Taken from different glossaries at the end of some of Don Miguel Serrano's works,
originally compiled in the TDLD forum: by
Adel: First manifest phase of Odin's force or power. This force is also manifested
in Triad. Adel expresses Nobility.
Agartha: Name of the mythical city inhabited by the Siddhas. At the bottom of the
Himalayas, perhaps in the center of the Earth. According to René Guenon, in other
Yugas it was on the surface. Clearly the name derives from Asgart, the mythical
residence of Odin-Wotan, of the Asen and Vanen.
Agarthi: Tibetan name for Agartha.
Ajna: Chakra between the eyebrows, close to the pituitary gland. Its reactivation is
equivalent to the opening of the "third eye" of the Cyclops, to perceive the fourth
Ahnenerbe: Specialized SS institute for research on the origin of ancestors.
Extraordinary research was carried out, the results of which were
are largely unknown. It was investigated in the most varied fields, astrology, magic,
geomancy, ley lines, the Hollow Earth, the Poles, Tibet, the Oasis of warm waters
in Antarctica, the OD force (Odin's), etc. It is believed that the results obtained
were those that led to the construction of the UFO and the atomic bomb, both by
means of implosion, or Antigravitational Science.
Ahoma: Sacred drink of the ancient Aryan Persia, of golden color, involution of the
Soma of the Hyperboreans of blue color, of the Blue Blood.
AION: Cosmic ruler, a God prisoner of the Demiurge.
Akhasa/akâsa: Substance, ether, universal astral light, which preserves the
images (akhasic archive) of all facts in the Universe.
Albedo: Second stage of the opus alchimicum; comes after the Nigredo. It means
Albion: Alchemical-magical name for England: the White Isle of the Dead. A
remnant of Hyperborea. This is why Hitler did not want to invade it.
Amasia-Uxor: The mystical beloved, "of the heart", of the troubadours of the
Langue Doc and the Cathar lords of Occitania. The Magical Beloved.
Ambrosia: Sacred drink of the Greeks.
Amritha: Sacred drink of post-Hyperboric Aryan India.
Anahatha: shakra located in the position of the cardiac plexus, of the heart. The
"heart of Jesus", of Esoteric Christianity. The active shakra in the Piscean Age.
Ana-Perene: Sacred drink of the Romans.
Anticton: The Other Earth of the Greeks, of Pythagoras, of Plato, the First Earth,
behind this one, which is the Second. There everything is opposite and happens
the other way around, there Hitler won the war and Hitlerism has been imposed in
all its esoteric glory.
Ardanasisvara: The Androgynous Shiva, already united to his feminine principle,
to Parvati, his antecosmic Wife.
Armanen: Magician, Odinic Priest, of the ancient Germanic people.
Aryana-baiji: The primordial and polar home of the Aryans, Hyperborea,
"Brotherhood of the Aryans".
Aropa: Golden liquid of the woman's sex, mixed with the spiritual essence of Bundi
(semen), produces immortality.
Asag: The ultimate test of the Tantrism of the Right Hand, of the Occitan
troubadours. It consists of sleeping naked with the A-mada, separated by a sword
and without touching. It was also the test of Tristan.
Asen: Divine ancestor of the Germanic people, then semi-divine, by mixing with
the daughters of men.
Asessin: Muslim mystic-warrior sect, which follows the Iman, or "Old Man of the
Asgart: City of the Asen, today invisible.
Asina or Asin: The woman of the Asen.
Asura: Demonic beings, from ancient Iranian, Persian mythology and tradition. A=
without; sura=God. Ancient equivalent of the Jewish.
Atumaruna: Inhabitants of pre-Hispanic America, in the legendary civilization of
Tiahuanacu. "White face, like the moon".
Avalon: Island or mythical country, in the Celtic legend of King Arthur. There he is
mortally wounded and will be healed by the priestesses magicians, by the Asinas.
Avalon, Aballon, Aba-Alo: Hyperborean region, of the golden apples, where the
Asinas shed tears of amber for the death of the god Apollo-Baldur. It was identified
with the sacred island of Heligoland or Helgoland. We must remember that the
English airplanes were bombing for years this island, a remnant of Hyperborea,
long after the end of the war. They thus demonstrated the Jewish hatred of the
Welches for Hyperborea.
Avatãra: Sanskrit term for the terrestrial incarnation of Vishnú, of a "Liberated
One". In "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatãra", the names of the different incarnations are
Avatar: Incarnation of a divinity.
Avidya: Ignorance, participation in Illusion, according to Indian Samkhya
Bakti: The yoga system that gives preference to devotion.
Baldur: He is the most beautiful and sweetest hero-god of the Nordic-Germanic
mythology. He is treacherously murdered by Loki, who represents the archetype of
betrayal and disloyalty. He has also been crucified in the zodiac, as he appears on
the cover of this book. He will return from Muspelheim, the Inner Earth, only when
"all have shed their last tears". Adolf Hitler also personifies Baldur.
Baphomet: Mysterious key figure of the Templars, with two faces. He would come
to represent Venus, the Morning Star, who is also the Evening Star. Lucifer,
Quetzalcoatl. That the Templars worshipped Venus is proved by their exaltation of
the number eight in their constructions and castles. The eight-pointed Star, which
is also Sleipsnir, the eight-legged Horse.
Bauhulte: Masons, builders of the Stone Age, in the oldest Germanic traditions.
Wise architects of unpolished stone.
Boddhisattva (or Bodhisattva): - The "liberated one" in tantric Buddhism, the one
who at will decides not to enter Nirvana and remains incarnated to help others to
become liberated. The liberated hero who has thus reached the category of
Buddha and, being able to disappear in Nirvana, having left the circle of
reincarnations, that is to say, of the Eternal Return, can never again return to the
prisons of Samsara, of this illusory universe. However, he decides to stay here, in
this world, to help his brothers (comrades-warriors) in misfortune, asleep, prisoners
in the nets of Maya. He voluntarily returns. He is an Avatar. He is Adolf Hitler.
Brahma: First person of the Trilogy of Hinduism, uncreated God. There is also the
Creator Brahma, who is its active Feminine Principle; Shakti, in Tantrism, the
Ancient of Days, the Eternal Paralytic, beyond all, unreachable.
Brahman: Belonging to one of the castes of Hinduism, the priestly.
Buddha: Corresponds to a very high spiritual category, solar, like Kristos for the
Greeks and the Gnostics. Gautama the Buddha was a prince of the warrior caste
Shastriya of northern India. His true doctrine tended to awaken the sleeping Hero,
to free him from the prison of this world.
Bundi: Liquid, male semen, where the maximum cosmic creative power is
concentrated. Its preservation and transmutation, when mixed with the spiritual
essence of the feminine liquid, Aropa, delivers immortality. It should not be
projected outside
to create the son of the flesh, but within, to give life to the Son of Death, the Son of
Caleuche: It is the Ghost Ship of the seas of southern Chile, of the South Pole. Its
crew is composed of the dead heroes, perhaps by the immortal Cinches, by White
Gods, who will always return. Caleu means return, and Che, man. He is the man
who will come, he is Manú. He sails with all his lights on under water, in a deep
esoteric sense he represents Kundalini, the Igneous Serpent, who sleeps and
circulates through the deep waters of the soul, in the submerged continents of
Hyperborea, of Lemuria, of Atlantis, having as his Home and Abode, Asgart, Thule.
In truth, the archaic brain, today unused. It is the legendary Power of Odin; Odyl. It
is the Vril.
Cinche: In Araucanian it would be equivalent to Führer; the "collective soul" of the
Mapuche people, who gives himself to a Toki, Chief, or Guide, voluntarily for that
people, in a moment of crisis, great danger, or war. The spirit of the Cinche takes
possession of the Toki, who will have absolute power over his people of warriors,
but only for a determined period, until the danger has passed, or the war is over.
Cinchecona: The Cinche-Prinzip, the Führer-Prinzip.
City of the Caesars: Equivalent to Asgart, it is the Agartha, the Shamballah of the
Andes of the south of the world, of Chile and Argentina, as Ellellin is of equatorial
America. Mythical city, inhabited by the "White Gods"; in truth, by the
Hyperboreans, by the Vikings, the Templars and the Hitlerists, survivors of the
great historical and planetary catastrophes, in the Inner Earth, in Antichthon. To
this city arrives the Caleuche, under the ice of Antarctica. The City of the Caesars
is, in truth, the Abode of the Caleuche.
Civilization of the Gobi: After the disappearance of the Polar Hyperborea, of
Thule, the first Aryos, the Hyperboreans who are saved from the catastrophe,
migrate with the Swastika Dextrógira, in the direction of the Gobi, green land, of
great forests, at that time, and there they found a great civilization, whose remains
could still be found under the steppes and the sands of the deserts of central Asia.
This civilization also disappears, perhaps by an atomic explosion. The biblical story
of Lot's wife and the Salt Statue refers to this catastrophe. According to Professor
Hermann Wirth, the great emigration of the Gobi, of the Aryan-Gothic peoples who
manage to save themselves from the catastrophe that has transformed those
regions into an arid desert (Gobi Desert), has been stolen and falsified by the
Jews, who were a tribe or caste of sudras, of slaves, who remained on the
periphery of that exodus. They appropriate the myth and the legend (the Twelve
Tribes, the "the
Forty Years of Pilgrimage in the Desert", etc.) by transposing the events to the
deserts of Asia Minor, where they finally arrive, always as a tribe of undesirable
slaves. All this was explained to me personally b y Professor Hermann Wirth, at
our meeting in Germany, some years before his death. He would have written it in
a book whose manuscript was stolen and made to disappear by the great
Conspiracy. I consider this fact a drama as great as the destruction of the Gobi
civilization. His book definitely clarified the true history of the Jews. The manuscript
may now be found in a synagogue or in the Vatican subway.
Chasqui: The courier of the Inka. He traveled enormous distances carrying and
bringing messages, in a regular race, along the Inka Roads, chewing coca leaves.
Chastel-Marveille: Enchanted castle of the magician Klingsor in the poem
"Parzival" by Wolfram von Eschenbach. In this castle, the prisoners were under
hypnosis. It is a reproduction of the Universe of the Demiurge. When Parzival finds
the Gral, the hypnosis disappears and the prisoners are freed.
