In the Hindu tradition, Kala is reproduced as a state of darkness, a name by which the substantial prohibited and initiatory elements are jointly known whose mission is to establish a transcendental position in the initiator who consumes and ritually transmutes it, the-Kalas –
The reduction of these concepts then emerges into our understanding as the elements to which we oppose to generate our own space - time, supported by our will during the execution of the Strategic Opposition Technique within the framework of the Kairos, Eternal Instant of the Hyperborean initiation. .
"Time, Darkness, Death"
In northern Europe in the Finnish and Estonian region, Kala means fish, offering a broader vision of the mystery discussed. In fact, the Fish represents the non-spiritual in Man, The pasu part, the particle belonging to the God who shapes the Universe, "Soul, Mind, Body."
The connection between darkness and fish is found in the fish's habitat: water. Water represents the primordial ocean that covers the subject submerged in its waters, the Fish-Man, drowned and incapable of existing outside of them.
Like Odin, Like Odal, the reformed Rune turned into a fish, in Jesus, the Fish God, the fallen Hero must emerge, restoring his original form, correcting the degradation of Odal into Fish and Wotan into Jesus, now wearing the garments of the Fish. , but as the Fish King, reproducing the Herculean feat who, by murdering the Nemean Lion, later covered himself with its skins, Not as the Lion God, like Yahve, but as the Lion King, Master and lord by the effort of Himself, master of the Soul that It is also a Lion, like a Dog, like a Fish.
Thus, the Water of the primordial ocean, the environment of the fish, refers us to the dark sphere of human consciousness, the impulse, the unconscious, the irrational, the affective and emotional, that which corresponds to the frightening creatures of the deep ocean. , we usually hide for our protection, from external protection, and they usually impress us by appearing on our mental shores when we least expect their Appearance in our waking state. This zone does not encompass only the primitive memory of man, since as a substantial and impure inheritance it represents everything that is Soul, pure The Soul, the object to govern, And it cannot thus represent the entire Sphere of consciousness, which also It has a part of light, since said metaphysical hall has been shaped by spiritual influence and in it we will find vestiges of the God that we are and seek to rescue.
Time, Fish, Darkness, Death,
In this first part of the cognate Kala we find strong evidence of the metaphysical meaning that their varied concepts still hold and allows us to speak of Kalibur as the one who Eclipses the Fish, the Temporal, the Mortal of the Knight, allowing him to reach that which cannot die, the eternal, the Spiritual.
That which illuminates the surface beyond the water and not the pulsating gloom of the primordial depths, evolutionary home of the oldest species on the planet..
Starting from Kala, moving towards the investigation of the word Kaly, an immediate relationship arises with the figure of a black woman, a powerful destroyer and demon hunter. It is she who decapitates the demonic, the satanic in Us, the microcosm.
Kalibur is related to the Greek kaliber, which today translates as caliber.
Kaliber, the caliber, defines the last, the mold of the forging of the sword, (This is why Kaliber is related to steel or metal as basic elements of the forge. But we focus on the Last.
The kalibur woman facilitates contact with the Horma of the Origin, With the image of her beloved who will give the form, the Horma to the force of the Logos kundalini when it hatches under the control of the tough warrior in the practice of the tantric path and its partner is born within of himself, using the body of Kundalini Shakti, whom he will fertilize and give birth to the stone germ of himself.
The Kâlibur Lady is also functional as a last. Innate weaver of steps to selbst. She graciously induces the virya to the attitude she is to adopt. Her bearing, her elegance, her virginal dance, guide the lucky one to foreign worlds of the intoxicating and periodic madness of banal life, to the center of the labyrinth, and out of it.
In Excalibur, the mythical weapon for the prepared, for the chosen, we also find an undoubted resemblance to Kâlibur but this time, we are talking about the Lady Kâlibur, since the Sword, like the Lady, will only be shown to those perfect in her presence.
Kardborre, Burdock, is related to the particle - Bur -, from Kâli-bur. In the Old Norse dictionary, this is a plant with thorns and spikes used for body detoxification, whose maceration accompanied with salt, was used to treat Hydrophobia, Rabies due to the bite of Mad Dogs, for scabies, and as a medicine in he
Bur even alludes to the Strawberry, Hawthorn, Bardas, Bardos or fences with this type of plants that share their structure and functionality as thorny fences, an illustration comparable to the engraving that accompanies the explanation of the Strategic Fence in whose fenestra infernalis the zigzag rectilinearity is positioned of the Sieg Rune.
