The so-called 'races' or subtypes of what has come to be referred to by the synarchy as 'humanity' (hue-manity, man with 'hue' or light, perhaps even 'color'), are arguably different species or have origins deriving from diverse species and not necessarily those of a terrestrial kind. The writer has often speculated that the diverse groups sourced from extraterrestrial species and this owing to both their vast differences in both behavior and appearance. Indeed the correspondence of the earth plane of the contemporary 'races' (or species?) and these alien species alleged to exist entail distinct parallels that lead one to conjecture and to conclude that either:
1) These E.T species are mere invention, the product of delusive minds given to flights of fancy (fantasy) and thus are foolish notions or
2) That such a connection is valid and a causal condition of the current species/races and this by different E.T species at different or similar times and through genetic engineering with the proto-anthropoids (e.g. Cro-Magnon; Neanderthal,).
Given that many different sightings of E.T's, of different species have been consistently made globally, at different times throughout the historical record and have been recorded or reported in different forms both aesthetic (bas reliefs; cave paintings; wall paintings; illustrations on parchments, etc.) and textual (encoded in sacred texts as 'alien invasions', e.g.Enuma Elish; the Nordic Edda; Niebelungenlied; Bhagavad-Gita,etc.); given this weight of evidence it is fair to conclude that such beings likely exist and that they are originators of particular primordial cultural/'special' strains of hominids, creating hybrid species which, over millennia in different global regions, mixed and mingled and formed the current 'races' of 'humanity'.
Hence it is unfair to speak of there being any 'common origin' of 'humanity'or indeed of there being any 'humanity'at all as this term is simply a universalist abstraction and constitutes the principal or basis of a 'hegemonic discourse' which serves the world order synarchy and its genocidal miscegenation protocol of racial/'special' hybridization (eg. the Kalergi plan).
The following will serve as a rough analysis of the exo-anthropological origins of the diversity which has become known as 'humanity'.
Firstly the Aryan race may be seen to have its origin as presented in the Edda, the remnant of the Hyperborean mythos which had not been destroyed by the judaized christians, the agents of the 'chosen people' in their fanatical evangelism and genocidal intent against the Aryan race (the genocide and suicide of the Aryan race being inherent in 'the Bible'). The Vanir or Hyperboreans of the higher aetherial state of being came onto the earth and interbred with the Aesir leading to the formation of the higher type. This has its parallels in the semitic (falasha jew) 'book of Enoch' and its slanderous diatribe against 'the fallen Angels' (a book possibly concocted by a Scottish freemason in the 1700s).
Nimrod de Rosario also speaks of the aryan as so constituted through portrays these Lucifer Spirits or Hyperboreans descending to earth as serving the Demiurge and facilitating his 'evolutive process', the telos of the 'supra-finality' of entities the higher group being created as a means of conferring meeting upon the entities and thereby endowing Himself with the energies of the Uncreated Spirits, trapping them in the material realm to vampirically siphon off their spirit energy.
Hence whites or 'aryans', the blonde-haired, blue-eyed and red-haired and green-eyed dolicocephalic 'Nordic-Teutonic' stock are derived from these immortals 'who came into the daughters of men', the Cro-Magnon stock, and created or formed them into who they are endowing them with their Hyperborean blood and creating the Superman if only qua 'in potentia' to serve their purpose.
According to Miguel Serrano this is a positive thing and serves to liberate the captive 'anthropoids' through subsequent mixture with the Aryan thereby enhancing their base state of consciousness with the 'Grail', the blood of the gods to whatever degree (and this as a condition of degrees of blood mixture with the more aryan being closer and the last aryan and being further from the gods).
