The initiatic novel: "The Mystery of The Hyperborean Wisdom", Nimrod de Rosario
As you know, this image of the Sephirotic Rimmon Tree symbolizes Adam Ilaah, the Man Above, also called Adam Kadmon, the Primal Man, that is, the Human Form of YHVH, which is reproduced in Adam Harishón, the earth man. In the fruits of the Divine Granate of Life are the Ten archetypal Number-Names with which He adopted this Form and gave existence to all created entities. These Number-Names called Sephiroth are the link between the Unity of YHVH and the plurality of entities: for YHVH, the Sephiroth are identical and one with The One; for the world, Sephiroth are different and give existence to the multiple that constitutes reality. Seen from the World, by Us, the Created Beings, the Ten Sepiroth successively emanate from The One without dividing it, and sprout from the Rimmon Tree.
The first fruit is Kether, the Crown of Ehyeh, the essential aspect of YHVH: under Kether there is only the Throne of God, the Highest of Creation.
Kether is the Holy Elder, attiká kadisha, or even more, the Elder of the Elders, attiká deatikim. He sits on the Throne and even Metatron arrives alone, who sometimes descends to men, as he spoke to Moses at Sinai, and leads them before the Ancient of Days. He is the one who said to Moses –“ I Am Who I Am ”, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [Exodus, 3.14]. The Power of Ehyeh extends directly over the Seraphim or Seraphim, Haioth Hakadosch, that is, Holy Souls, Angels Builders of the Universe.
From Kether arises the second of the Sephiroth, the Sephirah Hokhmah, Yah's Wisdom, the God the Father. The Hokhmah is the Divine Thought of all entities: there is nothing that has existed, exists, or will exist, that was not in power in the Hokhmah before; many are the grains of this Fruit, Father of all the fruits of the Earth. This same image of the Rimmon Tree
it is the product of the Sephirah Hokhmah, which in this case reveals itself.
Who is present in the Hokhmah, and introduces men into the sphere of the Father, is Raziel, the Angel who wrote for Adam the First Book of the Law.
But the Wisdom of the Father crosses the dahat channel and is reflected in Binah, the Third Sephirah, whose Divine Intelligence it is necessary for the creation of the designed entities to take shape. Binah is the Great Universal Mother: through her the Wisdom of the Father produces the fruits of the Worlds and the content of the Worlds. The Hot Fire of his Universal Love floods the Eter Avir and transmits to all the Worlds the Intelligence of YHVH Elohim, the third Aspect of The One.
Under his power are the energetic Angels Aralim, who act in the sphere of Saturn, but the main Angel, the one who communicates man with the Divine Mother, is Zaphkiel, the one who was the guide of Noah, the great navigator: Binah is, therefore, Lady of Marines.
– Kether, Hokhmah and Binah constitute the Great Face of the Elder, Arikh Anpin: the remaining seven Construction Sephiroth form, in turn, the Little Face of God, reflection of The Great Face and first access to The One that man can obtain from anything created.
– The following Sephiroth are Numbers emanating from the essential Trinity Kether, Hokhmah, and Binah: Hoesed and Netsah, which are to the right of the Rimmon Tree, are male like the Father; Din and Hod, female like the Mother, bear fruit to the left of the Granado. In the central column of a trunk, neutral fruits grow, synthesizing the opposites of the two successive trinities: Din, Tiphereth, Hoesed, creative and productive, and Hod, Yesod, Netsah, executor and concreter of the entities. Finally, it is at the Malkhouth Center, the Kingdom, which reflects Kether, the Crown, and is the manifest synthesis of the Ancient of Days Form: by the Kingdom the Shekhinah descends to Earth, and the Kingdom of God will materialize on Earth when the Shekhinah takes the form of the Chosen People, Ruled by King Messiah.
The fourth Sephiroth is, then, Hoesed, Elohai's Grace, His Mercy and Mercy. It is YHVH's Right Hand and under His Power are those creatures from Heaven called Dominations or Hasmalim, who act in the sphere of Jupiter. The main Angel is Zadkiel, who was Abraham's guide.
The fifth Sephiroth is Din, the Rigor of Elohim Gibor. Of this fruit
the Law of God proceeds, and its grains are the Sentences of His Court: every human act, and every entity of Creation, must submit to the Judgment, of
Geburah by Elohim Gibor. It is YHVH's Left Hand and under His Power are the Powers called Seraphines, which influence the sphere of Mars. Her main Angel is Kamael, Samson's protector.