Manu Code of Laws: Aryan code governing Hindu Vedic society, divided into
Anahata Chakra: Center of energy and "consciousness", in the heart.
Vishuda Chakra: Psychic center of energy and "consciousness", in the larynx.
Dakshinadhara: In Tantric Yoga, it is the so-called Right Hand Path, which
symbolically uses the woman, "platonically".
Das höchste Gefühl: The highest tonality, supreme feeling, supreme tension.
Dasyus or Rakshasas: Demons, negroid inhabitants of the forests of South India.
Ravana, the demon-king of Ceylon, in the epic of the "Ramayana", would have
been a Dasyus. Rama would have been the Aryan conqueror of India inhabited by
the Negroid races, by the "negritos".
Deutscher: German. Nietzsche says that the term was invented by German
converts to Christianity to refer to non-converts. It would mean "pagan".
Devas: Gods of Hinduism.
Dharma: Something like duty, in Sanskrit, to be accepted. The Dharma of a caste,
for example.
Diada: Referring to two, composed of two divinities.
Divya (dwijas or dwifas): The divine man, the divine ones who either remain
outside or penetrate the atmosphere of this lower earth. So are the Vanen and the
Asen, not yet mingled with the "sons" of men. Equivalent to the Devas of Hinduism.
Domna: The Lady, the A-Mada, in the terminology of the troubadours.
Doppelganger: Sosia, double of a person. It is said, for example, that the
Russians found in and around the Berlin Bunker corpses of 14 of Hitler's
"Doppelgangers", all dressed in the same way.
Drwyg Lonog: Lightning of the Druids.
Dropa: First Aryan and white inhabitants of Tibet and also of China. They were
hyperborean giants, blond.
Edda: Set of Nordic and Germanic legends; hyperborean mythology, truncated
and incomplete. Compilation of poems and traditions of the Nordic Aryos, the
Germanic, the Goths, their cosmogony, mythology and legends. It is rather
incomplete and distorted. They were found in Iceland and compiled in their last
version by a Christian priest.
Einherier or Einherjar: Wotan's divine warriors, already released. The Wildes
Heer, or Furious Horde. 800 go out through the 540 gates of Walhalla, at the end of
time, in the Ragnarök, to fight the Wolf Fenrir. 800 x 540 equals 432,000, the years
of duration of the Kaliyuga.
Elementarwesen: Elemental beings, inferior, semi-human.
ER or IR: The primordial force of Hyperborea. The Divinity. From this comes ERMAN Man-God, expressed in the symbol, runically. ER or IR is the rune of the end,
of Death, and MAN is the rune of the beginning, of Life. Thus, ERMAN is a symbol
of Totality, it is a Circle. Herman (or Erman) the Cheruscan, victor of the Roman
Vario, was a Man-God. Ir is the column that in Hyperborea supports the Cycle. Lost
after the sinking of that primordial Continent, it becomes
represented by the IRMINSUL (IR-MINSUL), the sacred tree of the Germans,
which stood in the Externsteiner and was destroyed by Charlemagne.
Erik Epaios: Cosmogonic Eros, the undivided, orphic egg; Phanes.
Eschenbach, Wolfram Von: German troubadour and poet of the "Gral Cycle".
Author of the most important work on this subject: "Parzival". In our book "Adolf
Hitler, the Last Avatar" we have commented it at length.
Esoteric: It comes from the Greek Eisoteo; to enter, to make enter into God, into
Kaivalic state: Of the tantric magician, of the siddha who has attained the
Absolute Personality and permanent separation.
Ewige Wiederkehr: Eternal Return.
Ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen: Eternal return of the same.
Externsteine: Mysterious complex of gigantic rocks, in Westphalia. Its age and
origin are unknown, being a hyperborean construction like Stonehenge. In this
work we reproduce one of the existing faces there. Wotan is also found crucified in
the Iggdrasil Tree, which was destroyed by Charlemagne.
Fedele d'amore: Initiatic sect of northern Italy, to which Dante would have
belonged. By means of a graduated process of "platonic love", or of a poetic
tantrism of the "Right Hand", totalization was reached, the mystical androgyny. One
spoke of a "dead beloved" (Beatriz) and around her memory a whole symbolicmagical ritual was organized. For example, one of the first stages was called
"Industry", consisting of keeping in a small bag of precious brocade some small
garments of the beloved, which became sacred. The beloved would thus come to
represent Sophia, the Shakti, or the Cathar Parakletos, the Holy Spirit, which was
feminine and symbolized by the dove. In a word, the eternal feminine.
Fenrir: It is the sinister Wolf that in the Ragnarök, or "Twilight of the Gods",
devours the Creation and the Gods themselves.
Freija: The wife or female counterpart of Wotan. She is the Keeper of the Magic
Fire, or "Magic Lamp", named Foddick, according to the Frisian Chronicle.
antediluvian. It is also written Frya, the "Mother of the White Race", and forms a
trilogy with Finda and Lyda.
Führer: Ancient Germanic word, of mystic-magical resonance. It comes to
represent the Leader, the Supreme and accepted Guide of the Germanic people, of
the Aryan and Gothic race. He takes command in a moment of great danger or
crisis. He is chosen and accepted voluntarily for a determined time, swearing
allegiance to him until death, until the danger has passed. He is the Führer-Prinzip,
to be respected until death, with absolute loyalty. In this book the embodiment of
the Führer-Principle, in the person of Adolf Hitler, we understand it as the
possession of an individual by the Collective Soul of his race, of his nationality.
Futhark: The set of runes rediscovered by Wotan, crucified for nine nights on the
Iggdrasil tree, after these magical signs were lost with the sinking of Hyperborea.
The name is the result of the reading of the first runes of the set. It is called
"Futhark of Odin".
Garuda: The bird-vehicle of the Aryan God Vishnu, of Hinduism. Similar to the
ravens of Wotan, Mithra and the Inka, or Inca.
Gautama: Name of the Aryan prince of northern India who became Buddha.
Gentile: Name given to non-Jews.
Geomancy: Magical science applicable to terrestrial "centers".
Gerda: Earth, in Old German.
Godi or Goden: Priest of the Goths.
Godo: It comes from Got, God, name with which the Germans, the Asen and the
Vanen called themselves. The Goths of Spain used to call each other Asen.
Götterdämerung: Twilight of the Gods in the "Edda".
Goin: Pejorative name given by Jews to non-Jews. The singular is written goim. In
this Book we have only written it this way, either for the singular or for the plural, for
the sake of simplicity.
Golem: Man-mechanical, robot, manufactured by the rabbi Low, in Prague. In the
alchemist legends of Prague, a rabbi is said to have created an artificial being to
which he gave life by placing a paper in its mouth with some formulas of the
Kabbalah. One day the Golem escaped and began to act on its own. The rabbi had
to destroy it. Gustav Meyrink, in his novel "The Golem", presents it as an "astral
body", which acts autonomously. The stories of Frankenstein, the "Chess Player"
and the term "robot" have their origin in the legend of the Golem, which in turn has
its origin in alchemy and traditional initiation. Meyrink has not been mistaken in
referring it to Paracelsus' "Astral Body".
Gral or Grail: Mysterious object-power spoken of in the poems of the "Gral Cycle",
especially in "Parzival", by Wolfram von Eschenbach, who affirms that it is a
precious stone, fallen from between Lucifer's eyebrows on Earth, in his stellar
combat. It has been Christianized as a Cup, although the "object" would have its
true origin in the Irish legend of the Tuathas of Danan, who arrive on Earth carrying
a Cauldron, a Cup and a Spear. See on this subject my books "The Golden Cord"
and "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar". According to Otto Rhan, it is a Stone where the
Law and Wisdom of the Hyperboreans has been engraved. A Stone fallen from the
Broken Crown of Lucifer, God of Light, in his combat of extraterrestrials. In
Hyperborea and in Plato's Atlantis, the kings engraved on golden tablets
(orichalcum) the Law. The Visigoths, the Merovingians, always carried with them a
treasure, which they saved and hid in their combats and defeats. Also the Cathars.
This is the origin of the legend of the Gral, the Stone of Wisdom and mutations,
sought by the Knights of the Round Table and the Templars. By Christianizing the
myth, the Gral becomes a grail, the cup where Christ drank at the Last Supper and
where Joseph of Arimathea receives the blood from the side of Jesus, flowing from
the wound opened by the spear of Longinus.
Guna: Constitutive principle of matter according to Samkhya philosophy. They are
three, fundamentally.
Guru: Master of yoga in Sanskrit.
Hakrong-Manu: Cavern of the oidor of Manu, in Easter Island. Initiation of the
Hamsa: Mantra corresponding to the Void (Sunya), immediately outside the
physical skull. It means "You are me".
Hangatyr: The cosmic crucified one, hanging on the Cross of the Constellations.
Hapu-Manu: Island of the "Cry of Manu", in Easter Island. Initiation of the ManuTara.
Hesperides: They are the three sisters who took care of the golden apples in the
Garden of the same name, where Hercules stole them.
Mead: Sacred drink of the Germanic people.
Hyperborea: Name given by the Greeks to a continent in the polar north. It means
"beyond the God Boreas, of the Cold and the Storm. Apollo was a Hyperborean
God, who returned to his primordial homeland every certain number of years, to
rejuvenate himself. The Continent would have existed in a time when in the North
Pole the climate was paradisiacal, because the axis of the Earth had not yet
deviated. It was the Golden, Solar Age. A first catastrophe destroys the continent
and changes the terrestrial Axis, it also produces a jump of the poles, so that they
are changed. The Hyperboreans go to the South Pole. Hyperborea can be
Antarctica today. Hörbiger blames the fall of a moon on the earth. Jürgen Spanuth,
to the weight of Halley's Comet, which the Greeks call Phaeton. The seasons
come, the weather changes. But not all Hyperborea succumbs, remnants remain.
The Greeks and the Platonic legend about Atlantis will refer to them. The remains
of Hyperborea disappear in gradual and successive catastrophes, through ages.
