given an impressive account of the ceremony of culling the mistletoe, and Diodorus Siculus (Hist., V, 31, 2-5) descri bes their divinations through the slaughter of a human victim. Caesar having already mentioned the burning alive of men in wicker cages. It is likely that these victims were malefactors, and it is accordingly possible that such sacrifices were rather occasional national purgings than the common practice of Druids». I was wrong, or the Encyclopedia was trying, with subjective argument, to give a good image of Druids murderers? Because one thing is to be an execu-
The story of Kurt von Subermann
unpleasant task but socially necessary, and other very different is to be a Priest of human sacrifice victims: men can justify the executioners, but the executed is guilty of breaking the law; to kill who breaks the common law is commonly comprehensible; but the Priests kill to appease a God of whom they are their representatives, and propitiate a human sacrifice which is usually in comprehensible; only They represent him, and only the God can justify them.
I realized then that, it was treating about a great favor that the English were doing at presenting the crimes of so sinister Priests as natural acts of justice.«The advent of the Romans quickly led to the downfall of Druidic order. The rebellion of Vercingetorix must have ended their intertri bal organization, since some of the tribes held aloof from the conflict or took the Roman side; furthermore, at the beginning of the Chris tian era their cruel practices brought Druids into direct conflict with Rome, and led, finally, to their official suppression».
And the contradictions continued. According to the conviction that the writer expressed on previous screeds, a legalistic people as the Roman, how is that they didn’t comprehend that ritual murders of Druids were positive acts of justice? Or perhaps the narrator, connoisseur of History, was struggling between his duty to expose the real events and an Order of Directives of the Ency clopedia, or of other persons of singular influence, by which was obeyed to exalt Good of
Druidism, very little by the way, and hide the bad, which was a lot, or to sweeten the unconcealed? As you’ll see, neffe, this was the theory of Konrad Tarstein.«At the end of the 1st century their status had sunk to that of mere magicians, and in the 2nd century, there is no reference to them.
However, a poem of Ausonius shows that in the 4th century, there were still people in Gaul who boasted of Druidic descent». «British Isles - There is one mention of Druids in Great Britain as contemporaries of the Gallic clergy, and that is the reference to them by
Tacitus (Annals, XIV, 30) from which it is learned that there were elders of that name in Anglesey in A.D. 61. However, there is no mention of
Druids in the whole of History of Roman England, and it may be ques tioned whether there ever any Druids in the eastern provinces where they had been subjected, before the Roman invasion, to German influence». «On the other hand, there were certainly Druids in Ireland and Scot land, and there is no reason to doubt that the order reaches back in antiquity at least to the 1st or 2nd century B.C.; the word drai (Druid) can only be traced to the 8th-century Irish glosses, but there is a strong tradition current in Irish literature that Druids and their lore (druide cht) were either of an aboriginal or Pictsih origin. As to Wales, apart from Druids’ existence in Anglesey there is little to be said except that the earliest of the bards (the Cynfeirdd) very occasionally called them selves derwyddon».«The Irish Druid was a notable person, figuring in the earliest sagas as prophet teacher and magician; he did not possess, nevertheless, the judicial powers ascribed by Caesar to the Gallic Druids, nor does he seem
The Mystery of Belicena Villca
to have been a member of a national college an arch-Druid at its head».«Further, there is no mention in any of the texts of the Irish Druids presiding at sacrifices, though they are said to have conducted idolatrous worship and to have celebrated funeral and baptismal rites. They are best described as seers who were, for the most part, sycophants of princes».«Origin; Some confusion is avoided if a distinction is made between Druids origin and the origin of Druidism. Of the officials themselves, it seems most likely that their order was purely Celtic, and that it originated in Gaul, perhaps as a result of contact with the developed society of Greece. Still, Druidism, on the other hand, is probably in its simplest terms the pre-Celtic and aboriginal faith of Gaul and the Bri tish Isles that was a posted with little modification by the migrating Celts. Itis easy to understand that this faith might acquire the special distinction of antiquity in remote districts, such as Britain, and this view would explain the belief expressed to Caesar that the discipline of
Druidism was of insular origin».