The contact of the uncreated with the Archetypal produces the Sharp.
Let us keep in mind that the fenestra infernalis is the point of contact between the time-space of the common world, and the Time-Space itself maneuvered by the intrepid Virya with the approval of His Uncreated Will.
Fence, fence, fence, wall, insulator.
Gott Bur is the Artificer of Valhalla and advisor to Freya in her milestone.
Buri is the first known God in Norse mythology, father of Borr bur, father of Odin, Vili and Ve, murderers of Ymir, the first giant.
Speaking of Bur as a strawberry whose branch is thorny, The strawberry is the symbolic figure where tiphereth resides, the beauty of the creator's heart, the irrational affective hall, graphed in the cabalistic tree of“Sepher Icheh”,book of the holocaust of fire for the chosen people, which we contemplate thanks to Nimrod.
Finally dividing Bur into two parts, B Ur.
The B as BAR, the Rune of Gracious Nutrition of the goddess providing to the being who will be reborn Crucial runic work when proposing the execution of the initiatory ritual, whatever it may be, given its virtue as a restorative intravenous in the initiator and in the resurrection of the transmuted.
And Ur, As a rune of Hyperborean origin, Of the Uro, Ancestor of the Bull, of the horns, of Taurus, of Tau.
We are connected to Kali,B,ur /- With the Resignation of the strawberry, Of the good for God, and the perverse for the Vril..
But the sharp will also be a symbol of the Hyperborean presence, of the runes of the symbol of origin that, as a threat, provoke an epidermal reaction of the Finite, the soulful, the etheric.
There is the bristly, the erect, the poisonous, the
sharp, From the horn of the unicorn creator of rainbows, like the bifrost, colorful bridge between Asgard and Valhalla.
Kali-Bur is Dark Thorn, Eclipsing, and UR, Death of the Origin, from the beginning when the symbol of the origin produced the spiritual chain, the fall; Until that point you will have to return to cross the bridge to Nous, Al Selbst, to TAU, with the favor of the Kâli-Kâlibur Woman outside who reveals the Lady inside. But it is also possible with the direction induced by contact with the LADY within and without "intermediaries" during the mystical ecstasy that some virtuous people manage to achieve without contact with Kali. They are the Minnesangers, the troubadours of memory, the Cathars, the perfect nostalgic
The Kâlibur Woman, a presence to be deepened below, while she lives, could potentially facilitate orientation thanks to the abyss of her gaze, which shows the naked Truth of herself, to the sword reforged with the pieces of what was, and now is. : Cold Weapon, Stone Truth, Dead redeemed in the world of ivy.
Curious Notes:
The second part of Kâlibur, Bur -, is related in modern English to the word Burn, Burn, also has the syllable UR, of Origin.
The origin of the name of the following Flower is found in Greece, in the Word Kalós, in Spanish, Bonito”. The Cala.
Calla is known as the Water Lily, a plant in the center of which a Spaciid stands erect, bringing up what the Erect and Bristle, resembling the Horn of the Unicorn, mean as a spiritual image, like the Rune IS, always firm in step. of time, like the Spirited, like the Virile that the Luciferic symbolizes.
Due to its quality as an aquatic flower, it immediately refers us to the Rune Lav, Laguz, The rune of water, of the Sources, of the river of the Minne whose origin lies in the arcane wound of the Hyperborean Ancestor wounded at the beginning of time, to whom it must reach the gaze of the Self, tracing the liquid flow to its rescue during contact with a Kâlibur Woman.
Virya Awakens/Kâlibur Woman.
The Awakened Virya Is Not Kaly.
Neither essentially as Kaly the goddess, nor as Kaly Woman.
The awakened Virya, that is, initiated, approaches with her attitude the essentiality of the Hyperborean, Hostile, Neat and Virginal Lady, a concept that must be deepened to approach her meaning of Freya – Lilith.
