Hyperborean Wisdom and National Socialism
At the beginning of the 1980s, Argentinian Luis Felipe Cires Moyano Roca, a High Initiate and Pontifex Hyperboreus, learned about the history of the House of Tharsis, a family of Spanish nobles with more than four millennia of lineage who worshipped a gnosis persecuted by their neighbors.
The Oera Linda manuscript contains accounts of the noble family of Overlinden, in what was then Friesland - now Dutch territory - also with millennia of history, and how the cult of that region was degraded by a caste of priests who called themselves "treuwidden" (all-knowing), better known as Druids.
The Overlinden knew from reports by Dacians, Thracians and Bulgarians that the Treuwidden came from Judea and were constantly seen among the Assyrians and Phoenicians, in a port near the route to the so-called "promised land".
Many researchers and historians intentionally - or not - associate the Druids with the Celts, or any menhir related to them.
The purpose of this expedient is to make people believe that these priests were actually of Hindo-Aryan origin, which is a gross untruth.
The Celts, having been directly influenced by the Druids, were one of the first peoples to succumb and offer no resistance to conversion to Christianity, unlike other Nordic and barbarian peoples. Armanen also tells the story of his own Germanic family, the wars they faced because of their peculiar cult, and their runic system, which is one of the oldest in the world, and there are even many differences with the contemporary runic system.
Karl Maria Wiligut spoke about the history of the valiant Saxon peoples and the religion they defended against their own Germanic brothers who adopted a distorted version of Odinism in 3000 BC.
To differentiate his variant of Odinism from mere nature worship, he called it Irminism, because of the Rune Yr and because of Wotan's sacrifice on the Tree of Terror, Irminsul (later renamed Yggdrasil). The Saxons defended this cult for thousands of years, until they were partially defeated in 772 by the Carolingian - and Catholic - emperor Charlemagne.
This campaign made the forced conversion of adjacent peoples common practice among non-Roman Christian rulers. Catholic missionaries of Frankish origin, along with other priests from Ireland and England, entered Saxon lands from the middle of the 8th century, increasing conflicts with the Saxons who resisted missionary efforts and military incursions. Charlemagne's main adversary, the Saxon Widukind, accepted baptism in 785 as part of a peace agreement. However, other Saxon leaders continued to resist forced conversions. With his victory at Verden in 787, Charles ordered the extermination of thousands of pagan Saxon prisoners. After several revolts, the Saxons suffered their final defeat in 804.
Around 25,000 members of Saxon noble families were ritually sacrificed by the Catholic Church, and their blood was thrown into the River Aller and offered as an oblate to יהוה/YHWH/Jehovah.
These accounts, from different sources, have unquestionable coincidences.
They are narratives of family lineages of incalculable age.
Every family had the mission of defending a religion that apparently revolted their neighbors. Its members possessed a sacred artifact, which invariably involved a green gem, for which their enemies incurred exorbitant war costs. All were ruthlessly persecuted and brutalized, and had their blood abundantly spilled in ritual sacrifices and public executions.
In these seemingly different religions, Wotan, sometimes called Navutan (Na-Wotan), always figured. The common link between these families was undoubtedly the religious mentality, which, far from being rational and conciliatory, was bellicose, absurd and sometimes completely insane. It was not a common religion, nor an "occult doctrine", but simply a code of intuitive knowledge based on Warrior Pride and Honor, which they all claimed to have received from a great people who bequeathed them such Wisdom - along with the sciences of stone walls, weapons, agriculture and livestock breeding, before migrating to the East.
But what exactly does this Wisdom, of Hyperborean origin according to its followers, preach?
In short, what the Hyperborean Wisdom says is that there is a permanent conflict between the gods on the question of the origin of the human being, and that this conflict has guided all the disputes between humanity.
We say that man has a threefold nature:
The physical body, a soul - or monad - which is also material (conceived by the Creator God) and a non-material spirit, attached to the soul.
This spirit comes from HYPERBOREA - a place outside the created Universe - and there it was infinite and indeterminate; plenipotent like a God.
All the drama is generated when the Creator - or Demiurge - imprisons these spirits in the body/soul structure of the human being, in order to speed up the evolution of their psychic structure.
So begins the war between the loyal gods, who want to free the spirits so that they can be free in their origin, and the traitor gods, led by the Creator of the world, the Hebrew God יהוה/YHWH/Jehovah-Satan.
Therefore, if the traitor gods have chained the spirit in order to use its strength to evolve the animal-man, they must not allow it to manifest. And this is done by submerging the spirit in the ILLUSION OF MATERIAL EXISTENCE, making it weaker and more unconscious with each cycle of incarnation.
The Bible, written millennia later to distort and misrepresent the Hyperborean Wisdom, calls Lucifer Satan... But neither Lucifer - or Navutan - is a demon, nor does Lucifer or Satan mean demon, only adversary (or Opponent to)
The name Lucifer is a Latin word meaning "light-bearer" from lux, "light", ferre "to bear", a Roman term for the "morning star". Lucifer was the translation of the Septuagint (Hebrew Bible version) Greek heosphoros - "bringer of the dawn"; Greek phosphorus, "bringer of light" and the Hebrew helel, meaning "a shining one". In the Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses, the mention of Lucifer appears in the concept of Aurora, the Goddess of the Dawn in Roman mythology. "Aurora, attentive to the reddish dawn, opened the crimson doors and the pink rooms; the Stars flew, in order ordered by Lucifer, who left his last station." - Ovid.
Lucifer, being referred to as the Portadar of Lux, represents wisdom and self-enlightenment; representing higher aspects of the Self, he is thus an archetype of power and of the ascension of wisdom.
[u]Satan is יהוה/YHWH/Jehovah, the enemy of Free Spirits. [b][/b][/u]
יהוה/YHWH/Jehovah the Demiurge is a demon - an evil essence - for having betrayed his equals and been ruled by tyranny, perfidy and dishonor - he is the Maker of this putrid World!
The world has seen the confrontation of two Strategies, the Synarchic and the Hyperborean.
Culturally, the traitor gods support their objective through the SYNARCHY, which is the World Government headed by the Creator's Chosen People: [b]Israel (ethnic-religious entity)[u][/u][/b].
All trends towards acculturation, racial miscegenation, the unification of religions, customs and concepts, in short, everything that does away with an innate identity and joins a diffuse scale, inevitably points towards Synarchy ("by the fruit you know the tree"!).
This model of governance pushes people to contemporize and relativize current circumstances, to be accommodating and passive, to avoid confrontation whenever possible, and to value peace, even if it makes them cowards.
The purpose of the Synarchy is to bring together an exhausted and dejected humanity, transform it into a vast and amorphous egalitarian caste, and, under a perverse tyranny captained by the Jews - the people the Demiurge elected to reign over the Earth - enthrone filth in the world, bringing the noble Spiritual Warriors to their knees, as well as tainting their purified blood.
