Letter to the Chosen
Order of Tirodal Knights of the Argentine Republic
From "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom"
I – Salutation to readers of the Foundations of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
In the name of the Knights Tirodal and in his own, the author offers a comrade greeting, that is, a sign of honor, to those who have been chosen in two worlds to receive the Foundations of the Hyperborean Wisdom. To those who have this book in their hands, and have it received from ours, nothing more than welcoming them and wishing them luck in the first test: your reading and understanding. The success of such a test will depend future steps: Hyperborean Initiation, non-spatial transit, or temporary but strategic towards the Selbst, towards terrestrial Hyperborea, towards Thule, towards Agartha, towards Valhala, towards Venus, towards the Origin, towards Original hyperborean, outside the insane material Universe created by The One, towards the eternity of the Spirit, close to the Unknowable God and Kristos Lucifer,the Great Head of the Race of Hyperborean Spirits.
II – Mission of the Knights Tirodal.
The Tyrodal Knights are Initiated in Wisdom Hyperborean and they are also its depositaries in this part of the world. To the Knights Tirodal, Hyperborean Wisdom was entrusted directly to you by the Loyal Siddhas of Agartha. But the Loyal Siddhas did not encourage the constitution of the Order of Knights Tirodal only for the study of Hyperborean Wisdom; on the contrary, from the beginning entrusted the Order with a specific mission, for whose execution it was necessary dispose, perhaps for the first time in such depth, of Wisdom Hyperborean.
The objective of the mission is very simple to expose, although his metaphysical background will hardly be captured from the outset by the Chosen: THE MISSION OF THE TIRODAL HORSES CONSISTS TO LOCATE THE ELECTED AND, IF THESE ADMIT IT, PREPARE IT INITIATICALLY TO AFFOLD HONOR THE NEXT END OF HISTORY.
Surely this statement will become clearer if we define what is meant by “ LOCATING THE CHOOSE ” and what does “ THE NEXT mean END OF STORY ”. This is what will be explained below.
III – The mission of the Knights Tirodal requires LOCATION TO THEY CHOOSE and reveal to them the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom.
Above all, it can be affirmed that the Elected to whom we refer they are people whose inclination for Hyperborean Wisdom does not come from a rational decision made in the course of their lives. The Chosen One is who, paradoxically, he chose to fight Jehovah Satan to free the Spirit eternal, which is himself, of material chaining. But such a choice, the Chosen did not do it in this life or on this Earth, but on another plane of existence, not spatial or temporal, where the Hyperborean Spirit resides chained. However, although the decision to fight for the freedom of the Spirit is taken, each new incarnation causes its partial forgetfulness.
The Chosen, at the time of being located by the Knights Tirodal, he is asleep: the first act must consist, then, in awakening them to the memory of their own decision. It becomes necessary, like this,have a dialogue with the Chosen asleep to see that his spiritual nature awakens in him; but this dialogue, to be effective, must overcome all the cultural fences that have mounted the Enemy inside its psychic structure and heading directly to the manifestation of the Spirit. Naturally, such a dialogue does not it can not even be attempted by counting only a profane language: this book, such as will be explained later, it is intended to teach the Chosen One a method of thought that will allow us to understand the metaphysical meaning of concepts expressed by the Knights Tirodal.
Therefore, prior to reading this book, it is not possible to satisfy any question of the Chosen One about the Mystery of Hyperborean Initiation and the possibility of spiritual liberation; and after reading it, this will only be possible if it has been understood and accepted.
The Chosen One, although asleep, exhibits unequivocal signs of who. Fundamentally, these are two inheritances: one genetic and the other spiritual. Genetic inheritance consists of a mnemic content of the blood: the memory of the Origin, which is all the more intense the purer the blood; that is why Hyperborean Wisdom distinguishes between purity of blood and purity racial: the second is not an essential requirement for Initiation Hyperborean, although it is the first, without purity of blood, without memory of Origin, there is no possibility of spiritual liberation. As for the spiritual inheritance, it manifests itself in the volitional character of the Self: how will show in this book, the Self is a consequence of chaining spiritual; hence its appearance immediately reveals the degree of loss and submission of the Chosen One.For their mastery of Hyperborean Wisdom, the Knights Tirodal have the most perfect methods to establish if a person is a Chosen One and, if he is a Chosen One, what degree of loss he is in; and when the Knights Tirodal have precisely determined that a person is a Chosen, and that it is possible to wake up, it is then that the consultation is carried out to the Loyal Siddhas, Those Who Never Mistake, for them to confirm or reject the Judgment of the Order.is then that the query is made to the Loyal Siddhas, those Who Never Mistake, for them to confirm or reject the Judgment of the Order.is then that the query is made to the Loyal Siddhas, Those Who Never Mistake, for them to confirm or reject the Judgment of the Order.
There is, therefore, no error if a Chosen One is summoned to participate in Hyperborean Wisdom: this means that, in two worlds, your awakening is considered possible.
