Mongrel Coudenhove von Kalergi wrote in his work "Practical idealism", about the plutocracy and referred to it as 'kakistocracy'. However, he did not mention that it was a nearly exclusively jewish form of power.
'Kakos', in the Greek refers to 'bad' and 'kakistocracy' means 'bad rule' (kratia', in Greek). Insofar, this label may be appropriately applied to the plutocracy, however, it must be extended to the appropriate cause, that being the jewish form of rule, when they do not have total power and is simply one amongst other means of their rule over the world leading, so they would desire, to a totalitarian despotism called Zion, a theocracy similar to that in the state of israel.
The plutocracy is a kakistocracy especially if run by jewry, and in the form of a swindle system of central banking usury, and yet the kakistocracy is not restricted to plutocracy, but entails the even more dangerous, as even more restrictive and totalitarian state of theocracy itself, jewish, and run under various guises subject to assimilation under their control (all forms of exoteric religion). This is the root of all kakistocracy, and is in its origin jewish, and beyond this, presumably, extraterrestrial.
The 'bad government', of the kakistocracy is that which serves the interests of jewry, and the 'Yahweh collective', i.e., the traitor Siddhas, i.e., the highest echelons of Chang Shambhala, and the Demiurge.
The slave architecture of Abrahamic religion, especially in the presence on the earth plane of the, 'Yahweh collective's, totalitarian regime, and the same is simply juxtaposed dialectically over and against the more chaotic currents that go under the modern banner 'liberalism', and were previously spoken of as 'communism', or prior to this 'heresy', by the foremost leader of Abrahamists, the catholic church, and its 'chosen' masters.
The bad government which extends to modernity and its liberal formation is that of a jew, and yet the jews are not in full control of their Frankenstein's monster having a power struggle to all appearance with their christian and communist liberal affiliates, and yet all working as a coalition against anything volkisch or organic, anything conflictual with the true kakistocratic regime, that being the globalism of the synarchy, and embodied in the Kalergi plan itself, the epitome of kakistocracy on a genetico-spiritual level, that is to say, in the form of blood poisoning, the death knell of higher culture, or autocracy (good rule), or 'aristocracy' or 'eutocracy' (the rule of the best).
Of course, true nobility entails a regard for others, a recognition of merit, both in oneself and in others, and most significantly, a regard for Truth and a disdain for lies and injustice, and a motivation to elevate the population above the lowest common denominator. Insofar, such an aristocracy has the seeds within itself of sustainability and could never be 'bad', but simply a stepping stone towards a higher state of being for all.
The current regime of plutocracy and beyond this of theocracy is thus kakistocracy and Kalergi's ideas, though having merit and some basic points of criticism and some of his positive advocacy, is largely an artificial construct.
He and his cabal backers (himself being jewish on his father's side), attempt to put forth as a 'revelation of the method', in the work "Practical Idealism", and a predictive program to psychically drive the gullible and naive Europeans and to encourage a miscegenation of their stock with jews, his proposed 'Neue Adel', or new aristocracy, welding together the traditional country aristocracy (catholics and masons), with the jewish intelligentsia in his 'race of the future', of eurasian-negro stock. Hitler's critique of Kalergi is just, and in the Third Reich doctrine of a 'Neue Aristocracy' of blood and soil (Walter Darre), the proper form of true aristocracy can be discovered, that being the group most endowed with Hyperborean blood, comma, the Aryan race. Intellectual 'nobility': The 'chosen people', has elevated themselves to a position of prominence in the world by their devious leisure domain and subterranean tactics of cunning, working as a mob governed by a hive mind to engineer the destruction of their gentile hosts, their orchestrated take-down or disintegration of they who they parasitize off.
Thus, through the historical process and infiltration; ingratiation; cooptation and/or disintegration, jews have taken over the society of others, most significantly Aryans, comma, and have become the 'New Aristocracy', of money (plutocracy), and intellect (the bourgeois bureaucracy and theocracy under under judeo-masonry and christianity). jewry thus has become the self-appointed judge of all through accruing to themselves the lion's share of power and wealth (and power through wealth accumulated over centuries, if not millennia, through usury and other devious practices), and in so doing has attained its near monopoly overall, transmuting transmuting the nations it has infested into an image of itself, judaizing the gentiles to become 'spiritual jews' (and this via masonry and christianity and other related chandal ideologies subordinate to the 'christ' and 'judaic', archetypes).
These intellectuals, be they bankers or masons or rabbis, all operate on the basis of a rational cunning ('the cunning of reason', as Hegel called it), juxtaposed with a pathos which serves them as a weapon with which to disarm their opponents.
The intellectuals thus have attained a prominence (however unstable and transient), over the nobility of the blood pact and have thereby fashioned the nation (and world more broadly), in their image as a nation of a mercurial deviousness and cunning wherein only those of a cunning nature have an ability to thrive and attain anything of relative value (relative to the system and its processes and alleged 'offerings', of transient common material goods and services).
The intellectuals have ousted the blood nobility and the blood nobility have become degraded, not only through blood poisoning, comma, a miscegenation with the semitic invaders, but through a susceptibility of corruption via hedonism and decadence, itself a result of a lack of challenge from without and from within, of a lack of focus on the higher and a lack of inner power degraded through this same lack of challenge and more materially through this miscegenated process (foreign invasion and genocide), of the Aryans and other groups of aristocracy themselves in the main a result of mixture with the wandering jew and other groups.
The 'nobility', of the intellectual can never be 'noble', in the sense of the blood pact as reason is by nature mercurial and mutable, deceptive and devious and operates to deceive others and possibly the deceivers themselves and on this basis could never depend upon the principle of fixity that alone can be called 'noble', in a True sense and those who embody the consciousness related there too, that is to say the consciousness of Spirit, dwelling in the Origin (supra-rational intuition/intellection that which supersedes the 'cunning of reason').
Hence the true nobility is one in terms of blood, in terms of an ontologically valid distinct type, that which is properly spoken of as 'Aryan' or 'noble' (yet not confined exclusively to race as Hitler had spoken of the Japanese as 'honorary Aryans', if only to the extent of their proportion of Hyperborean blood-this was borne out in the somewhat schizophrenic relationship existent between the Third Reich and Japanese with the latter refusing to defend the Axis alliance against Russia and thereby demonstrating their fallibility as 'Aryans', their blood to submerge in the Asiatic 'mercury' with its cunning of reason to stand on principle against the foe and suffering the consequences of such an action in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as post-World War II and its transmutation into a commercial state, though not fully ontogenetic, antagonistic to the Aryan, not fully on its side, and indeed for that reason lacking in nobility not acting from principle).