Is there HELL?
Greetings to all again, in this post we will deal extensively with a topic that more than generate interest, generates fear and fear in the common people, this theme is the existence of the “ hell ”, from that place full of fire and brimstone, where the devil and his demons are eternally torturing and punishing souls sinners; therefore the key questions that we all question are ever: does this site really exist? or it was just an invention of religions (especially the Christian one) for have more followers?
Figure 1. Hell, eternal fire.
To answer these questions, we will see the so-called tests more relevant that affirm that hell exists as such and that they are general knowledge of people, especially those who are within a very religious sphere.
Book: "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri:
We all hear about a book called: “ The Divine Comedy ” whose author is Dante Alighieri; well this book written in the middle of the 14th century inspired by the parents of the Christian church the vision of hell, and very often it is taken as proof that hell there is, since it relates in a series of 33 Canticles, Dante's visit to the hells from the hand of his companion Virgil who was his guide and teacher.
Figure 2. Cover of the book.
Now take this book as proof that hell does exist or as a referent of what hell is like is not the most reasonable, since this alone is a literary work, whose stories (Dante's trips to hell) are inspired by literary traditions who were well known in their time, by both the trips were only the product of the author's imagination based on three main sources that were: medieval Christian literaturel (Where descriptions of beyond the grave abounded, descriptions of punishments in the hell, all in order to warn of the dangers of sin),the Greco-Latin antiquity (Where there were stories of encounters with beings supernatural, such as Ulysses' adventures in the Odyssey, the descent to Hades, etc.) and the mystical and legendary production of the Middle East (Like the visions of the Arab underworld, mystical night tours of Muhammad, and especially the Arda Viraf, belonging to the Iranian tradition, which it has a great similarity to the Divine Comedy and that was possibly its predecessor).
So this book is discarded ” Divine Comedy ” from Dante Alighieri from medieval times like the description of hell or worse, as proof that there is hell, since it is only a literary work whose author, based on various songs, describes an imaginary journey based and inspired by works much older literary and from different regions.
Audio: Voices from Hell.
Other alleged evidence that hell would exist and that it is presented most of all by Christian groups, they are the famous audio of the “ Voices of the Hell ”. Now we summarize how this audio was supposedly generated:
Figure 3. Supposed drilling to the center
of the earth.
“ In the eighties, in Union territories Soviet, a group of geologists, by drilling a hole in 14.4 kilometers of depth to get to the core of the earth, they said they heard screams humans. The screams they heard must have been from the condemned souls found in the center of the earth. The second surprise was the high temperature they discovered in the center of the earth, according to calculations, it was indicated that the temperature reached up to 1,000 degrees Celsius, said also the Dr. Azzacov: We try to listen to the movements at a certain interval with ultra sensitive microphones, which we let into the hole, they were, at times, weak sounds, but at the same time, high in frequency, which we think came from our own team, explained Dr Azzacov. We heard human voices, screaming with great pain, we could hear thousands, such you see millions of souls screaming in suffering. Dr. Azzacov noted: “ Como communist, I don't believe in heaven or the Bible, but as a scientist, now I believe in hell ”, Dr. Azzacov continued saying: ... the drill suddenly it started to go wildly indicating that we had reached a large cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase. We lower a microphone, designed to detect sounds of moving plates. But instead of listening to the moving plates we hear human voices screaming in pain. ”
Analyzing the previous account, we can see that there is questions that escape all logic, whose most important points are:
- According to investigations, the actual excavation was of 12 kilometers and not 14.5 kilometers as indicated in the previous story.
- The center of the earth is not 14.4 kilometers from the land surface as the story affirms. If not, it really it is more than 6,000 kilometers away, of which only the first 66 are solids and the rest is fluid. In this way it is impossible for these scientists have reached the center of the Earth as stated in the account.
- In the story it is said that the temperature found was 2000 ° F ( approximately 1000 ° C ), but according to documents of this type of investigation, actually the temperature registered was never so high and barely reached 180 ° F.
- Although it is true that microphones are used in geology to detect landslides or seismic movements, is impossible existence of a microphone that resists more than a thousand degrees Celsius, this would have suffered a lot of damage, making it impossible to capture any sound.
- The recording sound presented to us is difficult to determine. In addition, data from the famous was searched Dr. Azzacov, and said character not figure in no investigation of geological type made in the Union Soviet, thinking that this was invented.
In conclusion, it is to say that this audio is false, and therefore cannot be considered proof that hell exists.
Is there evidence in the Bible that hell exists???
