Evolutionary 'Progress'
The Demiurgic manifestation of His Will is the time flow of His essence, the outgoing 'breath of Brahma', the halitosis reek of the Satan of creation. His 'evolutionary process' is the unfolding of His conscious Will and the concomitant densification of the substances He exudes becoming ever denser as it recedes from its source and follows the course of His entelechial unfoldment, reaching the terminal point of its fate in basest lead, the leaden coffin of its lifecycle.
Once the entities have given up their vitality they are, with his indrawing breath (the night of Brahma) reabsorbed into his maw and the process repeats on a cyclic basis with each Mahamanvantara leading to the further 'self knowing' of 'The One'.
Only he who has rekindled the blood memory and divorced himselves from 'the creation' of basest matter has a potentiality to survive the hyperventilation of the Demiurge and to remain (or not if he so chooses) within the material plane of manifestation to combat that which seeks to trap other Spirits in matter through guile and deception, through progenating more physical vehicles in which to bind the souls revolving in the wheel of incarnation.
Thus his goal is to destroy the trap of matter at whatever location it may exist and wherever it may be in a 'war everlasting' against the potencies of matter and their hypostases on the material plane, fighting against the 'powers and principalities' of the aeons and other forms of the Demiurge who operate according to their faded microcosmic schema or entelechy for the fulfillment of their vampiric-entropic function on the earth.
This perpetual motion machine, system of vampirization and cannibalism, the endless macro; meso and micro cycles of consumption and production, the economic lifecycle of existence within 'the war of all against all’ is the battlefield the hyperborean voluntarily participates in in his struggle against the Evil Tide of the will of 'The One' the evolutive process of the Demiurge bringing as many Spirits back to Hyperborea as he is able, liberating them from the chains of matter and precipitating their Eternal Life, granting them the liberty to join him in his eternal struggle and 'war everlasting' as the 'Eternal Champion' of the combat.
The progressivist cabal of 'The One', the synarchy of Chang Shamballah and their subordinate hierarchy serve this evolutionary process and seek the elimination of all who would obstruct the will of their deity Jehovah-Satan. They serve the purpose of 'The One' in dragging all to hell with them, binding them all through myriad ways to the material plane and this to the synchronization of culture, making the enticements of 'the world' a pervasive presence as means of pulling down their would be captives who have already, as so many flies seeking the nourishment laid out, entered into their webs.
This process of binding their captive souls to 'The One' they call 'progress' and the synarchy works indefatigably to entrap them through multifarious guises of illusory appearances of 'the good' (desirable; pleasurable and appealing mayavic veils concealing the poison and the fruits' sweetness).
The naïve are baited into serving this purpose and perceive it falsely to be 'the good' when it is mere illusory appearance and thus became snared in the trap of maya. Their 'evolution' is of diverse forms with each being subject to the will of 'The One' in different ways depending on their ontological properties: the synarchic priest caste being fused with the monad of Satan Jehovah and subject to the flow of Time and its evolutionary phagocitization, able to 'ride the wave' of evolution for a time during His outflowing breath only to be reabsorbed who Him during the pralaya or 'night of Brahma' at which time they meet their doom.
The evolution of the pasu undergoes a similar fate as that of the synarchic priest only their time as a unitary microcosmic entity is abbreviated and they cease to exist within a shorter span of time, within the matter of a few incarnations of their being, their Spirit (assuming they have such) becomes extinct after this.
Not so the Virya however, his Spirit (the Spirit that he is incarnate in matter, fleshly form) exists forever in Eternity insofar as he can keep his first estate in opposition to the Time-flow of the Demiurge which he as an adept, spiritually virile, Cabelero (knight of the blood memory; a minnesanger) of A-Mor, can oppose and perpetuate himself amidst the storm of the fitful Demiurge in the latter’s will to manifest on earth, engineer chaos and absorb the captive Spirits into himself.
The density of the 'flood tide of the Evil One' becoming ever greater as the cycles of Time spiral downwards along their heliacal path towards the end of the manvantara, conditions the captive spirits to be ever more debased in its connection with its primordial state of being, the origin from whence it came into manifestation.
The Virya or Hero thus pursues his path towards the Origin against the current of disintegration which is the Time-flow of Entropy, the Will of 'The One'. Opposing his passage to the realm of Eternity are the demons of Chang Shamballah and the entire synarchy and its agents and subordinates who, recognizing one who constitutes a threat to their system as the bearer of the mark of Cain or sign of the Origin, seek to destroy the Hero in his opposition (even only in potentia) to their system of slavery.
At some dim level the sleeping Virya who has yet to resurrect from his somnolent hibernation of the blood of the Graal intuits the antipathy, hostility brought to bear against him and understands he has been singled out for mysterious reasons for special persecution and abuse.
He may ascribe this to the 'nature of people' or some other cause unrelated to himself but in the end he faces their hostility as a necessary fact and either succumbs to the perpetual abuse or endures it and manages to either finish his incarceration on this planet with a straw death or to go out in a blaze of glory.
The fully awakened Virya is a spear point of the opposition to the system and is a lightning rod which attracts the greatest animosity from the enemy. He understands why the enemy seeks the death of his folk and of himself specifically that being his ontological structure as a bearer of the symbol of the origin, of the mark of Cain, of the stone from Lucifer's crown which flashes before their purblind eyes and outshines their feeble state of dully glowing vitality. As they wish to destroy him and everything he represents, namely the realm of Eternity and the forces of Agartha, of Lucifer, Chief of the Immortals.
He understands full well that he has incarnated in this terrestrial prison planet in order to give no quarter combat against the enemy in a 'war everlasting', a bellum omnium contra omnes within the octagon or Valplads of the enemy's Satanic matrix of lowest density.
Hence he recognizes the state of war and acts according to the most effective strategy as means to the achievement of the greatest victory he can attain. His life is war and combat only not the irrational motions of the thug or the violent brute or bloodlustful savage who is governed by the telluric and satanic forces but rather the combat of an Immortal immersed within the battlefield of the world, acting according to Principal not through reason but through the transcendental apperception only the god-man possessed.