The history of the world, its temporal Truth, contrasts oppositionally to the lies of His-story, the judeo-christian narrative of dark age ignorance, the light of Hyperborea shines throughout the ages, overlaid by the falsehood of the blind light of the Demiurge.
The origins of man, as stipulated by 'the bible', or torah, are that: "god created man of the dust of the earth and blew into him his breath"('Ruach Elohim')-thereby transmuting the 'man of clay', or pasu/beastman, the anthropoid devoid of light into a being possessed of light, the light of the Demiurge, His breath or emanation of His Being.
Perhaps this story means the genetic engineering of the hybrid life forms by extraterrestrials, the 'Yahweh collective', mixing their D.N.A with the beastmen or anthropoids they had previously created on the earth, creating 'Adam', the first man and perpetuating his existence within the garden of Eden, the golden age when Saturn was the second sun during the Satya Yuga, the earthly paradise in which dwelled the simple and ignorant Adam and Eve, they who had not yet received any light or sufficient Hyperborean blood to elevate them to a higher state of being, rendering them hue-men or men of light, lightbearers of the black light of Spirit, of the realm of Hyperborea from whence derived the Hyperboreans, the Devas, or 'Vanir'.
The 'Yahweh collective' thus created an 'imitation of the Truth', in the case of the synthetic genetically engineered amalgam and his being, the Adam (ADM in Hebrew or Adamu in Sumerian?) to serve them to maintain their sole harvesting farm, a terrestrial and densified earth within their Metatron matrix capturing the aion Sandur/Krodo (now Saturn/Satan) and transforming it into its current state of an extraterrestrial base of operations and energetic harvesting technology (e.g. Gravitron gravitational wave generating technology).
This system of slavery entailed the generation by Adam of mass sacrifice on a grand scale, perpetrating all manner of vice and harm, to others as means of genetic generating misery; pain and murder, causing the release of their vital essence into the aether and via ley lines where it is then fed upon by the extraterrestrials, siphoned into the loosh harvesting facilities and transmitted to Saturn via wormholes perhaps, having, being stored in some form of batteries beyond the technological capacity of the current human stock, if not being in part or in whole consumed in situ ("Yahweh feeds off the fumes of sacrifice").
The Hyperboreans decided they would intervene into the context of this slave system and sabotage the entropic prison planet, the alleged 'earthly paradise', which was populated by the hybrids of the 'Yahweh collective', over the globe and its archaic continents prior to the Hyperboreans destroying them by a sonic weapons (e.g. the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria). Later bringing into the earth's orbit the moon base as means of maintaining their prison planet, vampire farm, the 'Yahweh collective' attempted to destroy Atlantis and created the ice age and the deluge and through this means wiping away much of the then current population, saving, quotes, Noah, quotes, in his arc (i.e. saving the germ plasm/D.N.A of the population to recreate another group in addition to the remnant which had been preserved).
The Hyperboreans meanwhile were busy creating their geo-acupuncture around the world (eg. Stonehenge; Easter Island) via magnetic levitation just as the pyramids and other structures were created in their Origin and used as means of transmuting the earth and elevating its densified and depressed energetic grid itself trapped within a lower density state by the 'Yahweh collective' in conjunction with the Demiurge's 'Will', with 'Time', the densification and crystallization of the planetary body of Gaia-Sophia.
In terms of the particular sub-types of what is now (and falsely), called 'humanity', the origins differ and yet distinct species hybridization can be readily inferred (as is discussed with respect to semites, particularly in the section "Synthetic Semite", in the work "Hyperborean Light") and this based upon the obvious physionomical and somatotypic features of the particular so-called 'humans', on the earth plane today.
Starting with the far East Asians one can clearly discern a parallelism between gray aliens or some prototypic version thereof that became hybridized (either through its own decision or choice or under the influence of others of a greater power, such as mantis aliens or reptilians), with proto-anthropoid stocks to varying degrees, the whitest or most light-skinned of these same being the closest to that particular species (the grey alien, who some such as the disinfo agent Alex Collier have contended derived from Zeta Reticuli in the Orion system), those of darker hue being proportionally separated from that prototype and containing more of the blood/D.N.A/genetics of the proto-anthropoid entity.
