caveat: Miguel Serrano’s work can be very divisive and oriented towards the world order’s ‘evolutionism’ and ‘soul perfection’ agenda. The publisher would recommend reading the works of Nimrod de Rosario on the above website in preference to Serrano’s works which are useful as a historical information source and partial truth esoterically.
Esoteric Hitlerism: Hitler, The Last Avatar and Manu, the Man to Come
Miguel Serrano, Chilean diplomat and initiate brought into the world a doctrine of national socialist gnosticism which he called "Esoteric Hitlerism" a doctrine which contains the template for an awakening of the Aryan and the immortalization of the soul. His doctrine is that of the left hand path, the path of the swastika, a return to flirt Hyperborea, the aeonic condition of Eternity which he calls the Green Ray, the vibrational level beyond physicality, what in christian esotericism was called the 'nunc stans' or Eternal Now.
The project of Serrano is the liberation of the Aion Saturn and the Earth (Gerda) from the matrix of the Demiurge and this through the transmutation of the base metal of the now wiggerized white race in its involuted form of dross into the philosophical gold of the Absolute personality, the immortalization of the soul through an increase of its vibrational frequency and through a "synchronistic gathering of the specific and correct particles" (Maya, "Reality is an Illusion", pg.4) of the body and soul, a spiritualization of the material and this not as an isolated individual but himself as an element of his
racial soul.
The project is a daunting one and only the Hero (Virya) can resurrect his soul from the increasing density of the Demiurge in the age of lead or Kali Yuga. He then can call out to Kalki avatara and Wotan and his Wildes Heer, his last Battalion of Einherjer, of warriors and conquer the enemy on earth as well as in the heavens.
The battle lines are clear: on the one hand there are the pure, they who are the descendants of the white gods who alone are capable of immortality and have one foot in heaven and the other in hell, the hell of this matricized earth plane, the captive Gerda, and against them on the other side the dark forces of Jehovah and the Demiurge with their "galactic and planetary legions" ("Adolf Hitler, Last Avatar", pg. 820).
These emissaries of darkness above or below the earth Serrano does not speak of in much detail but it is reasonable to infer that they are what have been called the 'asuras' in the vedic mythos and 'djinn' in Islam, the astral parasite demonic forces which have been portrayed in the fiction of J.R.R.Tolkein as nazgul and in Carlos Casteneda as 'mud shadows', also in H.P.Lovecraft and other horror of the time of fin de siecle. These beings who have been called "the Hypostases of the Archons" in gnostic literature
presumably dwell in or have a connection to the planet Saturn.
According to Serrano "Jehovah is a projection of the Demiurge or Demon, superimposed on Saturn, a supplanting of the Aion, a Doppelganger, a double, a copy, a palimpsest, an adulteration" ("Manu, For the Man to Come", pg.178), a "cybernetic monster" (ibid, pg.179).
The Demiurge thus imposes Jehovah-Satan on Saturn and "extracts energy" (ibid.) from this imprisoned Aion "to maintain the Eternal return" (ibid.). The video and photographic footage of the poles of Saturn real that it is indeed a mobile structure on that its poles are vortices of energy that are presumably imposed by the Demiurge, by the Big Bang, upon the Aion as means of transforming it into a machine that can absorb the soul energy of those who fail to cultivate the diamond-thunderbolt body of immortal vajra, the Absolute personality through the alchemical process of vajrayana, tantric
maithuna. Those who fail of this project will be absorbed into Saturn in the seventh heaven and their soul energy will be used to power the dark forces and their matrix, further increasing entropy and bringing about the destruction of all.
Serrano posits over and against this gradual extinction of the soul and its 'going to god', to Jehovah the dark lord (Sauron), the "Absolute Self" as means of overcoming this fate and the gradual weakening of the soul through the cycles of incarnation. The christian religion especially he posits as a black magic formula for the capturing of the soul by Jehovah and his earthly emissaries the jews which entails a deliberate avoidance of all that which conduces to Spiritual development, the formula of Saul of Tarsus and the rabbinate for the subjugation of Rome imposing upon it as the Demiurge imposed Jehovah upon Saturn, the Catholic church. This was done so that the dark forces could absorb the wealth of nations into themselves and encourage the masses to 'be fruitful and multiply' so that they could be exploited for their energy (labor) on the earth by the jews and have their souls vampirized by the demons with whom they work. The remnant of their soul would then be transmitted to Saturn as it flees the earth ascending to the seventh heaven into the vortex of Jehovah should it not have the power of resistance necessary to reincarnate on the earth or attain the diamond-thunderbolt body.