The sixth Sephiroth is Tiphereth, the Beauty of YHVH. Together with the Sephirah Hoesed and Din they make up the production triad of the created entities, Din, Tiphereth, Hoesed, but in reality Tiphereth is the Heart of YHVH, the seat of the Hot Fire of the Great Mother Binah. At Tiphereth, the Forms acquire the archetypal perfection of Supreme Beauty: the acts of the
men, inspired by Tiphereth, can only be acts of Love; and the created entities are religious to each other by the Universal Love that radiates the Heart of YHVH. In Tipherth everything is Beautiful and Perfect, because the Hokhmah Wisdom of the perfect thought things, and the Binah Intelligence of its conception, produced by Hoesed Grace and adjusted to the Din Rigor of the Law, they shine in their Fruit. But Tiphereth is not a Granada but a Strawberry, that is, a Rose, another part of YHVH's One Message of Love to the Man of the Soul. Strawberry Tiphereth transforms into Rose when the Heart of Earth Man harbors the Hot Fire of Animal Passion. Under His Power are the Angels that operate through the sphere of the Sun, the Virtues called Malachim. And there are two powerful Angels here: one, Rafael, who was Isaac's guide; and another,Peliel, who directed Jacob's destiny. Angels who should be taller also act here: they are the Seraphim Nephilim that the white Atlanteans accuse of “ Angels Traitors ”, but who truly serve YHVH with energetic dedication, carrying out its Plans of human progress and favoring the creation of the Universal Sinarchy of the Chosen People. They founded the White Fraternity and established their residence in the Heart of YHVH; and on them depends the Hidden Hierarchy of Earth Priests.carrying out its Plans of human progress and favoring the creation of the Universal Sinarchy of the Chosen People. They founded the White Fraternity and established their residence in the Heart of YHVH; and on them depends the Hidden Hierarchy of Earth Priests.carrying out its Plans of human progress and favoring the creation of the Universal Sinarchy of the Chosen People. They founded the White Fraternity and established their residence in the Heart of YHVH; and on them depends the Hidden Hierarchy of Earth Priests.
The seventh Sephiroth, Netsah, reveals the victory of YHVH Sebaoth, the God of the Heavenly Armies. It is The Right Column of the Temple, Jaquim, and under His Power are the Principalities or Elohim, the Angels that influence from the sphere of Venus. Cerviel, the Angel director of David, presides over it.
The eighth Sephiroth is Hod, the Glory of Elohim Sebaoth, the Left Temple Column, Boaz. Master the Archangels Ben Elohim, who
they express from the sphere of Mercury: Michael, the inspirer of Solomon, is here the main Angel.
The ninth Sephiroth is Yesod, the Foundation for the Creation of YHVH Saddai, the Almighty. It is the reproductive organ of YHVH, and, together with Netsah and Hod, composes the last construction or executive triad: Hod, Yesod, Netsah. His Power encompasses the Angels known as Cherubs, who manifest from the sphere of the Moon, and his main Angel is Gabriel, protector of Daniel.
Andthe tenth Sephiroth is Malkhouth, the Kingdom of Adonai Melekh, the Lord King of Creation, ultimate reflection of the Elder of the Elders. So under His Power they all stand members of the Occult Hierarchy and of the White Fraternity, the Issim of the Chosen People. And so his main Angel is Metatron, the Soul of the Messiah. Malkhouth is the Lower Mother, as Binah is the Superior Mother, but if the descent of the Lower Mother is externalized in the Chosen People, she becomes the the Shekhinah, YHVH's Mystic Wife.
Trigesimoprimer Day
All this, you know it well – added Bera, who was the one describing the drawing of the Sepher Icheh – but I have repeated the essentials to avoid misunderstandings, Well, we will explain immediately the Mystery of the Fire Stone.
Such an explanation, which was requested by the Grand Master of the Temple, requires a prior and accurate understanding of the Work of The One, of the Creation of YHVH, of His Manifestation in the Created as Rimmon Tree of the Immanent and Absolute Principles, of his triple principle of immanent action, Shekhinah, Avir, Metatron.
He sighed, relieved, the Grand Master, who already feared that the requested explanation would never come.
