Jewish America
The American Mirage
“Judeo-Americans are famously idiots, overwhelming with stupidity, see Roosevelt, Otto Kahn, Morgenthau, Filène, Barush, Rosenthal… Look at these stupid heads…”
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
L'École des Cadavres
It was first of all the homeland of the "good" savage philosophers who shed torrents of tears and practiced natural morality under the ecstatic eyes of the Panglosses of the Encyclopedia.
Then it was the "sacred ground of freedom". When, thanks to the soldiers of the King of France, the Insurgents had forced the English to operate their traditional re-embarkation, our "great ancestors" uttered loud cries of joy for the first time as men emancipated from monarchical superstitions undertook to govern themselves alone, by the people, for the people …
At the same time that it justified by its institutions the political reveries of the European oddballs, America offered to all the unfortunate, to all the bankrupts, to the bad boys out of gallows and to the fanatics in search of biblical virtue, marvelous prospects. of revenge or of escape. It was the land of limitless possibilities, whitewashed criminal records, the gold rush and the uncle with inheritance.
Then it was a paradise for technology and machines, industrial perfection, high wages, assembly-line work and cars for all.
Even today, it is towards America that all those who have been plunged into disarray by the European upheavals are turning, all those who have not understood the deep meaning of our revolution and who, for lack of imagination, cling pathetically to old myths, to old recipes, to the derisory hope of impossible miracles: America will give us back bread, peace, freedom and pernod for Arthur. We believe in Roosevelt, the infallible, the almighty, as children believe in Santa Claus. With the same faith but without the same excuses.
For if America once symbolized the new order, if it was for a long time a refuge and an example, if its institutions and its prosperity were identified with the notion of progress, all this has ceased to be true.
America today is nothing more than a reactionary nation where obsolete values are perpetuated, the forty-eight Taylorism of industrial convicts and the forty-eight verbiage of democratic trestles. She is like those child prodigies who amaze their families before they know how to write and whose development suddenly freezes at the age of puberty. In the midst of the 20th century, with its giant houses, its aerodynamic locomotives and its millions of engines, America is as archaic as a Jeffersonian speech. She let herself be overtaken by events. Like the old Austrian monarchy, like the Turkey of the sultans, it has ceased to keep pace with the century, it is perpetually behind one idea or one army:a brilliant façade crisscrossed with enormous cracks which no longer even conceals the obsolete bric-a-brac of dead illusions.
Doubtless the high standard of living of a part of the American masses prolonged the mirage. But what merit is there in achieving a certain level of prosperity when you only have to stoop to pick up oil, gold, iron, coal? In a country where natural resources are overabundant, it is inevitable that the less gifted individuals will reap at least a few crumbs.
American prosperity is not the result of American political principles or American genius. This prosperity was built, it must be said, in spite of the Americans. As men are free to act as they please, without a master plan, without social obligations, without state constraint, they have exploited the country's resources absolutely at random and the famousefficiency yankee results above all in gigantic waste. The pioneers deforested through and through; they destroyed the forests most essential to regulate the flow of the great rivers which now overflow in the spring with catastrophic violence. The farmers use methods which would have made the people of our Middle Ages blush. When a land is exhausted, we will sow a little further, without thinking of alternating crops or restoring the soil to its fertility. The country is so vast… As for the cattle, it rises all alone in the immense plains of the Far West.
Same anarchy in industry where the plutocrats of the trusts practice a learned Malthusianism. It's not about making what Americans need, but what can be sold at a profit. If necessary, we reduce mining production, we put the oil wells to sleep.
No rational organization of internal conquest, no effort to distribute the common wealth equitably. On a land that could provide normal resources to five hundred million human beings, one hundred and twenty-five million men and women live in perpetual insecurity and eleven or twelve million unemployed, with their families added, have never had to subsist, from 1929 until the war, than the meager allowances of a government deprived of imagination and daring.
