Hyperborean Wisdom
Greetings to all, I start this series of posts indicating start, which is the Hyperborean Wisdom, what is it about, since it is important to clarify what said term refers, what is the essence and above all the most important thing that is what we transmits.
Good; first indicate that Hyperborean Wisdom is no longer than: KNOWLEDGE, but not any knowledge; like what they teach us in schools, universities, or through from the media such as television, radio, internet, no; but a different knowledge, a different knowledge than from ancient times remained hidden by the system, persecuted and censored, making it impossible for the people can access this knowledge, they know everything that brings us and says this wisdom that is ancient and ancient in addition to it's not this world, is beyond, outside of “ chests ”, brought by outsiders, hence the denominative Hyper-boreas (Beyond Boreas) and all this happens for a reason, it is because this knowledge is very dangerous for the system, a knowledge that can cause the current dogmas and beliefs lose credibility and fall, which would cause the system to lose power that currently holds over all of humanity.
But in itself, what Hyperborean Wisdom tells us to make it so dangerous to the system?
Answer: Knowledge of SPIRIT.
Yes, of the Spirit of man, if we realize and we watch carefully, little is known, little is explained and little is said about the Spirit, they only tell us everywhere since one is a child that man has a body, soul and Spirit, information is available from the body for others, of the soul is constantly spoken in the religions of any kind, explaining that it is, where it comes from, where it goes and especially as “ save it ”, but the Spirit does not tell us much, you do not have explanation of what it really is and what its essence is and as I said, due to this lack of information there is even confusion that they think that the Spirit is equal to the soul or even worse, that soul and spirit are one, but not it is so according to what Hyperborean Wisdom speaks to us and teaches.
But now one can say that speaking or teaching about the Spirit cannot be dangerous at all, and there would even be no reason to hide it, but I tell you dear readers that if it's dangerous, and a lot for the system, however, for man no, unless he is someone of a very very mind closed. And the reason for this statement is that the Hyperborean wisdom gives us a totally different perspective of what IS the spirit, It has nothing to do with how little they can tell us conventionally on the Spirit, especially within the different religions, which tell us very general aspects such as the Spirit is a part of the soul, or which is its complement, or which is the same and similar to the soul and they will always be together, or they also tell us that when one dies, the soul it goes to another dimensional plane and the spirit is the one that stays on earth or in limbo to purge their guilt, etc., things like that, which are not too much clear, even some become just speculations and beliefs invented. So now we say that Hyperborean Wisdom gives a knowledge that is totally out of the ordinary referred to and around the Spirit, which was hidden and censored as mentioned above.
And what does it tell us about the Spirit?
Figure 1. Book cover.
To answer that question, I first report that Hyperborean Wisdom is ancient knowledge, which existed from before, very much before, which was transmitted as a legacy from our ancestors until today, but as I mentioned he always suffered brutal persecution for the system he had always in their plans to eliminate it, but they never managed to do it at all and this hard knowledge and will continue to exist, many wrote about it, and currently you have a book, little disseminated, little known, but which is available and can be found, especially on the internet, it is a work written by Mr. Luis Felipe Moyano or also known as Nimrod of Rosario and this book is titled “ Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom ”, here is everything about this knowledge, but in order to understand it, it is necessary to read before a work written by it author, called the magic novel, is titled: “ The Mystery of Belicena Villca ”, which can also be found on the internet; once read this novel that by the way has revealing information and is related to foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom, you can continue reading the previously mentioned book, where it is technically explained so to speak all the knowledge that this Wisdom brings.
Now yes, what does this Wisdom tell us or what does it tell us?
We will respond with a fragment of the mentioned book: “ Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom ” found in the introduction and tells us:
“ Let us begin, then, with the principle of the thesis. Hyperborean Wisdom
teaches that before arrival at Material universe of the Spirits
Hyperboreans, a land inhabited a highly primitive hominid
called PASU. Such a hominid, without However, it was POTENTIALLY
called to fulfill an important role in the demiurge's work: being "postor
of meaning "in the world, purpose to be explained in detail later.