– Observe the roots of the Pomegranate of Life: they arise from the tenth Sephiroth, the Kingdom, which carries on its trunk the Sign of the Almond. Like the Menorah chandelier, the roots are seven and culminate in the chalices of the Almendra flower, where the Eyes of YHVH, the Eyes that never sleep, appear in the Earth World, the Eyes that see everything, the Eyes that the Prophet Zacharias saw.
These optical roots of the YHVH Tree represent Israel Shekhinah, to Chosen People, being One with the One, that is, they show the concretion of the Plan, they show the Chosen People exercising the World Government in the Name of The One: in truth, it will be the ineffable One who will show himself in the Shekhinah of Israel at the End of Time.
– The Prophet said: – Birsa continued – “ Thus says YHVH: Heaven is my Throne, and Earth the Fire Stone under my feet ”. YHVH rests, then, its feet, the roots of the Rimmon Tree, on a Fire Stone that is none other than the Soul of the Messiah, manifested in the Shekhinah: that Earth Stone, is the replica of Metatron, the Celestial Man, Archetype of all men of clay
hot. Because that Fire Stone, which was from the Beginning of Creation, but was not used by the Builders, will fit justly at the End of Time, When the Time is finished and becomes an Angular Stone, Vault Key of the entire building: “ The Stone that the Quarry discarded, has become Angular Stone ” [Psalm, 118,22]. ¿And where does that Firestone, the Soul of the Messiah, Metatron, which is the model of all hot-mud men, settle? According to the Prophet: “ For this reason, says Adonai YHVH: Here I am laying in Zion the foundation of a Stone, a proven, angular, precious, fundamental, founded stone; who creates, it will not move from that foundation ” [Isaiah, 28,16]. Mortal men, Bar Stones, would ultimately be like the Fire Stone, like Metatron, the Celestial Man;they would be like this when the Temple was ready, and each one took his place in construction, according to the Messiah model; they would be like this in the days when the Kingdom of YHVH was concretized on Earth; and King Messiah reigned; and the Shekhinah manifested itself as the Chosen People. For only for Israel has YHVH created the Kingdom and the King: no Gentile people has ever been a true Kingdom, even if it seemed so, nor has there been a true King, outside the Chosen People: that is why the Name Melchizedek, of the Supreme Priest of our Order, it actually means “ The one who destroys the Kings ” and not “ The King of Sedec ” as we have led the Gentiles to believe.and King Messiah reigned; and the Shekhinah manifested itself as the Chosen People. For only for Israel has YHVH created the Kingdom and the King: no Gentile people has ever been a true Kingdom, even if it seemed so, nor has there been a true King, outside the Chosen People: that is why the Name Melchizedek, of the Supreme Priest of our Order, it actually means “ The one who destroys the Kings ” and not “ The King of Sedec ” as we have led the Gentiles to believe.and King Messiah reigned; and the Shekhinah manifested itself as the Chosen People. For only for Israel has YHVH created the Kingdom and the King: no Gentile people has ever been a true Kingdom, even if it seemed so, nor has there been a true King, outside the Chosen People: that is why the Name Melchizedek, of the Supreme Priest of our Order, it actually means “ The one who destroys the Kings ” and not “ The King of Sedec ” as we have led the Gentiles to actually means “ The one who destroys the Kings ” and not “ The King of Sedec ” as we have led the Gentiles to actually means “ The one who destroys the Kings ” and not “ The King of Sedec ” as we have led the Gentiles to believe.
Melchizedek, and those of us who belong to his Order, must destroy every false Kingdom and every false King before the true Kingdom of YHVH, Malkhouth, reproduces on Earth, with the World Government of the Chosen People.
However, Priests, God's Plan has been disrupted and it will now be necessary to sacrifice men of clay in a Holocaust of Fire, at the End of Time, just when the Temple is raised and the Kingdom is realized in the Shekhinah of Israel: as we assure you, the Stone of Fire must be washed with bleach to erase its Abominable Sign. The Fire Stone, which was a Pure Archetype at the Beginning of Time, multiplied, without losing its uniqueness in The One that characterizes all the Sephiroth: and each Fire Stone, identical to that of the Principle, it was a Soul that would reach perfection in the End, being like all One with The One; the man of clay would thus become a Stone of Fire, similar to Metatron: for this you should only fulfill the Law and move in Time towards the End, where Perfection was.But behold, They, the Seraphim Nephilim, creators of the White Fraternity, they engraved the Abominable Sign on the Firestone on which each Soul of the clay men sits. And the Abominable Sign cooled the Fire Stone, Aben Esch, and removed it from the End. So, Priests, the Stone that must be washed with bleach in the End, is the Cold Stone that should not be where it is, because it was not put to the Beginning by Creator One.because it was not put to the Beginning by Creator One.because it was not put to the Beginning by Creator One.
