Force of Destiny
False Light of Shamballah
Force of Destiny
The 'destiny of the nations' of Alice Bailey reports to describe the destiny of the diverse 'culture organisms' (in Spengler's terms), and to prescribe a 'solution' to the 'world problem'. The solution is presumably the Kalergi plan, the multi polar geopolitical regionalism of the world which is divided into distinct groups and yet, with the aryan race presumably being subject to the influx of non-white elements leading to the genocide of the Aryo-Germanic race.
Each region has its quality and is diagrammed by the synarchy on the map of Richard Coudenhove von Kalergi's book "Practical Idealism" with Britain reconstituting its empire with India; China and South Africa as well as Australia; New Zealand; Canada and other smaller nations assimilated into it and America being a distinct entity fused with Mexico (as far as the writer can recall) with the European Union constituting its own power block and China holding sway over the Asian region.
Various other 'plans' of this sort have been and are being at the time of this writing drafted such as 'Plan Andina' for 'Nai Judah' and South America and 'the belt and road' and 'Greater Israel' all of which of course serve the would be 'destiny' of the jewish nation in its hegemonic power madness and imperialist aspirations.
The destiny of the nations is not 'in the hands of god' but in the hands of the few who beyond god, beyond the Demiurge and His hierarchies of dark forces, namely the Hyperboreans and their material hybrid the aryan race (a product of Hyperborean parthenogenetic and epigenetic evolutive influence on the Cro-Magnon). They alone hold the key to destiny and they alone will provide the solution to the 'world problem' that The Great White brotherhood, the architects of chaos and servants of the Demiurge (G.A.O.T.U) constitute and have for millennia.
The force of destiny is the will-to-power of the culture organisms and its individual members and has been perversely altered by the infiltration of the culture distortor jew who has attempted to symbiotically entangle himself with the aryan and direct his host towards his own selfish ends (and those of his deity Jehovah-Satan).
The orientation of the synthetic constructs of the Semites is not a destiny but fate, that of a service to their deity and to an adherence to his will-to-power and attempted takeover of their hosts expanding without any intention of self-limitation as their globalist plans clearly indicate and as their own His-story also indicates ("you shall have the earth for your inheritance").
The fate of the jews is the fate of their Deity and that is self-extinction in this world and in the next, depending on the unraveling of his-story and the artificial timelines engineered by their extraterrestrial masters and encoded in their 'holy books' of religious programming.
The face of destiny of the nations is easily overcome by that of the area nation not a plurality of distinct types but a unity as a cultural organism, sympathetically aligned with their own well as independent free spirits of the Uncreated Light and in opposition to the forces of darkness embodied in 'the chosen people'and their minions (freemasons; christians and other Demiurge worshipers).
This forces without of the black sun, of the Green Ray of the light of eternity overcoming the Demiurge and His-story and re-turning the captive Spirits to the realm beyond spatio-temporal contingency, towards Hyperborea.