Emanationism: Being, "The One"...and the Jew
The whole of the history of thought, of philosophy and of religion orients around a Divine Principle or 'One Being' that is purported to be 'God'; the Absolute; The Supreme Being; that-than-which-nothing greater-can-exist; the Omniscient; the Omnipresent, et.al. What else could this be but the galactic center? (Peryt Shou, "The Mystery of the Central Sun").
This is a consistent idea throughout the history of conceptualizing Reality and thus must be 'reckoned with' or given creedence as a potential reality. In the tradition of the Aryan in its various forms globally, from the earliest kingdom of Egypt with its Amun and Sumeria with its Enlil; through the Brahma of India and the 'Great ultimate' of Daoism-all ancient white societies have subscribed to a henotheistic conception of reality, of Being, in which the Divine Principle exists as the source of all Being if not identical with the sum total of all phenomena within the phenomenal world.
The various god forms, allegorical representations of natural forces correlated with planetary deities in most cases (astrotheology), were never the limitation of the Aryan mind which looked beyond the worldly plane towards the higher dimensions of Being and did not deny 'the world' but simply transcended it, and yet existed within it in a harmonious manner as part of the Divine.
The problem of 'God' arose with the 'fall of man', ie. with miscegenation from the former heights of consciousness of the semi-Divine Hyperboreans during the Golden Age of Hyperborea before the capture of Saturn in his bands of ice (cf. "The Ringmakers of Saturn", Norman Bergrun) to the comparative depth of consciousness that gave rise to the ever increasing involution via mixture and the decreasing vibrational frequency of the aeon to the point of the present Kali Yuga and the point of no return, to the modern 'wigger', the debased and negrified white.
What heralded the Kali Yuga was the trumpet of Zion blowing itself obnoxiously into the ears of the Aryan society through the agency of the mongrelized stock of the jew. In the near eastern understanding of Reality, of the Divine, ie. 'God', was merely a personal affair-only they could understand God owing to their 'special' properties, ill-defined and nebulous traits possessed only by themselves.
Thus they claimed and to this day claim to be the 'children of God' and this 'God' they speak of is claimed to be the Absolute; Supreme Being; that-than-which-nothing-greater-can-exist. Indeed they attempt, in their characteristically supremacistic and despotic fashion-a tendency born of their own defective and mongrelized blood which creates a paranoic fear of the unknown and a self-protectiveness that manifests itself in an egocentric self-obsession with 'safety and security'; 'protection' by a personal father figure deity called 'Yaweh'-to control the world through representing themselves as having a covenant specific to themselves with the sum total, with God. They would take God for themselves even as they are subject to God and the influence that is Him, and proclaim themselves gods in relation to Him/Her as children borne of His/Her womb.
The middle eastern madness than is the imposition of 'God' upon the sum total as mediated by his 'children' is the implied supremacistic claim made by the jews, as means of attempting to reify via this black magic their rule over the earth, their 'dominion mandate' which they claim in their arrogance to have been bestowed upon then by the absolute, scribed in their texts and penned in their own name or the earthly inheritance which was always that of the Aryan, they who were the original Race or species form whom all others emanates via mongrelization with the anthropoids and possibly even genetic engineering (cf. Blavatsky; Max Heindel; Rudolf Steiner; Hermann Weiland; Miguel Serrano, et.al).
The middle eastern madness of judaism was thus formed as a strategem for global conquest and production of all to the status of slaves who are obligated to serve the jews as will-less puppets in order to subsist in their own countries they themselves have created. The infiltration of jewry into other nations presumably always followed the same formula: infiltrate; assimilate (ostensibly); dominate; exterminate, and the elevation of the jew in white societies has always brought about the devolution of society and in many cases the complete erasure of the history and identity of the Aryan creators either through miscegenation or through overt slaughter and rapine.
It was no different in the hellenistic period and in Rome specifically during the time the jewdeo-christian regime has assigned to 'christ', the jewish messiah figure that was presumably invented by themselves as means of softening up the Roman empire for the takeover. The figure of Philo Judaeus worked with the assistance of Julius Ceasar to introduce the judaistic hellenism he had contrived, which merged the jewish created stoicism (constructed by Zeno of Citium, a 'Phoenician', a jew) with Platonism and its variants which existed during this time. He introduced the concept of the Good vs. Evil false dichotomy, portraying Spirit as antagonistic to matter and propounding an ethics of contemplative devolution towards the Divine, resignation and a life destroying and denying death cult borne of his and his tribes' 'world fear' as mongrelized chandala who were incapable of any healthy relationship to Being, were indeed unhealthy organisms who projected out of the consciousness an unhealthy understanding-in reality of misunderstanding-of Being, of Reality at all levels and dimensions.