The Hyperboreans have already submerged in the Secret cities of the Himalayas
and the Andes, and in the Hollow, Inner Earth; they have also departed to other
celestial and "parallel" worlds in their antigravitational, orichalcum vehicles, the
Vimanas, the Astras of the Mahabharata, of the Ramayana and of Homer. The
Hyperboreans were divine beings, coming from other stars. Irmin, Poseidon,
Apollo, Atlas, Lucifer, Abraxas, Quetzalcoatl, Allouine, Arge Opis, Avris, were
hyperboreans. They possessed the Power of the Vril, or IR, which allowed them to
collaborate in the creation of the worlds. Women were the Shakti, active and
creative, then, Priestesses of magical Love and of the Return to the Primordial
Age, to the Nuptial Homeland, already lost. Esoteric Hitlerism intended the Return
to Hyperborea and to the Solar Age of the Man-God. By means of a different,
recovered science, Hitler would try to straighten the Earth Axis and return the
Golden Age, thus putting an end to the Kaliyuga. Nietzsche says: "Let us look at
ourselves from the front, we are hyperboreans". And then, in his "Antichrist", he
quotes Pindaro: "We are hyperboreans". he quotes Pindaro: "Neither by sea, nor
by land, will you find the path that leads to the region of the Hyperboreans".
Hiranyagarbha-Kabda: The Aryan Kabbalah.
Hohe Stimmung: High tension, highest feeling, euphoria.
Howen: Divine beings, forces of nature, corresponding to the Devas, in the
mythology of the Selknam and the Onas of Tierra del Fuego.
Huaiyuhuen: Something like the Lingasarira, Astral Body, of the Jon magicians of
the Land of Fire. Only these magicians possess it and it is an immortal body, which
does not perish with the death of the denser physical body.
Hvareno: Power, Energy or Force that was lost with the mixing and sinking of the
Primordial Continent.
lcchacuddi: Tantric practice to conquer the absolute will.
Ida: Subtle psychic channel running to the right of the Invisible Spine.
Iggdrasil: The Sacred Tree, in the Eddas.
Imam: Charismatic personage in Islamic esotericism.
Industry: The Fedele d`Amore's job was to keep some garments of the missing AMada in a small bag or wrapper, which they always carried with them.
Irmin: The Supreme Being of Hyperborea.
Irminsul: The Sacred Tree of the Germanic people, an ash tree, or an oak, the
"Tree of Fright". It is also the Iggdrasil on which Wotan crucified himself, remaining
there for nine nights, until he found again the liberating runes, or the Power (IR, Irminsul) that was lost with the mixture and the sinking of Hyperborea. The Irminsul
was in the Externsteine. From the voluntary torture of Wotan, from his crucifixion,
Christians have plagiarized the crucifixion of Jesus.
lsvara-Siva: The Creator Siva, the Feminine Power, creator of Siva, in Tantra:
Jivanmukti: Liberated Man. Jivan is Sanskrit for man.
Jon: Powerful magician of the Selknam. He does not die because he has no soul,
but Huaiyuhuen. That is, his soul is immortal. Curiously, there is a Frisian sea king
named Jon, who disappears with all his crew, just as there is another Frisian king
named Inka, who also disappears in the direction of the Selknam.
West, that is to say, of our America. He was in search of the remains of the
submerged Atlantis, or Atland.
Kahal: Jewish organization that controls and imparts disciplinary and action orders
to its members, by sectors, cities and countries. Soviet communism was organized
on the model of the Jewish Kahal.
Kailas: Sacred mountain of the Transhimalayas. At its summit is the abode of
Shiva and his wife Parvati. For the Lamaist Buddhists it is the residence of Buddha.
The Kailas is the visible presence of Mount Meru, the invisible one.
Kairos: Inspiration for the Greeks, "the right moment".
Kaivalya: Deep trance or tantric ecstasy of tantric magicians and siddhas, different
and opposite to the samadhi of Vedantic devotional yoga and the ecstasy of the
Saint; instead of uniting and merging with the divinity, it separates forever, reaching
the Absolute Personality, the Superman. The self is reaffirmed, reaching the
Absolute Self. In Samadhi, on the other hand, the self is lost, merging in the
impersonal, in the One. This is what propitiates the Demiurge.
Kali: The female counterpart of the Destroyer Shiva. Goddess of Destruction,
Kaliyuga: Dark Age of Destruction, of Iron, the present, the Age of Kali, the Black
Goddess of destruction and crime; the Iron Age of the Greeks.
Kalki: Avatar of Visnu, He will come to close the Kaliyuga, or Darkest Epoch, of the
Iron. He will come to judge, to pass a Rechnung, an account, to present a balance
of those who will pass to the New Spiritualized Earth. He will appear riding a White
Horse, like Santiago at the Battle of Clavijas. In truth, he is Apollo, he is also
Lucifer, the God of Light and Beauty, the Great Defeated in the Kaliyuga, who
returns triumphant at the end of it, he is Odin or Wotan, at the command of his
heroes, of his Orda Furiosa, the Wildes Heer, the Last Battalion. Christ is also
made to return at the Last Judgment, incorporating the recurring Archetype of
Aryan Hinduism: Kalki, the God Visnu, who will come on a White Horse. Linge, the
SS, Hitler's assistant, who remained with him until the end in the Berlin Bunker,
tells us that, when asked, shortly before his disappearance: "And now, my Führer,
for whom shall we fight?" Hitler answered: "For the One who will come". For the
last Avatar who will close this dreadful Epoch, this Yuga; in truth, Himself, who
returns. After the Dance of Shiva's Destruction, in the Eternal Return, Visnu, the
Preserver, comes to confirm the "names" and "forms" of a New Age. The name
and the form of the Superman. He is the Last Avatãra; he appears to the
end of the Kaliyuga, riding a White Horse and with a flaming sword in his hand.
According to the Hindus he is an incarnation of Vishnu; according to Hitlerism he is
Wotan on his eight-legged horse Sleipnir. He comes to judge, according to the
Hindus; to fight the Last Battle with the Last Battalion, with the Furious Horde of the
Führer, according to Hitlerism. From this mythology the Christians have taken the
return of Jesus Christ, at the end of time, in the Last Judgment, and also the
Apostle Santiago on a White Horse.
Kalpa: Cosmic age composed of fourteen manvantaras. Division of cosmic time in
Hinduism. It corresponds to the Great Day of Brahma and is subdivided into
Manvantãras and Yugas.
Karma: Psychic law that forces to reincarnate, destiny, pre- and post-natal. A kind
of esoteric law of cause and effect, to explain a situation within the reincarnations.
Each being will suffer or enjoy in a given reincarnation as a consequence of his
action in the preceding reincarnation.
Kazar or Khazar: Corresponding to a nomadic tribe between the Urals and the
Volga, which was established as a power in the steppes in the V to XIII centuries,
and which adopted Judaism. Little is known of its existence today, even though it
has been the only "Jewish" Empire in all of history. It is not convenient for the Jews
that it is known that there have been converts to a religion that they consider
exclusively "of blood". It does not suit them, above all, that it is known that most of
the "Jews" of Russia, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania and others, are
not Jews of blood but descendants of the Kazars, who originally could have been
Mongols and even Goths.
Kaula: Very hermetic tantric sect.
Klingsor: Wizard of the "Arthurian Cycle" and of Gen.
Kohau-Rongo-Rongo: Wise men who knew the language of the Rongo-Rongo
tablets, from Easter Island.
Kontiki (Viracocha): God, Divine Being, or Divine Guide of the Inkas and prior to
them. He would escape from the destruction of Tiahuanacu going by sea to Easter
Island. A "White God", a Viking according to De Mahieu. A hyperborean.
Krishna: Divinity, hero of Hinduism. His saga, or legend, is similar in its infancy to
that of Jesus, having been plagiarized by Christians.
Kronos (Saturn): Time, according to the Greeks. He is an Aion prisoner of the
Demiurge, from whom the latter draws his energy to maintain the Eternal Return.
Kula: Circle of the adepts and initiates in the secret practices of kaula tantra.
Kundalini: Serpentine energy, which sleeps at the base of the psychic, astral
spine. Awakening it puts into action the virtuality of the chakras, or centers of
"different consciousness", to reach the Total Man, the Superman. This is the
purpose of Tantric Yoga. Sanskrit term to name a mysterious power, which would
be found "coiled", in potency, at the base of the Psychic Spine, invisible, around
the Swadisthana shakra; that is, at the roots of the Sacred Tree Iggdrasil, or
Irminsul. It is thus like a Serpent of Fire, the Serpent of the Tree of Paradise, which
delivers the wisdom of the stars, the golden apples, and it is Lucifer, it is Shiva, the
Lord of Yoga (Union) and of wisdom. I believe that it is the power of Odil, which
was lost with the mixture and the synchronistic sinking of Hyperborea, the power to
integrate and disintegrate. Sex and Bundi (semen) are a tiny manifestation of this
Power, which has been diverted to the external.
Lapis: Lapis alchimicum, Stone. The quintessence (five, the hyperborean number)
the Philosopher's Stone. Lucifer, the Morning Star.
Lapsit-Electris: Name given by Wolfram von Eschenbach to the Gral, "Electric
Stone", fallen from heaven, from Lucifer's forehead, from his Crown. It could mean
the "Third Eye", the lost, frontal Power, that Ray with which Shiva pulverized the
Demon Smara, on the summit of Mount Kailas. In a word, the "Ancient Brain",
submerged with the sinking of Hyperborea, after the appearance of the New
Continent, of the cerebral cortex.
Lilith: She is the Wife of Lucifer and the first companion of Adam, before Eve
(because Adam, in a way, is also Lucifer). Lilith has become a Widow, with the
Mystical Death of Lucifer. Parzival was a "Son of the Widow", that is to say, a
Luciferian initiate who sought the Lapsit-electris, the Stone (of Emerald, Stone of
Venus) the Gral detached from the forehead -or from the Crown- of Lucifer, in his
stellar combat. Lilith is sterile, she has no children of the flesh, therefore Parzival,
the Son of the Widow, is a "Son of Man", of Lucifer; he is the astral body, the
Lingasarira. Lilith, in the legend, kills the children of the flesh just as Medea did
with the children of Jason. Lilith is the Eternal Feminine "that leads to heaven", she
is the A-Mada, as opposed to the earthly, reproductive woman, Eve.
