False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
The story of the Demiurge has existed amongst various people groups for millennia from Enlil in Babylon and the Aton of Egypt, to the story of Brahma in the Indian subcontinent in more recent times and within the Piscean age the story of perhaps greatest blood; murder and sadism that of Jehovah the God of Israel.
The stories of the Demiurge all have their 'sacred texts' and rites and all have entailed and to this day entail a sacrifice not only of animals but of 'humans', those 'the chosen' would deem 'animals in human skin'.
The monotheistic Demiurge demands sacrifice and is the god which 'the chosen' bow before, the Entity that feeds on the fumes of blood and pain as it is related in the Old Testament or 'Torah' of jewry: "Hebrews 9:22: And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission". This and other passages in the semitic witchcraft book.
This explains why, under the Jewish yoke of Demiurgic despotism their history is one soaked in the blood of others and minimally in their own, the 'chosen people' of the priest caste reserving for themselves the blood of the innocent and the lions' portion for their 'god' who is Judah in his material aspect, i.e. Jehovah-Malkuth the 10th sephiroth of the manifestation of their 'god' in the form of the tribe of judah and the israelites.
The story of this 'god' in manifesting himself on the earth and his relationship with 'the chosen people' is encoded in the Torah which at a later Time (a subsequent 'dispensation') contained the addition of the New Testament of the Rabbi Yahshua Hamashiach who was it emanation of Jehovah-Satan.
The story book was apparently formulated in Anatolia in the Byzantine Eastern Roman Empire under the supervision of extraterrestrials with Emperor Constantine and other tribe members who constructed the book from a patchwork of texts of Near Eastern derivation that were largely borrowed from other semites (cf. "The Great Jewish Masque: The Ass in The Lion's Skin") and christianity combined based upon the decisions of the Council of Nicea members, presumably a semitic oligarchy which engineered the work to standardize the hive mind of their charges, keeping them in fear and trembling and ignorance as mechanisms of control.
The dogma of 'the church' became synonymous with christianity in the hive mind of the majority and all else 'Other' to itself was deemed 'heretical' and subject to extreme persecution and violence in the name of 'the faith' which was the excuse this synarchic oligarchy and their extraterrestrial masters required in order to justify their imperialism in the name of 'evangelism', conversion of 'the heathen'.
The history (His-story) of the Piscean age has been one largely of antagonism between the institution and everything 'Other' to itself. It was only through the fragmentation of its power through protestantism that this institution loosened its grip on power and was in many regions of the earth muscled out of the action for monopoly on all things spiritual. Hence protestantism and the embodiment of a higher conception in Germans like Eckardt and even Luther enabled the aryan race to push back against this institution. This viewed through 'western eyes'.
In the East competitors for power like Tamerlane and Genghis Khan made incursions into what have unfortunately become labeled as 'Christendom', namely the Aryan race and had nearly decimated the Europeans but for their greater counter-force.
The His-story of the Demiurge manifested itself meanwhile in the East under the form of a priest caste of Buddhism with its further dogma and rules which subordinated the populace to an oriental form of christian pacifism, an enervating doctrine of 'weakness as virtue', that 'the world', far from being a battleground as in the case of the primordial gnosis, was instead 'mere suffering' and something to be endured with a passive escapism, though in the case of Buddhism in its initial form it harbored elements of aristocratic asceticism and thus had its redeemable traits largely redirected by the priest caste and their higher echelons of Chang Shambala.
The major religions, all of which have been formulated during the Kali Yuga (including Zoroastrianism) and especially during the Piscean age (the age of the lachrymose tears of the lambs of god) have provided a template for violence that has served the purpose of sabotaging all traditional cultures and most historical races undergone by 'the chosen people' in the name of the 'love of god', a fanatical desire to tear down and destroy that which stands above them and projecting their 'god' as 'that-than-which nothing-can-exist' and thereby implying superiority by proxy or derivation from this entity.
That this entity is by no means the Absolute Supreme Being but is instead an inferior deity implies the Truth that jewry are themselves inferior to they who derived from the Uncreated Realm of Hyperborea, namely the aryan race and those hybrid stocks who received the transmission of the Spirit from they who came above and who are thereby endowed with the Spirit and who are potentially immortal.
These are by far the superiors of 'the chosen people' who are merely the enforcers upon the earth of the despotism of the Demiurge and His 'great deception', they who are presumably a genetic construct of the 'Yahweh collective' of extraterrestrials and to partake of the hive mind according to their hybridized genetic blueprint, merged into the hive mind of this collective and their Demiurge Deity.
The religions are thus mind programs and mechanisms for keeping the slaves in a lower state of density, earthbound Spirits which are to an ever-increasing degree used with 'The One' in samadhi meaning absorbed into the maw of the Cosmic Vampire, reaver of souls.
The current conjuncture of this world is a state of precarious transition towards either world of light and life under the benevolent aryans (those of the malevolent caste being eliminated in the struggle) or a devastated world of darkness and slavery under the 'chosen people' and their violent passive-aggression they call 'love' or 'loving-kindness', a world of complete falsehood; deceit and debasement of the higher type into a transhumanized waste product of 'sub-humanity'.
Hence it is a battle between Lucifer and the Hyperborean gods and the Demiurge and his slave minions; Agartha versus Shambala and victory for all not of the synarchy or defeat for Truth and justice on the earth plane.