Kabala Cube
Different shapes hold and conduct different energies this is why the universe is made of sacred geometric patterns that are the blueprint for all existence such as the Platonic solids the five elements. Ancient temples were built using such knowledge to conduct different energies and is why they were built on lay lines.
Originally in Kabala the entire Jewish occult system is shown as a cube and the entire alphabet fits into this cube of space which also contains the five Platonic solids. The Hebrew Alphabet is the energy of their thought form they call god. And relates to the element of earth and that of Saturn which rules earth. This is the reason ancient altars where cube shaped as well it symbolized Saturn and earth.
This is what the tefillin the black box the Jews wear on their head relates to. It contains the Shema prayer which is a formula arranged with the Hebrew alphabet which is a series of charged yantra's that ties into their energy matrix. The Shema sequence is what unites the Jew with their "god" in Judaism. This unites them and connects them into the energy matrix. Which is the cube.
The Jews state:
"The tefillin acts like an antenna that draws down a powerful spiritual force from theses seven dimensions."
Here the same Kabbalist Jew tells us further on how this connects to the cube of Mecca:
"According to both Kabbalah and Islam, there are seven heavens, or seven dimensions in the spiritual world that directly influence our world. This is why there are seven notes of music, seven seas, seven continents and seven days in the week. We have seven layers of negativity within us and we want to bind and slaughter those selfish layers that make us treat others with disrespect.
The Zohar explains this is the secret behind Abraham binding his son Isaac. Each of us are required to sacrifice our ego for the sake of sharing with others. The tefillin act like an antenna that draws down a powerful spiritual force from theses seven dimensions that negates and sacrifices the influence of our selfish nature and ugly ego. 99% of Jews have no clue that this is why we bind tefillin on our left arm. We use the left arm as the left embodies our ego and the negative (Isaac) , whereas the right refers to the soul and the positive (Abraham).
Each year, Muslims embark on a pilgrimage (Hajj) to walk around the Ka’ba in Mecca seven times. This mirrors the process of binding our tefillin.
The purpose of Hajj for Muslims is to connect to the same event of Abraham binding Isaac (Muslims relate this to Abraham binding his son Ishmael).
The connection is profound. Only Kabbalah explains the true spiritual purpose.
Perhaps this is why the Ka’ba in Mecca is known as the House of Allah.
Ka’ba and Allah, as we know, spells Kaballah."[1]
The process described is how the Muslims are unconsciously tying themselves into the Jewish matrix during this mass ritual. Seven is the number of Saturn. All Muslim's must pray five times a day facing the direction of the cube in Mecca. They do this on the solar power points of the day to make the energies stronger to charge this though form.
And from Islam:
"Tradition goes that the Kaaba was ordained by Allah to be built in the shape of the House in Heaven called Baitul Ma’amoor. Allah in his infinite Mercy ordained a similar place on earth and Prophet Adam was the first to build this place.
The Bible, in the Chapter of Genesis describes its building when God ordained Abraham to erect a Shrine for worship when Abraham was ordered to go to the Southern desert with his wife Hagera and infant son Ismael.
The Old Testament describes this building as the Shrine of God at several places, but the one built at Ma’amoor is very much similar to the one at Makka. There is no doubt that it was referring to the stone built house at Makka.
Qur’an brought this story into the full light of history. In Sura 3:90 Qur’an says
“Allah has spoken the Truth, therefore follow the creed of Ibrahim, a man of pure faith and no idolater”.