Ley Lines: Magnetic lines, subway, invisible, that run through the planet Earth and
whose knowledge was used by the archaic men of prehistory to obtain supreme
powers and keep the earth healthy and safe from self-destructive cataclysms. The
loss of this knowledge through "racial sin" led to the collapse of Hyperborea,
Lemuria and Atlantis. These "Lines" still exist and the knowledge could be
recovered. The Hitlerists reconstructed
Wewelsburg, in connection with the Externsteine and other sacred centers of Nazi
esotericism, taking into account the Ley Lines.
Lingasarira: "Astral Body", tantric term.
Lucibel: Name given by the Cathars to Lucifer; the Most Beautiful Light.
Lucifer: One of the names given to Venus, double morning star. It is also
Quetzalcoatl and it is Wotan and it is Baldur. A hero, or a liberated one, who would
have come to fix himself voluntarily in the sky, like a star, to help the initiated
heroes, who here on Earth and elsewhere in the firmament fight the Demiurge. It is
a distinct, insinuating light, which appears before and after the Golden Sun,
prisoner of the Demiurge. Lucifer, the Morning Star, has nothing to do with the
Demiurge and is "an example to live and die", as Otto Rahn said. He lost a
Celestial War to win it later as the Last Avatar. He is there, voluntarily crucified,
motionless and waiting for us to make his vindication possible with our combat.
Maithuna: Magical intercourse practiced in the Tantrism of the Left Hand and
consists in retaining in extremis the ejaculation of semen (Bundi). Its practice
should be directed to the awakening of Kundalini and actualization of all the
shakras until "opening" the "Third Eye" between the eyebrows (crystallized in the
pineal gland). That is to say, the ejaculation will be inward (implosive) to procreate
the "Son of Man", which is, in property, the Astral Body. Correctly it would seem
that the Maithuna should be practiced only once with a tantric priestess, and at the
end of the process of this initiation. See my book "ELELLA, Book of Magical Love".
Mandala: Tibetan painting, circular. In its contemplation the mind is concentrated.
It symbolizes the Selbst, the center of the person, the Self. Also the Eternal Return,
the reincarnation within the fatal Circle. In some of them the magical "exit" would
be signaled, inward and outward, "synchronistically". Its intense contemplation can
transport to the center of the person, precisely.
Manipura: shakra in the position of the solar plexus, represents fire, its mantra is
RAM, the Ram, the Golden Fleece. In this shakra the three paths of Ida, Pingala
and Susumna meet, also the three Nietzschean paths, being its Rock of Eternal
Return, in the Noon of Revelation. From here upwards there are no more roads,
"the path is made by walking", being able to reach the "exit", the Liberation. The
terrestrial zone that would correspond to this shakra is in the ancient Tiahuanacu.
Mantra: Magical-liturgical sound, a word used in Sanskrit to produce external and
internal effects. In truth, snippet, fragment of the Orphic Cabala, of the language of
Atlantis and Hyperborea. It is generally accompanied by a sign, also magical:
Mudra. Hypnotic, ritual sound. Notes of Orphic music, each corresponding to
spiritual and psychic centers. They are related to the shakras of the body of man
and the body of the Universe. The mantra OM (spelled AUM) represents and
symbolizes the totality (God), since it is pronounced with the larynx, the palate, the
tongue and the lips, it involves all the human sound instruments.
Männerbunde: Ancient organization of Germanic warriors.
Manu: Archetypal guide of a race, governing a whole Era. The man-root, founder
of a race, of a humanity, at the beginning of a new cycle; he is the Lawgiver (hence
"The Code of Laws of Manu", from India). The Manutara, of Easter Island, comes
to represent the culmination of a race of men-heroes who, starting from Manu,
reached the totality of Manu-Tara; that is, the integration with the feminine
opposite, with Tara, who is a Goddess of Tibetan tantrism, the same Parvati, the
wife of Shiva.
Manutara: It is the mythical bird of Easter Island, from Te-Pito-0-Te-Henua. Manu
is the Root-Man and Tara is a Tibetan Goddess. Thus, Manu-Tara is the
Androgynous, the Total-Man (See the chapter of this book "The Initiation of
Manvantara: A cosmic age composed of four yugas. Hindu division of time within
the "Day of Brahma", within a Kalpa which is subdivided into several Manvantaras,
just as a Manvantara is subdivided into Yugas.
Maya: The phantasmagoria of the forms of creation. Illusion, according to Vedanta
philosophy. Potency, Power, according to Tantra. Will to Power, according to
Nietzsche. Sanskrit word that means illusion and that refers to the events of life,
which would be illusory; if one manages to disengage from them, passing beyond
them, one could reach the true, immobile, eternal reality. Maya is the world of the
Demiurge, which imprisons the divine in its nets. However, the Hitlerists believe
that it is not possible to defeat Maya by isolating oneself, by turning away, by
disengaging oneself from the processes of the demiurgic world, but by fighting from
within, until one succeeds in shattering the net with a Sword, undoing it from the
center. It is the heroic combat for liberation.
Melimoyu: Sacred mountain in the extreme south of Chile, antipode or counterpart
of Kailas, to which it is united by the Ley Lines. Meli, in Mapuche means four and
Moyu, udders; two were destroyed in an ancient earthquake, leaving only the other
two, like the horns of a Viking helmet, as the inverted Rune UR ( ); that is, the
Rune Ru ( ), of the Hitlerian Futhark, symbolizing Manu, the "Man who will
come", whose true name will be, therefore, Unam.
Akasika Memory: Cosmic memory. All the events of the Universe are transmitted
by the Light, remaining as imprinted in the substance, or ether, of Akãsa.
Metempsychosis: More than reincarnation it would be transmigration, being able
to be reincarnated even in animals.
Minne: It is the opposite of Liebe. A-mor is the opposite of profane love. A-mor
means: without death. The Minnesänger, by means of A-mor, reached immortality.
A whole initiation, with its trials and stages, like that of the Cathar troubadours of
Occitania and the Fedele d`Amore, of northern Italy, to which Dante belonged.
Minnesänger: Germanic troubadours who sang the Minne, the A-mor.
Mitgard: The City or Garden of the Aryans, of the Asen. Central mythical and
paradisiacal, terrestrial point. Today in the Inner Earth.
Mohai: Mysterious stone statues that were built on Easter Island. Strange,
because it is unknown who built them, how they were built and moved, who they
represented and what was their purpose? The island tradition assures that they
moved by themselves. We should remember what Hindu tradition tells us about the
Vimanas (UFOs), which were made of stone and flew, and what I experienced at
Stonehenge. It could be that those Mohai, under certain circumstances, levitated,
under the influence and power of the Hyperborean magicians, who on Easter
Island were called the "Long Ears" and who were exterminated by the "Short Ears".
It is believed that they were not exterminated, but that they are the Mohai and only
sleep, waiting for the reappearance of the submerged continent of Lemuria, of
Moksha: Liberation (from the Circle?).
Monad: Ontological entity from which the person is detached, and to which it
returns, if it fails to transmute into Personality. It is a Western philosophical term.
The Hindu term is Purusha.
Mudra: Sign made with the fingers, magical, liturgical and symbolic. It has its
equivalence, combined with the mantra, in the sound. Both are remnants of a
cosmic language, that of the Atlantean and Hyperborean divines, like the Nordic
Muladhara: root shakra, at the base of the Iggdrasil tree, of the psychic spine of
the initiate. There sleeps coiled the luminous Serpent Kundalini, represented by the
rune Sieg ( ); its mantra is LAM and it is awakened by the orphic sound KLIM.
This igneous serpent, also called Quetzalcoatl, Abraxas, ascends vertiginously
through the three Nadis: Ida, Pingala and Susumna, producing the marriage of Ida
and Pingala (Yan and Yin) on the altar, the temple of
Susumna, in the Manipura shakra, which is represented in Hinduism by the
Sangham, or meeting point of the three sacred rivers: Ganges, Jumna and
Swarasati, the first two are visible and the third invisible, starting from the head of
Shiva at the top of Mount Kailas. The Sangham has its magical and terrestrial
geographical point in the Indian city of Allahabad, near Benares, the point of
confluence of the two visible rivers and the invisible one. Every few years,
depending on the constellations and astrological confluences, a Khunmela, or
gathering of Hindus from all over the Subcontinent, is held there to bathe in the
sacred waters. In the magical symbology of the south of the world, the
geographical point corresponding to the Muladara shakra is San Pedro de
This shakra means Earth 卐 and its animal is the Black Elephant.
Nataraja: Dancing Siva in the middle of a circle of fire. It would also symbolize
destruction and creation. The Power, the Power, dancing in the Universe, the Sun
in the center of the planets. It is a solar myth.
Nirvana: The supreme state for Buddhism, perhaps the "exit" from the Circle.
Never defined by Buddha.
Nivrttimarga: Formless, instant before and after a State in Form.
Odin: The Germanic God, Odin or Wotan, inspirer and protector of the poets, also
God of the Wind, of the Hurricane. He gallops on his horse Sleipnir, with eight legs,
like the eight points of the Morning Star, also called Lucifer; four legs gallop on this
earth and four in the Beyond. Odin has only one eye, for the other he plucked out
himself. It is a symbol of the ancient vision, of the so-called "Third Eye". The Power
of Odin is expressed here in the Trilogy of Adel, Odal and Odil. This Power, or
Force, has also been called Urna, Hvareno and Vril. The Power is lost with the
mixture of interbreeding and the synchronistic destruction of the Polar Hyperborea.
It can thus be understood that the Hyperboreans, in pure state, were all Odin; or, if
you will, Odin was one more Hyperborean, a Man-God, become God, when the
divine Hyperboreans, the Divyas, become Vîras, and involute into man. Odin, as
Wotan, after the loss of the Power and of Hyperborea, crucifies himself on the
Iggdrasil Tree and remains there for nine nights, until he recovers the Runes, the
Lost Power. He gives them to the Vira-Heroes.
so that they may regain divinity, be reborn and immortalized: become Odin again.
