Kaivalya vs. Ahimsa/Samadhi/Nirvana
False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
Kaivalya vs. Ahimsa/Samadhi/Nirvana
The synarchy advocates the purpose of the establishment of the material (and putatively 'spiritual') 'kingdom of heaven upon earth' with 'the chosen people' ruling over the mass as the priestly caste synarchy of evil which purports to be 'beyond good and evil' serving Jehovah-Satan and absorbing into Himself the captive Spirits on the earth plane.
The cabal of evil ('the synarchy'-the associated collective of groups venerating the Demiurge) seeks to materialize the consciousness, rendering the Spirit trapped in the lower density carapace of the soul as a scorpion trapped in amber becoming immersed and unable to liberate itself from the soul trap.
The synarchy, in order to do this, prescribes and when in sufficient power (such as under Akhenaton) obligates a passive veneration of the Demiurge in the mode of the lunar-semintic exotericism while reserving the inner doctrine of 'Syrio-African demonology' (Rosenberg) for themselves as their counterfeit ars regia (the art of the beggar Kings, the shepherd kings of the order of melchizedek).
The synarchy thus prescribes or imposes, depending on its condition of power, the slave morality that ennervates and renders docile the 'lambs of god', sheep fattened for the slaughter.
The various terms to describe the 'goal' or telos of this creed and praxis have meant the same thing in diverse times and places: 'treasures in heaven'; 'ahimsa'; 'nirvana'; 'the kingdom of heaven', etc., The promise of the future that is claimed to be inevitable and which is nonetheless simply a cultural construct of 'inevitablism' but nothing inevitable de facto.
The cultural construct of the synarchy called 'religion' presumably derives from the ET blackhole entities (reptilian transdimensionals; insectoids and mantis E.Ts) who had formulated these creeds via their representatives on earth who in many cases were avatars (jesus; krishna) or synarchic initiates (mohammed; buddha).
The OAHSPE Bible of the 32nd degree freemason John Newbrough (1881-1883) reveals this installation of the various religious leaders (zoroaster,et.al) on the Earth in different locations and times to lead the sheep to the slaughter, rendering them subordinate to the 'culture pact' of their religious programs (where anyone of any biological group can participate on the condition that they agree with and conform to the religious dogma and ritualism).
Throughout the history of the world as this synarchy book of evil indicates, the servants of Jehovih ('Yahweh collective' of black-hole entities) have destroyed the civilizations they had originally created owing to the failure of their followers to it here to the 'culture pact' of their 'law' most recently encoded in the law of 'moses and the profits' and the 'noahide' laws.
The consequences of such adherence as aforesaid are simply the extinction of the Spirit through its becoming bound or 'fused' with the soul (which latter is an extension of Jehovah-Satan) leading to their ultimate extinction.
Thus the motive and consequence of the adherence of the 'culture pact' is the extinction of the Self (Selbst; Spirit). The effectiveness of this deception on the part of the priest cast of Jehovah-Satan is achieved through their 'change of meaning' (Rosario) or 'symbolic substitution' (Evola) through which the extinction death cult of religion and its more contemporary covert forms of new ageism (illuminism, et.al) is represented as 'good' and a 'guarantee' of Eternal life, when they are in actuality a 'guarantee' of Eternal death.
Ahimsa; treasures in heaven; samadhi; Nirvana- this state of being is represented as 'the goal' or the 'telos' of one's 'fervent prayers', the bestowal of grace upon the devotee yet this 'grace' is that of the vampiric absorption of one's Spirit energy, the false coin of the realm of Zion and the merger with the reaper, the Fenrir Wolf Jehovah-Satan.
The true path to follow for the men of Spirit (which is by definition a 'man of race') a Hyperborean or hybrid Hyperborean-Nordico-aryan be he asleep or awake to his origin in Hyperborea, having the ability to re-call and understand his Hyperborean blood) is that of individuation; separation from the substance that is the Demiurge and this at all levels and dimensions.
It has been called 'kaivalya' in the aryan vedic texts of the kaula tantra sects and is the antithesis of ahimsa, the 'merger with the one'. Kaivalya is the path of aesthetic attachments, 'Olympian' or 'Appolinism' transcendentity, of the spiritual virility of the Berserker Warrior the path of the god-man the black sun, the Immortal of Hyperborean.
The path of kaivalya is the 'forbidden religion' par excellence as it is the greatest threat to the synarchy and its evil agenda of globalism, of the mixture of blood and the erasure of difference, collapsing all organic distinctions into a 'cloaca gentium' multi-call based upon the 'culture pact' of 'universalism' wherein all are 'equal' under 'god' a.k.a. Jehovah-Satan and under his material manifestation in the 'chosen people' Jehovah-Malkuth.
Kaivalya or the Luciferian path strikes at the root of the edifice of the 'sacred spiral' of evolution and severs the tendrils which attempt to entwine around the captive Spirit, facilitating the absorption of its depleting energy, the life force of the Hyperboreans whose Immortality thereby threatened.
Indeed the false claim of the synarchy to deceive the population into thinking the soul (let alone the Spirit) is immortal leads to their greater ease of trapping them in the matrix of the Demiurge and Vampirizing their life force in their quid pro quo contract with the demons of Chang Shambala.
For not only is the soul not immortal it not good, being a mere tentacular projection of Jehovah-Satan, an extension of His vampiric trieb, His vampiric Will-to-power to absorb into Himself the captive Spirits. Beyond this the Spirit itself is not immortal but subject to the same absorption if it should not be liberated from its captivity by the Demiurge.
Hence the path of the hero is the only path the immortal may tread and must be trodden as the fulfillment of his mission on this earth to oppose the system which keeps trapped the Spirits of the soul-body complex, and to sabotage the slave system of Zion.