Cursed Stone, Scandal Stone, Stone Seed: They planted it after the Beginning in the Soul of the clay man and it is now in the Beginning. Time is the constant flow of Consciousness of The One: between the Beginning and the End of Time is Creation; and at the end of time there is the Perfection of the Soul as a Stone of Fire. It is the Will of YHVH that the Soul
reach the Final Perfection according to the Metatron model. But now the Soul cannot see the Cold Stone that it has sunk in its bosom. He does not perceive her until she crosses her path and becomes a Stumbling Stone for the Soul, in Insalvable Obstacle to Achieve the Good of Final Perfection. Without the Stone Seed in the Soul of the clay man there would have been no Evil or Hate towards Creation, evolution would have been accomplished by the Force of Love to the creator, Final Perfection would have been assured for every Soul Created:
Now that YHVH Plan will be impossible to fulfill, and the Day Elder of Days Judgment determines that only those who achieve the Good of Final Perfection, at any Time, come alive at the End of Time; instead those contaminated by Evil, the men of clay whose souls incubate, even without knowing it, the Stone Seed, they will be dissolved and transformed into bleach, to wash with it the Abominable Sign in the Fire Stone.
– Yes, Priests: – Birsa continued – Ehyeh created all beings, including the Stone. He extracted it from the Hot Fire and that is why he designated it as “ Firestone ”. And he put all the Beings Created in the Becoming of Time, which is the Flow of His Consciousness: because before the Beginning there was nothing created except the ineffable Supreme Being.
The Spirit of The One came out at the Beginning of Ein Sof, the Current Infinity, which represents nothing for all created Souls. Thus The One, who also arose from that nothingness, brought out from it the Created Beings, the first of which was the Hot Fire, created on the first Day: thus gave Beginning to Time. The Soul of the clay man, created later, began to evolve from then on, towards Final Perfection. But that evolution was very slow.
To accelerate it came the Seraphim Nephilim with the consent of The One; they also emerged from Ein Sof: such Angels, our enemies call “ Traitor Gods ”. The truth is that They extracted from nothing the Abominable Uncreated Sign and recorded it on the Hot Stone: and that was the Origin of Evil. The Pointed Stone was transformed by that Sign into “ Cold Stone ” and instantly moved to the Beginning of Time, receded into initial nothingness to sustain an abominable existence outside of Time. Among the created Beings, from among the Created Stones, the Cold Stone rejected the Order of Creation, he rebelled against the Will of the One and declared himself an Enemy of Creation. Those who had introduced the Uncreated Sign into the World planted the Cold Stone in the Soul of Man as a Stone Seed, to grow, mature, and bear fruit, so that the force of its development quickly elevates the Soul to Final Perfection.But that Seed, as we said, would produce an extremely hostile Fruit towards the One God and His Creation: a Fruit that would only accept to exist outside of Time, before the Beginning, a Fruit that would only long to leave the world of the Created Beings and lose itself in the original nothingness; a Fruit that could not be foreseen by the Soul because its Seed would remain invisible from the Beginning; a Fruit they would call “ the Self ”. ANDANDAND
the cause of that Fruit would not be the Cold Stone, nor the Stone Seed, but those inhabitants of the Abyss whom you know as Hyperborean Spirits. They are our true enemies, but fortunately they can only manifest in the Soul of man through the Cold Stone; you will understand that what chains them to the Soul of man, without their noticing, it is the Cold Stone in the Beginning. However, if the Hot Stone was extracted from the Hot Fire, the Cold Fire, on the contrary, has sprouted from the Cold Stone: by that Incredated Fire the Cursed Stirpe of Tharsis, that we have just exterminated, escaped our control for centuries and infected the world with Stone Men who tried to destroy the bases of Worship.
