Hyperborean Wisdom - INITIATIC DEATH
(die without dying)
Greetings to all, this post is dedicated to an important topic within the Hyperborean Wisdom, which is the DeathInitiatic, for which it is recommended to read it from start to finish, to delve into this concept which is very fundamental. We start with a fragment of the book “ Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom”:
Figure 1. Wotan Crucified.
“ To all this Freya-perdiz, inside the body of Wotan, of the MENSLICHER MIKROKOSMOS, had to search for the Spirit of Wotan in a region equivalent to the NEBELHEIM of the GOTTLICHER MAKROKOSMOS. In that region of darkness, astral world where the souls of the dead await to be judged to come back to life, Wotan experienced firsthand the most insane and sinister aspect of human destiny: destiny designated by the Demiurge for the pasú but also shared by the Hyperborean Spirits by cause of the betrayal Blanca.
But, despite the terrible loss in the who was mired, Wotan had a spark of lucidity when he suddenly recognized, Joyfrom Freya in front yours. For her part, she lamented when she verified the deep reverie that suffered from his A-mado ”
(FSH, Volume VI, E- The resignation ofWotan)
Yes to a dream dream of a person who sleep let's call him “ the illusion ”, imagine what it would be like for that person within his dream dream dream “ dream who is dreaming ” or even more, if that person “ dreams that it is dreaming, who is dreaming, who is dreaming……..who is dreaming ” this would be somethingas well as raising the illusion squared, cubed, to the fourth ...... a the n (to use a mathematical jargon) would be also as if the dreamy torpor of sleep will become of a intensity degree 10 a a degree 100, 1000 .... etc.
Something similar occurs in that astral world of ultratumba called “ intermediate state or bard ” for the Tibetans. Yes this physical plane called “ wakefulness ” is already illusory and if it is already difficult break free from deception here ¡How much more difficult will it be to distinguish the truth from the lie in that astral world from beyond the grave! So all experience astral, of ultrumba or of “ life after life ” or “ out of the body ” is so unreliable (and would always be convenient dismiss it as false even when it may be true and not stick to it), because the deception and the confusion there they are raised squared, cubed n. If it is already difficult to discern the truth from the lie here ¡Who will have the wisdom to discern there! (Just an Omniscient Siddha)
If a person who had injected a grade 10 dose of a narcotic it would be very difficult to distinguish what which is real than it is not ¡Imagine how much more difficult it will be for a person who I would have injected him with a grade 100 or 1000 dose of the same narcotic!
Suppose a man named Juan Pérez at 30 years of age he completely loses his memory and also loses everything contact with all the people you met up to that moment, it can be said that this man has completely died to his past, that past for him is like if it had never existed, his past life disappeared, he disappeared, due to the amnesia that past is inaccessible. That amnesiac, as best he could, started a new life, with a new name, they called him José González and since he doesn't remember anything from his previous life as Juan Pérez, he believes on foot that he is and always It was José González. Now suppose 20 years after lose his memory this man meets someone who met him in the happened when Juan Pérez was and this person says:
-you are not José González, I know you since you were a child and I met your parents, you are Juan Pérez-
And José González responds:
-but I can't remember anything before the last 20 years-
What that person who knew him says:
-to remember your previous life, first you must completely die to your current life, divest yourself of your current memory of José González sheds his skin like a viper-
And José González responds:
¡No! -first I have to remember my life before and then I can die to this one I have now-
The person from his past says to him:
-I'm sorry, but it doesn't work like that
What happens is that you die to your memory current, to his current life, without being able to remember the previous one first it's terrifying for this amnesiac, it is facing nothing, emptiness, like jumping into a terrifying precipice, face a terrifying blackness, just a brave man among the brave would dare to give like “jump into the void”. But what if miraculously "against nature" that terrifying blackness that should normally produce fright, that kind of death in life, powerfully attract the amnesiac José González as if she were the most beautiful and wonderful beloved woman that we invite a ineffable hug? ¡Kaly oh Kaly! (“ something ” of his past, of his true life as Juan Pérez, though terrifying for the current José González, what powerfully attracts like an irresistible magnet.).
Virya, have no doubt that before the perspective of this true initiation death, of this death in life, (which implies failure total evolutionary plan for the soul and whether a common human failure generates anguish imagine what this absolute failure of all "subjects will be historical "before, the anguish of a million lives will weigh on that fragile body) the created soul will fall into anguish and terror sointense that can kill literally to the physical body, the unusual intensity of anguish and terror can make skin and meat crack from abovedown and the entrails spill on the ground, the bones are break or the body truly “ his blood ” (like the demiurge incarnated there in the olive orchard)
Here the Self, more than ever, must remain ¡SIGN IN THE DES-IDENTIFICATION!, sign on himself (or in the Origin) as a pure diamond Menhir and recognize THE TRUE: -that anguish and that terror are not mine, they are alien and external to me-
Suppose you are a very, very person very attached to your relationships, your family and friends, suppose that you die in an accident and you have one of those experiences de “ life after life ” or “ from beyond the grave ” and you can see your relatives crying at your wake around of your coffin, you try to talk to them but there is no case, they no longer listen to you, they will never listen to you again, they are literally in another world to that you no longer belong and what you better do is forget them forever because you will never see them again, never you will be related to them again as you were before, you have lost them forever, it suits you forget them completely.