The extraordinary thing is not that many Yankee workers enjoy a certain ease, it is that their standard of living is just above that of workers in poor nations, it is that they do not know not an opulence five times greater, and that in the country of overproduction, men, by the millions, are reduced to indigence.
From a material and social point of view, the failure is complete. Nothing that corrects, that tempers the abominable law of the jungle of economic liberalism. From the political point of view, even nothing: frozen, sclerotic institutions, totally unsuitable for giving the problems of the modern world healthy solutions, which have dried up American idealism, corrupted the people, rejected the youth towards the exclusive cult of gangsterism and of finance, which condemn America to impotence, which doom it to the worst catastrophes.
Now that America has entered the war, there is no longer any doubt. This war, however, was no surprise to the people of Washington. They had wanted her with a tenacious fanaticism. In two years, they had had plenty of time to prepare for it. But the first cannon shots left them in complete disarray and revealed to the world the extent of American debility. In a matter of weeks, the Yankees had been swept out of the Pacific, deprived of all their bases, dispossessed of the trading posts and fortresses with which they had staked out the Far East. Their allies are being crushed without their being able to even make a gesture of assistance. Their terrible combat fleet has vanished. Their ships are attacked and destroyed by German submarines near their territorial waters.The English and the Russians in vain implore a material which the Americans are unable to manufacture for themselves in sufficient quantity. In the words of Mr. Abel Bonnard, Roosevelt is reduced to promising himself the planes he had been promising for two years to all the antifascists on earth.
And if so, if this nation which had the material possibility of becoming the most powerful in the world and of serving as an example to the universe, gives, in all fields, the demonstration of a resounding bankruptcy, it is because it is a democracy. And to make matters worse a Jewish democracy.
Everything is explained, everything becomes crystal clear. We cannot understand anything about America if we do not constantly keep in mind this explanation which is the common thread of the American tragedy.
American failures are democratic failures.
The American abomination is the Jewish abomination.
Nothing else, nothing more, but nothing less.
Such a fate, moreover, did not have the character of fatality. Of course, the United States was founded by wandering philosophers, but the country could have freed itself as it developed from the mortgage of "immortal principles." He was prevented. In the history of the United States, the Civil War has a defining importance other than the Bill of Rights. It is from this period that the confirmation of the democratic regime dates, it is the victory of the Northerners who condemned America to get bogged down definitively in the democratic rut, which prohibited it from looking for other solutions or even to be tempted to imagine them.
Then, when democracy had been solidly established, the Jews had only to appear so that the country abandoned itself to them. And they accomplished the most easily in the world of sacking America, defiling it, perverting it. Just as the presence of Blum at the head of the French government is the logical consequence of 89 and 48, so the easy conquest of America by the Jews would not be explained without the Civil War. Lincoln didn't just liberate the negroes. He prepared the cantonments of the Jewish invader. He put his country in a state of least resistance, he offered it, without possible defense, to the unbridled lusts of the chosen people.
Pierre-Antoine Cousteau, Jewish America , Les Éditions de France, 1942, p. 9-12
Jewish America (2)
Posted on February 20, 2012 by Elements of Racial Education
Crushing the Civilized
“Another very prodigious blank, this famous barrier of US A breeds…. But, minute! In my turn, I will tell you a little about the future: one day, the Jews will launch the negroes, their brothers, their shock troops on the last white "cadres", will reduce them, all drunkards, to slavery. Harlem will be the “white” neighborhood. The niggers in binge, they will go and see, they will make the whites dance for them, the “blanc boula”. »
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Bagatelles for a massacre
Long before the Boston colonials revolted against the King of England (over a sordid tea tax issue that lawyers idealized after the fact), two perfectly distinct forms of civilization were emerging on the new continent.
