Miguel Serrano
When the children are born with their eyes open
It will be in the Iron Age and the end of the world is near.
To the traditional institutions of Chile: farmers, the Army,
the Navy, Air Force and Carabineros, in a fight to the death to
preserve your identity and your existence.
And to those very few young people who, having still been born with their
Eyes closed, they could still be saved.
In the Universe, in Nature, nothing is the same. The Difference is the Law.
Even a crystal of snow is distinguished from the others. You could say that it
was God who made the infinite inequalities. God created the races; also the
countries, nations. Pretend to mix them and end with differences is to
impoverish the world and act against the Will of the Creator. Furthermore,
Nature makes the stronger overpower the weaker, either by force or by
cunning. Not understanding it, surrendering meekly,Sophia in a nonexistent
equality between races and countries,is to facilitate the slavery imposed on
the world today by a Secret World Government, of super-racist
criminals,who preach anti-racism and mix for the better establish its
dominance and totalitarian dictatorship on earth.With the dream of a global
village, of a "globalism"and “globalism”, promoted by that hidden
Power,totalitarian and imperialist, the Chilean rulers, withits free trade and
socialist, capitalist and Marxists, internationalists, alike, have been delivering
pieces of the homeland (Patagonia, Laguna of the Desert, the Continental
Ices), selling them or giving them away, foolishly, cowardly,
cunningly,behind the backs of the people and the true Chilean. Justify it all
with the illusion of "modernism" and the acquisition of an amazing
technology, of which the masters also hidden from the world are served, to
fulfill their dominion andslavery over the inhabitants of the peripheral
areas,from! Third World, from the "First" and the "Second Wave", to those
that will never allow the "Third Wave" to pass, such as controllers and
creators of that science, nor of their own Destinations.Hopefully the following
pages can be used to shake and alert Chileans and Latin Americans
responsible, who have not yet been hypnotized orare totally committed, in
order to save what still remain of their national soil, their independence and
of their freedom.
On Sunday, February 16, 1996, in the supplement "Arts and Letters" of El
Mercurio, by Santiago, an interesting work was published by Mr. José
Joaquin Brunner, Minister Secretary General of the Christian Government
democrat of Chile. It is entitled: “Communication And Cultural Changes ”.
Due to the importance of the subject,In addition to the importance of its
author, we believe that there is a need to comment on it, pointing out
possible alternatives,if there were any, to its grave formulations. They Would
be pointing the way that the Government of Chile follows, especially after
the coming to power of the Christian Democracy. Since the time of Eduardo
Frei Montalva (we know it today) has decided on this dangerous line.
Indeed, it was during his government that the first link was established
between the University of Chile and that of Chicago, thus giving rise to the
"Chicago Boys".Mr. Brunner has revealed to us the key that allows us to
know the true and deep intentions of the Government established in Chile. It
seems like a long time ago that a rationalist balance has been made here,
reaching the conclusion that the world will be ruled by cybernetics,
electronics, cybernetics and computerized robots, moving away from politics
based on agriculture, traditions and national armies. In a word, it would be
about the disappearance of the Nation-State,the physical homeland. And the
later, the better. From there then the conscious non-support of “seasonal”
agriculture, forso to call it (of the stations), together with the attack,
sometimes underhanded, but bitter and continuous,the Armed Forces and
the armies based on a Prussian tradition, today considered "picturesque" and
modeled. Instead, it is intended to advance more and more in a cutting edge
technology, in its communicational aspects and computer science. And this
not to benefit Chile, as a Nation, but so that technology can deny function in
a 'casual region', where a group of aggressive entrepreneurs achieve a
privileged position,regardless of soil, race or race.nationality. Not for nothing
did Mr. Rosenblut, also a senior government official, or rather, of
thePresidency, he declared, in an interview with Ya magazine,on March 28,
1995, which “'seduces him with the idea that Chile become multiracial and
let's see Koreans, Chinese, Americans, French, Japanese - all mixed up. It is
that is, a model of a global village, as is the world intercommunication ”.
