Hyperborean Wisdom - annihilating the soul
Nimrod de Rosario https://nimrodrosario.blogspot.com/
Hyperborean Wisdom - annihilating the soul
Greetings to all, in this series of posts we will see an important topic within the field of Hyperborean Wisdom, which refers to the fact of annihilate and kill the soul demiurgic, which is part of the prison in which we are trapped. This process against the soul is one more step to enhance the SPIRIT and achieve that necessary transmutation from being a simple soul to a VIRYA DESPIERTO.
We start by watching the pseudo-consciousness of the passion, for which we take the movie "Revolver" as an illustrative example, although it is synarchic, the subtle lie (almost identical to the true but with a very subtle "difference") that transmits, but not is relevant. The selected scenes serve perfectly for what I know wants to illustrate:
The pure pasú practically does not exist, at the most that it arrived went to Homo Neanderthalensis, at that stage of its phylogenetic evolution carried out the spiritual chain. Let's do the abstraction of separate the Self Virya noological of everything that IS NOT the Self of Virya and everything the I of the Virya IS NOT called "the Pasú part of the Virya" or simply "the pasú".
The pasú does not have a true consciousness, that is does not have a true "I", what you have is a pseudo-consciousness or either a "pseudo me" or "false me". The Virya noological self that is a reflection of the Self Infinite ( the Self of Absolute Disorientation or Confused Self ) confused and mistakenly identifies with that false consciousness of the pasu and "believes to be" that conscience but this confusion and this mistake has not been made by the I do not theological one once and forever but I commit it and return it to commit ( renews it ) constantly from moment to moment with every emotion, with every thought and with every sensation.
It is said that we have throughout the day approximately some 60,000 thoughts, this means that throughout the day the noological self has been mistakenly and erroneously identified at least 60,000 times with each of those thoughts. An emotion and a physical sensation, thought, emotion and physical sensation are three different aspects of the same and only thing, are like the three sides of a triangle. By example: The idea (thought) that I can "get to" losing my job is accompanied by fear (excitement) of losing a job and is also accompanied by anguish (feeling) that is a shrink of nerve terminals in the throat and stomach area (actually from all nerves from foot to head).
Thought, emotion and sensation are "phenomena" mutually reversible and mutually interdependent each other, they are all mutually cause and effect of each other. An idea abstract can beget or detonate an emotion and vice versa an emotion can spark an idea, it is impossible to establish that it exists first "if the egg or the chicken". Constantly, instant by instant, microsecond in microsecond the noological self mistakenly identifies with each of those thoughts-emotions-sensations that flow in a constant flow throughout the day and mistakenly interprets them as "own or his" when they really are foreign, strange, external. In others words: the noological self "believe" that thoughts-emotions-sensations are His when in reality they are not and never have been AND THERE IS NO ONE WHO TAKES IT OF YOUR CONSTANT ERROR, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, year after year, life after life, incarnation after incarnation. This misidentification (product of confusion) that commits the noological self is the very essence of hypostasis, as we see this hypostasis it's not real ( CANNOT BE) but it is a wrong belief of the Self noological.
The nature of this hypostasis, of this "identification wrong" it is hypnotic. These thoughts-emotions-sensations are, in general lines of the soul of the pasú and of the microcosmic vehicles of manifestation of that soul (physical-energetic-emotional-mental bodies) that make up the "psychophysical vehicle of manifestation of that soul", the "body-mind" or "mind-body". The soul evolves "emotionally" and "mentally" the slightest thought and the slightest emotion inevitably contribute (mechanically-automatically) to the evolution of the soul. The relationship between the soul and the nonological Self, asleep and captive is the relationship between a powerful hypnotist and a hypnotized person, (remember that the soul is only an extension of the demiurge a splitting-emanation of the demiurge) the constant flow of thoughts-emotions-sensations from the soul acts as a constant flow of hypnotic suggestions to which the noological self is found constantly subdued inevitably. And the fundamental hypnotic suggestion that is always present not explicitly and formally but tacitly, implicitly in each thought-emotion-sensation it is as follows: "I am you" and the noological self always falls into this deception constantly from moment to moment, what in practice consists of "believe those thoughts, emotions and feelings are yours", interprets them as their own, their own, interns, part of his nature, part of himself.