Perhaps Lemuria was the region of the earth wherein these aliens first planted or even engineered these proto-stocks paleohistorically. Subsequent hybridization with the Aryans occurred in the Aryan migrations from the North to the East and either mixing voluntarily or being overrun and forcibly mixed by the weight of numbers. In the cases of Korea and Siberia; Mongolia and Tibet, perhaps a voluntary mixture and in the case of places like Japan an overthrow perhaps of the proto-Aryan Ainu stock who lived in the region.
The dragon symbolism of the Orient may indeed serve as testament to the reptilian hybridization of the stock and this to varying degrees yet this is something the writer can't say not having any sound evidence other than the symbolism and iconography bound up with the culture, from the Chinese dragon symbolism to the references to the emperors being referred to as dragons or having derived from dragons as is discussed in greater detail in Christian Cortes' work compiled in the book "Hyperborean Symbolism".
With regards to the current stocks in the 'Middle East', i.e. India and the Southern Himalaya and Pakistan regions one can see the Aryan element preponderating in the former and fading away as one heads westward toward the Near East (which subject is covered in the article "Synthetic Semite"). The Aryan stocks interbred with the Dravidian negroes and created a mixed bag of varying shades of brown, the Dravidians having Lemurian origins and being perhaps genetically engineered by (and to a slight extent perhaps combined with) reptilians in Lemuria or transplanted there on the reptilians' cube ships.
The mixture having been largely voluntary was therefore more of a harmonious blend between Aryan and non-Aryan elements and this perhaps owing to the psycho-region nearest the 'Kali Yuga motor', according to Nimrod de Rosario in his book "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom", the entry point to Agartha being in the Himalayas North of the Indian subcontinent. This explains also the harmonious nature of the Tibetans and others of this region of the Himalayas and Asiatic steppes between Lake Baikal in Siberia and the region of Bhutan.
Regarding the South American region wherein the current mixed stocks exist (Mestizo; Zambos), these two, as in the case of the far East Asiatics are mixed as the 'Asiatic', stock derives from Asia and Siberia and perhaps from Atlantis as with the remnants of the Ramoahal and other groups (the brown/red Atlanteans spoken of by Blavatsky in "The Secret Doctrine", volume two, "Anthropogenesis") mixed with the Vikings who came from Atlantis and the Scandinavian region and are thus a later amalgam of the earlier exogenetic stocks the extraterrestrial hybrids which constitute the current population of 'humanity', today.
With respect to the negro, some sources such as Sun-Ra and Wesley Swift (a christian identity pastor), have referred to them as having extraterrestrial origins deriving from Saturn wherein dwell the 'Yahweh collective' and who were presumably engineered to serve as slaves as the talmud speaks of: "Ham was born for slavery" ('Ham' being a synecdoche, a representative of the Hamites or negro stock).
The question now of Aryan origins will be addressed. Some claim that what are now called 'Cro-Magnon' are the primordial origin of the Aryan stock and that they derived from the North. This the writer can agree with. Yet there are origins beyond this and this is a contentious issue not readily discernible to the writer and especially to those unwilling to go beyond a purely materialistic perspective of origins. Works such as Blavatsky and Serrano (in his "Adolf Hitler: the Last Avatar") posit the Devas or Vanir, the blue beings, Lucifer Spirits deriving from Venus as the ultimate cause, and yet others such as Nimrod de Rosario and his follower Christian Cortes further expand this Origin beyond simply the Venusian Lucifer Spirits to (at least in the case of Cortes and only somewhat alluded to by Rosario) Orion and Alpha Draconis and the reptilians themselves with one faction being a traitor to Hyperborea and the Spirit, to the uncreated light or Black Madonna who are part of the 'Yahweh collective', serving the Demiurge trapping the Spirit on the earth plane and the others being, the other faction being those loyal to the Spirit and seeking the liberation of the Spirit spheres from the material plane and the other faction and having simply taken on the forms of blonde Nordics (Vanir; Devas; blue beings, so white that their Hyperborean blood shone through as bluish in tint), in their descent into matter for the purpose of the spiritual liberation of the captive Spirits, elevating them to a higher state to that of their Origin, Hyperborea.