The Minister Secretary General of the Government Refers widely to the Internet,
fascinated by the possibilities of its inevitable and rapid development:In the
head of a pin they will all fit the world's information ... at the beginning of
next millennium your phone will receive, classify and, perhaps even answer
incoming calls as if was a well-trained English butler the beginning of
the emergence of a universal network interconnected, audio, video
communication and electronic text, which will blur the distinction between
interpersonal and mass communication and between public and private
communication ... Socially wewe will relate in the form of digital
communities in which the physical space will be irrelevant ... The digital era
will end up deterritorializing cultures,compressing the space in which we live
and we communicate the metaphorical size of the head of a pin.That is, the
English butler will be on the head of a pin. The image of the world as the
head of a pin. The global village (again) is the community that there it
lives.The proper place - there where we are locals,locals (Chileans, for
example) - disappears to give step into the entire globe, compressed to take
the form of a telecommunication community.On that basis a global
consciousness develops, by same moment that local cultures would lose
theirI take root and they would vanish.As we interconnect, many of the
values of a nation-state will give way to values of electronic communities.
(The underline is ours) ... Twenty years from now, when you look through a
window, what will be true could be two thousand kilometers and six time
zones away ... and read about Patagonia could include the sensory
experience to be physically there ... In its extreme version, this vision
supposes the appearance of a collective consciousness on a planetary scale,
where each individual is linked to others by technologies of interaction;those
that replace the English butler ... where
medical, analysis and diagnosis will be done by computer in robotic
pharmacies.Even when it is claimed that the Internet lacks centralized
control, being ubiquitous, so to speak (being able to obey the old definition
of the Godhead, that "it is a Circle whose center is everywhere and its
circumference in any ”), we do not believe it, for the sole fact that theThe
Internet is a creation of the Pentagon, and there will always be original
patent, at the same time as a number for the user, being able to discover at
the end the place, cause and origin of the information, communication or
"penetration". It's a matter of time. Because there is a World Power.
A "Center" of the "Divinity", so to speak, although it seems"To be
everywhere", and for this very reason. And it will be that"Center" (which
already has the cybernetic map of the world ready—The “cyber-map” -, with
rulers and ruled, with masters and servants) which for no reason will allow
that “marginal regions”, in “peripheral places” of the"Circumference", that
"seems to be nowhere",may become established, of their own free will, in
the seats of preference of the "Third Wave".To this testifies, among other
things, the failure of the Chilean satellite “'Fasat-Alfa”! and the persecution
of the industrialist Carlos Cardoen, who could become a danger in the
discovery and manufacture of state-of-the-art technology"Third Wave", in a
peripheral place of the planet.Mr. José Joaquin Bronner's exhibition was
connected closely with that of the futurologist Sergio Melnik. If in a second
or third attempt! The Chilean Air Force had success in sending a satellite into
space, it will be because it has already accepted all the requirements and
fulfilled the requirements demanded by his “Empire” vassals.
That, some time ago, also predicted the end of poetry, philosophy and
literature, surpassed by Artificial intelligence (AI), cybertronics and virtual
reality, which will replace even Ecology.
Traditional agriculture seems to no longer have defenses; in vitro
fertilization, tree and plant clones vernacular. ; Could an Army of Tradition
survive the Prussian as the Chilean? And, also, the Navy?The tremendous
pressure to impose worldwide" Doctrine of the Pentagon '' became visible
recently in the "Bariloche Meeting" of the Commanders in Chief of the Latin
American Armies. There, the Argentina President, Menem, actively
representing the points ofview of the "World Empire", push for it to be
acceptedthe dissolution of the Army defending stable borders,nationals,
pretending that the Armed Forces, without distinction between countries
(even though Argentines continue seizing Chilean territories), came to
depend on of a central, extra-territorial power, to transform itself,under their
directives, in police forces, falselycontrollers of drug trafficking and
terrorism. With energy the Commander in Chief of the Army opposed this
pressure of Chile, General Augusto Pinochet, being followed by the
Commanders in Chief of Brazil and other countries, who they still exist as
such in the region.The Armed Forces may, however, resist Chileans, if not
they find the necessary and miraculous antidote,
before the dramatic and diabolical reality of cyber-war,also called
"info-war"?The cyber, electronic revolution, the Internet, applied to new
military and scientific conceptions of war, make any future conflict appear as
a science fiction movie, or one of those video games so in vogue. Some of
this was shown already in the Gulf War. And it has been said that the
Saddam Hussein himself had in his possession some keys,that would have
allowed him to interfere with communications banking, telephone companies
and railway mobilization, both The United States and England, eventually
producing a momentary stock market collapse and a railroad catastrophe,of
which almost nothing was spoken at that time. And something very strange
would have happened, when some mercenaries offered Dutch, technotronics
specialists, unemployed, andalso some Hindi intellectuals, very
knowledgeable of the subject, to collaborate with Iraq, what would have
meant,perhaps a very important contribution.