Apparently, the Seraphim Nephilim did not count on the Cold Fire to spring from the Cold Stone and reveal to Luciferian men what They call “ Infinite Black of Self ”; that is why it is necessary, since such a hateful Mystery was possible, to avoid in the Future that the Stone Seed matures and bears fruit, the Stone Child is born who will receive the revelation of the Cold Fire and will extinguish the Hot Heart Fire; it is necessary to wash the Cold Stone with Lejía so that it recovers the Hot Fire, the Fire that must never leave the Heart of man. Indeed, Priests, although They blame The One, and their earthly representatives, for the misfortune that afflicts them, it was the Seraphim Hyperboreans, who dwell in the heart of YHVH, Tiphereth, who retain spiritual chaining;it is true that they acted with the consent of The One and nobody knows when or why he created them, or why he also gave them the Power to extract beings from nothing. Unless
grant credit to what They themselves affirm: that they are not Beings Created by The One but come, like Ehyeh, from an existing World Beyond Ein Sof; and that his spiritual nature is equal to that of The One. But to believe them would be to commit the greatest heresy against the Hokhmah of the Master of All, for did not the Self declare its Absolute and Exclusive Unity?:
“ Who will you compare me to that looks like me? Says the Holy Elder. Lift up your eyes and look: Who created all that? ” [Isaiah, 40,25].
“ So says YHVH, King of Israel, his Redeemer, YHVH Sebaoth: I am the First and the last, and outside of me there is no God. You are my Witnesses. ¿Is there any God outside of me? There is no other Stone; I don't know her ” [Isaiah, 44.6].
“ You are my witnesses, says YHVH, because you are the People Chosen by Me so that you know and understand that I Am, Ehyeh. Before Me no God existed, and after Me there will be none. I, I am YHVH, and outside of me there is no Savior. I am God forever and also from today I am the same, and there is no one to escape my hand: I will do what I want and who will change it? ” [ Isaiah, 43.10 ].
Yes, Priests; we must not doubt The One. But also not to forget that the Hyperborean Seraphim founded the White Fraternity to which we all belong and in whose Hierarchy we have
reached the Highest Priesthood.
In short, according to the plans of the Seraphim Nephilim, as the Stone Seed developed, the Soul of the clay man would undoubtedly evolve in the direction of Final Perfection. But reality contradicted these plans: that Germ of Evil, by Fructifying, far from propelling the Soul to rise towards the Final Perfection, would sink it into the Terror of Nameless Abysses, in the Eternity of Infinite Blackness. At last, the Stone Seed would end up dominating the Soul of the clay man and turning him into an Enemy of the Creator and of Creation, hardening his Heart and making him a being devoid of Love, transforming him into a Stone Man. That is why We, the Perfect Priests, must foster the Holocaust of Fire,to wash with bleach at the end the Abominable Sign on the – Stone – which – is – planted – in – el – Alma – del – Man – Barro. – concluded Birsa.
Trigesimosecond Day
Bera immediately added the following:
– For millennia, on the sunken Continent of Atlantis, that the Gentiles should never know existed, the Priests of The One fought against the hostile effect that the Cold Stone caused on the Soul of the clay men. It was sought, by various means, that the Incred Spirit, chained to the Soul by the Cold Stone, forgot its Origin, beyond Ein Sof. And the results were encouraging because, finally, the blood of the clay men had been degraded in such a way, that the Incredated Spirit was unable to orient himself towards the Cold Stone that would reveal his Divine Origin to him. There was then a Cultural Golden Age, in which another Chosen People, similar to Israel,
established the Universal Sinarchism and was preparing for the Kingdom of the Shekhinah.
It was at that moment that some Stone Men, who escaped extermination to which the Priests and Seraphines Nephilim subjected them, managed to attract other Seraphim to their aid, called “ Hyperboreans ”, who entered the Created Universe through the sphere of Venus. The most terrible of those Seraphim was known as Lucifer, Phosphoro, or Hesperus, since, facing all the Celestial Legions of YHVH Sebaoth, he rushed to Earth to bequeath his own Crown to the Spirit, chained in the men of clay. He left here, then, the Damn Gem of the Gral, who has the Power to prevent the Spirit from forgetting its Origin. This done, he returned where he had come from, but leaving behind him the fertilized germs of the Luciferic Straps against which we still fight,in everything similar to the House of Tharsis that we have just exterminated.