The North was hardworking, democratic, egalitarian, puritanical and preaching. He was directly inspired by those "Pilgrim Fathers" that the Mayflowerhad once brought from Holland, after their fanatical proselytizing had made them undesirable first in Scotland, then in the good-natured Netherlands. These pioneers were rough men: they had cleared the land by quoting the Bible. They really despised the goods of this world. Their sons, on the other hand, soon developed a taste for wealth. They frantically began to earn dollars, but without giving up the virtuous vocabulary of their ancestors, nor the external marks of austerity. And the new immigrants, poor brethren more or less outside the law in their countries of origin, found it convenient, in order to re-establish a judicial virginity, to increase the rigor of the first
The Yankees viewed everything that came from Europe with extreme distrust if not open hostility; people and things, ideas and customs. They held to be frivolous and contemptible everything that embellished life, everything that made it pleasant or simply bearable: the most innocent pleasures as well as libertine entertainment, art in all its forms, theater and literature alike. title as the joys of the table or the alcove. And above all, they did not tolerate any hierarchy - except that of money - the slightest superiority of talent or mind. Their grandfathers had emigrated out of resentment against the "Babylonian" manners of the old world, their fathers had fought arms in hand against the "despot" of London. Them,they considered themselves in their virgin land as a chosen people
receiving directly from the Almighty the revelation of wisdom and the material reward of their virtue. In these conditions, why bother with traditions? Traditions were hateful. They could only be an unnecessary or harmful burden, the inheritance of Satan. Only personal merit counted and this merit could inevitably only be assessed in dollars. It was in New England that the habit now prevalent in the forty-eight states of judging an individual based on material success and giving success moral significance began in New England. If a man earns money, it is because God is with him, and if God is with him, it is because he is righteous.
By their recruitment, by their philosophical training, the Northerners were at the same time predisposed to carefully maintain democratic prejudices and to have only the worship of the dollar.
The South was very different. Life was pleasant and easy there, adorned with all the aristocratic graces of the 18th century. Of course, money was not looked down on, but it was not, below the Dixie line, the only title of nobility. The Southerners were very proud to have for ancestors "avowed" emigrants who had been neither unwanted missionaries, nor adventurers hunted down by the courts of Europe.
Socially, a poor planter whose family was rooted and who was known to behave like a gentleman had a much more enviable position than a happy speculator.
The southerners also maintained close contact with their native countries. They preserved its customs and traditions. The girls copied their dresses from those of the ladies of the court of France and the boys went to Oxford or Paris to complete their studies and above all acquire that polish of politeness which is the prerogative of refined civilizations.
In the South, we did not blush to have a library. Leisure was not considered a mortal sin. From plantation to plantation, we multiplied the opportunities to meet each other, we invited friends or relatives, we then retained them, whole days, sometimes weeks, by contriving to imagine for them pleasant entertainment in the taste of the country. Trianon by Marie-Antoinette.
Moreover, the people of the South accepted democracy only lip service, because it was the fashion, because at the time, especially in America, it would have been inconceivable to attack head-on the "immortals". principles ". But deep down they were won over to ideas of authority. We saw it well during the war. As Lincoln lost himself in Washington in parliamentary intrigue, as he wore himself out in sub-committee chatter and changed general-in-chief as well as shirt to satisfy influential voters, the Southerners immediately accepted, without discussion, the principle of dictatorship and left
President Davis absolutely free to conduct the affairs of Confederation as he pleased.
Finally, in the southern states there were elements of a racist doctrine.
Let's get it right: today, all Americans are racist when it comes to yellow or black, but this is a defensive reflex, an individual attitude that philosophers and legislators disavow and that citizens hardly dare to confess. In practice, one does not marry a negress and one does not eat at the same table as a negro. Officially, the most distressing pickles of our eighteenth century have become, thanks to the victory of the Northerners, the spirit of American law: all men are equal, all men are equal. (1) We can see the advantage that the Jews can draw from such a state of mind to infiltrate people whose instinctive racism is limited to the color of the skin and who nevertheless remain, on the theoretical level, doctrinaires of anti-racism.