In short, Synarchy is the sacrifice of humanity in exchange for the "Perfection" of this "Chosen People".
And with this, Jehovah asserts his power over that of the other gods, who have declared war on him because of the imprisonment of the uncreated spirits.
For a long time, the Synarchy has been seducing people with promises of progress, power and material comfort, so that they will wage war against the bearers of the Hyperborean Wisdom and suppress them. This is why almost all of these families have been completely exterminated.
For this reason, the purest and noblest of the Gods, known in the Origin as Kristos Lucifer (Lux = Light; Ferre = to carry. In other words, the bearer of Lux (Light of Wisdom), the one who brings the Light to where it is needed; the true Kristos of Uncreated Light, declared war on Jehovah-Satan and, in a sacrifice that is impossible to describe, imprisoned himself in Jehovah's "material hell" in order to provide the imprisoned spirits with the saving Light of Gnosis.
He entrusted a mission to the Great Ace, the Lord of the Nordic Race, Wotan.
The Great Ace accepted to descend into the Created World incarnated in a human being (when he was called Wotan, Woden, Odin, etc.) to prove that it is possible to leave this world, where one is a slave, and return to the Origin, the Homeland, the Mother Nation of the Spirit: Hyperborea; Thule.
Wotan immersed himself in the magical tree of the Creator's garden, which the Jews call Rimmon - the Sephiroth Tree (of the knowledge of good and evil), and which we call Irminsul (Yggdrasil), or the tree of terror - and through the initiation of a complex mystery, he obtained, with the help of his wife Frigga, the key to Spiritual Liberation.
Then Wotan, descended from the tree, spread the knowledge he had codified, which we call Hyperborean Wisdom, and traveled around the world openly teaching this gnosis to men, so that they would have the Honor to declare war on the Demiurge and the Created World, and join the Gods in Valhalla (the Germanic name for the Kingdom of Agartha, a stronghold located in some unknown place in the Material Universe where some Loyal Gods still fight for humanity and help those who fervently ask for the Liberation of the Spirit).
Known by the people of antiquity as "The Great White Chief", Wotan trained good warriors wherever he went, established families of nobles who were to stand the test of time and perfect Wisdom (the so-called Blood Pact) and created a new way of life based on walled forts, subsistence farming and perfecting the art of war.
So he created the Hyperborean Strategy to counter the Synarchy, which was established to corrupt the Blood Pact.
The Hyperborean Strategy points in the exact opposite direction to the Synarchy; following a tactic of spiritual liberation, it seeks to build a society with a common blood.
Its aim is therefore to SYNCHRONIZE the blood through the charismatic attachment of an identity.
With this, the blood voice of the people becomes unique, expressing the maximum spiritual value of each of its elements.
People live in a constant state of awakening and act for the common good in accordance with spiritual virtues.
[u]-Honor, Valor, Combativeness, Courage and Camaraderie become the rule, not the exception[b][/b][/u].
Thus, for the Hyperborean initiate, the evolution of human society is of little importance, because the material world is of no relevance to him.
What he will be seeking, in fact, is the improvement of character and honor, through a bellicose lifestyle and a strict code of conduct.
Think of Sparta as a typical Wotan Blood Pact society.
The whole rhetoric of "Deutschland Erwache!", "Awaken, Germany!", awaken to the Value of the Spirit! It was dedicated to enveloping the people in a charismatic atmosphere of absolute and synchronous unity of blood, so that the ancestral voice of the people - the voice of the spirit - could manifest itself.
All the spiritual symbols exalted by the National Socialist regime, from the Eagle - which is the ultimate symbol of the Wise Warrior, and of the manly, haughty man - to the Swastika - which is a fragment of the Sign of Thule, the Epicenter of the Homeland of the Spirit - were intended for this esoteric purpose of collective awakening and the transmutation of the animal-man into a Homo Spiritualis - the spiritual man - whose uncreated essence wants to be liberated.
Only under this condition can man express his full honorific value.
Hence the motto of the Black Order/SS: Meine Ehre heißt Treue (My Honor is Loyalty!).
Once the Hyperborean Wisdom has been established - proud, warlike and completely united in the charismatic synchronicity of the ancestral voice of astrally purified blood (pure blood is that which is capable of listening to the ancestors and the loyal gods, and is not directly linked to race, although race is one of the factors to consider) - the next task is to combat the Synarchy, the great religions and all the entropic tendencies towards social unification and massification.
[b]All the races and cultures of the world can be beautiful, strong and pure if the following premises are observed:[/b]
1. Rejection of ethnic mixing and the synarchical illusion of "progress" in customs, which only lead to moral and spiritual degradation;
2. The construction of a New Social/World Order, within the framework of a Hyperborean Strategy.
Regarding point 1, I would like to clarify: Every historical advance in civilization brings with it the gradual decay of spiritual evolution - the only possible orientation for a healthy humanity is the past, in the origin of its people and race, in its primordial stage of synchronicity and purity. That's why we have this vigorous preservationist and traditionalist character and we repudiate evuulative - destructive - progress, because it debilitates.
We reject all consensuses, prestidigitations, adaptations, syncretisms and "tolerant" relativisms, because they only aim to sacrifice conscience, tradition and the trivialization of the Wisdom inherited by blood memory.
Therefore, the National Socialism that I understand and defend is not just the ideological conception of the NSDAP, because its material application comes from a richer and more complex METAPOLITICAL doctrine.
This metapolitical doctrine, whose theoretical essence is oriented towards transcendental and mystical ends, has its origins in Thule and the Vril-Gesellschaft. These two, in turn, were governed by sources of ancient Germanic Irminism, as explained by Karl Maria Wiligut. Irminism was professed by the ancient Germans, Iberians, medieval Cathars, Gnostics, Manichaeans and other peoples - in the Third Reich, the Hyperborean Wisdom was supported by the Black Order, the SS.
This hidden Wisdom permeated all the concepts, all the symbolism and all the esoteric rituals of National Socialist Germany.
And so it came to National Socialism, and some of its most profound ideologies.
In this sense, fascism and integralism were weak copies of National Socialism; weak attempts to establish a charismatic bond of identity.
This happened because they tried to base this bond on CULTURE, which is a volatile mental construct, while National Socialism charismatically bonded BY BLOOD, and by the essential memory of the Origin.
That's why it acquired abruptly greater power and cohesion. Furthermore, both doctrines are spiritually conditioned to the belief in Jehovah-Satan, unlike National Socialism, whose esoteric essence is the ONLY one that antagonizes demiurgic religions.