The writer is uncertain whether both factions are of predominantly reptilian origin as some such as Christian Cortes claim or if the blonde Nordics are not simply the form the Spirit spheres assumed perhaps from another planetary region such as Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus. Some have claimed that these nordics are the Hyperboreans themselves, those with whom the Third Reich had contact. The writer would be more inclined to this latter conception, that deriving from Serrano and Blavatsky and yet the contention of Cortes and by implication Rosario could also be valid.
That all of the ancient pyramid technology points to Orion (e.g. the king's chamber in Egypt), and the pyramids are configured along the lines of the seven Pleiades in the Orion constellation may suggest that Rosario and Cortes are more correct given the Aryan origins of these lithic structures replicated in the Gobi Desert; the Americas (Tenochtitlan; Tiahuanaco), and other regions of the earth (e.g. Bosnia).
With respect to the jews and their Arab distant cousins, a certain reptilian Origin is indicated given their features; behavior, and the Saturnian nature of their culture, its symbolism and textual references to their Seraphim/Sephardim and 'Abrahamic' origins ("we are Abraham's seed"-jewry).
The writer has heard from one source, he can't recall that filipinos claim they derive from the sun. Their sun symbol, a symbol of implicit racism, they affix to their vehicles and other prominent artefacts (clothing, etc.,) as means of displaying their supremacistic chauvinism their so-called 'pride', points to this relationship. Perhaps it is true that filipinos have some elements of their being which derive from the sun? According to some Gnostic sources, the sun is Satan, or Jehovah-Satan, the architect of the solar system and from which the planetary bodies derive, as crystallized plasmations of this solar archon. The writer has encountered video footage of black cube ships around the sun, which some have claimed is a black hole, an entry point into another dimension, the heat which exists on earth not being derived from the sun, but only a result of the reflection of the sun's rays off the earth's surface, the solar radiation generating heat, but not itself being heat at its source.
Blavatsky stated that the sun is actually blue, or blue-black, and the writer has observed this property in sun gazing, with the brightness of the sun a white-yellow, as of the time of this writing, being around the periphery with its center being blue-black. Nimrod de Rosario's diagram of the world conspiracy in "Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom", posits Jehovah-Satan as the Solar Logos, and the Demiurge above this as the Cosmic Logos, which suggests jewry, though their "monads come from Saturn", according to Blavatsky, are nonetheless (perhaps?) bound up with the sun, as the cube ships may indicate, the black cube being a symbol of theirs, and possibly ships their extraterrestrial masters control. filipinos, as one contemporary example of an alien hybrid species, having a relationship to the sun, in their own myths, may have such a relationship as a hybrid product of rabbis, subjecting the indigenous people in the philippines to prima nocta, and their becoming de facto jews, through such mixture, hence their alleged solar origin is indirect, and by proxy, through their jewish genetics.
Perhaps in their arrogant (mis)understanding of themselves, their incarnate souls who have, by whatever means, incarnated on the earth plane, undoubtedly in their self-(mis)understanding, inferrable from their arrogant self-righteousness, and false humility, for a 'divine purpose'.
As regards the Chinese, the lunar iconography in their culture may indicate a lunar origin. Some sources have speculated (such as Ascension Glossary), that the moon is an alien base inhabited by grey aliens and others who have either generated these hybrids or endowed them with their essence, transplanting them upon the earth as yet more livestock to establish and maintain their slave prison.
The Japanese, though mixed to a degree with Aryans via the Ainu people, have also solar origins as part of their exo-ethnic essence, as their 'rising sun', symbolism may attest to, though their country is geographically where the rising sun symbolism may be derived from in its rising over the horizon and not be a solar origin.
Koreans also have much in the way of lunar symbolism, as Sun Myung Moon and his moony cult attest to, and therefore, like their neighbors to the south, the Chinese may have something lunar origins.
Hence, the original typology of races propounded by such as Arthur Comte de Gobineau in his "Essay on the Inequality of Human Races", has some validity in terms of the then current diversity of types: negro/black; oriental/yellow; Amerindian/red; white/caucasoid and australoid. Nonetheless, these types and their mixtures and subtypes have their origin beyond this terrestrial world and are properly spoken of by de Gobineau, improperly spoken of by de Gobineau as 'races', or mere subspecies of a unitary species, that being the 'human', when they are in fact simply hybrids of diverse alien species and are therefore best kept separate.
