The 'Judaic human type' is pervasive at this time. The jew has taken over the gentile societies and superimposed through gradual lithic praxis their 'law' of the Demiurge upon the captive folk. The conditioning of the mass mind is gone about round-the-clock and everywhere via the technology possessed by the cabal and its hierarchy of evil. All become immersed in the divine mind structures of consciousness and their minds are tuned to suit the agenda of the Demiurge and his 'evolutive process' of self-realization.
Judaization is the transformation of the 'gentile' (non-jew) into a jew by subjecting them to the kosher cultural superstructure that jewry contrives and seeks to impose upon all, a culture oriented around the principle of ‘harmonization’ with the Demiurge, strict adherence to the Noahide laws being its form of compliance and this imposed secretly and without the knowledge of the 'goyim'.
The 'gentiles' have become judaized, they have become castrated and separated from their original primordial culture of heroism and valor, of honor and positive striving and have had in its place supplanted the culture of pacifism is shaped like comfort and contentment as the end goal of life. This and devoting themselves to praying to 'The One' in the manner of a small child at its bedside and assisting to conscript into their ranks all they are able to reach to play a similar role of 'ora et labora' of work and prayer as the 'warp and woof' of life, their lives of docile contentment and pleasant feelings being the elixir vitae they inebriate themselves with and their habitual tendency toward ease and materialism.
This is the 'Western race' of the sixth sub race of the fifth root race, not a spiritually elevated group of superior Superman by a debased group of untermenschen who are dragged into the abyss through the soporific cultural superstructure.
Beyond this A.I hive mind technology and cultural acclimatization there exists the 'technology' (for so it is) of religious mind programming, from the churches and their architectural structure of 'sacred geometry' and cymatics to the semitic reptilian witchcraft of the 'Scriptures', both of which are formulated to restructure the mind and alter the blood (the essence or substance of the beings who are their targets for modification).
The hebrew and aramaic reptilian developed languages of 'semitic script' (this scripts granted 'shem', the genetic hybrid construct of the reptilian genetic engineers) are designed to fuse the consciousness of the being (the parishioner) to the Demiurge through the activating in relation to the meaning of the Hebrew/Aramaic language a certain state of passive receptivity thereby more effectively inculcating the targeted demographics' mind with their mind program.
The geometrical structure of cathedrals and churches and possibly of mosques and jewish temples is carried out to siphon the bio-energy from the parishioners so that they serve the entities as batteries from off of wish to feed and modify their essence in the form of the blood of the parishioner through the acoustic restructuring process, certain polyrhythms and repeated cadences mirroring witchcraft and rendering the parishioner hypnotized and zombified, opening up their soul to possession by the entities.
In terms of cultural-conditioning these institutions program the population to resonate positively with the archons of the cabal, the aspects of Jehovah,'The One', which increase the harmony of the beings in relation to 'The One' facilitating their fusion with that Entity.
Judaized they become merged into the Being and are subject to the further mental influence and programming of the cabal at all levels of its structure from the highest levels of the negative aliens and the Demiurge Himself to the lower-level pawns of sub-humanity who serve them as their slaves. The endless rhetoric of pacifism is utilized as a broken record to program the consciousness with its buzzwords; its emotive vocabulary of incitement.
The 'instruction' and 'education' the goyim have conferred upon them is that of a multidimensional indoctrination combined with A.I technology and presumably archontic entities who function to implant these messages into the consciousness of the population (e.g. mantis aliens) via radio waves and subtle aetheric influence; telepathy both synthetic (artificial machine induced) and the motivational function of these entities' mind.
The intention is to standardize the goyim into a collectivized mass and thereby to have a total uniformity of population that can be regulated and mobilized for the purposes of the cabal. Any opposition to the process of judaization, any not willing to abide by 'the law of One', of the Demiurge, is targeted with extreme prejudice and has the entire mass of drone slaves conscripted against him.
Individuality is considered a 'say' heresy and established as a mark of Cain which of course is, though in the most positive sense of the hallmark of heroic independence of mind. Any who act or appear different art persecuted and treated as 'witches' to be burnt at the stake.
The 'loving mob' of haters has nothing but an implacable hatred for difference and has had this condition of being throughout the slave rebellions and standardized populations reflected in the historical record. The 'love' of the mob is a love of 'god', a lot of of serving in passive sheep-like contentment the process of His worship which leads to the extinction of the Spirit through fusing with the soul and becoming absorbed into that Entity, dissipating into nonexistence.
Love of death is a characteristic feature of the death cult of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan and His ‘chosen people' reflect this temperament with their bloodlustfull sadism and orchestration of the 'war everlasting' on the terrestrial and other planes in conjunction with the negative aliens who facilitate the 'love' of their system of vampirization.
The judaization process coheres around the tribe of jewry who radiates their love as the Care Bears, love bombing all with their black hearts of violent aggression. Jewry constitutes a Hive Mind structured as a net ensconcing the earth plane with each 'individual' being a node in the archetypal network structure of 'Jehovah Malkuth’, the 10th sephiroth of Jehovah.