The first house established for the people was at Makka, a Holy place and guidance to all beings. Qur’an firmly establishes the fact that Ibrahim was the real founder of the Holy Shrine. When Prophet Ibrahim built the Holy Shrine in Makka, his prayers were that this place should remain a center of worship for all good and pious people; that Allah should keep his family the custodians of the Holy place."[2]
This cube is also built to the dimension of six which is the number of binding of bringing down astral energies into the material and it also unfolds to form the six pointed star the symbol of Judaism. The above Islamic passage is important it shows that the Christian Religion and Islam tie into each other on the occult level and thus the Torah and Kabala. The city of Heaven is the New Jerusalem in the New Testament which is also given dimensions that relate to six. Which is to descend out of heaven to earth. Note the Islamic passages tie into the Torah and thus the Bible in Genesis as well. And the biblical characters such as Abraham and on. Jesus is even in the Koran as well as Essa with the tale of his divine birth and such and is a major character in Islam. The Islamic religion ties people into this Jewish thought form of Christ. Note Mohammed is also described as being a Jew.
The tale of Abraham sacrificing Isaac also ties into the place of the Mecca Cube. In the Talmud, Abraham actually does sacrifice Isaac in a blood sacrifice to Yahweh. Three days later Isaac is then resurrected by Yahweh. This ties into the thought form of Christ as well the ultimate blood sacrifice that is resurrected three days later. The reason for this here is this ties into the actual ritual murders the Jews commit by what the Kabala calls sympathetic magic on the astral and charges the energy of the murders with more power. Islam has mass rituals devoted to offering up the blood of humans and animals as well into this. Note the three days for each. Three is the number of Saturn and the square of Saturn. Three days is also 72 hours. The 72 is the number of the cube as well. This is binding this in with the 72 names of the Jewish god which is shown as Metatron which is shown as the CUBE. The Christian ritual of communion ties into Jewish ritual murder direct as its a sympathetic enactment of how the Jews do this. Including the symbolic drinking of the blood and eating of the flesh while standing around the image of a ritually murdered person on a cross. This ties in unconsciously.
The cube for the Christians is the cross. in Kabala its admitted the cross of Christ is the Kabala cube this acts as the focus point for these energies to descend and channel through as well. Every Christian church has always had the cross at the front of the altar were the intention is directed during mass. In Kabala the cube unfolds into the Christian cross and is given six the number of bringing energy into the material.
The cube in Kabala also represents GOVERMENT in the Jews case their world government they are working to manifest with the matrix of energy the spell of Christianity and Islam are generating and feeding into the thought form of the cube of energy. Which is why the cube is the symbolic shape of the world government of the Jews and government is traditionally ruled by the concept of Saturn.
[1] Kabala student.com
Tree of Souls, Howard Schwartz
Remember the Hell Raiser movies with the cube that opens the dimension to an evil place that is a cube shaped city ruled by the Hebrew LEVIATHAN which is the symbol and banner of Yahweh and is actually the cube that opens the gateway and it communicates by the sound of a horn blast which sounds like the Jewish shofar horn they blow on their holy days...... And the once human being's who possessed by the Leviathan are spiritually twisted into evil creatures and try and turn earth into a realm ruled by the evil of Leviathan......Yahweh.
Look at how the cube unfolds....
The Disgusting Truth Ritual Murder Is The Core Of Judaism And Christianity
In Judaism the main rituals on the Jewish holiest of days Yom Kippur are based on ritual murder of animals as blood offerings. This is done to raise and direct energy as a form of black magic:
"One can deflect a detrimental condition, or event by transferring it to a substitute object or entity. This is the logic behind folk beliefs about offering sacrifices, but the Yom Kippur scapegoat offering. Another prime example in Jewish lore of a substitution ritual is kapparah, in which one ritually transfers one sins to a bird, slaughters the bird.".....[1]
One can note from Jewish kabala text on ritual magic along with the names of numerous Hebrew mantra's or divine names one of the practices is:
"Animal sacrifices, and even the consumption of blood from ritually impure animals."[2]
Note in the descriptions of the bodies of Gentile children that where found ritually murdered by the Jews it was noted the wounds on their bodies mimicked the crucifixion of Christ including in the case of William of Norwich the marks on the head where they inserted the crown of thorns. The holiest ritual of the Christian religion is communion where the Christians stand in front of an image of a ritually murdered man on a cross and then eat his flesh and drink his blood. The Jews created Christianity to tie the Gentiles into their occult control and energy matrix of YHWH. The Christian communion is a form of sympatric magic ritual that ties into the Jewish ritual murder which is the other side of the communion ritual:
"sympathetic magic is based on the metaphysical belief that divine forces are clothed in ordinary things and like affects like; that there are analogies to be made between symbolic acts and real events and that if things can be mentally associated, they can magically influence each other."....[3]
The Jews drink the blood of the victim and eat the flesh of the victim. Gentiles are called animals in Judaism and ANIMAL SACRIFICE AND BLOOD DRINKING IS PART OF THE JEWISH OCCULT RITUAL. Note many Jews have been recorded as having strange aliments only found in one other place on earth..... In New Guinea among the cannibal tribes. The aliments they get from drinking human blood and eating human flesh. Its obvious as to why the Jews are the only other people to have this. Judaism believes that certain foods like meat gives them the energy or sparks of the soul of the animal.