More can happen ¡OH MIRACLE OF MIRACLES! that the me nonological wake up and realize transcendentally, know gnostically-ronly than He is NOT that soul who always believed himself and that those thoughts-emotions-sensations those who always believed theirs are not and never were but are and have always been foreign, strange, external to their own Being, Himself. When the Self realizes that the emotion (whatever it is) that seizes it is foreign and external Himself is immediately withdraws out of the Self, as "penetrating the emotion of the soul (demiurgic) to the I "was nothing but "believe hypnotically" the I that that emotion is its own. Every time the Self realizes that the emotion that penetrates it and seizes it is alien and external to itself and instantly it withdraws out of the Me, the soul weakens more and more like a mortally wounded animal that is leaving bleeding slowly, this poetic vision means that the soul is losing more and more his power of hypnotic suggestion about the Self, or more precisely: "that the Self is awakening more and more fully of his deep torpor hypnotic". The awakened self has transcendentally known that HE IS NOT that soul who always thought he was, but he must be attentiveto each manifestation soul and not be distracted, not forget and never allow yourself to be penetrated again by no emotion, not even the smallest and most insignificant.
Kill without mercy one after another to every little emotion throughout the day at the very moment they appear it is nothing but to recognize over and over to every emotion like foreign and external and when the emotion is recognized it instantly withdraws out of the Self it tries to penetrate. Turn off each minimal emotion one after another until "definitely turn off the soul" is the work that the awakened Self has to do so that the eternal Spirit can manifest, since the soul and its emotions block it like a dike, "a satanic containment dike" The Self was placed within the soul by the Siddhas Traitors so that each of their unsuccessful movements serve the evolution of this, but now, being awake, the roles have been reversed as each soul soul soul soul movement for confuse and deceive the Self turns against it and the soul weakens more and more with each attempt at deception, the awakened Self has become (figuratively) like a terrible and deadly hook nailed to the bowels of the soul that the tears and kills her mercilessly to every movement of this. "The death of soul" "what kills the soul "" the awakened Self" can be seen as a deformed Guiburr rune.
Figure 1. Guiburr Rune
What kills the soul is nothing but THE TRUTH, since the soul, extension of the demiurge, is the lie of the great deceiver, of the author of the script theatrical, the architect, the hidden homeowner, the invisible puppeteer behind from his puppet. Can be seen as the combination of a Sigel rune and a rune Isa but I prefer to see her as a deformed Guiburr, a Sword transformed into Hook, Hook, Deadly Trap for the soul, that extension of the demiurge. When the Ego was asleep and was identified as wrong and confused with the soul and its emotions and "I thought I was the soul" the Self was always carried (like a log in a rushing river) by the current soul storm, that is: "he was inevitably dragged by desires of the soul", archetypal desires that are nothing but the manifestation of archetypes that "fiercely long for fulfillment", fulfill their design, with its purpose printed on the spiral sign, the sacred sign of the pasú. But being awake the Self can no longer be carried away by desires of the soul but the self remains firm, planted like an immovable Menhir that looms in the temporal current of the soul.
The following may seem ridiculous but in none way it is: While the Self "believes to be the soul" cannot refuse to pursue the desires of the soul and try to achieve them-realize them inevitably putting his volitional force in that persecution (the fulfillment of a desire is always "in the future") and cannot be denied because "believe" that wishes are their own and while "believe" that those wishes are their own no can fight them because fight them IS to fight yourself, it's like a dog fighting its own tail, attacking it and trying to bite it, or is it like a fool who foolishly tries to lift himself off the ground taking your ears and pulling up (you won't rise from the level of the not a millimeter ground). While he is asleep chasing the realization of the desire or fight against it, realize desire or inevitably does not serve evolution of the soul. While the Self believes to be the soul and considers "own" to soul desires somehow the I IS what it thinks to be, such is the essence deceptive-hypnotic of hypostasis or misidentification with the soul.