IV – The mission of the Knights Tirodal proposes to the Chosen Hyperborean Initiation, to face with honor THE NEXT END OF THE HISTORY.
Nothing can be advanced here on Hyperborean Initiation. Only those who have studied step by step, and understood the Foundations of the Hyperborean Wisdom, you can glimpse what it consists of. The second part of this book, which has been bound separately, is already an introduction to the Hyperborean initiation and there the theme is developed in great detail.
However, that part of the Foundations will only be delivered to those Elected who have expressed their conformity with the mission of the Order and have assumed the commitment to continue until they are initiated. Anyway, what important now is to highlight that those who continue on the proposed path, and receive the Hyperborean Initiation, YOU WILL BE IN CONDITIONS TO FACE WITH HONOR THE NEXT END OF HISTORY.
There are multiple ways that man can take lost from our days; some are parallel and even coincident with some tactical route of the Siddhas Leales Strategy; others, the most, are paths that favor Enemy plans or traps designed to prevent such plans are hurt. Each one must discern, to the extent of possible, what is the path of your convenience: WRONG OR NOT, YOUR CHOICE DOES NOT INTEREST IN ABSOLUTE TO THE ORDER OF TIRODAL KNIGHTS. The Order, in effect, does not is made up of Judges but of Hyperborean Kshatriyas, of Warriors of the End of history; its mission is not to judge the current time, much less condemn no one but to train the Chosen to face with honor the End of the History,the inevitable fight that will ensue and span multiple worlds in his theater of operations.
That is the mission entrusted to the Order by the Siddhas Leales and to that end leads the path guarded by the Knights Shotland; Whoever follows this particular path must understand and accept that, even though the Hyperborean Wisdom of which they are depositaries would possible, the Tirodal Knights will not try to twist the course of History.
AND whoever does not share this condition can, as has been said, take it along the way that suits you best, especially if you think something in this world deserves to be saved: Hyperborean Wisdom is not suitable for weak natures; the Hyperborean Initiate must exhibit a heart of ice and a will to fire.That is the mission entrusted to the Order by the Siddhas Leales and to that end leads the path guarded by the Knights Shotland; Whoever follows this particular path must understand and accept that, even though the Hyperborean Wisdom of which they are depositaries would possible, the Knights Tirodal will not try to twist the course of History.
AND whoever does not share this condition can, as has been said, take it along the way that suits you best, especially if you think something in this world deserves to be saved: Hyperborean Wisdom is not suitable for weak natures; the Hyperborean Initiate must exhibit a heart of ice and a will to fire.That is the mission entrusted to the Order by the Siddhas Leales and to that end leads the path guarded by the Knights Shotland; Whoever follows this particular path must understand and accept that, even though the Hyperborean Wisdom of which they are depositaries would possible, the Knights Tirodal will not try to twist the course of History.
AND whoever does not share this condition can, as has been said, take it along the way that suits you best, especially if you think something in this world deserves to be saved: Hyperborean Wisdom is not suitable for weak natures; the Hyperborean Initiate must exhibit a heart of ice and a will to fire.the Knights Tirodal will not attempt to twist the course of history.
AND whoever does not share this condition can, as has been said, take it along the way that suits you best, especially if you think something in this world deserves to be saved: Hyperborean Wisdom is not suitable for weak natures; the Hyperborean Initiate must exhibit a heart of ice and a will to fire.the Knights Tirodal will not attempt to twist the course of history.
AND whoever does not share this condition can, as has been said, take it along the way that suits you best, especially if you think something in this world deserves to be saved: Hyperborean Wisdom is not suitable for weak natures; the Hyperborean Initiate must exhibit a heart of ice and a will to fire.
At this time, the main variables of History they are controlled by the Enemy. Chang-Shamballá's White Hierarchy sustains within all cultures on Earth the agents of the International Sinarchy: they, thousands of men and organizations of all kinds and function, they work for the concretion of the World Government. Behind the White Hierarchy are the Traitor Siddhas, the former leaders of the spiritual chain: their covenant with the Demiurge forces them to enthrone on humanity to the “ sacred races ”; the current “ sacred race ” of the Demiurge is the Hebrew race and the power of the World Government will be transferred to it. If the objective of this infamous conspiracy is realized, the sure consequence it would be an even more intense materialization of man and his collective degradation moral. Naturally,the Enemy discounts the success of his plan and does not consider possible the End of History.
But the Loyal Siddhas, who remain faithful from the Origin of Kristos Lucifer, assure that the End of History is imminent: in a moment of dramatic maximum tension, when enemy plans seem be fulfilled, They will intervene to end history. It will be a conflict of Gods in which men will also participate; a conflict that it will start in heaven and spread to Earth, AND NOT INVERSE.