It was only in the southern states that before the debacle of 1864, a position was taken with an absence of hypocrisy of which no trace remains today. The South, racist in fact, did not blush to be it openly, frankly. As soon as Confederation was formed, the vice president of the new state hastened to proclaim:
The dominant idea of Jefferson and most prominent statesmen at the time of drafting the old constitution was that the he slavery of Africans is a violation of the law of nature. Our new government is built on a completely opposite idea; its foundations are made, its cornerstone rests on the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race is his conditionnatural and normal. Our new government is the first in the history of the world to be based on this great physical, philosophical and moral truth . The architecture of our society is made of the material deemed necessary by nature; and from experience we know that it is better not only
for the upper race but also for the lower race that it be so.
There is no doubt that if they had won the war, people who so boldly professed the great modern theory of the inequality of races would have known how to defend themselves against a peril more formidable than the Negro peril: the Jewish invasion.
They were given neither the time nor the means. One of the two Americas was too much. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the gulf had widened between North and South.
The incompatibility of temper was too obvious for sooner or later the bittersweet conversation not to turn into open conflict. Things, however, could have remained as they were for a long time to come, for it was in the interest of the two adversaries to continue to be part of the same economic unit, if, by the middle of the century, this quarrel of tendency had not taken place. aggravated by a quarrel over big money. From then on, the Yankees forgot that the constitution drafted by the founders of the Republic intended to preserve the independence of the states and leave them free, within the federal framework, to administer themselves as they wished. Being the strongest, they did not hesitate to interpret the constitution in their own way, to impose by force both their economic dictatorship and their philosophy of existence. When we are told,at school, that slavery was the cause and the stake of the Civil War, we are shamelessly laughed at. The war of
Secession was a tariff war. Nothing else. The North was
protectionist, the South free trade. The North had rapidly industrialized; it needed strong protection for its manufactured products. The South, on the contrary, lived on its cotton exports; it found it more advantageous to buy its machines and its fabrics in the countries of Europe where it sold its crops. When called upon to submit to the law of numbers, the South repeatedly threatened to withdraw from the Union. It would have been a catastrophe for the Yankee businessmen: they would have lost both immense commercial outlets and access to the sea by the Mississippi - the old man river - whose control is essential to the prosperity of the Middle West.. Each time a more or less satisfactory compromise made it possible to adjourn the conflict provisionally. From year to year, however, the
quarrel grew more acute, the secession more threatening. Now, it was obvious that the Northerners would never agree to a divorce, that they would go as far as war, if necessary, to maintain the Union and retain their clients. Only, a war for tariffs, that is not very admirable. It is much brighter to proclaim that we are fighting for human brotherhood, law, justice, freedom, democracy and the liberation of slaves.
The liberation of slaves was the alibi of the Yankees.
In doing so, the plutocrats of the North were not lacking in a certain daring. For they themselves were engaged in the slave trade, they had given slavery the subtle and ferocious form that it has preserved until our days in liberal countries.
In the North, in fact, just like in the South, there was an urgent need for manpower. But the descendants of the first settlers who had cleared the country had turned away, by becoming industrialists or bankers, from manual labor, and, on the other hand, the employment of black slaves had proved disappointing. The transplanted negroes were too expensive to maintain, their yield was meager, they had difficulty withstanding the rigors of the climate, they had therefore been freed, but, to fill this gap, we began to import from Europe, in compact masses, "free" workers.
Recruiting sergeants of a new kind prospected the hovels of Ireland or the Balkans, picked up the poor buggers by the hundreds of thousands and sent them to America, in the mid-decks of the liners, endowed with meager income and extravagant promises. When they arrived, these outcasts, who for the most part did not speak English, were absolutely unable to defend themselves. They had to undergo exactly all the conditions of their employers: twelve or fourteen hours of work a day for a salary that barely allowed them not to starve. The fate of these unfortunate whites was worse than that of the official slaves, because in the event of illness the boss was under no obligation to ensure their subsistence and there was naturally no question of paying them the slightest retirement for their old age.
It is striking to note that none of the tribunes who thundered so vehemently against the barbarism of slavery in the southern states seems to have worried about the fate of the immigrants who were unloaded every week, in full boats. , on the docks of New York or Boston. Better, these same tribunes were often the most determined to proclaim that the right to strike (after all it was the only recourse of these unfortunates) would have been an abominable attack on the sacred rights of the employers.