Virya, your body does not need to leave to work and decompose to “forget forever” to all this current life to which you are so attached, you can “die to your current life and everything you love so much” so but so completely as if your body really stopped working and got corrupted, late or early (when the body dies) you will have to face that detachment stark ¿Why not do it now while the blood is still circulating and the heart still beats and brain still works?
Completely die to false consciousness of the country that you think you are, die to all its affections and memories (pleasant and unpleasant) to all their experiences that you believe "yours", there is no death more absolute and more terrible than oblivion, I forget not for amnesia or because the memory of the passu is erased or destroyed, but because HA STOP BEING IMPORTANT, now all that has "zero importance" and therefore it no longer comes to you thought not once, the memory of it no longer captures your attention not for the smallest moment and then the awareness of the country Juan Pérez that you thought you were, not only that it no longer exists but that it is as if there never was existed, below that consciousness, while the heart still beats and while the brain still works, it will emerge ANOTHER SUPERIOR HYPERBORY CONSCIOUSNESS.
Virya, if you could die completely from once to all the pseudo-consciousness of the pasu that you think you are, as you have already completely dead to that infant you once were and wearing diapers, that infant that no longer exists. Virya, if you could completely die to all the false awareness of the country that you think you are and all its memories, affections and experiences that you believe “ tuyos ” if you could die to all that so completely like that child who died completely to his belief in the Three Three Kings having a direct vision of the truth More how? ¿How to have such a direct confrontation with THE TRUE, WITH WHAT IS so that all the falsehood of the pseudo-conscience of the pasu is evident and “ comes to light ” and comes off from you like the skin of a viper? This “ death should be experienced initiatory ” here and not in the astral world where deception and confusion are infinitely older But how to access this death experience initiatory?
Virya, ask him AMA the Virgin from Agartha. AND to encourage you to lose all fear and heroically face the lie and evil of which we find ourselves surrounded, I inform you that el Hyperborean spirit that we all have, does not be born or die,has no father or mother, the weapons don't cut it off, the fire does not burn it, the water does not wet it, the wind doesn't dry it (And Kundalini did not dissolves and Jehovah-Satan does not engulf it.).
But we better see what Dr. Arturo says Siegnagel:
“ He lacked the strength to get out of memory. Someone inside me, the same* to try to sink me into the Abyss the night of the Salta earthquake, I hadbetrayed again. ¡Ah, if I had ascended for help up to the Virgin from Agartha, as then, if he had let me kidnap by HisDivine Grace! For sure, that kidnapping of the Absolute Woman was what the kâulikas called the Kula. The Kula would have transformed me intoAkula, in living Shiva, and the Spirit would have stood “ more beyond Kula and Akula ”. Safely, well that was the true way tosalvation to get out of the fence of the Demons, that I did not know how to find from the entrance for manifest lack of faith in Myself**, by themistrust in the fact that my Spirit could really be loved by the Goddessof Eternal Liberation. ”
( The Mystery of Belicena Villca pag. 696 )
* The demiurge, to through its extension, the created soul
** Without hesitation, that lack of faith or mistrust came from the created soul and ultimately from the demiurge who through the soul intended to infuse it with the Self
Let's look at the case of Kurt Von Sübermann:
“ Before leaving, I made a pile of stones and I buried the unfortunate daiva dog. I was not in the habit of praying, but in that occasion I concentrated a few minutes and raised my Self to the sphere of the Gods, using Scrotra Krâm to get them to listen to me: then I I directed Wothan, to him personally, and asked him for a glass of Hydromiel for the feat of Heinz, Hans, and Kloster. ¡Yes, I said to the Gods: this time They should toast those three warriors of Eternal Germany, receive them as Heroes in Valhala; and if possible they would have to place to the daiva dog, Shiva's dog carrying the warriors flying like Vâyu, the Wind! ”
(The Mystery of Belicena Villca pag. 624-625)
In this satanic world, where everything is deception, where everything is in favor of the enemy, where the enemy has so much advantage, where everything is “ backwards ” where good appears to be bad and bad appears to be good, where the ugly appears to be beautiful and the beautiful appears to be horrible where the most sinister demons appear with big baby eyes full of innocence and purity and where the true liberators of humanity they appear as gruesome monsters with fangs dripping blood, where the beautiful Lilith appears as the horrible Kaly, in this satanic world she said, should becount on the help of AMA, the Virgin from Agartha.
Virya, if the sinarcas initiates do not hesitate in "initiatrically dying" and shedding "human consciousness common "as a previous step to the runoff of the Symbol of Origin and the fusion with the One and thus achieve "the absolute perfection of slavery" ¡How can you not do it to join your own Spirit!