The empirical nature of National Socialism is METAPOLITICAL, and its imperative is the consecration of designs greater than the merely political. That's why the worldly division between left and right doesn't matter, as long as it is directly subject to the greater strategy, which is strictly spiritual.
Politically, we are staunch enemies of both the left and the right. In any case, both - left and right - essentially come from the same synarchical source, the Enlightenment.
[u]This abominable philosophical concept is aimed exclusively at creating a homogeneous and egalitarian society, but based solely on rationalist materialism. [/u]
Its dialectical pillars completely eliminate spirituality and aristocratic hierarchies which, when applied in a pure way, are unequivocal examples of manifest value and nobility.
The Enlightenment cult of democracy and the goddess of reason is actually a cult of Jewish origin, which worships Binah - one of the sefirot of the Kabbalah - the aspect of Jehovah's Intelligence.
"Liberty" is an icon of the modern world and appears in many paintings of the French Revolution. It's worth noting that the Jacobins' red cap - [u]the Phrygian cap - symbolizes a severed foreskin[b][/b][/u], highlighting the Jewish basis of the foundations of modern society.
In order to elucidate National Socialism and the other systems of political and social order, it is necessary to expose the two elementary patterns of diffusion - on which ideological, economic, religious, etc. theories are built - that exist in argumentative theory: the CULTURAL and the CHARISMATIC.
Dissemination by CULTURAL means establishes communication between the psyche's Sphere of Light, the 'clear sun', and the individual's affective and rational spheres. This diffusion is formed by connotative, appealing or perfectly rational arguments, but in any case fully assimilable from a psychological point of view. Culture, therefore, is formed in the sphere of light - in the brain of the human animal - and its language mechanisms act on this structure, developing degenerative behaviours that are algorithmically determined according to the law of maximizing self-interest, be it emotional, psychosomatic, pecuniary or of any other nature.
-A cultural argument is enough to convince anyone of anything.
The CHARISMATIC diffusion, on the other hand, speaks directly to the SHADOW SPHERE - to the 'BLACK SUN' (which appears in many ceremonial representations of the SS) - which encompasses the domain of Consciousness (awakening + subconsciousness), the shell of the Uncreated Spirit that I mentioned - the essence of the Selbst, of the inner self, of full existence beyond any determination, and also the deposit of blood memory; the record of the primordial origin of the race.
Charismatic diffusion uses the ways of the Shadow Sphere: the use of key signs, symbolic allegories, musical compositions and, above all, argumentative mechanisms that aim to inflate the Sphere of Consciousness and bring out all its mnemonic content, hereditary or acquired, in order to dominate the other spheres of the psyche.
This marvelous technique has two effects: it synchronizes the individual with their Blood Voice, unifying the Race - esoterically - outside of any spatio-temporal determination, and it REVEALS THE REAL CONTENT OF THE SELF, IN ADDITION TO SUPPRESSING ANY MATERIAL INTEREST OR ARTIFICIAL RACIOCINION.
The charismatic script is what makes the blood boil, activating a feeling of extreme euphoria, revolt or deep nostalgia.
The Hyperborean Strategy, from the ancient Iberians of Tartessos to the Third Reich, always rises to power following the same formula:
- A group of Initiates begins the work of developing a Strategy that is in keeping with the time, culture and current situation of the people in question. To do this, they join together in a Secret Order, Monasticate or College of Hierophants.
- Once the argument has been developed, it gradually begins to spread charismatically to the people.
- For the argument to activate the blood voice (ancestry), the local people must have a common origin, or be racially cohesive (and this is the real reason why the emphasis of National Socialism recommends that each race should have its own living space, as well as being united around its traditional culture). The voice of blood manifests itself most easily when synchronicity is absolute.
- When the blood of an entire community is in full synchrony, the phenomenon of the AURA CATENA automatically occurs: everyone, in full synchrony, SIMULTANEOUSLY RECOGNIZES THE LEADER OF THE RACE, THE KING OF BLOOD, who will be the one who possesses the highest spiritual virtues and is able to speak and direct his voice with the weight of an entire race.
[i]The King of Blood[b][/b][/i] is recognized by the power that radiates from his Spirit, which everyone recognizes charismatically.
The ancient Kassites of Mesopotamia chose Nimrod and Ninurta, the Tartessians elected the millenary lineage of the Family of Tharsis, the French elected Philip IV the Beautiful, the Paraguayans once chose Francisco Solano López (a hyperborean initiate crushed by a Freemason puppet called Dom Pedro II, and other cronies of the Synarchy) and Germany elected Adolf Hitler.
The charismatic power emanating from the King of Blood can be seen in what ordinary people said about Hitler: an 'icy' look, a handshake that 'sends a chill down the spine', etc.
-These are the characteristics of a hyperborean initiate.
What actually happens is a synchronicity, based on blood and its mnemonic content, of all wills and ideology against time, which leads the transmuted race of Heroes on the road to THULE, the cradle of the origin of the spirit.
The German hyperborean, or National Socialist, government came close to conventional absolutism, because no bureaucracy could get in the way of the energy flow that existed between the King of Blood and the people of purified blood.
However, this absolutism was not tyrannical, as it conformed to an exemplary and naturally flowing governance.
The more pure and cohesive the race, the better the body of the people will function.
In Brazil, for example, and more widely in a world coerced by Synarchy, racial miscegenation - managed by cultural diffusion - has become a formidable expedient to prevent the emergence of the AURA CATENA - the magnetic aura of the voice of the blood.
It's worth clarifying:
1 - It has already been noted that National Socialism and the Occult Doctrine of the Black Order/SS are not a privilege of the white race, since any human being can access the Hyperborean Initiation and form a Pure Blood people.
2 - Blood purity is not simply genetic. It goes beyond that. Whenever we think of its vernacular aspect, we don't just consider heredity, but ASTRAL BLOOD. Purity of Blood is measured by the degree of development of the Sphere of Shadow and by the ORIENTATION shown by the individual towards their Voice of Blood, the voice of the Hyperborean ancestors. [u]He who listens to it best is purest.[b][i][/i][/b][/u]
3 - NEVER would a true SS preach "white supremacy" or racism,[b] but rather the strict preservation of all races[/b] [u]and the beauty of each of them in their Primordial Purity[/u].
It would not be absurd to identify the beginnings of National Socialism in the remotest prehistory.
As emphasized above, at a certain point in history, the spirit was imprisoned in the soul of the animal-man, so that its volitional force could help in the evolution of the humanoid psychic structure, which until then was the PASÚ, the primitive man with a dual nature (body and soul).
Well then, the forced accommodation of the spirit that dwelt outside the Material Universe within the soul of man caused a FAST EVOLUTION OF THE NEOCORTEX, where the individual's SHADOW SPHERE is located. This evolution is the one that science analyzes with its terrible anthropological theories, such as the CRO-MAGNON MAN.