«The etymology of the word Druid is still doubtful, but the old orthodox view taking ‘Dru’ as a strengthening prefix and ‘uid’ as me aning ‘knowing’, whereby Druid was a very learned man, has been abandoned in favor of a derivation from an oak word. Pliny’s derivation from Greek δρυς is, however, improbable».«A great revival of interest in Druids, largely promulgated by the archaeological theories of Aubrey and Stukeley and by romanticism generally, took place in the 18th and 19th centuries. One outcome of this interest was the invention of neo-Druidism, an extravagant mixture of helio-arkite theology and Welsh bardilore. Another result is that more than one society has professed itself as inheriting the early Druids’ traditional knowledge and faith. However, the United
Ancient Order of Druids, a friendly society founded in the 18th cen tury, makes no such claim). Uncle Kurt had given me an article of the British Encyclopedia, which Tars tein made him read in Germany, 1937. Considering what has been learnt recently with respect to Druids, since they murdered Belicena Villca, and after reading her letter and received the magisterial explanations of Professor Rami rez, is natural that I shared the criterion of Konrad Tarstein, in the sense that such article was exceedingly resumed and ambiguous to justify its inclusion in such prestigious work: the first edition of the British Encyclopedia dated from 1771, for what should be expected that in 1930 they would have collected enough material about Druids as to compose a more expensive and comple te article. But it resulted clear that the English did not desire to deepen in History of some ancient and forgotten Priests, who could kill right now with renewed efficacy.
–In the second visit that I did to Konrad Tarstein –Uncle Kurt remembered– he approved my reasoning and assured me that what happened in the article was the most common fact, and he wanted to warn me about that. Wherefore
The story of Kurt von Subermann
he gave it to me: to advise me that an incredible European conspiracy refused the information or distorted it, with the finality to avoid that unwanted glances could fall about a theme that the most powerful synarchic forces were interested in hiding. And he warned me again of the, by then incomprehensible, circum stance that I constituted the prey that they would propose to hunt.
Finally, neffe; in regard to the information, it was not easy to verify that Tarstein was right and that he did not admit a simple explanation about Drui dic concealment which was effectuated in England. This will become evident if you realize a clarifier comparation. For example, read the article «Druid» in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of La Montaner I Simon, which is edited in Barcelona at the ends of the XIX century, and you will have no doubts that the English publication is affected by strange rickets, although in the Spanish essay is appreciated the same purpose to express a good image of Druids.
Thereupon, Uncle Kurt put in my hands the VII Volume of the Encyclope dic Dictionary, work of 26 volumes that undoubtedly had minor magnitude than the British Encyclopedia. I searched for the article and read:
DRUID (from the lat. Druides; from the Cumbric druiz or deruiz, of dervo, holm oak): Priest of the ancient Gauls and Britons.–Druid: Hist. A lot has been discussed about the etymology of the word druida. The etymologists have attended until to the Hebrew Dic tionaries to see if they could give any idea of it on them. The name Druid is an appellative as the main body of the radical substantives of all the languages. In Gaulish language draoi or druidas means soo thsayer, augur, magician, and druid prophecy and magic. It has been said as well that this word comes from the Greek voice δρυς which means holm oak, because they dwelled and taught their doctrines in the forests, and because, as Pliny the Elder says, they didn’t do sacri fices but at the feet of a holm oak. But this etymology, even having a reason of Antiquity on its favor, is from the time of Pliny, not because it stops being purely whimsical because it is not so natural that Druids were going to take their name from a foreign voice. Others sustain that the word druida comes from the Britannic voice dru or drew, which means holm oak too, and that this comes from the Greek voice δρυς.
Many oriental etymologies presented the most acceptable seem to be the Sanskrit form druwidh, which means poor indigent, because Druids, as all nations Priests, had to make vows of poverty.
The arguments in favor of the oriental origin of Druids are very worthy of being attended, because many writers of the antiquity have accepted it, but not for other reasons. Diogenes Laërtius and Aristotle put Druids and the Chadeans next to the Persian magicians and the Indians, which they share with many writers. The divinity of the Bra hamins has a great similitude with Druidic divinity. The importan ce that Druids conceded to the oxen is another singular coincidence;
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Druidic mysteries also have great analogy with the mysteries of India. In the magic wand of Druids is appreciated the sacred stick of the Brahamins. Both had the same consecrated objects: they used tiaras of colth, and the symbolic circle of Brahma, as the half-moon, symbol of Shiva, were Druidic ornaments. Great was also the analogies between the idea that Druids had of a Supreme Being and which is found in India’s sacred works; so, it does not seem very adventurous to suppose relations amongst Druids and Indian and Persian priests.
According to the Caesar, in his work De Bello Gallico, in whose VI book he treats about the uses and mores of the Gauls and Germans, Drui dic science was invented in Great Britain and thence to the Gaul. Al though, is evident that Gauls dwelled before than Britain and Ireland, is, in rigor, possible that the hierarchic organization of the body of Druids and the system of its doctrine was invented in Britain. However, is it more credible that many Druidic schools existed in the Continent and the isles, and that one or some of Britain’s enjoyed of major celebrity for being complete the instruction that was imparted there. In fact, Caesar does not say that all those who wanted to enter in Druids’ case were obe yed to go and study in Britain, but there went those who were obeyed to receive a complete education. A new proof that Britain was not the main center of Druidic organization, is that their general assemblies were cele brated in a consecrated forest, in the country of the Carnutes, which was considered as the center of the Gaul. It has been believed that this forest was Dreux environs, and that this city took its name from Druids; but his not passes to be a supposition, because the name of Dreux (Duro-Cath or Caz) means a fort nearby a river. In the already quoted book De Bello Gallico, Caesar says that all their men belonged to the Gaul’s elevated classes, figured, already within the nobles, already within Druids.