They asked for a million
dollars.The American Air Force is in possession of a dwarf robot avion,
capable of obtaining detailed information and thousands of photos of the
terrestrial geography, while interfering with communications and the
enemy's computer networks (the “nano-war”).Using even more powerful
means they can modify the climate and, by means of the “T-rays”
(discovered by Nicola Tesla) and other subatomic particles, change the
thoughts of the rulers of the enemy powers,making them declare things
never said or thought, speeches on television, so as to upset them with their
own peoples. Even virtual reality would be used in war games, where the
uniforms worn by the combatants become complicated robot
machines,communicated from top to bottom over an electronic network,of
tiny computers, with rays that allow them to see at night; indeed, an
artificial "cyber-body", which transform the soldier into a war robot, an
armed car,a cyber-machine, a deadly vehicle on two legs.Its powerful
automatic weapon can send back thermal signals, to the high command,
with information on the battlefield and damage done to the enemy.Until
now, it seems that aerial robots,launched into space for information, they
would find a single obstacle: the forest, the virgin forest, the trees
vernacular and millennial *. Hence, the suspicion that forest fires, that each
time more frequently affect the trees of the planet, and that are always
intentional, are secretly propitiation and led by the hidden world power that
aspires to a total control of the land. Only the desert is favorable to them
and easy to dominate. It is thus that "the desert spreads",as Nietzsche
would say. The aridity, the final death. And do not leave it to be strange that
in Chile, a mysterious character, the American Douglas Tompkins, is taking
overall the virgin forests of Chilean Patagonia. ; What Aims to? {What is he
going to hide there?Now, it is very interesting to know that almost always, in
the last Pentagon war games,made within a virtual reality, in videos and
computers, their cyber-armies appear as being. They would still be the
salvation and refuge of various armies of America, Latin America and some
"Third World" countries.
defeated by much weaker enemies and by armies of the "Second" and "First
Wave". And this because, lacking a complicated and centralized
communications network,finding themselves scattered, disjointed and
disorganized their forces, they are less vulnerable to an all-out attack by
informationwar. And the final dominion over a defeated country is only being
carried out by man, by the old and traditional Infantry, and not at a
distance, by robots and machines.Not yet. And the weakness of the great
power is in the little value of his human being, regressed, distorted by the
almighty machine and super-technology.For this reason the Pentagon, at the
service of that World Secret Government, try by all means impose its
"Doctrine", to dismantle the traditional armies, nations and nation-states, so
that, without shoot an "info-shot", you have won the battle before starting
it.For the same reason, they would do very well ForcesArmed like the
Chilean in resisting, not allowing to be assimilated and destroyed, nor be
fascinated with the new forms of cyber warfare, of information war, but, on
the contrary, to simultaneously develop older, “Third World” strategies and
tactics or"First Wave", of the poor countries, where the commanders and the
communications are like those of the Incas and Araucanians,with human
messengers using drums and smoke signals, symbols and transmissions that
electronics do not managed to interfere, within impenetrable forests, with
the complicity of Nature, animals and birds,and even volcanoes and
stars.Maybe to save themselves from hellish robot imperialism and
electronics, the few Nations that
still survive, find the solution in the legendary messenger Miguel Strogoff, in
the Czar's Mail ...
