Kalachakra Wheel
The wheel of Rota rotates through the influence of the teleology of the Demiurge, the wheel of fortune deciding the fate of those too weak to carve out their own Destiny. The pasu, whose natural tendency is towards passivity and acquiescence before 'The One' is a fatalistic being wholly bereft of any will-power and thereby a mere captive slave of Jehovah-Satan, a Pinocchio puppet on the strings of 'The Lord' with whom 'The Lord' may do with as he sees fit as a cat playing with the mouse.
Around the wheel of incarnation he rolls, unable to swim against the current of the will of Satan, subject to the Time-flow of the Demiurge whose gravitational force buffets his stable form and subjects it to degeneration and dissipation postmortem.
Those who are fatalistic-the weak-prostrate themselves before the Demon of the Cosmos and render unto His care their being, mind; body and soul and allow Him to decide what fate will be theirs. They absolve themselves of responsibility and allow external influences to undermine and deteriorate their own inner resolve and whatever feeble powers they still retain.
The christians and other pacifistic pasu (hindu; humanist; buddhist, etc.) permit themselves to be playthings of their master 'The One' who they venerate and transmit their thought energy to, contemplating His creation and His Being and failing to concentrate within themselves their fading forces, serving the external yellow sun of Tiphareth in place of the inner black sun of the (potential) Immortal, they fail to recognize they are.
Accordingly, they go the way of all flesh and thus, under the delusive believe they are attaining 'immortality' through a unio mystica with the Divine, in reality a fusion with the Demiurge, absorbed into His Being and phagocitized.
Around and around the kalachakra wheel they spin amidst their downward spiral in a condition of 'being-unto-death', a state of failed transcendence through an inability to conceive of the possibility of transcendence or the very notion, an Idea which exceeds the comprehension of the inert and pacifistic christian and related type of pasu.
The weeping; wailing and gnashing of teeth of the pasu undergoes in His emotionally chaotic state of consciousness reveals the earthbound 'soulishness', the base-borne for nature this creature who could never be a Creator has. He can never be a self-created being, simply a miscreant of 'god', a mere creature humbled not in his misunderstanding of 'virtue' but rather in an ontological sense of being inherently low, a debased lump of lead of lowest density of substance.
This plumb bob or leaden sinker weighs too heavily in the clockwise spin of the Time Wheel to elevate himself beyond its gravitational pull towards the abyss and on the basis of this leaden density is dragged down into the abyss of the Demiurge, into His vampiric maw as His soul shell which surrounds the atrophying kernel of His Being, undergoes decay over the cycles of the finite set of lives it has been granted by His slave master the Demiurge in relation to whom he has become a mere creature, a Pinocchio on the strings of his master.
Such is the fate of the pasu, of being unable to carve out his own destiny from the wilderness of worldly strife into which he has been thrown by His master, a fallen being whose inner nature was insufficiently powerful and self-contained to struggle against the current of disintegration emanating from the vampire Jehovah-Satan.
The kalachakra wheel is that of the Virya, a springboard to the Divine, an instruments of apotheosis. He descends into carnal form in a fleshly vehicle, forming himself out of the dust of the earth in god-like fashion, a Creator involved in his Self-creation to fulfill his purpose on the earth of opposing the dark forces who enslave all in this world of chaos and confusion, to tear apart their matrix prison and to impose a universal empire over the earth.
The Hero, incarnate immortal who descends from the Uncreated Realm into the material world makes of it the Valplads, the battlefield in which he transmutes himself via re-collection of the blood memory into a Berserker warrior to fulfill his purpose and mission as an emissary of the Virgin of Agartha, the Eternal Spirit with whom he as an Immortal communes as a warrior Hero with Freya and the Valkyries.
The Berserker establishes himself in 'the world' on his Hero quest and structures 'the world' as the 'Valplads', the battlefield in which he gives combat to his foes. The territory or topos he occupies is a plane of combat and his paranoid awareness governed by his inherent faculty of transcendental apperception is forever seeking the horizon for targets and differentiating between friendly (his fellow warrior berserkers); neutral (they who are only potentially friend or foe) and foe-the enemy who he must seek out and hunt down to neutralize as means of negating the negation that is the dark pall of the kingdom of Jehovah-Malkuth, the kingdom of the Demiurge.
This is the modality of life of the warrior-an engagement in the world against the world and all the entities therein, they who contentedly whirl around in the wheel of Time while he, ever alert for targets, remain standing in place as the last man standing in the war of all against all.
The cowards immersed in the culture pact, like sheep to find shelter from the wolves of the steppes, huddled together and find one another in union via the cultural construct of their diabolical pact with the Demiurge, their rites; rituals; rules and obligations; permissions and prohibitions (of which latter there are many) as means of reinforcing their collectivized will over and against any who might develop or possess any autonomy of consciousness.
Thereby they form a mass mind collective consciousness and fuse this structure to the Demiurge their ‘god' with whom they become merged, being assimilated into His Mind and destroying any vestiges of independent consciousness which become overpowered and neutralized by the collective, on the principle that: 'the stronger force overcomes the weaker'. This hypocrisy is endemic in the culture pact of the mass who are shaped and molded according to the Will of Jehovah and His 'chosen people' into a harmonious amalgam or egregore hive mind hypostasis of His Will.
The Virya or Hero recognizes the danger of this collectivization and the formation of a mass mind structure and its influence in keeping the Spirits chained to matter and views the collective (of whatever kind it may be) with eventual suspicion and antipathy, with the version, and intentionality of aggressive opposition.
He will not allow himself to merge with the hive mind and cycle around in the wheel of incarnation until he becomes absorbed into 'The One'. On the contrary his natural inclination towards autonomy necessitates this fundamental hostility and antagonism towards the synarchy and its multifarious hypostases, instantiations of the Will of 'The One'. These many 'faces of god' are to him smiling masks proclaiming peace while concealing death beneath. He intends to smash these masks with the directed force of the Berserker like Thor against the foe as Thor's hammer Mjolnir smashing the Crystal Palace of zion.