Here it is interesting to note that the pasú I HAD FAILED AS I SPECIES IN
THE COMPLIANCE WITH HIS FINALITY and, as occurs in all cases in
that evolution takes paths wrong, YOUR SAFE DESTINY WAS
¿What miracle saved him from disappearing like dinosaur or dodo and in
change accelerated its evolution until make him the master of the earth?
Answer: the genetic contribution of a alien race called, lately,
"Hyperborean". But I don't know it's just about "genetics", that is, information
primary fact, which constitutes the core of the thesis is called "Treason
Blanca "or" Treason of the Siddhas", in clear allusion to extraterrestrial chiefs
who led the fall of the Spirits produced a mutation in the kingdoms
vegetable and animal of the Earth and even today, they control the planet from the center
Chang Shambalá. ”
Extract from: “ Foundations of the Hyperborean Wisdom of Rosario Nimrod ”
In short, Hyperborean Wisdom speaks to us that the spirit is and belongs to an Extraterrestrial race, currently called “ Hyperborean ”, and that due to treason, was caught, imprisoned, chained, to the Hominid primitive that inhabited this world, which before this happened first was adequate genetically so that this chain of the Spirit can occur; all this so that the hominid can fulfill its function for which it was created, give sense to the world. In a nutshell, Hyperborean Wisdom tells us that our Spirit is not of this world, nor of this universe, it is beyond everything, out of everything, and if this were known or spread throughout the world, current cultural dogmas and beliefs would be highly questioned, which would to stagger the dominance that the system currently has over the world, therefore it is knowledge that becomes a danger for these gentlemen, for whom they will always seek to hide it. At first, all this seems fanciful or even made up, believe me, at first when I come across these books and give them a read,everything seemed science fiction, it was difficult to give credit to information of this type; but over time when investigating and analyzing all the information that is poured, for it gives to think and say that all this knowledge is closer than far from reality. Anyway I always give this advice, find your truth (But why or why seek the Truth ?, the answers to these questions can be seen in the Post: "Look at your life in a few minutes!!!"), seek your truth, do not stay with what they tell you and teach you, you always have to go further, and surely you will be surprised, that's why I say again:
P.S:S i want to start and delve much deeper into Hyperborean Wisdom, in the first instance we recommend you read the book presented in the following post:"The Mystery of Belicena Villca"
P.S:Did you know that the Soul and the Spirit are totally different and not as they tell us???
For more detail you can read it in the following post:"Difference between Soul and Spirit" We wait for your comments and suggestions, until the next post.
Difference between Soul and Spirit
Figure 1. Soul and Spirit.
Greetings to all, in this post we will talk about a concept that is fundamental inside the Hyperborean Wisdom, which is about difference between the Soul and the Spirit, which is not clearly discussed, you even have misconceptions and confusion about it, therefore it is important to know that they are exactly the Soul and the Spirit and in which they differ.
Within the Framework of the Hyperborean Wisdom, the truth is that the Soul and Spirit are two very different entities, They have no similarity, so they should not be confused, much less consider them equal. Also based on the great book: "The Forbidden Religion" by José María Aragón and sources related to Hyperborean Wisdom, the Soul and the Spirit have many differences which we show below:
Soul: Comes from Latin "Courage" which in turn derives from the Greek "let's cheer", wind, air, breath or vital principle.
The Soul is an entity CREATED by the Creator god of matter, of the god who created this world.
The same Bible in the book of Genesis says that by a breath in the nose of man, was endowed with a Soul; therefore this entity belongs to this world.
Figure 2. God encourages Man by endowing him with a Soul.
The soul IS of this world.
They also call it the "creator's breath".
The Soul is the soul in man, it means what ANIMA, what makes him living in this world, is the vital principle, as well as the animals (ANIMA-les), that thanks to the soul that they also possess, they are living beings within this creation just like man.