Kaly is nothing more than the Exterior face that Frya's supreme hostility fosters in the macrocosm. We speak of the Tergum Hostis of a Goddess of high hierarchy, who is a worthy model for the Lady Kâlibur, whom The Oriented and Awakened Virya in her return as Lady Hyperborea must distinguish gnostically.
(Note 1: It can be said that Freya's demonic face as Kaly is generated due to two factors.
⦁ The natural Hostility of the spirit against the satanic universe, in this case, the intense hostility of Freya formed and composed in what is created by the archetypal quantum of energy (atoms that make up all manifestation), with the greatest possible expression of horror.
⦁ To the natural universal tendency to cause serious deformations in the face of the impossibility of effectively representing the uncreated. This is why the form of Kaly is strategic in the initiatory path, because the divine face of the Lady is unrepresentable in the gross substantial world. And only behind the veil of this can you contemplate it Pure and immaculate.
Note 2: The prototype of the Hyperborean Lady, of the female Hyperborean spirit, is Lilith - Freya, while that of the male Hero is Navután - Kristos Lucifer; It is not in vain that the indicated attitude is called LUCIF É RIC A")
Thus, Kaly is not a model for a Virya-oriented, or for the sake of. The model would be Freya, who can look like Kaly for the required mission, and as necessary, and she allows it, she can also adopt any awakened Virya with the INNATE and non-transferable conditions and faculties, that her degree of Spiritual Purity, Predisposition Gnostics and Will in front of the symbol of origin At the moment of incarnating, it made and makes it possible to present in this life.
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Second part.
⦁ The awakened Virya has sufficient guidance to act according to its divine will within the framework of honor, and if we mention that it has "Sufficient Guidance", it will not be necessary to describe each of the paths and actions that it would take according to the situation to be faced. -The Awakened Virya, initiated, must at every moment of her existence act as Lady Kâlibur if she intends to continue the march of the spirit, just as the Awakened Virya will act as a Knight, Man
of Stone, both attitudes summarized as Luciferic, the only attitude capable of erasing the archetypal stigma, making it possible to achieve one's own pontificate.
⦁ The awakened Virya is not Kaly, nor a Kaly woman, In fact, none of them are. Of course, the Tantric Initiated Kaulika priestesses do not fall into this category, since they have awakened, recognized the reason for their descent, and ACCEPTED THEIR MISSION in support of the Kamaradas Kaulas. And as initiated into the mystery of the sign of death, and innate possessor of the appropriate conditions, she will now possess the wisdom and WILL to serve as an initiatory priestess, whose motive will no longer be that of the Kaly woman described below, but rather the of honour.
The Kaly woman is known in the West for her unconscious functional drowsiness as a yogini, characteristics described to the extent the pontiff considers it prudent to do so in the Work, part of which we comment on in this post based on their essentiality, Characteristics that ensure the success of the ritual. duly agreed upon if the Virya has the toughness to make it happen.
"When is Kaly born"? that is, the influence that marks the essential attitude of the Kâlibur Woman, the ACT that lives in her blood and the mortal VRUNA in her gaze?
More properly. Who facilitated, with her ineffable intervention, the precipitation of future “Kaly”, this time, as Viryas lost in Maya, no longer as complete and conscious goddesses as Freya did?:
Since the times of the Atlantean war when FRYA KÂLIBUR is invested OUTSIDE, in the world of designs and limits, with the archetypal mud of the horrible blackness whose expression destroys the warm life, frightening the impure and revealing the veiled Jewel.
"His face on the outside is that of madness, Because it was madness to forget his face."
The divine face of HER, generically called "Lilith", was forgotten, and if the virya chooses the path of tantra to recover it, he will have no choice but to contemplate the horrendous face of KalY who dispels the illusion by confronting him with the beloved eternity, of where as a source SHE will spring up to help you in the success of the ritual.
The Kaly woman exhibits in her eyes the sign of death that opens the doors of eternity and dilutes the mist of maya, NOT all viryas display such a sign, and initiation or "awakening" will not make them bearers of the same, ( which is not the sign of origin). We venture to comment that this condition of kaly woman is in everything similar to a universal actualization that certain Viryas display, and that it precipitates at the moment of the "descent" or "fall" of the feminine spirit in proportion to its spiritual quality. But we clarify that she is our particular
presumption and that of everyone who has seen it that way. This is a mystery, which like every mystery, will provide individual revelation until effective clarification is found in this or another world, and in the same way, as is the case with the known Hyperborean Wisdom, its understanding will be individual.