The disgusting Jewish movie "Sin City" directed by an obvious Jew, showed a character played by another Jewish actor cannibalizing women and this gives him superhuman like power from the sparks or special energy of the victims. I wonder where the Jews might have gotten that ideal. They put this in the movies as form of sympathetic magic as well.
The Christian Ritual of communion is designed as sympathetic magic to the Jewish blood ritual that both connect in the astral and empower the energy matrix the Jews call their God. Who demands blood sacrifice as the highest offering in the Torah. In the Torah Jews are given five animals they are to sacrifice to Yahweh. Cattle is one of them......The Jews call Gentiles goyim which mean CATTLE....
Before making this reply below, I didn't know other media (films/TV) were mentioned in this thread already.
Call me sad, but I like to try and find hidden jew meanings in media - not that that's hard to do. Specifically, in Star Trek. The Borg Cubes. Interesting, no? Look at how the jew adapts and assimilates, and also dissimilates...
The Borg Queen is a female god, and the shekina[h], shin, etc., all being related to the female aspect of god. The Borg rape different cultures and races once "the Goyim know" i.e. once any culture becomes advanced enough, and then "shut it down" by forcing those advanced-enough cultures into the jew "soul" - assimilating into christianity, with a more or less literal jew "soul" instead of a Gentile one.
The Borg's central plexus connects all Borgs together ("a device present on all Borg vessels which linked it to every other Borg ship"). Then there is the 'transwarp hub' acros the galaxy which looks like both fractal patterns and horrible biological infections/diseases, and the 'unicomplex', etc., as well.
Go look up "Jesus of Borg" on our related materials.
Wonder that one of the most popular games on the market is Mine (my) Craft (work/endeavour)?...You working your existence "building" up with cubes in a cubic world , (where the earth is flat) , having as final objective to go into the "Nether" (the dark side of the "world"-aka the klipoth-or simply the Gentile Ether) and slaying -the Dragon-...seriously seems like child story at first glance nihilistic and void of interest...
If it's not enough the skies are made out of a giant fu*king cube rotating , only that you're in the interior of that cube among with the flat world...another reference to isaac and abrakajew is how during daylight there's nothing to fear and any violent mob burns (the "pious" side of the matrix) and during nightime (again the klipoth) mob just spawns around trying to kill you , so instead you sacrifice them ---"the ugly and rotten ego"--- also , all creatures have no gender and THEIR PURPOSE is to be used somehow by the player.The perfect Communicubistic game of all , going "deep" to search for diamonds , but with no deeper meanings than materialistic ones.