There are some passages of the Bible belonging to the New Testament Gospels, which are the also presents, as proofs that hell exists; although We will see that this is not the case, and we refer to the following quotes:
> Mt 5.22 “ But I tell you that anyone who gets mad at his brother will be guilty of judgment; and anyone who says: Fool, to his brother, he will be guilty before the council; and anyone who says to him: Fatuo, will be exposed to hell fire. ”
> Mt 5.29 “ Therefore, if your right eye is the occasion of fall, take it out, and throw it out of you; Well, you better miss one of your members, and not that your whole body is thrown into hell. “
> Mk 9, 43-44 “ If your hand should fall, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life one-armed, than having two hands to go to hell, to fire that cannot be quenched, where their worm does not die, and fire never turns off. ”
This is what is read in the current Bibles, but report than these passages were mistranslated, misinterpreted, so in Ancient Bibles and both in their Latin translation and in their Greek translation (Which are more reliable in their content), the passages mentioned did not have written the word “ hell ”, but the word: “ Gehenna ”, and the biblical quotes of these ancient translations they said the following:
> Mt 5.22 “ Everyone who is irritated against his brother will be guilty of judgment; the one who says "rack"; he will be guilty before the Sanhedrin and the one who says "crazy"; will be guilty of the gehenna of fire. ” > Mt 5.29 “ « If, then, your right eye scandalizes you, take it out and throw it away from you, because it is better for you that one of your limbs perish than for your whole body to be thrown into the gehenna.“> Mk 9, 43-44 “ If your hand scandalizes you, cut it off; it will be better for you to enter life with one hand than to go to the gehenna, to the inextinguishable fire, where neither the worm dies nor the fire goes out. ”
What do you mean or what is the Gehenna???
First say that DOES NOT refer to “ hell ”. The word “ Gehenna ” is a Hebrew word (its variations in writing are: Ge-Hinnom, Jehinnom, Jinnom, Ginnom, or Hinnom) that refers to a geographical location, which was on the outskirts of Jerusalem, which was the Ge-Hinnom Valley, and in this place there were some garbage dumps that burned in Jesus' time.
Figure 4. Geographic Place of the Himmom Valley. (Gehenna).
The ancient Canaanites made sporadic sacrifices from children to their gods precisely in this valley, to which burned them alive in piras (Hogueras), events that were recorded in the memory of the people who lived in those regions, for which it was common to say in Jesus' time that if someone acted badly, he was deserving of being thrown into the flames of the Himmon (Or “ Ge-Hinnom ” which put it as “ Gehenna ” when translated into Latin). Also clarify that the phrase: “to the inextinguishable fire, where neither the worm dies nor the fire goes out!” was added to the verse of Mark because it does not appear in the original version, in addition this fragment is found in the book of Isaiah and its original meaning is very different: Is 66.24 “And they will go out, and they will see the corpses of the men who rebelled against me; for their worm will never die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be abominable to every man.”
Now that we know that in the new will, not mentioned hell since religions do not paint them, it is also important to respond this other question:
Is “ hell ” mentioned in the Old Testament???
Answer: NOT.
If we look at and analytically observe the old testament, you see that Jehovah DOES NOT KNOW the existence of hell, I did not know that there was a place full of fire where the wicked were punished, those who they sinned, and this can be seen in various passages of the Old Testament, for example in Gen 6,5-8; we see that the evil of men punishes it with a mass extermination through a deluge, then the question is:
Why punish them with a deluge if you could punish them in the hell???
So simple: There was NO hell.
The same goes for the laws he gave Moses, by example chapter 26 of Leviticus or chapter 28 of Deuteronomy, the different punishments are seen what will sinners and rebels to his law, among whom there are diseases, deaths, plagues, sufferings for him and even for his descendants; how I know you can see, they are all worldly punishments, punishments in earthly life, not at all talk about eternal punishments and less in hell, and this is or because God did not yet know that there was a hell where the devil is willing to punish his children sinners, or because (And it's the most logical thing) hell just doesn't exist and this is seen throughout the Old Testament where this place of eternal punishment it is not mentioned in any passage.
In conclusion, dear readers, to think that there is a place full of fire where sinful souls suffer eternally, not reasonable at all, if not this place (Hell) was invented for a purpose, but who invented it ?, we will see that in the next post: Who invented Hell?.
Greetings to all, after having seen in the previous post (Is there HELL?), that this place full of fire, where the sinful souls called “ hell ”, does not exist; now it is interesting to try to answer the following question: Who invented Hell ?, or where the dogma came out that there is a hell where sinners have a punishment eternal?