. . .
Third part.
The Kaly woman who has sufficient Gnostic predisposition will be able to initiate herself and be an awakened virya without any risk of losing the mortal sign carved inside her of which she is the bearer even prior to her birth. The living example of this that we say will always refer to the initiated Kaulikas. , Kalibur Women Initiates.
. . . . .
⦁ The Kaly Woman – Kalibur is not totally spiritual, understanding the spiritual attitude as one who acts according to the Luciferic Gracious type.
One of the functionalities of the Kaly woman, as a representation of the goddess of destruction and hatred, is the vulnerability to being possessed by hatred, emotionally speaking, which is necessary for the experimentation of an emotional extreme, a sharp extreme, an extreme energetic, a dramatic tension that manages to express in his eyes the Cold Death that liberates, of Kâlibur, during the instant in which his infinite desire to Extract in her, and extinguish the seed of human life in her womb, is denied by the virile will of the Self Oriented in the Virya, which at that moment will already be ONE with itself, with its great ancestor who is now him, and who perceives and motivates the struggle.
Anyone who can see it will notice how the vulnerability of being POSSESSED, not to say "phagocytosed" temporarily by the extreme of a soul emotion, is not at all spiritual, (Luciferic), however, this quality justifies its hieratic functioning.
We add that only a Hyperborean hero or heroine can see themselves covered under extremes of archetypal covering without losing their orientation to the Selbst. Extremes, which as already said, will express their particular essence, such as the Ulfhednar and the Berserkr, Werewolves, Bear Men, and not Man Bears or Man Wolves, according to the myth of the werewolf who loses control when his hostile nature is activated, just like the Kaly Woman.
Arriving first DISORIENTED to the extreme of the archetypal essence seeking to transmute into a hero or heroine will throw you into a serious error! Because the Kaly woman does indeed search, but not where she should!
The inexhaustible sexual desire of the Kaly woman is inspired by the essential amputation that justifies her disoriented search, which plunges her into the paths of prostitution out of HUNGER, hunger that reflects her inner emptiness, but not hunger for pleasure. HUNGER that if he were to perceive the call of pure blood, he would seek the origin and try to "satiate" or "attenuate" it by the actions or means indicated in the Hyperborean praxis.
Those present here will surely know the value of sperm for the demiurge, invaluable for the generation of new organic portals that generate culture and pleasure. The Kaly Woman does not know this, but she KNOWS it, and from there comes her second motivation, which is no less important because it is "second". Her motivation is to CANCEL THE WARM LIFE, KILL THE SEED OF "EVIL", TO FACE THE DEMIURGE IN HIS MILLIONTH CHANCES OF REPRODUCING
AGAIN. Annihilate the Living and Sacred fluid. Taking these mentions into account, and despite her tendency to extinguish created life, there is no need to add further justification against the sentence: "The Kaly woman is totally spiritual."
. . . . .
Fourth part.
The Kaly Woman and the relationships that in some way "limit" her, do not get along.
Of course we will not be able to cover all Kaly Women and declare that none of them is in any type of relationship regardless of the reason that supports it, since it can range from a connection that is clearly beneficial to her person, or an insufficient essential hostility. But if we clarify that the considerable exposition of this writing does not intend to cover, nor does it cover, all the aspects and choices that a Kaly woman exhibits during her life, since from microcosm to microcosm the cases and situations vary, it is something individual. Here we make ESSENTIAL mentions of the Kaly Woman, of her particular GENERAL attitude, and we can affirm that the absence of such unavoidable attitudes for the Goddess Kaly in the “Kaly Woman”, hardly makes the requested meeting effective, if it has been possible. find it even in such a situation, in which case whoever chooses it should reconsider another option.
In summary, it is not very difficult to affirm that if these general characteristics are lacking, or absent, such a virya is not a kaly woman.