Within fifty years, the so-called “nano-technology ”, the manipulation of
atoms and individual molecules, to form submicroscopic structures,would
have advanced enough that tiny robots can perform inside the human body
exams, circulating through the bloodstream. Already existing artifacts,
products of microengineering,that are inserted inside a computer, capable of
seizing their energy from the central circuits and use them to convey your
own information. Thus, the “nano-technology ”is the next step, which will
make all current counter-espionage techniques. In the same wayworks to
produce three-dimensional computers, which build a geophysical map of the
cities, being able to establish a meter by square meter control. Already
existing cameras that, under the pretext of preventing robberies and
assaults, bothIn England as in America, they could monitor the movement
and the lives of thousands of citizens, throughof remote control devices. If
the Hamada is added to this"Smart card", possessing a "chip" that registers
all activities of an individual, from cradle to the grave, receiving and
delivering information in a central computer, the much talked about
democracy, with its human rights and individual freedoms, does not exceed
one more fiction. On the contrary, a totalitarian state,robotized to the
maximum, it will be the near future of the human species; even with the
disappearance of "plastic money" (the credit and debit card), to give way to
the “brand of laser in the flesh ”. The "Mark of the Apocalypse".To the
info-war, referred to above, it would be necessary to add the
"kamomandsica" war, purely mental.Already working on cyber-telepathy. I
mean, telepathy is also robotized, in combination with the computer. It
would start with the same help of the electrodes that are used in
electroencephalograms, being able to douse the mysterious "Mu'' waves of
the brain. The Scientists specialized in the subject even speak already on the
“interbrain-computer” (BCI: “Brain-Computer-Interface ”).
Thus, in Asia,
Europe and the United States United (the “Trilateral”, in the “Third Wave '),
they are looking to decode the waves and signals that are generated in the
brain to be able to manage the computer with thought, one day being able
to control an entire made only with the mind. With the thought of a
robot,that will make use of the human brain, since its circuitsThey could get
to work without any intermediation.The old legend of the Golem is already a
reality.Norbert Wiener, one of the creators of cybernetics, toIn the late
1960s I published a book entitled God,Golem and Co. (God, the Golem and
Compariia). I read this book in Europe and sent a gift copy to President Frei
Montalva. I never knew his reaction, which would not have been positive,
judging by its campaign against traditional agriculture,continued today by
his son, in addition to his non-defense of the Laguna del Desierto and its
little sympathy for the Armed Forces and by our Portalian tradition and of
"State in Shape".In this book, Wiener reveals his suspicions that man was a
robot that God created to investigate a certain part of the Universe, a luck
computer, almost perfect, to which I injected an energy called Spirit (we say
this). The robot-man would have turned against his creator, destroying
him("God is dead!" Declared Nietzsche). Now his robot, created by man, will
turn against him and annihilate.Going down a fatal incline, with a vesania
impulse to self-destruct, blind, hypnotized or drunk, man improves the robot
more and more. Search The way to introduce personality and feelings, life
subjective and even an "I". There are already capable robots to win games
of chess to man (this legend, archetype, is also old, there is a 1930s German
movie, starring Conrad Veit,called The Chess Player). The ethnicity that,
apparently,still preserves the superiority of man is that the robot does not
reproduce itself, of its own free will. It is stated also that it lacks common
sense.Now, is this always going to be like this? When connecting the man his
brain waves to the robot machine has exposed him to steal his mysterious
energy("Mu"), just as man would have stolen the Spirit Goodbye. Also, that
other dangerous one (and we think,diabolical) universal energy, electricity,
could be also conscious, thinking, a thought; but thought of the devil, since
with electricity evil spreads without remedy on earth. Without electricity
there is no robot, electronic, technotronic,psychotronic, nor cybernetic.It
was Tesla who discovered an "electricity alternative ”, the“ takiones ”rays, of
subatomic particles,the "T" rays. He wanted to contact Edison, whoI tried to
market them, as I did with the electricity.
Tesla resisted. However, his
"other electricity ”fell into even worse hands. And is she thethat today,
together with known electricity, has the world under control and man
transformed into a zombie. It seems that since the First War World Cup,
there are those who are using it to dominate the human brain. Today, with
the "Takion" machine can change and manipulate the minds of the
inhabitants of entire regions, together with the subliminal messages
(skillfully released by television and lamasvaried product advertising), which
are provided in its reception by the massive consumption of drugged
drinks,like coca-cola, which produce addiction. The Subliminal messages are
not detected by consciousness.Today computers use silicon "chips" to think".
They do not yet have a mind, or a soul. Are intelligent, but differently from
human.One of the most interesting conversations that we would argue with
Professor CG Jung, at the end of his days, it was about the human brain and
its relationship with the mind. She refers to it, in pages dedicated to mm
conversion, Gerhard Wehr, in his important book: Jung .His Life, his Work,
his Influence, edited by "Paidés" and in circulation in the main bookstores.