Also indicate that the Alma is a FINITE entity.
Spirit: Comes from Latin "spiritus" and this one of the verb "spirare", associated with the ability to breathe, which ends up meaning what gives FORCE vital, the strength that encourages, too value, vigor, the courage and encouragement.
The Spirit is an entity WRITTEN, means that it was not created or begotten by anyone, much less by the creator god.
The spirit DOES NOT belong to this world and according to Hyperborean Wisdom it is an entity ANTI-Material.
The Spirit comes from a world or unknowable kingdom.
The Gnostics call it based on Hyperborean Wisdom as the "Fire Spark Antimatter" (Represented by Christians as a tongue of fire).
Figure 3. Tongue of fire representing the Spirit.
The Spirit is what differentiates man from animals, it is the external spark ( who came from another world ) who helped the man will evolve suddenly from a simple hominid as he was and as taught in the theory of evolution, to the man we currently are.
The Spirit is a INFINITE entity immensely SUPERIOR any created entity.
Looking at the previous descriptions, both of the Soul and of the Spirit, it can be concluded that they are two entities TOTALLY DIFFERENT, Therefore, they should not be confused, let alone think that they are the same as discussed in different religions.
Figure 4. Allegory of the chained spirit.
All this information provided by the Hyperborean Wisdom, it is completed with the most important statement of all, which tells us that the Spirit was caught and chained to the Body and Soul of man, an act performed against his will, the worst thing is that the Spirit is asleep, As anesthetized and does not remember its origin, he does not remember who it is, that is why the system insists that the Spirit does not remember the Origin and hides all this information so that no man awakens his Spirit, and follow uncertainties in the great illusion that this world is.
Look at your life in a few minutes!!!
Greetings to all; before one warning, if you want to continue with your normal, ordinary life, as it is until now, is better than for nothing of the world continue reading this post, go and continue with your daily chores, keep doing the things you do every day; lest this information be too shocking and upsetting for you and your soul. But if you know or intuyes that something is wrong, that something does not fit, that what they tell us and want to do believing is not enough for you and you need something else, because go ahead, you will see a brushstroke because you should wake up, and seek your truth.
Clarifying the title of this post, see all life in a few minutes means become aware the way your life will pass if not awake to the truth, if you don't look for something that goes beyond what the System shows us; being stagnant, spiritually asleep, living alone to seek happiness based on the material, suffering for not achieving our wishes of work, money, goods, luxuries, recognition, fame, status, etc., all this for what? Not at all, to end up in nothing, die and return to the dust to which we are destined by the same creator without having done something by our Spirit, who will continue to be trapped living again and again the same life, aimlessly, with no north to orient yourself to. All this exposed would be an answer to the questions: ¿Why should I seek the truth? or ¿Why should I wake up?
Now yes, the summary of our sad life is seen in the following paragraphs, taken from the book “ The Arch of Artemis, Prefaces of Battle ” from the author Gaburah Lycanon Michel, and I say sad because while one doesn't it is recognized, no remember and know who it is, and have no idea what its purpose is on this earth, for your life will be ephemeral and banal; mention "remember what one IS", because Hyperborean Wisdom indicates that the truth is within oneself, and not so in the theories and concepts with which each one bombards us moment the System. So now it is advisable to read the following, to see, understand and understand where we are standing:
"—…imagine any of you during your childhood. Her parents worked hard for give them education, shelter, clothes and food; even at the cost of its stagnation personal. At school they were instructed to believe everything they are taught: they believe that Columbus discovered America, they believe that Napoleon was a maniac, they believe that peace is possible, they believe that love is possessing someone's heart, etc. ¡Surprise !, everything mentioned above is a great LIE. For years, children are indoctrinated at school to become excellent workers of the powerful system. During Secondary instruction they are provided with a wide range of careers to start university life and leave school convinced of some profession (at best). Paradoxically, that security dissolves and they begin to change careers a and again. Since youth is so delicious, they spend it at parties thinking that life will never change and when they are old they discover that they wasted their lives ...; pathetic. The other case is that they have been applied students and have finished a brilliant career that, for didactic purposes, was the most lucrative they were told. Let's say it's Business Administration.