Thus the battle lines are drawn between ROMA (the church of Rome, of the jewdeo-christian conspiracy, in which the jews play the role of rogue rebel against their own deity and the christian as humble servants of this deity forever seeking the salvation of the jews) and AMOR, the inverse of the spiritual darkness of christianity, the alchemical transmutation of the personality into the Absolute personality of immortal vajra (the attainment of the rubedo phase of the Ars Regia or royal art) through kundalini and tantra yoga, the integration of the opposite aspect of one's personality into oneself.
The reactivation of the right hemisphere of mind enables the "materialization of the astral body" which is the Resurrection of the Hero (Virya). This process is no cowardly resignation or contemplative life of 'devotion' (bhakti, 'amor intellectualis dei') to 'God' (the Demiurge and Jehovah) but rather it is the life of Spiritual virility, the upwards path towards the Olympian heights of the immortals. The music of Bach and Mozart, the magic and poetry of the Aryan initiates-this in conjunction with a life of bodily and spiritual purity are the path towards immortality and the spiritualization of the world and an overcoming of the dark age of the matrix of ROMA, both in its christian and in its communist forms.
The jews are the foremost adversary (Yahudi-shaitan, the adversary of God) of the white gods on the earth and formulate their black magic curse of christianity as mechanism of mind control to trap the white gods in their matrix prison and to attempt an extinction of the 'litr godi', the light of the gods.
According to Serrano the jew is a "cybernetic machine, a robotic mechanism connected to a battery or power source that he himself helps to feed and that he calls Jehovah". This is done through the absorption of the soul energy of the white gods (litr godi) into themselves through the incantations of the church and the perpetual abuse and imposition of stress upon the white population by the jews in the form of coerced slavery (labora), coerced prayer (ora), the transmission of their though energy to
the dark forces and the fear and terror, the black magic of the christian religion which has been imposed upon the white population from its inception.
The jews are inherently diabolical and only those who have the highest purity of Aryan blood can be saved at best, Serrano contends. Nonetheless he qualifies,"...mixing with jews cannot benefit non-jews in any way. One way or another, the jew will never be free from control, direct or remotely by means of 'telepathic biology' by this 'genetic psychotronics' of the rabbis who enslave their own population and who are themselves controlled by Jehovah as a puppet on electromagnetic strings controlling puppet underlings underneath themselves.
Serrano's conclusion regarding the jews and their tyranny and enslavement of the earth, of Saturn and of the white gods would for many attracted to the material world sound bleak and a future that is no future but rather inevitable destruction. According to his understanding it is the idea of Esoteric Hitlerism, that of the last avatar of Vishnu Adolf (wolf) Hitler, he in whom the avatar incarnated and took power to overthrow ROMA, the dark forces and the old ideas of the Piscean age that has already defeated the dark forces as Hitler won in the spiritual planes with the Idea of AMOR, of love that is not
expressed through physical organs of sex and thus we are simply awaiting Ragnarokr, "the twilight of the gods, with Eternal return" ("Manu, for the Man to Come", pg. 286) and, "[i]n solidarity with the Resurrection of the Hero and with the fulfillment of the archetypal Number of liberated Viras, the Einherjer, the Earth shall herself be transfigured, mutating herself, regenerating herself" (ibid.). And thus the "Aion Kronos-Saturn-Satan" will have won and be redeemed, "the Fenrir wolf [Time] will also
devour the Jew, Jehovah and the Demiurge...when the Jew thinks it has won, seizing power over the earth, the liberated Aion, the soul of the Earth, will destroy it. Disintegrating its Demiurgic matter...only the Resurrected Hero shall remain beyond the stars..."
Thus Serrano forsees the impossibility of attaining any earthly victory for the white race and places all hope for their redemption in alchemy. Perhaps Serrano was an agent just as were Yockey and Spengler putting forth a doctrine of resignation and escapism? It seems doubtful as he claimed that fighting against the enemy and combat was an essential task, an Aryan duty and thus we cannot charge him with this. Nonetheless the impression left upon the reader of his works is that of apathy, of inevitability of the Fenris' wolf engulfing all material life in his jaws as the cycles of time come to a close. Ragnarokr will not be helped through cowardly resignation nor escaped from, however inevitable it may be, and the white race will not attain Resurrection through cowardly escapism.