"If the mind is able to function outside the brain, that is, the space and time,
then it is incorruptible ”, Jung told me.
And this cannot be a matter of principle, ofconceptions, nor faith. You have
to experience it. And Jung and I had. Being able to live it is a possibility of
the human, perhaps divine, condition of man. Without However, with the
irrevocable direction undertaken today,with virtual reality especially, it
seems that this door closes forever. Do not exist nor will there be a
computer more perfect nor more extraordinary than the human brain, made
to be used by the Mind.And yet it has hardly been taken advantage of today
in its infinite programming capacity. For now the right hemisphere appears
untouched by the current man. With virtual reality they become useless and
unnecessary their extensive functions, since they become replaced by a
machine, even if it is achieved to incorporate it, by means of "chips",
electrodes and waves.Virtual reality will always be that, virtual. Although our
own reality was also a fantasy, an illusion,a "maya" hindi. The cybernetic
helmet will replace and avoid the awakening of the "Third Eye", of the Ray of
Shiva;the cyber-glove and the cyber-suit will give us the feeling of projecting
ourselves into an "astral body" —in the "Linga Sarira."However, it will be no
more than an ersatz, an "imitation of the truth ”, which will be fulfilled at the
expense of the real transmutation and the recovery of the Great Power, of
theTotal-Man, of the Total Brain, which will atrophy not only in the right
hemisphere, but also in the left, for lack of use and effort, with the old
disciplines of thedeveloping.So serious is this that it already affects human
genetics. Today children are born with their eyes open, which must
symbolize the loss of the possibility of opening
of the "Third Eye", or "Chakra Ajna", at the front joint of the two
hemispheres of the brain. In addition, at three years they already have their
little fingers on the buttons of the computer.Two thousand nine hundred
years ago, Hesiod predicted that “when children are born with their eyes
open,will be in full Iron Age and the end of the world".
I remember that in India I had an important discussion with Aldous Huxley.
Along with dedicating his book to me The Door of Perception, Expounded his
belief that mescaline, more so LSD,it was the "wonderful means by which
the old efforts of yogas and saints to achieve mystical states of
contemplation, ecstasy or samadhis, those harsh disciplines and torments,
which took years, today were reached, thanks to drugs, in only a quarter of
an hour ”. In India toomet Professor Amold Toynbee, who preached against
the countryside, agriculture, and for the triumph of the "city without limits".
Then in the United States of America, I went invited by Alan Watts, with
more than two hundred experiences with drugs, and by John Lilly, who came
from visiting the Chile of Allende (already turned into a drug trafficking
center),with a stay at the Ichazo y Naranjo Center,in Arica, precisely where
the drug was passing through taste. John Lilly is a dangerous brain
manipulator and specialist in the "language of dolphins", with contacts with
the CIA and the Pentagon. In Switzerland, I visited Timothy Leary,
ex-Harvard professor, promoter and drug trafficker in those years, also
incontact with the CIA.
They thought that, like Castaneda, with his Teachings of Don Juan, I too
could become useful with my work, edited by "Harper and Row", in
theUnited States, and by "Routledge and Kegan Paul", inEngland. They had
already made the most of Hermann Hesse, with the voracious complicity of
his family.But with me they were wrong, because I, from my experience in
India and knowledge and contacts obtained in Chile,during World War II, he
knew perfectly that the drug destroys the virtuality of the chakras and
prevents forever the true development of the Total-Man. It is known that in
the late forties and early of the fifties, the world intelligence
services,especially from England, with the Tavistock Institute, and from the
United States of America, started a conspiracy to destroy two or three
generations of youth, with the promotion of drugs and the movements
of"Hippies" and electronic music. The "Beatles" were decorated by the Queen
of England. And Timothy Leary declared, with my transfigured face, that I
had been born just at the time of the appearance of electronic music it was
the privilege of the elect .I could not say if it was conscientiously that
intellectuals like Aldous Huxley, Arnold Toynbee, AlanWatts, Arthur Koestler,
Timothy Leary and Castaneda himself, have served the Great Conspiracy,
agents of some powerful world intelligence service. One more step, now
final, and quite possibly theLastly, because Virtual Reality is the most
powerful of the drugs, the Absolute Drug, to replace them all,has occurred at
the end of the current millennium and the beginning of the next.