Receiving instruction from the loyal gods, these imprisoned spirits formed a civilization called 'Atlantean', which CAN NEVER BE RECOVERED IN ALL ITS RICHNESS OF NATURAL, ENERGETIC, PSYCHIC AND ESOTHERIC KNOWLEDGE.
The imprisoned spirits were the object of a war between the loyal gods and the traitor gods. Divided into opposing sides, they fought until their homeland Atlantis was totally devastated. Forced to migrate, they crossed Europe bringing agriculture, livestock farming and a host of benefits to the European peoples, after having done the same on other continents; More developed and involved in the Essential War, different peoples in Europe and elsewhere in the world continued the mission of their guardians after their extinction.
And so National Socialism was born!
As a formal expression of the Germanic Aura Catena, National Socialism can trace its origins back to the late 19th century, with the development of Thule and Vril, two Secret Societies inspired by the Hyperborean Wisdom of the Cathars and the ancient Saxons and Tartessians. Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Armanen, and later Edmund Kiss, Karl Maria Wiligut, as well as Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess, made their theoretical and magical contributions to creating the charismatic spread of Germanic identity.
It was Hess who, as a great initiate, saw in Adolf Hitler, a friend of a friend of his - Dietrich Eckart - the Gnostic predisposition to become the future Blood King of the German Hyperborean civilization.
The rest is just history, or rather, a mockery of history.
Marxism is the philosophical extreme of materialism, and is therefore an OPENING HERESY in the eyes of National Socialism, which is inherently metapolitical and spiritual.
[b]We must understand that the current era is extremely harmful to all of us. [u][/u][/b]
The deterioration caused is at a terrible and suffocating stage, and following a coherent political path is very difficult.
[b]There is no political group in the entire WORLD that represents us.
National Socialism, in order to be fully understood, cannot do without its metaphysical aspect.
We proclaim the esoteric doctrine of the Black Order/SS, which guided the Third Reich, and we work so that it awakens all those who have purified astral blood and can thus personally walk the path to the Liberation of the Spirit.
As for essentially mundane actions, we can say that we unconditionally support historical revisionism, because only in this way will the truth of the facts come to light. Among the issues that are most relevant to revisionism are the following:
The existence of two Atlantean peoples; the real nature of Catharism; the Essential War involving the Immaterial Origin of Man and its unfolding over time; National Socialism and those involved in it; and the lie of the Holocaust (the Jewish effort in anti-National Socialist propaganda from 1921 to the present day, in addition to basic economic interests: the Kabbalists have always been the mortal archenemies of the Hyperborean Wisdom, because they worship Jehovah-Satan, the demon creator of Maya; the illusory existence in the world of matter and energy).
The fact that our only action today is fundamentally esoteric - and intellectual - disappoints many, but considering the gloomy times we live in, it couldn't be otherwise.
As stated above, National Socialism is METAPOLITICAL, that is, it is a political-strategic instrument guided by initiatory and spiritual objectives. It is therefore elementary that it has a hidden scientific aspect.
That's why it's unacceptably absurd to believe that National Socialism is just a secular and temporal ideology.
The basic assumption is to view National Socialism from the perspective of its begetter: the hermetic knowledge of Thule and the SS.
Contrary to what is said left and right, National Socialism did not invent its esoteric component, as it preceded it by millennia.
The most recent references to it are medieval Catharism, the doctrine of the Tibetan Kâulikiyas monks - 40 of whom defended Hitler's bunker in the Battle of Berlin, causing more than 600 casualties in the Soviet Army. Because of this, the existence of the small Tibetan division of the SS was covered up and its vestiges completely wiped out by the now-defunct USSR - and the Irminism of Karl Maria Wiligut, among other contributions - Edmund Kiss, Armanen and others.
Understanding National Socialism requires that its foundations be properly exposed.
For example:
Would-be experts on National Socialism have certainly read Mein Kampf, but that alone is not enough. Hitler's political writings were a repertoire of slogans and catchphrases, with symbolism that goes unnoticed by the profane.
These are the reasons why analytical interpretation errors are constant.
In order to avoid this state of affairs, the general lines of the Hyperborean Doctrine, the bulwark of National Socialism, are set out here. The Hyperborean Wisdom is extensive and complex. An Argentinian scholar compiled the main themes of this mystical doctrine, and the result is a collection of more than 15 books and 9,000 pages. What I have explained above is only a small fraction of this vast summary, but it is of the utmost importance if National Socialism is not to be misunderstood.
National Socialism was originally a GNOSIS that made use of political activity. This is its METAPOLITICAL expression.
The swastika is one of the most complete symbols in existence.
It should be noted that the flag of the Third Reich was not invented.
Gnostic circles claim that it was also the pavilion of Atlantis.
I will now explain its esoteric meaning:
The Swastika, when positioned clockwise, represents warrior action in the world, the honorific posture of the individual, and is full of value in the face of material existence which, as the Cathars said, is hell itself.
The white sphere is the applied siege, a Hyperborean concept that consists of being constantly alert under the honorific union of comrades, when they are in the midst of a total war. The red field is another esoteric concept, called TERGUM HOSTIS - or Hostile Face - shown to the enemy outside the siege. The flag of Atlantis - Grossdeutschland - is the description of the Wise Warrior (SS). Applying absolute honorific value, this warrior positions himself in the siege and shows his hostile face to the external enemy - the infernal world and the henchmen of the world Synarchy of the chosen people.
But at the same time - a marvel of symbolism - something happens on the other side of the fabric, inside the warrior.
-Turn the Flag of the Third Reich upside down and watch the Swastika rotate in the opposite direction. This counterclockwise movement indicates the path pursued by the Spirit against the Kali Yuga, in the direction of Thule - the Immaterial Origin of the Warrior Spirit.
Hitler was accidentally discovered by Rudolph Hess, one of the most powerful initiates ever to walk the earth. Hess was Hitler's Taufpate (godfather in the initiation rite) at Thule. It has to be said that Thule then had several prominent minds, but in Hitler its members saw an immense inner energy. All the initiates saw in him the future Blood King; the one who rules by birthright by virtue of his extreme spiritual power. He received the initiation and was appointed to the leadership of a small party, which at the time was led by a lackluster worker. From then on, the NSDAP's official policy was guided by simple charismatic diffusion.
Hitler was a personality unrivaled since the ancient Mesopotamian king Nimrod.
He was bursting with energy.
The Führer came "out of nothing" - and managed to achieve the highest degree of existence only with his VOLUNTARY FORCE; the force of his will!
He starved so that he could educate himself.
Hitler didn't get any help to ascend spiritually.
Not even Thule helped him in this metaphysical awakening.
If the Order helped him at all, it was to better direct his inner power.
