Hyperborean Myths & Mysticism
The Illiad & The Odyssey
The Hyperborean myth, spiritually experienced, free from its rational guidelines or logical precepts, gives the Virya a heroic ethos that strategically guides him to eternal truths. If it is not felt in the blood, the myth falls into intellectual reasoning, into the labyrinthine symbolism contained in the moral allegory. The divine myths, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, were transmitted in secret to not be degraded and disseminated by the poets, the Aedes, including Homer (9th century BC) and Hesiod (8th century BC). Then, over time, they became the subject of philosophers. From that moment on, the myths lost their fertile poetic, transcendent and spiritual plenitude and penetrated the sphere of the imagination and the rational field, becoming elements of conceptual, moral, social and political speculation.
The myths represent the heroic, epic and transcendent ethical sense of life and existence. In the hyperborean races, in the purity of their blood, it can awaken the genetic memory of their divine origin (Aletheia). Only if the Hyperborean myth is felt in the blood, its sacred symbol is conducive to a path of liberation. In the epic story told in the Iliad, in the mystery of the Trojan War, reside the cultural records that allow us to noologically understand the techniques of the Enclosure and Wall principle. The Odyssey describes the gnostic-initiatic path faced by the Virya in the sea of unconsciousness, and the enchantment of Circe (Maya’s illusion), which he must overcome to return to the Origin.
The Hyperborean myths, sustained in eternal symbols and heroic archetypes, affirmed a warrior ethic that allowed the construction of powerful kingdoms, the most brilliant civilizations of the Blood Pact. There, the noological ethic was chivalric, regal, and aristocratic (master-morality).
The Synarchic myths in the modern age, on the contrary, perpetuate condemnation, the total loss of the spirit. The Christian myth established salvation through the redemption of ‘sin’, which must be expiated through suffering, being the foundation of the deception of monotheistic dogmas (slave-morality). For this reason, the Hyperborean Wisdom warns about the political, religious and cultural myths of the international synarchy, because behind them there is only the perverse intention of the Demiurge and the treacherous Siddhas.
The Eleusinian Mysteries
The mythological Gods held certain powers and wisdom inherited by their divine or semi-divine genealogy. They once had a human pathos, but were enthroned in the Eternal by the grace of their actions and heroic deeds. That is why through the initiatory mysteries (the Orphic mysteries or the Eleusinian mysteries) the initiate could relate face to face with the Gods. Through its rituals, he could recover his hidden spiritual forces, losing the fear of life by facing death itself, acquiring the heroic ethos and wisdom to be able to face life’s adversities and finally, to live ‘alongside the Gods’.
The heroic hyperborean mysticism remained in the ancient world as myths, structured in Initiatic Mysteries. Of these mysteries, the ones that most closely approximate the Golden Age’s initiation rites were the “Eleusinian Mysteries.” They were annual initiation rites to the cult of the agricultural goddesses Demeter and Persephone, which were celebrated in Eleusis (near Athens), in ancient Greece. Through its rites, the initiate could understand the pomegranate’s secret of death (the fruit of the pomegranate symbolizes eating from the tree of forgetfulness, the loss of memory about the eternal origin).
The initiatory mysteries had only one premise: to see beyond death. The Virya was subjected to initiatory tests in which his will was put to its limits. He descended into hell, into the unconscious, into his shadow sphere, from which only the bravest can emerge. Because only by transposing the thresholds of fear, death is overcome, and enlightenment is achieved. The Virya, after being prepared and instructed, was led under the guidance of a hierophant, who indicated the purification actions that he should undertake in order to emerge victorious from the confrontation with his own death.
The adept was transferred to the Telesterion, an underground room. He had to drink certain drinks and observe ritual dances performed by beautiful priestesses. If he heroically endured the temptations of his first initiatory instance, if he resisted the seductions that intoxicated his psychic pathos, the Virya nourished his true self (heroic ethos) with which he could access a second initiatory instance; the journey of souls to hell. At this point, he had to endure the hardest of tests, the gaze of Pyrenne (the gorgon Medusa), the goddess of death. If he endured her gaze, which killed any initiate who still suffered from Warm Love, the Virya was no longer the same. He was reborn, he had transcended death and understood death in life, the mystery of enchaining and liberation. The initiate had experienced the truth enclosed within himself; his double nature, human and divine. Plato, who was an initiate in these mysteries, assures that “whoever was purified and initiated would live alongside the gods.”
The peoples of the cultural pact, through their Semitic monotheisms, had systematically degraded the Greek and Roman initiation mysteries; and almost nothing is known about them.