And it would be those Stirps condemned by YHVH, especially those that emerged from the White Race, that would no longer forget the Origin, those who would set out to germinate the Stone Seed in all the clay men, those who would unleash rebellion against the YHVH Law and hatred of Creation. And that's how the Battle of Atlantis was inevitably reached, ending with a planetary catastrophe. However, the greatest Evil had not yet occurred: this one happened because of Lucifer and that Woman, The Intruder Mistress, who was able to enter the sphere of Venus and obtain the Secret of the Stone Seeds. Yes Priests: the Lucifer Seraph gave La Intrusa the Spike of the Stone Seeds, which until then only owned the Seraphim Nephilim. And on his return Major Evil fell on the clay men,for The Intruder chose the bravest and began to plant in their hearts the Stone Seed that extinguishes the Hot Fire of the Animal Passion, the Love of the Great Mother Binah: each Stone Seed would be a Wise Warrior, a Stone Man situated outside of YHVH's Law, instead of the man identical to Metatron who was meant to be at the End of Time. With her unspeakable act, The Intruder, The Virgin of Agartha, deeply offended the Great Mother Binah, from whom she snatched the Love of numerous Sons: that is why this land of Huelva must be purified, which for so many centuries has been dedicated to its Wicked Worship.a Stone Man situated outside of YHVH's Law, rather than the man identical to Metatron who was destined to be at the End of Time. With her unspeakable act, The Intruder, The Virgin of Agartha, deeply offended the Great Mother Binah, from whom she snatched the Love of numerous Sons: that is why this land of Huelva must be purified, which for so many centuries has been dedicated to its Wicked Worship.a Stone Man situated outside of YHVH's Law, rather than the man identical to Metatron who was destined to be at the End of Time. With her unspeakable act, The Intruder, The Virgin of Agartha, deeply offended the Great Mother Binah, from whom she snatched the Love of numerous Sons: that is why this land of Huelva must be purified, which for so many centuries has been dedicated to its Wicked Worship.
Only in this way will the Shekhinah descend in Rus Baal.
She, Priests, is Our Most Mighty Enemy, her Evil is above all evil; his Hostility towards Creation surpasses that of any Stone Man; her Courage to face The One surpasses that of the bravest Wise Warrior: in front of Her, and her Infinite Mystery, everyone trembles with Terror; and after Terror and Death, only the Uncreated Spirits survive, which are of their own Hyperborean essence. She returned from Venus, carrying the Spike of the Stone Seeds and bringing in her womb the Demon of War, Navután, her Uncreated Son. It was all a conspiracy of the Lucifer Seraph: He wanted Ama to have a Stone Son, a Son who would put himself in charge of the White Race and found a Mystery for its members;and that the Initiates in that Mystery acquire Immortality and receive in their Heart the Stone Seed of the Virgin of Agartha.
– Look at the Sepher Icheh! – ordered Bera, to whom this part of History produced a strange mixture of Hate and Terror –. Here Navután self-crucified, – pointed out the branches that went from the trunk to the Grenades Hoesed and Din–.
The Ace was subject to the Right Arm and the Left Arm of the Holy Elder, under his Great Face and without noticing that the Fire Stone, Aben Esch, hung over his head. Nine nights she agonized on the Cross of Rimmon until Frya, a Female Demon as terrible as Ama, came out of her eye and found out the Secret of Death. But, in order to reveal it to Navután, who had just died, he had to eat a grain of the Hokhmah grenadeand become a partridge: then the lame dance danced for Navután that allows us to leave the Labyrinth of Illusion of Death; however, that food chained her to Illusion, like Persephone, and he could no longer return to the Origin where he had come from to save his Bridegroom. Thus, Frya, a new Enemy of Creation, stayed with Vides, the Lord of Agartha, the lair of the Uncreated Demons, and with Navután his Spouse, to carry out the Essential War against The One.
Navután, for his part, resurrected and revealed to the members of his Race the Secret of Death through the Mystery of the Labyrinth, in which course the Initiates receive in their hearts the Stone Seed of the Virgin of Agartha and can become Stone Men. Disciples of Navután were the white Atlanteans, who sowed the World of ungodly Stones, who opened the doors of the Heavenly Mansions to take them by storm.