If the former German leader achieved immortality for his deeds, it was certainly not through help, but through the TRIUMPH OF WILL.
Even though he knew he couldn't win a war, and didn't want to, he prepared for it and fought to win it, because it was a matter of urgency to fight Synarchy.
-And if Germany resisted for so long, it was thanks to the indomitable value of the Spirit that was instilled by Hitler's example and energetic presence.
Like all Great Spirits who propagate extraordinary value in this life, he freed himself from the chains of material existence and joined the world of Free Spirits - Hyperborea - where he became a GOD - or KSHATRIYA.
In historical terms, we think of Hitler exactly as the political leader presented in Leni Riefenstahl's documentary film: TRIUMPH OF THE WILL. He had an absolute understanding of the suicidal nature of his mission, yet he never backed down because of the immanent awareness that he was waging a struggle in the name of Honor, and of a new revolt in defense of all the Hyperborean peoples who had been wiped out by Synarchy in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Hitler's exoteric - that is, worldly - mission was to expose the Synarchy at its foundations and in its full operation - the alliance that plunged the world into total war (see KILZER, Louis: A Farsa de Churchill, Ed. Record) in order to extinguish the Voice of the Blood from the German people, who were then approaching the collective transmutation that would convert them into spiritually awakened men (DEUTSCHLAND ERWACHE!).
His esoteric mission was extremely complex and heroic.
It only has to be said that he wasn't xenophobic. The SS incorporated Tibetans, Koreans and Africans into its ranks, as well as the Islamic Army - grouped into the 1st Division of the Schutzstaffel - whose soldiers were personally decorated by the Führer with an insignia from the Koran.
All the issues concerning the Jewish people are due solely to the ancient spiritual war between the Hyperborean Wisdom and the Kabbalah of the Chosen People of Jehovah-Satan.
However, they were - and still are - regarded as mere ideological bazophias; and, in the words of Savitri Devi, if so many Jews were really "killed" in Europe, it is ironic that so many others were living normally in Germany at the time of the surrender.
[b]The Jew was - and still is, and will be - the common enemy of all humanity[u][/u][/b], but not only as a spiritual race. They are also political artisans and, above all, the repositories of a religious and esoteric practice unsuitable for the transmutation of other peoples.
The Mystery of the Pure Blood does not only involve the 'consanguineous bond' in its genetic aspect.
Blood has a mnemonic (astral) content that is hereditary and, in the case of a human being who has an Immaterial Spirit, its essence will be passed on to their descendants.
Yes, we can incarnate in other races, or even in other unknown spheres of existence, but it will always be the same monad (soul) that incarnates, and the Immaterial Spirit will be trapped INSIDE this monad. In other words, the Spirit will accompany it in each future incarnation, and its memory will successively be the same: the memory of the Original Homeland of Thule.
The Voice of Blood is the one that calls for the rebellion of the Spirit against its imprisonment in this infernal world, and that calls for the union of comrades to wage the Essential War against the powers of Karma.
The aim of the Racial Strategy is as follows:
For reasons inherent in the very natural functioning of Creation, racial mixing weakens the Voice of the Blood and generates a dissonance of the original message, making Initiation and the Synchrony of the Voice of the Blood MORE IMPROVABLE - but NEVER impossible (the latter becomes impossible in exceptional circumstances).
It's a question intrinsic to man's own corporeal and soul nature.
Therefore, the charismatic diffusion of the Hyperborean Wisdom is always the same - the Awakening of the Immaterial Spirit and the adoption of a warrior stance in this infernal world, with a view to abandoning it. However, it is necessary to clarify that, in each people, race and historical period, the diffusion is always carried out in a different way.
Warrior conduct - a characteristic that requires the demonstration of a high Honorific Value (integrity, character, endurance, maturity, haughtiness, posture, honor, loyalty, etc.) - is a praxis that considerably elevates the individual's spirituality, awakening them from the perennial illusion that flanks them.
The Spirit is an incorporeal substance that precedes the existence of the Created Universe, and is therefore NOT CONSUBSTANTIAL TO THE MANIFEST WORLD. Therefore, its natural state here in Hell, in the Valplads, is that of a warrior expressing the TERGUM HOSTIS in the face of a reality that is essentially hostile to it.
As for "salvation" itself, it depends exclusively on each individual's subjective understanding of it. The soul can be reincarnated or live eternally FOR AS LONG AS CREATION LASTS, because one day it will inevitably come to an end. Material existence is therefore DETERMINED by other forces.
The Spirit, in the Origin, is infinite and indeterminate, it exists by itself, and without the authorization of others. To be a Wolf aspiring to God or to be a Sheep: that is the question for man to consider - whether he wants to leave the prison of the circle of samsara; or whether he wants to stay here.
Peace, from a diplomatic - macro - international point of view, can be maintained whenever it suits the Hyperborean Strategy - to propagate a doctrine or strengthen the bonds of a people. The Führer himself never wanted to go to war with the countries of the West - let's remember that this bloody conflict was caused by the powerful lobbies of Jewish Freemasonry in England, and other influential Orders in the world political process.
But peace, as an inner state of supreme harmony - the Vajrasattva - can only be achieved in the Origin after the victory against Synarchy, its chosen people, the traitor gods and the Demiurge. Exactly in that order. This is the arduous battle that will allow us to escape from this existence alien to our real nature and reintegrate into primordial Thule.
-And then there will be inner peace and an absolute connection to the core of the "I".
It is impossible to develop a totally successful collective strategy.
However, it is possible for anyone who feels interested in the Hyperborean Wisdom to join the esoteric initiation and become individually liberated through spiritual awakening.
National Socialism does not recommend racial miscegenation because it leads to undesirable spiritual confusion. However, this recommendation does not make it a white supremacist movement.
National Socialism proclaims the strengthening of all races, so that they can create a charismatic bond through Blood. Racial preservation is a strategic move that allows the application of the AURA CATENA, the complete synchronicity of Blood, on certain occasions in history.
And this, as already explained, applies not only to the white race, but to any other race or people who, at a given moment in history, wish to move collectively towards the Origin!!!
The question of the Jews and their age-old enmity with other peoples is related to the beliefs they profess and the traditional practices of their modus vivendi.
It is absurdly embarrassing to imagine that Germany sacrificed itself as a nation - and that hundreds of thousands of men of 40 different nationalities spontaneously offered their lives as Waffen-SS volunteers - just for purely racial and political demands. It makes no sense at all. This is not what happened!
There had to be something beyond that; something that would offer us a way to transcend the uninterrupted cycles of life and death and ensure a full, strong, eternal and indeterminate existence in time and space. And it is this hidden wisdom of National Socialism that the initiates must draw on, so that we at least know exactly what permeates us.