The Labyrinth Mystery
The most sacred mystery of Hyperborean wisdom is the Labyrinth’s symbol, the Gnostic representation of the material world to which the eternal spirit is chained. The synarchy, the ruthless custodians of this world, disorient and confuse the virya, to keep him asleep, to mislead him in its “systems of social control”. The cultural paths, academic sciences or religious dogmas, have a specific function: to incorporate the virya to a certain egregore, to chain him to the strategic disorientation and even to make him “collaborate” with the “evolutionary” and “progressive plan” of the enemy, Jehovah-satan.
The Labyrinth is to the Tree what the Tree is to the Labyrinth. The Demiurge’s labyrinth is analogous to a tree full of ramifications, extending endlessly towards the Nine Worlds of creation (symbolized by the Valknut); its crown reaching heaven and its root established in hell. This is the Yggdrasil, the tree of terror, in which Wotan was crucified. At its roots is coiled the “great deception” of life, the Uroboros serpent, which devours itself, symbolizing the wheel of samsara, metempsychosis or the law of karma. The “lost Virya” is in an abject state of material chaining (Ananke), which forces him to periodically reincarnate, an eternal and miserable fate marked by the sinister illusion of pain, fear and death.
We are eternally devoured by the labyrinth’s illusion, sacrificed to the Minotaur, Baal, the golden calf. Only the bravest virya escapes from such a fate, the one that is determined to rebel and fight against the labyrinth’s custodians. The labyrinth symbol becomes an initiatory journey, when the virya passes from darkness to light and from ignorance to wisdom, to the Gnosis of liberation.
Theseus represents the Virya who seeks his liberation through action of war, determined to kill the jailer (Minotaur) and escape from his jail (labyrinth). Adriana, (goddess who represents the divine origin) guides and orients the hero within the labyrinth, following the thread leading to her (the uncreated runes) at the exit of the labyrinth. She also grants him the sword, that is, the heroic mystique, the Hyperborean warrior ethic. Theseus, armed with courage, traverses terrifying paths (descent into the unconscious), confronts the Minotaur (internal demiurge) and kills it. After that, he searches the runic thread for his exit, and escapes from the labyrinth.
The Virya who understands that he is imprisoned, like Theseus, begins his pilgrimage, his search for spiritual liberation. The Virgin of Agartha assists him encourages him, indicating the way forward. She give him the fury, the courage; she is guiding us, reminding him of the exit of the eternal spirit to the divine origin (Olympus, Valhalla, Hyperborea).
The Mystery of the Runes
All the runic alphabets and languages of the Aryan-Nordic races come from the Birds’ Language of the Hyperborean White Atlanteans. The Runes are sacred symbols semantically impossible to describe; their semiotic is noological, every symbol contains a metaphysical truth that awakens Anamnesis, the understanding of the eternal truths. In each runic Entasis, the initiate incorporates in his blood a heroic Mystique, which allows him to transcend the self, to feel the spirit or Vril in his blood (Eitr). In this sense, the uncreated runes represent the victory of spirit over matter, the eternal over the perishable.
The knowledge of the runes was obtained by Odin (Wotan) hanging himself for nine days in the cosmic tree of terror (Yggdrasil) and wounding himself with a spear in the side. According to the well-known Ariosophist Guido von List, the runes are a magical language in which each symbol has an esoteric power linked to a God or absolute principle (Asatru). The initiated in the noological semantics of the Hyperborean Gnosis, understands perfectly that the thirteen plus three Uncreated Runes act protecting and strengthening the Virya, they are sacred and protective magical forces.
Only the initiated have access to the mysterious bird’s language, accessible through secret keys. From the Origin symbol comes the Sign of the Origin, the swastika (How many volumes have been written wrongly defining its Gnostic truth). The swastika, in its oblique inclination (right-handed), affirms the gnostic reversal, the liberation from time, the return to the past, to the origin; Hyperborea. From the Origin Symbol arise 3 uncreated runes: the SIG rune; the secret of the Bird’s Language (the Hyperborean mystique); the rune HAGAL, the mystery of the Carved Stone (lithic science); and the rune TYR, the art of forging Weapons of War (the art of war).
The Swastika unfolds into the double Rune Sig, and from the double intersection of Sig, the Odal Rune is formed. From the double intersection of Tyr, the Rune Hagal is formed, from which the thirteen archetypal runes are derived. The Hagal rune symbolizes the noological bridge between the created (ascending Tyr) and the uncreated (descending Tyr). Therefore, allows the Virya to understand the mystery of his chaining and liberation. Hagal recalls the Graal’s presence, the fallen stone of Venus.
With the 3 uncreated runes, are built the Odal Archemone, Tyrodal and the sacred Tirodinguiburr. Tirodinguiburr represents the outer and inner labyrinth (the reality of illusion), the Gnostic path that affirms the noological will in the self. The Gibbor rune (Njord/Neptune’s trident), defensive and conductive, opens a rift, making it possible for the Virya to enter the outer labyrinth, and access the limiting and protective Odal rune (Freya/Athena’s shield), a timeless space.
