The Führerprinzip (leadership principle) manifested on the earth plane in the avatar Hitler, the Hyperborean Siddha who incarnated in the form of their Führer. This tulku or central nucleus of the folk soul ('culture organism' in the words of Spengler), concentrated the forces of the population and simultaneously elevated them beyond their fallen state, immersed as it was in the material plane in the lower states of consciousness (despair; anger; envy; hatred; sensualism, etc), precipitated by the usurpers of their culture and nation, the international parasite, the jews (the jewish 'culture organism', the collective tribal egregore and its multifarious tentacles or projections coalescing around the central nucleus of the rabbis).
The Führerprincip, centered around an individual Immortal enabling and spiritualizing the men of lower nature. Thus is the Hyperborean archetype of power and temporal manifestation over and against the tribalistic oligarchic egregore or structure of the jewish people as embodied in their priest− caste overlords.
The former endows the folk with the Hyperborean Wisdom through the signs and culture and its (meta)physical influence enabling their awakening of the blood memory, whereas the latter simply attempts to preserve the rigidified structure of the culture organism of Jehovah−Malkuth, the Magian despotism of the Earth, the overlordship of the culture pact in opposition to the very existence of the blood pact.
Hence the Führerprinzip is the Hyperborean Wisdom manifest in political form, strengthening and awakening the sleeping viryas as Holger Dansk, awakening from his slumber in the mountain. It is the appearance of the Führer, a reification of the idea of the Immortal of Hyperborea, leading the fallen legions of Lucifer towards a final battle against the servants of the Demiurge, the peoples of the 'culture pact' who lack ontological validity and who exist within the world of illusion as Beastman. In the cartoon He−Man is portrayed as dwelling in illusion with Skeletor in Snake Mountain, the area of the unawakened Kundalini.
The Spiritual Awakening (Deutschland erwacht), however, does not begin in the Muladhara Chakra, but rather in the seat of the Spirit, the Sahasrara, or Crown Chakra, and need not undergo any transitive/transitional process of chakra alignment or awakening in a linear sequence from bottom upwards. Indeed the noological awakening of the blood memory begins in the Sahasrara and radiates throughout the being, and indeed has no need of such mediation or refulgent 'glory', but rather exists in a non−localizable, atemporal state that has no process or gradualistic 'lotus petal blossoming', as in the inverted and distorted synarchic occultism, yogic praxis of the 'monkey yoga', as Miguel Serrano called it. Quite the contrary, the awakening is an 'Augenblick', a blink of the eye of the third eye (Vishuddha Chakra) and happens if such is the word, immediately, or rather transcendentally, beyond time and space, and once awakened has no need of further awakening, as it has worked its magic.
However, this is not to say that a certain condition of being a certain 'modus vivendi', is not necessary to attain in order to corporealize and situate the being within the context of the world, else the possibility of a 'Spiritual reversion' may occur and, on the basis of such a potentiality, for the extinction of the Spirit is not only a circulation within the wheel of incarnation, and a subsequent (with each incarnation), weakening of the being, leading to the ultimate termination of his existence.
Hitler's presence had awakened the folk, of which he became the central nucleus, organizing around Himself the energies of the folk organism, and increasing its rate of Time−flow. The attempts to decelerate Time−flow on the part of the antagonistic 'culture organism', the jewish people, servants of the Demiurge, were thereby thwarted, and Hitler managed to overcome the "pestilential miasma from the East" as Robert Ley had termed them. Until his disappearance and the subsequent reversion (if only in part), of the German folk under the iron despotism of the synarchy and its 'chosen people', though the 'Gothic ripples' remained echoing throughout the higher planes, and the potencies of matter were insufficient to dissipate the presence of the Führer and the symbol of the Origin which he introduced and which had exerted its influence in the awakening of the folk and which had a necessity to perpetuate its existence in underground currents, within and also, and most importantly, beyond the borders of Germany, transmuting the judeo−christian monotheistic world with the notion of the blood pact and the concept of 'Blut und Boden', which extrapolated itself through other nations and races, serving to undermine and oppose the culture pact of the synarchy and its multifarious guises (Islam; christ−insanity; Hinduism; Buddhism, etc.).
Therefore, the Führerprinzip, the Hyperborean form of order on the earth plane with a central leader elevating the folk and facilitating their re−turn to the Origin, was the means through which the culture pact was started on its path of disintegration. Its power, which had up to that time (as exemplified in the British and other colonial empires and their monotheistic, Demiurgic ideological culture), being omnipresent and binding the captive Spirits in an iron grip by the synarchy was now becoming dismantled through the conception of blood and soil, the national (racial) socialist archetype of the Führerprinzip as a tactical/strategic 'Archemon' ('one rule') through which to oppose the culture organism of the 'chosen people', and their subordinates, the last bound up with the egregoric hive mind structures jewry has engineered through their witchcraft praxis of Hebrew black magic in conjunction with their extraterrestrial overlords.
Thus can be seen today in eg. China, through the country (soil), and 'people', or blood, are still largely under the sway of jewry as in Russia, the former's state, though not so much the latter, is an 'ethno− state', a state based on the principles of national socialists centered around a tulku in accordance with the Führerprinzip.
Owing to the revelations of the higher, of the kosher method revealed by the national socialists under the charismatic influence of Hitler, the 'chosen people', have lost even more power and prestige, and thus must await the return of Hitler and the Wildes Heer, the wild host of Lucifer−Wotan, to usher in the Aquarian age and the final conflagration and inevitable defeat of the dark forces.
Their end is coming. 100% No more games. This time it's war. SIEG!