Else the consequences of any miscegenation (properly so-called), is the 'folk chaos', quotes, Hitler spoke of and best exemplified in jewry today, whose motivation is a destruction of the 'qlippoth', or soul shells of the diverse races, or 'manu archetypes', manifested on the earth by Jehovah-Satan, the diverse, 'races, humaine'.
The jewish perspective of 'tikkun olam', or 'healing the world', by way of 'creative destruction', destroying the various archetypes or races is intelligible, if not agreeable to the writer. Their motivation presumably being the formation of a new race for a new earth and this, according to their protocols of infiltration and interbreeding with their hosts, co-opting and usurping their hosts and bringing about the 'shattering', of the qlippoth or 'manu archetype'.
Such is the protocol of jewry as a 'chosen people', of Yahweh-Satan. And on the earth plane it is a choice of either aligning oneself with jewry or with they who value the preservation of the currently existent archetypes. "Manu: for the Man to Come", Miguel Serrano titled his most significant work, many of the ideas of which he derived from Nimrod de Rosario, contains a celebration of the coming 'Manu', or new race, which is a deviation from and conflict with the doctrine of the Hyperborean Wisdom, as set out by Rosario in "Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom", prescribing evolution (the process of the Demiurge for the enchainment of the Spirit in the soul) and not spiritual liberation.
The archetypes, or 'Manus', are perhaps themselves creations of extraterrestrials, not merely crystallized forms of the evolution of the Demiurge. This sounds credible to the writer who, though having a favoritism towards certain species or types and recognizing their creative capacity unique to themselves (such as the Aryan), acknowledges that there is nonetheless reality beyond this world and its 'manus', and therefore that being vehicles of the Spirit spheres (in those cases wherein spirits exist), have only a relative value. Blavatsky speaks of the 'sixth sub-race of the fifth root race', the fifth by the Aryan and claimed by her to comprise Indians from India, as well as semites (which the writer will not claim, restricting the term 'Aryan' to the so-called 'white' race or that conventionally referred to by such according to H. F. K. Gunther).
The sixth sub-race is "forming" in America, according to her and is as Kalergi prescribed should be "the man of the future", the Eurasian negro, the 'Manu' to come. Insofar the writer would vehemently disagree with this ethical 'protocol', of hybridization as even though there are probably extraterrestrial Hyperboreans or higher entities, it would not imply that the Aryans should cease to exist and serve these beings as de facto slaves.
The faction of the extraterrestrials seeking slave labor on the earth plane are what Nimrod de Rosario called the 'traitor Siddhas', or the Hyperboreans who serve the Demiurge, who support a 'worldly paradise' or 'golden age', with themselves ruling over 'human' slaves, upon whose energy they feed to perpetuate their presence on the earth plane which they choose as means of experiencing the Edenic garden of earthly delight.
The 'loyal Siddhas' their opponents with Lucifer is their Fuhrer, commander of Agartha, the extraterrestrial base near Venus, seeks the liberation of the Spirit spheres through a dismantling of the architecture of the world order and its supplantation with a Hyperborean civilization, a spiritually elevated world of nobler purpose rather than a world of abject slavery. Chang Shamballa, the ultra-telluric realm between the earth and sun, is the base of operations of the 'traitor Siddhas'. This structure blocks the sun's rays from the earth, mediating their True light and dulling their emanation.
This would be the 'origin', of jewry or filipinos and others (Aztecs, having been largely jewish, at least at the higher levels of the priest caste, as in the case of the Druids of Ireland, upon being co-opted by jewry) being servants of Chambala and enemies of the Hyperboreans. This and their lunar and Saturnian affiliates (Chinese, etc.), can provide one with insight on the basis of their earthly relations and bonds, of their probable exo-political/ethnic bonds at higher levels of the hierarchy, in addition to jewry's propensity for hybridization with these types on the earth plane, subsequent to their implantation on the earth, by the 'Yahweh collective'.