You know what , everytime I look at jewish ideology and practices , I can't see but the nagging millenial restless tentatives of the jews to do in the physical what we gentiles are able to do at the soul level (and the jews are not- and that means building our Godform up from within)...As their "soul"(mass-soul) is nothing more than a fucking huge energetic protocol on the astral in order to make it survive on it's own like for good, they try to build it's physical body out of this very planet, using whatever infrastructure they have at disposal - be it biological , social , economic , or political ...step by step they just spread the cancer for the so called "future" isdiarrheal....I can even recall a Medieval map drawn by some early cacatholic monks or miss-zion-haries with the various body parts of the crucified bitch placed in the middle and the cardinal parts of the circular map under the title "Mundi" - the world...
This thing is so sick, you don't even have to force yourself into desire it's total distruction.
Is Star Trek A Warning?
The Bible the occult blue print of the enemy World Government states there will be a war in which the earth and the nations of the world will be destroyed. Then the New Jerusalem which is a cube ship will descend to the earth from "Heaven" the sky and land. This is the city of Elohim. The Kabbalah adepts of the Jewish Rabbi's state that Elohim is a collection of Reptilian, Extra Terrestrials. This New Jerusalem is their city and its a ship which descends from space.
After this the Bible states that Elohim will openly dwell on earth and rule as god, and the surviving humans will be changed into something different. If you read the Bible the new humanity has no race, gender, biological sex and they have a collective mind.
The New Jerusalem is stated in the Bible to be cube space ship:
Is Star Trek A Warning?
The Bible the occult blue print of the enemy World Government states there will be a war in which the earth and the nations of the world will be destroyed. Then the New Jerusalem which is a cube ship will descend to the earth from "Heaven" the sky and land. This is the city of Elohim. The Kabbalah adepts of the Jewish Rabbi's state that Elohim is a collection of Reptilian, Extra Terrestrials. This New Jerusalem is their city and its a ship which descends from space.
After this the Bible states that Elohim will openly dwell on earth and rule as god, and the surviving humans will be changed into something different. If you read the Bible the new humanity has no race, gender, biological sex and they have a collective mind.
The New Jerusalem is stated in the Bible to be cube space ship:
The humanity described in the Bible when Elohim descends in the cube ship can only be created by genetic engineering and implants. Which is what the Reptilians did to the race now known as the Greys when they conquered their world.
It's also interesting to note that the way Captain Picard was able to get out of his predicament with the Borg was to start destroying their hive mind from the inside and causing the drones to be confused and think contrary to the hive mind, if I recall correctly. This is very much similar to the Final RTR which screws up the enemy's hive mind link and causes programs such as Xtianity designed to link Gentiles up to this borg hive mind to fail.
The transhumanist movement is also filled with Jews who literally want the entire world to become borg drones under the guise of instantaneous information and enhanced physical capabilities. Star Trek may have been a mostly left-wing show for it's time, but like Star Wars, Stargate, and even Warhammer 40k, it is chock full of warnings about the enemy.
A while ago I noticed the Borg looked oddly familiar to other things I'd seen in jewy media. Safe to say I think Star Trek is far from the only warning.
I wrote a long post detailing everything I noticed about the Hellraiser movies a while back, and its very obvious its themes and concepts tie very much into what was being expressed by the Borg race in Star Trek. The Cube, the Leviathan, the bloodletting. That same look of pale white figures dressed in black.
It wasn't the last time I'd seen these themes reappear however. There was another movie, called Dark City, about an extra terrestrial race known as The Strangers who uses corpses as their host, and operated as a hivemind. They had psychokinetic powers, while humanity had none, although the human protagonist ended up having far greater powers than the extra terrestrials did. The basic jist of the story is, they were a parasitic race studying humanity within a false reality they had created to investigate human individuality, and were keeping humanity controlled within their little zoo by denying them any comprehension of their past, keeping them perpetually stuck in the present where the city was always night time and sunless and nobody ever thought that was odd until they were presented with the idea otherwise. At the end of the night, everyone would pass out, and the night would be reset, the clocks spun backwards.
Considering this movie inspired the Matrix itself, it goes without saying it presents an awkward idea or two. No wonder the movie was mostly ignored.