They were in charge of the people’s religious direction, as for the main interpreters and keepers of the laws. Druids also had power to impose the most severe punishments on those who refused to be sub mitted to their decisions. Amongst the penalties that they could im pose the most feared was the expulsion of the society. Druids didn’t form a hereditary caste, they were exempt of the field service and the payment of taxes and for these exceptions and privileges all the young men of the Gaul aspired to be admitted in the Order. The tests to which a novice had to be subjected sometimes lasted twenty years. All the instruction o Druidic science was communicated orally, but for certain propositions they had a written language, in which they used Greek characters.
The Order’s president, whose charge was elective and lifelong, exer ted over the individuals that formed a supreme authority. Druids tau ght that soul was immortal. Astrology, Geography, Theology and Phy sical Sciences were their favorite studies. The Gauls didn’t do human sacrifices but only very rare cases, and on them, great criminals were
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sacrificed. All that it is known about the religious doctrines taught by Druids is reduced to some fragments found in many works of the anti quity writers, particularly in Caesar, Diodorus Siculus Valerius Maxi mus, Lucan, Cicero, etc. From these fragments result, they believed, as have been said, in the Soul immortality and its existence in another world, not being Death more than the point or moment of separation between two existences. From this belief is natural that would appear one of the rewards and the punishment in the other life, a belief that explains the indomitable courage of the Gauls and their contempt for Death naturally. They taught the position and the movement of the stars and the magnitude of Heaven and Earth. It means that they were dedicated to studying Astronomy and undoubtedly studying the se crets of Nature and Physiology. From this emerged their pretension to possess the science of the Prophecy and Magic.
Their most important study was the theological study, but about the re’s no certain data, is very little known its theological system, because the Greek and Latin writers, at talking about name and functions and attributes of Druidic divinities, they referred them to their own Theo gony; therefore, only can be made conjectures to which the etymologic study can give some probabilities. Caesar says that his main divinity was Mercury, who chaired the Arts, the travels and the Commerce. They were in the order of importance Apollo, Mars, Jupiter and Minerva. Lu can and other writers put at the head of the Gods to Teutates, and after him Hesos, Beleno, Taranis and then Heracles Ogmios. Caesar adds that Druids pretended to descend from Dis, name that translated as meaning Pluton, and for this origin, they reckoned by nights and not by days. The opinion is evidently erroneous. The error appeared from that Dis or Day was amongst the Gauls one of the Supreme Being’s names, to whom they also called Esar or the Eternal and Abais or Aiboll, the infinite. Belenos or Beal or Beas, was one of the names of the Sun, to which they called Ablis or Atheith in Warm as well, and Granius or Grianu the luminous.
Teutates or Tuitheas was the God of fire, Death and destruction. To treat the religious beliefs of the Gaul, it is required to quote the distinguished writer Thirrey. According to him, the religious beliefs of Gauls were referred to two bodies of symbols and superstitions, two re ligions completely different: one very ancient, founded on a polytheism derived from worshipping of the natural phenomenon, and the other Druidism, introduced lately by the immigrants of the Cumbric Race, founded on a material pantheism metaphysical and mysterious. The main divinities of the Celtic populations were the already quoted and Ogmo Ognius, God of the science of eloquence, represented under the fi gure of an old man armed with a mace and a bow, followed by captives subjected by the ears with chains of gold and amber which emerged from God’s mouth. Apart from the main divinities Druids had others divinities already assimilated to Mars, as Camul, Camulus, Segomon, Be laturcadus and Catuix, already to Apollo, as Mogounus and Granus, and
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also other divinities which were the deification of the natural pheno menon, as Tarann, Tarannis, the thunder; Kerk Circius, impetuous wind of the Northeast, or deification of mountains, forests, citites, as Pennin, God of the Alps; Vosege, Vosegins, God of the Vosgos, Ardaena, Arduin na, assimilated to Diana, Goddess of the forests of Ardennes; Nemansus, Vesontis, Luxovia, Nennerius, Bornonia, Damona, local divinities of Nî mes, de Besançon, de Luxeu, de Neris, deBourbon, Lancy. Epona was the protector Goddess of the grooms and the horse trainers.