Thus Serrano would assist the white race in spit of the desperation of the age of lead and assists in orienting them along their proper path towards the green ray through the black sun of individuation (kaivalya) overcoming the Demiurgic rational consciousness of the yellow sun of mind. The reawakening of "the submerged continent of Atlantis, Restored Hyperborea, discovering the entrance to the interior hollow earth" (ibid. pg. 260) means a reactivation of "the thunderbolt force emanating from the third eye", the pineal gland, which he speaks of as bearing the name "kurm, supreme will,
shudibudhishvabhava" (ibid.). This is the 'sieg thunderbolt', 'the Graal' or Graal light' (ibid.). Reawakening the third eye leads the Aryan back to the state of the Divyas and to the spiritualization of the material body.
"The Hero must march over the razor's edge, conquering physical sex and overcoming rationalist thought, before he can reach the submerged continent of Atlantis, Restored Hyperborea". This is the project of Serrano and of all Aryan initiates and must become the project of all whites in order to overcome the state of lead they are now subject to as a Divine Spark trapped within the zion matrix of ROMA and to transform themselves and their people even as they combat the enemy.
Whether Serrano's conceptions have a basis in fact as regards Hitler being an avatar and the inevitability of the destruction of our world as a material structure is questionable. Much of the writings of Serrano are related to the gnostic-luciferian ideology of Mani the manichean, of a dualistic Spirit vs. Matter conception, of a denigration of rational intellectual thought (left brain) and an overemphasis on right brain consciousness.
Perhaps his intention was to take the already destabilized mind of the children of the Kali Yuga, the wiggerized 'Z.I.O.N' (zombie installation operating negatively), the "robots of the Demiurge" (ibid.) that most have become and attempt to emphasize the modality of consciousness necessary for a transmutation of the consciousness through a balanced integration of opposites? That the world of ROMA, the jewdeo-christian world, emphasizes a rationalist-materialist modality of consciousness juxtaposed with that of an emotionalism tied to the lower drives creates the useful functional slave robot of the jew world order that is a serviceable tool of jewry in its enslavement of the earth in the
matrix prison of zion.
However to simply cast aside reason is of no use in fighting the dark forces of the world and reason is in fact essential as a tool in one's arsenal against the enemy in to tactical engagement with the enemy and overcoming all of his many traps and stumbling blocks. This may not be what Serrano is contending but it leaves this impression upon the reader and may be valuable to emphasize, but a holistic consciousness necessitates an incorporation of all modalities of consciousness, of all faculties both reason and the suprarational intuition propounded in Serrano's works.
The messianism of jewry is also implicit in Serrano's works though perhaps it is not jewry's messianism at all but rather that of the Aryan, of Kalki Avatara not Jesus ben Panthera or Jehosua Hamaschiach, Perhaps the doom and gloom of the apocalypse of christianism of ROMA was also inherent in the mythos of the Aryan and the cycles of time? Only the jew, an arche plagiarist hijacked these ideas and attempted to pervert them to serve his own ends of global supremacy? Perhaps the attempt to render linear the cyclicism of time was the jews own attempt at cheating God and salvaging themselves from their inevitable doom, not being a Virya who can Resurrect?
Be that as it may Serrano's work is rather christian in some of its symbolism such as the reference to 'Kristos-Lucifer-Wotan', the 'christ' archetype (man perfected? the messiah? The return of the central sun or black sun at the bottom of the cycles of time?). The notion of history as cyclical or as linear being an inevitable progression towards destruction and a rebirth in a spiritually elevated state is inherent in the Aryan mythos and undoubtedly has its counterpart in Cosmic Law, the Divine Will if it
could be spoken of in those terms (the Will of the Demiurge?).
The works of Serrano contain much in the way of detailed historical evidence and speculation not easily discoverable everywhere and for that reason are worthy of notetaking. The occult Green language of his writings are a veil not easily penetrated and yet behind that veil is concealed gnosis which must be implemented and understood by the aspiring Aryan to overcome his wiggerized state of involution. Serrano is an esotericist philosopher poet for modern times who may serve as a guide along the yellow brick road (philosophical gold brick road) towards the emerald city of the Green Ray, the 'nunc stans', the Eternal Now, of Eternia and beyond the world of transient illusion.