I reproduce an old hymn of the SS:
(Let the fluttering flags fly
in this great dawn of blood
and the sun for new victories
enlighten us, or burn us to death).
The German Reich held countless parades with menhirs, banners, scepters and typical Babylonian clothing, because - according to the initiatory mission it had set itself - the SS wanted to build a new Tower of Babel.
However, this Tower of Babel referred to by the Hyperborean initiates is described in a very different context to that of the Jewish Bible.
The Hyperborean Wisdom tells us that an ancient Mesopotamian people, called the Kassites, came down from the mountains north of the Black Sea and settled where the ruins of Borsippa in Iraq are today. There, they enslaved a Semitic people, who perhaps became the Hebrews - the Jews became known for their devotion to the God Enlil, the One (Demiurge).
Well, all the Torah's imprecations against the Babylonian people - actually Kassites - have their origin in the following story:
The Kassites were led by a Hyperborean Blood King called Nimrod and his general, a mythical archer called Ninurta. These warriors ordered the construction of an immense ziggurat, built according to the esoteric principles of Hyperborean Wisdom. Using mystical engineering techniques, they intended to OPEN A PASSAGE to Dejung, Enlil's celestial mansion, move a powerful army inside, and annihilate the supreme architect of the MANIFEST WORLD.
In fact - in an extremely complex ritual in which all of Nimrod's subjects took part - a passage to Dejung was opened and the Kassite army launched itself against the legion of lesser angels and monks of the White Brotherhood, causing great destruction before being completely exterminated. Nimrod himself annihilated, with the help of a stone blade brought from faraway China, a powerful Seraph called Kebabiel (one of the traitor gods who bound Spirit to Matter at the beginning of the Essential War).
Needless to say, Nimrod and his entourage were totally destroyed. But what is praised in this story is the extreme heroic valor shown by a people with a Hyperborean orientation.
No other man in history, no matter how involved he was in the Essential War, dared to invade the heavenly mansion of the Creator. For the SS, there could be no better example of Warrior Valor to draw inspiration from. It should be said that Nimrod was called 'Nimrod the Defeated' because his people were decimated. But we also say that every defeat in this hellish world is a victory in other heavens - the Victory of Honor and the Triumph of Will.
And it was this guiding spirit that was behind the Third Reich's lavish Babylonian parades.
The most interesting thing, of course, is that traces of this ziggurat still exist. It is said in the Hyperborean Wisdom that the Jewish slaves, left out of the ritual circle, prostrated themselves and, faced with imminent destruction, begged Enlil for help. This God's help came late, but effectively. A violent clap of thunder erupted from the heavens and blew down the tower. In the storm that followed, not a single Kassite was left alive. The slaves, on the other hand, were put to sleep by the Demiurge and, a few hours later, woke up safe from their spiritual enemies.
There are countless National Socialist militants.
Considering that the charismatic force of National Socialism is still very intense, we can understand why countless people are hopelessly attracted to its ideology, or to some of its concepts. But, unfortunately, this is not enough for them to assimilate the true knowledge of National Socialist doctrine.
We say that there are two distinct strands of activists: those who are guided by the SA's philosophy of action and those who act according to the SS's codes of conduct.
There are those who base every aspect of their lives on the decorous behavioral standards of the SS, applying in their modus operandi the indescribable Honorific Value demanded by Hyperborean Wisdom.
A legitimate National Socialist militant does not cause public disorder, nor does he carry out unjustifiable acts of racist violence.
On the contrary, he prefers to spend the brief time of his existence researching and meditating, as well as acting according to the Kshatriyas' Strategy, which, for the time being, has been to spread and preach Hyperborean Gnosis.
The righteousness of a true activist for the cause would never allow him to treat a person whose race is different from his own in an unworthy manner, because his eyes will always be beyond creation, and he will only judge others according to their moral strength or weakness.
Above all, the National Socialist militant who is spiritually inclined to honor the sapiential legacy of the SS, [b]will never allow himself to possess moral vices[/b], because he will adjust his life according to the terms of a refined education, an immaculate aristocratic posture and an unbreakable resistance to the difficulties imposed by social relations.
National Socialists despise the unruly and ill-mannered, are indignant at those who still manage to live without touching a book, and love all the ancient and traditional arts, especially those that reflect a world not yet deformed by the forces of the Kali Yuga.
Modernity and its degradation horrify us, and we don't hesitate to give up modern comfort in order to experience the spiritual splendor of the past once again.
We are environmentalists because, although we don't care about this decadent plan, it is our duty to reduce the suffering of the creatures that Jehovah-Satan feeds on.
In short, the true National Socialist - the initiate in the occult sciences - poses no danger to the community, as the media would have the unwary believe.
On the contrary, our attitude towards society is governed by unquestionable dignity and unquestionably chivalrous behavior.
In various parts of the world, and not just in Europe, there have been guardians of the Hyperborean Wisdom. Genghis Khan was one of them.
The Mongol emperor had a saddle inscribed with a swastika, and his personal pavilion resembled that of the Third Reich.
In the Americas, various North American tribes built stone cities according to the esoteric laws of the Hyperborean Wisdom. In South America, the Incas worshipped a god called VIRACOCHA - identical to the Aztec QUETZALCÓATL - who was ODIN, WOTAN or NAVUTAN himself; the Supreme God of Hyperborean Wisdom. His appearance was that of a white man with a long beard and advanced age.
We have different mottos, which also vary from Order to Order.
The SS used the HEIL HITLER salute - in which they exalted the great Germanic Blood King - extending the right arm in a posture called the SIGN OF HONOR.
The Thule Society used the motto DURCH BLUT ZUM LICHT (By Blood, for Light). Expressions such as 'Grace and Honor' or 'Blood and Honor' are common in the greetings of initiates from Secret Orders or different cultures. The College of Hierophants Tartessos, for example, adopted HONOR ET MORTIS: 'Honor and Death'.
There are other non-oral expressions, called MUDRAS, which are made up of signs and body postures that reflect the RUNAS and their energies. However, they are mostly occult. The most common of these is the BALA MUDRA - a circular postural formation in which the right arm is bent upwards, and the index, middle and thumb fingers are stretched out to form an L shape.
Creation, contrary to what is religiously assumed, is limited and takes place over the period of a Manvantara. The Universe was created in two stages, namely:
1 - The Demiurge emanated the monads (souls or archetypal atoms) and conceived the archetypes that make up each element of creation, and;
2 - He made the monads incarnate in the archetypes, thus giving existence to the thought forms on the material plane.
As described in the Judeo-Christian Bible, the Demiurge is the 'alpha and the omega', and the End will be the same as the beginning.