In this walled interior space, the Virya will be able to isolate from the conscious subject. This situation allows him to reorient himself towards the rune Tyr (Wotan’s Spear/Thor’s Hammer), conducive and aggressive, in direction to Valhalla, the divine origin. When the Virya discovers the origin (the hidden Hagal Rune in Tyr-odal), he has realized the unification of his infinite (spirit) with the Selbst (eternal truth of himself).
The warlords of the Hyperborean Nordic races were authentic warriors, their initiation in the Runic Symbols gave them terrible powers (berserker) that made them feel invincible and freed them from the fear of death, their presence instilled in their enemies a terrifying panic.
The Medieval Knights Initiation
In ancient times, initiatory cults (cult of Apollo, Vesta, mysteries of Delphi, Délos, Eleusis) were public knowledge. For this reason, its temples were open, any Greek or Roman citizen could be initiated into them. In the Middle and Modern Ages, the Hyperborean myths (the secret of the Hyperborean crypt, the Black Sun) became hidden, since Christianity persecuted ancient wisdom relentlessly. The walled medieval castles made it possible to hide the initiation rites (Enclosure and Wall Principles) and to keep alive the mystery of Hyperborean lithic art.
The Hyperborean castles represent the Odal archemone; liberated spaces, noological constructions of gnostic initiation. It is worth highlighting two castles created in different historical strategic movements: Montsegur, which allows the Gral’s vision in the world, and the castle of Frederick II, known as Castel del Monte, unique for its beauty and sublime excellence.
Inside the castles, a royal, heroic and chivalric ethic reigned. Only the warrior who had proven himself to be the bravest in battle could aspire to initiatory mysteries. He was initiated in the Mystery of L-ove (Minne); in the lady’s cult, myths that endowed the knight with spiritual nobility; will and courage, loyalty and honor.
While the scholastic teaching totally degraded the classical Hyperborean myths and their metaphysical truths, the Grail’s legend and its Hyperborean symbolism preserved the heroic mystique and Gnosis of spiritual liberation. The myth of Parsifal reveals the Kairos heroic mystique, the initiatory path of the Hyperborean L-ove, a mystery that allows the wise warrior to find the Grail, that is, to feel in his blood the Paraklitos or Holy Spirit.
Parsifal, the pure fool, goes out to find the Holy Grail. Naturally, he never finds it looking for him in the world through time (Chronos). So years of futile searching go by until he realizes this simple truth. Then one day, completely naked (free of all instincts, desires, temptations, attachments and dogmas), he appears before an enchanted castle and, once inside, the Grail appears to him. That is, he searches inside (Kairos) and his eyes became open; he can discriminate instantly between the real and the unreal, the eternal and the ephemeral. Parsifal notices that the throne is vacant (the spirit can be recovered), decides to claim it (he undergoes the initiation tests) and becomes king (he is spiritually transmuted). He can perceive the Paraclete now; he has reached enlightenment (he transcends consciousness): “Durch Mitleid wissen” (Through Compassion to Self Knowledge).
“By the power of that Stone (Grail) the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again.” The Paraclete is a noological force, inexperienced and elusive on the physical plane, but its expression, the charisma, is perceptible in some men. The Grail’s symbol will always be present in the spirit of every Hyperborean knight who feels in his blood the nostalgia for the origin and lives in the manner of his heirs, the knights of King Arthur and Parsifal.
The secret of the Hyperborean crypt
Only in absolute darkness, the light of the spirit is perceived. In order to perceive the inner light, it is necessary to achieve immobility, silence, absolute impassivity. From the most distant antiquity, some men have sought to transcend their mortal nature in a cave. The cave helps man to isolate himself from the world and reach the depths of the subconscious, the “state of no-birth.” It takes the role of a sacred maternal womb, which will help the adept achieve initiatory death, thus achieving transmutation, rebirth as a superior being, as a New Man; “know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods”.
The Odinic Mysteries celebrated the death of the beautiful and luminous Baldr and represented the sorrow of the gods and men before his death. They were celebrated in crypts or underground caves, whose nine chambers represent the nine Scandinavian worlds within which the twelve Æsir (gods) divided the universe. Undoubtedly, there is an obvious relationship with the nine planes through which the initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries passed their ritual of initiation.
The twelve drottar who presided over the Odinic Mysteries personified the Æsir, the signs of the Zodiac, and the twelve sacred and ineffable names of Odin. The candidate who wanted to enter was entrusted with the mission of raising Baldr from the dead. Although he did not know it, he himself was playing the role of Baldr. After wandering for hours through the intricate corridors, looking for the exit of the labyrinth, the candidate was led before a statue of Baldr, the pure and beautiful. In that room, which symbolized the home of the Æsir, the neophyte swore to secrecy and drank the sanctified mead from a bowl made from a human skull.