Therefore, there is no point in engaging ahead of time in the fight, in a confrontation where enemy forces are overwhelmingly superior. The wisdom is there, and wise will be the Chosen who understand it, in preparing to face the End of History with honor. And prepare the Chosen, waking up in them the memory of the Origin, the certainty of the eternal Spirit chained in matter,teaching the Noological Ethics of Hyperborean Wisdom whose practice allows access to initiation, and finally administering the Hyperborean Initiation, is the mission of the Order of Knights Tirodal.
When the End of History ensues, the Loyal Siddhas they will manifest in daylight; and next to them the Führer will return, the Sent from the Warlord; then the Chosen WHOSE HONOR CALLS VALUE, that is, the Hyperborean Initiates of the Order of Tirodal Knights, will line up behind their former spiritual Chiefs to depart definitely from the material Universe.
In short, this is the mission of the Order of Tirodal Knights: IN LOCATING THE CHOOSE AND, IF THESE ADMIT IT, PREPARE THEM INITIATICALLY TO AFRONT THE NEXT END OF THE HISTORY. Hyperborean Initiates, by mastering Hyperborean Wisdom, reach the highest level of esoteric knowledge, the Science of the Runes, and acquire terrible powers: however, they do not use their powers to alter the course of history; they await, yes, the End of History, when the accounts with the Enemy will definitely be adjusted.
The Chosen must understand and accept that this condition it is inevitable to walk the path indicated and guarded by the Knights Tirodal.
V – Warning and final greeting.
The Chosen have to know from the outset that this material it is CONFIDENTIAL. The Order has trusted them by providing it and they they must demonstrate their loyalty by being prudent in their handling: that way not only they protect the Order but protect themselves. There is no need to insist, and no it is no concession to admit it, that the Enemy of Hyperborean Wisdom is terrible and ruthless and that does not consent or tolerate the mission of the Order. Respecting the law of secrecy is part of the test and the Order has the means to find out who commits infidence or betrays: NO ONE FOR WHOM THE HONOR DOES NOT CARE YOUR LOYALTY MAY ENTER IN AN ORDER OF INITIATES FOR WHOM YOUR HONOR IS THE VALUE. As will be clear when reading the “ Foundations ”, the Initiate Hyperboreal, the awake virya,is the one who has remembered that there is a war metaphysics and that his side is that of Kristos Lucifer: in that war, which he already carries millions of years, both sides fight without truce or forgiveness; the initiates Hyperboreans must be relentless because the Enemy is relentless. And in the middle of such a fierce contest, the common man, the Chosen One perhaps, lacks the courage to both sides because it does not know the Strategies at stake and does not comply with any tactical function. But the situation will change abruptly for the Chosen One from the very moment you receive this material: since then, the war that always ignored will become apparent and powerful psychic forces will act to induce you to defecation or making an irreparable mistake. The Chosen One must understand that if until today he did not consciously act in favor of either side,reading the content of this book does not make him sympathetic in the eyes of the Enemy; AND THAT THE SITUATION WILL NOT CHANGE BECAUSE IT BETRAYS THE ORDER IMPRUDENTLY THIS MATERIAL. Instead, what can happen is that the doors are closed of the Order and that the Enemy, after having deceived him into desecrating the Hyperborean Wisdom, be mad at him and destroy him mercilessly: it is what it always happens in those cases. It is understood, then, that the warning goes more to protect the Chosen One from the Order, which, on the other hand, knows how to take care of itself yes alone.after tricking him into desecrating the Hyperborean Wisdom, be mad at him and destroy him mercilessly: it is what it always happens in those cases. It is understood, then, that the warning goes more to protect the Chosen One from the Order, which, on the other hand, knows how to take care of itself yes alone.after tricking him into desecrating the Hyperborean Wisdom, be mad at him and destroy him mercilessly: it is what it always happens in those cases. It is understood, then, that the warning goes more to protect the Chosen One from the Order, which, on the other hand, knows how to take care of itself yes alone.
Finally, we will make another warning, this time about the mode as the work should be read. The Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom are systematically developed, in such a way that the subsections, articles and comments chain each other with reasoning and conclusions precise: it is not possible to skip anything and, on the contrary, the maximum profit is you will get as a result of a linear study, from the first to the last page. After such a linear reading, which will allow an overview of the Hyperborean Wisdom, it will be possible to deepen without order those themes that require more understanding.
It is convenient that the Chosen are internalized as soon as possible of the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom and for this it is necessary that this letter conclude right now. Many of the questions that were raised here they will have their answer with the running of the leaves; however, the Questioner of the questions, the fundamental ethical question of Hyperborean Wisdom: ¿What must I do to free my Spirit from his material prison remain unanswered at least for the moment. The author, and the Knights Tirodal, they wish to assure the Chosen that the Order offers that answer to those who understand and accept the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom and want to join their mission.
On the Day of the Spirit, and in the Name of the Loyal Siddhas Agartha, and the Order of Knights Tirodal of the Argentine Republic, receive the Chosen the greeting of
Nimrod de Rosario