Comparatively, the real slaves of the cotton plantations were treated much better. Over time, around the 1960s, slavery had become more human, it had become patriarchal.
The Southerners treated their slaves obviously not as their equals - they were too justly aware of their superiority - but with a familiar condescension the sympathy of which was not excluded. For the most part, moreover, they had been brought up by one of those ebony mammies, buxom and tyrannical, who in every household assumed the importance of nurses from the old Spanish repertoire. They knew the negroes, they knew how to speak to them, to inspire them with confidence. Very few were those who abused their power. Hatred of races, in any case, was a totally unknown sentiment. This hatred did not arise until later, after emancipation, after the "idealists" in Washington had unleashed civil war.
And then slavery gradually subsided. No one obviously imagined making the freedmen the political equals of white men, but profound reforms were in the making which tended to improve the lot of blacks without compromising the social balance.
If the liberation of slaves had been the only ambition of the Northerners, it is certain that the war of 60 would not have taken place. It is nevertheless the pretext invoked by the pious Pharisees of the North.
The conflict lasted four long years. It was the most bitter, the deadliest of the wars of the nineteenth century. Throughout the Southerners fiercely resisted one on four, defending with magnificent heroism every square inch of their territory. At President Davis' call, the whole country stood up. While in the North conscription reached only a relatively small percentage of the population, in the South all men of military age enlisted in the ranks of the Confederate army. Whole families donned the uniform, as has since been seen in Catholic Navarre, where old men and adolescents leaped into battle to save Spain from Bolshevism, leaving behind large deserted villages.
Nothing sordid about this resistance. It was not their "feudal" privileges that the Southerners defended, it was their homes, their honor, their freedoms, their philosophy of life. Ah! the quarrel over slavery, so forgotten that the Congress of the Union did not remember the Negro question until after two years of war had been forgotten. Yet he did not pass the law which made all slaves free men and citizens only for reasons of propaganda and strategy, in order to give satisfaction to the "universal conscience" and to try to provoke insurrections in the southern states. But this second objective was not achieved. The soldiers of color who took part in this war
were very noticeably more numerous in the southerly ranks than in the
northerly ranks .
Finally, overwhelmed by numbers, hated by the whole world which had let itself be taken in by the fable of generous northern idealism, deprived of arms and ammunition, reduced by the blockade to the most dreadful famine, the Confederates capitulated. And the Northerners began to exploit their victory savagely. Not only were the Southerners dispossessed of their political rights, not only were their property taken from them (on the pretext that they could no longer pay taxes) and Yankee settlers were installed in their place, but also they were imposed, by the force of bayonets, local governments and "freely" elected composed
only of illiterate negroes maneuvered by rapacious adventurers, the carpet baggers. It is without example that a vanquished nation has been physically wiped out with so much method and refinement. Formerly the conquerors used their victims with the edge of the sword. It is possible to find this process more humane than the methods of Yankee “reconstruction”.
The Southern States have not recovered from this debacle, and above all America has never regained its equilibrium or the means to justify the hopes that its early beginnings had given rise to. America, civilized traditionalist, human, authoritarian, hierarchical, the one that held in power the seeds of fascism was assassinated. The other America triumphed, that of aggressive Puritans, blacksmiths and democratic gibberish.
Wonderful manure offered to the Jewish invasion. From all the ghettos of Europe and the East, raptors with hooked fingers would rush to the quarry.
It was around 1890 that the Jews launched their first waves of assault on the New World. In less than half a century the conquest was completed.
All of America was in their hands.
Pierre-Antoine Cousteau, Jewish America , Les Éditions de France, 1942, p. 13-18.
(1) In principle, of course. In practice, the laws governing immigration favor the Nordics to the detriment of the Mediterraneans and Slavs considered to belong to inferior races. But this is discrimination that the anti-racist Roosevelt does not brag about.