After passing all the initiation tests, he was finally allowed to uncover the mystery of Odin, the personification of wisdom. In the name of Baldr, they handed him the sacred ring of the order and hailed him as a man who had died and been reborn. Richard Wagner's immortal composition Der Ring des Nibelungen is based on the mystery rituals of the Wotan-Baldr’s cult. Like many other pagan cults, the Odinic Mysteries, as an institution, were destroyed by Christianity.
The ancient megalithic constructions of the Externsteine have always been a place where solstice rites and hyperborean initiations have been celebrated. There it is, in eternity, the Irmisul (the tree where Wotan was crucified) that Charlemagne destroyed. Near Externsteine is the Wewelsburg Castle, the Black Order SS Initiation Temple. Inside the rock formations, there is a Cavern of Initiation and the great stone tomb destined for the second death of the Aryan initiation. At the top of the Externsteine, there is a circular hole, perfectly worked in the rock. The first rays of the morning sun transmuted the initiate, transcending from the sensible world to the world of the spirit.
The Black Order SS Initiation
Der Gruft, Wewelsburg Castle. Every day twenty of every month, to five of the dawn, the twelve months of the year, twelve initiates of the Black Order celebrated a ritual in the North Tower Crypt of Wewelsburg.
“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” [C.G. Jung]. Pythagoras affirms that the human soul “emanates from an invariable and higher spiritual order, as well as from previous evolution, from a hidden solar system.” The Pythagoreans sought to transmute this mortal world by achieving perfection because perfection is the quality of immortality. Transmutation is a war against oneself, against one's own demiurgic-animalistic lower being. When the Hyperborean divine nature manages to dominate the inferior human nature, the Virya awakens the Vril, the noological force that grants spiritual powers (Paraklyte). This is the true esoteric meaning behind the Graal (Grail) or ‘Philosopher Stone’, the secret behind alchemical transmutation: “turning lead into gold”.
Rudolf von Sebottendorff, the founder of the Thule Society, parent of the Nazi Party (NSDAP), elaborated the initiatory path of the Diamond in Tantric Yoga, used in the Black SS initiatory mysteries. By practicing this tantric way, the Vril, that is, the spiritual link with the higher dimensions, is awakened and is developed the “hidden” capacities or supernatural powers inside man. The highest initiates of National Socialism could handle visualization and clairvoyant vision, astral projection, transcendental consciousness, etc.
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, philosopher and mystic, wrote: “Beyond the visible sun is the invisible ‘dark sun’ which pours a ceaseless stream of energies into our visible sun, which transforms them and sends out as rays of visible light”. The Black Sun, as a runic sigil, symbolizes the leap into the Void (Spirit), the transcendent force by which one enters Ginnungagap, the non-demiurgic world, “Beyond the heavens and in the depths of the heart” says Julius Evola. In the National Socialist parades, we can see the figure of Adolf Hitler standing firm and hieratic, without a single movement, before the parade of his faithful followers. So the Führer becomes a Black Sun or fixed point, the charismatic link between the Volk (people) and spiritual transcendence.
Every hyperborean space of initiation or Opidium, has been built according to the socio-cultural needs of the Blood Pact and the evolution of its symbols and myths: for example, an initiation cave, a sacred mountain, an enchanted castle, an ancestral land, etc. The Medieval Castles were Opidiums, spaces of spiritual initiation where the warrior ethic of the Blood Pact prevailed. In its interior squares, the mysteries of the Berserkr Knight, of the wise warrior, were instituted. The secret, if one pretended to be a Berserkr Initiate (Einherjar); consisted in overcoming the fear of death completely; “for whoever understands death and overcomes his own death, is outside of its designs and achieves liberation”.
In the Wewelsburg castle, the Grail castle, the ideal was to create a caste of spiritual warriors such as the Teutonic Knights. Spiritual strength, Willpower, Bravery, Loyalty, and Honor, were the highest noological qualities that a Knight of the SS Black Order must carried: “to be hard as Ice (Niflheim) and pure as Fire (Muspelheim)”. In the underground, under the castle's main hall, there is a crypt, called Walhallah, where the SS Elite performed secret ceremonies. There, the Berserkr Initiation was given to a select few; known as Sonnenmench, the Sun-Man.
The most prominent SS members received the so-called Totenkopfring ring, designed by Wiligut. It represented the significance of overcoming death, since “life is not the world and the world is death.” The ornamentation included the swastika and three runic signs. The legend of the swastika is “be one with God, the Eternal.” The Hagal rune: “watch over the universe in you and you will dominate the universe.” The Sun rune: “the creative spirit always wins.” The double Sig rune, followed by what appears to be an overlay of the Tyr rune with the Os, was devised by Wiligut himself: “the strength of your spirit sets you free.”