When the self has gnostically realized, only than HE IS NOT that soul that always believed to be, only then can it for the first time time dominate the soul, not to be swept away by its temporal current, refuse to chase those "foreign wishes". For the awakened self the desire soul that arises before Him "not even exists" and that which does not exist cannot be accepted or rejected, it is not you can chase him or fight him, it's....pure nothing. Essentially, then, nothing had changed inside me, but I would never be the same again: only the relationship of forces that maintained the Spirit and the Soul were disrupted by extra volitional force effect provided by the Virgin of Agartha. To the regain consciousness about the reality of the World, after seeing the Divine Image, my I was able to dominate with singular power the soul nature, of a way like never before, after years of yogic practice of concentration and mind control; and was not willing to lose such power, to that the roles be reversed and the Ego is again subject to desires of the Soul.(EMBV pag. 438)
Being subject to the desires of the soul (whose realization is always "in the future") is nothing other than: "to be dragged the Self by the temporal current of the soul".
Let's look at the nature of the pseudo consciousness of the pasú or "false me of the pasú". Let's remember that we have made an abstraction mental and we are considering only the passive part of the Virya as if not there would be spiritual chain, as if there was no nonological self reflecting the I Infinite and "that pasú" does not have a true self but has a I fictional. As Buddhism affirms in its doctrine of "not me" (doctrine of the anata or anatman) "the self does not exist", that is true, BUT IT'S ONLY TRUE FOR THE PASU, NOT FOR THE VIRYA. The "pasú pure "without reflection of a confused Spirit is just a android of meat, a pseudo-individual (has a fictitious individuation), and ultimately is: nothing more than a insane demiurgic idea.
THE ILLUSION OF "CONTINUITY" Suppose that we have a machine gun that shoots bullets from the light with a firing rate very high, with normal vision it would seem to us to be seeing a ray of light continuous like a laser beam, but if we could observe the phenomenon in question "in slow motion" we could verify that the apparent ray of continuous light is just illusion, it is a mirage, that there is no continuous ray of light but what there is is a succession of many light bullets fired at very short time intervals, we would verify that between bullet and bullet there are no absolutely nothing, between one light bullet and another what there is is "empty" or "absence of light". The same goes for pseudo-consciousness of the pasú. Every thought is "self conscious" or what is what same: "every thought is a small, tiny" me".
Think about something, follow a line of thought, think for a few seconds or a few minutes about a question or an object is similar to what happens with a film tape made up of several successive frames, each frame of a film tape is almost identical to the previous and the next but with a slight difference, when projecting the tape on a screen, the rapid succession of frames produces the illusion of movement, the filming of a galloping horse, for example, is made up of many successive frames projected very quickly and at observer seems to be always looking at the same frame "moving" but in reality the frame is not one but there are many but very fast.
The same is with a very fast succession of thoughts of those who make up a line of thought, each one is almost identical to the before and next but with a slight difference. Abstract ideas (without images) or images mental are always "mnemonic" come from its source which is the memory, thought is "memory in action" the thoughts arise from memory as fleeting sparks that come off a campfire. With a very fast succession of thoughts, each one "self conscious", occurs the same that with that machine gun that shoots light bullets or with what that occurs on the cinema screen where a tape is projected, the illusion of continuity, that illusion is here "the illusion of a true consciousness", "the illusion of the thinker" (the one who thinks,the owner of thoughts ) "the illusion of a self" continuous, stable, homogeneous, but there is no thinker, there is only thought, there is no such thing as a I, this is true, BUT IT'S ONLY TRUE FOR THE PASU, NOT FOR THE VIRYA. (The Synarchic Buddhism only says part of the truth: that the country does not have a true me, need to say the other part: that there is something called "spiritual chain")
Let's consider the pasú "Juan Pérez", this pasú you are thinking of something (you are thinking that you are going on vacation to the beach), there is in him a very fast succession of thoughts "referred to oneself" a line of thought made up of a series of many thoughts each one almost identical to the previous one and the next but with a slight difference, such as the succession of thoughts is very fast, like the interval of time between one and the other is very brief, tiny, imperceptible, the illusion of continuity, the illusion that there is a thinker, a me. And each of those thoughts carries within itself implicitly one lie, a deception (wrong belief that comes from the moment that John Pérez was discovered as an "entire between entities") tacitly, every thought claims to be the same as before him and the next to him, although they are many all claim to be only one and always the same (the thinker).
