The Krist-Elektron versus the Dead-Elektron
Josef Lanz von Liebenfels
Miguel Serrano had written and warned Us about the eventual encounter with Cybernetics and the ‘Elektron without Life,’ which We will call the Dead-Elektron from here on out. It is the Polar Opposite to Lanz Von Liebenfels Krist-Elektron or Divine-Elektron which We, Templi Unam, preserve and protect. We are a part of the ONT. More on this later. But Serrano is referring, exactly, to what We are witnessing everyday now. In fact, there is no escaping it. We are using it right now as We write this very message to You. We are very alert and mindful of every Word that We desire to permeate in Your Minds. However, for Templi Unam and/or any Esoteric Hitlerists, any follower of Miguel Serrano, or anybody on the Path of A-Mor: At first Serrano told and warned Us to stay away from cybernetics. But We eventually decided on a different approach. Just as the very Hyperboreans entered this Satanic Second Earth of the Demiurge, We shall enter this Dead-Elektron and commence to use it as a weapon against itself. It is like taking a bomb from the camp of the enemy and then using the enemies bomb on the very enemy themself!
We have to be very mindful and aware when We are engaging in this Satanic area of the Eternal Enemy, the very Pasu, the Untouchables. We are Aryans, We are Beings of the Antique Light of the Morning Star, We are the True Acolytes of Lucifer-Kristos-Wotan, Lucibel-Sophia-Freyja. The Virgin Sisters of Unam are Awake and keep the Etermal Flame burning under the Ice of Antarctica, where Our Great Guide departed this Second Earth in 1956 in a Chariot of Fire.
Our Battle was laid out clearly by Don Miguel Serrano. We are to engage in Battle everyday of Our Life. We are to redeem Nature as She screams out in horror because She has also been taken prisoner by this Satanic Prince of Slavery. Our battle is an Inner Battle because as Above, So Below and As Within, So Without. We use Our ‘Astral Body’, Our ‘Mental Body’, We engage in Psychic Warfare. The enemy that is Outside of You is also Inside and when You demolish the enemy within, then in a synchronistic green flash of Clarity and Comfort Overtakes You and the Outer Enemy is slain and also perishes. Read and re-read his books. This Battle is for the REAL, the TRUE, the authentic Warriors who KNOW that there is no death for Us. The Elite Few who will fight to the end to redeem Nature, punish the Pasu, and Ride the RU Rune of the Avatar til WE literally Manifest that Green SIEG Rune of the Magial Vth Re-Ich, Salvation. We, the Walkers of the Dawn, the Watchers of the Aurora, the Initiated Priest-Warriors of the Eternal Ice. WE, the last remnants of Hyperborean ancestry. WE, the Final Battalion. Keep an eye on the sky at night. You will be very surprised. Open Your Mind and Anahtha Chakra and watch the Disk of Light swirl around You. The Promise of Re-Turn! Together, Unified in the Absolute Personality, We can do anything We wish. It is All right there, Within.
The First Earth awaits Us. Hyperborea never was destroyed, it only disappeared when Poseidon put a Golden Cord around it to save it, a Golden Cord made from everything that does not exist, but is more real than all things that ever existed and do exist. Those who reach their Totality and defeat the Demiurge shall be able to see and reside in Hyperborea. You will walk among mere men, but ‘everything has changed, everything has changed….’.
The Absolute Personality, Hyperborean Archetype (God)
Our Origins come from a “Fore-Seen Chance-Destiny” and so therefore We already know that We will be Victorious at the Never-End of All Things. And although We are aware of this We must still build Our ‘In-Existent Flower’ which becomes more real than all the flowers of this Earth. What One must do first is find that precious Equalibrium in their mundane existence within the mundane rivers of Maya. One must know that they are a God having a human experience of their own Birthright and Our time here on this Second Earth of dense physical existence is to shed the Demiurgic perception that was constantly enforced into Our brains and minds. One must learn to perceive things in Higher forms of awareness. To be Firm in Your Perception and Higher Awareness. You have no reason at all to fear others or anything. Doing what is Hyper-Intuitively Right and of the Hyperborean Archetype makes You Your own Vimana which can soar or Stand Firm. A crisp clarity that washes the Psyche of the One who walks this Path. To unlearn the cowardly and manipulative ways of the Demiurge and his terrestrial agents and to learn the Thulean, Hyperborean, True Aryan Path of BE-ing. Learning and unlearning all at the same time. Kundalini preparing It-Your Self…..