There was. Because it was Germany, precisely, the primary responsible for
these terrible inventions, which originate from Planck's quantum
mathematics, in addition to other disciplines. Back in the twenties, movies
likeMetropolis show us television and the creation of a"clone" woman. There
are also films like Alraune and La Mujer Artificial and The Chess Player,
already mentioned. With the arrival of National Socialism to power in
Germany, this science would be transformed into Another Science, which
would have been able to control its damaging effects on the crowd.Due to
the fact that Democracy was ending, that is,with indiscriminate diffusion
(always intentional and voluntary within democracy). So the "virtual reality”,
for example, it would never have come into the hands of the world, being
the exclusive use of a hierarchical elite.A society like that, originated in
estates,in the end it had to be built into a very totalitarian special system,
with various hierarchies and elites, where the ultimate goal of the cusp was
the access to a Spiritual Science, still higher, a Tantric Alchemy of
transmutation,destined exclusively to transform man into Superman. In this
way, for that elite of the cispide,the interaction would have been established
between the hemisphere left brain and right hemisphere, that someonce
existed in the inhabitant of a distant Aryan Paradise(Ariana Baiji), in the
missing Hyperbérea. That is to say,the recovery of a Power lost by the Aryan
race,exclusively. Power of the Immaterial Mind, which works outside of time
and space, and that achieves update the two hemispheres of the brain on
this earth,plus the other "brains" of the chakras, transforming the man in a
sphere, in a star (a UFO), what arrives to make exclusively rationalistic
science unnecessary(of the left hemisphere), and the machine, because it
has rediscovered the Ancient Power that levitated the dolmens and the
mohai. The Mana of Easter Island, of Rapa Nui. East Power could not be
reactivated by India, due to the "sinracial"; That is, by the mixture of the
Aryans with the Dravidians,of the Divyas (Nepheline) with "the daughters of
men."Hence, then, the struggle of Hitlerism to "purify the Aryan race ”, in
order to achieve the recovery of that Power Exclusive to whites. The
re-creation of the Superman by Nietzsche. And not only in Germany.This is
why they were racist.Consequence of that position, by addition,
or"Synchronism", the Other German Science, of the last years of the War,
discover and control the implosion,opposed to the explosion, thus achieving
mastery of the anti gravity. They also discover that the electricity is bad*,
and that legendary men illuminated the caverns with a Spiritual White
Light.Against the Absolute Drug of Virtual Reality There is only one antidote:
the Absolute Man of Esoteric Hitlerism. So is Solar Energy. As the Cathars
said, the whole uni-Visible verse is contaminated by Evil. Only the White
Spiritual, the Mana Energy, of the ancient Rapa Nui, is saved, by being
superiorand prior to extreme materialization.
Near the end of World War II, and as response to the "Letter of San
Francisco", which gives birth to the United Nations, the Hitlerists make
known the"Letter from Charlotemburgo".This Charter advocates a
relationship on a human scale and between nations, constituted on the basis
of their configurationethnic and linguistic. They also publish a Map of the
NewEurope, with this “New Order” (they were the first to coin the term). It
is the opposite of the conception of world related by the trade of
transnationals and with a total hodgepodge of races, no countries, no
territorial borders and without a "carnal" relationship with the landscape,that
balance of soul and earth, between man and his environmentI live, with the
"nature of the soul", with the "homeland of the soul",of Nietzsche; the "land
of the soul", by Otto Rahn, which isrefers in his book The Court of Lucifer. It
is also the theme of my work, more than forty years ago, Neither by Sea,
norby land.For the authors of the "Letter of San Francisco", the earth is not
a living being and with a well differentiated soul in its different extremes and
geographies, where the being that inhabits them has achieved an
“'interrelation'” 'of life and death,where their very cells have been fed by the
sage from its depths, so that the Homeland, the families and the lines form a
line of continuity, woven with a golden thread in the fabric of the landscape,
the soul and the soul blood. As the song of Last Edda says: “No There is
immortality for the individual without the memory of lineages, children,
husbands and parents, whose names are engraved with runes in the stone
”.The country is thus the most different thing from a "mall"; is a succession
of lines, closely united by a common Collective Unconscious, of myths,
legends and traditions, linked with the soul of the landscape and theland,
such that each square meter of soil it is sacred, it is not sold, it is not given
away, nor is it lost. And man is willing to give his life to defend him and
preserve it, like the Chechens, the Croats, the Serbs and the Bosnians.