This is what, in conjunction with the stoicism introduced into Rome and partially Romanized or Aryanized led to neo-Platonism through the figure of Plotinus three hundred years later, an Alexandrian Egyptian mongrel who welded together the Platonism of Greece with the near eastern emanationist philosophy which derived from the mongrel stock of that region.
Following from him Porphyry, another Phoenician jew, moved the goal posts forward and as the Roman empire at the time was saturated with christian dogma presumably introduced by Saul of Tarsus it had assisted in crystallizing Rome's collective consciousness just as christianity had begun to fuse together the disparate stocks which comprised its melting pot of genetic goulash into a distilled product of near-eastern, mediterranean and Aryan elements into the contemporary stock which existed at that time.
Of course the roots of the disease of jewish theology extend even further back in time as Bill White details in his book "The Tradition of the Mother", back to the original formation of their pantheistic creed such as that of the cults of Cybele and of Dionysos, of Set and Asherah.
The origin of 'Yahweh' is written of in White's article "Yahweh Unmasked" and traces it to a syncretism of the mother goddess figure and Baal, her consort. This makes the template of jewish theology not, as most would suspect, that of a violent father deity called 'Yahweh-Jehovah' but in actuality a mother goddess, the Ain Soph Aur (boundless light of nothingness) who is the sum total of Being and who has significance in relation to what one may do in relation to her as a Baal or priestly caste intermediary of the Divine Will, a black magician utilizing the 'astral light' (the Mother) to empower themselves in relation to the sum total, harnessing the magnetism or aether for personal empowerment and the enslavement of others, the 'laiety' or foreign races considered by jews as mere 'animals and excrement' (as stated in the Babylonian Talmud).
Thus can be seen that the jews have hijacked the Supreme Being and have attempted to distort it such that all of that which is, is the creation of their androgynous Father/Mother deity and that all of that which is is thus the property of the jew, the 'world for their inheritance', by virtue of their relationship to God as the 'chosen people'.
The writer concedes his own confusion in relation to the confused syncretism of jewry and related hellenistic, neoplatonic and subsequent renditions of the conceptualization of the Absolute but he affirms that should there be any special relationship between the Absolute and any particular group on the earth it would be based upon a connection between they who exist harmoniously in relation to the Absolute and the Absolute itself.
Clearly those who exist in such a relationship to God are those who are most pure as they are most harmonious in their elements as a distinct being, all elements of their being having existed and sustained themselves organically over time and not being a mere jumbled mixture of chaotic elements, which creates a conditio of chaos and thus can never be godly. Insofar christian identity with its conception of 'broken cisterns' is correct, that only those which are relatively pure can harmonize with God, ie. can exist in a harmonious manner, which the chaotic behavior of the jew bears suggests could never apply to themselves.
Emanationism itself its not necessarily jewish and presumably has its origin in ancient Aryan Babylon (Sumeria?) though it may have its origin at any point on the globe in all Aryan religious formations. In contemporary times there are those who are often associated with the white movement who have affirmed an emanationistic conception of reality and have explicitly declared it not to be pantheistic: Giovanni Gentile, the Italian fascist, in his work "The Theory of Mind as Pure Act" formulated the philosophy of actualism and this is, so far as the writer can understand, echoed in the cosmotheism of William.L.Pierce. Both affirm a Deity though Pierce's doctrine is perhaps overly naturalistic and Gentile's presumably a variety of Catholic philosophy under a fascist label, himself having been a Catholic and having been of a comparatively swarthy mediterranean stock thus casting a shadow of foreign influence over his work.
Nonetheless it is clear that there exists a divide between a Father and Mother Deity at least subsequent to the time of 'christ' and this is expressed in the catholic priest Denis Fahey's work "The Kingdom of Christ and Organized Naturalism". It is clear that jews and freemasons are bound up in a thieves pact of their intended global government though it is unclear whether masonry has not been hijacked and distorted by jews for their own ends though the writer suspects it has been (see the section of this work "Hermeticism/Gnosticism: Jewish or Aryan Origin?").
That most of the 'organized naturalism' of jewish occultism works in tandem with all other forms of occultism that are publicized today even that of the pro-white movement which may be controlled opposition, suggests that either the jews have completely co-opted the original Aryan occultism or that they have merely created an emanation of their own in the form of controlled opposition, all of the pantheistic subsects of prowhite philosophy such as David Lane's naturalism and Ben Klassen's Creativity movement to The Joy of Satan ministries, etc. The tangled skein of the gordion knot of philosophy and esotericism is difficult to unravel and the writer awaits answers that he cannot himself provide.