Look at your case: The first years of your life you will be employed in some financial institution, such as banks or funds investment, enduring labor exploitation and abuse of your bosses. A once you have enough money, you will quit that job and start a small industry. Life is generous and in the process you meet a wonderful person which you fall in love with and make her your partner. Both will fight together for the business and it will grow at great speed, overcoming inflation, the crisis and generating large currencies. In time, you will hire employees, but you are so I guarantee that you are protected by the law of free supply and demand to employ people without social security, benefits, or adequate wages. How the law is made to you Please, you will make them work twelve hours a day, as they made you work,and You will scold them vehemently when an employee does his job wrong. With the years, your company will gain a great market niche and you will become a successful and rich businessman. Since you will have so much money, you will start proselytizing politician and you will run for Deputy or Senator with some political party on which promises to improve the living conditions of the country. Luck smiles at you and you will win a seat in the Senate. Your fortune will become gigantic thanks to state money and you will make sure to truncate bills that you do not agree.you will start proselytizing politician and you will run for Deputy or Senator with some political party on which promises to improve the living conditions of the country. Luck smiles at you and you will win a seat in the Senate. Your fortune will become gigantic thanks to state money and you will make sure to truncate bills that you do not agree.you will start proselytizing politician and you will run for Deputy or Senator with some political party on which promises to improve the living conditions of the country. Luck smiles at you and you will win a seat in the Senate. Your fortune will become gigantic thanks to state money and you will make sure to truncate bills that you do not agree.
Until now you were a great man or successful woman, you have money and power. At best you have the satisfaction of becoming a father or mother. You will give your child everything you never had and you will fill it with money and superfluous objects. You will have so much I work in the Senate and your company, that you will never have time for your son and, when you reach adolescence, you will become a juvenile delinquent, now that you have nothing better to do. Since you are rich and powerful, you will get it out of the trouble in a few hours and you will bribe the police to erase any your son's antecedent; and journalists so they don't publish your family misadventures and a national scandal arises that will lower you from power. Like social control apparatus (Executive Power, Legislative Power, Power Judicial, Armed Forces, Police, Media,etc) are so rotten in corruption, they will receive any bribe in exchange for their silence, or some favor.
To clean up your disgusting awareness, you will start to develop social work and organize concerts of charity, donating large sums of money to UNICEF or some fighting NGO against poverty. Although, publicly, you refer to yourself as a “ man who cares about poverty and ecology ”, you pay a pittance to your employees and you buy your wife, every week, a leather bag of some animal in extinction. Either way, people who believe in you won't know of your crap since you bought everyone's silence.
After a few years of work and fight, you will reach an old age that you think is worthy. You were charitable, you contributed to development of your country, you gave thousands of jobs, you raised a son who overcame his youth problems and studied the same career as you, to give it continuity to your commercial emporium. You were loved and respected and today you can retire quietly. You had it all, a perfect and needless childhood and youth, a great career, a beautiful woman who was your life partner, power within your country and a lot of money, health and prosperity.
One day you come to your deathbed and few minutes before last breathing, you discover that your life was a crap since you were born. Despite all your work, you did nothing real and today you see the angel of death ready to take you before the merciful presence of the Lord, who will forgive you eating your soul as a reward for all your years of effort. When you have merged your Being with the Great Creator, loving and merciful, you will see with anguish that your company went bankrupt because a wealthy Jewish man from the United States bought it and threw everyone out your employees, leaving your descendants in misery. When you complain to loving Lord, who helped you so much in life, He will answer that it is only one try and there will be a better “ future ”.He says it with true love and sincerity while hyperventilating with pleasure seeing the pain of your children…—"
Did you see? Did you understand? Did you understand? If so, then the slogan is FIGHT!!!, fight against a banal life, against a meaningless life, and for that it is necessary to inform yourself, seek to know, it is not enough just to believe, if not knowing, the one who knows does not need to believe; not to keep what they tell us, but to investigate and see beyond what they teach us, that's why I will always recommend:
The truth about the myth of Cain and Abel
Greetings to all, now we will see the true within the framework of the Hyperborean Wisdom, the Cain and Abel story that is related in the book of the genesis of the Bible, where as we all know, it tells us how God did not accept Cain's sacrifices and if Abel's, then Cain filled jealousy pounced on his brother and killed him, then was punished for God, that's why we'll now do an analysis of this story.