¿How is this?
One thought, suppose the first in the series, says:
# 1 - I am Juan Pérez and I am going on vacation to the beach. (the "I am Juan Pérez" is the implicit and tacit)
# 2 - I am Juan Pérez and I am going to bathe in the sea and lie down in the sand.
# 3 - I am Juan Pérez and I am going to catch a big fish.
# 4 - I am Juan Pérez and............
¿How could all of them always be the same Juan Pérez if it is evident that they are not one but are many?
As the succession of thoughts is very fast, dizzying, with amazing speed, the illusion of what the speaks (silently with the silent "audiomental" voice) is always the himself, the "thinker" or "the self". But if we could observe "in slow motion" that succession of conscious thoughts of themselves, to that dizzying succession of "little me is" we could verify that there are many selves, there are many mini-conciences and between a little me and another there is absolutely nothing, there is a vacuum of consciousness, absence of selves, we would verify that there is no one true consciousness homogeneous stable, solid, compact, continuous,not there is a true stable self but what there is is a pseudo-consciousness, a me fictional that "has gaps or gaps" (actually it has more holes that a strainer or gruyere cheese). The sum of all the little ones you, whose source is the memory from which fleeting sparks arise and produce the illusion of continuity, (the infinite sparks create the illusion of a continuous and stable flame) constitutes the multifaceted ego, a kind of non-existent-incontrable spectrum, something like a "actor" or "character theatrical "unfathomable-non-existent that hidden under a thousand masks, but there is only the mask, there is no "character", under the mask there is only "empty". I'm not sure these "I's" of those who speak are the same as what Gurdjieff talks about, he rather seems to be speaking "another type of self" that seems to have a certain "primitive pseudo-entity", those must be surely (they could not be something else) those "mental-emotional waste" spoils of previous incarnations, those "psychic swarms" than "refuse to die" and "want continue ", that nest in the astral body of the pasú and that" they want more of the same "they want their food and they act on the pasú and they manifest in him as strong impulses and tendencies, innate determinations.
In any case these "I's" I'm not talking about they are neither Gurdjieff nor mine invention (they are as real as bone and muscle) and the Buddhist abhidharma (Buddhist psychology) has been studying them very finely for 2500 years long before psychology existed western. Let's see what the Buddhist abhidharma of these says "I's". Let's remember that many of the things that Buddhism affirms are true, but they are true for the country, not for the Virya and as here I am considering only the Pasú part of the Virya as if there were no spiritual chain, I take from those truths which helps me to communicate what I want to communicate.
( Recommended read the First part of this article before:
Hyperborean Wisdom - ANIQUILING THE SOUL ( I )).
We continue with the second part of this article. Buddhist psychology talks about something called "dependent emergence" or "conditioned genesis", what arises or is born with each dependent emergence is "suffering" or "the self", the idea or sensation of the self. What makes Buddhist doctrine dependent emergence is nothing but observe very finely to the process of gestation, birth, decay and death of those false you emerging from the source of memory as fleeting sparks from a campfire. Each of the phasos yes like a flower is born, grows, has a moment of splendor from which it begins to decay, withers, dries and dies, all that brief life happens in an instant,IN THE MIND, in the sphere of consciousness of the pasu. Before addressing the 12 links of dependent emergence, let's look at what Theravada Buddhism says about "the idea of the self".
Buddhism affirms that there is no such thing as a stable and continuous transmigrant self that survives physical death and that after that physical death passes from one body to another, the only thing that exists is the "psychophysical vehicle", the "body-mind" or "mind-body" whom Buddhism calls "name and form", Buddhism affirms that this "body-mind" or psychophysical vehicle is made up of "the five aggregates of attachment" one of which is the so-called "mental organ" (which of course is not the brain) subtle organ that has a subtle function (just as the stomach and digestion are respectively an organ and a "dense" organic function") the function of the mental organ is to perceive the mental formations, these are the object of perception of a sixth sense: the mental organ (the eye is the "organ of vision "and its objects of perception are visible objects, etc.) The "idea of the self", says Buddhism, it's just one of the 52 possible mental formations, objects of perception of the mental organ.