The Kaly woman with an adequate level of Gnostic predisposition will not care if she encounters a "warrior and upright man." As long as she remains disoriented and oblivious to any deepening of the mystery of the blood pact, her mission will be to extract and destroy the man's semen by all means, indiscriminately from her bearing.
Her interference with married men is inspired by the hatred that typical Pasú relationships generate in her, before which she will undertake her destructive campaign by seducing the man she may have.
possibilities of Existing, destroying the nexus that he has convinced himself is necessary to live, to live like a pasu. And who knows.. Maybe it is the woman put to sleep by her husband who needs the Kaly woman to "steal" the man, ruining (RELEANING) HER from the karmic relationship..
Obviously not every lover that a married man has or has had or is in a relationship with a woman has been an intervention by Kaly.
(Note: In the case of the awakened virya, she more than anyone else will know how to act with orientation in the face of what she conceives as strategic, since if she lives as a couple with someone who will not necessarily be an Oriented Virya, this will be due to the usefulness that can be represent. And if an Awakened Virya were his companion, no doubt a mutual agreement would comprise the strategic agreement)
/ / /
⦁ The Kaly Woman with a functional initiation percentage expressed through her Gnostic predisposition, there is no reason to get married for emotional reasons, much less to form a family with her fateful womb, and it is not that because she is fateful she "resigns" herself to not having them, but because it would go against its lethal nature.
As already said, look for the male "white Kala" INDISCRIMINATELY, without exclusivity or type limitations to cancel it immediately.
(Note: If the Kaly woman, despite her womb marked with doom, were to conceive children, she would undoubtedly hate such creatures, but here we affirm that an OUTSTANDING degree is needed as kaly among kalys to inhibit all “white” seeds. that spreads within them. There will be those who say that a large part of the alienated members of the abortion movement qualify in Kaly's category. We will not be able to deny that there really are not, but much less affirm that all or even 10% are. .
The reasons for pregnancy due to neglect of pleasure are abundant, and there are even those who become pregnant solely for being part of this type of social organizations. In this egregoric framework we refer to the reasons for the struggle,"The struggle",for abortion"free and secure", which will not always be inspired by the “hatred” of the fetus for being contributors to the birth of another human functional to the superstructures and the true reason that each one maintains is not convenient for us to delve into.)
To finish this fourth point, we will have to remember that The Hyperborea Lady revives the virya from within, she shows herself in her individual interiority as Frya relives Navután with her symbolic dance by entering through the wound in his side.
Kaly outside Mata, her attitude and her face is madness that eliminates the archetypal spell. Its blackness scares away the soul and shows the immortal door, it dilutes the illusion and allows it to love the real, and it will only love the real who has recovered its will, supported by the real, by the real, and with the real. .
The isolated Self, which is also him.
Fifth part.
It should not be generalized.
You cannot call things the same way that fundamentally are not.
Ariadne in the labyrinth provides the guiding thread that guides us to the exit, acting as a fundamental support in the resolution of the virya's internal loss. Similarly, the Thread symbolizes the memory of Her whose divine ecstasy is experienced after reaching the origin of the Thread, HER.
And Frya, The Grace of the Spirit, by A-mort Enters Wotan and reveals to him dancing and singing theVrunas, the Gnostic KEYS that liberate the SYMBOL OF THE ORIGIN.
The mythical symbolism is clear here, then:
Freya is the A-mort that initially chills and awakens the Virya.
Ariadne characterizes the memory, the "thread" that she gives to Theseus so that he can leave the labyrinth and return to her.
Freya and Ariadne are part of the mystery of THE FORGOTTEN COUPLE, the beings who are Beyond the illusion, and by whom men and women can awaken, directed to them by the song of A - mort. Theseus and Wotan represent all the disoriented viryas who defeat the sacred symbols, thedesires, needs, attachments and debtsthat the soul maintains, and that if they are not resolved in life later in DEATH they will be presented as responsible for leading the Soul to the Eternal Return and with it the Disoriented Spiritual Gaze.
Like Theseus and Wotan, the archetypal plague of the demiurge and the deception of the White Brotherhood must be resigned with gracious will. Slaying the Minotaur and living in A-Mort, breaking the lock of the Kalachakra Key and crossing the gates of Valhalla.