Peruvians and Ecuadorians today. Thefrom Sparta, yesterday. In this warm,
humanized world (no"Humanist" or mechanical), always the English butler
and the tenant of the Chilean countryside will have a safe place and are
privileged, cordial, from the heart. Geography is geomancy and magic land
is crossed by ley lines,by magnetic and spiritual currents, like the body of
man, so that there is an "acausal" relationship between them, to the point of
making Professor Jung say,during the terrible earthquake in Chile of the
1960s,that destroyed the city of Valdivia, that disease,which then afflicted
me in India, was "synchronistic with my land"...Destroy this relationship and
this mystery, ignore it,as Mr. Brunner and the "cyberpolitics" of the
Government, which he represents, is a metaphysical crime,deep, which
attempts against the Magical Homeland and against "The God who created
our People." Defend The tradition of a nationalist and patriotic Army, inside
with that mysterious divinity. And fight to death for defending the small
country, long lived and beloved, the Homeland of the Soul, the Laguna del
Desierto, the Continental Ice, is to achieve immortality, in the Age of the
Hero, one minute before the end of the Kaliyuga. It is to save the Soul of the
Spiritual Earth, although destroying the physical land.And as Teilhard de
Chardin said: “He who has passionately loved the land - his land -when he
faints, she will lift him up in her arms giants and it will comfort you ”. And it
is quite possible that the that thus resists, embraced by tradition and life of
the lineages, in rapport and balance with its landscape, constituting and
reinforcing the "Army Of the People ”—as in Arauco-, opposing
the"Professional armies" of info-warfare, robotized and bureaucratic, with
satellites spinning in space, with the internet and virtual reality, that one will
get help of beings that inhabit an "extra-situation", or"Extra-dimension".
They will reach out to you when everything seems to have been lost;
because you will destroy the electricity, with the Power of Mana. And then
those who here they took refuge, in the mountains and virgin forests,will be
those who survive the catastrophe: "The shepherd of the high peaks ”, as
Platén tells us, in the destruction of Atlantis.It was what I tried to do with
the colonization of the Melimoyu.
If we have given ourselves the work of synthesizing these ideas, it was
because we believed in the urgent need to seek an answer to the important
exposition of the Mr. José Joaquin Briinner, who represents the dangerous
and wrong position of the current government. And to show you to those
young people, who in Chile and elsewhere they are still born with their eyes
closed, they could still attempt the glorious legendary "opus" of
transmutation in the Total-Man, in the Absolute Man, fighting death against
the computer, the robot, virtual reality and the "System" that will destroy
them, transforming them into only"Neuronal-cells" of a cybertronic
interrelation to planetary and even cosmic scale, in mere cyber-nuts
disposables of a global village, agents, workers slaves of a plastic and
cement "mail". We wish to also help defend the Armed Forces, which they
still resist being included in the Doctrine of the Pentagon's lethal force,
reduced to mere forces of police, in an apparent fight against drug trafficking
and subversion. Because there is an alternative and the possibility of
another option, maintaining at all costs the validity of a nation-state, "in
shape." And the emblem of our National Shield: "By Reason or
Force".Against the impermanence of the written Constitution,the perennial
Historical Constitution prevails.The only possible solution, the only antidote
that it exists there, it is the Esoteric Hitler National Socialism,with its total
Cosmovision. The only one who could save a desperate youth, before their
hopeless robotization in the Age (Yuga) of Lead, and of Plastic, offering the
great adventure of the mutation of the Superman and the full development
of his powers, in rapport with theMagic Homeland. In the Yuga of the Hero.
