Excerpts from “Secret History of the Thulegesellschaft”
caveat: this set of selections is machine translation. For an english (full and free) version check out the above link
by Luis Felipe Moyano (Nimrod de Rosario)
1. In a closed circle of the Thulegesellschaft there is no definite going forward and no definite going back. One could say that one turns in CIRCLES OF ETERNAL RETURN but this idea, as we shall see below, implies much more. The "progress" here, if one wants to use such a misleading term, is given by the
The virya has the possibility of regaining the blood-memory, the Minne, and of transmuting himself into an immortal Siddha, into a divine hyperborean. Nothing binds the virya to the illusory world of Jehovah-Satan, except his chromosomatic confusion, his blood impurity which keeps him temporarily lost to the hyperborean race of Christ-Lucifer. His goal is outside of time and space, set only on RETURN and immortality.
2. Through such lithic instruments, books in a certain sense, knowledge can be obtained. immense or penetrate into many terrible secrets, of which the most frightful is that which reveals the origin of the hyperborean man or virya on Earth, his spiritual enchainment to matter, and The deception, the Great Deception, to which he is subjected by making him believe that he has sinned in that primordial time when he inhabited a lost paradise. THE ONLY PARADISE, THE ONLY GOLDEN AGE, THAT THE VIRYAS HAVE EVER KNOWN IS CALLED THULE, AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CREATOR OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, NOR IS IT IN THIS UNIVERSE.
3. A MUTANT LEAP that takes place every seven hundred years - the previous one having been made in the thirteenth century by Frederick II Hohenstaufer and the Cathars of Languedoc in France - but this time it will be definitive and will put an end to the Kaly Yuga. For then the peoples of the Earth will have the immense joy of having the Führer of the Germans, an immortal Siddha who will wage the Total War against the Sinarchy, after which The HYPERBorean MILLENNIUM and the PARUSIA OF CHRIST-Lucifer will come. The Fürher will again open the eyes of the virya so that he may find the way of return and tread it with weapons in hand, fighting face to face against the vile enemy Jehovah Satan.
4. The awakened virya will relentlessly go into combat with the ELEMENTALWESEN without EVALUATING THE PROBABLE RESULT OF HIS STRUGGLE, i.e., WITHOUT PROJECTING IN TIME. He will only be interested in the action itself, to the extent that it contributes to the exaltation of his heroic or mystical virtue to such a degree that all return to ordinary life, to the Great Delusion, becomes unbearable....
This attitude alone makes him independent of his degree of ethnic and genetic crossbreeding.
5. This REALISATION implies definitive MUTATION of the awakened virya into an immortal Siddha and his or her LIBERATION from the material order that governs creation. The spirit or Vril is INDESCRIPTIBLE and it is prudent to refer to it as PURE POSSIBILITY. However, the only concept of EXISTENCE possessed by the Hyperborean Wisdom corresponds to the Vril. That is to say that nothing spiritual has existence outside of the Vril and that all intermediate psychic states must be regarded as illusory. Nothing exists outside the Vril because to obtain the Vril is to BE OUT OF EVERYTHING. And "ALL" is the Universe of the One, the Demiurge.
The computer of matter whose substance permeates EVERYTHING and whose will SUPPORTS the things of the concrete world.
6. The Hyperborean Wisdom is MUTANT and CHANGES unfailingly every one who receives its gnosis.
But this CHANGE, this MUTATION, is UNIQUE. So original is it that this is why the destiny of the awakened virya is called UNCREATED, as opposed to the "destiny" of the pasu, which is absolute
7. According to their traditions, Jehovah Satan had preferred the shepherd Abel and despised the farmer Cain (which is consistent since "shepherd is the office of the pasu", the son of Jehovah, according to the Hyperborean Wisdom). For these reasons they harboured a deep hatred against King Nimrod and the Cainite priests. It is a hatred that only cowards can feel, those who, in all things like the sheep and sheep-farmers they herd, call themselves "shepherds". It is this hatred of the warrior that in disguise hypocritically extols the "virtues" of sentimentalism, charity, fraternity, equality, and other falsehoods which we know only too well from suffering them in this SHEPHERD CIVILISATION into which the Judeo- Christianity of the Synarchy has plunged us. And this hatred, which we are considering, arises from and is nourished by a source called FEAR.
8. We do not think it is worth adding any more. For the foregoing suffices to make it clear that Colón secretly sought THE GATE TO PARADISE, that is, the GATE OF CHANG SHAMBALA, since the Jews correctly identify the Devils' den with Jehovah's Eden. In this view Columbus appears as what he really was: an envoy of the infernal powers with a specific MISSION.
9. There is now a knowledge that can transform the world, eliminating the distances that separate men from each other and banishing forever the pain of disease and misery: It is the Hyperborean Wisdom... But when one has succeeded in avoiding confusion, when one has REORIENTED one's sight towards an inner and personal point, called VRIL, which seems to be the only thing that possesses true eternal existence in man, all else being pure illusion, then the darkness is dispelled and it is possible to access the Hyperborean Wisdom as I myself have done.