In this book we have spoken of the crucifixion on the Tree of the Psychic Spine
itself to regain the power of Adel, Odal, Odil. The symbolic crucifixion of Wotan in
the Iggdrasil, or Irminsul, is extraordinarily represented in the rocks of the
Externsteiner, The Jewish Christianity has taken from here the crucifixion of Jesus
and has falsified everything.
Padmasanbhava: He is the Hindu master or Guru who introduces Buddhism in
Tibet. It will be Tantric Buddhism. Thus a people that was essentially warrior and
whose religion, the Bo, had many points of contact with Japanese Shintoism, is
softened and sweetened. They used the Levira Swastika, the same as Hitlerism.
This people kept their Indian and Chinese neighbors in check. The Tibetans were
also descended from the white Dropas, before interbreeding with the Mongols. It is
quite possible that Padmasambhava was also a Beni-Israel Jew, as perhaps
Shankaracharia and other preachers of fusion with the One and of pacifism.
Panchatattva: Very advanced practice of tantra, reserved for kaula initiates. The
tattvas are something like the gunas of Samkhya philosophy, fundamental
components of matter, or substance. There are pure and impure tattvas. Pancha
means five.
Paradesha: "High Place", in the Mountain of the Pole, from where "Highness"
comes from. Once lost, it is Paradise. From here the Christians take their "Earthly
Paradise", their "Paradise Lost".
Parakletos: The Third Person, in a Trilogy taken from Gnosticism. For the
Cathars, Parakletos was feminine and they represented him in the Dove. Catholics
make him appear as the "Holy Spirit".
Para-Shakti: The Shakti prior to Creation, the feminine, negative aspect, which is
not yet detached from Parama-Siva.
Parama-Siva: The Siva prior to Creation, immobile, unchanged.
Pasu: Lower man; the animal-man, the sudra, Elementarwesen, elemental beings,
in Germanic mythology and in the Edda.
Pantajali: Believe to be the founder of traditional Yoga with the famous aphorisms
of his Yoga, based on the dualistic Samkhya philosophy.
Phanes: The cosmogonic Eros, Erikepaios.
Pingala: The spiritual, psychic channel of the Invisible Spine, one of the paths also
traveled by Kundalini, the "Sleeping Beauty".
Prakriti: Matter, inert, heavy principle, opposed to Purusha, the spirit person,
according to Samkhya dualism.
Pravrttimarga: Name and form, determined, fixed creation, periclitated civilization,
norm, law, fixation of the Will to Power, according to Nietzsche, Stop on the way,
obstacle in the Circle of Eternal Return.
Purusha: Monad, ultimate personalized entity, according to Samkhya philosophy,
separate, separate, opposed to the inert principle of the first matter, Prakriti. The
Self, the Nietzschean Selbst. Purushic state would be the permanence centered in
the Selbst, in the Self, the Absolute Personality, when it is reached with
consciousness (with the "Face of the Beloved" imprinted in the soul, as it is said in
my book "NOS. Book of Resurrection"). The Superman. It would be equivalent to
the Orphic Egg, androgynous, precosmogonic; it is also the Selbst and the Monad,
the entity that splits and divides. Sanskrit term, used by the dualistic Hindu
philosophy from which Patangali yoga derives.
Quanyip: According to the Selknam mythology of Tierra del Fuego, described by
Martin Gusinde, is a Luciferian mythical being that brings death among the
immortal Howen. The Christian priest Martin Gusinde, naturally, has Christianized
a hitherto unknown mythology and surely extraordinary, for having an Antarcticpolar origin.
Quenos: God of the Selknam.
Quetzalcoatl: He is known as the God-Guide of the Toltecs, who would have left
Mexico during the Aztecs, when he could not convince them to abandon human
and bloody sacrifices. He is a white and bearded God, who is also called "The
Feathered Serpent". According to De Mahieu, he was a Viking conqueror, founder
of the Mayan and Toltec civilizations, who later descended to Tiahuanacu. It is
possible that the "Feathered Serpent" has to do with the Drakars, or Viking ships,
which had dragons carved on the bow masks, and shields on the port and
starboard sides, which glittered like gold or fire in the sunlight. Quetzalcoatl is like
Wotan or Odin, a white, hyperborean, semi-divine hero, who arrived in these lands
thousands of years ago. It is a generic name
for the White Gods of America, as well as Kontiki-Viracocha, Mama-Ocl and others.
Ragnarök: Twilight of the Gods of the Edda, where even the Gods die, devoured
by the Wolf Fenrir. In the New Day of the Eternal Return, the Golden Age,
Hyperborea and Paradesha will be reborn and resurge.
Ramakrishna: Hindu mystic of northern India, from Bengal, also sought and
preached absorption in the One, in Samadhi or ecstasy, with the "Loss of self".
Ramana-Maharchi: South Indian mystic, sought and preached reabsorption into
the One.
Green Ray: Beyond the Black Sun (of the "Black Holes") the Green Ray would
appear, a situation impossible to explain, non-existent for those of us who are here,
but more real than any reality. In "that world" would reside the highest Guides,
inspirers and supporters of Esoteric Hitlerism. There also, at times, is Adolf Hitler,
being able to return, without our seeing or knowing it. However, from there he will
come, as the last Avatar, with his Last Battalion, to fight the last combat and
destroy his enemies. The Green Ray is beyond all. For those who are able to cross
through the Implosion of the Black Sun, with the Levira Swastika, "It" looks like a
Green Ray.
Rhea: Goddess of Greco-Roman mythology who, with Saturn, ruled a Solar Age.
Rechnung: Account, balance sheet.
Reincarnation: Semitraditional concept, conflicting in our opinion, because,
contrary to what one may think, there is not always the same interpretation of what
it really means. In India, for example, there are those who assure that it is possible
to reincarnate as a man or as a woman, indistinctly. There are those who believe in
the transmigration in animals and there are those who maintain an evolutionist
conception, affirming that the spirit and even the ego would come ascending from
the incarnation in the mineral, the vegetable, the animal and the man, not to stop
here, being able to ascend until the invisible and divine beings. It enters to play a
preponderant role what the Hindus call Karma. Thanks to a law of spiritual cause
and effect, one would descend or ascend in the reincarnations. That is to say, what
one does here today will be fundamental for the next reincarnation. Those who
believe this say that the christic sentences "the
He who kills with iron dies with iron" and "in what has this man sinned who was
born blind?", they are referring to Karma and reincarnation.
Now, the conception of esoteric Hitlerism is different from the above. We again
refer the reader to the chapter of this work "Eternal Return and Reincarnation". We
maintain that Buddha did not refer to reincarnation but to the "eternal return". And
this because he never spoke of a soul. And only in the Eternal Return is it possible
to "reincarnate", even without having a soul. Moreover, we affirm that the soul and
the body are one and the same thing, that nothing survives physical death if we
have not been able to resurrect the soul, that is, to subtilize the body, to transmute
it into a soul, dying voluntarily, killing it, in mystical death, disintegrating it, in a
word, transforming it into the soul, into the subtle body that it was before
crystallizing definitively in the demiurgic body of the present. And clothing this
"soul" or subtleized body (the "glorious body" of Esoteric Kristianism) with that red
matter, "hard as diamond", immortal, though invisible to the eyes of this flesh, of
Vâjra. We have said in this book that within the demiurgic Saturnian (SaturnKronos) prison of the Eternal Return, there is possibly the virtuality of a certain
number of reincarnations. That is to say, that an archetypal story, acquiring the
character of legend and myth, comes to be repeated in different times, with
different customs, clothing, costumes, architectures and landscapes, which, in
some mysterious way, would alter the concept of "Return of the Same",
precipitating or facilitating in a strange way the escape, or the exit. We would like to
refer to a very strange event, which is also alluded to in some Himalayan yogas
and Tantric lamas of Tibet, having to do with the Tulku phenomenon: Another
Being, subtilized, instead of "shaping" again his matter-soul, introduces himself into
the body of someone to live experiences that will not be totally alien to him, since
he "induces" them. Thus, in these exceptional cases, the one who is here is not
living his own life, even if he believes it, because he is being possessed.
It is also possible that these two bodies are really only one. For the fact that the
physical body has not yet been completely subtilized and that "other", which
"enters" it, is the part that has been subtilized so far, which enters and leaves.
What Paracelsus called "Astral Body" and the Tantrics, Lingasarira.
Rishi: Aryan-Hindu sage, from the Vedic period; means: "the one who Sees".
Rongo-Rongo: Tablets from Easter Island, written in a language impossible to
decipher so far; those who knew it were the "Orejones", annihilated by the Great
Conspiracy (See my book "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar").
Rubedo: The last stage of the opus alchimicum, after the Nigredo and the Albedo,
when the officiant manages to immortalize himself with his body, in an immortal
"red matter", called Vâjra, in Sanskrit.
Rune: Ancient Nordic-Germanic writing. It has several meanings, one external, of
alphabet, and another secret and magical sign. From the runes derives the writing
of the Philistines, from which in turn comes that of the Phoenicians, according to
Jürgen Spanuth, both Aryan, Nordic peoples, descendants of the Hyperboreans.
Jacques de Mahieu has found the runes in our South America, indicating that the
Hyperboreans, the Atlanteans, first, and then the Vikings were also here. These
are the White Gods and the giants of the American legend, the true ancestors of
some of ours. Composed of magical signs, whose knowledge and power has been
lost even though Wotan recovered them after the disappearance of Hyperborea. It
is with the power of these signs that the Hyperboreans kept the moons fixed in the
firmament, preventing them from falling on the earth, and it is with this same power
that the magicians of the Stone Age mobilized the menirs and dolmens, and the
"Orejones" made the Mohai march.
Runenlauteren, Runwidar: The wise singers and magicians of the Runes who
knew their power and used it, after the disappearance of Hyperborea, after OdinWotan recovered the Futhark. They kept this knowledge and power from the Stone
Age to the Bronze Age. Then, with the appearance of the Judaic rationalism they
lost it.