In the Hyperborean Wisdom, there is a lot of talk about the ENTELEQUY of entities, that is, the evolution of each entity towards the highest degree of archetypal perfection. This evolution takes place under the immanent fluidity of the demiurgic breath, in other words, over the course of time. However, beings will never be able to reach absolute perfection, as this would lead to their COMPLETE INDIVIDUALIZATION - now, if the entire universe is made up of monads that make up the Demiurge, their full spiritual development would result in the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Jehovah-Satan.
The numbness that affects almost all men will cause the entire Universe to be phagocytized and incorporated into the Demiurge. This will be the moment the Hindus call the Night of Brahma. The end will be the same as the beginning: the Creator alone, and NOTHING around him.
Only those who awaken to the condition of the uncreated Spirit will survive this phagocytization - because the hyperborean initiate becomes desynchronized with the flow of immanent time, acquiring OWN TIME, and therefore AUTOCTONE SPACE - coming to exist in itself and beyond any will or determination.
However, there is the promise that the Wildes Heer, Navutan's Furious Army, will return at the end of time to prevent the phagocytization of sleeping spirits, and the battle will be fought that will put an end to the Cosmos and its imperfect Creator, bringing the spirits of all men who turn to the loyal gods back to the plane of their Real existence: Hyperborea.
One of the most common misconceptions practiced by those who are walking the spiritual path of National Socialism is precisely to allow themselves to be deceived by mystical authors whose works have served precisely to adulterate the truth contained in the Hyperborean Wisdom.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - propagator of theosophy, agent of the Synarchy, messenger of the White Brotherhood and co-founder of the Theosophical Society - dealt with exactly the same themes and personalities as the Hyperborean Wisdom, but introduced subtle concepts which, in the end, significantly perverted its Gnostic essence.
Considering that Blavatsky partially distorted the hyperbolic character of the Teutonic mysticism of her century - Armanism, Odalism, Irminism and other hermetic systems that culminated in the rise of the National Socialist movement - I think it's necessary to discuss the White Brotherhood, whose esoteric wisdom is claimed by the Theosophical Society, along with Freemasonry, the Illuminati Order and AMORC (Rose Cross Order).
Let's remember that in the early days of creation, there was an Essential War between the LAWFUL GODS - who wanted to rescue the spirits imprisoned in matter by the Demiurge - and the TRAITOR GODS - who accepted the enslavement of their brothers and sisters by Creator Jehovah-Satan. Both legions have built their own spiritual strongholds - Agartha and Shambala - in which they have dwelt for thousands of years, and from where they interfere in worldly events (El Morya, ascended master of the White Brotherhood, sponsored the foundation of the Theosophical Society).
The demiurgic vassals, traitors to the UNKNOWN GOD, are organized according to a rigid hierarchical structure.
This Hidden Hierarchy is governed by the Order of Melchizedek - or the Great White Brotherhood - and its sole function is to ensure that the designs of the traitor gods are fulfilled: the sentence of extermination against the Hyperborean peoples, the spread of religious cults that repress the Spirit and the full establishment of the Synarchy and the World Government of the Chosen People.
These "enlightened beings" do indeed possess the Shekinah - the enlightenment of the magical power of the Creator - but their attribution in the world is demonic. By way of analogy, it is worth mentioning a scene from the movie The Matrix, in which the 'antivirus' agent, responsible for containing the rebellion of the Neo-Sheep, sought to destroy Zion-Agartha, which was - and still is - an escape from the illusory material world.
This is the Great White Brotherhood, this is the Synarchy, and this belongs to the Chosen People of Jehovah-Satan.
The lack of understanding of the National Socialist doctrine among the profane is the result of two incontrovertible issues:
One is informative and is directly related to the nature of the official propaganda that was made possible to spread the movement in Germany, and the other concerns the decades of historical defamation that the victorious countries of the Second World War and the international Zionist movement promoted against its ideological precepts.
Empirical National Socialism was undoubtedly a premeditated strategic concealment - a cultural mechanism that made it possible to absorb all those who did not yet have an advanced esoteric worldview. All the know-how of National Socialist ideology, as well as its psychic elements, are essentially charismatic, and are located, according to Carl Jung, in the Shadow Sphere of the Psyche. Therefore, any epistemological definition of the doctrine that relies exclusively on rational understanding is totally invalid.
As such, the temporal policy that guided the National Socialist movement is of secondary importance to the real objectives behind it:
1) Be One with God (UNKNOWN), the Eternal;
2) Master the Universe within you, and you will master the entire Universe;
3) The creative Spirit always wins;
4) The Strength of your Spirit makes you free.
Through the Blood, to the uncreated Light. This is the one true National Socialism.
For us, Christianity represents two things.
One: a demonic hoax. Remember that Christ (Kristos) is an honorific title, not a name. Jesus of Nazareth was an ascended master of the Great White Brotherhood who came to confuse people, and to REPLACE WITH HIS WORSHIP THE MEMORY OF THE TRUE KRISTOS, WHO DESCENDED HERE 11,000 YEARS BEFORE HIM.
-In other words, it replaced the original crucifixion of Odin (or Wotan, Na-Wotan, Navutan) in humanity's memory.
"Lucifer", the real Kristos, came from Hyperborea and agreed to descend into Hell (in our world) to bring the Light of the saving Gnosis, when he lost an eye and hung for nine days and nights in the Columna Universalis, the Tree of Terror, to acquire wisdom. Having achieved this, he and his disciples went out into the world preaching a life based on Warrior Valor and the search for Freedom of the Spirit. As mentioned above, he even visited America, being known as Quetzalcóatl, Viracocha and other Toltec and Sioux gods.
Christ Jesus, on the other hand, came to preach gentleness through love of creation, cordial passivity, full trust in the God of destiny and his priests, penance and the remission of sins. All narcotic values that are the opposite of what we consider healthy.
Second: a terrible blow. Firstly, because he used the Voice of Blood of the awakened peoples against them, deceiving them as a fraudulent twin of the primordial Kristos and spreading the Synarchy of the Chosen People (then infiltrated into the Benedictine Order, which guided the Church for over a thousand years) in a subjugated and passive Europe. And then, because unlike Kristos who sacrificed himself by descending into earthly hell, or Wotan who self-crucified, Jesus didn't die.
This is one of Christianity's best-kept secrets. Jesus, the ascended master of the Great White Brotherhood, was trained in Kabbalah by the cream of the Levite priests, came down alive from the Cross and was hidden by his Order; he returned to Shambala and is still there, fulfilling a special and terrible mission.
From Shambala, he emanates the energy of Metatron, the Archetypal Man, and, as a result, ALL THE EVOLUTIONARY IMPULSE OF HUMAN CULTURE HAS BEEN GOING IN THE DIRECTION OF METATRON, THE MAN OF BARK, THE ARCHETYPICAL JEW, SINCE JESUS! It does so from what we call the Geotopocentric Ray, which spreads over the surface of the Earth and goes up man's spine to the emotional sphere of the brain.