All this is true, BUT IT IS TRUE FOR THE PASU, NOT FOR THE VIRYA (Buddhism only says part of the truth, the other part needs to be said: that there is something called "spiritual chain"). The noological Self, a reflection of the infinite, insubstantial and timeless Self, is, by its spiritual nature, imperceptible to the pasú and to all "living entity" within the universe, only the demiurge himself and the Traitor Siddhas can perceive it. It stands to reason that this spiritual Self and its gnostic intuitions-certainties are considered "ideas" or "mental formations" by the miserable "man animals" who seek (vainly) liberation from suffering by following the shambalic-synarchic systems.
Shamballa systems are engaged in "pretend that spiritual chaining has not occurred" and they resort to the thousand and one very sophisticated arguments to sustain the lie, and explain everything as if only "the pasú" existed here" and all gnostic-spiritual manifestation from the captive Spirit is framed within "ignorance, confusion" he-he-he the primordial avidyá, as they call it and there is something of that, but it is the confusion of the noological self that "believes to be a created soul".
The 12 links of dependent emergence:
1 ) Volitive actions or karmic formations are conditioned by ignorance.
2 ) By volitional actions consciousness is conditioned.
3) Mental and physical phenomena are conditioned by consciousness.
4) By mental and physical phenomena the six faculties are conditioned (that is, the five sensitive organs plus the mind or mental organ).
5) Contact is conditioned by the six faculties.
6) By contact sensation is conditioned.
7) By sensation desire (thirst) is conditioned.
8) By desire (thirst) attachment is conditioned.
9) By attachment the process of becoming is conditioned.
10) By the process of becoming, birth is conditioned.
11) By birth are conditioned:
12) Old age, death, grief, sorrows, etc.
This is a "domino effect" of "12 chips" what happens in an instant "in the mind" thousands of times a day. This is, no more and no less, than the entire process of instant birth and death of one of those "false selves", which arise as fleeting sparks, finely seen even in its smallest details by the sharp and penetrating gaze of an awake Virya that was transmuted into Siddha Immortal: that of the Chatria (Kshastriya) Hyperborean Siddharta Gautama, the great sage of the Sakyas clan. Let's see a concrete example of "a dependent emergence":
A mediocre painter ( frankly bad enough ) has a false or erroneous image of himself, He "believes" that he is a great plastic artist, an excellent painter. We will call this idea or erroneous belief that the mediocre painter believes true the ignorance and the act of having believed it true we will call it the confusion. In this man it exists in a potential or "virtual" form ( in a latent state ) "the offended" (the offended "I"). The "offended" exists in this painter in an "intermediate state" between birth and death (mental state equivalent to the disembodied state of a deceased in the astral world) the "offended" he is now disembodied and ready to be born at any moment. The "fertile soil" that makes it possible for the painful plant of "the offended" to sprout and grow in an instant "in the mind" (not in a woman's womb for 9 months) is ignorance, that is, the false-wrong idea that he is a great artist, a great painter, if that idea did not exist "the offended" could never be born".
Now the mediocre painter participates in a painting contest, which he plans to easily win, but it turns out that he gets the last place and the judges paternally advise him to forget the painting and dedicate himself to something else because he lacks the necessary talent. Hearing those words (when facing that reality) so contrary to his false idea of himself, in a hundredth of a second that "offended" potential-virtual, dormant, hibernating, disembodied, WAKE UP YOUR EYES TO LIFE, in 1 sec "the offended" is: begotten-conceived-gale, the mediocre pin-pass "feels offended", trembles with anger, writhes with pain and rage. ¿What was born? "the offended" or "the offended self" but what has actually been born is "suffering" we have simply called "the offended" or "the offended self" to suffering itself.