Figure 1. Cain and Abel.
First of all, it is advisable to read the post where the difference between soul and spirit, because we will say from the start that both entities are represented in the myth of Cain and Abel as follows:
Cain - > Represents Spirit.
Abel - > Represents Soul.
But why???
Currently there is an interpretation that Cain is the “ bad ” and Abel is the “ good ”, something that most religions teach like Christianity, Judaism, etc. and that the punishment Cain received is just for his actions, but the interpretation given by Hyperborean Wisdom and the gnostic current it's completely different.
First you see that both Cain and Abel make sacrifices to God to please him, Cain sacrifices plant elements, while Abel slaughter animals, for example lambs; to God liked the smell of meat burned of the dead animal, the blood sacrifice, therefore he liked what Abel sacrificed and not what Cain offered him, whom he did not want to please God totally since he sacrificed seeds and some fruits of the earth because in if you were not convinced of the convenience in making sacrifices.
Figure 2. Offerings from Cain to Abel.
But why did Cain think and act that way???
Simple, because Cain was Spiritual, I had that divine spark present and alive inside. (In the post: Soul-Spirit Difference, we point out that the Spirit is trapped in this world against his will, since it does not belong to this place). Being Cain more of a spiritual nature, I felt that I was not from this world, that I was trapped and therefore I felt rejection for the sacrifices offered to the creator and did not perform them very devotedly as I did Abel, who was a totally soulful being or animal in nature, dominated by the soul and that his sacrifices were carried out well and were to the liking of the creator God.
There is an ancient legend where Abel says to Cain: “ Mi sacrifice, my offering was accepted by God because I love him, your offering in change was rejected because you hate ”.
But why does Cain hate the Creator???
Because Cain was spiritual, he was a Spirit who was imprisoned in this world by the creator God, therefore by logic tprisoner hates his jailer, because it does not let him be free. So Cain is not only hostile and hates to the creator God because he has him prisoner, but does not recognize your authority when he says to Abel according to legend: “ There is no Law, no Judge ”, refusing for both to worship him and make offerings to his liking.
Then comes what for everyone is very bad when not it's so like this: Cain kills Abel.
Figure 3. Cain kills Abel.
But what does it really mean that Cain kills Abel???
It means something very important, that the Spirit (Cain) rejects, destroy, murderer to the soul (Abel).
And why is it important that the Spirit ends the Soul???
According to Hyperborean Wisdom, so that the Spirit be FREE as it always was, to get you out of this created world where it is prisoner you must first fight a battle against the soul and destroy it, since this entity (The Soul) is the one that brings the Spirit in chains, drags him in all its incarnations absorbing its energy like a parasite, which is why the freedom is obtained by removing the soul from above, and this is what it symbolizes the fact that Cain kills Abel.
So both of you, Cain and Abel are totally opposite, are irreconcilable just as the Soul and the Spirit are. The Spirit (Cain) is Hostile, hate this impure world riddled with unjust and absurd commandments and destroys everything that has it chained; instead the soul (Abel) is pure love and devotion the creator God and his creation.
Now what did Cain get with all this???
Cain emancipated himself, was released once and forever from God and his impure and defective creation became an eternal enemy of the Creator God.
Cain also with his actions caused the creator to “ Damn and expel ” of the place, which for all people is like their punishment for acting against God, but it is not a correct interpretation.