Sadahka: Tantric adept, disciple.
Saham: Mantra corresponding to the Sahasrara shakra, at the top of the skull. It
means "I am you".
Sahasrara: shakra at the top of the skull, with a thousand petals, according to the
Hindus. There the meeting of the opposites takes place, the Marriage of Him and
Her. In the "solidary" symbology, it is equivalent to the summit of Mount Kailas,
where Shiva and Parvati are eternally betrothed. The mantra that awakens this
shakra, the "orphic sound" that corresponds to it, is SAHAM, which means "I am
You". In Aryan, Esoteric Christianity, this shakra is represented by the Crown of
Thorns. Once re-activated, it is like the halo of light with which Renaissance
painters wrapped the heads of angels and saints.
Samadhi: Supreme ecstasy of Vedanta, fusion with the One. Sam = with; adhi =
Primordial Being. By means of which the Vedantins intend to merge and disappear
in the One. Its opposite would be the Kayvalia of Tantric yoga.
Samkhya: One of the six philosophical systems of India. Dualistic system. From
this is born the Yoga of Patanjali.
Samsara: Flow, river of the illusory forms of terrestrial existence, according to
Saturn: He is also Kronos, Time. God of Time. He is an Aion prisoner of the
Demiurge, condemned by the fact that he is immortal, to spin eternally the Wheel
of Eternal Return. The War of Esoteric Hitlerism, once won, will also liberate
Satya-Yuga: Corresponds to the Golden Age of the Greeks and Romans, ruled by
Saturn and Rhea. It is interesting to discover the similarity between the Sanskrit
name Satya-Yuga and Saturn. In both the particle Sat appears. Also in Sa-hasrara,
the supreme shakra of the terrestrial incarnation, at the top of the skull. This would
have been the active shakra in the Hyperborean divines, inhabitants of the Polar
shakra of the Earth, in the Hyperborea of the North Pole, in the SAT-yayuga, the
Golden Age. The Jews are the ones who convert Sat-urno into Sat-an, Jehovah.
Selbst: Nietzschean term in its origins and in the sense that he later gave to it.
C.G. Jung. For us, it is equivalent to that ancient, legendary Self, which is a Person
even before the appearance of the I; however, it lacks Personality, which it can
only acquire thanks to the Drama lived here on Earth by the Hero who struggles to
reach the absolute Self, which would consist of an approximation of both, the I and
the Selbst. Self, in English, Si-Mismo, unreachable center of the person,
equidistant between the unconscious and the consciousness.
Shamballah: City hidden within the mountains, or in the Hollow Earth. Some
believe it may be the capital of Agarthi, or Agartha. Its equivalent in the south of the
world is the "City of Caesars", inhabited by immortals.
Shankaracharya: Hindu philosopher, Vedantine, founder and propagator of this
system and of Absolute Monism. He aspired to the fusion and disappearance of
the individual self in the Supreme One. We think that he may have belonged to the
Beni-Israel Jews, because, like the preaching of Christian sanctity, of the
abandonment of this world, he benefits the interests of Judaism.
Shakti: Universal feminine principle, the creative and active Energy in the
universe, Will to Power, feminine counterpart of Siva.
Shastriya: Warrior, prince, belonging to the princely and warrior caste.
Shiva: God belonging to the Hindu Trilogy, together with Brahma and Vishnu.
Brahma is the creator, Vishnu the protector and Shiva the destroyer. Today, in the
Kaliyuga, Shiva's Dance of Destruction is fulfilled. Within the divine Trilogy of
Hinduism he is the destroyer principle, who destroys to make way for a new
creation. The most spiritual, if one could say, in the Nietzschean conception of the
Will to Power. He is also the supreme Master of Tantric Yoga, inhabitant of the
summit of Mount Kailas, or of the last chakra, the coronary and
also of the first, below. God of Fire and Light. Indeed, Apollo, Lucifer, Abraxas and
the Feathered Serpent of Quetzalcoatl, in other mythologies.
Shumnasarira: The "Astral Body", according to the Samkya, of the Hindu Dualistic
philosophy, from which Patanjali's Yoga originates.
Shudibudishvabhaba: The one who is shaped by the Absolute will, by the
principle of sivaist virility, the "mutant", or transmuted, who has entered the most
hermetic tantric circle, Kula, with supreme courage. The Superman, who has
reached the Noon of Revelation and accepted the Eternal Return. Hitler was: The
man of Absolute Will.
Siddha: Divine being, immortalized, hyperborean, inhabitant of Thule and also of
the secret cities of Agharti and Shamballah. In truth he is the Asen, the Dyvia, who
after having passed through the terrestrial incarnation has succeeded in
conquering, uniting his Self with the Selbst. The Siddhas reside in some hidden
point, in the Siddha-Ashram and, from there, they project their influence to help the
Heroes in combat. They are the Masters of my Master, whom He will call
Sieg: This is one of the most powerful Runes, the Lightning of Victory, the Strength
of the Runes.
of Wotan, Adel, Odal, Odil. Being the Rune Odal, that of Wotan, precisely a Double
Sieg Rune, the one that comes to form the tip of the Spear of Wotan-Baldur, that of
Sagittarius and Longinus, that of the Victory of the Mystical Death and of the
Resurrection. It was this Double Sieg Rune that was chosen by the Black Order of
S.S. Hitlerians, representing, in addition, the Double Morning Star, Venus-Lucifer,
which, in turn, is the Evening Star. The Rune Sieg is also the Ray that coming out
of the forehead of Shiva destroys the Demon Smara. It is the Rune of Hitler and his
Blietzkrieg, of his "Blitzkrieg". It is the Rune of the Victory of Esoteric Hitlerism,
which comes into action with all its occult and mysterious power after 1945.
Sleipnir: Wotan's 8-legged horse; with four legs he gallops in the world of heavy
matter and with the other four in the other reality. It corresponds to the division of
the Nordic Aryan year, in 8 parts, not in 12. The Templars also used this number.
On this Horse will return Kalki, the Last Avatar, to put an end to the Kaliyuga, the
Black Age of the Jew.
Black Sun: Located behind the Golden Sun that visibly illuminates us, it is the Sun
of Hitlerism, which represents the Levira and also the Dextrorotatory Swastika,
since it is through there that one enters and exits to a non-demiurgic world. The
UFOs would penetrate through there. It is also the famous "Astral Tube" of the
initiations. The Swastika Levógira and Dextrógira form the Catarina Wheel, or the
Mill of Wotan, which the three Norns make rotate. This Wheel activates the
transcendent life of the Aryans, which does not end here.
Soma: Mysterious drink of Hyperborea; liquor of the Aryans. Equivalent, in truth, to
the Memory of the Blood that is "drunk" in the Canso of A-mor of the Minnesänger.
Sonnenmensch: It is the Sun-Man, round, who has been able to put into activity
all his shakras, the "fiery" man, that is, the Nazi, a term that means precisely this
very thing, in Old Germanic and in the runic language, that is to say, sacred,
esoteric. The Sun-Man is the Ubermensch, the Super-Man, the Absolute and Total
Man, of Esoteric Hitlerism.
Soror-Misticae: Companion of the alchemist, amasia uxor, or beloved of the heart,
of the Occitan Cathar troubadours. She is the Asina or Odinic Priestess, of Wotan,
who helps in an irreplaceable way the Hero to obtain the triumph in his Great War,
or opus of transmutation in Man-God, in Ubermensch.
Stulakabda: Aria Kabbalah, of archetypal numbers; notes of Orphic music.
Sudra: Inferior being, semi-animal, lower than the three fundamental castes of
Susumna: It is the central Nadi, between Ida and Pingala, in the psychic spine,
and is the main passage through which the Igneous Serpent of Kundalini
Swadisthana: Shakra at the level of the genitals, represents water, with the
Swastika of Water; its Mantra is VAM, its terrestrial location is equivalent to Easter
Swastika: Solar sign of Aryan origin, post-Hyperborean, along with the deviation of
the terrestrial axis and the beginning of the seasons, the Hyperborean Aryans bring
this sign of runic origin, of the Rune Gibur ( ) representing the sun promoter of
the Earthly Year and the movement of the four seasons. Thus, the four arms of the
swastika symbolize spring, summer, autumn and winter, and their movement within
the circle of the year. According to the side to which the prolongations of the Cross
are directed, will be the movement of the Swastika. Esoteric Hitlerism maintains
that when it moves to the right - Dextrorotatory Swastika - it would be symbolizing
the loss of the Golden Age, after the sinking of Hyperborea, with the deviation of
the terrestrial Axis. This Swastika symbolizes the Polar Exodus of the semi-divines,
the variation of the rotating movement of the earth on itself and the "leap of the
Poles". This variation can be verified with the shells of marine snails and of some
stones of great antiquity, found in Antarctica, whose spirals are rotating in the
opposite direction to the current rotation of the Earth. The Dextrorotatory Swastika
is rotating in the direction of the pointers of the clock and the current Earth. The
Levira Swastika, chosen by the Esoteric Hitlerism, is rotating in the reverse
direction of the hands of the clock and of the time of the present Earth. It is, thus,
the Swastika of the Return to Hyperborea. Hitler's Esoteric War was made
following this same direction: Poland, Denmark, France,
Greece, the Caucasus. From there he would have gone through Siberia to the
Gobi Desert and to the North Pole, in order to straighten the Earth Axis again and
recover the Golden Age. However, the Avatãra arranged something else: the
return to the Extraterrestrial Hyperborea, to transfigure the Earth from there.
Swastika Dextrogira: The one already explained. The Svastika is an Aryan solar
symbol. Wherever it appears there were hyperboreans or traces of their influence.
The Dextrogira rotates in the direction of the rotation of the present earth and is
symbol of the departure and exodus from Hyperborea. It is the emblem of the
Great Ancestor, of Rama, of all those who left Hyperborea, submerging
themselves. It is also the Svastika of Buddhism. In our book "The Golden Cord,
Esoteric Hitlerism", we gave it as the emblem of Hitler and his esotericism. After
further concentration and study in Germany and elsewhere, we came to the
conclusion that it is more accurately Levogira or Sinestrógira as the designation.