In 1 sec he was born and died. In 1 sec - or much less did the 12 links consecutive emergence dependent on a blazing "domino effect" that only the sharp and attentive vision of a Siddha Immortal as Sidharta Gautama can perceive. In 1 sec "the offended" was born and died, now he is again disincarnated and ready to be born and "incarnate" again, where? IN THE MIND, birth and death and the intermediate (disembodied-latent) state between death and a new birth exist IN THE MIND, they are a psychological process that is completed in an instant in the mind thousands of times a day.
From moment to moment, thousands of times a day (up to 60,000 scientists say) are born successively the offended, the successful, the feared, the hated, the hated, the loved, the despised, the unsuccessful, the flattered, the misunderstood, the recognized, the humiliated, the flattered, the exalted, the reviled, the exalted, the despised, the satisfied.....thousands of them, an infinity of "wrong ideas" in the memory of the pasú gives rise to an infinity of false potential selves ready to be born and die in an instant. The totality or sum of these erroneous ideas make up the totality of ignorance, the source from which false selves are born. Each of these: the offended, the flattered, the insulted are "you", "false selves" that are born and die in an instant like fleeting sparks. Note that each of these "false selves" is a "me with adjective" a flattered self or an insulted self is born, but a I pure, an "I per se" a self without an adjective because that is precisely what does not exist, those adjectives: "offended", "flattered", etc. are the masks of the theatrical actor, of the non-existent-incontrable character, but as I said before: there is only the mask, the actor did not existe, behind the mask is only emptiness. The character, the nonexistent theatrical actor, that unspeakable specter is the "multifaceted ego" (the unreal character of the thousand and one faces).
Figure 1. False and multiple Yoes
This pseudo-consciousness of the passion, inherent in its miserable nature, it is as it could not be otherwise, a grotesque caricature of a true consciousness, a demiurgic imitation of a true consciousness, this miserable profanity is the "consciousness" with which the creator has endowed his miserable android of meat, his well-loved point-setting robot. All this is also true, BUT IT IS ONLY TRUE FOR THE PASU, NOT FOR THE VIRYA.
One more argument of the "not existence" of a true self in the pasu: When an "observer" pasu objectively observes an object external to it, for example a tree, we have the observer, the observed object (the tree) and the intermediate space between the observer and the observed. When the passu tries "subjectively" observe "himself" inevitably falls into error: the observer and the observed are one and the same thing and there is no space between the two (the observer is the observed as stated by the synarch initiate Krishnamurti) a imaginary-unreal splitting whom the country considers true and although intellectually some very intelligent passion can realize this, "emotionally" he cannot get rid of that non-existent self and this is because as I said at the beginning to every thought they are always associated with emotion and physical sensation: thought-emotion-feeling are only three different degrees (a degraded or "dégradé") of densification of the same, of the same and only thing. THE PASU HEALS FROM A TRUE ME, OF A TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS, HE APPEARS FROM "YESE". This is true but it is only true for the pasu, not for the Virya.
It stands to reason that the pasú lack a true me because the country is not a true individual, it is a pseudo-individual, an organ of an immense organism: the demiurge's mental universe, the only true individual here is the demiurge, all other pseudo-entity in your mental universe is just a unfolding-emanation of The Source "the demiurge". Perhaps you will ask yourself Virya: And why so much effort and so much work to achieve the famous "individuation" of the sphere of consciousness of the pasú (pseudo-individualization) for which even the infinite aberration of resorting to spiritual chaining has been reached? (use a true me, reflection of an Infinite Self to promote the evolution of an abomination like the pasú, it's like using a Rolls Royce or a Bentley to transport a compost bag in the back seat and the example gets infinitely small)
¿Would you wonder why a madman interned in a madhouse commits the inconsistencies he commits or why "do what you do"? ¿Would you try to understand the mind of a madman? HE'S CRAZY AND NOW. After an infinity of incarnations of the soul, a stage arrives in the evolutionary life of the country in which it undertakes the path of liberation (the Synarchical Buddhist path, for example) to free itself from all of those "wrong ideas" that give rise to that infinity of false selves, the pasú takes a lot of hard work (of various incarnations) to become a empty shell which will be occupied by the demiurge. What's the point of all this? -NONE- it's just "absurd demiurgic dementia", the dementia of a madman who as a capricious and maniacal evil insane child plays theatrically with a multitude of dolls or puppets to which in his insane game he assigns a theatrical role in a tragic-comic drama, with introduction, knot and outcome that the pathetic puppets consider "real".