Therefore, do not forget, Priests, the conditions of the Cultural Pact! The Stone Men are our most terrible Enemies because they have set out to prevent the realization of the Plans that YHVH has arranged for Humanity: but so are the Stonemen Stones. Do not forget that your cursed Stones must be destroyed because there could be Stone Seeds, germs of inconceivable beings that could bear fruit and be born at certain moments in history. Do not forget that the Cold Stone is always outside of Time, beyond the Principle of Created Beings, invisible to Our Souls but ready to manifest its essential hostility when the opportunity, that is to say, the kairos, allow it: we do not know, then, if a Stone Man must emerge from this or that Meaning, but in any case we must destroy it.Do not forget that we wage the Essential War against the Enemy of Creation, that ours is the war between the Distance and the Cold Stone, between the Hot Fire and the Cold Fire, between the Created and the Incred, between the Being and the
In the Bible, the holy book of “ Chosen People ”, in the myth of Abel and Cain, the rules of the game are perfectly revealed. In Jehovah Satan's “ preference ” for the Hebrew shepherds, represented by Abel, and in the contempt and punishment of the hyperborean lineages, symbolized by Cain, The metaphysical conflict of origins appears, but now updated as a cultural and biological confrontation. The Hebrew Holy Race has come to bring the Presence of Jehovah Satan; (Conscious presence, different from the pantheistic breath with which the Demiurge animates matter) to the plane of human life, of incarnation, pain and suffering. That is why the ancient transcendent enmity between captive spirits and demons is transformed into immanent enmity between the hyperborean lineages and the material Universe, since the Sacred Race is Malkhouth, the tenth Sephiroth, that is, an Aspect of the Demiurge. The latter should be understood as follows: Israel is the Demiurge. It is worth clarifying. According to the secret teachings of the Kabbalah and as it can be read in the Book of Splendor, Sepher Yetsirah, or in the Book of the Holocaust of Fire, Sepher Icheh, that is, going to the most reliable sources of Hebrew Wisdom, for the “ creation ” of the “ Sacred Race ” Jehovah Satan manifests one of his ten Aspects or Sephiroth. The tenth sephiroth, Malkhouth (the Kingdom), is the people of Israel itself, according to the official Hebrew texts, which has a metaphysical link with the first Sephiroth, Kether (Crown), who is the Supreme Head or Consciousness of the Demiurge. In other words: there is a metaphysical identity between Israel and Jehovah Satan or, if you will, “ Israel is Jehovah Satan ”.
As I said before, the enmity between the Sacred Race and the hyperborean lineages, enmity that has been declared in the myth of Abel and Cain, means a confrontation between these and the material Universe, given the character of Malkhouth, splitting of the Demiurge, held by Israel. With Malkhouth, the Demiurge has wanted to impose the royalty of the Hebrew sacred lineage on the remaining peoples of Earth. If these Gentile peoples have forgotten the past, and have submitted to the Plan carried out by the White Fraternity, then they will willingly accept Hebrew superiority and the world will happily march towards Sinarchia. But, there are those Goym who do not give up their hyperborean inheritance and persist in remembering the conflict of origins! There will be no place for them on Earth because with the Presence of Malkhouth, the sacred lineage of Israel, the Demiurge ensures its persecution and immediate annihilation.
"...After the collapse of Atlantis, and by virtue of the guidelines of the Cultural Pact, hyperborean lineages have always agreed that human society should be organized around three main functions: Regia, Priest and Warrior. The harmony and independence of the three functions would guarantee a certain appropriate balance for times of peace and prosperity, that is, when society progresses materially towards the future. In different Epochs of its history, many peoples of hyperborean lineage experienced brief periods in which the balance of the three functions allowed us to enjoy that social, mediocre and courtly tranquility, that actually hid a total absence of charismatic contact between the mass of the people and their Leaders, a typical situation characterized by general indifference.
When a society stabilizes in this way lto the White Fraternity of Chang Shambalá states that “ evolves ” and that “ progresses ”. It is therefore of interest of the demons bring Humanity to a state of permanent balance of the three functions; ¿For what purpose ?: to prepare for the advent of the Sinarquía, that is to say, the Concentration of Power in the hands of a Secret Society or hidden brotherhood. ¿What is the purpose of concentrating power in the hands of beings who act in the shadows? The answer is related to the Demiurge's manifestation of “Malkhouth”, the Sacred Race: Power over the nations belongs (at this stage of the Kaly Yuga) to Israel as an inheritance from Jehovah Satan and proof of his theological lineage. While the time comes for Israel, the Sinarchía will be the ruler of power concentrated by the White Fraternity.