This was revealed to us on our pilgrimage to Helgoland, in the North Sea, a
remnant of the very ancient Hyperborea. Svastica is Dextrógira when it is applied
on the heart, on oneself, when one speaks from the Throne, that is to say, when
one is at the North Pole, when one has returned to HIM. But when one has lost it,
when the Svastika is not applied, but contemplated, worshipped, adored, then it is
the Levogira. It is the Svastika of the Return to Hyperborea. It is the Sign of the
Return. This should be corrected in our aforementioned book. In "NOS. Book of
Resurrection" it has been changed.
Swastika Levogira: With the explanation given, the absurdity of all those simplistic
interpretations of a demonic Swastika Levogira and a beneficial Dextrógira has
been made clear. Also the Bo religion of ancient Tibet, prior to Mahayan Buddhism,
had as its emblem the Levira Swastika of Hitlerism. The Swastika, in whatever
direction it is represented, is originally a runic symbol of the heroic, Aryan and
white peoples, of divine origin. The Swastika
terrestrial, 卐 is the aforementioned of right angles. The Swastika of the water, the
The central cross is rotated and the blades are round. The Swastika of the fire, the
The central cross is rotated and the blades are angular. The Swastika of the air,
the central cross is not rotated and the blades are angular. The one that rotates in
the opposite direction to the rotation of the present earth, in opposition to the
Kaliyuga, or Dark Age, of Iron, trying to return the Golden Age, Hyperborean. It is
the Svastika of Return, of Esoteric Hitlerism, of the "overcoming of nihilism in the
spirit of revenge" and of the "transmutation of all values". The Svastika of the
creation of the Superman.
Tantra: System that enters to be codified about six hundred years AD. It actually
comes from Hyperborea, from the polar Magical Love, many thousands of years
before. The Sanskrit word means "to expose". It is a yoga that makes use of sex,
either symbolically ("platonically") in the so-called "Right Hand Path", or, indeed, in
the "Left Hand Path", always magically, to obtain the mutation into Superman, into
Sonnenmensch, Sun-Man. The Absolute Personality of Esoteric Hitlerism.
Tattva: Element or constitutive principle of the fundamental matter. There are pure
and impure. The being participates in them and is constituted of tattvas, according
to tantric metaphysics. Tantric yoga is a kind of alchemy by means of which the
tattvas are purified and the being is transmuted from virya, tantric hero, into divya,
divine being, into immortal siddha. The supreme practice is the Panshatattva, in the
Tantra Kaula, used by the Esoteric Hitlerism in the most secret S.S. schools, to
transmute the hero into the Nietzschean Superman and reach the exit from the
Circle of Eternal Return, "something not even dreamed of by the greatest
Te-Pito-o-Te-Henua: "Navel of the World", Easter Island.
Thule: Ancient name, given by the Greeks and Romans to a Nordic polar point, the
Ultima Thule. It would also be the capital of Hyperborea. Strangely, this name
appears among the Toltecs, the Aztecs, the Mayas and also in regions of South
Thulegesellschaft: It is the Esoteric Order that, as a branch of the Order of the
Germans and under the direction of von Sebottendorf, initiates the fight against
communism in Bavaria, after the First World War. Permanent members of this
Order were Rudolf Hess, Gottfried Feder; visiting members, Adolf Hitler, Alfred
Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart. The symbols of this Order were the Levira
Swastika and a Dagger, the same as those to be adopted by the . Von
Sebottendorf left for Turkey, where he remained throughout the Second World War,
his mysterious death being announced at the end of the war, drowned in the
Bosphorus. We do not know much today about the initiation rites of the
Thulegesellschaft, but one could believe that many of them, together with their
powers, passed to the order , at the same time as their symbols, since the Order
of Thule disappears from the surface almost simultaneously with the creation of the
Hitler Black Order. Like the latter, the Order of Thule had a double aspect, external
and of street combat, and internal, of spiritual development. Its symbol was Thule,
Hyperborean and the Symbolic Journey in the direction of the Pole. This would be
carried out following the direction of the Levira Swastika. Also the Esoteric War of
Adolf Hitler was carried out following the direction of this Swastika, as we have
Toki: Araucanian warrior chieftain. It is in him that the Führer-Prinzip of the
Cinchecona is embodied, having been chosen by the people at the moment of
greatest danger to lead all the Mapuche or Araucanian tribes. (See further
explanation in "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar".
Triad: Trilogy. In Hinduism it is composed of Brahma, Visnu and Siva. Creator,
Preserver and Destroyer. It is an Archetype that is always repeated: Father, Son,
Holy Spirit; Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis; Marx, Engel, Lenin. In the religious
movements as in the pseudo-religious ones. And in almost all mythologies.
Tuata of Danan: In Irish mythology they are the equivalent of the Asen and Vanen
of Germanic mythology. They are the people of Dana. A people of God, whose
Mother is Dana. It is not known where they come from, almost certainly from
Hyperborea. They bring the Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny. From here would also
come the Stone of the Gral. They also bring the Magic Spear and a Cauldron. A
kind of Horn of Plenty, from which the Cup of the Grail would have been derived.
According to legend, the Danaans arrive in Ireland transported in an airship,
making their first appearance in the area of Connaught (a Vimana?). The Danaans
had highly advanced technology and science and manufactured "cybernetic
organs", "silver hands". There is also the explanation that the name "Danan" would
come from Danube and that this people represented a very ancient Celtic
migration, consisting exclusively of a very advanced priestly caste, the Godis, prior
to the Druids, or true Druids (whose name would also have to do with Danube). It is
believed, at the same time, that they would come from the White Continent of
Lemuria, or from Atlantis. The most probable thing is that they came from an
extraterrestrial Hyperborea, since they are made to arrive in Vimanas. They also
possessed the Sword of the God Lugh. Like Orpheus, the Danaans knew a music
capable of influencing the whole of Nature. They had the harp of Dagda. The
Danaans are defeated by the Milesians, a semi-human race, that is, "mixed with
the daughters of men". The England of those years was the "Western Isles",
originally the Islands of the Blessed, the last vestiges of Hyperborea, together with
Elgolan. After the appearance of the Milesians the Tuatas of Danan would not have
left Ireland; making use of their magical powers they wrap themselves in a veil of
invisibility, coming to reside in the inner, as well as the outer, earth. They become
visible only to a chosen few. The Tuatas are immortal. Since those times there
have been two Irish, one material and the other spiritual. With the arrival of
Christianity they came to be called Sidhe (Great similarity with the siddha, or
immortals of India.) On the other hand, the name IR-land has to do with the Rune
IR of the Magical, Mystical Death and with the Resurrection. Thus, IR-land comes
to be the Land of Immortality and Eternal Youth. It is Aba-Alo, or Avalon.
Tulku: It is the Boddhisattva of the Tibetan tantric lamaism, liberated that
reincarnates at will ubiquitously in several beings, or in a whole people, a sort of
spirit of Race. He does not say "I", but NOS, when referring to himself.
Tyrkreis: The Cosmic Crucifixion of Baldur, in the Constellations.
Ubermensch: Superman.
UR: Ancient city, also of the Queen of Sheba. The Rune UR, of the Origin, of the
Ancestral Memory.
Urn: Power, Energy, Magic Force that was lost with the sinking of Hyperborea, as
Hvareno, as Vril, as Adel, Odal and Odil. As Od.
Vaishya: Belonging to the caste of merchants and farmers.
Vajra: The Red Matter, indestructible, hard as diamond, immortal. In truth, it
corresponds to the resurrection and materialization of the Astral Body, of the
Lingasarira. It is obtained in the Red Opera, the Rubedo, from the opus
Vamacara: Left Hand Path of Tantric Yoga.
Vanen: Together with the Asen, they are the legendary divine ancestors of the
Germanic people, coming from "Other Worlds" or "Other Earth", from the Walhalla
of the Gods, or from the mythical City of Asgart.
Vanina: The Vanen woman.
Vara-Mudra: Magical gesture made by joining all the fingers of the right hand, with
the palm facing forward and upward. It destroys Fear and grants favor. It is
accompanied by the Nordic-Germanic, hyperborean mantra: Heil, Hail, Hail!
Cheers! Both were picked up by the ancient Germanic warrior-troubadours, the
Minnesänger and by Esoteric Hitlerism. In Sanskrit the mantra is sometimes OM.
Varna: The true Sanskrit name for caste. It means color, which may indicate that
the division of the Aryan-Vedic society of India was due to the necessity of not
mixing the white Aryan with the colored races of the conquered subcontinent. On
the other hand, in Iran, where the hyperborean Aryan does not meet Negroid
aborigines, there is no varna in the organization of the original Aryan society. Caste
is a word invented by some Portuguese sailor, in contact with the conquered India
and is an expression that refers to the separation of cattle.
Veda: The sacred texts of the Indo-Aryans; they are of great antiquity and were
only written very late, having been recited by heart for centuries. In them would be
found, according to Tilak, the key to the polar-hyperborean origin of the Aryan
conquerors of India. Previously, they were only transmitted by word of mouth,
being able to memorize their thousands of verses thanks to the liturgical and
sacred cadence of Sanskrit.
Vedanta: Monistic philosophical system of Hinduism.
Vedantin: Referring to the Vedanta philosophy.
Vidya: Knowledge, wisdom, according to Samkhya philosophy. The opposite is
Avidya, ignorance.
Virya: The tantric hero, the man-hero, who fights and aspires to transform himself
into Divya, man-divine, into Superman. They are the knights of Gral, in that
hermetic legend, they are the heroes of the Germanic Saga. Sanskrit term, tantric,
to name the Hero. In Esoteric Hitlerism we are using it for the Divya, or the Divine
One, who having mingled with the "daughters of men" is struggling to regain his
Visnu: God of the Trilogy of Hinduism, the Preserver Principle of "form" and
"name", of civilizations and States in Form, on the endless Path of the Will to
Power. In the Triad of Hinduism Brahma is the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and
Shiva the Destroyer. Vishnu is a typically Aryan God, white and blond, whose
residence is the North Pole; his Vehicle is the bird Garuda. The similarity can thus
be seen with Wotan, whose companions are the ravens, and also with the god
Inka-Frison; as well as Apollo, the Greek God, whose original residence was also
the North Pole.