I have gone progressively so as not to cause confusion, but deep in the created soul, in the absolute depths of the soul, beyond the empty masks of the soul it is hidden "the author of the theatrical script", the Emanator of the soul, the Father-Mother of the soul, his Master, it is about the demiurge, the created soul is only an extension of the demiurge, behind the soul deep inside it hides mimicked "He who deceives and confuses" the sleeping and captive Self and scams it hypnotically saying: "I am you" is the demiurge, the Architect, the Owner of the house, the Mara that he will face in a final confrontation beyond the veil of Maya the awakened Virya, the Kshastriya Hyperborean Siddharta Gautama.
In the movie Revolver Jake Green faces the Great Deceiver-Hypnotist "face to face" beyond Maya's veil (we can perfectly take it like this) "If such is the virya's resolution, If your goals are so Gnostic, then everything will be said, there will be no more deceptive words or vain signs: THE APPROACH WILL BE TRANSFERRED BEYOND THE MAYOR'S FLIGHT, TO A BUSINESS IN WHICH THE HYPERBOREAN WARRIOR AND THE DEMOURG FIGHT FACE TO FACE. And, as in the Origin of the Fall, in the fight the spiritual chain will be at stake again: the awakened virya has attacked to free the captive Spirit and the Demiurge responds to subject the Spirit to greater and more atrocious confusion "(FSH). The I awake and isolated of the soul subject is the Witness that go to the false selves be born and die in an instant throughout the day and see them "in slow motion". The sleeping self mistakenly identifies itself from moment to moment with each of those false selves and mistakenly believes that being them identifies itself-hypostata with the multifaceted ego and believes that it is him. It is identified-hypostata-encarna, such is the unreal hypnotic nature of hypostasis.
If a hypnotist induced a hypnotized person the following hypnotic suggestion: -you are a puppy that barks and wags its tail-we would say that in that unreal hypnotic world the hypnotized person is identifier-mipostata with that puppy or what "incarnate in it", a non-existent but inevitable illusion in which the hypnotized person falls, everything would be explained assuming that the true spiritual life continued in the sphere of the rapture, from which I never left or would leave, that is, in the Infinite, and that this apparent life, lived at the “ term ” of what cannot end, was indeed a form of death, a nonexistent spiritual illusion but inevitable. (EMBV pag. 438).
Or you could say that the real human nature of the hypnotized person is hypostatically linked to the unreal hypnotic nature of "that puppy", that is: an absolute absurdity, a lie, an absolute impossible.
Let's see what Nimrod de Rosario says about that infinity of false selves and the multifaceted ego that they integrate into a passage from "HISTORY SECRET OF THULEGESSELSCHAFT". That consciousness that we use daily to live our dreams, typical of the STRATEGIC CONFUSION, is supported by a multifaceted ego that is pure mechanics. There is no ME stable, that remains beyond the questions of rational dialectics, but a multiplicity of selves CONTINGENTS as for his appearance, but DETERMINATED immediately by the mechanics of the brain. And after the succession of the selves, the only permanent thing is, ironically, the ILLUSION OF BEING. That “ BELIEVE SER ” ( someone or something ) that keeps us in the strategic confusion of a completely illusory world but that, nevertheless, we blindly affirm as real. So the current rational consciousness, its self, is the first lust that poisons the immortal spirit of the virya ( THE STRATEGIC CONFUSION CONSISTED THAT THE HYPERBOREAN SPIRIT WHO MANIFIES IN THE VIRYA AS I LOST "BELIEVE BEING" THE AWARE OR STORY SUBJECT OF THE PASU AND IDENTIFIES WITH IT ).
You victim of the Great Deception. You think you are and almost you don't exist beyond the whim of Jehovah Satan ( EMBV pag. 527 ).