10. The Vril is the possibility - the only possibility - of BEING; but it also means PURE POSSIBILITY: from the Vril everything is possible, from the uncreated, from what is to be done... The Vril is thus absolute and eternal individuation. Its conquest signifies the definitive abandonment of the world of the Demiurge, of its perpetual delusions, of enchainment to their damned and idiotic law of evolution.
11. In the future, perhaps not so distant, the envoy of Wotan will emerge from Austria, the one who will raise the Germanic peoples to the pinnacle of universal power and unmask before the world the true enemy of the Hyperborean race. And that great chief, it has been promised, will act so ruthlessly against them that his name will never be forgotten by men.
12. Consequently the "blood purification" facilitated by the Hyperborean Wisdom, by seven ways The "lost virya", as we have already said, is in an abject state of material enchainment that obliges him to subject himself to the Karma's laws, to periodically reincarnate and live, or re-live, an eternal and miserable comedy marked by the sinister illusion of pain, fear and death.
13. To make the physical body, hitherto only "a part of the world", an autonomous microcosm, independent of pantheistic space and karmic time, is the possibility offered by the Hyperborean Wisdom with its seven secret ways of spiritual liberation. But "immortalising oneself in a physical body" does not represent a solution to the problem of spiritual enchainment. This "conquest" is only a step in the quest for "orientation"; the only, unwavering and irreplaceable goal of the virya is to reach the origin and "leave" the material order.
14. For the Gnostic, "the world" that surrounds us is nothing more than the arrangement of matter made by the Demiurge in the beginning and which we perceive in its temporal actuality. The Hyperborean Wisdom, the mother of Gnostic thought, goes further by affirming that space, and all that it contains, is made up of multiple associations of a single element called the "psychophysical quantum of energy" or UEVAC energy unit. The uevacs, which are true archetypal atoms conformers or structurers of form, each possess an INDISCERNIBLE POINT through which the pantheistic diffusion of the Demiurge is realised.
15. The archimona, as we have described it, i.e. as used by the berserkir, is properly a "strategic hedge". On it the initiate will project the "law of encirclement", giving rise to a war action whose immediate purpose is to limit a space in the Valplads and remove it from the control of the Demiurge.
16. If strategic confusion, incarnation, chaining to the Law of Karma, etc., are terrible evils that afflict the Hyperborean spirits, the earthly coexistence with a "sacred race" of Jehovah-Satan is undoubtedly the most dreadful nightmare, worse even than any of the misfortunes of the past. mentioned.
17. We said earlier that the "sacred race" was created by the Demiurge in IMITATION of the Hyperborean lineages and we showed that "The Tablets of the Law" and the terrible knowledge with which they were written were given to the Hebrews in the LIKENESS of Gen. We may now add that the "imitation" did not end there; on the contrary, for centuries a hellish historical forgery was prepared which in fact amounted to an insult infinitely more offensive than the imitation of the lineages.
We are talking about the usurpation, vulgarisation and degradation perpetrated against the divine figure of Christ-Lucifer.
18. In order to carry out such an ambitious plan, numerous forces would be set in motion, which would converge on the Messiah and make his earthly ministry possible. For the mission of To "prepare the vehicle" by which Jehovah-Satan would manifest Himself to men, was commissioned one of the Masters of the Wisdom of the White Hierarchy, who was to be known, after His incarnation, as Jesus of Nazareth. Nor was the question of lineage neglected, and so the Master Jesus incarnated i n t o a Hebrew family whose genealogy could be traced back to Abraham. But the physical body of the Messiah would possess a different constitution from that of a simple Hebrew: Mary would be impregnated "by sight" by one of the Demons of the Hierarchy, the "Angel Gabriel," who in reality employs the field intersection" method, one of three forms of parthenogenesis.
19. With what colossal hypocrisy the swindle was planned and executed! After Jesus Christ, who would be able to distinguish between the Christ of Atlantis and his caricature? Only a few have suspected the deception, Gnostics, Manichaeans and Cathars, and against them has fallen the anathema of the Dark Forces, persecution and annihilation.
20. The mighty conforming force of the Judaic archetype of Jesus Christ, acting from the centre of the earth in every time and place, has tremendously augmented the slumber in which the "blood consciousness" of the viryas of old has found itself. On the battlefield of blood they fight without quarter.
Now two esoteric forces: the chanting of the Siddhas and the archetypal Judaic tendency of Jesus Christ. the "awakening" has become, then, a terrible and desperate struggle waged inside and outside each one of us, SOMETIMES UNCONSCIOUSLY.
21. By this criterion we can immediately affirm that Valhalla IS THE PLACE RELEASED by the Siddhas (or Aces) SOMEWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE OF THE ONE.
22. The Siddhas have liberated the stronghold of Valhalla by applying, with Their Mighty Wills, the law of the encirclement of the stone walls. The conquest of their own time which reigns in Valhalla, and which makes them independent of any "cycle" or "law" of the world of the demiurge, proceeds by a marvellous operation of strategic opposition.