Vishuda: shakra, coinciding with the laryngeal plexus. Its element is air. Here
resides the Logo Spermatikos; pronouncing it mentally Zeus creates Athenea. The
Mantra that reactivates this shakra is HAM.
Wafeln: Ghost Ship, of the North Pole, equivalent to the Caleuche, of the South
Pole. Both communicate through the polar entrances, in the seas of the "Hollow
Earth", becoming one. In it will return Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar, and also Manu,
the Man Who Will Come.
Walhalla: Place where Wotan resides and where the Heroes who have fulfilled
their mission or died in combat go. There they are resurrected by the Walkirias,
recovering immortality, eternal life. From this Nordic-Germanic myth the Muslims
have extracted their Heaven with the Huris. It would have come to them from
Persia and with the Aryan conquerors of Asia Minor.
Walkiria: Mythical woman, companion and counterpart of the Warrior, of the Hero;
there would be a Walkiria for each Hero, waiting for him in Walhalla to comfort and
console him. She, like Isis, will put together his scattered pieces and heal his
wounds; because, in truth, it was she who fought in him, accompanying him in all
his combats, "without abandoning him even in the depths of the tomb". She is the
Mystical Wife, whom the Warrior will never betray. She is the She of ELLAEL.
When the Walkiria has been depicted as a wild warrior, with a spear and on a
steed, it should be understood symbolically as the A-Mada fighting in the A-Mado,
in the Warrior, within him. Any other interpretation would be destroying the
profound luminosity of the Myth and its Legend. The woman who accompanies the
hero, the warrior, in the Germanic legend, ideal woman, who in Walhalla, or astral,
parallel world, awaits him to give him the Cup of the Grail, with the Liquor of
immortality and eternal life. Wagner has Christianized the theme, adulterating it.
The Walkiria has its origin in the Magician of Magical Love of Hyperborea, and in
the "Sacred Marriage", Secret. There is only one Walkiria for each Hero-Warrior,
for each Virya. A single yogini, according to tantric terminology.
Welsh: Well understood, in the light of the most serious investigations of Esoteric
Hitlerism, this English term should be related to the Spanish "marrano",
corresponding to the converted Jews, but secretly practicing their traditional
orthodoxy. It has been wanted to link them, or to make them appear, like the Celts
of Wales, in England. They are, in truth, the Golen Jews who arrived in the Albion
Islands with the Phoenicians and the Frisians, infiltrating among the Celts and the
Druidic priestly caste, where they introduced human and bloody sacrifices. Then
they will go on to dominate the nobility and royalty, more and more, until the
present, when they have come to totally control the government of Great Britain
(B'nai B'rith) and the Establishment, making Albion, that remaining island of
Hyperborea, the center of the world Jewish conspiracy. Rudolf Hess could hardly
have succeeded in his mission.
Weltanschauung: Untranslatable. Roughly: World view.
Wewelsburg (Castle): Former German castle in Westphalia. Himmler acquired it
for the There were other castles of the Black Order, in different points of the
Germanic sacral geography, that fulfilled different functions of education, discipline
and training. But Wewelsburg became the magical castle par excellence, the
Castle of the General. There was there, hanging over a lintel of the knights'
meeting room , a large stone in "critical condition", which I managed to see but
which has now been made to disappear. Perhaps it came from the Externsteine,
The Wewelsburg Castle stands in the vicinity of the castle. Under this main hall,
with a marble floor, there is a vault where rituals were held There were also plans
to build a tower for the "Highest Guide". In Wewelsburg Castle there was a library
with thousands of volumes, which was made to disappear. Wewelsburg was the
castle where only a part of the unknown initiation of esoteric Hitlerism took place.
The Castle is a Germanic construction. It must, therefore, in its origins, have
represented a zodiacal constellation, at the same time as a shakra, being built on a
confluence of Ley Lines, according to the geomantic knowledge of the legendary
Godi, Priests of the Goths, of the Asen. The Bauhüter are also the predecessors of
the builders of cathedrals and temples. For the symbolism of the Germanic Castle
see "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar".
Wildes Heer: The Furious Horde of Odin-Wotan, of the Einherier (Resurrected
Heroes), who, coming out of Walhalla, will come to fight the last Combat, at the
end of the Kaliyuga, of the Iron Age, commanded by Wotan, as Kalki, the Last
Avatar. It will also be the Last Battalion of the Führer, Adolf Hitler.
Wille zur Macht: Will to Power.
Wotan: Germanic divinity. Originally a hyperborean. His vehicle is Sleipnir, an 8-
legged Steed, symbolic number, corresponding to the division of time of the
Germanic and also used by the Templars for their constructions and castles, once
secretly converted to Wotanism. This Steed is the white Horse of Kalki, becoming
also that of the apostle Santiago of the Hispanic Visigothic Chivalry. Wotan sheds
one eye, remaining with only one, like Polyphemus and the Giants, symbolizing the
development or recovery of the "Third Eye", which Wotan, as a post-Hyperborean
Divinity, has had to recover. Wotan is also depicted as the Divinity of War and of
the Storm, as well as of the Arts, of Poetry. All these qualities were incarnated by
the Führer, Adolf Hitler, brilliant artist, Lord of War and creator of the Blitzkrieg or
Lightning War. Also Wotan was the Lord of the Polar War and the rediscoverer of
the Runes, by accepting the torment of crucifixion in the "Tree of Fright", the
Iggdrasil. He is the Father of Baldur, himself crucified on the Tree of Constellations
and who will be resurrected in Aquarius. Thus, the Father and the Son are one and
the same person. It is from this Hyperborean Mythology and Cosmogony that
Jewish Christianity has taken essential symbols, deviating and corrupting them.
Yewulfe: Araucanian woman, similar to the Fates and the Norns.
Yoga: Sanskrit term meaning reunion. Science and technique of transmutation,
derived from the Hindu Dualistic Physiology, Samkya, codified in its own way by
Patanjali. Ultimately, Yoga should tend to the re-union of the opposites, to the Reencounter of Him and Her. Also the word Re-ligion comes from religare; that is,
reunion. Philosophical system of Hinduism and technique of concentration and
"union", or reintegration, in the Vedanta philosophy. In Samkhya it is a technique
for the disunion of Purusha and Prakriti. In Tantra it is a system of magical initiation
to attain the Absolute Personality, individualization, beyond androgyny; the Siddha,
the Divya. Discipline and practice to go beyond the pairs of opposites, into the
Absolute Personality and into the Superman, into the Total-Man, into the
Sonnenmensch, into the Sun-Man of Nietzschean and esoteric Hitlerism.
Yogini: Woman yoga, tantric initiate, priestess of Magic Love, who guides the
disciple, sadhaka, in the difficult Mystery and practices of this Initiation.
Yuga: Era, Age. The Satya-Yuga, is equivalent to the Golden Age of the Greeks;
the Tetra-Yuga, to the Silver Age; the Dwara-Yuga, to the Bronze Age, and the Kali
Yuga, to the Iron Age, the Darkest Age, where Kali, the Dark Goddess of
Destruction, destroys. It is the present Epoch. These four yugas form a
Manvantara. At the end of the Kali-Yuga, with a great destruction, in the Eternal
Return, the Will to Power, the Energy, returns to revive the Golden Age, in a new
Manvantara. "The Serpent catches its own tail". Men will again be giants and will
live more than a thousand years. Division of time, within the Eternal Return, which,
together with the Kalpa and the Manvantara form a Day of Brahma, in the Hindu
conception. For further explanation see "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar".
Zarathustra: Name of the Great Ancestor, reformer and inspirer of the Aryan tribes
of Persia and Iran. He establishes the religion of Mazdeism, writing his visions in
the Zend Avesta, which means, in the Zenda language, "Word of Life". The
revelations come to Zarathustra from Ormuz, the Sun, and even more, from his
halo, or invisible spiritual Crown: Ahura-Mazda, from which the name of the
Mazdeite religion derives. This is a dualistic conception, apparently, conceiving
creation as a struggle between Ahura-Mazda, the solar and luminous principle, and
Ariman, chaos, evil and shadow. This eternal war is reflected on earth in the
struggle of the solar Aryans against the impure and lunar Turanians, the invaders,
the anti-race, the man-animals, the bastards, the elementarwesen. The emblematic
animal of Zarathustra is the eagle. The Aryans worship the sun and fire. When the
Arabs conquered Iran, imposing their semitic and lunar monotheism, the Mazdeite
Parsees migrated to India, the only place where Zoroastrianism, or the religion of
the sun, was still preserved.
Zarathustra, and the Zend Avesta. The corpses of the Parsees of Bombay are left
on the "Towers of Silence" to be devoured by crows. It is interesting to note that the
Raven is the emblematic bird of the Germanic Hero-God, Wotan, to prove once
again that the different branches of the Aryans are connected in the common solar
and polar symbology; those of Persia, those of India, the Nordic Europeans and the
so-called "White Gods" of our America. Zarathustra is the Zenda name of the great
Aryan-Persian reformer. It means "Splendor of the Sun". The Greeks call him
Zoroaster. He would have lived six thousand or more years ago. His Master and
Initiator was Vahumanus, without being able to distinguish him well from
Melchizedek, Initiator of Abraham, the Chaldean, according to the legend of
Atlantis, adulterated with "The Genesis".
It is very revealing that Nietzsche has given the name of the Great Aryan Guide to
his capital work: "Thus Spake Zarathustra", centered on the experience of the
Eternal Return,
Was it not in the Zend Avesta that Nietzsche got the inspiration, the impulse, for
that revelation? The sacred Aryan Book informs us that Time is eternal and infinite,
prior to the Gods and to God Ahura-Mazda himself. Prior to Creation, to everything.
From which should follow, almost inevitably, the idea of a limited Creation and
Energy, repeating itself in an infinite time. The Eternal Return, thus, is an
Archetype that is lived in a nouminous way, it is found again in the memory of the
Aryan blood, like reincarnation