So how is it interpreted according to Hyperborean Wisdom???
According to Hyperborean Wisdom, Cain was banished and cursed by the creator god but this it's not a punishment as they tell it, but quite the contrary; why:
“ Being cursed and banished by the creator, is a HONOR for the Gnostic who seeks the liberation of his Spirit ”
Is a logical reaction that the creator has for who has challenged or challenged, for whom has done equal or superior to the. Cain has banished because it has been transformed, no longer belongs to this world even if I continue inhabiting it, as I mentioned, it was released, emancipated and banished from it impure creation.
The Bible also tells us that God protected Cain, not allowing no one to harm or kill him.
What does it mean and why did the creator do this???
Because Hyperborean Wisdom indicates that the man what has been transformed into pure Spirit is immortal even if you have your body meat, nobody can harm it, nobody can attack it, is untouchable. Such a man find above all, never will die, is out of matter and out of time, nor can the creator damage because it is equal to or greater than it.
The bible relates that God put a mark on Cain, so that everyone recognized him and did not damage. Well according to Jewish legends this sign on the forehead was a horn, than for Hyperborean Wisdom a horn on the forehead means power, a power that comes from the Spirit, that makes it hard, strong and free within creation, therefore the correct thing is that nobody put that mark, but Cain lo got by himself, and through it all men and creation they know their spiritual condition.
So this myth goes far beyond being a simple story, but has a very deep content whose truth is seen through of Hyperborean Wisdom which must be remembered.
The Origin of Man
Greetings to all, this post is dedicated to the related topic with the origin of man, and try to answer the questions that arise such as: where does man come from ?, what is his origin ?, who created him?.
Figure 1. Evolutionary Theory. (The missing link was not found yet)
Well, we begin by mentioning that the theories that are taught the most in schools, universities, the media, etc. there are practically two:
Creationist Theory: It tells us that man today, it was created by God on the sixth day, a theory managed and sustained above all by religious sects especially the Christian.
Evolutionary Theory: This indicates that the man descends from the monkey, it means that this species evolved and went through different stages until becoming what we are today, a theory launched by Darwin and supported by scientists to this day, and highly supported by the atheistic community.
Now the key question is:
Which of these two theories is the true???
Well first indicate that you are two theories have gaps that could not be explained or in any case are unknown, causing them to be discarded as true. For example, Creationist theory states that God created man today, just as we are now, (Intelligent, with individuality of our own, with capacity communication through language, etc), but what does not agree with this theory and makes you doubt its veracity, are the fossil remains found of extinct hominids that they had a certain resemblance to man, which would give to think that there was an evolution and thus somehow discard the creationist theory.
Figure 2. Creationist Theory.
So the evolutionary theory is correct???
No entirely. Because so far not found the famous missing link which is the missing piece to complete the stages of evolution that science presents us, therefore this theory it would also provide doubts about its veracity.
So what is the correct theory???
To answer this question we will resort to what we show and say the Hyperborean Wisdom, in addition to noticing that the clarification made by this Hyperborean knowledge regarding this topic agrees with what the Christian Bible gives us explains about the origin of man. Well, that's why now we start right there, with the question:
They realized that the Bible is related twice the creation of man???
We can verify this by looking precisely at these two passages:
First time you believe man: Genesis 1.27 “ And God created man in his image, in the image of God created he them; male and female created them ”
Second time you believe man: Genesis 2.7 “ Then Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nose the breath of life, and man was a living being ”
If we look, we see that there are two different moments in which God created man, which may have an explanation, and this is where Wisdom teaches us comes from Hyperborean, which indicates that God originally created the “ human being ”, but in its most PRIMITIVE form, and the interesting thing is that as happened with animals, from the beginning I create them male and female, not as indicated in the later, that I take the woman out of Adam, but in this first time that I believe it he did them as a couple, male and female as the Bible passage says, but as he said these were very primitive beings.