(Note: Given these sentences you can tell us that the Luciferic Gracious Attitude adopted by the Viryas and By the Viryas will correspond to the essentiality of Freya and Wotan respectively, as this feat of spiritual liberation, together with the Gallant Lord, is their merit, (The key of the labyrinth, the transmission of runes, the teaching of inconceivable techniques, sciences, tactics and strategies), but this is left to the vision of each one.
As for Ariadne, the aspect to consider as an attribute of Lady Hyperborea is how it refers to the Thread given to Theseus and which is best expressed in the following quote from
our authorship:
“The Kâlibur Lady is also functional as a last. Innate weaver of steps to selbst. She graciously induces the virya to the attitude she is to adopt. Her bearing, her elegance, her virginal dance, guide the lucky one to alien worlds of the intoxicating and periodic madness of banal life, to the center of the labyrinth, and out of it.
And as for Theseus, his task encompasses both that of the oriented Virya and that of the Oriented Virya, “Liquidating the Minotaur, Solving the Labyrinth, Reuniting with his Mate.”
Sixth Part.
An example of a funny Luciferic attitude, And a little reflection on the mystery of the search.
We do not endorse the entire attitude of Ledguer's “joker” as a Luciferic exponent, but we exemplify it based on his figure for understanding.
The Luciferic Funny Guy Does Not Laugh at the situation to Run away from it, Nor does he mock like the jester to underestimate or ridicule it.
He or She Laughs to affirm their powerful attitude against the narcotic current of maya. He Laughs as he marches briskly through tempestuous storms unable to stop his pace. And let him not misunderstand, The Storm is Imposing, But the Attitude of the Virya is even more so!
He does not stop in stormy ice deserts in search of the hat that the winds have torn off. If they followed them, they would lose him in pits even more complex than the intricate path he travels. He knows what generates the illusion, he knows the second intention of the demiurge, the paths that he forks, the landscape that he modifies and the mirages that he presents, which is why his will is hard and does not allow him to be separated from the conviction of he. He continues the path battered by hurricanes, because he has already glimpsed in the distance the inextinguishable light that dwells beyond the Ice.
On the other hand, he who laughs to mock and commits the misfortune of underestimating, says in his vain arrogance: “I will be able to recover my hat dragged over those hills, return to the road and continue my march”, immediately after he leaves the path, he is persuaded to abandon the PLANE on which he was advancing, and since his mouth is bigger than his truth, when trying to recognize the marks in the snow, when trying to see the reflection on the horizon, he cannot find the way, the reflection has been extinguished and only from time to time Shamash burns his skin, noticing after weeks of anguish that he has only Wandered, Wandered and will continue to wander in CIRCLES, because the green star, sometimes blue, only illuminated as long as he continued spotting it, bathed in its sparkle, because the path and the splendor make up the Kairós, the paraklite, moment and space right in
that Grace helps us, and as long as it was within its framework of aptitude, it would always be the opportune timeless moment to free itself, which would be lost by letting down the guard and giving meaning to the futile trivialities of maya.
And our lost friend meditated on this, meanwhile his old arrogant gesture mutated into fierce anguish, because he knew that he wasted the opportunity, and that the illuminating star of that untraceable path, like a comet, could appear again on an uncertain day, perhaps in decades, centuries, or maybe never...
On the other hand, our Funny Kamarada LAUGHES HAPPY ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE SPIRIT. Aware of the hard test passed, aware of the inanimate shadows that sought his attention. Aware of the non-existent value that they understand for him, and aware of the prize that awaited him at the end of his route.
Therefore, on permanent alert, we must be suspicious of every slightest detail that could distract us from the primary objective.
The search for the original partner is a matter for each Virya. Both man and woman seek their partner because of the chant of A-mort that the Loyal Siddhas emit in the pure blood; They will look for it outside, in some type of art, inspired by the depths of their inner being, or in the induction of the symbolic gaze of a woman, or they will look for it inside, where the forms fail to stain their memory.
This is something that concerns each virya, an individual mystery, like the motive for their fall, both search for this primordial rule, there is the mystery, death and resurrection, and therefore the essence of the SELF is the Will, the Will to Find, That's why Move forward, and search.
Hyperborean Wisdom.