José Joaquin Brtinner is a technocrat from the communications. The most
important communicator of theGovernment of the current Chile. An expert
on cyber politics and the information war. However, due to his blood, dare
we think that some of the philosophical pathos and metaphysical of their
ancestors still circulates through it. And even if he wants to believe that
History and Tradition, that the Internet, virtual reality, the computer
incorporated and all that electronic paraphernalia, have killed History,
Philosophy, Art in general and, above all, to the book, in some corner of his
genes he will bethinking and even hoping that hopefully this is not so. And
that there's another thing.Because the world is much more mysterious than
it seems.Yes, the world is full of strange things! By example, {Mr. Briinner
knew that in the tomb of Lenin his mummy is not dead but alive? , And that
duringall the long years of Soviet Leninist Marxism was it precisely he / who
ruled? And that even today is still alive, because there, the same Russian
esoteric sect, ofblack magic, keeps him (his mummy) alive, making him
circulate a strange liquid through your veins? *. Those "technocrats of
magic" would pretend to revive the ancient science of the Egyptian priests,
gathering their knowledge with the materialist conception of
Leninist-Marxism. They seriously believe that immortality is in the cells. Just
as the Egyptian priests preserved the entrails of the pharaohs mummies, in
pots and inspecial liquids, Lenin's brain has also been cut into torrejas
(similar to how it is done today with brains that are sent to alien space in
ships spaces) and is equally preserved. The Egyptians knew of the
fundamental importance of the internal organs corporal, in relation to the
mummy and the "Ka",the etheric double, and they would never have
committed the crime of ontological analysis of organ transplants. Something
I stopped functioning in relation to the mummy in Egypt of theDynasties,
something that was lost in Atlantis. ThroughoutIn any case, the communists
did not believe in the "Ka" and only in the immortality of the cell.The
"initiates" of "esoteric Marxism", by race and for faults in the memory of his
blood, they had forgotten what the ancient inhabitants of Easter Island knew
very well. To achieve bodily immortality, even of cells, it would have been
necessary to intercommunicate the body with Mind, so as to disintegrate the
body and transfer their energies to the "Ka", or "Double", thus being able to
immortalize its form, without dissolving the self. It is the resurrection of the
ancient Taoist magicians, the resurrection of Wotan,on the ninth day, and
from Kristos, on the third. And also the Hitler's resurrection. And the same
would happen in communist China with Mao's mummy.
In a conversation with the oldest of the tribe of the Pakarati, of Easter
Island, he revealed to me that his race had had the power to die at will
(without dying)and that also the ancients could move to visit distant places
and worlds with the body of Mana (Manu,Mind), with the "Ka", as
Hoto-Matua, the Ancestor, the Root-Man (the Bird-Man), who thus came
from Hiva.That is, they would not have needed the cyber-helmet, the
cyber-body, virtual reality. They could also move towill the mohai
(mohai-mummy-mahori), those "mummies of stone ”of Rapa Nui, that today
I only sleep.There is something dark in the soul of Slavic Russia,always
present, and that Ossendowsky already saw, when writing his book The
Terrifying Shadow of the East, to describe the Russia of Rasputin, Lenin,
Trotsky andStalin.In the disappeared Rapa Nui, the Mana and of the
Initiation of the Manutara, the caste of the dried apricotsHe was of Aryan
blood, like the Vikings, according to what has been checking it out the wise
Chilean hematologist Dr. Ratl Etcheverry, when doing the analysis of the
blood of the indigenoussurvivors. They are from group "A".And it is there, in
the Aryan blood, in the white race, where there could exist on this planet the
last possibility of recovering the Mana, the lost Power, which makes
unnecessary science that imitates the truth and that will destroy, in the end,
the man on earth. I have recently visited Rapa Nui. There it is thought that
the Manutara no longer exists. But,descending from the Rano-Kao volcano
and over the island of Hapu-Manu, from the “Cry of the Bird'', I saw it. Flew
Majestically, with his partner (Him and Her) approaching even me.
I interpret it as another message from Natureand from Heaven, to confirm
us in our faith and in the sacred struggle by the Mystic Homeland and by the
Absolute Man,reintegrated into his Ella. Him and Her, flying together.
Manutara!?.Against the Black Magic of virtual reality, the Internet,
telepresence and cyberpolitics of "governments-mall ”, with
presidents-managers-robots (remotely guided by Chips inserted into their
bodies), only the White Magic of Esoteric Hitlerism.5. Manu is the Man-Root,
from the night of time, a lot older than Hoto-Matua, and Zara, the Goddess
of Tantric Buddhism Mahayana, is also the Eternal Feminine. Interestingly,
the Buddhasare represented with elongated ears like the Hanau-Eepe, from
Rapa Nui.