Slowly, yet quick for a few, the Path becomes clear and a beautifully familiar Certainty empowers Your very Body and Soul, which is rising to Upper Regions of Magical abilities, to go Forward and Upward in All Ways and For Always.
You are the Emperor of the Sun. Pontifex Solis. The battle You are fighting is within Your-Self. Strike down any Demiurgic ways within Your Inner Being. Bring the Higher Being into Your Existence. Let it Be-Come You. Literally Manifest Your-Self into the Star that You already Are!
Heil to the Inner Sun which is Our Sun, Our Star, Our Origen!
The Unpolished Stone
The ‘Unpolished Stone’ is a symbolic term for the Unblemished Self. San Miguel Serrano speaks of this Unpolished Stone quite a bit, mostly in ‘Manu – For the Man to Come’. But the Stone is always present in Our Legends. It is the Gral. The Electrical Stone that ‘fell from the Heavens to the North Pole’. The Unblemished Self is of the Spiritual First Earth. When We were capable of speaking with thought alone. We also spoke to the birds, the wolves, the fruits, the minerals and all Ur-Substance before the separation that lead to the ever hardening of the Material Second Earth.
Gradually did the Ancients create a language as We declined through the spiral of the ages, the Yugas, until We reached the point where We are now.
“What is Christ to you?” ~ Miguel Serrano
“Christ, to me, is the very Selbst of Western Man. ” ~ Carl Jung
As soon as We enter this world, We are slowly, yet surely, taught doctrine and dogma. That Child is, for a time, Unblemished. However, over time, the modern world puts an ‘engraving’ in Our brains, like a needle on a record player, each time the song is played, the needle deepens it’s ingrainment. Their songs are the various Social Institutions, Fundamental Religion and POPular Media. Engrained messages get deeper and deeper through repetition.
We are doing the same, only in reverse. Just as We use Our electrical impulses to train Our muscles to grow, We train Our brain and thus Mind with constant Mantras, Memories, Nostalgia, and the Visions of AMor and Thule, Hyperborea, Paradesha. We train Our Souls with books and information We know We can trust. By befriending good folk. This is the very reason why Serrano keeps repeating himself, over and over, in his books. In today’s world, to get a simple, yet important message to someone is almost nearly impossible. It’ll go in one ear and literally out the other. We are being constantly bombarded with distractions and this is designed to be so by the Black Magicians of Mammon. But with the Runes, with the Path of AMor, Esoteric Hitlerism and Serranoism, We can immediately counter-initiatie their diabolical plans.
When that child grows through all it’s years, tears, happiness and if they follow an Initiatory Path, like Our Retrograde Path of the Left-Handed Swastika, He or She will find that Inner Child again, the Unblemished Self, the Kristos of Atlantis. Venus-Freya-Shakti. Baldur, Horus. It will be Twice-Born. A true Aryan. The Son of Man. Our very Soul.
Northern-Most Dawn
Aurora is the Goddess of the Dawn. Boreas is the God of the North winds, of Deepest Midnight. They are a fitting perception of ElElla and Ellael.
The Thulean, a man or woman with Hyperborean ancestry, never asks and waits for a God or Goddess to deliver them gifts of mundane wealth, or any such nonsense. Since a portion of Our Gods and Goddesses are within Us, are Us, We must learn to take action Ourselves, by the Archetype (God) within Us, not only for the betterment of ourselves, but for the betterment of Our Families, Our Brothers and Sisters and ultimately, all sentience. We need to be mindful and aware of Our actions. Even on these plastic toys (phones, computers, TVs) which induce effects on other Souls. Just because One is not in the presence of another does not mean One can not harm them. We have Our Rites and Rituals inside the Temple-Order to effect what We need to effect.
One should know where they are headed and where they are from. This makes Us more wise in the NOW and how and where to direct Our Magic, Our Will, Our Goals, Our Dreams. Certainty is a gift bestowed upon the Wise. One can not remain in a state of the unknown for too long because this engenders fear and ultimately negativity.
Be aware of that which is around You. Use Your Magic, Your Poetic Simplicity, Our Magical Realism, to make Our surroundings best fitting for Our daily lives. It is vital to always remember the Beauty of Simplicity. Memory (Minne) is a major part of Our Weltenschauung. The Memory of the Blood is where We find and feel Nostalgia, that deep longing, the tranquil feeling of childhood and even beyond, in it’s macro-state, the nostalgia of Thule, Hyperborea, the mists flowing over giant mountains of pure virginal ice and huge cities of transparent glass showered endlessly with antique light. Our Wind-Bodies, in Totality, drifting among the Aurora, the Northern-Most Dawn.
In other Words: God helps those Who help Themselves.