Over the millennia the aryan race has made itself (often against his will through being overrun and subjected to genocidal miscegenation in which the men were slaughtered and the women raped and impregnated with the seed of the non-aryan invaders or subordinate classes who were led against their white overlords) with the anthropoids and various other mixtures such that the current stock of what has been called by the synarchy 'humanity' has been aryanized largely across the board: in the Near East the Akkadian Semites overran aryan Sumeria and created the current stock of Iraqis and related stocks in the Levant; the southeast North American continent was also subjected to mixture both voluntary and involuntary with the primordial aryan stock continuing in many regions to rule (in Paraguay; Bolivia; Peru and the Patagonian region) until the judaized catholic from Spain and Portugal were led by the Rabbi Cristobal Columb ('Christopher Columbus') for the purpose of destroying the area stock and usurping power in the region (the details of which are related in copious detail in Nimrod de Rosario's novel "The Mystery of The Hyperborean Wisdom" a.k.a. "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" ); the asiatic region being a result of yet further mixture from the Gobi desert and the war which transpired there and overrunning of the aryans in Samarkhand; the Ainu of Japan; the Tocharians of central asian, etc.
Hence all subgroups of 'humanity' are the bearers of aryan and by extension Hyperborean blood globally such that to condemn the aryan 'white race' as 'devils' would by strict implication condemn all as 'devils' owing to the similarity of mixture.
The question regarding the other stocks is less clear and distinct as there are not any readily discernible records regarding their primordial origins save the mainstream semitic texts and perhaps the Bhagavad-Gita and Kalachakra of Tibet and India.
The Semitic texts of Torah and Quran reveal the presence of 'the Elohim' and Seraphim making Adam from the dust of the earth ('men of clay' genetically engineered through gene splicing with extraterrestrials). In the article 'Synthetic Semite' the origins of the semites (e.g. jews; arabs and related stocks) at least in part of their origin are propounded as deriving from E.Ts and gene splicing, E.Ts which are largely:
1) foreign and
2) hostile to the other stocks or at least to the aryan stocks.
This perhaps explains why they show up seemingly 'ex nihilo' around 5,400 years ago in Çatalhöyük in the Anatolian region and subsequent to this the violent chaos is orchestrated in the region yielding a bloodbath of aryan sacrifices to the 'god of israel', Jehovah-Satan.
That the jews have many biological traits that are reminiscent of reptilians suggests this may be a valid point (cf. the article "Are Jews Reptilians?" by the author) as well as perhaps some variety of insectoid E.Ts as the first article "Synthetic Semite" suggests.
The writer further speculates with respect to the arabs (and especially their name 'the Arvasthans' in sanskrit connoting the land of the horses) that they may derive from centaur hominids from the Orion constellation as 'ascension glossary' suggests it is especially given their equine features in many cases (note: this statement and all others does not imply 'moral evaluation', simply factual observation).
That 'arab' means as far as the writer has heard 'mixed' in Hebrew it reveals the synthetic origin at least as received by speakers of Hebrew if not in a purely mundane sense that in out of it an exopplanetary origin (multiple origins).
With respect to far east asians or 'orientals' the writer speculates that, given their relatively conformistic and collectivized consciousness and their appearance with pasty colored or yellow hued skin and black eyes and a protuberant skull (in the prefrontal cortical region) they may very well be hybrids of 'grey aliens' who may occupy the moon and have derived from Zeta Reticuli as 'ascension glossary' has suggested is grey aliens are derived from. The stature of the Oriental is comparatively short and lithe of limb further revealing the parallels between the grays and themselves.
Their lunar spirituality, steeped in the witchcraft of Chang Shambala also harkens to their lunar origins and their possible 'manufacture' of the artificial space station referred to as the moon. Given that the Orientals of the far east (those least mixed with aryans such as the chinese) are affiliated with jewry geopolitically as follows from the premises that they are part of this synarchy in the capacity of a servitor of jewry as a subordinate to a master and as the grays perform their role as subordinates to the Draco reptilians and other E.T's (eg.mantids; insectoids).
Whether all of these E.Ts are inherently 'negative' as 'ascension glossary' contends or no the writer cannot say only that they are almost certainly the 'players' in the intervention of their 'evolution' to accelerate 'evolution' and to facilitate the Demiurge's self-realization through such miscegenation. From the 'other point of view' these or some of These could be benevolent and focused on assisting the elevation of the consciousness of the pasu to god-head and thereby liberation from the cycles of incarnation.