This is enough to prove the almost universal belief in "equality", "freedom", "fraternity", democracy, the sentimentality of easily acquired rights, and the stories and dogmas imposed by the Chosen People. It's a natural impulse of human reason deposited in Jesus - instilled by the Clergy - Born of Judeo-Christianity.
In the Hyperborean Wisdom, Israel is called ANAHATA CHAKRA - the chakra of the Heart or the Heart of the Earth - because all its arguments come from the sentimental sphere, from pity, commiseration, pacifist fraternity, love for all created things.
This is what some eminent Kabbalists call CHANGING THE EAGLE FOR THE Dove: from the proud and haughty bird of warriors to the stupid and servile dove of peace of obedient lambs. No wonder the Cathars, even though they claimed to be believers in Kristo, rejected the entire Bible, except the Gospel of John, and called the Vatican "the throne of Satan".
-This is the position of the Hyperborean Wisdom in relation to Christianity.
We have various Gods, who in reality are Guides, brother Spirits who fight for our freedom in the Origin, for guiding us in the midst of Hell itself. Many of the ancient myths were codified messages from the Hyperborean Wisdom, distorted naturally after endless centuries of manipulation, distortion, destruction of materials and literary re-editions with subtle changes.
Thus, Navutan, in other mythologies and tales Wotan, Odin, Quetzalcóatl, have the essence of the Warrior Leader, the liberator - who gives men the way out of the labyrinth and challenges the Creator and the deceptive reality of his creation. Navutan is the good God who renounces the ritual sacrifice imposed by the one.
He is the old guide who appears to advise in difficult times, and whose representation is exercised by the respectable Gandalf, or Viracocha, who are the same individual.
Likewise, Frya is also known as Athena, Freya, Pyrena or Belisama, etc. The intelligent Goddess of War, Belona was born armed, is wild and free, fully masters the Strategy of Siege and is mistress of the Eye of Âmort (the eye of Medusa) which transmutes man into an Initiate, and of all the other feminine mysteries.
It's interesting to have this multifaceted view of the Hyperborean Guides, because each myth that has survived uncorrupted preserves an aspect of the real myth or Wisdom that lies behind it.
The mythological elements constitute an authentic INITIATIVE WAY, which leads us to an understanding of Freya and the other gods. The Hyperborean Guides do not behave like lords, nor do they demand worship or fear. They are just wise men who, in a selfless act of honor, come to rescue their peers.
It is interesting to note that, in all the Nordic religions, the act of kneeling before a God was considered heresy, a lack of honor. For this reason, we should always respond to contact from a divine being with our heads held high and weapons in hand; immutable postures of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
On the Warrior Doctrine:
We are not literal when we say that the world, which we consider to be Hell itself, is the Valplads, that is, the Battlefield. Not being literal means not taking this combat as a physical duel. In fact, as previously emphasized, we have already given up on any worldly action, because we have solid esoteric reasons for doing so, in addition to the institutional defamation of National Socialism and the complete taboo that has been built up about any essentially Hyperborean aspect.
In fact, we say that material life is a constant war that requires an equally constant state of alert. For millennia, peoples have allowed their Hyperborean Wisdom to decay due to what we call War Fatigue. In other words, they gave in, attracted by the comfort of peace, moral relativism and the material comfort of other "culturally" more advanced civilizations.
In practice, this state of Alertness, which in Asatrú is called FrÃth - Joy in Battle - is the only state of Inner Peace possible for us.
The FrÃth is the immanent feeling of peace and joy that comes from Honor, from Valor demonstrated in the small and constant battles of life, and above all, from the invincibility of the Spirit in the final analysis. It is a personal experience that is difficult to describe.
The expression of Honor becomes a source of inner energy, an inexhaustible source of Vrill, so that the more we fight, the better we feel.
Those initiated into the art of the FrÃth were called Berserkers by the Scandinavians.
It should be noted that the mane on the helmets of the Spartans and Romans refers to the same esoteric concept.
The battles in life are daily, the difficulties unbearable, the struggle for self-improvement and the inner conflict against our animal-man part are constant.
[Our Soul always wants to sabotage the advance of the Spirit.
In order to oppose Jehovah-Satan, it is not necessary to blow up this orb, but rather to reduce as much as possible the suffering of the beings who inhabit it and on whom it feeds.
For those of us brought up on our concepts, the battles, the chaos, all contribute to personal empowerment.
Faith in the liberation of the spirit pushes me to fight against some conceptions that are too unhealthy, such as Judaism and all forms of worship of Jehovah-Satan and the Great White Brotherhood.
However, this combat only takes place in the field of CONTRAPOSITION OF INFLUENCES, which means, in practice, a primarily metaphysical interaction.
Dedicating one's life to a position, to a code of values, is not intolerance.
Intolerance is wanting to impose your worldview on others.
We have lost every war we have fought in the past, which shows the titanic power of the Creator and his damned White Brotherhood.
However, such defeats never prevented us from taking the Via Honorificia and fighting a war that had already been lost, from Tartessos to Berlin.
We are in their land and we want to be free of this imprisoning Matris once and for all!
In any case, the material Universe will one day perish.
The Hindus call this the Night of Brahma - the end of the Manvantara - or the Period of Manifestation. And when this is about to happen, and the Synarchy is fully completed, the hyperborean guides say that there will be yet another war, the Wildes Heer, when Navutan's furious army will come to free the remaining spirits and flee the collapsing universe.
And we will return to Thule - the Homeland of the Spirit where Existence is absolute in Itself, and where one is infinite and indeterminate like the Gods - [b]where we should never have left. [/b]
The enemy, fulfilling his goal, will hasten the end of times and our longed-for freedom will be victoriously obtained.
That's why we only concern ourselves with the internal cultivation of the Spirit, and of course with spreading the message so that others might hear it.
Ancient hymns to Navutan praised him for having defeated Passion, for having possessed an icy heart and a transcendental mind, and also for having dissolved the terror of illusory forms, instead of fighting them like a fool.
The old national anthem of the now-defunct Yugoslavia glowingly celebrated this conduct: "Now may the winds carry everything away. May the trees break, and the rocks crumble. May the earth tremble and rise. We will stand firm like cliffs".
End of story.
In my opinion; you can only be better or worse than one person"; And that person was you yesterday!
SÃlvio Rodrigues
Great synopsis of the Mechanics of Hyperborean Wisdom. Thank you. Read the whole article on Moon Reader. Wonderful. A delicious wine. And shall re-read it. Now engaging with Fundamentals. After Belicena. And Thule Gesellschaft. Fundamentals is by far the most promising.
Anyone know where to get an accurately translated digital mein kampf?