“ In the 30th year of the Christian Era the Word became flesh and dwelt among men ”. The one by whose Word the World was created, dressed in the clothing of his Hebrew Archetype, Malkhouth, and manifested himself to men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Phenomenon of phenomena, Wonder of wonders, what a prodigious sight it will have been to see the Demiurge made man! Admittedly, this time there was an undeniable quality in his infernal idea of imitating Kristos of Atlantis and taking advantage of the Blood Remembrance of men.
The result is in sight. Little by little the towns left the “ barbarism ” and the “ Civilization ” extended to the last corners of the Earth.
And the men
slowly but inexorably they have adapted to the Jewish psychological pattern. How was this success achieved? ¿Why did collective alchemy the ephemeral life of Jesus Christ manage to influence the peoples for millennia until leading to their complete Judaization? ¿Was it only the Blood Remembrance of the Kristos of Atlantis that determined such a result or were there other hidden factors that contributed to the confusion of Humanity and its current Judaization? Without going into too much detail, since the topic goes on for a long time, I can say that the Hebrew Archetype of Jesus Christ, who was found like all the Archetypes on the Archetypal Plane, was precipitated to the physical plane or updated during the incarnation of the Demiurge in the body of Jesus of Nazareth. Such update of Malkhouth archetypemeans that a permanent force has been established on Earth, which acts in a way
equivalent to the gravitational “ pushing ” man towards the Judaic form. This is due to a reason that is also a terrible secret: Jesus Christ has not incarnated! On the contrary, “ has been located since then in the center of the Earth ”, next to the King of the World, radiating from there its “ archetypal power ” (today we would say “ genetic information ”) in infinite geotopocentric axes that start from the terrestrial center and cross the spinal column of men. This is the permanent archetypal force of Jesus Christ. But it is not the only one:
an emotional Judaic influence also acts on man, radiated from Israel's own “ Chosen People ” since the Sacred Race is part of the
hidden anatomy of the Earth fulfilling the function of heart or anhata chakra
(Page 287)
(Page 506) "...But let's go back to Earth. When the Traitor Guides arrive on Earth, they are installed in a “ center ” which they call Shambalá, or Dejung, and they found what has been called the Great White Fraternity or the Hidden Hierarchy of Earth. It is not a physically reachable place on the Earth's surface, an issue that you will have to learn about later, but it is located in a topological fold of space. But what is interesting here is to highlight that the head of the Traitor Guides, calls himself King of the World, moving to occupy the place of one of the twelve Kumaras of the solar system. ¿What is a Kumara? a planetary Angel, one of those “ conscious entities ”
chained by The One that make up the “ idea of a planet ”. This is where the key to the name Jehovah and his “ Raza Elegida ” should be located. Because the planetary Spirit was called Kumara Sanat, who after the constitution of Shamballah and the coming of the King of the World, decides to act as regent of The One in the execution of His Plan, now modified. To do this, he incarnates himself, in the name of The One, in a “ Chosen Race ” to reign over the enslaved hyperborean spirits.
That is the Hebrew Race. That is to say that we have on one side to Chang Shambalá's Hidden Hierarchy, with his Demons: the Traitor Guides and their boss: the King of the World, those who now carry out the “ evolution ” of the planet and are the ones who “ guide ” the Races through a sinister organization called Sinarquía.
And on the other hand we have the Hebrew Race which is nothing but the modification of Sanat Kumara on Earth to occupy the highest echelon of the Sinarchy, in the name of The One. The Hebrews themselves in their Kabala study that “ Israel is one of the 10 sephiroth ”, sephirah Malkut,
that is, one of the emanations of The One.
Finally Jehovah is the Kabbalistic name of the Demiurge, The One that Sanat Kumara represents on Earth and is, as I said at the beginning of this pleasant talk, the last historical name that we know of Him. That is why we, the Ancient Hyperborean Beings who still remain chained in Hell, must keep in mind that “ the Enemy is Jehovah Satan, the Demiurge of this World ”, as young Kurt said well. (Page 507)
(Page 633)
Remember, neffe, that the famous “ International Labor Division ” is a concept of 19th century English liberalism. Now you can see that it is inspired by the Talmudic Principles: “ the King, if he is Wise, must divide his bases to reign ”; “ the King is the only whole, which cannot be reached by any of the parts ”; “ the parts of the Kingdom, are worth while serving ”. Naturally, this Kingdom is Malkhut, the tenth Sephiroth. (Page 633)