How were these primitive beings that God created beginning???
Figure 3. Hominid. (Pasú)
This being that was created the first time (called Pasú in the Hyperborean Wisdom), was a hominid, which of course had nothing appearance of the current man, but his appearance was very similar to that of the monkey, therefore this would become the famous first link or first stage of the Evolutionary scale. His psychology was very close to the psychology of an animal, because it first lacked of a complete self-awareness means that he did not have a defined individuality, their will was poor, they were a gregarious being, that is, they always walked in groups, of this way was impossible for this entity to produce culture, which was one of the goals for which it was created plus it only had a basic survival instinct.
The evolution of this hominid was too slow, because despite the passage of millions and millions of years this entity failed to evolve his sphere of consciousness to the point as we have it now, but it was hardly distinguished that this had barely superior intelligence compared to the rest of the others animals; the changes that were seen in this period of evolution that lasted millions were minimal, both physically and psychologically, and thus practically would not achieve fulfill the objective for which it was created, condemning itself to a future mass extinction. All these links of evolution through which this first hominid passed and its small variations are those that the Science shows us, by making a classification based on the fossils that were found and that of course belong to these hominids.
But I achieve this primitive being to evolve the human being that we are currently???
We give this answer because this being alone I never would have managed to evolve current man, to the human being of our days, for more millions of years than would have happened I would never have reached such a high level of consciousness and superior as humanity currently has.
So the question is where do we come from???
Answer:By Alien (Extraterrestrial) Intervention.
Sounds fantastic doesn't it? But that's right, even if it's hard to believe, and this is where the account of the second creation of man in the Bible that we mention previously and also the Sumerian accounts regarding the creation of man, because it is clearly seen that beings that do not belong to this universe and they came to this place (Aliens), they look at this hominid and notice that it is a little smarter than other animals and identify what is the problem that prevents a smarter being capable of culture from evolving and that problem is the lack of Individuality in the Hominid.
Figure 4. Angels came down to Earth.
Due to these reasons these alien beings decide do a genetic mutation to hominid, for which they mixed their alien genes with that of this primitive entity resulting in the first Human Being ( Homo Sapiens sapiens ) as we know it, (Hyperborean Wisdom indicates that not only did they genetically mutate this native being, but endowed him with a Spirit of course does not belong to this created universe, and this action caused the human being acquire individuality that was missing to take the great evolutionary leap), this human being psychologically I already had a much higher sphere of consciousness and intelligence, in addition to one notorious individuality with which it was already capable of creating culture.How we mention this history is mentioned not only in the Bible but in the Sumerian writings, where it is indicated that the Anunaki (Beings taken down from the sky - Aliens) genetically created the current human, based on the hominid that already inhabited and was native to the planet, this in order to have labor to extract the gold they needed according to the writings of this ancient civilization. Then it is also told above all in the Bible that these Alien beings once the hominid is mutated, they fell in love with the women who were born because they were of great beauty compared to the female hominid, causing these extraterrestrial beings to dress in "perfect" bodies" so to speak and go down to earth to copulate with them, and in this way give rise to the different human races that we know today.
Analyzing all this information, we can say that what was created by God is the hominid, the primitive being, which was evolving until the moment these alien beings arrived, and they performed the genetic mutation, which is precisely the reason why which to this day is not the famous missing link that is missing to affirm that man comes or descends from this primitive being that was similar to the monkey; therefore it follows of all the explained that the Creationist theory is partly true since according to what the Hyperborean Wisdom informs us, God created the hominid, a very primitive being. And second, to say the theory of evolution is correct in saying that there was a being ( The hominid ) that evolved and went through different stages until they were modified genetically by these alien beings, since by themselves they could never have become the Human Being of our day,that is why this would also explain why the sudden evolutionary leap that is seen from this hominid that from nothing acquires very developed, (As for example, that its larynx is lower compared to the ancestors and this enables it to pronounce complex sounds, thus creating language), something that science cannot currently explain.