The people very venerated Druids: they had an austere life and far from the consortium with the rest; they were dressed in a singular way; they usually used a tunic which reached below knee. Provided with the supreme power they imposed the penalties, declared War and made Pea ce; they could depose the judges and even the king, when their actions were opposed to the laws of the State; they had the privilege to name the judges who governed the cities annually, and the kings were not elected without their approval. Caesar says that only the nobles could enter in Druidic order, while Porphyry sustains that was enough with the right of citizenship. Nevertheless, it is difficult to believe that a so powerful body as Druidic admitted on its bosom to individuals who not belonged to a determined caste. Druids formed the first order of the nation; they were the judges in a major part of the public and private matters; they knew all the crimes, the murder, the hereditary issues, the properties, and their sentenced to this penalty were considered infamous and im pious. Everyone, even their relatives abandoned them; all the world ran from them, to not be stained with their contact, and they lost all their civil rights and the protection of the law and the Tribunals. The vene ration given to Druids was so huge, that if they presented themselves between two combatant armies the struggle ceased immediately, and the combatants were submitted to their arbitration.
As was said before, according to the opinion of the writers of the anti quity, Druidical doctrine was not written, it was transmitted orally, and the novices were obeyed to study for twenty years to possess the science.
However, it seems that this affirmation is erroneous and that the error comes from care with which Druids occulted their science to the profane.
With age, the memory is debilitated inevitably, and if they didn’t write anything, would have to result perforce, that, the Leaders, i.e., the oldest ones, would be found inferior to the younger ones in the details of their doctrine. Druids had sacred writing that, according to the tradition, was called Ogham. Thus, is probable that they would have possessed written books with those characters, that perhaps were, as was indicated before, Greek characters, but this does not mean, as some have believed, that they wrote in Greek.
Unfortunately, none of these books has reached the present. Those who escaped from the edicts of the Roman emperors in the Gaul and Britain were destroyed by the first Christian propagandists, by St. Pa trick in Ireland and St. Columbanus in Scotland.
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Druids’ body was divided in many classes: the Druids properly said, the soothsayers, the Sarodinos, the Samothes, the Silures and the Bards. In respect to the last, some authors opine that they must not figure within Druids, and others that Druids were a corporation of ministers dedica ted to religious cult, which preceded Druids’ order of corporation. The
Bards, as well as the Skalds of the Germans, were not but poets added to the Leaders and were in charge to sing the great feats of the heroes, to improvise praises and eulogies, funereal prayers and war cries. Did they also celebrate the mysteries of their religion as the Skalds? The question is not possible to respond, because amongst the songs of the Bards that have been conserved there is none containing anything re lative to the dogmas neither the ceremonies of any religion. The pro phecy was the common attribute of Druids, they were all soothsayers, and there is no reason to divide them by classes, under this aspect, except forth exercise of the different functions that they practiced. The Samothes, word derived from sainch (ecstasy) were the ecstatic and the beholder; the Silures were the introductory or institutes, and they took their name from the realadh, which means teaching, and at last the Sarodinos must not have been an especial class, but it had to be called thus to the Leaders, because the name Sarodinos comes from sar-navidh or sar-nidh, which means very venerable; is then, to be believed that Sarodino was a title and not new class in Druidic order.
There also were Druidesses, either women or daughters of Druids, or simply added to the corporation, because is not possible to admit that Druids would have permitted the exercise of magic, prophecy and priesthood to women who not belonged to Druidic body and were sub mitted to their discipline. And it is indubitable that existed, due to History speaks of the Gaulish vestals of the Isle Sen, soothsayers, and magicians. That foresaw that Aurelius Diocletian would-be emperors, and to Severus Alexander his fatal destiny, were Druidesses. An ins cription found in Metz gives the name Druidess to the priestess Avete
(Druis antistisa).
According to the opinion of Thierry Druidism was already in de cadence before the Age of Caesar. Since some time ago, the nobles on one side and the people on the other, jealous of Druids’ great power, achieved to reduce their political influence gradually.Reynaud, one of the better writers who have studied Druidism, sus tains that the ancient Druids were the first who taught the doctrine of the Soul immortality with great clarity. They had such a perfect concep tion of the real nature of God, as the same Jews. Later they permitted in the cult to other divinities, intending to conciliate Druidism with the ideals professed by the uneducated classes more disposed to believe in se mi-gods and divinities that to conceive a unique God. According to Rey naud, Druidism finally declined and disappeared because it was neces sary for life in every religion: Love or charity. The Christianity gave such element, and Druidism disappeared; but it disappeared after fulfilling an
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important mission: the conservation of the idea of the unity of God is a part of Europe. If this theory, supported in incomplete information, or in reasonings more or less acceptable as to prove amongst the Gauls of some ideas referring to the real nature of God and his relationship with man, which were degenerated later in coarse superstition, if it is true or not, is something that must not be discussed here