We start by mentioning that the idea of punishment in hell is a dogma that appears with the nascent Catholic Church; because other towns such as the Hebrews themselves, who according to the Old Testament, believed that all the dead met in Sheol (Dwelling of the Dead), both the good and the bad, and in this place what they had was a dark life. Then we can also talk for example, that in the Hellenistic period, which goes from 323 B.C to 30 B.C. approximately, the belief of a double state after death appears, one of happiness for the righteous and another lacking for the wicked; but here the idea of physical punishment or torment appears for nothingfor the wicked, and This is also reflected in the II Book of Maccabees that belonged to these times.
Figure 1. Headquarters of the Catholic Church.
Now, answering the previous questions, “ Hell ” or concept of “ punishment in hell ”, is born with the Catholic Church, approximately within the first five centuries of Christianity, and the horrendous descriptions and images of this world of punishment and torture was taken out and inspired by the Apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus (Gospel not accepted by the Catholicism), which also contributed the phrase to the Catholic Creed: “ ... and (Jesus) descended into hell ... ”. Later too, these descriptions terrible of hell and their different tortures would be based on the book of “ Divine Comedy ” by Dante Aliagheri, popularized among the masses and also analyzed in the previous post. Now we have the following question:
Where the word “ comes fromHell” and why do they call it that???
Answer: This word in is derived from “ infernus ” that etymologically at the same time it comes from “ inferus ” (Lower). This name was given since the parents of the Church they thought this place was below the land and they even believed that the fire from volcanoes was a clear sign of the dens of “ Infernus ”, and hence I call it this place of punishment with the name “ Infernus ” or as we currently know it “ Hell ”.
Once adopted this word (Infernus), it is used in translations that were made of the gospels, where the original word what was written for example in verses: Mt 5.22 or Mt 5.29 was “ gehenna ”, which was later changed and translated as: “ infernus ”, corrupting this way the true meaning of the original texts, all in order to give validity through the scriptures, to the recent invention that is hell. (To find out the real meaning of the word “ gehenna ”, see the post: Does hell exist?).
Ideas of what hell was like or what punishments were like they were constantly changing over the years, such as we said, within the first five centuries of Christianity, very important parents within the Catholic Church as: Origins, Gregorio de Nisa, Didímo, Diodoro, Jerónimo, etc; defended the idea that punishments in the hell were TEMPORAL, momentary, and there comes the question:
Where then does it come from that the punishment in hell is eternal???
Figure 2. Council of Constantinople.
Answer: Well this is decreed later; at the Council from Constantinople, A.D. 543 at this meeting it is declared that the sufferings and punishments in Hell are ETERNAL, and no longer temporary as thought before.
Then already in the first meeting of Lateran, in the year 1123, I know IMPUSE as a dogma of faith the existence of hell, threatening prison, torments and even the death penalty to those who doubt or deny the existence of the same. From this moment the Catholic Church business begins, for example, tell their faithful that if they bequeathed their goods or wealth to the church before dying and they hired masses in commemoration of the deceased, they could buy the ransom of your sinful soulto.
Figure 3. Lateran Council.
Already in the 13th century the: purgatory was invented, one more key for the negotiated; because they said that souls, even being sinners, but that died under the grace of God, they stayed in this place in a state of atonement or temporary purification, so in this way any soul could be rescued sinful of course, before it had to be very generous with the Church, hence it started the massive sale of indulgence among Catholics, until reaching the 16th century, period where these bars reached their maximum level of corruption; and currently the Protestant Christian sects are the ones that get the most out of it, using the concept of “ punishment in hell ”, what they seek is to cause great fear and fear in their followers, and these like this, obediently pay everything that their pastors, starting with tithing, becoming like this, religion a whole negotiated.
Figure 4. Catholic Purgatory.
In closing, it is important to mention that the fact of instill the idea that the “ fire-filled world ” (As described by hell) it's a very bad thing and you should avoid it at all costs, in the conscious collective, it's a Cultural investment inside the Hyperborean Wisdom. We say this because Hyperborean Wisdom indicates that the Spirit world, (The Origin) which we must remember and to which we must return, is precisely so, a world full of fire, they describe it this way because the spirit too is fire, and therefore the world from which it comes is like this. Therefore the System, so that man does not wake up or remember anything, what he does is invest the sense of this spiritual world culturally, for which it implants in the collective conscience, that the world full of fire is hell and that you should avoid being there at all costs because it is a satanic and bad world. By so much while awakened men seek to return to this spiritual world of fire, the sleeping men hate it and try to avoid it, inevitably falling into gadgets, traps and negotiated as we saw, of the different religions.